Henry VIII

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Hoboies. A small Table vnder a State for the Cardinall, Hautboys. A small table under a state for the Cardinal,state (n.)
[also: cloth of state] canopy over a chair of state
H8 I.iv.1.1
a longer Table for the Guests. Then Enter Anne Bullen,a longer table for the guests. Then enter Anne Bullen H8 I.iv.1.2
and diuers other Ladies, & Gentlemen, as Guests at one and divers other ladies and gentlemen as guests, at onedivers (adj.)
different, various, several
H8 I.iv.1.3
Doore; at an other Doore enter Sir Henry Guilford.door; at another door, enter Sir Henry Guilford H8 I.iv.1.4
S.Hen. Guilf. GUILFORD 
Ladyes, / A generall welcome from his GraceLadies, a general welcome from his grace H8 I.iv.1
Salutes ye all; This Night he dedicatesSalutes ye all. This night he dedicates H8 I.iv.2
To faire content, and you: None heere he hopesTo fair content, and you. None here, he hopes,content (n.)
pleasure, satisfaction, happiness
H8 I.iv.3
In all this Noble Beuy, has brought with herIn all this noble bevy, has brought with herbevy (n.)

old form: Beuy
company [of maidens], gathering
H8 I.iv.4
One care abroad: hee would haue all as merry:One care abroad. He would have all as merry H8 I.iv.5
As first, good Company, good wine, good welcome,As, first, good company, good wine, good welcome H8 I.iv.6
Can make good people.Can make good people. H8 I.iv.7.1
Enter L. Chamberlaine L. Sands, and Enter the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Sands, and Sir H8 I.iv.7.1
Louell.Thomas Lovell H8 I.iv.7.2
O my Lord, y'are tardy;O, my lord, you're tardy. H8 I.iv.7.2
The very thought of this faire Company,The very thought of this fair company H8 I.iv.8
Clapt wings to me.Clapped wings to me.clap (v.)

old form: Clapt
put smartly, place promptly, set effectively
H8 I.iv.9.1
You are young Sir Harry Guilford.You are young, Sir Harry Guilford. H8 I.iv.9.2
Sir Thomas Louell, had the CardinallSir Thomas Lovell, had the Cardinal H8 I.iv.10
But halfe my Lay-thoughts in him, some of theseBut half my lay thoughts in him, some of theselay (adj.)
unclerical, secular, worldly
H8 I.iv.11
Should finde a running Banket, ere they rested,Should find a running banquet, ere they rested,banquet, running

old form: Banket
light meal taken hurriedly, quickly served repast
H8 I.iv.12
I thinke would better please 'em: by my life,I think would better please 'em. By my life, H8 I.iv.13
They are a sweet society of faire ones.They are a sweet society of fair ones.society (n.)
gathering, company, group
H8 I.iv.14
O that your Lordship were but now Confessor,O that your lordship were but now confessor H8 I.iv.15
To one or two of these.To one or two of these! H8 I.iv.16.1
I would I were,I would I were; H8 I.iv.16.2
They should finde easie pennance.They should find easy penance. H8 I.iv.17.1
Faith how easie?Faith, how easy? H8 I.iv.17.2
As easie as a downe bed would affoord it.As easy as a down bed would afford it. H8 I.iv.18
Sweet Ladies will it please you sit; Sir HarrySweet ladies, will it please you sit? Sir Harry, H8 I.iv.19
Place you that side, Ile take the charge of this:Place you that side; I'll take the charge of this.place (v.)
arrange the seating, find places
H8 I.iv.20
His Grace is entring. Nay, you must not freeze,His grace is entering. – Nay, you must not freeze –  H8 I.iv.21
Two women plac'd together, makes cold weather:Two women placed together makes cold weather. H8 I.iv.22
My Lord Sands, you are one will keepe 'em waking:My Lord Sands, you are one will keep 'em waking:waking (adj.)
awake, wakeful
H8 I.iv.23
Pray sit betweene these Ladies.Pray sit between these ladies. H8 I.iv.24.1
By my faith,By my faith, H8 I.iv.24.2
And thanke your Lordship: by your leaue sweet Ladies,And thank your lordship. By your leave, sweet ladies. H8 I.iv.25
If I chance to talke a little wilde, forgiue me:If I chance to talk a little wild, forgive me; H8 I.iv.26
I had it from my Father.I had it from my father. H8 I.iv.27.1
An. Bul. ANNE 
Was he mad Sir?Was he mad, sir? H8 I.iv.27.2
O very mad, exceeding mad, in loue too;O, very mad, exceeding mad, in love too; H8 I.iv.28
But he would bite none, iust as I doe now,But he would bite none. Just as I do now, H8 I.iv.29
He would Kisse you Twenty with a breath.He would kiss you twenty with a breath. H8 I.iv.30.1
He kisses her H8 I.iv.30
Well said my Lord:Well said, my lord.said, well
well done
H8 I.iv.30.2
So now y'are fairely seated: Gntlemen,So, now you're fairly seated. Gentlemen, H8 I.iv.31
The pennance lyes on you; if these faire LadiesThe penance lies on you if these fair ladies H8 I.iv.32
Passe away frowning.Pass away frowning. H8 I.iv.33.1
For my little Cure,For my little cure,cure (n.)
charge, care, office
H8 I.iv.33.2
Let me alone.Let me alone. H8 I.iv.34
Hoboyes. Enter Cardinall Wolsey, and takes his State.Hautboys. Enter Cardinal Wolsey and takes his state H8 I.iv.35
welcome my faire Guests; that noble LadyYou're welcome, my fair guests. That noble lady H8 I.iv.35
Or Gentleman that is not freely merryOr gentleman that is not freely merry H8 I.iv.36
Is not my Friend. This to confirme my welcome,Is not my friend. This, to confirm my welcome –  H8 I.iv.37
And to you all good health.And to you all, good health! H8 I.iv.38.1
He drinks H8 I.iv.38
Your Grace is Noble,Your grace is noble. H8 I.iv.38.2
Let me haue such a Bowle may hold my thankes,Let me have such a bowl may hold my thanks, H8 I.iv.39
And saue me so much talking.And save me so much talking. H8 I.iv.40.1
My Lord Sands,My Lord Sands, H8 I.iv.40.2
I am beholding to you: cheere your neighbours:I am beholding to you. Cheer your neighbours.cheer (v.)

old form: cheere
encourage, urge on, galvanize
H8 I.iv.41
beholding (adj.)
beholden, obliged, indebted
Ladies you are not merry; Gentlemen,Ladies, you are not merry! Gentlemen, H8 I.iv.42
Whose fault is this?Whose fault is this? H8 I.iv.43.1
The red wine first must riseThe red wine first must rise H8 I.iv.43.2
In their faire cheekes my Lord, then wee shall haue 'em,In their fair cheeks, my lord; then we shall have 'em H8 I.iv.44
Talke vs to silence.Talk us to silence. H8 I.iv.45.1
An. B. ANNE 
You are a merry GamsterYou are a merry gamester,gamester (n.)
fun-lover, frolicsome fellow
H8 I.iv.45.2
My Lord Sands.My Lord Sands. H8 I.iv.46.1
Yes, if I make my play:Yes, if I make my play.make (v.)
do, perform, carry out
H8 I.iv.46.2
Heer's to your Ladiship, and pledge it Madam:Here's to your ladyship; and pledge it, madam, H8 I.iv.47
For tis to such a thing.For 'tis to such a thing –  H8 I.iv.48.1
An. B. ANNE 
You cannot shew me.You cannot show me. H8 I.iv.48.2
I told your Grace, they would talke anon.I told your grace they would talk anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
H8 I.iv.49.1
Drum and Trumpet, Chambers dischargd.Drum and trumpet. Chambers dischargedchamber (n.)
piece of ordnance, cannon, gun
H8 I.iv.49
What's that?What's that? H8 I.iv.49.2
Looke out there, some of ye.Look out there, some of ye. H8 I.iv.50.1
Exit a Servant H8 I.iv.50
What warlike voyce,What warlike voice, H8 I.iv.50.2
And to what end is this? Nay, Ladies, feare not;And to what end, is this? Nay, ladies, fear not; H8 I.iv.51
By all the lawes of Warre y'are priuiledg'd.By all the laws of war you're privileged. H8 I.iv.52
Enter a Seruant.Enter Servant H8 I.iv.53
How now, what is't?How now, what is't? H8 I.iv.53.1
A noble troupe of Strangers,A noble troop of strangers,stranger (n.)
foreigner, alien, outsider
H8 I.iv.53.2
For so they seeme; th'haue left their Barge and landed,For so they seem. They've left their barge and landed, H8 I.iv.54
And hither make, as great EmbassadorsAnd hither make, as great ambassadorsmake (v.)
come, proceed, approach
H8 I.iv.55
From forraigne Princes.From foreign princes. H8 I.iv.56.1
Good Lord Chamberlaine,Good Lord Chamberlain, H8 I.iv.56.2
Go, giue 'em welcome; you can speake the French tongueGo, give 'em welcome – you can speak the French tongue; H8 I.iv.57
And pray receiue 'em Nobly, and conduct 'emAnd pray receive 'em nobly, and conduct 'em H8 I.iv.58
Into our presence, where this heauen of beautyInto our presence, where this heaven of beauty H8 I.iv.59
Shall shine at full vpon them. Some attend him.Shall shine at full upon them. Some attend him.attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
H8 I.iv.60
Exit Lord Chamberlain, attended H8 I.iv.60
All rise, and Tables remou'd.All rise, and tables removed H8 I.iv.61.1
You haue now a broken Banket, but wee'l mend it.You have now a broken banquet, but we'll mend it.broken (adj.)
interrupted, disturbed, disrupted
H8 I.iv.61
mend (v.)
amend, improve, make better, put right
A good digestion to you all; and once moreA good digestion to you all; and once more H8 I.iv.62
I showre a welcome on yee: welcome all.I shower a welcome on ye – welcome all! H8 I.iv.63
Hoboyes. Enter King and others as Maskers, Hautboys. Enter the King and others as masquers, H8 I.iv.64.1
habited like Shepheards, vsher'd by the Lord Chamberlaine. habited like shepherds, ushered by the Lord Chamberlain.habited (adj.)
clothed, dressed, clad
H8 I.iv.64.2
They passe directly before the Cardinall and They pass directly before the Cardinal, and H8 I.iv.64.3
gracefully salute him.gracefully salute him H8 I.iv.64.4
A noble Company: what are their pleasures?A noble company! What are their pleasures? H8 I.iv.64
Because they speak no English, thus they praidBecause they speak no English, thus they prayed H8 I.iv.65
To tell your Grace: That hauing heard by fameTo tell your grace, that, having heard by famefame (n.)
report, account, description
H8 I.iv.66
Of this so Noble and so faire assembly,Of this so noble and so fair assembly H8 I.iv.67
This night to meet heere they could doe no lesse,This night to meet here, they could do no less, H8 I.iv.68
(Out of the great respect they beare to beauty)Out of the great respect they bear to beauty, H8 I.iv.69
But leaue their Flockes, and vnder your faire ConductBut leave their flocks, and, under your fair conduct, H8 I.iv.70
Craue leaue to view these Ladies, and entreatCrave leave to view these ladies, and entreatcrave (v.)

old form: Craue
beg, entreat, request
H8 I.iv.71
An houre of Reuels with 'em.An hour of revels with 'em. H8 I.iv.72.1
Say, Lord Chamberlaine,Say, Lord Chamberlain, H8 I.iv.72.2
They haue done my poore house grace: / For which I pay 'em They have done my poor house grace; for which I pay 'em H8 I.iv.73
a thousand thankes, / And pray 'em take their pleasures.A thousand thanks, and pray 'em take their pleasures. H8 I.iv.74
Choose Ladies, King and An Bullen.They choose ladies; the King chooses Anne Bullen H8 I.iv.74
The fairest hand I euer touch'd: O Beauty,The fairest hand I ever touched! O beauty, H8 I.iv.75
Till now I neuer knew thee.Till now I never knew thee. H8 I.iv.76
Musicke, Dance.Music. Dance H8 I.iv.77
My Lord.My lord! H8 I.iv.77.1
Your Grace.Your grace? H8 I.iv.77.2
Pray tell 'em thus much from me:Pray tell 'em thus much from me: H8 I.iv.77.3
There should be one amongst 'em by his personThere should be one amongst 'em, by his person, H8 I.iv.78
More worthy this place then my selfe, to whomMore worthy this place than myself, to whom, H8 I.iv.79
(If I but knew him) with my loue and dutyIf I but knew him, with my love and duty H8 I.iv.80
I would surrender it. I would surrender it. H8 I.iv.81.1
I will my Lord.I will, my lord. H8 I.iv.81.2
Whisper.He whispers with the masquers H8 I.iv.82
What say they?What say they? H8 I.iv.82.1
Such a one, they all confesseSuch a one, they all confess, H8 I.iv.82.2
There is indeed, which they would haue your GraceThere is indeed, which they would have your grace H8 I.iv.83
Find out, and he will take it.Find out, and he will take it. H8 I.iv.84.1
Let me see then,Let me see then. H8 I.iv.84.2
He comes from his statestate (n.)
throne, chair of state
H8 I.iv.85
By all your good leaues Gentlemen; heere Ile makeBy all your good leaves, gentlemen; here I'll make H8 I.iv.85
My royall choyce.My royal choice. H8 I.iv.86.1
The King unmasks H8 I.iv.86
Ye haue found him Cardinall,Ye have found him, Cardinal. H8 I.iv.86.2
You hold a faire Assembly; you doe well Lord:You hold a fair assembly; you do well, lord. H8 I.iv.87
You are a Churchman, or Ile tell you Cardinall,You are a churchman, or I'll tell you, Cardinal, H8 I.iv.88
I should iudge now vnhappily.I should judge now unhappily.unhappily (adv.)

old form: vnhappily
unfavourably, censoriously, critically
H8 I.iv.89.1
I am gladI am glad H8 I.iv.89.2
Your Grace is growne so pleasant.Your grace is grown so pleasant.pleasant (adj.)
merry, festive, jolly
H8 I.iv.90.1
My Lord Chamberlaine,My Lord Chamberlain, H8 I.iv.90.2
Prethee come hither, what faire Ladie's that?Prithee come hither: what fair lady's that? H8 I.iv.91
An't please your Grace, / Sir Thomas Bullens Daughter,An't please your grace, Sir Thomas Bullen's daughter, H8 I.iv.92
the Viscount Rochford, / One of her Highnesse women.The Viscount Rochford, one of her highness' women. H8 I.iv.93
By Heauen she is a dainty one. Sweet heart,By heaven, she is a dainty one. Sweetheart,dainty (adj.)
delicately pretty, of tender beauty
H8 I.iv.94
I were vnmannerly to take you out,I were unmannerly to take you outtake out (v.)
lead out for a dance
H8 I.iv.95
And not to kisse you. A health Gentlemen,And not to kiss you. A health, gentlemen! H8 I.iv.96
Let it goe round.Let it go round. H8 I.iv.97
Sir Thomas Louell, is the Banket readySir Thomas Lovell, is the banquet ready H8 I.iv.98
I'th'Priuy Chamber?I'th' privy chamber?privy chamber (n.)

old form: Priuy
private room, inner room
H8 I.iv.99.1
Yes, my Lord.Yes, my lord. H8 I.iv.99.2
Your GraceYour grace, H8 I.iv.99.3
I feare, with dancing is a little heated.I fear, with dancing is a little heated. H8 I.iv.100
I feare too much.I fear, too much. H8 I.iv.101.1
There's fresher ayre my Lord,There's fresher air, my lord, H8 I.iv.101.2
In the next Chamber.In the next chamber. H8 I.iv.102
Lead in your Ladies eu'ry one: Sweet Partner,Lead in your ladies every one. Sweet partner, H8 I.iv.103
I must not yet forsake you: Let's be merry,I must not yet forsake you. Let's be merry, H8 I.iv.104
Good my Lord Cardinall: I haue halfe a dozen healths,Good my lord Cardinal: I have half a dozen healths H8 I.iv.105
To drinke to these faire Ladies, and a measureTo drink to these fair ladies, and a measuremeasure (n.)
slow stately dance, graceful movement
H8 I.iv.106
To lead 'em once againe, and then let's dreameTo lead 'em once again; and then let's dream H8 I.iv.107
Who's best in fauour. Let the Musicke knock it.Who's best in favour. Let the music knock it.knock it
strike up
H8 I.iv.108
favour (n.)

old form: fauour
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
Exeunt with Trumpets.Exeunt, with trumpets H8 I.iv.108
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