First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Leonato, his brother, his wife, Hero his daughter, and | Enter Leonato, Antonio, Hero, Beatrice, Margaret, | | MA II.i.1.1 | |
Beatrice his neece, and a kinsman. | and Ursula | | MA II.i.1.2 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
Was not Count Iohn here at supper? | Was not Count John here at supper? | | MA II.i.1 | |
Brother. | ANTONIO | | | |
I saw him not. | I saw him not. | | MA II.i.2 | |
Beatrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
How tartly that Gentleman lookes, I neuer can see | How tartly that gentleman looks! I never can see | tartly (adv.) sourly, grouchily, with a bitter demeanour | MA II.i.3 | |
him, but I am heart-burn'd an howre after. | him but I am heart-burned an hour after. | | MA II.i.4 | |
Hero. | HERO | | | |
He is of a very melancholy disposition. | He is of a very melancholy disposition. | | MA II.i.5 | |
Beatrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
Hee were an excellent man that were made iust | He were an excellent man that were made just | | MA II.i.6 | |
in the mid-way betweene him and Benedicke, the one is | in the midway between him and Benedick; the one is | | MA II.i.7 | |
too like an image and saies nothing, and the other too | too like an image and says nothing, and the other too | image (n.) effigy, statue, sculpture | MA II.i.8 | |
like my Ladies eldest sonne, euermore tatling. | like my lady's eldest son, evermore tattling. | | MA II.i.9 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Then halfe signior Benedicks tongue in Count | Then half Signor Benedick's tongue in Count | | MA II.i.10 | |
Iohns mouth, and halfe Count Iohns melancholy in | John's mouth, and half Count John's melancholy in | | MA II.i.11 | |
Signior Benedicks face. | Signor Benedick's face – | | MA II.i.12 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
With a good legge, and a good foot vnckle, and | With a good leg and a good foot, uncle, and | | MA II.i.13 | |
money enough in his purse, such a man would winne any | money enough in his purse, such a man would win any | | MA II.i.14 | |
woman in the world, if he could get her good will. | woman in the world, if 'a could get her good will. | | MA II.i.15 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
By my troth Neece, thou wilt neuer get thee a | By my troth, niece, thou wilt never get thee a | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | MA II.i.16 | |
husband, if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue. | husband if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue. | shrewd (adj.) harsh, hard, severe | MA II.i.17 | |
Brother. | ANTONIO | | | |
Infaith shee's too curst. | In faith, she's too curst. | curst (adj.) bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross | MA II.i.18 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Too curst is more then curst, I shall lessen | Too curst is more than curst. I shall lessen | | MA II.i.19 | |
Gods sending that way: for it is said, God sends a curst | God's sending that way; for it is said, ‘ God sends a curst | | MA II.i.20 | |
Cow short hornes, but to a Cow too curst he sends none. | cow short horns ’, but to a cow too curst he sends none. | | MA II.i.21 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
So, by being too curst, God will send you no | So, by being too curst, God will send you no | | MA II.i.22 | |
hornes. | horns. | | MA II.i.23 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Iust, if he send me no husband, for the which | Just, if he send me no husband; for the which | just (adv.) quite so, correct | MA II.i.24 | |
blessing, I am at him vpon my knees euery morning and | blessing I am at him upon my knees every morning and | | MA II.i.25 | |
euening: Lord, I could not endure a husband with a | evening. Lord, I could not endure a husband with a | | MA II.i.26 | |
beard on his face, I had rather lie in the woollen. | beard on his face! I had rather lie in the woollen. | woollen, lie in the sleep in rough blankets | MA II.i.27 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
You may light vpon a husband that hath no beard. | You may light on a husband that hath no beard. | | MA II.i.28 | |
Batrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
What should I doe with him? dresse him in my | What should I do with him? Dress him in my | | MA II.i.29 | |
apparell, and make him my waiting gentlewoman? he | apparel and make him my waiting-gentlewoman? He | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | MA II.i.30 | |
that hath a beard, is more then a youth: and he that hath | that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath | | MA II.i.31 | |
no beard, is lesse then a man: and hee that is more then a | no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a | | MA II.i.32 | |
youth, is not for mee: and he that is lesse then a man, I am | youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am | | MA II.i.33 | |
not for him: therefore I will euen take sixepence in | not for him. Therefore I will even take sixpence in | | MA II.i.34 | |
earnest of the Berrord, and leade his Apes into hell. | earnest of the bear-ward, and lead his apes into hell. | earnest (n.) pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance | MA II.i.35 | |
| | bearherd, bear-herd, bearard, bearward, berrord (n.) bear-keeper, bear-handler [for dancing or baiting] | | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Well then, goe you into hell. | Well, then, go you into hell? | | MA II.i.36 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
No, but to the gate, and there will the Deuill | No, but to the gate; and there will the devil | | MA II.i.37 | |
meete mee like an old Cuckold with hornes on his head, | meet me, like an old cuckold with horns on his head, | cuckold (n.) [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife | MA II.i.38 | |
and say, get you to heauen Beatrice, get you to heauen, | and say ‘ Get you to heaven, Beatrice, get you to heaven; | | MA II.i.39 | |
heere's no place for you maids, so deliuer I vp my Apes, | here's no place for you maids.’ So deliver I up my apes, | | MA II.i.40 | |
and away to S. Peter: for the heauens, hee shewes mee | and away to Saint Peter for the heavens; he shows me | | MA II.i.41 | |
where the Batchellers sit, and there liue wee as merry as | where the bachelors sit, and there live we as merry as | bachelor (n.) unmarried person [man or woman] | MA II.i.42 | |
the day is long. | the day is long. | | MA II.i.43 | |
Brother. | ANTONIO | | | |
| (to Hero) | | MA II.i.44 | |
Well neece, I trust you will be rul'd | Well, niece, I trust you will be ruled | | MA II.i.44 | |
by your father. | by your father. | | MA II.i.45 | |
Beatrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
Yes faith, it is my cosens dutie to make | Yes, faith; it is my cousin's duty to make | | MA II.i.46 | |
curtsie, and say, as it please you: but yet for all | curtsy and say, ‘ Father, as it please you.’ But yet for all | courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.) curtsy, bow, gesture of respect | MA II.i.47 | |
that cosin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make | that, cousin, let him be a handsome fellow, or else make | | MA II.i.48 | |
an other cursie, and say, father, as it please me. | another curtsy and say, ‘ Father, as it please me.’ | | MA II.i.49 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
Well neece, I hope to see you one day fitted with | Well, niece, I hope to see you one day fitted with | | MA II.i.50 | |
a husband. | a husband. | | MA II.i.51 | |
Beatrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
Not till God make men of some other mettall | Not till God make men of some other metal | metal (n.) substance, material, fabric | MA II.i.52 | |
then earth, would it not grieue a woman to be | than earth. Would it not grieve a woman to be | | MA II.i.53 | |
ouermastred with a peece of valiant dust? to make | overmastered with a pierce of valiant dust? To make an | | MA II.i.54 | |
account of her life to a clod of waiward marle? no | account of her life to a clod of wayward marl? No, | marl (n.) clay, earth, loam | MA II.i.55 | |
vnckle, ile none: Adams sonnes are my brethren, and | uncle, I'll none. Adam's sons are my brethren, and, | Adam (n.) in the Bible, the first human being, in the Garden of Eden, who disobeyed God | MA II.i.56 | |
truly I hold it a sinne to match in my kinred. | truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kindred. | match (v.) join in marriage, make a match | MA II.i.57 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Daughter, remember what I told you, if the | Daughter, remember what I told you. If the | | MA II.i.58 | |
Prince doe solicit you in that kinde, you know your | Prince do solicit you in that kind, you know your | kind (n.) manner, way, state | MA II.i.59 | |
answere. | answer. | | MA II.i.60 | |
Beatrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
The fault will be in the musicke cosin, if you | The fault will be in the music, cousin, if you | | MA II.i.61 | |
be not woed in good time: if the Prince bee too important, | be not wooed in good time. If the Prince be too important, | important (adj.) urgent, pressing, demanding, importunate | MA II.i.62 | |
tell him there is measure in euery thing, & so dance | tell him there is measure in everything and so dance | measure (n.) limit, moderation, extent not to be exceeded | MA II.i.63 | |
out the answere, for heare me Hero, wooing, wedding, | out the answer. For hear me, Hero: wooing, wedding, | | MA II.i.64 | |
& repenting, is as a Scotch ijgge, a measure, and a | and repenting, is as a Scotch jig, a measure, and a | measure (n.) slow stately dance, graceful movement | MA II.i.65 | |
| | jig (n.) lively song; frivolous dance | | |
cinque-pace: the first suite is hot and hasty like a Scotch | cinquepace; the first suit is hot and hasty, like a Scotch | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | MA II.i.66 | |
| | cinquepace (n.) five-step capering dance | | |
ijgge (and full as fantasticall) the wedding manerly modest, | jig, and full as fantastical; the wedding, mannerly-modest, | fantastical (adj.) fanciful, imaginative, full of wild ideas | MA II.i.67 | |
(as a measure) full of state & aunchentry, and | as a measure, full of state and ancientry; and | state (n.) splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity | MA II.i.68 | |
| | ancientry (n.) decorum, old-fashioned formality, ancient dignity | | |
then comes repentance, and with his bad legs falls into | then comes repentance and, with his bad legs, falls into | | MA II.i.69 | |
the cinque-pace faster and faster, till he sinkes into his | the cinquepace faster and faster, till he sink into his | | MA II.i.70 | |
graue. | grave. | | MA II.i.71 | |
Leonata. | LEONATO | | | |
Cosin you apprehend passing shrewdly. | Cousin, you apprehend passing shrewdly. | passing (adv.) very, exceedingly, extremely | MA II.i.72 | |
| | apprehend (v.) perceive the significance, discern, grasp the matter [of] | | |
Beatrice. | BEATRICE | | | |
I haue a good eye vnckle, I can see a Church | I have a good eye, uncle; I can see a church | | MA II.i.73 | |
by daylight. | by daylight. | | MA II.i.74 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
The reuellers are entring brother, make good | The revellers are entering, brother; make good | | MA II.i.75 | |
roome. | room. | | MA II.i.76 | |
| All put on their masks | | MA II.i.77.1 | |
Enter Prince, Pedro, Claudio, and Benedicke, and Balthasar, or dumbe | Enter Don Pedro, Claudio, Benedick, Balthasar, Don | | MA II.i.77.2 | |
Iohn, Maskers with a drum. | John, Borachio, and others, as masquers, with a drum | | MA II.i.77.3 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Lady, will you walke about with your friend? | Lady, will you walk a bout with your friend? | friend (n.) lover, sweetheart, suitor | MA II.i.77 | |
| | bout (n.) round, turn of the floor, division of a dance | | |
Hero. | HERO | | | |
So you walke softly, and looke sweetly, and say | So you walk softly, and look sweetly, and say | | MA II.i.78 | |
nothing, I am yours for the walke, and especially when | nothing, I am yours for the walk; and especially when | | MA II.i.79 | |
I walke away. | I walk away. | | MA II.i.80 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
With me in your company. | With me in your company? | | MA II.i.81 | |
Hero. | HERO | | | |
I may say so when I please. | I may say so, when I please. | | MA II.i.82 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
And when please you to say so? | And when please you to say so? | | MA II.i.83 | |
Hero. | HERO | | | |
When I like your fauour, for God defend the Lute | When I like your favour; for God defend the lute | favour (n.) [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks | MA II.i.84 | |
| | defend (v.) forbid, prohibit | | |
should be like the case. | should be like the case! | case (n.) holder, covering, receptacle | MA II.i.85 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
My visor is Philemons roofe, within the house is Loue. | My visor is Philemon's roof; within the house is Jove. | visor (n.) mask | MA II.i.86 | |
| | Philemon (n.) [pron: fiy'leemon] peasant who, with his wife Baucis, entertained Jupiter and Mercury when they visited the Earth to test people's hospitality | | |
| | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | | |
Hero. | HERO | | | |
Why then your visor should be thatcht. | Why, then, your visor should be thatched. | | MA II.i.87.1 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Speake low if you speake | Speak low, if you speak love. | | MA II.i.87.2 | |
Loue. | He draws her aside | | MA II.i.87 | |
Bene. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Well, I would you did like me. | Well, I would you did like me. | | MA II.i.88 | |
Mar. | MARGARET | | | |
So would not I for your owne sake, for I haue | So would not I, for your own sake; for I have | | MA II.i.89 | |
manie ill qualities. | many ill qualities. | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | MA II.i.90 | |
Bene. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Which is one? | Which is one? | | MA II.i.91 | |
Mar. | MARGARET | | | |
I say my prayers alowd. | I say my prayers aloud. | | MA II.i.92 | |
Ben. | BALTHASAR | | | |
I loue you the better, the hearers may cry | I love you the better; the hearers may cry | | MA II.i.93 | |
Amen. | Amen. | | MA II.i.94 | |
Mar. | MARGARET | | | |
God match me with a good dauncer. | God match me with a good dancer! | | MA II.i.95 | |
Balt. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Amen. | Amen. | | MA II.i.96 | |
Mar. | MARGARET | | | |
And God keepe him out of my sight when the | And God keep him out of my sight when the | | MA II.i.97 | |
daunce is done: answer Clarke. | dance is done! Answer, clerk. | clerk (n.) parish clerk, prayer-leader | MA II.i.98 | |
Balt. | BALTHASAR | | | |
No more words, the Clarke is answered. | No more words; the clerk is answered. | | MA II.i.99 | |
Vrsula. | URSULA | | | |
I know you well enough, you are Signior Anthonio. | I know you well enough; you are Signor Antonio. | | MA II.i.100 | |
Anth. | ANTONIO | | | |
At a word, I am not. | At a word, I am not. | word, at a in a word, once and for all, in short | MA II.i.101 | |
Vrsula. | URSULA | | | |
I know you by the wagling of your head. | I know you by the waggling of your head. | | MA II.i.102 | |
Anth. | ANTONIO | | | |
To tell you true, I counterfet him. | To tell you true, I counterfeit him. | counterfeit (v.) copy, imitate, simulate | MA II.i.103 | |
Vrsu. | URSULA | | | |
You could neuer doe him so ill well, vnlesse you | You could never do him so ill-well unless you | ill-well (adv.) wickedly well, cruelly accurately | MA II.i.104 | |
| | do (v.) perform, play one's part, act | | |
were the very man: here's his dry hand vp & down, | were the very man. Here's his dry hand up and down; | up and down (adv.) exactly, completely, in every respect | MA II.i.105 | |
| | dry (adj.) dried, withered, shrivelled | | |
you are he, you are he. | you are he, you are he. | | MA II.i.106 | |
Anth. | ANTONIO | | | |
At a word I am not. | At a word, I am not. | | MA II.i.107 | |
Vrsula. | URSULA | | | |
Come, come, doe you thinke I doe not know you by | Come, come, do you think I do not know you by | | MA II.i.108 | |
your excellent wit? can vertue hide it selfe? goe to, mumme, | your excellent wit? Can virtue hide itself? Go to, mum, | mum (int.) be quiet, shush | MA II.i.109 | |
| | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | | |
you are he, graces will appeare, and there's an end. | you are he; graces will appear, and there's an end. | | MA II.i.110 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Will you not tell me who told you so? | Will you not tell me who told you so? | | MA II.i.111 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
No, you shall pardon me. | No, you shall pardon me. | pardon (v.) excuse, give permission to | MA II.i.112 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Nor will you not tell me who you are? | Nor will you not tell me who you are? | | MA II.i.113 | |
Bened. | BENEDICK | | | |
Not now. | Not now. | | MA II.i.114 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
That I was disdainfull, and that I had my good | That I was disdainful, and that I had my good | | MA II.i.115 | |
wit out of the hundred merry tales: well, this was | wit out of the ‘ Hundred Merry Tales ’ – well, this was | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | MA II.i.116 | |
Signior Benedicke that said so. | Signor Benedick that said so. | | MA II.i.117 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
What's he? | What's he? | | MA II.i.118 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
I am sure you know him well enough. | I am sure you know him well enough. | | MA II.i.119 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
Not I, beleeue me. | Not I, believe me. | | MA II.i.120 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Did he neuer make you laugh? | Did he never make you laugh? | | MA II.i.121 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
I pray you what is he? | I pray you, what is he? | | MA II.i.122 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Why he is the Princes ieaster, a very dull foole, | Why, he is the Prince's jester, a very dull fool; | | MA II.i.123 | |
onely his gift is, in deuising impossible slanders, none but | only his gift is in devising impossible slanders. None but | impossible (adj.) incredible, inconceivable, preposterous | MA II.i.124 | |
Libertines delight in him, and the commendation is not | libertines delight in him, and the commendation is not | libertine (n.) debaucher, reprobate, dissolute | MA II.i.125 | |
in his witte, but in his villanie, for hee both pleaseth men | in his wit, but in his villainy; for he both pleases men | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | MA II.i.126 | |
| | villainy (n.) coarseness, boorishness, discourtesy | | |
and angers them, and then they laugh at him, and beat | and angers them, and then they laugh at him and beat | | MA II.i.127 | |
him: I am sure he is in the Fleet, I would he had boorded | him. I am sure he is in the fleet; I would he had boarded | fleet (n.) dancing company, group, assembly | MA II.i.128 | |
| | board (v.) accost, address, approach, tackle | | |
me. | me. | | MA II.i.129 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
When I know the Gentleman, Ile tell him what | When I know the gentleman, I'll tell him what | | MA II.i.130 | |
you say. | you say. | | MA II.i.131 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Do, do, hee'l but breake a comparison or two | Do, do; he'll but break a comparison or two | break (v.) speak, exchange | MA II.i.132 | |
| | comparison (n.) jibing allusion, scoffing analogy | | |
on me, which peraduenture (not markt, or not laugh'd | on me, which, peradventure not marked or not laughed | peradventure (adv.) perhaps, maybe, very likely | MA II.i.133 | |
| | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | | |
at) strikes him into melancholly, and then there's a | at, strikes him into melancholy; and then there's a | | MA II.i.134 | |
Partridge wing saued, for the foole will eate no supper | partridge wing saved, for the fool will eat no supper | | MA II.i.135 | |
that night. | that night. | | MA II.i.136 | |
| Music for the dance | | MA II.i.136 | |
We must follow the Leaders. | We must follow the leaders. | | MA II.i.137 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
In euery good thing. | In every good thing. | | MA II.i.138 | |
Bea. | BEATRICE | | | |
Nay, if they leade to any ill, I will leaue them at | Nay, if they lead to any ill, I will leave them at | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | MA II.i.139 | |
the next turning. | the next turning. | | MA II.i.140 | |
Exeunt. Musicke for the dance. | Exeunt all dancing, except Don John, Borachio, and Claudio | | MA II.i.140 | |
Iohn. | DON JOHN | | | |
Sure my brother is amorous on Hero, and hath | Sure my brother is amorous on Hero and hath | | MA II.i.141 | |
withdrawne her father to breake with him about it: the | withdrawn her father to break with him about it. The | break (v.) broach a matter, speak | MA II.i.142 | |
Ladies follow her, and but one visor remaines. | ladies follow her and but one visor remains. | visor (n.) mask | MA II.i.143 | |
Borachio. | BORACHIO | | | |
And that is Claudio, I know him by his | And that is Claudio; I know him by his | | MA II.i.144 | |
bearing. | bearing. | | MA II.i.145 | |
Iohn. | DON JOHN | | | |
Are not you signior Benedicke? | Are not you Signor Benedick? | | MA II.i.146 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
You know me well, I am hee. | You know me well; I am he. | | MA II.i.147 | |
Iohn. | DON JOHN | | | |
Signior, you are verie neere my Brother in his | Signor, you are very near my brother in his | | MA II.i.148 | |
loue, he is enamor'd on Hero, I pray you disswade | love. He is enamoured on Hero; I pray you dissuade | | MA II.i.149 | |
him from her, she is no equall for his birth: you may | him from her; she is no equal for his birth. You may | birth (n.) royal birth, noble ancestry | MA II.i.150 | |
do the part of an honest man in it. | do the part of an honest man in it. | | MA II.i.151 | |
Claudio. | CLAUDIO | | | |
How know you he loues her? | How know you he loves her? | | MA II.i.152 | |
Iohn. | DON JOHN | | | |
I heard him sweare his affection, | I heard him swear his affection. | | MA II.i.153 | |
Bor. | BORACHIO | | | |
So did I too, and he swore he would marrie her | So did I too, and he swore he would marry her | | MA II.i.154 | |
to night. | tonight. | | MA II.i.155 | |
Iohn. | DON JOHN | | | |
Come, let vs to the banquet. | Come, let us to the banquet. | banquet, banket (n.) refreshments, light meal, dessert | MA II.i.156 | |
Ex. manet Clau. | Exeunt Don John and Borachio | | MA II.i.156 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Thus answere I in name of Benedicke, | Thus answer I in the name of Benedick, | | MA II.i.157 | |
But heare these ill newes with the eares of Claudio: | But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio. | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | MA II.i.158 | |
'Tis certaine so, the Prince woes for himselfe: | 'Tis certain so; the Prince woos for himself. | | MA II.i.159 | |
Friendship is constant in all other things, | Friendship is constant in all other things | | MA II.i.160 | |
Saue in the Office and affaires of loue: | Save in the office and affairs of love; | office (n.) performance, business, intrigue | MA II.i.161 | |
Therefore all hearts in loue vse their owne tongues. | Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues. | | MA II.i.162 | |
Let euerie eye negotiate for it selfe, | Let every eye negotiate for itself, | | MA II.i.163 | |
And trust no Agent: for beautie is a witch, | And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch | | MA II.i.164 | |
Against whose charmes, faith melteth into blood: | Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. | faith (n.) constancy, fidelity, loyalty | MA II.i.165 | |
| | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | | |
This is an accident of hourely proofe, | This is an accident of hourly proof, | proof (n.) evidence, demonstration, testimony | MA II.i.166 | |
| | accident (n.) occurrence, event, happening | | |
Which I mistrusted not. Farewell therefore Hero. | Which I mistrusted not. Farewell therefore, Hero! | | MA II.i.167 | |
Enter Benedicke. | Enter Benedick | | MA II.i.167 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Count Claudio. | Count Claudio? | | MA II.i.168 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Yea, the same. | Yea, the same. | | MA II.i.169 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Come, will you go with me? | Come, will you go with me? | | MA II.i.170 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Whither? | Whither? | | MA II.i.171 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Euen to the next Willow, about your own businesse, | Even to the next willow, about your own business, | | MA II.i.172 | |
Count. What fashion will you weare the Garland | County. What fashion will you wear the garland | county (n.) [title of rank] count | MA II.i.173 | |
off? About your necke, like an Vsurers chaine? Or vnder | of? About your neck, like an usurer's chain? Or under | | MA II.i.174 | |
your arme, like a Lieutenants scarfe? You must weare it | your arm, like a lieutenant's scarf? You must wear it | scarf (n.) military sash, shoulder band | MA II.i.175 | |
one way, for the Prince hath got your Hero. | one way, for the Prince hath got your Hero. | | MA II.i.176 | |
Clau: | CLAUDIO | | | |
I wish him ioy of her. | I wish him joy of her. | | MA II.i.177 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Why that's spoken like an honest Drouier, so | Why, that's spoken like an honest drovier: so | honest (adj.) genuine, real, true | MA II.i.178 | |
| | drovier (n.) drover, cattle-dealer | | |
they sel Bullockes: but did you thinke the Prince wold | they sell bullocks. But did you think the Prince would | | MA II.i.179 | |
haue serued you thus? | have served you thus? | | MA II.i.180 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
I pray you leaue me. | I pray you, leave me. | | MA II.i.181 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Ho now you strike like the blindman, 'twas | Ho! Now you strike like the blind man; 'twas | | MA II.i.182 | |
the boy that stole your meate, and you'l beat the post. | the boy that stole your meat, and you'll beat the post. | post (n.) express messenger, courier | MA II.i.183 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
If it will not be, Ile leaue you. | If it will not be, I'll leave you. | | MA II.i.184 | |
Exit. | Exit | | MA II.i.184 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Alas poore hurt fowle, now will he creepe into | Alas, poor hurt fowl, now will he creep into | | MA II.i.185 | |
sedges: But that my Ladie Beatrice should know me, | sedges! But that my Lady Beatrice should know me, | sedge (n.) variety of grassy plant, rush | MA II.i.186 | |
& not know me: the Princes foole! Hah? It may be I | and not know me! The Prince's fool! Ha? It may be I | | MA II.i.187 | |
goe vnder that title, because I am merrie: yea but so I am | go under that title because I am merry. Yea, but so I am | | MA II.i.188 | |
apt to do my selfe wrong: I am not so reputed, it is the | apt to do myself wrong. I am not so reputed; it is the | | MA II.i.189 | |
base (though bitter) disposition of Beatrice, that putt's the | base, though bitter, disposition of Beatrice that puts the | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | MA II.i.190 | |
world into her person, and so giues me out: well, Ile be | world into her person, and so gives me out. Well, I'll be | give out (v.) report, assert, make known | MA II.i.191 | |
reuenged as I may. | revenged as I may. | | MA II.i.192 | |
Enter the Prince. | Enter Don Pedro, with Leonato and Hero | | MA II.i.193 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Now Signior, where's the Count, did you | Now, signor, where's the Count? Did you | | MA II.i.193 | |
see him? | see him? | | MA II.i.194 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
Troth my Lord, I haue played the part of Lady | Troth, my lord, I have played the part of Lady | troth, good troth (n.) exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed | MA II.i.195 | |
Fame, I found him heere as melancholy as a Lodge in a | Fame. I found him here as melancholy as a lodge in a | | MA II.i.196 | |
Warren, I told him, and I thinke, told him true, that | warren; I told him, and I think I told him true, that | warren (n.) hunting park, land used for breeding game | MA II.i.197 | |
your grace had got the will of this young Lady, and | your grace had got the good will of this young lady; and | | MA II.i.198 | |
I offered him my company to a willow tree, either to | I offered him my company to a willow-tree, either to | | MA II.i.199 | |
make him a garland, as being forsaken, or to binde him | make him a garland, as being forsaken, or to bind him | | MA II.i.200 | |
a rod, as being worthy to be whipt. | up a rod, as being worthy to be whipped. | | MA II.i.201 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
To be whipt, what's his fault? | To be whipped! What's his fault? | | MA II.i.202 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
The flat transgression of a Schoole-boy, who | The flat transgression of a schoolboy, who, | flat (adj.) downright, plain, basic | MA II.i.203 | |
being ouer-ioyed with finding a birds nest, shewes it his | being overjoyed with finding a bird's nest, shows it his | | MA II.i.204 | |
companion, and he steales it. | companion, and he steals it. | | MA II.i.205 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Wilt thou make a trust, a transgression? the | Wilt thou make a trust a transgression? The | | MA II.i.206 | |
transgression is in the stealer. | transgression is in the stealer. | | MA II.i.207 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Yet it had not beene amisse the rod had beene | Yet it had not been amiss the rod had been | | MA II.i.208 | |
made, and the garland too, for the garland he might | made, and the garland too; for the garland he might | | MA II.i.209 | |
haue worne himselfe, and the rod hee might haue bestowed | have worn himself, and the rod he might have bestowed | | MA II.i.210 | |
on you, who (as I take it) haue stolne his birds nest. | on you, who, as I take it, have stolen his bird's nest. | | MA II.i.211 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
I will but teach them to sing, and restore them | I will but teach them to sing, and restore them | | MA II.i.212 | |
to the owner. | to the owner. | | MA II.i.213 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
If their singing answer your saying, by my | If their singing answer your saying, by my | | MA II.i.214 | |
faith you say honestly. | faith you say honestly. | | MA II.i.215 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
The Lady Beatrice hath a quarrell to you, the | The Lady Beatrice hath a quarrel to you; the | | MA II.i.216 | |
Gentleman that daunst with her, told her shee is much | gentleman that danced with her told her she is much | | MA II.i.217 | |
wrong'd by you. | wronged by you. | wrong (v.) put in the wrong, do injustice to, injure | MA II.i.218 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
O she misusde me past the indurance of a | O, she misused me past the endurance of a | misuse (v.) disgrace, deride, abuse | MA II.i.219 | |
block: an oake but with one greene leafe on it, would haue | block! An oak but with one green leaf on it would have | | MA II.i.220 | |
answered her: my very visor began to assume life, and | answered her; my very visor began to assume life and | visor (n.) mask | MA II.i.221 | |
scold with her: shee told mee, not thinking I had beene | scold with her. She told me, not thinking I had been | | MA II.i.222 | |
my selfe, that I was the Princes Iester, and that I was duller | myself, that I was the Prince's jester, that I was duller | | MA II.i.223 | |
then a great thaw, hudling iest vpon iest, with such | than a great thaw; huddling jest upon jest with such | | MA II.i.224 | |
impossible conueiance vpon me, that I stood like a man | impossible conveyance upon me that I stood like a man | impossible (adj.) incredible, inconceivable, preposterous | MA II.i.225 | |
| | conveyance (n.) skill, dexterity, facility | | |
at a marke, with a whole army shooting at me: shee | at a mark, with a whole army shooting at me. She | mark (n.) target, goal, aim | MA II.i.226 | |
speakes poynyards, and euery word stabbes: if her breath | speaks poniards, and every word stabs. If her breath | poniard (n.) dagger | MA II.i.227 | |
were as terrible as terminations, there were no liuing | were as terrible as her terminations, there were no living | termination (n.) expression, utterance, sentence ending | MA II.i.228 | |
neere her, she would infect to the north starre: I would not | near her; she would infect to the north star. I would not | | MA II.i.229 | |
marry her, though she were indowed with all that | marry her, though she were endowed with all that | | MA II.i.230 | |
Adam had left him before he transgrest, she would | Adam had left him before he transgressed. She would | | MA II.i.231 | |
haue made Hercules haue turnd spit, yea, and haue cleft | have made Hercules have turned spit, yea, and have cleft | spit (n.) implement for cooking meat over a fire | MA II.i.232 | |
| | Hercules (n.) [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements | | |
his club to make the fire too: come, talke not of her, you | his club to make the fire too. Come, talk not of her; you | | MA II.i.233 | |
shall finde her the infernall Ate in good apparell. I would to | shall find her the infernal Ate in good apparel. I would to | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | MA II.i.234 | |
God some scholler would coniure her, for certainely while | God some scholar would conjure her; for certainly, while | scholar (n.) learned man, erudite person [who knows Latin, the language of exorcism] | MA II.i.235 | |
| | conjure (v.) expel evil spirits from, exorcise | | |
she is heere, a man may liue as quiet in hell, as in a sanctuary, | she is here, a man may live as quiet in hell as in a sanctuary, | | MA II.i.236 | |
and people sinne vpon purpose, because they would | and people sin upon purpose, because they would | | MA II.i.237 | |
goe thither, so indeed all disquiet, horror, and perturbation | go thither; so, indeed, all disquiet, horror, and perturbation | | MA II.i.238 | |
followes her. | follows her. | | MA II.i.239 | |
Enter Claudio and Beatrice, Leonato, Hero. | Enter Claudio and Beatrice | | MA II.i.239 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Looke heere she comes. | Look, here she comes. | | MA II.i.240 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
Will your Grace command mee any seruice to | Will your grace command me any service to | | MA II.i.241 | |
the worlds end? I will goe on the slightest arrand now | the world's end? I will go on the slightest errand now | | MA II.i.242 | |
to the Antypodes that you can deuise to send me on: I | to the Antipodes that you can devise to send me on. I | | MA II.i.243 | |
will fetch you a tooth-picker now from the furthest inch | will fetch you a tooth-picker now from the furthest inch | tooth-picker (n.) tooth-pick | MA II.i.244 | |
of Asia: bring you the length of Prester Iohns foot: fetch | of Asia; bring you the length of Prester John's foot; | Prester John legendary Christian king of Africa or Asia | MA II.i.245 | |
you a hayre off the great Chams beard: doe you any | fetch you a hair off the great Cham's beard; do you any | Cham (n.) khan or oriental emperor; emperor of China | MA II.i.246 | |
embassage to the Pigmies, rather then hould three words | embassage to the Pigmies, rather than hold three words' | embassage, ambassage (n.) message, errand, business, mission | MA II.i.247 | |
| | Pigmies (n.) legendary race of dwarfs | | |
conference, with this Harpy: you haue no employment | conference with this harpy. You have no employment | harpy (n.) mythical rapacious bird, half woman, half vulture [symbolizing divine retribution] | MA II.i.248 | |
for me? | for me? | | MA II.i.249 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
None, but to desire your good company. | None, but to desire your good company. | | MA II.i.250 | |
Bene. | BENEDICK | | | |
O God sir, heeres a dish I loue not, I cannot | O God, sir, here's a dish I love not; I cannot | | MA II.i.251 | |
indure this Lady tongue. | endure my Lady Tongue. | | MA II.i.252 | |
Exit. | Exit | | MA II.i.252 | |
Pedr. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Come Lady, come, you haue lost the heart of | Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of | | MA II.i.253 | |
Signior Benedicke. | Signor Benedick. | | MA II.i.254 | |
Beatr. | BEATRICE | | | |
Indeed my Lord, hee lent it me a while, and I | Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile, and I | | MA II.i.255 | |
gaue him vse for it, a double heart for a single one, | gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one. | use (n.) profit, interest, premium | MA II.i.256 | |
marry once before he wonne it of mee, with false dice, | Marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | MA II.i.257 | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
therefore your Grace may well say I haue lost it. | therefore your grace may well say I have lost it. | | MA II.i.258 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
You haue put him downe Lady, you haue put | You have put him down, lady, you have put | | MA II.i.259 | |
him downe. | him down. | | MA II.i.260 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
So I would not he should do me, my Lord, lest | So I would not he should do me, my lord, lest | | MA II.i.261 | |
I should prooue the mother of fooles: I haue brought | I should prove the mother of fools. I have brought | | MA II.i.262 | |
Count Claudio, whom you sent me to seeke. | Count Claudio, whom you sent me to seek. | | MA II.i.263 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Why how now Count, wherfore are you | Why, how now, Count! Wherefore are you | | MA II.i.264 | |
sad? | sad? | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | MA II.i.265 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Not sad my Lord. | Not sad, my lord. | | MA II.i.266 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
How then? sicke? | How then? Sick? | | MA II.i.267 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Neither, my Lord. | Neither, my lord. | | MA II.i.268 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
The Count is neither sad, nor sicke, nor merry, | The Count is neither sad, nor sick, nor merry, | | MA II.i.269 | |
nor well: but ciuill Count, ciuill as an Orange, and something | nor well; but civil count, civil as an orange, and something | civil (adj.) seemly, decent, well-behaved | MA II.i.270 | |
of a iealous complexion. | of that jealous complexion. | | MA II.i.271 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Ifaith Lady, I thinke your blazon to be true, | I'faith, lady, I think your blazon to be true, | blazon (n.) description, representation, delineation | MA II.i.272 | |
though Ile be sworne, if hee be so, his conceit is false: | though, I'll be sworn, if he be so, his conceit is false. | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | MA II.i.273 | |
| | conceit (n.) notion, idea, thought | | |
heere Claudio, I haue wooed in thy name, and faire | Here, Claudio, I have wooed in thy name, and fair | | MA II.i.274 | |
Hero is won, I haue broke with her father, and his good | Hero is won. I have broke with her father, and his | break (v.) broach a matter, speak | MA II.i.275 | |
will obtained, name the day of marriage, and God giue | will obtained; name the day of marriage, and God give | | MA II.i.276 | |
thee ioy. | thee joy! | | MA II.i.277 | |
Leona. | LEONATO | | | |
Count, take of me my daughter, and with her | Count, take of me my daughter, and with her | | MA II.i.278 | |
my fortunes: his grace hath made the match, & all | my fortunes. His grace hath made the match, and all | | MA II.i.279 | |
grace say, Amen to it. | Grace say Amen to it! | | MA II.i.280 | |
Beatr. | BEATRICE | | | |
Speake Count, tis your Qu. | Speak, Count, 'tis your cue. | | MA II.i.281 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Silence is the perfectest Herault of ioy, I were | Silence is the perfectest herald of joy; I were | | MA II.i.282 | |
but little happy if I could say, how much? Lady, as you | but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as you | | MA II.i.283 | |
are mine, I am yours, I giue away my selfe for you, and | are mine, I am yours; I give away myself for you and | | MA II.i.284 | |
doat vpon the exchange. | dote upon the exchange. | | MA II.i.285 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Speake cosin, or (if you cannot) stop his mouth | Speak, cousin; or, if you cannot, stop his mouth | | MA II.i.286 | |
with a kisse, and let not him speake neither. | with a kiss, and let not him speak neither. | | MA II.i.287 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
In faith Lady you haue a merry heart. | In faith, lady, you have a merry heart. | | MA II.i.288 | |
Beatr. | BEATRICE | | | |
Yea my Lord I thanke it, poore foole it keepes on | Yea, my lord; I thank it, poor fool, it keeps on | | MA II.i.289 | |
the windy side of Care, my coosin tells him in his eare | the windy side of care. My cousin tells him in his ear | windy (adj.) windward, situated towards the wind [so that scent will travel away from the follower] | MA II.i.290 | |
that he is in my heart. | that he is in her heart. | | MA II.i.291 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
And so she doth coosin. | And so she doth, cousin. | | MA II.i.292 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
Good Lord for alliance: thus goes euery one | Good Lord, for alliance! Thus goes every one | alliance (n.) marriage | MA II.i.293 | |
to the world but I, and I am sun-burn'd, I may sit in a | to the world but I, and I am sunburnt; I may sit in a | sunburnt (adj.) of dark complexion, not fair-skinned [and therefore unattractive] | MA II.i.294 | |
| | world, go to the get married | | |
corner and cry, heigh ho for a husband. | corner and cry ‘ Heigh-ho for a husband ’! | | MA II.i.295 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Lady Beatrice, I will get you one. | Lady Beatrice, I will get you one. | | MA II.i.296 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
I would rather haue one of your fathers getting: | I would rather have one of your father's getting. | getting (n.) begetting, procreation, breeding | MA II.i.297 | |
hath your Grace ne're a brother like you? your | Hath your grace ne'er a brother like you? Your | | MA II.i.298 | |
father got excellent husbands, if a maid could come by | father got excellent husbands, if a maid could come by | | MA II.i.299 | |
them. | them. | | MA II.i.300 | |
Prince. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Will you haue me? Lady. | Will you have me, lady? | | MA II.i.301 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
No, my Lord, vnlesse I might haue another for | No, my lord, unless I might have another for | | MA II.i.302 | |
working-daies, your Grace is too costly to weare euerie | working-days: your grace is too costly to wear every | | MA II.i.303 | |
day: but I beseech your Grace pardon mee, I was borne | day. But, I beseech your grace, pardon me; I was born | | MA II.i.304 | |
to speake all mirth, and no matter. | to speak all mirth and no matter. | matter (n.) subject-matter, content, substance | MA II.i.305 | |
Prince. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Your silence most offends me, and to be | Your silence most offends me, and to be | | MA II.i.306 | |
merry, best becomes you, for out of question, you were | merry best becomes you; for, out o' question, you were | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | MA II.i.307 | |
born in a merry howre. | born in a merry hour. | | MA II.i.308 | |
Beatr. | BEATRICE | | | |
No sure my Lord, my Mother cried, but then | No, sure, my lord, my mother cried; but then | | MA II.i.309 | |
there was a starre daunst, and vnder that was I borne: | there was a star danced, and under that was I born. | | MA II.i.310 | |
cosins God giue you ioy. | Cousins, God give you joy! | | MA II.i.311 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
Neece, will you looke to those rhings I told you | Niece, will you look to those things I told you | | MA II.i.312 | |
of? | of? | | MA II.i.313 | |
Beat. | BEATRICE | | | |
I cry you mercy Vncle, by | I cry you mercy, uncle. (To Don Pedro) By | | MA II.i.314 | |
your Graces pardon. | your grace's pardon. | | MA II.i.315 | |
Exit Beatrice. | Exit | | MA II.i.315 | |
Prince. | DON PEDRO | | | |
By my troth a pleasant spirited Lady. | By my troth, a pleasant-spirited lady. | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | MA II.i.316 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
There's little of the melancholy element in her | There's little of the melancholy element in her, | element (n.) substance, raw material, physical matter | MA II.i.317 | |
my Lord, she is neuer sad, but when she sleepes, and not | my lord; she is never sad but when she sleeps, and not | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | MA II.i.318 | |
euer sad then: for I haue heard my daughter say, she hath | ever sad then; for I have heard my daughter say, she hath | | MA II.i.319 | |
often dreamt of vnhappinesse, and wakt her selfe with | often dreamed of unhappiness and waked herself with | unhappiness (n.) misfortune, mishap, bad luck | MA II.i.320 | |
laughing. | laughing. | | MA II.i.321 | |
Pedro. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Shee cannot indure to heare tell of a husband. | She cannot endure to hear tell of a husband. | | MA II.i.322 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
O, by no meanes, she mocks all her wooers out | O, by no means; she mocks all her wooers out | | MA II.i.323 | |
of suite. | of suit. | suit (n.) wooing, courtship | MA II.i.324 | |
Prince. | DON PEDRO | | | |
She were an excellent wife for Benedick. | She were an excellent wife for Benedick. | | MA II.i.325 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
O Lord, my Lord, if they were but a weeke | O Lord, my lord, if they were but a week | | MA II.i.326 | |
married, they would talke themselues madde. | married, they would talk themselves mad. | | MA II.i.327 | |
Prince. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Counte Claudio, when meane you to goe to | County Claudio, when mean you to go to | | MA II.i.328 | |
Church? | church. | | MA II.i.329 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
To morrow my Lord, Time goes on crutches, | Tomorrow, my lord. Time goes on crutches | | MA II.i.330 | |
till Loue haue all his rites. | till love have all his rites. | | MA II.i.331 | |
Leonata. | LEONATO | | | |
Not till monday, my deare sonne, which is hence | Not till Monday, my dear son, which is hence | | MA II.i.332 | |
a iust seuen night, and a time too briefe too, to haue all | a just seven-night; and a time too brief, too, to have all | sennight, se'nnight, seven-night (n.) [seven night] week | MA II.i.333 | |
| | just (adj.) accurate, exact, precise | | |
things answer minde. | things answer my mind. | answer (v.) fulfil, meet, satisfy | MA II.i.334 | |
Prince. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Come, you shake the head at so long a | Come, you shake the head at so long a | | MA II.i.335 | |
breathing, but I warrant thee Claudio, the time shall | breathing; but, I warrant thee, Claudio, the time shall | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | MA II.i.336 | |
| | breathing (n.) delay, interval, pause | | |
not goe dully by vs, I will in the interim, vndertake one | not go dully by us. I will in the interim undertake one | | MA II.i.337 | |
of Hercules labors, which is, to bring Signior Benedicke | of Hercules' labours; which is, to bring Signor Benedick | Hercules (n.) [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements | MA II.i.338 | |
and the Lady Beatrice into a mountaine of affection, | and the Lady Beatrice into a mountain of affection, | | MA II.i.339 | |
th'one with th'other, I would faine haue it a match, and | th' one with th' other. I would fain have it a match, and | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | MA II.i.340 | |
I doubt not but to fashion it, if you three will but | I doubt not but to fashion it, if you three will but | | MA II.i.341 | |
minister such assistance as I shall giue you direction. | minister such assistance as I shall give you direction. | | MA II.i.342 | |
Leonata. | LEONATO | | | |
My Lord, I am for you, though it cost mee ten | My lord, I am for you, though it cost me ten | | MA II.i.343 | |
nights watchings. | nights' watchings. | watching (n.) wakefulness, sleeplessness, vigilance | MA II.i.344 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
And I my Lord. | And I, my lord. | | MA II.i.345 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
And you to gentle Hero? | And you too, gentle Hero? | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | MA II.i.346 | |
Hero. | HERO | | | |
I will doe any modest office, my Lord, to helpe my | I will do any modest office, my lord, to help my | modest (adj.) decorous, seemly, not offending modesty | MA II.i.347 | |
| | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | | |
cosin to a good husband. | cousin to a good husband. | | MA II.i.348 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
And Benedick is not the vnhopefullest husband | And Benedick is not the unhopefullest husband | | MA II.i.349 | |
that I know: thus farre can I praise him, hee is of a | that I know. Thus far can I praise him: he is of a | | MA II.i.350 | |
noble straine, of approued valour, and confirm'd honesty, | noble strain, of approved valour and confirmed honesty. | honesty (n.) honour, integrity, uprightness | MA II.i.351 | |
| | strain (n.) quality, character, disposition | | |
| | approved (adj.) tested, tried, established, proven | | |
| | confirmed (adj.) resolute, determined, purposeful | | |
I will teach you how to humour your cosin, that shee | I will teach you how to humour your cousin, that she | | MA II.i.352 | |
shall fall in loue with Benedicke, and I, with your two | shall fall in love with Benedick; and I, with your two | | MA II.i.353 | |
helpes, will so practise on Benedicke, that in despight of | helps, will so practise on Benedick that, in despite of | practise on / upon (v.) work upon, act craftily with, make to operate | MA II.i.354 | |
| | despite of, in (prep.) in spite of | | |
his quicke wit, and his queasie stomacke, hee shall fall in | his quick wit and his queasy stomach, he shall fall in | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | MA II.i.355 | |
| | queasy (adj.) easily upset, delicate, fastidious | | |
| | stomach (n.) feelings, temper, state of mind | | |
loue with Beatrice: if wee can doe this, Cupid is no | love with Beatrice. If we can do this, Cupid is no | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | MA II.i.356 | |
longer an Archer, his glory shall be ours, for wee are the | longer an archer; his glory shall be ours, for we are the | | MA II.i.357 | |
onely loue-gods, goe in with me, and I will tell you my | only love-gods. Go in with me, and I will tell you my | | MA II.i.358 | |
drift. | drift. | | MA II.i.359 | |
Exit. | Exeunt | | MA II.i.359 | |