Antony and Cleopatra

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Pompey, Menecrates, and Menas, in warlike Enter Pompey, Menecrates, and Menas, in warlike AC II.i.1.1
manner.manner AC II.i.1.2
If the great Gods be iust, they shall assistIf the great gods be just, they shall assist AC II.i.1
The deeds of iustest men.The deeds of justest men. AC II.i.2.1
Know worthy Pompey,Know, worthy Pompey, AC II.i.2.2
that what they do delay, they not deny.That what they do delay they not deny. AC II.i.3
Whiles we are sutors to their Throne, decayesWhiles we are suitors to their throne, decaysdecay (v.)

old form: decayes
be destroyed, become ruined, fail
AC II.i.4
the thing we sue for.The thing we sue for. AC II.i.5.1
We ignorant of our selues,We, ignorant of ourselves, AC II.i.5.2
Begge often our owne harmes, which the wise PowresBeg often our own harms, which the wise powerspower (n.)

old form: Powres
(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
AC II.i.6
Deny vs for our good: so finde we profitDeny us for our good; so find we profit AC II.i.7
By loosing of our Prayers.By losing of our prayers. AC II.i.8.1
I shall do well:I shall do well. AC II.i.8.2
The people loue me, and the Sea is mine;The people love me, and the sea is mine; AC II.i.9
My powers are Cressent, and my Auguring hopeMy powers are crescent, and my auguring hopecrescent (adj.)

old form: Cressent
growing, increasing, developing
AC II.i.10
auguring (adj.)
prophetic, presaging, forecasting
Sayes it will come to'th'full. Marke AnthonySays it will come to th' full. Mark Antony AC II.i.11
In Egypt sits at dinner, and will makeIn Egypt sits at dinner, and will make AC II.i.12
No warres without doores. Casar gets money whereNo wars without doors. Caesar gets money where AC II.i.13
He looses hearts: Lepidus flatters both,He loses hearts. Lepidus flatters both, AC II.i.14
Of both is flatter'd: but he neither loues,Of both is flattered; but he neither loves, AC II.i.15
Nor either cares for him.Nor either cares for him. AC II.i.16.1
Mene. MENAS 
Casar and Lepidus Caesar and Lepidus AC II.i.16.2
are in the field, / A mighty strength they carry.Are in the field. A mighty strength they carry.strength (n.)
troops, forces, resources, followers
AC II.i.17
field, in the
engaged in military operations, in military array
Where haue you this? 'Tis false.Where have you this? 'Tis false.false (adj.)
wrong, mistaken
AC II.i.18.1
Mene. MENAS 
From Siluius, Sir.From Silvius, sir. AC II.i.18.2
He dreames: I know they are in Rome togetherHe dreams. I know they are in Rome together, AC II.i.19
Looking for Anthony: but all the charmes of Loue,Looking for Antony. But all the charms of love,look for (v.)
wait for, be on the lookout for
AC II.i.20
Salt Cleopatra soften thy wand lip,Salt Cleopatra, soften thy waned lip!waned (adj.)

old form: wand
faded, diminished [in beauty]
AC II.i.21
salt (adj.)
lecherous, lascivious, lustful
Let Witchcraft ioyne with Beauty, Lust with both,Let witchcraft join with beauty, lust with both! AC II.i.22
Tye vp the Libertine in a field of Feasts,Tie up the libertine in a field of feasts; AC II.i.23
Keepe his Braine fuming. Epicurean Cookes,Keep his brain fuming. Epicurean cooksEpicurean (adj.)
devoted to the pleasures of eating, cultivating gluttony
AC II.i.24
Sharpen with cloylesse sawce his Appetite,Sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite,cloyless (adj.)

old form: cloylesse
never satiating, not glutting
AC II.i.25
That sleepe and feeding may prorogue his Honour,That sleep and feeding may prorogue his honourprorogue (v.)
suspend, put on hold, waive
AC II.i.26
Euen till a Lethied dulnesse--- Even till a Lethe'd dullness – Lethe'd (adj.)

old form: Lethied
[pron: 'leetheed] oblivious, all-forgetting, stuporous
AC II.i.27.1
Enter Varrius.Enter Varrius AC II.i.27
How now Varrius?How now, Varrius? AC II.i.27.2
This is most certaine, that I shall deliuer:This is most certain that I shall deliver: AC II.i.28
Marke Anthony is euery houre in RomeMark Antony is every hour in Rome AC II.i.29
Expected. Since he went from Egypt, 'tisExpected. Since he went from Egypt 'tis AC II.i.30
A space for farther Trauaile.A space for further (n.)
space of time, while
AC II.i.31.1
I could haue giuen lesse matterI could have given less matter AC II.i.31.2
A better eare. Menas, I did not thinkeA better ear. Menas, I did not think AC II.i.32
This amorous Surfetter would haue donn'd his HelmeThis amorous surfeiter would have donned his helmsurfeiter (n.)

old form: Surfetter
profligate, libertine, debaucher
AC II.i.33
helm (n.)
For such a petty Warre: His SouldiershipFor such a petty war. His soldiership AC II.i.34
Is twice the other twaine: But let vs reareIs twice the other twain. But let us rearrear (v.)

old form: reare
raise, lift up, boost
AC II.i.35
The higher our Opinion, that our stirringThe higher our opinion, that our stirring AC II.i.36
Can from the lap of Egypts Widdow, pluckeCan from the lap of Egypt's widow pluck AC II.i.37
The neere Lust-wearied Anthony.The ne'er lust-wearied Antony. AC II.i.38.1
Mene. MENAS 
I cannot hope,I cannot hopehope (v.)
expect, anticipate, envisage
AC II.i.38.2
Casar and Anthony shall well greet together;Caesar and Antony shall well greet together. AC II.i.39
His Wife that's dead, did trespasses to Casar,His wife that's dead did trespasses to Caesar;trespass (n.)
wrong, offence, injustice, crime
AC II.i.40
His Brother wan'd vpon him, although I thinkeHis brother warred upon him – although, I think, AC II.i.41
Not mou'd by Anthony.Not moved by Antony.move (v.)

old form: mou'd
encourage, instigate, prompt
AC II.i.42.1
I know not Menas,I know not, Menas, AC II.i.42.2
How lesser Enmities may giue way to greater,How lesser enmities may give way to greater. AC II.i.43
Were't not that we stand vp against them all:Were't not that we stand up against them all, AC II.i.44
'Twer pregnant they should square between themselues,'Twere pregnant they should square between themselves,pregnant (adj.)
very likely, extremely probable
AC II.i.45
square (v.)
quarrel, fall out, disagree
For they haue entertained cause enoughFor they have entertained cause enoughentertain (v.)
receive, sustain, meet with
AC II.i.46
To draw their swords: but how the feare of vsTo draw their swords. But how the fear of us AC II.i.47
May Ciment their diuisions, and binde vpMay cement their divisions and bind updivision (n.)

old form: diuisions
dissension, discord, disunity
AC II.i.48
cement (v.)

old form: Ciment
firmly bring together, unite
The petty difference, we yet not know:The petty difference, we yet not know. AC II.i.49
Bee't as our Gods will haue't; it onely standsBe't as our gods will have't! It only standsstand upon (v.)

old form: vpon
make an issue of, insist upon, bother about
AC II.i.50
Our liues vpon, to vse our strongest handsOur lives upon to use our strongest hands. AC II.i.51
Come Menas. Come, Menas. AC II.i.52
Exeunt.Exeunt AC II.i.52
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