King Edward III

Modern text


Key line

Enter Lodowick E3 II.i.1
I might perceiue his eye in her eye lost,I might perceive his eye in her eye lost, E3 II.i.1
His eare to drinke her sweet tongues vtterance, His ear to drink her sweet tongue's utterance, E3 II.i.2
And changing passion like inconstant clouds:And changing passions, like inconstant clouds E3 II.i.3
That racke vpon the carriage of the windes,That rack upon the carriage of the winds,rack (v.)

old form: racke
drive, move with force
E3 II.i.4
Increase and die in his disturbed cheekes:Increase and die in his disturbed cheeks. E3 II.i.5
Loe when shee blusht, euen then did he looke pale,Lo, when she blushed, even then did he look pale, E3 II.i.6
As if her cheekes by some inchaunted power,As if her cheeks by some enchanted power E3 II.i.7
Attracted had the cherie blood from his,Attracted had the cherry blood from his. E3 II.i.8
Anone with reuerent feare, when she grewpale,Anon, with reverent fear when she grew pale,anon (adv.)

old form: Anone
soon, shortly, presently
E3 II.i.9
His cheeke put on their scarlet ornaments,His cheeks put on their scarlet ornaments, E3 II.i.10
But no more like her oryent all red,But no more like her oriental redoriental (adj.)

old form: oryent all
brilliant, glowing, radiant
E3 II.i.11
Then Bricke to Corrall, or liue things to dead,Than brick to coral, or live things to dead. E3 II.i.12
Why did he then thus counterfeit her lookes,Why did he then thus counterfeit her looks?counterfeit (v.)
copy, imitate, simulate
E3 II.i.13
If she did blush twas tender modest shame,If she did blush, 'twas tender modest shame, E3 II.i.14
Beingin the sacred present of a King. Being in the sacred presence of a king. E3 II.i.15
If he did blush, twas red immodest shame,If he did blush, 'twas red immodest shame, E3 II.i.16
To waile his eyes amisse being a king;To vail his eyes amiss, being a king.vail (v.)
lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission]
E3 II.i.17
amiss (adv.)

old form: amisse
wrongly, improperly, in an unseemly way
If she lookt pale, twas silly womans feare,If she looked pale, 'twas silly woman's fear,silly (adj.)
helpless, defenceless, vulnerable
E3 II.i.18
To beare her selfe in presence of a king:To bear herself in presence of a king.bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
behave, look, conduct [oneself]
E3 II.i.19
Ifhe lookt pale, it was with guiltie feare,If he looked pale, it was with guilty fear, E3 II.i.20
To dote a misse being a mighty king,To dote amiss, being a mighty king.amiss (adv.)

old form: a misse
wrongly, improperly, in an unseemly way
E3 II.i.21
Then Scottish warres farewell, I feare twill prooueThen, Scottish wars, farewell! I fear 'twill prove E3 II.i.22
A lingring English seege of peeuish loue,A ling'ring English siege of peevish love.peevish (adj.)

old form: peeuish
obstinate, perverse, self-willed [contrast modern sense of ‘irritable, morose’]
E3 II.i.23
Here comes his highnes walking all alone.Here comes his highness, walking all alone. E3 II.i.24
Enter King Edward.Enter King Edward E3 II.i.25
Shee is growne more fairer far since I came thither,She is grown more fairer far since I came hither, E3 II.i.25
Her voice more siluer euery word then other,Her voice more silver every word than other, E3 II.i.26
Her wit more fluent, what a strange discourse,Her wit more fluent. What a strange discoursewit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
E3 II.i.27
Vnfolded she of Dauid and his Scots:Unfolded she of David and his Scots! E3 II.i.28
Euen thus quoth she, he spake, and then spoke broad,‘ Even thus,’ quoth she, ‘ he spake,’ and then spoke broad,quoth (v.)
E3 II.i.29
With epithites and accents of the Scot:With epithets and accents of the Scot,epithet (n.)

old form: epithites
turn of phrase, expression
E3 II.i.30
But somewhat better then the Scot could speake,But somewhat better than the Scot could speak.  E3 II.i.31
And thus quoth she, and answered then herselfe,‘ And thus ’ quoth she, and answered then herself, E3 II.i.32
For who could speake like her but she herselfe:For who could speak like her? – But she herself E3 II.i.33
Breathes from the wall, an Angels note from Heauen:Breathes from the wall an angel's note from heavennote (n.)
melody, tune, music, song
E3 II.i.34
Of sweete defiance to her barbarous foes,Of sweet defiance to her barbarous foes. E3 II.i.35
When she would talke of peace me thinkes her tong,When she would talk of peace, methinks her tonguemethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
E3 II.i.36
Commanded war to prison: when of war,Commanded war to prison; when of war, E3 II.i.37
It wakened Casar from his Romane graue,It wakened Caesar from his Roman grave E3 II.i.38
To heare warre beautified by her discourse,To hear war beautified by her discourse. E3 II.i.39
Wisedome is foolishnes, but in her tongue,Wisdom is foolishness but in her tongue, E3 II.i.40
Beauty a slander but in her faire face,Beauty a slander but in her fair face. E3 II.i.41
There is no summer, but in her cheerefull lookes,There is no summer but in her cheerful looks, E3 II.i.42
Nor frosty winter, but in her disdayne,Nor frosty winter but in her disdain. E3 II.i.43
I cannot blame the Scots that did besiege her,I cannot blame the Scots that did besiege her, E3 II.i.44
For she is all the Treasure of our land:For she is all the treasure of our land; E3 II.i.45
But call them cowards that they ran away,But call them cowards that they ran away, E3 II.i.46
Hauing so rich and faire a cause to stay.Having so rich and fair a cause to stay. –  E3 II.i.47
Art thou thete Lodwicke, giue me incke and paper?Art thou there, Lod'wick? Give me ink and paper. E3 II.i.48
I will my liege.I will, my liege.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
E3 II.i.49
And bid the Lords hold on their play at Chesse,And bid the lords hold on their play at chess,hold on (v.)
carry on, go on with
E3 II.i.50
For wee will walke and meditate alone.For we will walk and meditate alone. E3 II.i.51
I will my soueraigne.I will, my sovereign. E3 II.i.52
Exit E3 II.i.52
This fellow is well read in poetrie,This fellow is well read in poetry, E3 II.i.53
And hath a lustie and perswasiue spirite:And hath a lusty and persuasive spirit.lusty (adj.)

old form: lustie
pleasing, pleasant, agreeable
E3 II.i.54
I will acquaint him with my passion,I will acquaint him with my passion,passion (n.)
powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
E3 II.i.55
Which he shall shadow with a vaile of lawne,Which he shall shadow with a veil of lawn,shadow (v.)
portray, paint, depict
E3 II.i.56
lawn (n.)

old form: lawne
[type of] fine linen
Through which the Queene of beauties Queene shall see,Through which the queen of beauty's queen shall see E3 II.i.57
Herselfe the ground of my infirmitie.Herself the ground of my infirmity.ground (n.)
reason, cause, source
E3 II.i.58
Enter Lodwike.Enter Lodowick E3 II.i.59
Hast thou pen, inke and paper ready Lodowike,Hast thou pen, ink, and paper ready, Lodowick? E3 II.i.59
Ready my liege.Ready, my liege. E3 II.i.60
Then in the sommer arber sit by me,Then in the summer arbour sit by me;arbour (n.)

old form: arber
bower, shady retreat
E3 II.i.61
Make it our counsel house or cabynet:Make it our counsel house or cabinet.cabinet (n.)

old form: cabynet
private apartment, intimate chamber
E3 II.i.62
Since greene our thoughts, greene be the conuenticle,Since green our thoughts, green be the conventiclegreen (adj.)

old form: greene
fresh, recent, new
E3 II.i.63
conventicle (n.)

old form: conuenticle
Where we will ease vs by disburdning them:Where we will ease us by disburd'ning them.disburden (v.)

old form: disburdning
unburden, unload, reveal
E3 II.i.64
Now Lodwike inuocate some golden Muse,Now, Lod'wick, invocate some golden Museinvocate (v.)

old form: inuocate
invoke, call upon, entreat
E3 II.i.65
Muse (n.)
one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon
To bring thee hither an inchanted pen,To bring thee hither an enchanted pen E3 II.i.66
That may for sighes, set downe true sighes indeed:That may for sighs set down true sighs indeed, E3 II.i.67
Talking of griefe, to make thee ready grone,Talking of grief, to make thee ready groan,ready (adv.)
readily, quickly, speedily
E3 II.i.68
And when thou writest of teares, encouch the word,And when thou writ'st of tears, encouch the wordencouch (v.)
enclose, embed, wrap around
E3 II.i.69
Before and after with such sweete laments,Before and after with such sweet laments, E3 II.i.70
That it may rayse drops in a Torters eye,That it may raise drops in a Tartar's eye,Tartar (n.)
someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion
E3 II.i.71
And make a flynt heart Sythian pytifull,And make a flint-heart Scythian pitiful;flint-heart (adj.)

old form: flynt heart
hard-hearted, hard-boiled
E3 II.i.72
[pron: 'sithian] someone from Scythia, ancient region of E Europe; people known for pitilessness
For so much moouing hath a Poets pen:For so much moving hath a poet's penmoving (n.)

old form: moouing
power to move, affecting, stirring
E3 II.i.73
Then if thou be a Poet moue thou so,Then, if thou be a poet, move thou so, E3 II.i.74
And be enriched by thy soueraigne loue:And be enriched by thy sovereign's love; E3 II.i.75
For if the touch of sweet concordant strlngs,For if the touch of sweet concordant stringsconcordant (adj.)
harmonious, tuneful, melodious
E3 II.i.76
Could force attendance in the eares of hel:Could force attendance in the ears of hell,attendance (n.)
attention, consideration, notice
E3 II.i.77
How much more shall the straines of poets wit,How much more shall the strains of poets' witwit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
E3 II.i.78
Beguild and rauish soft and humane myndes.Beguile and ravish soft and human minds!ravish (v.)

old form: rauish
entrance, enrapture, carry away with joy
E3 II.i.79
human (adj.)

old form: humane
tender, delicate, gentle
beguile (v.)

old form: Beguild
charm, captivate, bewitch
To whome my Lord shal I direct my stile.To whom, my lord, shall I direct my style? E3 II.i.80
To one that shames the faire and sots the wise,To one that shames the fair and sots the wise;sot (v.)
besot, make foolish
E3 II.i.81
Whose bodie is an abstract or a breefe,Whose body is an abstract or a brief,abstract (n.)
summary, digest
E3 II.i.82
brief (n.)

old form: breefe
epitome, embodiment
Containes ech generall vertue in the worlde,Contains each general virtue in the world. E3 II.i.83
Better then bewtifull thou must begin,‘ Better than beautiful ’ thou must begin. E3 II.i.84
Deuise for faire a fairer word then faire,Devise for fair a fairer word than fair, E3 II.i.85
And euery ornament that thou wouldest praise,And every ornament that thou wouldst praise,ornament (n.)
special quality, distinction
E3 II.i.86
Fly it a pitch aboue the soare of praise,Fly it a pitch above the soar of praise.pitch (n.)
height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping]
E3 II.i.87
soar (n.)

old form: soare
highest point, summit
For flattery feare thou not to be conuicted,For flattery fear thou not to be convicted; E3 II.i.88
For were thy admiration ten tymes more,For, were thy admiration ten times more, E3 II.i.89
Ten tymes ten thousand more thy worth exceeds,Ten times ten thousand more the worth exceeds E3 II.i.90
Of that thou art to praise their praises worth,Of that thou art to praise, thy praise's worth. E3 II.i.91
Beginne I will to contemplat the while,Begin. I will to contemplate the while. E3 II.i.92
Forget not to set downe how passionat,Forget not to set down how passionate, E3 II.i.93
How hart sicke and how full of languishment,How heartsick, and how full of languishmentlanguishment (n.)
longing, pain, grief [caused by love]
E3 II.i.94
Her beautie makes mee,Her beauty makes me. E3 II.i.1.95
Writ I to a woman?Write I to a woman? E3 II.i.95.2
Whatbewtie els could triumph on me,What beauty else could triumph over me? E3 II.i.96
Or who but women doe our loue layes greet,Or who but women do our love-lays greet?love-lay (n.)

old form: loue layes
E3 II.i.97
What thinekst thou I did bid thee praise a horse.What, think'st thou I did bid thee praise a horse? E3 II.i.98
Of what condicion or estate she is,Of what condition or estate she isestate (n.)
high rank, standing, status
E3 II.i.99
condition (n.)

old form: condicion
position, social rank, station
Twere requisit that I should know my Lord,'Twere requisite that I should know, my lord. E3 II.i.100
Of such estate, that hers is as a throane,Of such estate, that hers is as a throne, E3 II.i.101
And my estate the footstoole where shee treads,And my estate the footstool where she treads; E3 II.i.102
Then maist thou iudge what her condition is,Then mayst thou judge what her condition iscondition (n.)

old form: condicion
position, social rank, station
E3 II.i.103
By the proportion of her mightines,By the proportion of her mightiness.proportion (n.)
measure, extent, degree, magnitude
E3 II.i.104
Write on while I peruse her in my thoughts,Write on, while I peruse her in my thoughts. E3 II.i.105
[Line thought to be missing here] E3 II.i.106
Her voice to musicke or the nightingale,Her voice to music or the nightingale –  E3 II.i.107
To musicke euery sommer leaping swaine,To music every summer-leaping swainsummer-leaping (adj.)

old form: sommer leaping
delighting in the summer-time
E3 II.i.108
swain (n.)

old form: swaine
lover, wooer, sweetheart
Compares his sunburnt louer when shee speakes,Compares his sunburnt lover when she speaks. E3 II.i.109
And why should I speake of the nightingale,And why should I speak of the nightingale? E3 II.i.110
The nightingale singes of adulterate wrong,The nightingale sings of adulterate wrong,adulterate (adj.)
E3 II.i.111
And that compared is to satyrical,And that, compared, is too satirical;satirical (adj.)

old form: satyrical
ironic, ridiculous, incongruous
E3 II.i.112
For sinne though synne would not be so esteemd,For sin, though sin, would not be so esteemed, E3 II.i.113
But rather vertue sin, synne vertue deemd,But rather, virtue sin, sin virtue deemed. E3 II.i.114
Her hair far softor then the silke wormes twist,Her hair, far softer than the silkworm's twist, E3 II.i.115
Like to a flattering glas doth make more faire,Like to a flattering glass, doth make more fairglass (n.)

old form: glas
mirror, looking-glass
E3 II.i.116
like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
The yelow Amber like a flattering glas,The yellow amber. – ‘ Like a flattering glass ’amber (n.)
any amber-coloured substance or material
E3 II.i.117
Comes in to soone: for writing of her eies,Comes in too soon; for, writing of her eyes, E3 II.i.118
Ile say that like a glas they catch the sunne,I'll say that like a glass they catch the sun, E3 II.i.119
And thence the hot reflection doth rebounde,And thence the hot reflection doth rebound E3 II.i.120
Against my brest and burnes my hart within,Against my breast, and burns my heart within. E3 II.i.121
Ah what a world of descant makes my soule,Ah, what a world of descant makes my souldescant (n.)
melodious accompaniment, tuneful variation
E3 II.i.122
Vpon this voluntarie ground of loue,Upon this voluntary ground of love! – ground (n.)
[music] constant bass rhythm underneath a descant, foundation
E3 II.i.123
Come Lodwick hast thou turnd thy inke to golde,Come, Lod'wick, hast thou turned thy ink to gold? E3 II.i.124
If not, write but in letters Capitall my mistres name,If not, write but in letters capital E3 II.i.125
And it wil guild thy paper, read Lorde, reade,My mistress' name, and it will gild thy paper. E3 II.i.126
Fill thou the emptie hollowes of mine eares,Read, Lod'wick, read. E3 II.i.127
With the sweete hearing of thy poetrie.Fill thou the empty hollows of mine ears E3 II.i.128
With the sweet hearing of thy poetry. E3 II.i.129
I haue not to a period brought her praise.I have not to a period brought her praise.period (n.)
full stop, end, ending, conclusion
E3 II.i.130
Her praise is as my loue, both infinit,Her praise is as my love, both infinite, E3 II.i.131
Which apprehend such violent extremes,Which apprehend such violent extremes E3 II.i.132
That they disdaine an ending period.That they disdain an ending period. E3 II.i.133
Her bewtie hath no match but my affection,Her beauty hath no match but my affection;affection (n.)
love, devotion
E3 II.i.134
Hers more then most, myne most, and more then more,Hers more than most, mine most and more than more; E3 II.i.135
Hers more to praise then tell the sea by drops,Hers more to praise than tell the sea by drops,tell (v.)
count out, number, itemize
E3 II.i.136
Nay more then drop the massie earth by sands,Nay, more than drop the massy earth by sands,massy (adj.)

old form: massie
massive, heavy, colossal
E3 II.i.137
And said, by said, print them in memorie,And sand by sand print them in memory. E3 II.i.138
Then wherefore talkest thou of a period,Then wherefore talk'st thou of a period E3 II.i.139
To that which craues vnended admiration.To that which craves unended admiration?crave (v.)

old form: craues
need, demand, require
E3 II.i.140
Read let vs heare,Read, let us hear. E3 II.i.141
More faire and chast then is the queen of shades:‘ More fair and chaste than is the queen of shades ’ E3 II.i.142
That loue hath two falts grosse and palpable,That line hath two faults, gross and palpable:palpable (adj.)
evident, obvious, apparent
E3 II.i.143
gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
plain, striking, evident, obvious
Comparest thou her to the pale queene of night,Compar'st thou her to the pale queen of night, E3 II.i.144
Who being set in darke seemes therefore light,Who, being set in dark, seems therefore light? E3 II.i.145
What is she, when the sunne lifts vp his head,What is she, when the sun lifts up his head, E3 II.i.146
But like a fading taper dym and dead.But like a fading taper, dim and dead? E3 II.i.147
My loue shallbraue the ey of heauen at noon,My love shall brave the eye of heaven at noon,brave (v.)

old form: braue
challenge, defy, confront, provoke
E3 II.i.148
And being vnmaskt outshine the golden sun,And, being unmasked, outshine the golden sun. E3 II.i.149
What is the other faulte, my soueraigne Lord,What is the other fault, my sovereign lord? E3 II.i.150
Readeore the line againe,Read o'er the line again. E3 II.i.151.1
More faire and chast,‘ More fair and chaste ’ –  E3 II.i.151.2
I did not bid thee talke of chastitie,I did not bid thee talk of chastity, E3 II.i.152
To ransack so the treason of her minde,To ransack so the treasure of her mind; E3 II.i.153
For I had rather haue her chased then chast,For I had rather have her chased than chaste. E3 II.i.154
Out with the moone line, I wil none of it,Out with the moon line, I will none of it, E3 II.i.155
And let me haue hir likened to the sun,And let me have her likened to the sun. E3 II.i.156
Say shee hath thrice more splendour then the sun,Say she hath thrice more splendour than the sun, E3 II.i.157
That her perfections emulats the sunne,That her perfections emulates the sun, E3 II.i.158
That shee breeds sweets as plenteous as the sunne,That she breeds sweets as plenteous as the sun,sweet (n.)
sweet-scented flower, fragrant plant
E3 II.i.159
That shee doth thaw cold winter like the sunne,That she doth thaw cold winter like the sun, E3 II.i.160
That she doth cheere fresh sommer like the sunne,That she doth cheer fresh summer like the sun, E3 II.i.161
That shee doth dazle gazers like the sunne,That she doth dazzle gazers like the sun; E3 II.i.162
And in this application to the sunne,And, in this application to the sun,application (n.)
analogy, allusion, reference
E3 II.i.163
Bid her be free and generall as the sunne,Bid her be free and general as the sun,general (adj.)

old form: generall
open to all, universally benevolent
E3 II.i.164
Who smiles vpon the basest weed that growes,Who smiles upon the basest weed that growsbase (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
E3 II.i.165
As louinglie as on the fragrant rose,As lovingly as on the fragrant rose. –  E3 II.i.166
Lets see what followes that same moonelight line,Let's see what follows that same moonlight line. E3 II.i.167
More faire and chast then is the louer of shades,‘ More fair and chaste than is the queen of shades, E3 II.i.168
More bould in constancie.More bold in constancy ’ –  E3 II.i.169
In constancie then who,In constancy than who? E3 II.i.170.1
Then Iudith was,‘ than Judith was.’Judith (n.)
in the Bible, heroine who kills Assyrian general Holofernes with a sword
E3 II.i.170.2
O monstrous line, put in the next a swordO monstrous line! Put in the next a sword, E3 II.i.171
And I shall woo her to cut of my headAnd I shall woo her to cut off my head.woo (v.)
entreat, plead with, implore
E3 II.i.172
Blot, blot, good Lodwicke let vs heare the next.Blot, blot, good Lod'wick! Let us hear the next.blot (v.)
erase, wipe out, obliterate
E3 II.i.173
Theres all that yet is donne.There's all that yet is done. E3 II.i.174
I thancke thee then thou hast don litle ill,I thank thee, then. Thou hast done little ill,ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
E3 II.i.175
But what is don is passing passing ill,But what is done is passing passing ill. E3 II.i.176
No let the Captaine talke of boystrous warr,No, let the captain talk of boist'rous war,boisterous (adj.)

old form: boystrous
violent, fierce, savage
E3 II.i.177
The prisoner of emured darke constraint,The prisoner of immured dark constraint,immured (adj.)

old form: emured
walled up, enclosed, confined
E3 II.i.178
The sick man best sets downe the pangs of death,The sick man best sets down the pangs of death, E3 II.i.179
The man that starues the sweetnes of a feast,The man that starves the sweetness of a feast, E3 II.i.180
The frozen soule the benefite of fire,The frozen soul the benefit of fire, E3 II.i.181
And euery griefe his happie opposite,And every grief his happy opposite: E3 II.i.182
Loue cannot sound well but in louers toungs,Love cannot sound well but in lovers' tongues. E3 II.i.183
Giue me the pen and paper I will write,Give me the pen and paper; I will write. E3 II.i.184
Enter Countes.Enter Countess E3 II.i.185.1
But soft here comes the treasurer of my spirit,But soft, here comes the treasurer of my spirit. – soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
E3 II.i.185
Lodwick thou knowst not how to drawe a battell,Lod'wick, thou know'st not how to draw a battle:draw (v.)

old form: drawe
deploy, position, dispose
E3 II.i.186
battle (n.)

old form: battell
battle array, war formation, ranks of soldiers
These wings, these flankars, and these squadrons,These wings, these flankers, and these squadronsflanker (n.)

old form: flankars
soldier deployed on the flanks of an army
E3 II.i.187
Argue in thee defectiue discipline,Argue in thee defective discipline.discipline (n.)
military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war
E3 II.i.188
Thou shouldest haue placed this here, this other here,Thou shouldst have placed this here, this other here. E3 II.i.189
Pardon my boldnes my thrice gracious Lords,Pardon my boldness, my thrice gracious lords. E3 II.i.190
Let my intrusion here be cald my duetie,Let my intrusion here be called my duty, E3 II.i.191
That comes to see my soueraigne how he fares,That comes to see my sovereign how he fares.fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
E3 II.i.192
Go draw the same I tell thee in what forme.Go, draw the same, I tell thee in what form.draw (v.)
deploy, position, dispose
E3 II.i.193
I go.I go. E3 II.i.194
Exit E3 II.i.194
Sorry I am to see my liege so sad,Sorry I am to see my liege so sad.sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
E3 II.i.195
What may thy subiect do to driue from thee.What may thy subject do to drive from thee E3 II.i.196
Thy gloomy consort, sullome melancholie,Thy gloomy consort, sullen melancholy?consort (n.)
companion, partner, associate
E3 II.i.197
Ah Lady I am blunt and cannot strawe,Ah, lady, I am blunt, and cannot strew E3 II.i.198
The flowers of solace in a ground of shame,The flowers of solace in a ground of (prep.)
E3 II.i.199
Since I came hither Countes I am wronged.Since I came hither, Countess, I am wronged. E3 II.i.200
Now God forbid that anie in my howseNow God forbid that any in my house E3 II.i.201
Should thinck my soueraigne wrong, thrice gentle King:Should think my sovereign wrong! Thrice gentle King,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
E3 II.i.202
Acquant me with theyr cause of discontent.Acquaint me with your cause of discontent. E3 II.i.203
How neere then shall I be to remedie.How near then shall I be to remedy? E3 II.i.204
As nere my Liege as all my womans power,As near, my liege, as all my woman's powerpower (n.)
control, influence, sway
E3 II.i.205
Can pawne it selfe to buy thy remedy.Can pawn itself to buy thy remedy. E3 II.i.206
Yf thou speakst true then haue I my redresse,If thou speak'st true, then have I my redress: E3 II.i.207
Ingage thy power to redeeme my Ioyes,Engage thy power to redeem my joys, E3 II.i.208
And I am ioyfull Countes els I die.And I am joyful, Countess; else I die. E3 II.i.209
I will my Liege.I will, my liege. E3 II.i.210.1
Sweare Counties that thou wilt.Swear, Countess, that thou wilt. E3 II.i.210.2
By heauen I will,By heaven, I will. E3 II.i.211
Then take thy selfe a litel waie a side,Then take thyself a little way aside, E3 II.i.212
And tell thy self a King doth dote on thee,And tell thyself a king doth dote on thee;dote on / upon (v.)
be infatuated with, idolize
E3 II.i.213
Say that within thy power doth lie.Say that within thy power doth lie E3 II.i.214
To make him happy, and that thou hast sworne,To make him happy, and that thou hast sworn E3 II.i.215
To giue him all the Ioy within thy power,To give him all the joy within thy power. E3 II.i.216
Do this and tell me when I shall be happie.Do this, and tell me when I shall be happy. E3 II.i.217
All this is done my thrice dread souereigne,All this is done, my thrice dread sovereign.dread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
E3 II.i.218
That power of loue that I haue power to giue.That power of love that I have power to give, E3 II.i.219
Thou hast with all deuout obedience,Thou hast with all devout obedience: E3 II.i.220
Inploy me how thou wilt in prose therof,Employ me how thou wilt in proof thereof.proof (n.)
test, trial
E3 II.i.221
Thou hearst me saye that I do dote on thee,Thou hear'st me say that I do dote on thee.dote on / upon (v.)
be infatuated with, idolize
E3 II.i.222
Yfon my beauty take yt if thou canst,If on my beauty, take it if thou canst: E3 II.i.223
Though litle I do prise it ten tymes lesse,Though little, I do prize it ten times less. E3 II.i.224
If on my vertue take it if thou canst,If on my virtue, take it if thou canst, E3 II.i.225
For vertues store by giuing doth augment,For virtue's store by giving doth augment. E3 II.i.226
Be it on what it will that I can giue,Be it on what it will that I can give, E3 II.i.227
And thou canst take awaie inherit it.And thou canst take away, inherit it. E3 II.i.228
It is thy beauie that I woulde enioy,It is thy beauty that I would enjoy. E3 II.i.229
O were it painted I would wipe it of,O, were it painted, I would wipe it off E3 II.i.230
And disposse my selfe to giue it thee,And dispossess myself, to give it thee. E3 II.i.231
But souereigne it is souldered to my life,But, sovereign, it is soldered to my life:solder (v.)

old form: souldered
unite, interlink, fasten
E3 II.i.232
Take one and both for like an humble shaddow,Take one and both, for, like an humble shadow, E3 II.i.233
Yt hauntes the sunshineof my summers life,It haunts the sunshine of my summer's life. E3 II.i.234
But thou maist leue it me to sport with all,.But thou mayst lend it me to sport (v.)
make merry, take pleasure (in)
E3 II.i.235
As easie may my intellectual soule,As easy may my intellectual soulintellectual (adj.)
which gives intellect, intelligent
E3 II.i.236
Be lent awaie and yet my bodie liue,Be lent away, and yet my body live, E3 II.i.237
As lend my bodie pallace to my soule,As lend my body, palace to my soul, E3 II.i.238
A waie from her and yet retaine my soule,.Away from her, and yet retain my soul. E3 II.i.239
My bodie is her bower her Court her abey,My body is her bower, her court, her abbey, E3 II.i.240
And shee an Angell pure deuine vnspotted,And she an angel, pure, divine, unspotted: E3 II.i.241
If I should leaue her house my Lord to thee,If I should leave her house, my lord, to thee, E3 II.i.242
I kill my poore soule and my poore soule me,I kill my poor soul, and my poor soul me. E3 II.i.243
Didst thou not swere to giue me what I would,Didst thou not swear to give me what I would? E3 II.i.244
I did my liege so what you would I could.I did, my liege, so what you would I could. E3 II.i.245
I wish no more of thee then thou maist giue,I wish no more of thee than thou mayst give, E3 II.i.246
Nor beg I do not but I rather buie,Nor beg I do not, but I rather buy –  E3 II.i.247
That is thy loue and for that loue of thine,That is, thy love; and for that love of thine E3 II.i.248
In rich exchaunge I tender to thee myne,In rich exchange I tender to thee mine. E3 II.i.249
Butthat your lippes were sacred my Lord,But that your lips were sacred, my lord, E3 II.i.250
You would prophane the holie name of loue,You would profane the holy name of love. E3 II.i.251
That loue you offer me you cannot giue,That love you offer me you cannot give, E3 II.i.252
For Casar owes that tribut to his Queene,For Caesar owes that tribute to his queen. E3 II.i.253
That loue you beg of me I cannot giue,That love you beg of me I cannot give, E3 II.i.254
For Sara owes that duetie to her Lord,For Sarah owes that duty to her lord.Sarah (n.)
in the Bible, Abraham’s wife, seen as a model of submission to a husband
E3 II.i.255
He that doth clip or counterfeit your stamp,He that doth clip or counterfeit your stampstamp (n.)
coin, impression [of the monarch's head] made on a coin
E3 II.i.256
counterfeit (v.)
copy, imitate, simulate
clip (v.)
pare, cut [as of the edges of a coin]
Shall die my Lord, and will your sacred selfe,Shall die, my lord; and will your sacred self E3 II.i.257
Comit high treason against the King of heauen,Commit high treason against the king of heaven, E3 II.i.258
To stamp his Image in forbidden mettel,To stamp his image in forbidden metal,stamp (v.)
press, impress, coin
E3 II.i.259
Forgetting your alleageance, and your othe,Forgetting your allegiance and your oath? E3 II.i.260
In violating mariage secred law,In violating marriage' sacred law E3 II.i.261
You breake a greater honor then your selfe,You break a greater honour than yourself. E3 II.i.262
To be a King is of a yonger house,To be a king is of a younger househouse (n.)
ancestry, lineage, family
E3 II.i.263
Then to be maried, your progenitourThan to be married: your progenitor, E3 II.i.264
Sole ragning Adam on the vniuerse,Sole reigning Adam on the universe,Adam (n.)
in the Bible, the first human being, in the Garden of Eden, who disobeyed God
E3 II.i.265
By God was honored for a married man,By God was honoured for a married man,for (prep.)
E3 II.i.266
But not by him annointed for a king,But not by him anointed for a king. E3 II.i.267
It is a pennalty to breake your statutes,It is a penalty to break your statutes,penalty (n.)

old form: pennalty
punishable offence, criminal act
E3 II.i.268
Though not enacted with your highnes hand,Though not enacted with your highness' hand; E3 II.i.269
How much more to infringe the holy act,How much more to infringe the holy act E3 II.i.270
Made by the mouth ofGod, seald with his hand,Made by the mouth of God, sealed with His hand? E3 II.i.271
I know my souereigne in my husbands loue,I know my sovereign, in my husband's love, E3 II.i.272
Who now doth loyall seruice in his warrs,Who now doth loyal service in his wars, E3 II.i.273
Doth but to try the wife of Salisbury,Doth but so try the wife of Salisbury,try (v.)
put to the test, test the goodness [of]
E3 II.i.274
Whither shee will heare a wantons tale or no,Whither she will hear a wanton's tale or no.wanton (n.)
libertine, seducer
E3 II.i.275
Lest being therein giulty by my stay,Lest being therein guilty by my stay, E3 II.i.276
From that not from my leige I tourne awaie: From that, not from my liege, I turn away. E3 II.i.277
Exit.Exit E3 II.i.277
Whether is her bewtie by her words dyuine,Whether is her beauty by her words divine, E3 II.i.278
Or are her words sweet chaplaines to her bewtie,Or are her words sweet chaplains to her beauty?chaplain (n.)

old form: chaplaines
minister, spiritual attendant
E3 II.i.279
Like as the wind doth beautifie a saile,Like as the wind doth beautify a sail,like as (conj.)
just as
E3 II.i.280
And as a saile becomes the vnseene winde,And as a sail becomes the unseen wind,become (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
E3 II.i.281
So doe her words her bewties, bewtie wordes,So do her words her beauty, beauty words. E3 II.i.282
O that I were a honie gathering bee,O, that I were a honey-gathering bee, E3 II.i.283
To beare the combe of vertue from his flower,To bear the comb of virtue from this flower,comb (n.)

old form: combe
E3 II.i.284
And not a poison sucking enuious spider,And not a poison-sucking envious spider,envious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
E3 II.i.285
To turne the vice I take to deadlie venom,To turn the juice I take to deadly venom! E3 II.i.286
Religion is austere and bewty gentle,Religion is austere, and beauty gentle:gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
E3 II.i.287
To stricke a gardion for so faire a weed,Too strict a guardian for so fair a ward.ward (n.)
person under someone's protection, minor
E3 II.i.288
O that shee were as is the aire to mee,O, that she were as is the air to me! E3 II.i.289
Why so she is, for when I would embrace her,Why, so she is; for when I would embrace her, E3 II.i.290
This do I, and catch nothing but my selfe,This do I, and catch nothing but myself. E3 II.i.291
I must enioy her, for I cannot beateI must enjoy her, for I cannot beat E3 II.i.292
With reason and reproofe fond loue a waie.With reason and reproof fond love away.fond (adj.)
infatuated, doting, passionate
E3 II.i.293
Enter Warwicke.Enter Warwick E3 II.i.294
Here comes her father I will worke with him,Here comes her father: I will work with him E3 II.i.294
To beare my collours in this feild of loue.To bear my colours in this field of love.field (n.)

old form: feild
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
E3 II.i.295
colours (n.)

old form: collours
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
How is it that my souereigne is so sad,How is it that my sovereign is so sad?sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
E3 II.i.296
May I with pardon know your highnes griefe,May I, with pardon, know your highness' grief, E3 II.i.297
And that my old endeuor will remoue it,And that my old endeavour will remove it, E3 II.i.298
It shall not comber long your maiestie,It shall not cumber long your majesty.cumber (v.)

old form: comber
distress, trouble, burden
E3 II.i.299
A kind and voluntary giift thou proferest,A kind and voluntary gift thou profferest,proffer (v.)

old form: proferest
express, utter, put into words
E3 II.i.300
That I was forwarde to haue begd of thee,That I was forward to have begged of thee.forward (adj.)
ready, eager, inclined
E3 II.i.301
But O thou world great nurse of flatterie,But O, thou world, great nurse of flattery, E3 II.i.302
Whie dost thou tip mens tongues with golden words,Why dost thou tip men's tongues with golden words, E3 II.i.303
And peise their deedes with weight of heauie leade,And peise their deeds with weight of heavy lead,peise (v.)
weigh down, burden, load
E3 II.i.304
That faire performance cannot follow promise,That fair performance cannot follow promise? E3 II.i.305
O that a man might hold the hartes close booke,O, that a man might hold the heart's close book E3 II.i.306
And choke the lauish tongue when it doth vtterAnd choke the lavish tongue, when it doth utterlavish (adj.)

old form: lauish
effusive, unrestrained, exuberant
E3 II.i.307
tongue (n.)
speech, expression, language, words, voice
The breath of falshood not carectred there:The breath of falsehood not charactered there!character (v.)

old form: carectred
inscribe, engrave, write
E3 II.i.308
Far be it from the honor of my age,Far be it from the honour of my age E3 II.i.309
That I shouid owe bright gould and render lead,That I should owe bright gold and render lead:owe (v.)
own, possess, have
E3 II.i.310
Age is a cyncke, not a flatterer,Age is a cynic, not a flatterer.cynic (n.)

old form: cyncke
critic, fault-finder
E3 II.i.311
I saye againe, that I if knew your griefe,I say again, that if I knew your grief, E3 II.i.312
And that by me it may be lesned,And that by me it may be lessened, E3 II.i.313
My proper harme should buy your highnes good,My proper harm should buy your highness' good.proper (adj.)
very, own
E3 II.i.314
harm (n.)

old form: harme
injury, hurt, pain
These are the vulger tenders of false men,These are the vulgar tenders of false men,tender (n.)
offer, offering
E3 II.i.315
false (adj.)
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
vulgar (n.)

old form: vulger
familiar, ordinary, everyday
That neuer pay the duetie of their words,That never pay the duty of their words.duty (n.)

old form: duetie
debt, obligation, dues
E3 II.i.316
Thou wilt not sticke to sweare what thou hast said,Thou wilt not stick to swear what thou hast said,stick (v.)

old form: sticke
persist, stand firm, be steadfast
E3 II.i.317
But when thou knowest my greifes condition,But, when thou know'st my grief's condition,condition (n.)
nature, state, circumstances
E3 II.i.318
This rash disgorged vomit of thy word,This rash disgorged vomit of thy word E3 II.i.319
Thou wilt eate vp againe and leaue me helples.Thou wilt eat up again, and leave me helpless. E3 II.i.320
By heauen I will not though your maiestie,By heaven, I will not, though your majesty E3 II.i.321
Did byd me run vpon your sworde and die.Did bid me run upon your sword and die. E3 II.i.322
Say that my greefe is no way medicinable,Say that my grief is no way medicinablemedicinable (adj.)
curable, able to be healed
E3 II.i.323
But by the losse and bruising of thine honour,But by the loss and bruising of thine honour. E3 II.i.324
Yf nothing but that losse may vantage you,If nothing but that loss may vantage you,vantage (v.)
benefit, aid, help
E3 II.i.325
I would accomplish that losse my vauntage to,I would account that loss my vantage too.vantage (n.)

old form: vauntage
advantage, benefit, advancement, profit
E3 II.i.326
Thinkst that thou canst answere thy oth againe,Think'st that thou canst unswear thy oath again?unswear (v.)
abjure, retract, repudiate
E3 II.i.327
I cannot nor I would not if I could.I cannot; nor I would not, if I could. E3 II.i.328
But if thou dost what shal I say to thee,But if thou dost, what shall I say to thee? E3 II.i.329
What may be said to anie periurd villane,What may be said to any perjured villain, E3 II.i.330
That breake the sacred warrant of an oath,That breaks the sacred warrant of an oath.warrant (n.)
assurance, pledge, guarantee
E3 II.i.331
What wilt thou say to one that breaks an othe,What wilt thou say to one that breaks an oath? E3 II.i.332
That hee hath broke his faith with God and man,That he hath broke his faith with God and man, E3 II.i.333
And from them both standes excommunicat,And from them both stands excommunicate. E3 II.i.334
What office were it to suggest a man,What office were it to suggest a manoffice (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
E3 II.i.335
suggest (v.)
tempt, prompt, incite
To breake a lawfull and religious vowe.To break a lawful and religious vow? E3 II.i.336
An office for the deuill not for man,An office for the devil, not for man. E3 II.i.337
That deuilles office must thou do for me,That devil's office must thou do for me, E3 II.i.338
Or breake thy oth or cancell all the bondes,Or break thy oath or cancel all the bonds E3 II.i.339
Ofloue and duetie twixt thy self and mee,Of love and duty 'twixt thyself and me. E3 II.i.340
And therefore Warwike if thou art thy selfe,And therefore, Warwick, if thou art thyself, E3 II.i.341
The Lord and master of thy word and othe,The lord and master of thy word and oath, E3 II.i.342
Go to thy daughter and in my behalfe,Go to thy daughter, and in my behalf E3 II.i.343
Comaund her, woo her, win her anie waies,Command her, woo her, win her any wayswoo (v.)
win over, persuade, coax
E3 II.i.344
To be my mistres and my secret loue,To be my mistress and my secret love. E3 II.i.345
I will not stand to heare thee make reply,I will not stand to hear thee make reply:stand (v.)
stop, halt
E3 II.i.346
Thy oth breake hers or let thy souereigne dye. Thy oath break hers, or let thy sovereign die. E3 II.i.347
Exit,Exit E3 II.i.347
O doting King, or detestable office,O doting King! O detestable office!office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
E3 II.i.348
Well may I tempt my self to wrong my self,Well may I tempt myself to wrong myself, E3 II.i.349
When he hath sworne me by the name of God,When he hath sworn me by the name of God E3 II.i.350
To breake a vowe made by the name of God,To break a vow made by the name of God. E3 II.i.351
What if I sweare by this right hand of mine,What if I swear by this right hand of mine E3 II.i.352
To cut this right hande of the better waie,To cut this right hand off? The better way E3 II.i.353
Were to prophaine the Idoll then confound it,Were to profane the idol than confound it. E3 II.i.354
But neither will I do Ile keepe myne oath,But neither will I do: I'll keep mine oath, E3 II.i.355
And to my daughter make a recantation,And to my daughter make a recantation E3 II.i.356
Of all the vertue I haue preacht to her,Of all the virtue I have preached to her. E3 II.i.357
Ile say she must forget her husband Salisbury,I'll say she must forget her husband Salisbury, E3 II.i.358
If she remember to embrace the king,If she remember to embrace the King; E3 II.i.359
Ile say an othe may easily be broken,I'll say an oath can easily be broken, E3 II.i.360
But not so easily pardoned being broken:But not so easily pardoned, being broken; E3 II.i.361
Ile say it is true charitie to loue,I'll say it is true charity to love, E3 II.i.362
But not true loue to be so charitable;But not true love to be so charitable; E3 II.i.363
Ile say his greatnes may beare out the shame,I'll say his greatness may bear out the shame,bear out (v.)

old form: beare
endure, weather, cope [with]
E3 II.i.364
But not his kingdome can buy out the sinne;But not his kingdom can buy out the sin; E3 II.i.365
Ile say it is my duety to perswade,I'll say it is my duty to persuade, E3 II.i.366
But not her honestie to giue consent.But not her honesty to give consent.honesty (n.)

old form: honestie
honour, integrity, uprightness
E3 II.i.367
Enter Countesse.Enter Countess E3 II.i.368
See where she comes, was neuer father had,See where she comes; was never father had E3 II.i.368
Against his child, an embassage so bad.Against his child an embassage so bad.embassage, ambassage (n.)
message, errand, business, mission
E3 II.i.369
My Lord and father, I haue sought for you:My lord and father, I have sought for you. E3 II.i.370
My mother and the Peeres importune you,My mother and the peers importune youimportune (v.)
urge, press
E3 II.i.371
To keepe in promise of his maiestie.To keep in presence of his majesty,keep (v.)

old form: keepe
continue, carry on, remain
E3 II.i.372
And do your best to make his highnes merrie.And do your best to make his highness merry. E3 II.i.373
How shall I enter in this gracelesse arrant, (aside) How shall I enter in this graceless errand?graceless (adj.)

old form: gracelesse
wicked, ungodly, immoral
E3 II.i.374
I must not call her child, for wheres the father,I must not call her child, for where's the father E3 II.i.375
That will in such a sute seduce his child:That will in such a suit seduce his child?suit (n.)

old form: sute
wooing, courtship
E3 II.i.376
Then wife of Salisbury shall I so begin:Then ‘ wife of Salisbury ’ shall I so begin? E3 II.i.377
No hees my friend, and where is found the friendNo, he's my friend, and where is found the friend E3 II.i.378
That will doefriendship snch indammagement:That will do friendship such endamagement?endamagement (n.)

old form: indammagement
damage, injury, harm
E3 II.i.379
Neither my daughter, nor my deare friends wife,(to the Countess) Neither my daughter nor my dear friend's wife, E3 II.i.380
I am not Warwike as thou thinkst I am,I am not Warwick, as thou think'st I am, E3 II.i.381
But an atturnie from the Court of hell:But an attorney from the court of hell, E3 II.i.382
That thus haue housd my spirite in his forme,That thus have housed my spirit in his form, E3 II.i.383
To do a message to thee from the king:To do a message to thee from the King. E3 II.i.384
The mighty king of England dotes on thee:The mighty King of England dotes on thee:dote on / upon (v.)
be infatuated with, idolize
E3 II.i.385
He that hath power to take away thy life,He that hath power to take away thy life E3 II.i.386
Hath power to take thy honor, then consent,Hath power to take thine honour; then consent E3 II.i.387
To pawne thine honor rather then thy life;To pawn thine honour rather than thy life. E3 II.i.388
Honor is often lost and got againe,Honour is often lost and got again, E3 II.i.389
But life once gon, hath no recouerie:But life, once gone, hath no recovery. E3 II.i.390
The Sunne that withersheye goth nourish grasse,The sun that withers hay doth nourish grass: E3 II.i.391
The king that would distaine thee, will aduance thee:The King that would distain thee will advance thee.distain (v.)

old form: distaine
dishonour, defile, corrupt
E3 II.i.392
The Poets write that great Achilles speare,The poets write that great Achilles' spearAchilles (n.)
[pron: a'kileez] son of Peleus and Thetis; only his spear could heal the wounds it made
E3 II.i.393
Could heale the wound it made: the morrall is,Could heal the wound it made: the moral is, E3 II.i.394
What mighty men misdoo, they can amend:What mighty men misdo, they can amend.misdo (v.)

old form: misdoo
do wrong, transgress
E3 II.i.395
The Lyon doth become his bloody iawes,The lion doth become his bloody jaws,become (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
E3 II.i.396
And grace his forragement by being milde,And grace his foragement by being mildgrace (v.)
show mercy to, reprieve
E3 II.i.397
foragement (n.)

old form: forragement
foraging act, scavenging
When vassell feare lies trembling at his feete,When vassal fear lies trembling at his feet.vassal (adj.)

old form: vassell
submissive, abject, yielding
E3 II.i.398
The king will in his glory hide thy shame,The King will in his glory hide thy shame;glory (n.)
splendour, magnificence, brilliance
E3 II.i.399
And those that gaze on him to finde out thee,And those that gaze on him to find out thee E3 II.i.400
Will loose their eie-sight looking in the Sunne:Will lose their eyesight looking in the sun. E3 II.i.401
What can one drop of poyson harme the Sea,What can one drop of poison harm the sea, E3 II.i.402
Whose hugie vastures can digest the ill,Whose hugy vastures can digest the illill (n.)
illness, malady, affliction
E3 II.i.403
hugy (adj.)

old form: hugie
huge, immense, enormous
vasture (n.)
vastness, immensity, extent
And make it loose his operation:And make it lose his operation?operation (n.)
effect, force, influence, power
E3 II.i.404
The kings great name will temper their misdeeds,The king's great name will temper thy misdeeds, E3 II.i.405
And giue the bitter portion of reproch:And give the bitter potion of reproachreproach (n.)

old form: reproch
blame, disgrace, shame
E3 II.i.406
A sugred sweet, and most delitious tast:A sugared, sweet, and most delicious taste. E3 II.i.407
Besides it is no harme to do the thing,Besides, it is no harm to do the thing E3 II.i.408
Which without shame, could not be left vndone;Which without shame could not be left undone. E3 II.i.409
Thus haue I in his maiesties behalfe,Thus have I in his majesty's behalf E3 II.i.410
Apparraled sin, in vertuous sentences,Apparelled sin in virtuous sentences,sentence (n.)
maxim, wise saying, precept
E3 II.i.411
apparel (v.)

old form: Apparraled
clothe, dress up, trick out
And dwel vpon thy answere in his sute.And dwell upon thy answer in his suit.suit (n.)

old form: sute
wooing, courtship
E3 II.i.412
dwell on / upon

old form: dwel vpon
wait for, await
Vnnaturall beseege, woe me vnhappie,Unnatural besiege! Woe me unhappy,besiege (n.)

old form: beseege
siege, besieging
E3 II.i.413
To haue escapt the danger of my foes,To have escaped the danger of my foes, E3 II.i.414
And to be ten times worse inuierd by friends:And to be ten times worse envired by friends!envire (v.)

old form: inuierd
surround, encircle, beset
E3 II.i.415
Hath he no meanes to stayne my honest blood,Hath he no means to stain my honest blood,blood (n.)
nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage
E3 II.i.416
But to corrupt the author of my blood,But to corrupt the author of my blood E3 II.i.417
To be his scandalous and vile soliciter:To be his scandalous and vile solicitor?scandalous (adj.)
bringing dishonour, offensive, discreditable
E3 II.i.418
solicitor (n.)

old form: soliciter
advocate, instigator, go-between
No maruell though the braunches be then infected,No marvel though the branch be then infected, E3 II.i.419
When poyson hath encompassed the roote:When poison hath encompassed the root; E3 II.i.420
No maruell though the leprous infant dye,No marvel though the lep'rous infant die,leperous, leprous (adj.)
infected, poisoned, leprosy-like
E3 II.i.421
When the sterne dame inuennometh the Dug:When the stern dame envenometh the dug.envenom (v.)

old form: inuennometh
poison, taint, destroy
E3 II.i.422
stern (adj.)

old form: sterne
cruel, malevolent, harsh
dame (n.)
mother, nurse
dug (n.)
nipple, teat, breast
Why then giue sinne a pasport to offend,Why then, give sin a passport to offend E3 II.i.423
And youth the dangerous reigne of liberty:And youth the dangerous reign of liberty; E3 II.i.424
Blot out the strict forbidding of the law,Blot out the strict forbidding of the law, E3 II.i.425
And cancell euery cannon that prescribes,And cancel every canon that prescribes E3 II.i.426
A shame for shame, or pennance for offence,A shame for shame, or penance for offence. E3 II.i.427
No let me die, if his too boystrous will,No, let me die, if his too boist'rous willboisterous (adj.)

old form: boystrous
violent, fierce, savage
E3 II.i.428
Will haue it so, before I will consent,Will have it so, before I will consent E3 II.i.429
To be an actor in his gracelesse lust,To be an actor in his graceless lust.graceless (adj.)

old form: gracelesse
wicked, ungodly, immoral
E3 II.i.430
Why now thou speakst as I would haue thee speake,Why, now thou speak'st as I would have thee speak; E3 II.i.431
And marke how I vnsaie my words againe,And mark how I unsay my words again:mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
E3 II.i.432
unsay (v.)

old form: vnsaie
take back, withdraw, retract
An honorable graue is more esteemd,An honourable grave is more esteemed E3 II.i.433
Then the polluted closet of a king,Than the polluted closet of a king;closet (n.)
private chamber, study, own room
E3 II.i.434
The greater man, the greater is the thing,The greater man, the greater is the thing, E3 II.i.435
Be it good or bad that he shall vndertake,Be it good or bad, that he shall undertake; E3 II.i.436
An vnreputed mote, flying in the Sunne,An unreputed mote, flying in the sun,mote (n.)
speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle
E3 II.i.437
unreputed (adj.)

old form: vnreputed
insignificant, inconspicuous, insubstantial
Presents agreater substaunce then it is:Presents a greater substance than it is; E3 II.i.438
The freshest summers day doth soonest taint,The freshest summer's day doth soonest tainttaint (v.)
sully, infect, stain
E3 II.i.439
fresh (adj.)
bright, blooming, gay
The lothed carrion that it seemes to kisse:The loathed carrion that it seems to kiss;carrion (n.)
dead putrifying flesh, rotting carcass
E3 II.i.440
Deepe are the blowes made with a mightie Axe,Deep are the blows made with a mighty axe; E3 II.i.441
That sinne doth ten times agreuate it selfe,That sin doth ten times aggravate itself,aggravate (v.)

old form: agreuate
make more grievous, make worse, exacerbate
E3 II.i.442
That is committed in a holie place,That is committed in a holy place; E3 II.i.443
An euill deed done by authoritie,An evil deed, done by authority,authority (n.)

old form: authoritie
authoritative influence, dictatorial opinion
E3 II.i.444
Is sin and subbornation: Decke an ApeIs sin and subornation; deck an apesubornation (n.)

old form: subbornation
aiding and abetting, inducement to do wrong, instigation
E3 II.i.445
In tissue, and the beautie of the robe,In tissue, and the beauty of the robetissue (n.)
[type of] rich cloth, sumptuous fabric
E3 II.i.446
Adds but the greater scorne vnto the beast:Adds but the greater scorn unto the beast. E3 II.i.447
A spatious field of reasons could I vrge,A spacious field of reasons could I urge E3 II.i.448
Betweene his gloomie daughter and thy shame,Between his glory, daughter, and thy shame:glory (n.)
splendour, magnificence, brilliance
E3 II.i.449
That poyson shewes worst in a golden cup,That poison shows worst in a golden cup; E3 II.i.450
Darke night seemes darker by the lightning flash,Dark night seems darker by the lightning flash; E3 II.i.451
Lillies that fester, smel far worse then weeds,Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds; E3 II.i.452
And euery glory that inclynes to sin,And every glory that inclines to sin,glory (n.)
exalted person, majesty, celebrity
E3 II.i.453
The shame is treble, by the opposite,The shame is treble by the opposite. E3 II.i.454
So leaue I with my blessing in thy bosome,So leave I with my blessing in thy bosom, E3 II.i.455
Which then conuert to a most heauie curse,Which then convert to a most heavy curseheavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
grave, serious, weighty
E3 II.i.456
When thou conuertest from honors golden name,When thou convert'st from honour's golden name E3 II.i.457
To the blacke faction of bed blotting, shame.To the black faction of bed-blotting shame.bed-blotting (adj.)

old form: bed blotting
polluting the marriage bed
E3 II.i.458
faction (n.)
party, group, set [of people]
Ils follow thee, and when my minde turnes so,I'll follow thee; and when my mind turns so, E3 II.i.459
My body sinke, my soule in endles woo.My body sink my soul in endless woe! E3 II.i.460
Exeunt.Exeunt E3 II.i.460
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