
First folio
Modern text


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Enter Philario, Iachimo: a Frenchman, a Dutchman, Enter Philario, Iachimo, a Frenchman, a Dutchman, Cym I.v.1.1
and a Spaniard.and a Spaniard Cym I.v.1.2
Beleeue it Sir, I haue seene him in Britaine; hee was thenBelieve it sir, I have seen him in Britain: he was then Cym I.v.1
of a Cressent note, expected to proue so woorthy, as of a crescent note, expected to prove so worthy asnote (n.)
attention, notice, regard
Cym I.v.2
crescent (adj.)

old form: Cressent
growing, increasing, developing
since he hath beene allowed the name of. But I couldsince he hath been allowed the name of. But I could Cym I.v.3
then haue look'd on him, without the help of Admiration,then have looked on him without the help of admiration,admiration (n.)
amazement, astonishment, wonder
Cym I.v.4
though the Catalogue of his endowments hadthough the catalogue of his endowments had Cym I.v.5
bin tabled by his side, and I to peruse him by Items.been tabled by his side and I to peruse him by items.item (n.)
entry, detail, point
Cym I.v.6
table (v.)
tabulate, list, itemize
You speake of him when he was lesse furnish'd, thenYou speak of him when he was less furnished thanfurnish (v.)

old form: furnish'd
endow, equip, have qualities
Cym I.v.7
now hee is, with that which makes him both without,now he is with that which makes him both withoutwithout (adv.)
externally, on the outside
Cym I.v.8
and within.and within. Cym I.v.9
I haue seene him in France: wee had very manyI have seen him in France: we had very many Cym I.v.10
there, could behold the Sunne, with as firme eyes as hee.there could behold the sun with as firm eyes as he. Cym I.v.11
This matter of marrying his Kings Daughter, whereinThis matter of marrying his king's daughter, wherein Cym I.v.12
he must be weighed rather by her valew, then hishe must be weighed rather by her value than hisvalue (n.)

old form: valew
worth, estimation, valuation
Cym I.v.13
owne, words him (I doubt not) a great deale from theown, words him – I doubt not – a great deal from theword (v.)
represent in words, give a reputation
Cym I.v.14
matter.matter. Cym I.v.15
And then his banishment.And then his banishment. Cym I.v.16
I, and the approbation of those that weepe thisAy, and the approbation of those that weep thisapprobation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
Cym I.v.17
lamentable diuorce vnder her colours, are wonderfullylamentable divorce under her colours are wonderfullycolours (n.)
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
Cym I.v.18
to extend him, be it but to fortifie her iudgement,to extend him; be it but to fortify her judgement,extend (v.)
exaggerate, magnify, blow up
Cym I.v.19
which else an easie battery might lay flat, forwhich else an easy battery might lay flat, forbattery (n.)
assault, bombardment, blitz
Cym I.v.20
taking a Begger without lesse quality. But how comestaking a beggar without less quality. But how comesquality (n.)
rank, standing, position
Cym I.v.21
it, he is to soiourne with you? How creepesit he is to sojourn with you? How creepssojourn (v.)

old form: soiourne
pause, reside, stay for a while
Cym I.v.22
creep (v.)

old form: creepes
steal into, worm one's way into
acquaintance?acquaintance? Cym I.v.23
His Father and I were Souldiers together, to whom IHis father and I were soldiers together, to whom I Cym I.v.24
haue bin often bound for no lesse then my life.have been often bound for no less than my life. –  Cym I.v.25
Heere comes the Britaine. Let him be so entertainedHere comes the Briton. Let him be so entertained Cym I.v.26
among'st you, as suites with Gentlemen of your knowing,amongst you as suits, with gentlemen of your knowing,knowing (n.)
knowledge of the world, experience, savoir-faire
Cym I.v.27
to a Stranger of his a stranger of his quality.quality (n.)
rank, standing, position
Cym I.v.28
Enter Posthumus.Enter Posthumus Cym I.v.29
I beseech you all be better knowne to this Gentleman,I beseech you all be better known to this gentleman, Cym I.v.29
whom I commend to you, as a Noble Friend of mine.whom I commend to you as a noble friend of mine.commend (v.)
present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
Cym I.v.30
How Worthy he is, I will leaue to appeare hereafter,How worthy he is I will leave to appear hereafter, Cym I.v.31
rather then story him in his owne hearing.rather than story him in his own hearing.story (v.)
give an account of, portray
Cym I.v.32
Sir, we haue knowne togither in Orleance.Sir, we have known together in Orleans.know (v.)

old form: knowne
be acquainted, meet before
Cym I.v.33
Since when, I haue bin debtor to you for courtesies,Since when I have been debtor to you for courtesies Cym I.v.34
which I will be euer to pay, and yet pay still.which I will be ever to pay, and yet pay still.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cym I.v.35
Sir, you o're-rate my poore kindnesse, I was glad ISir, you o'errate my poor kindness: I was glad I Cym I.v.36
did attone my Countryman and you: it had beene pittydid atone my countryman and you: it had been pityatone (v.)

old form: attone
unite, join, reconcile
Cym I.v.37
you should haue beene put together, with so mortall ayou should have been put together, with so mortal aput together (v.)
set against each other, oppose in combat
Cym I.v.38
purpose, as then each bore, vpon importance of sopurpose as then each bore, upon importance of soimportance (n.)
import, subject-matter
Cym I.v.39
purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
slight and triuiall a nature.slight and trivial a nature. Cym I.v.40
By your pardon Sir, I was then a young Traueller,By your pardon, sir, I was then a young traveller,young (adj.)
immature, inexperienced, raw
Cym I.v.41
rather shun'd to go euen with what I heard, then inrather shunned to go even with what I heard than inshun (v.)

old form: shun'd
refuse, avoid, refrain from
Cym I.v.42
go even

old form: euen
agree, give assent [to]
my euery action to be guided by others experiences:my every action to be guided by others' experiences: Cym I.v.43
but vpon my mended iudgement (if I offend to but upon my mended judgement – if I offend not tomended (adj.)
improved, made better
Cym I.v.44
say it is mended) my Quarrell was not altogether say it is mended – my quarrel was not altogether Cym I.v.45
slight.slight. Cym I.v.46
Faith yes, to be put to the arbiterment of Swords,Faith yes, to be put to the arbitrement of swords,arbitrament, arbitrement (n.)

old form: arbiterment
deciding of a dispute, determination, settlement
Cym I.v.47
and by such two, that would by all likelyhood haueand by such two, that would by all likelihood have Cym I.v.48
confounded one the other, or haue falne both.confounded one the other, or have fallen both.confound (v.)
destroy, overthrow, ruin
Cym I.v.49
Can we with manners, aske what was the difference?Can we with manners ask what was the difference?difference (n.)
cause of argument, nature of disagreement
Cym I.v.50
Safely, I thinke, 'twas a contention in publicke,Safely, I think: 'twas a contention in public,contention (n.)
quarrel, dispute, strife
Cym I.v.51
which may (without contradiction) suffer the report.which may – without contradiction – suffer the report.suffer (v.)
bear, endure, stand
Cym I.v.52
It was much like an argument that fell out last night,It was much like an argument that fell out last night, Cym I.v.53
where each of vs fell in praise of our Country-Mistresses.where each of us fell in praise of our country mistresses; Cym I.v.54
This Gentleman, at that time vouching (andthis gentleman at that time vouching – and Cym I.v.55
vpon warrant of bloody affirmation) his to be moreupon warrant of bloody affirmation – his to be morewarrant (n.)
assurance, pledge, guarantee
Cym I.v.56
Faire, Vertuous, Wise, Chaste, Constant, Qualified, andfair, virtuous, wise, chaste, constant, qualified andqualified (adj.)
endowed with good qualities, accomplished
Cym I.v.57
constant (adj.)
faithful, steadfast, true
lesse attemptible then any, the rarest of our Ladies inless attemptable than any the rarest of our ladies inrare (adj.)
marvellous, splendid, excellent
Cym I.v.58
attemptable (adj.)

old form: attemptible
capable of being seduced
Fraunce.France. Cym I.v.59
That Lady is not now liuing; or this GentlemansThat lady is not now living; or this gentleman's Cym I.v.60
opinion by this, worne out.opinion, by this, worn out. Cym I.v.61
She holds her Vertue still, and I my mind.She holds her virtue still, and I my mind.still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
Cym I.v.62
You must not so farre preferre her, 'fore ours of Italy.You must not so far prefer her 'fore ours of Italy.prefer (v.)

old form: preferre
promote, advance, recommend
Cym I.v.63
Being so farre prouok'd as I was in France: I wouldBeing so far provoked as I was in France, I would Cym I.v.64
abate her nothing, though I professe my selfe herabate her nothing, though I profess myself herabate (v.)
lessen, lower, diminish
Cym I.v.65
Adorer, not her Friend.adorer, not her friend.friend (n.)
lover, sweetheart, suitor
Cym I.v.66
As faire, and as good: a kind of hand in handAs fair, and as good – a kind of hand-in-handhand-in-hand (adj.)

old form: hand in hand
claiming equality, equally balanced
Cym I.v.67
comparison, had beene something too faire, and too goodcomparison – had been something too fair, and too goodsomething (adv.)
somewhat, rather
Cym I.v.68
for any Lady in Britanie; if she went before others. Ifor any lady in Britany. If she went before others IBritany (n.)
early form of the name Britain
Cym I.v.69
haue seene as that Diamond of yours out-lusters manyhave seen, as that diamond of yours outlustres many Cym I.v.70
I haue beheld, I could not beleeue she excelled many:I have beheld, I could not believe she excelled many: Cym I.v.71
but I haue not seene the most pretious Diamond thatbut I have not seen the most precious diamond that Cym I.v.72
is, nor you the, nor you the lady. Cym I.v.73
I prais'd her, as I rated her: so do I my Stone.I praised her as I rated her: so do I my stone. Cym I.v.74
What do you esteeme it at?What do you esteem it at? Cym I.v.75
More then the world enioyes.More than the world enjoys.enjoy (v.)

old form: enioyes
possess, have, own
Cym I.v.76
Either your vnparagon'd Mistirs is dead, or she'sEither your unparagoned mistress is dead, or she'sunparagoned (adj.)

old form: vnparagon'd
unsurpassable, matchless, not able to be excelled
Cym I.v.77
out-priz'd by a trifle.outprized by a trifle. Cym I.v.78
You are mistaken: the one may be solde or giuen, orYou are mistaken: the one may be sold or given, or Cym I.v.79
if there were wealth enough for the purchases, orif there were wealth enough for the purchase, or Cym I.v.80
merite for the guift. The other is not a thing for sale,merit for the gift. The other is not a thing for sale, Cym I.v.81
and onely the guift of the Gods.and only the gift of the gods. Cym I.v.82
Which the Gods haue giuen you?Which the gods have given you? Cym I.v.83
Which by their Graces I will keepe.Which by their graces I will keep. Cym I.v.84
You may weare her in title yours: but you know You may wear her in title yours: but you knowwear (v.)

old form: weare
possess, enjoy, have
Cym I.v.85
title (n.)
[legal] right, claim, entitlement
strange Fowle light vpon neighbouring Ponds. Yourstrange fowl light upon neighbouring ponds. Your Cym I.v.86
Ring may be stolne too, so your brace of vnprizeablering may be stolen too: so your brace of unprizableunprizable (adj.)

old form: vnprizeable
inestimable, beyond price
Cym I.v.87
brace (n.)
group of two, couple, pair
Estimations, the one is but fraile, and the other Casuall;.estimations, the one is but frail and the other casual;estimation (n.)
valued object, treasure
Cym I.v.88
casual (adj.)

old form: Casuall
accidental, subject to mischance
A cunning Thiefe, or a (that way) accomplish'd Courtier,a cunning thief, or a – that way – accomplished courtier, Cym I.v.89
would hazzard the winning both of first and last.would hazard the winning both of first and last. Cym I.v.90
Your Italy, containes none so accomplish'd a CourtierYour Italy contains none so accomplished a courtier Cym I.v.91
to conuince the Honour of my Mistris: if in the holdingto convince the honour of my mistress, if in the holdingconvince (v.)

old form: conuince
defeat, overcome, overpower
Cym I.v.92
or losse of that, you terme her fraile, I do nothingor loss of that, you term her frail: I do nothing Cym I.v.93
doubt you haue store of Theeues, notwithstanding Idoubt you have store of thieves; notwithstanding, Istore (n.)
abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity
Cym I.v.94
feare not my Ring.fear not my ring. Cym I.v.95
Let vs leaue heere, Gentlemen?Let us leave here, gentlemen.leave (v.)

old form: leaue
cease, stop, give up
Cym I.v.96
Sir, with all my heart. This worthy Signior I thankeSir, with all my heart. This worthy signior, I thank Cym I.v.97
him, makes no stranger of me, we are familiar athim, makes no stranger of me; we are familiar at Cym I.v.98
first.first.first, at
at once, immediately, from the start
Cym I.v.99
With fiue times so much conuersation, I should getWith five times so much conversation, I should getconversation (n.)

old form: conuersation
social interaction, society, dealings
Cym I.v.100
ground of your faire Mistris; make her go backe,ground of your fair mistress; make her go back,ground (n.)
advantage, upper hand, edge
Cym I.v.101
euen to the yeilding, had I admittance, and opportunitieeven to the yielding, had I admittance, and opportunityyielding (n.)

old form: yeilding
consent, compliance, agreement
Cym I.v.102
to friend.friend (v.)
befriend, become intimate
Cym I.v.103
No, no.No, no. Cym I.v.104
I dare thereupon pawne the moytie of my Estate, toI dare thereupon pawn the moiety of my estate, tomoiety (n.)

old form: moytie
half, equal share
Cym I.v.105
your Ring, which in my opinion o're-values it something:your ring, which in my opinion o'ervalues it something:overvalue (v.)

old form: o're-values
exceed in value
Cym I.v.106
but I make my wager rather against yourbut I make my wager rather against your Cym I.v.107
Confidence, then her Reputation. And to barre yourconfidence than her reputation. And to bar yourbar (v.)

old form: barre
prevent, obstruct, block
Cym I.v.108
offence heerein to, I durst attempt it against anyoffence herein too, I durst attempt it against anyattempt (v.)
endeavour, venture, strive [for]
Cym I.v.109
Lady in the world.lady in the world. Cym I.v.110
You are a great deale abus'd in too bold a perswasion,You are a great deal abused in too bold a persuasion,persuasion (n.)

old form: perswasion
conviction, principle, opinion
Cym I.v.111
abuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat
and I doubt not you sustaine what y'areand I doubt not you sustain what you'resustain (v.)

old form: sustaine
receive, undergo, experience
Cym I.v.112
worthy of, by your Attempt.worthy of by your attempt. Cym I.v.113
What's that?What's that? Cym I.v.114
A Repulse though your Attempt (as you call it)A repulse: though your attempt – as you call it –  Cym I.v.115
deserue more; a punishment too.deserve more; a punishment too. Cym I.v.116
Gentlemen enough of this, it came in too sodainely,Gentlemen, enough of this, it came in too suddenly; Cym I.v.117
let it dye as it was borne, and I pray you be betterlet it die as it was born, and I pray you be better Cym I.v.118
acquainted.acquainted. Cym I.v.119
Would I had put my Estate, and my Neighbors onWould I had put my estate and my neighbour's on Cym I.v.120
th'approbation of what I haue' approbation of what I have spoke!approbation (n.)
proof, confirmation, attestation
Cym I.v.121
What Lady would you chuse to assaile?What lady would you choose to assail? Cym I.v.122
Yours, whom in constancie you thinke stands so safe.Yours, whom in constancy you think stands so safe. Cym I.v.123
I will lay you ten thousands Duckets to your Ring, thatI will lay you ten thousand ducats to your ring, that,lay (v.)
wager, stake, bet
Cym I.v.124
ducat (n.)
gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries
commend me to the Court where your Lady is, withcommend me to the court where your lady is, withcommend (v.)
present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
Cym I.v.125
no more aduantage then the opportunitie of ano more advantage than the opportunity of a Cym I.v.126
second conference, and I will bring from thence, thatsecond conference, and I will bring from thence Cym I.v.127
Honor of hers, which you imagine so reseru'd.that honour of hers, which you imagine so reserved. Cym I.v.128
Posthmus. POSTHUMUS 
I will wage against your Gold, Gold toI will wage against your gold, gold to it: my ring Iwage (v.)
stake, hazard
Cym I.v.129
it: My Ring I holde deere as my finger, 'tis part of it.hold dear as my finger, 'tis part of it. Cym I.v.130
You are a Friend, and there in the wiser: if you buyYou are a friend, and therein the wiser. If you buy Cym I.v.131
Ladies flesh at a Million a Dram, you cannot preseureladies' flesh at a million a dram, you cannot preservedram (n.)
tiny amount, small quantity
Cym I.v.132
it from tainting; but I see you haue some Religion init from tainting; but I see you have some religion intaint (v.)
sully, infect, stain
Cym I.v.133
religion (n.)
religious belief; or: fear, superstition
you, that you, that you fear. Cym I.v.134
This is but a custome in your tongue: you beare aThis is but a custom in your tongue: you bear acustom (n.)

old form: custome
habit, usual practice, customary use
Cym I.v.135
grauer purpose I hope.graver purpose I hope.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Cym I.v.136
I am the Master of my speeches, and would vnder-goI am the master of my speeches, and would undergoundergo (v.)

old form: vnder-go
undertake, carry out, perform
Cym I.v.137
what's spoken, I sweare.what's spoken, I swear. Cym I.v.138
Will you? I shall but lend my Diamond till yourWill you? I shall but lend my diamond till your Cym I.v.139
returne: let there be Couenants drawne between's.return: let there be covenants drawn between's.covenant (n.)

old form: Couenants
contract, legal agreement, compact
Cym I.v.140
My Mistris exceedes in goodnesse, the hugenesse ofMy mistress exceeds in goodness the hugeness of Cym I.v.141
your vnworthy thinking. I dare you to this match:your unworthy thinking. I dare you to this match: Cym I.v.142
heere's my's my ring. Cym I.v.143
I will haue it no lay.I will have it no lay.lay (n.)
wager, stake, bet
Cym I.v.144
By the Gods it is one: if I bring you no sufficientBy the gods, it is one. If I bring you no sufficient Cym I.v.145
testimony that I haue enioy'd the deerest bodilytestimony that I have enjoyed the dearest bodily Cym I.v.146
part of your Mistris: my ten thousand Duckets arepart of your mistress, my ten thousand ducats are Cym I.v.147
yours, so is your Diamond too: if I come off, andyours, so is your diamond too: if I come off, andcome off (v.)
come away, leave
Cym I.v.148
leaue her in such honour as you haue trust in; Sheeleave her in such honour as you have trust in, she Cym I.v.149
your Iewell, this your Iewell, and my Gold are yours:your jewel, this your jewel, and my gold are yours: Cym I.v.150
prouided, I haue your commendation, for my moreprovided I have your commendation for my morecommendation (n.)
introduction, approval, endorsement
Cym I.v.151
free entertainment.entertainment (n.)
pleasant reception, favourable welcome
Cym I.v.152
free (adj.)
liberal, lavish, generous
I embrace these Conditions, let vs haue Articles betwixtI embrace these conditions, let us have articles betwixtarticle (n.)
clause, term, provision
Cym I.v.153
vs: onely thus farre you shall answere, if youus. Only, thus far you shall answer: if you Cym I.v.154
make your voyage vpon her, and giue me directlymake your voyage upon her, and give me directlydirectly (adv.)
plainly, clearly, evidently
Cym I.v.155
to vnderstand, you haue preuayl'd, I am no furtherto understand you have prevailed, I am no further Cym I.v.156
your Enemy, shee is not worth our debate. If sheeyour enemy; she is not worth our debate. If she Cym I.v.157
remaine vnseduc'd, you not making it appeare otherwise:remain unseduced, you not making it appear otherwise, Cym I.v.158
for your ill opinion, and th'assault you hauefor your ill opinion, and th' assault you haveill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
Cym I.v.159
made to her chastity, you shall answer me with yourmade to her chastity, you shall answer me with youranswer (v.)
satisfy, discharge, requite
Cym I.v.160
Sword.sword. Cym I.v.161
Your hand, a Couenant: wee will haue these things Your hand, a covenant: we will have these thingscovenant (n.)

old form: Couenant
contract, legal agreement, compact
Cym I.v.162
set downe by lawfull Counsell, and straight away forset down by lawful counsel, and straight away for Cym I.v.163
Britaine, least the Bargaine should catch colde, andBritain, lest the bargain should catch cold and Cym I.v.164
sterue: I will fetch my Gold, and haue our twostarve. I will fetch my gold, and have our twostarve (v.)

old form: sterue
die, perish
Cym I.v.165
Wagers recorded.wagers recorded. Cym I.v.166
Agreed.Agreed. Cym I.v.167
Exeunt Posthumus and Iachimo Cym I.v.167
Will this hold, thinke you.Will this hold, think you? Cym I.v.168
Signior Iachimo will not from it. / Pray let vs followSignior Iachimo will not from it. Pray, let us follow Cym I.v.169
'em. 'em. Cym I.v.170
ExeuntExeunt Cym I.v.170
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