Titus Andronicus

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Flourish. Enter Aaron alone.Aaron is alone on stage Tit II.i.1.1
Aron. AARON 
Now climbeth Tamora Olympus toppe,Now climbeth Tamora Olympus' top,Olympus (n.)
mountainous region of N Greece; the home of the gods
Tit II.i.1
Safe out of Fortunes shot, and sits aloft,Safe out of fortune's shot, and sits aloft, Tit II.i.2
Secure of Thunders cracke or lightning flash,Secure of thunder's crack or lightning flash,secure (adj.)
free [from], safe [from], untouched [by]
Tit II.i.3
Aduanc'd about pale enuies threatning reach:Advanced above pale envy's threat'ning reach.advance (v.)

old form: Aduanc'd
raise, lift up, upraise
Tit II.i.4
As when the golden Sunne salutes the morne,As when the golden sun salutes the mornmorn (n.)

old form: morne
morning, dawn
Tit II.i.5
salute (v.)
approach, greet, make contact with
And hauing gilt the Ocean with his beames,And, having gilt the ocean with his beams, Tit II.i.6
Gallops the Zodiacke in his glistering Coach,Gallops the zodiac in his glistering coachglistering (adj.)
glittering, shining, sparkling
Tit II.i.7
zodiac (n.)

old form: Zodiacke
belt of the celestial sphere within which the sun, moon, and planets appear to move, divided into twelve equal domains [signs] named after constellations
And ouer-lookes the highest piering hills:And overlooks the highest-peering hills,overlook (v.)

old form: ouer-lookes
rise above, look down on
Tit II.i.8
So TamoraSo Tamora. Tit II.i.9
Vpon her wit doth earthly honour waite,Upon her wit doth earthly honour wait,wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
Tit II.i.10
And vertue stoopes and trembles at her frowne.And virtue stoops and trembles at her frown. Tit II.i.11
Then Aaron arme thy hart, and fit thy thoughts,Then, Aaron, arm thy heart and fit thy thoughts Tit II.i.12
To mount aloft with thy Emperiall Mistris,To mount aloft with thy imperial mistress,mount (v.)
ascend, rise up, climb
Tit II.i.13
And mount her pitch, whom thou in ttiumph long And mount her pitch, whom thou in triumph longpitch (n.)
height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping]
Tit II.i.14
Hast prisoner held, fettred in amorous chaines,Hast prisoner held, fettered in amorous chains, Tit II.i.15
And faster bound to Aarons charming eyes,And faster bound to Aaron's charming eyescharming (adj.)
acting as charms, exercising magic power
Tit II.i.16
Then is Prometheus ti'de to Caucasus.Than is Prometheus tied to Caucasus.Prometheus (n.)
one of the Titan gods, who stole fire from heaven to help mankind, and was punished by being chained to a rock
Tit II.i.17
Away with slauish weedes, and idle thoughts,Away with slavish weeds and servile thoughts!weed (n.)

old form: weedes
(plural) garments, dress, clothes
Tit II.i.18
I will be bright and shine in Pearle and Gold,I will be bright and shine in pearl and gold Tit II.i.19
To waite vpon this new made Empresse.To wait upon this new-made Empress. Tit II.i.20
To waite said I? To wanton with this Queene,‘ To wait ’ said I? – to wanton with this queen,wanton (v.)
play, sport, frolic
Tit II.i.21
This Goddesse, this Semerimis, this Queene,This goddess, this Semiramis, this nymph,Semiramis (n.)
[pron: se'miramis] semi-legendary Assyrian queen renowned for promiscuity, 9th-c BC
Tit II.i.22
This Syren, that will charme Romes Saturnine,This siren that will charm Rome's Saturnine,Siren (n.)
sea demon of Greek mythology, half bird, half woman, whose music lured sailors to destruction on the rocky shores of her island
Tit II.i.23
And see his shipwracke, and his Commonweales.And see his shipwreck and his commonweal's.commonweal, commonwealth (n.)

old form: Commonweales
state, nation, community, body politic
Tit II.i.24
Hollo, what storme is this?Hollo, what storm is this? Tit II.i.25
Enter Chiron and Demetrius brauing.Enter Chiron and Demetrius bravingbrave (v.)

old form: brauing
swagger, act boastfully, show off
Tit II.i.26.1
Chiron thy yeres wants wit, thy wit wants edgeChiron, thy years want wit, thy wit wants edgewit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
Tit II.i.26
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
edge (n.)
sharpness, keenness
And manners to intru'd where I am grac'd,And manners to intrude where I am graced,grace (v.)
favour, add merit to, do honour to
Tit II.i.27
And may for ought thou know'st affected be.And may, for aught thou knowest, affected be.aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Tit II.i.28
affect (v.)
love, like, be fond of
Demetrius, thou doo'st ouer-weene in all,Demetrius, thou dost overween in all,overween (v.)

old form: ouer-weene
presume too much, go too far
Tit II.i.29
And so in this, to beare me downe with braues,And so in this, to bear me down with braves.bear down (v.)

old form: beare downe
overwhelm, put down, overcome
Tit II.i.30
brave (n.)

old form: braues
boast, bravado, blustering threat
'Tis not the difference of a yeere or two'Tis not the difference of a year or two Tit II.i.31
Makes me lesse gracious, or thee more fortunate:Makes me less gracious, or thee more fortunate: Tit II.i.32
I am as able, and as fit, as thou,I am as able and as fit as thou Tit II.i.33
To serue, and to deserue my Mistris grace,To serve and to deserve my mistress' grace, Tit II.i.34
And that my sword vpon thee shall approue,And that my sword upon thee shall approve,approve (v.)

old form: approue
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
Tit II.i.35
And plead my passions for Lauinia's loue.And plead my passions for Lavinia's love. Tit II.i.36
Aron. AARON  
(aside) Tit II.i.37.1
Clubs, clubs, these louers will not keep the peace.Clubs, clubs! These lovers will not keep the peace.clubs (int.)
cry calling apprentices to rally round in a fight
Tit II.i.37
Why Boy, although our mother (vnaduised)Why, boy, although our mother, unadvised,unadvised (adj.)

old form: vnaduised
rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered
Tit II.i.38
Gaue you a daunsing Rapier by your side,Gave you a dancing-rapier by your side,dancing-rapier (n.)ornamental sword worn in dancingTit II.i.39
Are you so desperate growne to threat your friends?Are you so desperate grown to threat your friends?threat (v.)
Tit II.i.40
friend (n.)
relative, relation, kinsman
Goe too: haue your Lath glued within your sheath,Go to, have your lath glued within your sheathlath (n.)
toy sword, stage weapon
Tit II.i.41
Till you know better how to handle it.Till you know better how to handle it. Tit II.i.42
Meanewhile sir, with the little skill I haue,Meanwhile, sir, with the little skill I have, Tit II.i.43
Full well shalt thou perceiue how much I dare.Full well shalt thou perceive how much I dare. Tit II.i.44
I Boy, grow ye so braue?Ay, boy, grow ye so brave?brave (adj.)

old form: braue
defiant, insolent, impudent
Tit II.i.45.1
They drawe.They draw Tit II.i.45
Aron. AARON 
Why how now Lords?Why, how now, lords? Tit II.i.45.2
So nere the Emperours Pallace dare you draw,So near the Emperor's palace dare ye draw, Tit II.i.46
And maintaine such a quarrell openly?And maintain such a quarrel openly? Tit II.i.47
Full well I wote, the ground of all this grudge.Full well I wot the ground of all this grudge.wot (v.)

old form: wote
learn, know, be told
Tit II.i.48
I would not for a million of Gold,I would not for a million of gold Tit II.i.49
The cause were knowne to them it most concernes.The cause were known to them it most concerns, Tit II.i.50
Nor would your noble mother for much moreNor would your noble mother for much more Tit II.i.51
Be so dishonored in the Court of Rome:Be so dishonoured in the court of Rome. Tit II.i.52
For shame put vp.For shame, put up!put up (v.)

old form: vp
sheathe, put away
Tit II.i.53.1
Not I, till I haue sheath'dNot I, till I have sheathed Tit II.i.53.2
My rapier in his bosome, and withallMy rapier in his bosom, and withalrapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
Tit II.i.54
Thrust these reprochfull speeches downe his throat,Thrust those reproachful speeches down his throat, Tit II.i.55
That he hath breath'd in my dishonour heere.That he hath breathed in my dishonour here. Tit II.i.56
For that I am prepar'd, and full resolu'd,For that I am prepared and full resolved, Tit II.i.57
Foule spoken Coward, / That thundrest with thy tongue,Foul-spoken coward, that thund'rest with thy tongue Tit II.i.58
And with thy weapon nothing dar'st performe.And with thy weapon nothing dar'st perform. Tit II.i.59
Aron. AARON 
Away I say.Away, I say! Tit II.i.60
Now by the Gods that warlike Gothes adore,Now, by the gods that warlike Goths adore, Tit II.i.61
This pretty brabble will vndoo vs all:This petty brabble will undo us all.undo (v.)

old form: vndoo
ruin, destroy, wipe out
Tit II.i.62
brabble (n.)
brawl, noisy quarrel, fracas
Why Lords, and thinke you not how dangerousWhy, lords, and think you not how dangerous Tit II.i.63
It is to set vpon a Princes right?It is to jet upon a prince's right?jet upon (v.)

old form: vpon
encroach on, usurp, trespass upon
Tit II.i.64
What is Lauinia then become so loose,What, is Lavinia then become so loose, Tit II.i.65
Or Bassianus so degenerate,Or Bassianus so degenerate, Tit II.i.66
That for her loue such quarrels may be broacht,That for her love such quarrels may be broached Tit II.i.67
Without controulement, Iustice, or reuenge?Without controlment, justice, or revenge?controlment (n.)

old form: controulement
control, restraint, check
Tit II.i.68
Young Lords beware, and should the Empresse know,Young lords, beware; and should the Empress know Tit II.i.69
This discord ground, the musicke would not please.This discord's ground, the music would not please.ground (n.)
reason, cause, source
Tit II.i.70
I care not I, knew she and all the world,I care not, I, knew she and all the world: Tit II.i.71
I loue Lauinia more then all the world.I love Lavinia more than all the world. Tit II.i.72
Youngling, / Learne thou to make some meaner choise,Youngling, learn thou to make some meaner choice:mean (adj.)
of low rank, inferior in position, less important
Tit II.i.73
youngling (n.)
stripling, youngster, beginner
Lauinia is thine elder brothers hope.Lavinia is thine elder brother's hope. Tit II.i.74
Aron. AARON 
Why are ye mad? Or know ye not in Rome,Why, are ye mad? Or know ye not in Rome Tit II.i.75
How furious and impatient they be,How furious and impatient they be, Tit II.i.76
And cannot brooke Competitors in loue?And cannot brook competitors in love?brook (v.)

old form: brooke
endure, tolerate, put up with
Tit II.i.77
I tell you Lords, you doe but plot your deaths,I tell you, lords, you do but plot your deaths Tit II.i.78
By this deuise.By this device.device (n.)

old form: deuise
way of thinking, inclination, fancy
Tit II.i.79.1
Aaron, a thousand deaths Aaron, a thousand deaths Tit II.i.79.2
would I propose, / To atchieue her whom I do loue.Would I propose to achieve her whom I love.propose (v.)
face, confront, be ready to meet
Tit II.i.80
Aron. AARON 
To atcheiue her, how?To achieve her how? Tit II.i.81.1
Why, mak'st thou it so strange?Why makes thou it so strange?make (v.)

old form: mak'st
consider, regard, treat [as]
Tit II.i.81.2
Shee is a woman, therefore may be woo'd,She is a woman, therefore may be wooed; Tit II.i.82
Shee is a woman, therfore may be wonne,She is a woman, therefore may be won; Tit II.i.83
Shee is Lauinia therefore must be lou'd.She is Lavinia, therefore must be loved. Tit II.i.84
What man, more water glideth by the MillWhat, man, more water glideth by the mill Tit II.i.85
Then wots the Miller of, and easie it isThan wots the miller of, and easy it iswot (v.)
learn, know, be told
Tit II.i.86
Of a cut loafe to steale a shiue we know:Of a cut loaf to steal a shive, we know.shive (n.)

old form: shiue
Tit II.i.87
Though Bassianus be the Emperours brother,Though Bassianus be the Emperor's brother, Tit II.i.88
Better then he haue worne Vulcans badge.Better than he have worn Vulcan's badge.Vulcan (n.)
Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith; his forge was under Mt Etna, and thus associated with destruction and hell
Tit II.i.89
Aron, AARON  
(aside) Tit II.i.90
I, and as good as Saturnius may.Ay, and as good as Saturninus may. Tit II.i.90
Then why should he dispaire that knowes to court itThen why should he despair that knows to court itcourt (v.)
pay court, play the suitor [to]
Tit II.i.91
With words, faire lookes, and liberality:With words, fair looks, and liberality? Tit II.i.92
What hast not thou full often strucke a Doe,What, hast not thou full often struck a doe Tit II.i.93
And borne her cleanly by the Keepers nose?And borne her cleanly by the keeper's nose?cleanly (adv.)
deftly, cleverly, skilfully
Tit II.i.94
Aron. AARON 
Why then it seemes some certaine snatch or soWhy then, it seems some certain snatch or sosnatch (n.)
hasty grab, quick theft
Tit II.i.95
Would serue your turnes.Would serve your turns. Tit II.i.96.1
I so the turne were serued.Ay, so the turn were served. Tit II.i.96.2
Aaron thou hast hit it.Aaron, thou hast hit it. Tit II.i.97.1
Aron. AARON 
Would you had hit it too,Would you had hit it too, Tit II.i.97.2
Then should not we be tir'd with this adoo:Then should not we be tired with this ado.ado (n.)

old form: adoo
fuss, business, to-do
Tit II.i.98
Why harke yee, harke yee, audare you such fooles, Why, hark ye, hark ye, and are you such fools Tit II.i.99
To square for this? Would it offend you then?To square for this? Would it offend you thensquare (v.)
quarrel, fall out, disagree
Tit II.i.100
That both should speed?speed (v.)
meet with success, prosper, flourish
Tit II.i.101
Faith not me.Faith, not me. Tit II.i.101.1
Nor me, so I were one.Nor me, so I were one. Tit II.i.102.2
Aron. AARON 
For shame be friends, & ioyne for that you iar:For shame, be friends, and join for that you jar.jar (v.)

old form: iar
quarrel, wrangle, disagree [over]
Tit II.i.103
'Tis pollicie, and stratageme must doe'Tis policy and stratagem must dopolicy (n.)

old form: pollicie
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft
Tit II.i.104
That you affect, and so must you resolue,That you affect, and so must you resolveresolve (v.)

old form: resolue
decide, make up one's mind
Tit II.i.105
affect (v.)
incline to, like, favour, be drawn to
That what you cannot as you would atcheiue,That what you cannot as you would achieve, Tit II.i.106
You must perforce accomplish as you may:You must perforce accomplish as you may.perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
Tit II.i.107
Take this of me, Lucrece was not more chastTake this of me: Lucrece was not more chasteLucrece, Lucretia (n.)
[lu'krees] legendary Roman heroine, 6th-c BC, who killed herself after being raped by Tarquin
Tit II.i.108
Then this Lauinia, Bassianus loue,Than this Lavinia, Bassianus' love. Tit II.i.109
A speedier course this lingring languishmentA speedier course than ling'ring languishmentlanguishment (n.)
longing, pain, grief [caused by love]
Tit II.i.110
course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Must we pursue, and I haue found the path:Must we pursue, and I have found the path. Tit II.i.111
My Lords, a solemne hunting is in hand.My lords, a solemn hunting is in hand;solemn (adj.)

old form: solemne
formal, ceremonious, stately
Tit II.i.112
There will the louely Roman Ladies troope:There will the lovely Roman ladies troop. Tit II.i.113
The Forrest walkes are wide and spacious,The forest walks are wide and spacious,walk (n.)

old form: walkes
garden path, walkway
Tit II.i.114
And many vnfrequented plots there are,And many unfrequented plots there are,plot (n.)
place, spot
Tit II.i.115
Fitted by kinde for rape and villanie:Fitted by kind for rape and villainy.kind (n.)

old form: kinde
nature, reality, character, disposition
Tit II.i.116
Single you thither then this dainty Doe,Single you thither then this dainty doe,dainty (adj.)
delicately pretty, of tender beauty
Tit II.i.117
single (v.)
[hunting] single out, pick out
And strike her home by force, if not by words:And strike her home by force, if not by words.strike (v.)
[hunting, of a prey] thrust, stab, pierce
Tit II.i.118
home (adv.)
fully, thoroughly, unsparingly
This way or not at all, stand you in hope.This way, or not at all, stand you in hope. Tit II.i.119
Come, come, our Empresse with her sacred witCome, come; our Empress with her sacred witwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
Tit II.i.120
sacred (adj.)
accursed, blasphemous
To villainie and vengance consecrate,To villainy and vengeance consecrate, Tit II.i.121
Will we acquaint with all that we intend,Will we acquaint with all that we intend, Tit II.i.122
And she shall file our engines with aduise,And she shall file our engines with adviceengine (n.)
plot, device, means, instrument
Tit II.i.123
file (v.)
polish, hone, refine
That will not suffer you to square yourselues,That will not suffer you to square yourselves,suffer (v.)
allow, permit, let
Tit II.i.124
square (v.)
quarrel, fall out, disagree
But to your wishes height aduance you both.But to your wishes' height advance you both.advance (v.)

old form: aduance
raise, lift up, upraise
Tit II.i.125
The Emperours Court is like the house of Fame,The Emperor's court is like the house of fame, Tit II.i.126
The pallace full of tongues, of eyes, of eares:The palace full of tongues, of eyes, and ears; Tit II.i.127
The Woods are ruthlesse, dreadfull, deafe, and dull:The woods are ruthless, dreadful, deaf, and dull.dull (adj.)
gloomy, melancholic, sullen
Tit II.i.128
There speake, and strike braue Boyes, & take your turnes.There speak and strike, brave boys, and take your turns;brave (adj.)

old form: braue
audacious, daring, bold
Tit II.i.129
There serue your lusts, shadow'd from heauens eye,There serve your lust, shadowed from heaven's eye,shadow (v.)

old form: shadow'd
conceal, hide, screen from view
Tit II.i.130
And reuell in Lauinia's Treasurie.And revel in Lavinia's treasury. Tit II.i.131
Thy counsell Lad smells of no cowardise.Thy counsel, lad, smells of no cowardice. Tit II.i.132
Sij fas aut nefas, till I finde the streames,Sit fas aut nefas, till I find the streamsic...

old form: Sij
be it right or wrong
Tit II.i.133
To coole this heat, a Charme to calme their fits,To cool this heat, a charm to calm these fits, Tit II.i.134
Per Stigia per manes Vehor.Per Stygia per manes vehor.per...
I am carried across the Styx, through the shades of the dead
Tit II.i.135
Exeunt.Exeunt Tit II.i.135
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