Henry VI Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter a Sergeant of a Band, with two Enter a French Sergeant of a Band, with twoband (n.)
body of men, troop
1H6 II.i.1.1
sergeant (n.)
officer [in an army]
Sentinels.Sentinels on the walls 1H6 II.i.1.2
Sirs, take your places,and be vigilant:Sirs, take your places and be vigilant. 1H6 II.i.1
If any noyse or Souldier you perceiueIf any noise or soldier you perceive 1H6 II.i.2
Neere to the walles, by some apparant signeNear to the walls, by some apparent signapparent (adj.)

old form: apparant
plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious
1H6 II.i.3
Let vs haue knowledge at the Court of Guard.Let us have knowledge at the court of guard.court of guard (n.)
guard-house, guard-room
1H6 II.i.4
Sergeant you shall. Sergeant, you shall. 1H6 II.i.5.1
Exit Sergeant 1H6 II.i.5
Thus are poore SeruitorsThus are poor servitors,servitor (n.)
mercenary, soldier
1H6 II.i.5.2
(When others sleepe vpon their quiet beds)When others sleep upon their quiet beds, 1H6 II.i.6
Constrain'd to watch in darknesse, raine, and cold.Constrained to watch in darkness, rain, and cold.watch (v.)
keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout
1H6 II.i.7
constrain (v.)

old form: Constrain'd
force, compel, oblige
Enter Talbot, Bedford, and Burgundy, with Enter Talbot, Bedford, Burgundy, and soldiers, with 1H6 II.i.8.1
scaling Ladders: Their Drummes beating a Dead March.scaling-ladders 1H6 II.i.8.2
Lord Regent, and redoubted Burgundy,Lord Regent, and redoubted Burgundy,redoubted (adj.)
feared, dreaded, revered
1H6 II.i.8
By whose approach, the Regions of Artoys,By whose approach the regions of Artois,approach (n.)
arrival, coming
1H6 II.i.9
Wallon, and Picardy, are friends to vs:Walloon, and Picardy are friends to us, 1H6 II.i.10
This happy night, the Frenchmen are secure,This happy night the Frenchmen are secure,happy (adj.)
opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable
1H6 II.i.11
secure (adj.)
over-confident, unsuspecting, too self-confident
Hauing all day carows'd and banquetted,Having all day caroused and banqueted; 1H6 II.i.12
Embrace we then this opportunitie,Embrace we then this opportunity, 1H6 II.i.13
As fitting best to quittance their deceite,As fitting best to quittance their deceitquittance (v.)
repay, requite, reciprocate
1H6 II.i.14
Contriu'd by Art, and balefull Sorcerie.Contrived by art and baleful sorcery.contrive (v.)

old form: Contriu'd
scheme, plot, conspire
1H6 II.i.15
art (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
Coward of France, how much he wrongs his fame,Coward of France! How much he wrongs his fame,wrong (v.)
discredit, dishonour, injure, disgrace
1H6 II.i.16
fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
Dispairing of his owne armes fortitude,Despairing of his own arm's fortitude,fortitude (n.)
strength, might, power
1H6 II.i.17
To ioyne with Witches, and the helpe of Hell.To join with witches and the help of hell! 1H6 II.i.18
Traitors haue neuer other company.Traitors have never other company. 1H6 II.i.19
But what's that Puzell whom they tearme so pure?But what's that Pucelle whom they term so pure? 1H6 II.i.20
A Maid, they say.A maid, they say. 1H6 II.i.21.1
A Maid? And be so martiall?A maid? and be so martial?martial (adj.)
warlike, valiant, brave
1H6 II.i.21.2
Pray God she proue not masculine ere long:Pray God she prove not masculine ere long,masculine (adj.)
manly, virile, macho
1H6 II.i.22
If vnderneath the Standard of the FrenchIf underneath the standard of the French 1H6 II.i.23
She carry Armour, as she hath begun.She carry armour as she hath begun.carry (v.)
wear; also: bear the weight of
1H6 II.i.24
Well, let them practise and conuerse with spirits.Well, let them practise and converse with spirits.practise (v.)
plot, scheme, conspire
1H6 II.i.25
God is our Fortresse, in whose conquering nameGod is our fortress, in whose conquering name 1H6 II.i.26
Let vs resolue to scale their flinty bulwarkes.Let us resolve to scale their flinty bulwarks.bulwark (n.)

old form: bulwarkes
rampart, fortification
1H6 II.i.27
Ascend braue Talbot, we will follow thee.Ascend, brave Talbot; we will follow thee.brave (adj.)

old form: braue
audacious, daring, bold
1H6 II.i.28
Not altogether: Better farre I guesse,Not all together; better far, I guess, 1H6 II.i.29
That we do make our entrance seuerall wayes:That we do make our entrance several ways;several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
1H6 II.i.30
That if it chance the one of vs do faile,That, if it chance the one of us do fail, 1H6 II.i.31
The other yet may rise against their force.The other yet may rise against their force.rise (v.)
ascend, reach the top
1H6 II.i.32
force (n.)
opposition, resistance, strength
Agreed; Ile to yond corner.Agreed; I'll to yond corner. 1H6 II.i.33.1
And I to this.And I to this. 1H6 II.i.33.2
And heere will Talbot mount, or make his graue.And here will Talbot mount, or make his grave. 1H6 II.i.34
Now Salisbury, for thee and for the rightNow, Salisbury, for thee, and for the right 1H6 II.i.35
Of English Henry, shall this night appeareOf English Henry, shall this night appear 1H6 II.i.36
How much in duty, I am bound to both.How much in duty I am bound to both.bound (adj.)
obliged, indebted, under an obligation
1H6 II.i.37
Arme, arme, the enemy doth make assault.Arm! arm! The enemy doth make assault! 1H6 II.i.38
Cry, S. George, The English scale the walls, cry Saint George!George, Saint
in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c
1H6 II.i.38.1
A Talbot.À Talbot!’, and exeunt 1H6 II.i.38.2
The French leape ore the walles in their shirts. EnterThe French leap over the walls in their shirts. Enter, 1H6 II.i.39.1
seuerall wayes, Bastard, Alanson, Reignier halfe several ways, the Bastard, Alençon, Reignier, halfseveral (adj.)
separate, different, distinct
1H6 II.i.39.2
ready, and halfe vnready.ready and half unreadyunready (adj.)
undressed, unclothed
1H6 II.i.39.3
ready (adj.)
dressed, clothed
How now my Lords? what all vnreadie so?How now, my lords? What, all unready so? 1H6 II.i.39
Vnready? I and glad we scap'd so well.Unready? Ay, and glad we 'scaped so well. 1H6 II.i.40
'Twas time (I trow) to wake and leaue our beds,'Twas time, I trow, to wake and leave our beds,trow (v.)
know, guess, imagine
1H6 II.i.41
Hearing Alarums at our Chamber doores.Hearing alarums at our chamber doors.alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
1H6 II.i.42
Of all exploits since first I follow'd Armes,Of all exploits since first I followed arms 1H6 II.i.43
Nere heard I of a warlike enterprizeNe'er heard I of a warlike enterprise 1H6 II.i.44
More venturous, or desperate then this.More venturous or desperate than this.venturous (adj.)
adventurous, daring, bold
1H6 II.i.45
desperate (adj.)
risky, dangerous, hazardous
I thinke this Talbot be a Fiend of Hell.I think this Talbot be a fiend of hell. 1H6 II.i.46
If not of Hell, the Heauens sure fauour him.If not of hell, the heavens sure favour him. 1H6 II.i.47
Here commeth Charles, I maruell how he sped?Here cometh Charles. I marvel how he sped.marvel (v.)

old form: maruell
wonder, be curious
1H6 II.i.48
speed (v.)
fare, manage, get on
Enter Charles and Ioane.Enter Charles and Joan la Pucelle 1H6 II.i.49
Tut, holy Ioane was his defensiue Guard.Tut, holy Joan was his defensive guard. 1H6 II.i.49
Is this thy cunning, thou deceitfull Dame?Is this thy cunning, thou deceitful dame?dame (n.)
woman, girl
1H6 II.i.50
cunning (n.)
[magical] knowledge, art, craft
Didst thou at first, to flatter vs withall,Didst thou at first, to flatter us withal,first, at
at once, immediately, from the start
1H6 II.i.51
flatter with / withal (v.)
encourage, foster [false] hope
Make vs partakers of a little gayne,Make us partakers of a little gain 1H6 II.i.52
That now our losse might be ten times so much?That now our loss might be ten times so much? 1H6 II.i.53
Wherefore is Charles impatient with his friend?Wherefore is Charles impatient with his friend?impatient (adj.)
angry, irate, incensed
1H6 II.i.54
At all times will you haue my Power alike?At all times will you have my power alike?alike (adv.)
the same, in the same way
1H6 II.i.55
Sleeping or waking, must I still preuayle,Sleeping or waking must I still prevail,still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
1H6 II.i.56
prevail (v.)

old form: preuayle
succeed, win, be victor
Or will you blame and lay the fault on me?Or will you blame and lay the fault on me? 1H6 II.i.57
Improuident Souldiors, had your Watch been good,Improvident soldiers! Had your watch been good,improvident (adj.)

old form: Improuident
shortsighted, lacking foresight, careless
1H6 II.i.58
This sudden Mischiefe neuer could haue falne.This sudden mischief never could have fallen.mischief (n.)

old form: Mischiefe
catastrophe, calamity, misfortune
1H6 II.i.59
fall (v.)

old form: falne
happen, occur, come to pass
Duke of Alanson, this was your default,Duke of Alençon, this was your defaultdefault (n.)
failure, negligence, oversight
1H6 II.i.60
That being Captaine of the Watch to Night,That, being captain of the watch tonight,tonight (adv.)

old form: to Night
last night, this past night
1H6 II.i.61
Did looke no better to that weightie Charge.Did look no better to that weighty charge.charge (n.)
task, responsibility, duty
1H6 II.i.62
Had all your Quarters been as safely kept,Had all your quarters been as safely keptkeep (v.)
guard, watch, tend
1H6 II.i.63
As that whereof I had the gouernment,As that whereof I had the government,government (n.)

old form: gouernment
control, charge, management
1H6 II.i.64
We had not beene thus shamefully surpriz'd.We had not been thus shamefully surprised. 1H6 II.i.65
Mine was secure.Mine was secure. 1H6 II.i.66.1
And so was mine, my Lord.And so was mine, my lord. 1H6 II.i.66.2
And for my selfe, most part of all this NightAnd for myself, most part of all this night 1H6 II.i.67
Within her Quarter, and mine owne Precinct,Within her quarter and mine own precinctquarter (n.)
quarters, lodging, residence
1H6 II.i.68
precinct (n.)
sector, area of control
I was imploy'd in passing to and fro,I was employed in passing to and fro 1H6 II.i.69
About relieuing of the Centinels.About relieving of the sentinels.about (prep.)
concerned with
1H6 II.i.70
Then how, or which way, should they first breake in?Then how or which way should they first break in? 1H6 II.i.71
Question (my Lords) no further of the case,Question, my lords, no further of the case,question (v.)
enquire about, discuss, deliberate
1H6 II.i.72
How or which way; 'tis sure they found some place,How or which way; 'tis sure they found some place 1H6 II.i.73
But weakely guarded, where the breach was made:But weakly guarded, where the breach was made. 1H6 II.i.74
And now there rests no other shift but this,And now there rests no other shift but this:shift (n.)
stratagem, tactics, way
1H6 II.i.75
rest (v.)
remain [to be done], be left
To gather our Souldiors, scatter'd and disperc't,To gather our soldiers, scattered and dispersed, 1H6 II.i.76
And lay new Plat-formes to endammage them.And lay new platforms to endamage them.endamage (v.)

old form: endammage
damage, injure, harm
1H6 II.i.77
platform (n.)

old form: Plat-formes
plan, scheme, strategy
Exeunt. Alarum. Enter a Souldier, crying, a Talbot, Alarum. Enter an English Soldier, crying ‘ À Talbot! 1H6 II.i.78.1
a Talbot: they flye, leauing their Clothes behind.À Talbot!’ They fly, leaving their clothes behind 1H6 II.i.78.2
Ile be so bold to take what they haue left:I'll be so bold to take what they have left. 1H6 II.i.78
The Cry of Talbot serues me for a Sword,The cry of ‘ Talbot ’ serves me for a sword; 1H6 II.i.79
For I haue loaden me with many Spoyles,For I have loaden me with many spoils, 1H6 II.i.80
Vsing no other Weapon but his Name. Using no other weapon but his name. 1H6 II.i.81
Exit.Exit 1H6 II.i.81
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