Richard II

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Gaunt, sicke with Yorke.Enter John of Gaunt sick, with the Duke of York, the R2 II.i.1.1
Earl of Northumberland, attendants, and others R2 II.i.1.2
Will the King come, that I may breath my lastWill the King come, that I may breathe my last R2 II.i.1
In wholsome counsell to his vnstaid youth?In wholesome counsel to his unstaid youth?unstaid (adj.)

old form: vnstaid
unrestrained, unregulated, unchecked
R2 II.i.2
Yor. YORK 
Vex not your selfe, nor striue not with your brethVex not yourself, nor strive not with your breath; R2 II.i.3
For all in vaine comes counsell to his eare.For all in vain comes counsel to his ear. R2 II.i.4
Oh but (they say) the tongues of dying menO, but they say the tongues of dying men R2 II.i.5
Inforce attention like deepe harmony;Enforce attention like deep harmony. R2 II.i.6
Where words are scarse, they are seldome spent in vaine,Where words are scarce they are seldom spent in vain, R2 II.i.7
For they breath truth, that breath their words in paine.For they breathe truth that breathe their words in pain. R2 II.i.8
He that no more must say, is listen'd more,He that no more must say is listened morelisten (v.)

old form: listen'd
listen to, pay attention to, hear
R2 II.i.9
Then they whom youth and ease haue taught to glose,Than they whom youth and ease have taught to glose.glose (v.)

old form: glose
speak flatteringly, talk smoothly
R2 II.i.10
More are mens ends markt, then their liues before,More are men's ends marked than their lives before. R2 II.i.11
The setting Sun, and Musicke in the closeThe setting sun, and music at the close,close (n.)
closing cadence, end of a musical theme
R2 II.i.12
As the last taste of sweetes, is sweetest last,As the last taste of sweets, is sweetest last,sweet (n.)

old form: sweetes
sweet-tasting foodstuff
R2 II.i.13
Writ in remembrance, more then things long past;Writ in remembrance more than things long past.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
R2 II.i.14
Though Richard my liues counsell would not heare,Though Richard my life's counsel would not hear, R2 II.i.15
My deaths sad tale, may yet vndeafe his eare.My death's sad tale may yet undeaf his ear.sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
R2 II.i.16
undeaf (v.)

old form: vndeafe
restore hearing to
Yor. YORK 
No, it is stopt with other flatt'ring soundsNo, it is stopped with other, flattering sounds,stop (v.)

old form: stopt
fill, cram, stuff
R2 II.i.17
As praises of his state: then there are soundAs praises, of whose taste the wise are fond; R2 II.i.18
Lasciuious Meeters, to whose venom soundLascivious metres, to whose venom soundmetre (n.)

old form: Meeters
verse, poem, composition
R2 II.i.19
venom (adj.)
venomous, poisonous, spiteful
The open eare of youth doth alwayes listen.The open ear of youth doth always listen; R2 II.i.20
Report of fashions in proud Italy,Report of fashions in proud Italy, R2 II.i.21
Whose manners still our tardie apish NationWhose manners still our tardy-apish nationstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
R2 II.i.22
tardy-apish (adj.)

old form: tardie apish
slow in copying, always behind in imitating
Limpes after in base imitation.Limps after in base imitation.base (adj.)
poor, wretched, of low quality
R2 II.i.23
Where doth the world thrust forth a vanity,Where doth the world thrust forth a vanity –  R2 II.i.24
So it be new, there's no respect how vile,So it be new there's no respect how vile – respect (n.)
consideration, factor, circumstance
R2 II.i.25
That is not quickly buz'd into his eares?That is not quickly buzzed into his ears? R2 II.i.26
That all too late comes counsell to be heard,Then all too late comes counsel to be heard R2 II.i.27
Where will doth mutiny with wits regard:Where will doth mutiny with wit's regard.wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
R2 II.i.28
will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
regard (n.)
consideration, concern, thought, heed
Direct not him, whose way himselfe will choose,Direct not him whose way himself will choose. R2 II.i.29
Tis breath thou lackst, and that breath wilt thou loose.'Tis breath thou lackest, and that breath wilt thou lose. R2 II.i.30
Me thinkes I am a Prophet new inspir'd,Methinks I am a prophet new-inspired,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
R2 II.i.31
And thus expiring, do foretell of him,And thus, expiring, do foretell of him: R2 II.i.32
His rash fierce blaze of Ryot cannot last,His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last; R2 II.i.33
For violent fires soone burne out themselues,For violent fires soon burn out themselves. R2 II.i.34
Small showres last long, but sodaine stormes are short,Small showers last long, but sudden storms are short.sudden (adj.)

old form: sodaine
unpredictable, prone to sudden violence
R2 II.i.35
He tyres betimes, that spurs too fast betimes;He tires betimes that spurs too fast betimes.betimes (adv.)
speedily, soon, in a short time
R2 II.i.36
With eager feeding, food doth choake the feeder:With eager feeding food doth choke the feeder. R2 II.i.37
Light vanity, insatiate cormorant,Light vanity, insatiate cormorant,insatiate, unsatiate (adj.)
insatiable, never satisfied, voracious
R2 II.i.38
cormorant (n.)
glutton, gorger, insatiable eater
Consuming meanes soone preyes vpon it selfe.Consuming means, soon preys upon itself. R2 II.i.39
This royall Throne of Kings, this sceptred Isle,This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, R2 II.i.40
This earth of Maiesty, this seate of Mars,This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,seat (n.)

old form: seate
R2 II.i.41
Mars (n.)
Roman god of war
This other Eden, demy paradise,This other Eden – demi-paradise –  R2 II.i.42
This Fortresse built by Nature for her selfe,This fortress built by nature for herself R2 II.i.43
Against infection, and the hand of warre:Against infection and the hand of war, R2 II.i.44
This happy breed of men, this little world,This happy breed of men, this little world,little (adj.)
in little, microcosmic, miniature
R2 II.i.45
breed (n.)
lineage, inheritance, stock
This precious stone, set in the siluer sea,This precious stone set in the silver sea, R2 II.i.46
Which serues it in the office of a wall,Which serves it in the office of a wall,office (n.)
role, position, place, function
R2 II.i.47
Or as a Moate defensiue to a house,Or as a moat defensive to a house R2 II.i.48
Against the enuy of lesse happier Lands,Against the envy of less happier lands;envy (n.)

old form: enuy
malice, ill-will, enmity
R2 II.i.49
This blessed plot, this earth, this Realme, this England,This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England, R2 II.i.50
This Nurse, this teeming wombe of Royall Kings,This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings,teeming (adj.)
pregnant, prolific, overfull
R2 II.i.51
Fear'd by their breed, and famous for their birth,Feared by their breed, and famous by their birth, R2 II.i.52
Renowned for their deeds, as farre from home,Renowned for their deeds as far from home R2 II.i.53
For Christian seruice, and true Chiualrie,For Christian service and true chivalry R2 II.i.54
As is the sepulcher in stubborne IuryAs is the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry R2 II.i.55
Of the Worlds ransome, blessed Maries Sonne.Of the world's ransom, blessed Mary's son; R2 II.i.56
This Land of such deere soules, this deere-deere Land,This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land, R2 II.i.57
Deere for her reputation through the world,Dear for her reputation through the world, R2 II.i.58
Is now Leas'd out (I dye pronouncing it)Is now leased out – I die pronouncing it –  R2 II.i.59
Like to a Tenement or pelting Farme.Like to a tenement or pelting farm.pelting (adj.)
paltry, petty, worthless, insignificant
R2 II.i.60
tenement (n.)
land held by a tenant, landholding
England bound in with the triumphant sea,England, bound in with the triumphant sea,bind in (v.)
make fast, secure, surround
R2 II.i.61
Whose rocky shore beates backe the enuious siedgeWhose rocky shore beats back the envious siegeenvious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
R2 II.i.62
Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,Neptune
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
R2 II.i.63
bind in (v.)
make fast, secure, surround
With Inky blottes, and rotten Parchment bonds.With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds. R2 II.i.64
That England, that was wont to conquer others,That England that was wont to conquer otherswont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
R2 II.i.65
Hath made a shamefull conquest of it selfe.Hath made a shameful conquest of itself. R2 II.i.66
Ah! would the scandall vanish with my life,Ah, would the scandal vanish with my life, R2 II.i.67
How happy then were my ensuing death?How happy then were my ensuing death! R2 II.i.68
Enter King, Queene, Aumerle, Bushy, Enter King Richard, Queen Isabel, Aumerle, Bushy, R2 II.i.69.1
Greene, Bagot, Ros, and Willoughby.Green, Bagot, Ross, and Willoughby R2 II.i.69.2
Yor. YORK 
The King is come, deale mildly with his youth,The King is come. Deal mildly with his youth; R2 II.i.69
For young hot Colts, being rag'd, do rage the more.For young hot colts being raged do rage the more. R2 II.i.70
How fares our noble Vncle Lancaster?How fares our noble uncle Lancaster?fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
R2 II.i.71
What comfort man? How ist with aged Gaunt?What comfort, man? How is't with aged Gaunt? R2 II.i.72
Oh how that name befits my composition:O, how that name befits my composition!composition (n.)
constitution, make-up, state [of mind and body]
R2 II.i.73
Old Gaunt indeed, and gaunt in being old:Old Gaunt indeed, and gaunt in being old. R2 II.i.74
Within me greefe hath kept a tedious fast,Within me grief hath kept a tedious fast;tedious (adj.)
painful, irksome, harrowing
R2 II.i.75
And who abstaynes from meate, that is not gaunt?And who abstains from meat that is not gaunt?meat (n.)

old form: meate
food, nourishment
R2 II.i.76
For sleeping England long time haue I watcht,For sleeping England long time have I (v.)

old form: watcht
stay awake, keep vigil
R2 II.i.77
Watching breeds leannesse, leannesse is all gaunt.Watching breeds leanness; leanness is all gaunt.watching (n.)
wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigilance
R2 II.i.78
The pleasure that some Fathers feede vpon,The pleasure that some fathers feed upon R2 II.i.79
Is my strict fast, I meane my Childrens lookes,Is my strict fast – I mean my children's looks; R2 II.i.80
And therein fasting, hast thou made me gaunt:And therein fasting hast thou made me gaunt. R2 II.i.81
Gaunt am I for the graue, gaunt as a graue,Gaunt am I for the grave, gaunt as a grave, R2 II.i.82
Whose hollow wombe inherits naught but bones.Whose hollow womb inherits naught but bones.inherit (v.)
receive, obtain, come into possession [of]
R2 II.i.83
Can sicke men pIay so nicely with their names?Can sick men play so nicely with their names?nicely (adv.)
subtly, triflingly, fancifully
R2 II.i.84
No, misery makes sport to mocke it selfe:No, misery makes sport to mock (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
R2 II.i.85
Since thou dost seeke to kill my name in mec,Since thou dost seek to kill my name in me, R2 II.i.86
I mocke my name (great King) to flatter thee.I mock my name, great King, to flatter thee. R2 II.i.87
Should dying men flatter those that liue?Should dying men flatter with those that live?flatter with / withal (v.)
try to please, ingratiate oneself with
R2 II.i.88
No, no, men liuing flatter those that dye.No, no. Men living flatter those that die. R2 II.i.89
Thou now a dying, sayst thou flatter'st me.Thou now a-dying sayst thou flatterest me. R2 II.i.90
Oh no, thou dyest, though I the sicker be.O, no. Thou diest, though I the sicker be. R2 II.i.91
I am in health, I breath, I see thee ill.I am in health. I breathe, and see thee ill.ill (adj.)
sick, indisposed, unwell
R2 II.i.92
Now he that made me, knowes I see thee ill:Now he that made me knows I see thee ill;ill (adj.)
evil, wicked, immoral
R2 II.i.93
Ill in my selfe to see, and in thee, seeing ill,Ill in myself to see, and in thee seeing ill. R2 II.i.94
Thy death-bed is no lesser then the Land,Thy deathbed is no lesser than thy land, R2 II.i.95
Wherein thou lyest in reputation sicke,Wherein thou liest in reputation sick; R2 II.i.96
And thou too care-lesse patient as thou art,And thou, too careless patient as thou art, R2 II.i.97
Commit'st thy'anointed body to the cureCommittest thy anointed body to the cure R2 II.i.98
Of those Physitians, that first wounded thee. Of those ‘ physicians ’ that first wounded thee. R2 II.i.99
A thousand flatterers sit within thy Crowne,A thousand flatterers sit within thy crown, R2 II.i.100
Whose compasse is no bigger then thy head,Whose compass is no bigger than thy head,compass (n.)

old form: compasse
circle, circumference, bound
R2 II.i.101
And yet incaged in so small a Verge,And yet, encaged in so small a verge,verge (n.)
[unclear meaning] limit, bound; rim of metal; sphere of jurisdiction
R2 II.i.102
The waste is no whit lesser then thy Land:The waste is no whit lesser than thy land. R2 II.i.103
Oh had thy Grandsire with a Prophets eye,O, had thy grandsire with a prophet's eye R2 II.i.104
Seene how his sonnes sonne, should destroy his sonnes,Seen how his son's son should destroy his sons, R2 II.i.105
From forth thy reach he would haue laid thy shame,From forth thy reach he would have laid thy shame, R2 II.i.106
Deposing thee before thou wert possest,Deposing thee before thou wert possessed,possess (v.)

old form: possest
put in possession, endow
R2 II.i.107
Which art possest now to depose thy selfe.Which art possessed now to depose thyself.possessed (adj.)

old form: possest
mad, crazy, under demonic control
R2 II.i.108
Why (Cosine) were thou Regent of the world,Why, cousin, wert thou regent of the worldregent (n.)
ruler, governor, sovereign
R2 II.i.109
It were a shame to let his Land by lease:It were a shame to let this land by lease. R2 II.i.110
But for thy world enioying but this Land,But for thy world enjoying but this land, R2 II.i.111
Is it not more then shame, to shame it so?Is it not more than shame to shame it so? R2 II.i.112
Landlord of England art thou, and not King:Landlord of England art thou now, not king. R2 II.i.113
Thy state of Law, is bondslaue to the law,Thy state of law is bondslave to the law,bondslave (n.)

old form: bondslaue
slave, bondsman, person in a condition of servitude
R2 II.i.114
And---And thou –  R2 II.i.115.1
And thou, a lunaticke leane-witted foole, – a lunatic lean-witted fool, R2 II.i.115.2
Presuming on an Agues priuiledge,Presuming on an ague's privilege,ague (n.)
fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever]
R2 II.i.116
Dar'st with thy frozen admonitionDarest with thy frozen admonition R2 II.i.117
Make pale our cheeke, chafing the Royall bloodMake pale our cheek, chasing the royal blood R2 II.i.118
With fury, from his natiue residence?With fury from his native residence. R2 II.i.119
Now by my Seates right Royall Maiestie,Now by my seat's right royal majesty, R2 II.i.120
Wer't thou not Brother to great Edwards sonne,Wert thou not brother to great Edward's son, R2 II.i.121
This tongue that runs soroundly in thy head,This tongue that runs so roundly in thy headroundly (adv.)
bluntly, outspokenly; or: fluently, glibly
R2 II.i.122
Should run thy head from thy vnreuerent shoulders.Should run thy head from thy unreverent shoulders.unreverent (adj.)

old form: vnreuerent
irreverent, disrespectful, unseemly
R2 II.i.123
Oh spare me not, my brothers Edwards sonne,O, spare me not, my brother Edward's son, R2 II.i.124
For that I was his Father Edwards sonne:For that I was his father Edward's son. R2 II.i.125
That blood aIready (like the Pellican)That blood already, like the pelican, R2 II.i.126
Thou hast tapt out, and drunkenly carows'd.Hast thou tapped out and drunkenly caroused. R2 II.i.127
My brother Gloucester, plaine well meaning souleMy brother Gloucester, plain well-meaning soul –  R2 II.i.128
(Whom faire befall in heauen 'mongst happy soules)Whom fair befall in heaven 'mongst happy souls – fair (n.)

old form: faire
fortune, happiness, favour
R2 II.i.129
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
May be a president, and witnesse good,May be a precedent and witness goodprecedent (n.)

old form: president
worthy example, model to be followed [in mediaeval chivalry]
R2 II.i.130
That thou respect'st not spilling Edwards blood:That thou respectest not spilling Edward's blood.respect (v.)

old form: respect'st
scruple about, have qualms about
R2 II.i.131
Ioyne with the present sicknesse that I haue,Join with the present sickness that I have, R2 II.i.132
And thy vnkindnesse be like crooked age,And thy unkindness be like crooked age,unkindness (n.)

old form: vnkindnesse
unnatural behaviour, abnormal conduct
R2 II.i.133
To crop at once a too-long wither'd flowre.To crop at once a too-long withered flower.crop (v.)
cut down, remove, hack off
R2 II.i.134
Liue in thy shame, but dye not shame with thee,Live in thy shame, but die not shame with thee! R2 II.i.135
These words heereafter, thy tormentors bee.These words hereafter thy tormentors be! R2 II.i.136
Conuey me to my bed, then to my graue,Convey me to my bed, then to my grave. R2 II.i.137
Loue they to liue, that loue and honor haue. Love they to live that love and honour have. R2 II.i.138
ExitExit with Northumberland and attendants R2 II.i.138
And let them dye, that age and sullens haue,And let them die that age and sullens have;sullen (n.)
(plural) sullenness, gloomy mood, sulks
R2 II.i.139
For both hast thou, and both become the graue.For both hast thou, and both become the grave.become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
R2 II.i.140
Yor. YORK 
I do beseech your Maiestie impute his wordsI do beseech your majesty, impute his words R2 II.i.141
To wayward sicklinesse, and age in him:To wayward sickliness and age in him.wayward (adj.)
perverse, unreasonable, awkward
R2 II.i.142
He loues you on my life, and holds you deereHe loves you, on my life, and holds you dear R2 II.i.143
As Harry Duke of Herford, were he heere.As Harry, Duke of Hereford, were he here. R2 II.i.144
Right, you say true: as Herfords loue, so his;Right, you say true. As Hereford's love, so his. R2 II.i.145
As theirs, so mine: and all be as it is.As theirs, so mine; and all be as it is. R2 II.i.146
Enter Northumberland.Enter Northumberland R2 II.i.147.1
My Liege, olde Gaunt commends him to your Maiestie.My liege, old Gaunt commends him to your majesty.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
R2 II.i.147
commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
What sayes he?What says he? R2 II.i.148.1
Nay nothing, all is said:Nay, nothing. All is said. R2 II.i.148.2
His tongue is now a stringlesse instrument,His tongue is now a stringless instrument. R2 II.i.149
Words, life, and all, old Lancaster hath spent.Words, life, and all, old Lancaster hath spent. R2 II.i.150
Yor. YORK 
Be Yorke the next, that must be bankrupt so,Be York the next that must be bankrupt so!bancrout, bankrout, bankerout (n./adj./v.)

old form: bankrupt
R2 II.i.151
Though death be poore, it ends a mortall wo.Though death be poor, it ends a mortal woe. R2 II.i.152
The ripest fruit first fals, and so doth he,The ripest fruit first falls, and so doth he. R2 II.i.153
His time is spent, our pilgrimage must be:His time is spent, our pilgrimage must be. R2 II.i.154
So much for that. Now for our Irish warres,So much for that. Now for our Irish wars. R2 II.i.155
We must supplant those rough rug-headed Kernes,We must supplant those rough rug-headed kernsrug-headed (adj.)
shaggy-headed, shock-headed
R2 II.i.156
kern (n.)

old form: Kernes
lightly armed Irish foot-soldier
supplant (v.)
get rid of, root out
Which liue like venom, where no venom elseWhich live like venom where no venom else R2 II.i.157
But onely they, haue priuiledge to liue.But only they have privilege to live. R2 II.i.158
And for these great affayres do aske some chargeAnd for these great affairs do ask some charge,charge (n.)
expense, cost, outlay
R2 II.i.159
Towards our assistance, we do seize to vsTowards our assistance we do seize to us R2 II.i.160
The plate, coine, reuennewes, and moueables,The plate, coin, revenues, and movables R2 II.i.161
Whereof our Vncle Gaunt did stand possest.Whereof our uncle Gaunt did stand possessed. R2 II.i.162
Yor. YORK 
How long shall I be patient? Oh how longHow long shall I be patient? Ah, how long R2 II.i.163
Shall tender dutie make me suffer wrong?Shall tender duty make me suffer wrong?suffer (v.)
put up with, tolerate, do nothing about
R2 II.i.164
Not Glousters death, nor Herfords banishment,Not Gloucester's death, nor Hereford's banishment, R2 II.i.165
Nor Gauntes rebukes, nor Englands priuate wrongs,Not Gaunt's rebukes, nor England's private wrongs,rebuke (n.)
insult, shame, reproach
R2 II.i.166
Nor the preuention of poore Bullingbrooke,Nor the prevention of poor Bolingbroke R2 II.i.167
About his marriage, nor my owne disgraceAbout his marriage, nor my own disgrace, R2 II.i.168
Haue euer made me sowre my patient cheeke,Have ever made me sour my patient cheeksour (v.)

old form: sowre
give a morose expression, make sullen
R2 II.i.169
Or bend one wrinckle on my Soueraignes face:Or bend one wrinkle on my sovereign's face.wrinkle (n.)

old form: wrinckle
frown, disapproving look
R2 II.i.170
bend (v.)
[of brows] knit, wrinkle, frown
I am the last of noble Edwards sonnes,I am the last of noble Edward's sons, R2 II.i.171
Of whom thy Father Prince of Wales was first,Of whom thy father, Prince of Wales, was first. R2 II.i.172
In warre was neuer Lyon rag'd more fierce:In war was never lion raged more fierce, R2 II.i.173
In peace, was neuer gentle Lambe more milde,In peace was never gentle lamb more mildgentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
R2 II.i.174
Then was that yong and Princely Gentleman,Than was that young and princely gentleman. R2 II.i.175
His face thou hast, for euen so look'd heHis face thou hast; for even so looked he R2 II.i.176
Accomplish'd with the number of thy howers:Accomplished with the number of thy hours;accomplish (v.)

old form: Accomplish'd
equip, provide, furnish
R2 II.i.177
But when he frown'd, it was against the French,But when he frowned it was against the French, R2 II.i.178
And not against his friends: his noble handAnd not against his friends. His noble hand R2 II.i.179
Did win what he did spend: and spent not thatDid win what he did spend, and spent not that R2 II.i.180
Which his triumphant fathers hand had won:Which his triumphant father's hand had won. R2 II.i.181
His hands were guilty of no kindreds blood,His hands were guilty of no kindred blood, R2 II.i.182
But bloody with the enemies of his kinne:But bloody with the enemies of his kin. R2 II.i.183
Oh Richard, Yorke is too farre gone with greefe,O, Richard! York is too far gone with grief, R2 II.i.184
Or else he neuer would compare betweene.Or else he never would compare between. R2 II.i.185
Why Vncle, / What's the matter?Why, uncle, what's the matter? R2 II.i.186.1
Yor. YORK 
Oh my Liege, O, my liege, R2 II.i.186.2
pardon me if you please, if not / I pleas'd Pardon me if you please. If not, I, pleased R2 II.i.187
not to be pardon'd, am content with all:Not to be pardoned, am content withal.content (adj.)
contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed
R2 II.i.188
Seeke you to seize, and gripe into your handsSeek you to seize and grip into your handsgripe (v.)
clutch, grasp, seize
R2 II.i.189
The Royalties and Rights of banish'd Herford?The royalties and rights of banished Hereford?royalty (n.)
right granted by a monarch, royal prerogative
R2 II.i.190
Is not Gaunt dead? and doth not Herford liue?Is not Gaunt dead? And doth not Hereford live? R2 II.i.191
Was not Gaunt iust? and is not Harry true?Was not Gaunt just? And is not Harry true?true (adj.)
true to one's promise, faithful to one's undertaking
R2 II.i.192
Did not the one deserue to haue an heyre?Did not the one deserve to have an heir? R2 II.i.193
Is not his heyre a well-deseruing sonne?Is not his heir a well-deserving son? R2 II.i.194
Take Herfords rights away, and take from timeTake Hereford's rights away, and take from Time R2 II.i.195
His Charters, and his customarie rights:His charters and his customary rights. R2 II.i.196
Let not to morrow then insue to day,Let not tomorrow then ensue today.ensue (v.)

old form: insue
follow [especially, as a logical outcome]
R2 II.i.197
Be not thy selfe. For how art thou a KingBe not thyself; for how art thou a king R2 II.i.198
But by faire sequence and succession?But by fair sequence and succession?sequence (n.)
proper lineal order, order of succession
R2 II.i.199
Now afore God, God forbid I say true,Now afore God – God forbid I say true – afore, 'fore (prep.)
before, in front of
R2 II.i.200
If you do wrongfully seize Herfords right,If you do wrongfully seize Hereford's rights, R2 II.i.201
Call in his Letters Patents that he hathCall in the letters patent that he hath R2 II.i.202
By his Atrurneyes generall, to sueBy his attorneys general to suesue one's livery

old form: Liuerie
institute a suit to obtain possession of land
R2 II.i.203
attorney general (n.)legally appointed deputy
His Liuerie, and denie his offer'd homage,His livery, and deny his offered homage,deny (v.)

old form: denie
refuse, rebuff, reject
R2 II.i.204
You plucke a thousand dangers on your head,You pluck a thousand dangers on your head, R2 II.i.205
You loose a thousand well-disposed hearts,You lose a thousand well-disposed hearts, R2 II.i.206
And pricke my tender patience to those thoughtsAnd prick my tender patience to those thoughts R2 II.i.207
Which honor and allegeance cannot thinke.Which honour and allegiance cannot think. R2 II.i.208
Thinke what you will: we seise into our hands,Think what you will, we seize into our hands R2 II.i.209
His plate, his goods, his money, and his lands.His plate, his goods, his money, and his lands. R2 II.i.210
Yor. YORK 
Ile not be by the while: My Liege farewell,I'll not be by the while. My liege, farewell. R2 II.i.211
What will ensue heereof, there's none can tell.What will ensue hereof there's none can tell; R2 II.i.212
But by bad courses may be vnderstood,But by bad courses may be understoodcourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
R2 II.i.213
That their euents can neuer fall out good. That their events can never fall out good.event (n.)

old form: euents
outcome, issue, consequence
R2 II.i.214
Exit.Exit R2 II.i.214
Go Bushie to the Earle of Wiltshire streight,Go, Bushy, to the Earl of Wiltshire straight,straight (adv.)

old form: streight
straightaway, immediately, at once
R2 II.i.215
Bid him repaire to vs to Ely house,Bid him repair to us to Ely Houserepair (v.)

old form: repaire
come, go, make one's way
R2 II.i.216
To see this businesse: to morrow nextTo see this business. Tomorrow nextsee (v.)
see to, manage, attend to
R2 II.i.217
We will for Ireland, and 'tis time, I trow:We will for Ireland, and 'tis time I trow.trow (v.)
think, be sure
R2 II.i.218
And we create in absence of our selfeAnd we create in absence of ourself R2 II.i.219
Our Vncle Yorke, Lord Gouernor of England:Our uncle York Lord Governor of England; R2 II.i.220
For he is iust, and alwayes lou'd vs well.For he is just, and always loved us well. R2 II.i.221
Come on our Queene, to morrow must we part,Come on, our Queen; tomorrow must we part. R2 II.i.222
Be merry, for our time of stay is short. Be merry; for our time of stay is short. R2 II.i.223
Flourish.Flourish. Exeunt King Richard and Queen Isabel. R2 II.i.224.1
Manet North. Willoughby, & Ross.Northumberland, Willoughby, and Ross remain R2 II.i.224.2
Well Lords, the Duke of Lancaster is dead.Well, lords, the Duke of Lancaster is dead. R2 II.i.224
Ross. ROSS 
And liuing too, for now his sonne is Duke.And living too; for now his son is duke. R2 II.i.225
Barely in title, not in reuennew.Barely in title, not in revenues. R2 II.i.226
Richly in both, if iustice had her right.Richly in both if justice had her right. R2 II.i.227
Ross. ROSS 
My heart is great: but it must break with silence,My heart is great, but it must break with silencegreat (adj.)
full of emotion
R2 II.i.228
Er't be disburthen'd with a liberall tongue.Ere't be disburdened with a liberal tongue.liberal (adj.)

old form: liberall
indiscreet, imprudent
R2 II.i.229
Nay speake thy mind: & let him ne'r speak moreNay, speak thy mind; and let him ne'er speak more R2 II.i.230
That speakes thy words againe to do thee harme.That speaks thy words again to do thee harm. R2 II.i.231
Tends that thou'dst speake to th'Du. of Hereford,Tends that thou wouldst speak to the Duke of Hereford?tend (v.)
relate, refer, be relevant
R2 II.i.232
If it be so, out with it boldly man,If it be so, out with it boldly, man! R2 II.i.233
Quicke is mine eare to heare of good towards him.Quick is mine ear to hear of good towards him. R2 II.i.234
Ross. ROSS 
No good at all that I can do for him,No good at all that I can do for him, R2 II.i.235
Vnlesse you call it good to pitie him,Unless you call it good to pity him, R2 II.i.236
Bereft and gelded of his patrimonie.Bereft and gelded of his patrimony.geld (v.), past forms gelded, gelt
deprive, strip, dispossess
R2 II.i.237
Now afore heauen, 'tis shame such wrongs are borne,Now, afore God, 'tis shame such wrongs are borne R2 II.i.238
In him a royall Prince, and many moeIn him, a royal prince, and many moremo, moe (adj.)
more [in number]
R2 II.i.239
Of noble blood in this declining Land;Of noble blood in this declining land. R2 II.i.240
The King is not himselfe, but basely ledThe King is not himself, but basely ledbasely (adv.)
dishonourably, shamefully, ignominiously
R2 II.i.241
By Flatterers, and what they will informeBy flatterers; and what they will inform R2 II.i.242
Meerely in hate 'gainst any of vs all,Merely in hate 'gainst any of us all,merely (adv.)

old form: Meerely
completely, totally, entirely
R2 II.i.243
merely (adv.)

old form: Meerely
purely, for no other reason than
That will the King seuerely prosecuteThat will the King severely prosecute R2 II.i.244
'Gainst vs, our liues, our children, and our heires. 'Gainst us, our lives, our children, and our heirs. R2 II.i.245
Ros. ROSS 
The Commons hath he pil'd with greeuous taxesThe commons hath he pilled with grievous taxes,pill (v.)

old form: pil'd
pillage, plunder, rob
R2 II.i.246
commons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
And quite lost their hearts: the Nobles hath he findeAnd quite lost their hearts. The nobles hath he fined R2 II.i.247
For ancient quarrels, and quite lost their hearts.For ancient quarrels, and quite lost their hearts. R2 II.i.248
And daily new exactions are deuis'd,And daily new exactions are devised,exaction (n.)
extortionate taxation, exorbitant demand
R2 II.i.249
As blankes, beneuolences, and I wot not what:As blanks, benevolences, and I wot not what.wot (v.)
learn, know, be told
R2 II.i.250
benevolence (n.)

old form: beneuolences
forced loan, imposed contribution
blank charter, blank (n.)

old form: blankes
promissory document with the amount to pay left open
But what o'Gods name doth become of this?But what o' God's name doth become of this? R2 II.i.251
Wars hath not wasted it, for war'd he hath not.Wars hath not wasted it; for warred he hath not, R2 II.i.252
But basely yeelded vpon comprimize,But basely yielded upon compromisebasely (adv.)
dishonourably, shamefully, ignominiously
R2 II.i.253
compromise (n.)

old form: comprimize
settlement, solution, amicable arrangement
That which his Ancestors atchieu'd with blowes:That which his noble ancestors achieved with blows. R2 II.i.254
More hath he spent in peace, then they in warres.More hath he spent in peace than they in wars. R2 II.i.255
Ros. ROSS 
The Earle of Wiltshire hath the realme in Farme.The Earl of Wiltshire hath the realm in, in

old form: Farme
farmed out, to let, rented out
R2 II.i.256
The Kings growne bankrupt like a broken man.The King's grown bankrupt like a broken man.bancrout, bankrout, bankerout (n./adj./v.)

old form: bankrupt
R2 II.i.257
Reproach, and dissolution hangeth ouer him.Reproach and dissolution hangeth over him.dissolution (n.)
total destruction, disintegration
R2 II.i.258
Ros. ROSS 
He hath not monie for these Irish warres:He hath not money for these Irish wars –  R2 II.i.259
(His burthenous taxations notwithstanding)His burdenous taxations notwithstanding – burdenous (adj.)

old form: burthenous
burdensome, onerous, oppressive
R2 II.i.260
But by the robbing of the banish'd Duke.But by the robbing of the banished Duke. R2 II.i.261
His noble Kinsman, most degenerate King:His noble kinsman! – most degenerate King! R2 II.i.262
But Lords, we heare this fearefull tempest sing,But, lords, we hear this fearful tempest sing R2 II.i.263
Yet seeke no shelter to auoid the storme:Yet see no shelter to avoid the storm. R2 II.i.264
We see the winde sit sore vpon our salles,We see the wind sit sore upon our sails R2 II.i.265
And yet we strike not, but securely perish.And yet we strike not, but securely perish.strike (v.)
[of sails] lower, take down [especially before a mightier vessel]
R2 II.i.266
securely (adv.)
over-confidently, carelessly, heedlessly
Ros. ROSS 
We see the very wracke that we must suffer,We see the very wrack that we must suffer,wrack (n.)

old form: wracke
wreck, loss, shipwreck
R2 II.i.267
And vnauoyded is the danger nowAnd unavoided is the danger nowunavoided (adj.)

old form: vnauoyded
unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable
R2 II.i.268
For suffering so the causes of our wracke.For suffering so the causes of our wrack.suffer (v.)
put up with, tolerate, do nothing about
R2 II.i.269
Not so: euen through the hollow eyes of death,Not so. Even through the hollow eyes of deatheye (n.)
R2 II.i.270
I spie life peering: but I dare not sayI spy life peering; but I dare not say R2 II.i.271
How neere the tidings of our comfort is.How near the tidings of our comfort is. R2 II.i.272
Nay let vs share thy thoughts, as thou dost oursNay, let us share thy thoughts, as thou dost ours. R2 II.i.273
Ros. ROSS 
Be confident to speake Northumberland,Be confident to speak, Northumberland. R2 II.i.274
We three, are but thy selfe, and speaking so,We three are but thyself; and speaking so R2 II.i.275
Thy words are but as thoughts, therefore be bold.Thy words are but as thoughts. Therefore be bold. R2 II.i.276
Then thus: I haue from Port le BlanThen thus: I have from Le Port Blanc, R2 II.i.277
A Bay in Britaine, receiu'd intelligence,A bay in Brittaine, received intelligenceBrittaine, Britaine, Brittayne (n.)
Brittany, NW France
R2 II.i.278
That Harry Duke of Herford, Rainald Lord Cobham,That Harry Duke of Hereford, Rainold Lord Cobham, R2 II.i.279
The son of Richard Earl of Arundel R2 II.i.280
That late broke from the Duke of Exeter,That late broke from the Duke of Exeter,break (v.)
escape, break free, get away
R2 II.i.281
His brother Archbishop, late of Canterbury,His brother, Archbishop late of Canterbury, R2 II.i.282
Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir Iohn Rainston,Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir John Ramston, R2 II.i.283
Sir Iohn Norberie, Sir Robert Waterton, & Francis Quoint,Sir John Norbery, Sir Robert Waterton, and Francis Coint, R2 II.i.284
All these well furnish'd by the Duke of Britaine,All these well-furnished by the Duke of Brittaine R2 II.i.285
With eight tall ships, three thousand men of warreWith eight tall ships, three thousand men of war,tall (adj.)
large, fine, grand
R2 II.i.286
Are making hither with all due expedience,Are making hither with all due expedience,expedience (n.)
speed, haste, dispatch
R2 II.i.287
And shortly meane to touch our Northerne shore:And shortly mean to touch our northern shore.touch (v.)
land at, arrive at, visit
R2 II.i.288
Perhaps they had ere this, but that they stayPerhaps they had ere this, but that they staystay (v.)
wait (for), await
R2 II.i.289
The first departing of the King for Ireland.The first departing of the King for Ireland. R2 II.i.290
If then we shall shake off our slauish yoake,If then we shall shake off our slavish yoke, R2 II.i.291
Impe out our drooping Countries broken wing,Imp out our drooping country's broken wing,imp out (v.)

old form: Impe
[of a falcon's wing] repair, insert feathers into
R2 II.i.292
Redeeme from broaking pawne the blemish'd Crowne,Redeem from broking pawn the blemished crown,broking (adj.)

old form: broaking
acting as a broker, bargain-dealing
R2 II.i.293
Wipe off the dust that hides our Scepters gilt,Wipe off the dust that hides our sceptre's gilt, R2 II.i.294
And make high Maiestie looke like it selfe,And make high majesty look like itself, R2 II.i.295
Away with me in poste to Rauenspurgh,Away with me in post to, in
in haste, at top speed
R2 II.i.296
But if you faint, as fearing to do so,But if you faint, as fearing to do so, R2 II.i.297
Stay, and be secret, and my selfe will go.Stay, and be secret; and myself will go. R2 II.i.298
Ros. ROSS 
To horse, to horse, vrge doubts to them yt feare.To horse, to horse. Urge doubts to them that fear. R2 II.i.299
Hold out my horse, and I will first be there.Hold out my horse, and I will first be there. R2 II.i.300
Exeunt.Exeunt R2 II.i.300
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