Antony and Cleopatra

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Octauius reading a Letter, Lepidus, and Enter Octavius Caesar, reading a letter, Lepidus, and AC I.iv.1.1
their Traine.their train AC I.iv.1.2
You may see Lepidus, and henceforth know,You may see, Lepidus, and henceforth know AC I.iv.1
It is not Casars Naturall vice, to hateIt is not Caesar's natural vice to hate AC I.iv.2
One great Competitor. From AlexandriaOur great competitor. From Alexandriacompetitor (n.)
partner, associate, colleague
AC I.iv.3
This is the newes: He fishes, drinkes, and wastesThis is the news: he fishes, drinks, and wastes AC I.iv.4
The Lampes of night in reuell: Is not more manlikeThe lamps of night in revel; is not more manlike AC I.iv.5
Then Cleopatra: nor the Queene of PtolomyThan Cleopatra, nor the queen of Ptolemy AC I.iv.6
More Womanly then he. Hardly gaue audience / OrMore womanly than he; hardly gave audience, or AC I.iv.7
vouchsafe to thinke he had Partners. You / Shall finde thereVouchsafed to think he had partners. You shall find there AC I.iv.8
a man, who is th' abstracts of all faults,A man who is the abstract of all faultsabstract (n.)
epitome, embodiment, personification
AC I.iv.9
That all men follow.That all men follow. AC I.iv.10.1
I must not thinke / There are,I must not think there are AC I.iv.10.2
euils enow to darken all his goodnesse:Evils enow to darken all his goodness.enow (adv.)
AC I.iv.11
His faults in him, seeme as the Spots of Heauen,His faults, in him, seem as the spots of heaven, AC I.iv.12
More fierie by nights Blacknesse; Hereditarie,More fiery by night's blackness, hereditary AC I.iv.13
Rather then purchaste: what he cannot change,Rather than purchased, what he cannot changepurchased (adj.)

old form: purchaste
acquired, obtained through one's own conduct
AC I.iv.14
Then what he chooses.Than what he chooses. AC I.iv.15
You are too indulgent. Let's graunt it is notYou are too indulgent. Let's grant it is not AC I.iv.16
Amisse to tumble on the bed of Ptolomy,Amiss to tumble on the bed of Ptolemy,tumble (v.)
have sexual intercourse with
AC I.iv.17
To giue a Kingdome for a Mirth, to sitTo give a kingdom for a mirth, to sitmirth (n.)
joke, diversion, sport
AC I.iv.18
And keepe the turne of Tipling with a Slaue,And keep the turn of tippling with a slave, AC I.iv.19
To reele the streets at noone, and stand the BuffetTo reel the streets at noon, and stand the buffetstand (v.)
withstand, endure, stand up to
AC I.iv.20
buffet (n.)
blow, stroke, knock
With knaues that smels of sweate: Say this becoms himWith knaves that smells of sweat. Say this becomes him – knave (n.)

old form: knaues
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
AC I.iv.21
become (v.)

old form: becoms
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
(As his composure must be rare indeed,As his composure must be rare indeedcomposure (n.)
character, temperament, make-up
AC I.iv.22
Whom these things cannot blemish) yet must AnthonyWhom these things cannot blemish – yet must Antony AC I.iv.23
No way excuse his foyles, when we do beareNo way excuse his foils when we do bearfoil (n.)

old form: foyles
flaw, blemish, disgrace
AC I.iv.24
So great waight in his lightnesse. If he fill'dSo great weight in his lightness. If he filledlightness (n.)

old form: lightnesse
irresponsibility, levity, frivolity, fickleness
AC I.iv.25
His vacancie with his Voluptuousnesse,His vacancy with his voluptuousness,vacancy (n.)

old form: vacancie
spare time, leisure
AC I.iv.26
Full surfets, and the drinesse of his bones,Full surfeits and the dryness of his bonessurfeit (n.)

old form: surfets
sickness brought on by excess
AC I.iv.27
full (adj.)
food-filled, stomach-swollen
Call on him for't. But to confound such time,Call on him for't. But to confound such timeconfound (v.)
[of time] waste, consume, squander
AC I.iv.28
call on / upon (v.)
call to account, challenge, requite
That drummes him from his sport, and speakes as lowdThat drums him from his sport and speaks as loudsport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
AC I.iv.29
As his owne State, and ours, 'tis to be chid:As his own state and ours, 'tis to be chidstate (n.)
status, rank, position
AC I.iv.30
As we rate Boyes, who being mature in knowledge,As we rate boys who, being mature in knowledge,rate (v.)
berate, reproach, rebuke, scold
AC I.iv.31
Pawne their experience to their present pleasure,Pawn their experience to their present pleasurepresent (adj.)
immediate, instant
AC I.iv.32
And so rebell to iudgement.And so rebel to judgement. AC I.iv.33.1
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Messenger AC I.iv.33
Heere's more newes.Here's more news. AC I.iv.33.2
Thy biddings haue beene done, & euerie houreThy biddings have been done; and every hour, AC I.iv.34
Most Noble Casar, shalt thou haue reportMost noble Caesar, shalt thou have report AC I.iv.35
How 'tis abroad. Pompey is strong at Sea,How 'tis abroad. Pompey is strong at sea, AC I.iv.36
And it appeares, he is belou'd of thoseAnd it appears he is beloved of those AC I.iv.37
That only haue feard Casar: to the PortsThat only have feared Caesar; to the ports AC I.iv.38
The discontents repaire, and mens reportsThe discontents repair, and men's reportsrepair (v.)

old form: repaire
come, go, make one's way
AC I.iv.39
discontent (n.)
discontented person, malcontent, agitator
Giue him much wrong'd.Give him much wronged.give (v.)

old form: Giue
portray, report, represent
AC I.iv.40.1
I should haue knowne no lesse,I should have known no less. AC I.iv.40.2
It hath bin taught vs from the primall stateIt hath been taught us from the primal state,primal (adj.)

old form: primall
primaeval, original, earliest
AC I.iv.41
state (n.)
government, ruling body, administration
That he which is was wisht, vntill he were:That he which is was wished until he were;wish (v.)

old form: wisht
wish for, support
AC I.iv.42
And the ebb'd man, / Ne're lou'd, till ne're worth loue,And the ebbed man, ne'er loved till ne'er worth love,ebbed (adj.)

old form: ebb'd
out-of-power, whose fortunes have waned
AC I.iv.43
Comes fear'd, by being lack'd. This common bodie,Comes deared by being lacked. This common body,deared (adj.)
loved, endeared, prized
AC I.iv.44
body (n.)

old form: bodie
corporate body, collective mass [of people]
come (v.)
become, grow, come to be
Like to a Vagabond Flagge vpon the Streame,Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream,flag (n.)

old form: Flagge
reed, rush; also: variety of iris
AC I.iv.45
vagabond (adj.)
drifting, meandering, wandering
Goes too, and backe, lacking the varrying tydeGoes to and back, lackeying the varying tide,lackey (v.)
move about aimlessly [as does a lackey]
AC I.iv.46
To rot it selfe with motion.To rot itself with motion. AC I.iv.47.1
Casar I bring thee word,Caesar, I bring thee word AC I.iv.47.2
Menacrates and Menas famous PyratesMenecrates and Menas, famous pirates,famous (adj.)
notorious, infamous, well-known
AC I.iv.48
Makes the Sea serue them, which they eare and woundMakes the sea serve them, which they ear and woundear (v.)

old form: eare
plough, break through
AC I.iv.49
With keeles of euery kinde. Many hot inrodesWith keels of every kind. Many hot inroads AC I.iv.50
They make in Italy, the Borders MaritimeThey make in Italy. The borders maritime AC I.iv.51
Lacke blood to thinke on't, and flush youth reuolt,Lack blood to think on't, and flush youth revolt.flush (adj.)
lusty, vigorous, full of life
AC I.iv.52
blood (n.)
colouring, healthy complexion, blushing
No Vessell can peepe forth: but 'tis as sooneNo vessel can peep forth but 'tis as soon AC I.iv.53
Taken as seene: for Pompeyes name strikes moreTaken as seen; for Pompey's name strikes more AC I.iv.54
Then could his Warre resistedThan could his war resisted. AC I.iv.55.1
Casar. CAESAR 
Anthony,Antony, AC I.iv.55.2
Leaue thy lasciuious Vassailes. When thou onceLeave thy lascivious wassails. When thou oncewassail (n.)

old form: Vassailes
drinking-party, carousal, revels
AC I.iv.56
Was beaten from Medena, where thou slew'stWast beaten from Modena, where thou slew'st AC I.iv.57
Hirsius, and Pausa Consuls, at thy heeleHirtius and Pansa, consuls, at thy heel AC I.iv.58
Did Famine follow, whom thou fought'st against,Did famine follow, whom thou fought'st against, AC I.iv.59
(Though daintily brought vp) with patience moreThough daintily brought up, with patience more AC I.iv.60
Then Sauages could suffer. Thou did'st drinkeThan savages could suffer. Thou didst drink AC I.iv.61
The stale of Horses, and the gilded PuddleThe stale of horses and the gilded puddlestale (n.)
AC I.iv.62
gilded (adj.)
glittering, gold-coloured, tinged with gold
Which Beasts would cough at. Thy pallat thẽ did daineWhich beasts would cough at. Thy palate then did deigndeign (v.)

old form: daine
willingly accept, not disdain
AC I.iv.63
The roughest Berry, on the rudest Hedge.The roughest berry on the rudest hedge.rude (adj.)
rough, wild, harsh-looking
AC I.iv.64
Yea, like the Stagge, when Snow the Pasture sheets,Yea, like the stag when snow the pasture sheets, AC I.iv.65
The barkes of Trees thou brows'd. On the Alpes,The barks of trees thou browsed'st. On the Alpsbrowse (v.)

old form: brows'd
feed upon, nibble at, eat [as animals]
AC I.iv.66
It is reported thou did'st eate strange flesh,It is reported thou didst eat strange flesh, AC I.iv.67
Which some did dye to looke on: And all thisWhich some did die to look on. And all this –  AC I.iv.68
(It wounds thine Honor that I speake it now)It wounds thine honour that I speak it now –  AC I.iv.69
Was borne so like a Soldiour, that thy cheekeWas borne so like a soldier that thy cheek AC I.iv.70
So much as lank'd not.So much as lanked not.lank (v.)

old form: lank'd
grow thin, become shrunken
AC I.iv.71.1
'Tis pitty of him.'Tis pity of him. AC I.iv.71.2
Let his shames quickelyLet his shames quickly AC I.iv.72
Driue him to Rome, 'tis time we twaineDrive him to Rome. 'Tis time we twain AC I.iv.73
Did shew our selues i'th' Field, and to that endDid show ourselves i'th' field; and to that endfield (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
AC I.iv.74
Assemble me immediate counsell, PompeyAssemble we immediate council. Pompey AC I.iv.75
Thriues in our Idlenesse.Thrives in our idleness. AC I.iv.76.1
To morrow Casar,Tomorrow, Caesar, AC I.iv.76.2
I shall be furnisht to informe you rightlyI shall be furnished to inform you rightly AC I.iv.77
Both what by Sea and Land I can be ableBoth what by sea and land I can be able AC I.iv.78
To front this present time.To front this present time.present (adj.)
imminent, impending, approaching
AC I.iv.79.1
front (v.)
confront, face, meet
Til which encounter,Till which encounter, AC I.iv.79.2
it is my busines too. Farwell.It is my business too. Farewell. AC I.iv.80
Farwell my Lord, what you shal know mean timeFarewell, my lord. What you shall know meantime AC I.iv.81
Of stirres abroad, I shall beseech you SirOf stirs abroad, I shall beseech you, sir,stir (n.)

old form: stirres
event, happening, activity
AC I.iv.82
To let me be partaker.To let me be partaker. AC I.iv.83.1
Casar. CAESAR 
Doubt not sir,Doubt not, sir; AC I.iv.83.2
I knew it for my Bond. I knew it for my (n.)
duty, commitment, obligation
AC I.iv.84
ExeuntExeunt AC I.iv.84
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