First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Caliban, with a burthen of Wood (a noyse of | Enter Caliban with a burden of wood. A noise of | | Tem II.ii.1.1 | |
Thunder heard. | thunder heard | | Tem II.ii.1.2 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
All the infections that the Sunne suckes vp | All the infections that the sun sucks up | infection (n.) contamination, rottenness, bad influence | Tem II.ii.1 | |
From Bogs, Fens, Flats, on Prosper fall, and make him | From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall, and make him | flat (n.) low-lying land, plain, swampy ground | Tem II.ii.2 | |
| | fen (n.) marshland, swamp | | |
By ynch-meale a disease: his Spirits heare me, | By inch-meal a disease! His spirits hear me, | inch-meal, by (adv.) inch by inch, little by little | Tem II.ii.3 | |
And yet I needes must curse. But they'll nor pinch, | And yet I needs must curse. But they'll nor pinch, | | Tem II.ii.4 | |
Fright me with Vrchyn-shewes, pitch me i'th mire, | Fright me with urchin-shows, pitch me i'th' mire, | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | Tem II.ii.5 | |
| | urchin-show (n.) goblin apparition, spirit vision | | |
Nor lead me like a fire-brand, in the darke | Nor lead me, like a firebrand, in the dark | firebrand (n.) will o' the wisp, moving light | Tem II.ii.6 | |
Out of my way, vnlesse he bid 'em; but | Out of my way, unless he bid 'em. But | | Tem II.ii.7 | |
For euery trifle, are they set vpon me, | For every trifle are they set upon me; | | Tem II.ii.8 | |
Sometime like Apes, that moe and chatter at me, | Sometime like apes, that mow and chatter at me, | mow (v.) grimace, pout, make mouths | Tem II.ii.9 | |
And after bite me: then like Hedg-hogs, which | And after bite me; then like hedgehogs, which | | Tem II.ii.10 | |
Lye tumbling in my bare-foote way, and mount | Lie tumbling in my barefoot way, and mount | | Tem II.ii.11 | |
Their pricks at my foot-fall: sometime am I | Their pricks at my footfall. Sometime am I | prick (n.) spine | Tem II.ii.12 | |
All wound with Adders, who with clouen tongues | All wound with adders, who with cloven tongues | | Tem II.ii.13 | |
Doe hisse me into madnesse: | Do hiss me into madness. | | Tem II.ii.14.1 | |
Enter Trinculo. | Enter Trinculo | | Tem II.ii.14 | |
Lo, now Lo, | Lo, now, lo! | | Tem II.ii.14.2 | |
Here comes a Spirit of his, and to torment me | Here comes a spirit of his, and to torment me | | Tem II.ii.15 | |
For bringing wood in slowly: I'le fall flat, | For bringing wood in slowly. I'll fall flat. | | Tem II.ii.16 | |
Perchance he will not minde me. | Perchance he will not mind me. | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | Tem II.ii.17 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Here's neither bush, nor shrub to beare off | Here's neither bush nor shrub, to bear off | bear off (v.) ward off, keep away, repel | Tem II.ii.18 | |
any weather at all: and another Storme brewing, I heare it | any weather at all, and another storm brewing. I hear it | | Tem II.ii.19 | |
sing ith' winde: yond same blacke cloud, yond huge one, | sing i'th' wind. Yond same black cloud, yond huge one, | | Tem II.ii.20 | |
lookes like a foule bumbard that would shed his licquor: if | looks like a foul bombard that would shed his liquor. If | liquor (n.) liquid | Tem II.ii.21 | |
| | bombard, bumbard (n.) large leather wine jug | | |
it should thunder, as it did before, I know not where to | it should thunder as it did before, I know not where to | | Tem II.ii.22 | |
hide my head: yond same cloud cannot choose but fall | hide my head. Yond same cloud cannot choose but fall | | Tem II.ii.23 | |
by paile-fuls. What haue we here, a man, or a fish? dead | by pailfuls. What have we here? A man or a fish? Dead | | Tem II.ii.24 | |
or aliue? a fish, hee smels like a fish: a very ancient and | or alive? A fish! He smells like a fish; a very ancient and | | Tem II.ii.25 | |
fish-like smell: a kinde of, not of the newest poore-Iohn: | fishlike smell; a kind of not-of-the-newest poor-John. | poor-John (n.) salted hake, dried fish | Tem II.ii.26 | |
a strange fish: were I in England now (as once I was) | A strange fish! Were I in England now, as once I was, | | Tem II.ii.27 | |
and had but this fish painted; not a holiday-foole there but | and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but | painted (adj.) depicted, represented [as on a sign] | Tem II.ii.28 | |
would giue a peece of siluer: there, would this Monster, | would give a piece of silver. There would this monster | | Tem II.ii.29 | |
make a man: any strange beast there, makes a man: | make a man. Any strange beast there makes a man. | make (v.) bring success [to], prosper | Tem II.ii.30 | |
when they will not giue a doit to relieue a lame Begger, | When they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, | doit (n.) [small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle | Tem II.ii.31 | |
they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian: Leg'd like a | they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian. Legged like a | Indian (n.) American Indian | Tem II.ii.32 | |
man; and his Finnes like Armes: warme o'my troth: I doe | man! And his fins like arms! Warm, o' my troth! I do | troth, good troth (n.) exclamations, emphasizing an assertion - truly, indeed | Tem II.ii.33 | |
now let loose my opinion; hold it no longer; this is no | now let loose my opinion, hold it no longer. This is no | | Tem II.ii.34 | |
fish, but an Islander, that hath lately suffered by a | fish, but an islander that hath lately suffered by a | lately (adv.) recently, of late | Tem II.ii.35 | |
| | suffer (v.) perish, be destroyed, collapse | | |
Thunderbolt: | thunderbolt. | | Tem II.ii.36 | |
| Thunder | | Tem II.ii.37 | |
Alas, the storme is come againe: my best way is to creepe | Alas, the storm is come again. My best way is to creep | | Tem II.ii.37 | |
vnder his Gaberdine: there is no other shelter hereabout: | under his gaberdine. There is no other shelter hereabout. | gaberdine (n.) cloak, cape, loose upper garment | Tem II.ii.38 | |
Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellowes: I | Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows. I | | Tem II.ii.39 | |
will here shrowd till the dregges of the storme be past. | will here shroud till the dregs of the storm be past. | shroud (v.) hide, conceal, shelter | Tem II.ii.40 | |
Enter Stephano singing. | Enter Stephano, singing, a bottle in his hand | | Tem II.ii.41 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
I shall no more to sea, to sea, | I shall no more to sea, to sea, | | Tem II.ii.41 | |
here shall I dye ashore. | Here shall I die ashore. | | Tem II.ii.42 | |
This is a very scuruy tune to sing at a mans / Funerall: | This is a very scurvy tune to sing at a man's funeral. | scurvy (adj.) contemptible, despicable, wretched | Tem II.ii.43 | |
well, here's my comfort. | Well, here's my comfort. | | Tem II.ii.44 | |
Drinkes. Sings. | He drinks and then sings | | Tem II.ii.45.1 | |
The Master, the Swabber, the Boate-swaine & I; | The master, the swabber, the boatswain, and I, | swabber (n.) deckhand, sailor who washes the deck | Tem II.ii.45 | |
The Gunner, and his Mate | The gunner and his mate, | | Tem II.ii.46 | |
Lou'd Mall, Meg, and Marrian, and Margerie, | Loved Mall, Meg, and Marian, and Margery, | | Tem II.ii.47 | |
But none of vs car'd for Kate. | But none of us cared for Kate. | | Tem II.ii.48 | |
For she had a tongue with a tang, | For she had a tongue with a tang, | tang (n.) sting, sharp edge | Tem II.ii.49 | |
Would cry to a Sailor goe hang: | Would cry to a sailor, ‘ Go hang!’ | | Tem II.ii.50 | |
She lou'd not the sauour of Tar nor of Pitch, | She loved not the savour of tar nor of pitch, | savour (n.) smell, stench, stink | Tem II.ii.51 | |
Yet a Tailor might scratch her where ere she did itch. | Yet a tailor might scratch her where'er she did itch. | | Tem II.ii.52 | |
Then to Sea Boyes, and let her goe hang. | Then to sea, boys, and let her go hang! | | Tem II.ii.53 | |
This is a scuruy tune too: But here's my comfort. | This is a scurvy tune too. But here's my comfort. | | Tem II.ii.54 | |
drinks. | He drinks | | Tem II.ii.55 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Doe not torment me: oh. | Do not torment me! Oh! | | Tem II.ii.55 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
What's the matter? Haue we diuels here? Doe | What's the matter? Have we devils here? Do | | Tem II.ii.56 | |
you put trickes vpon's with Saluages, and Men of Inde? ha? | you put tricks upon's with savages and men of Ind, ha? | salvage (n.) variant form of ‘savage’ | Tem II.ii.57 | |
| | Ind (n.) [pron: ind] the East Indies, thought of as a region of great wealth | | |
I haue not scap'd drowning, to be afeard now of your | I have not 'scaped drowning to be afeard now of your | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Tem II.ii.58 | |
| | afeard (adj.) afraid, frightened, scared | | |
foure legges: for it hath bin said; as proper a man as | four legs. For it hath been said, ‘ As proper a man as | | Tem II.ii.59 | |
euer went on foure legs, cannot make him giue ground: | ever went on four legs cannot make him give ground;’ | | Tem II.ii.60 | |
and it shall be said so againe, while Stephano breathes at' | and it shall be said so again, while Stephano breathes at | | Tem II.ii.61 | |
nostrils. | nostrils. | | Tem II.ii.62 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
The Spirit torments me: oh. | The spirit torments me! O! | | Tem II.ii.63 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
This is some Monster of the Isle, with foure | This is some monster of the isle with four | | Tem II.ii.64 | |
legs; who hath got (as I take it) an Ague: where the diuell | legs, who hath got, as I take it, an ague. Where the devil | ague (n.) fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] | Tem II.ii.65 | |
should he learne our language? I will giue him some | should he learn our language? I will give him some | | Tem II.ii.66 | |
reliefe if it be but for that: if I can recouer him, and keepe | relief, if it be but for that. If I can recover him, and keep | | Tem II.ii.67 | |
him tame, and get to Naples with him, he's a Present | him tame, and get to Naples with him, he's a present | | Tem II.ii.68 | |
for any Emperour that euer trod on Neates-leather. | for any emperor that ever trod on neat's leather. | neat (n.) ox, cow, cattle | Tem II.ii.69 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Doe not torment me 'prethee: I'le bring my wood | Do not torment me, prithee. I'll bring my wood | | Tem II.ii.70 | |
home faster. | home faster. | | Tem II.ii.71 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
He's in his fit now; and doe's not talke after the | He's in his fit now, and does not talk after the | | Tem II.ii.72 | |
wisest; hee shall taste of my Bottle: if hee haue neuer | wisest. He shall taste of my bottle. If he have never | | Tem II.ii.73 | |
drunke wine afore, it will goe neere to remoue his Fit: if I | drunk wine afore, it will go near to remove his fit. If I | | Tem II.ii.74 | |
can recouer him, and keepe him tame, I will not take too | can recover him, and keep him tame, I will not take too | | Tem II.ii.75 | |
much for him; hee shall pay for him that hath him, and | much for him. He shall pay for him that hath him, and | | Tem II.ii.76 | |
that soundly. | that soundly. | soundly (adv.) severely, strongly, dearly, in full | Tem II.ii.77 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Thou do'st me yet but little hurt; thou wilt | Thou dost me yet but little hurt. Thou wilt | | Tem II.ii.78 | |
anon, I know it by thy trembling: Now Prosper workes | anon. I know it by thy trembling. Now Prosper works | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | Tem II.ii.79 | |
vpon thee. | upon thee. | | Tem II.ii.80 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Come on your wayes: open your mouth: here | Come on your ways. Open your mouth. Here | | Tem II.ii.81 | |
is that which will giue language to you Cat; open your | is that which will give language to you, cat. Open your | | Tem II.ii.82 | |
mouth; this will shake your shaking, I can tell you, and | mouth. This will shake your shaking, I can tell you, and | | Tem II.ii.83 | |
that soundly: you cannot tell | that soundly. (He gives Caliban wine) You cannot tell | | Tem II.ii.84 | |
who's your friend; open your chaps againe. | who's your friend. Open your chaps again. | chaps, chops (n.) jaws | Tem II.ii.85 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
I should know that voyce: It should be, But | I should know that voice. It should be – but | | Tem II.ii.86 | |
hee is dround; and these are diuels; O defend me. | he is drowned, and these are devils. O, defend me! | | Tem II.ii.87 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Foure legges and two voyces; a most delicate | Four legs and two voices – a most delicate | delicate (adj.) pleasant, delightful, congenial | Tem II.ii.88 | |
Monster: his forward voyce now is to speake well of his | monster. His forward voice now is to speak well of his | | Tem II.ii.89 | |
friend; his backward voice, is to vtter foule speeches, and | friend. His backward voice is to utter foul speeches and | | Tem II.ii.90 | |
to detract: if all the wine in my bottle will recouer him, | to detract. If all the wine in my bottle will recover him, | recover (v.) revive, restore to health | Tem II.ii.91 | |
I will helpe his Ague: Come: Amen, I | I will help his ague. Come! (Caliban drinks) Amen! I | ague (n.) fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] | Tem II.ii.92 | |
will poure some in thy other mouth. | will pour some in thy other mouth. | | Tem II.ii.93 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Stephano. | Stephano! | | Tem II.ii.94 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy, | Doth thy other mouth call me? Mercy, | | Tem II.ii.95 | |
mercy: This is a diuell, and no Monster: I will leaue him, | mercy! This is a devil, and no monster. I will leave him; | | Tem II.ii.96 | |
I haue no long Spoone. | I have no long spoon. | | Tem II.ii.97 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Stephano: if thou beest Stephano, touch me, | Stephano! If thou beest Stephano, touch me | | Tem II.ii.98 | |
and speake to me: for I am Trinculo; be not afeard, | and speak to me; for I am Trinculo – be not afeard – | afeard (adj.) afraid, frightened, scared | Tem II.ii.99 | |
thy good friend Trinculo. | thy good friend Trinculo. | | Tem II.ii.100 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
If thou bee'st Trinculo: come forth: I'le pull | If thou beest Trinculo, come forth. I'll pull | | Tem II.ii.101 | |
thee by the lesser legges: if any be Trinculo's legges, these | thee by the lesser legs. If any be Trinculo's legs, these | | Tem II.ii.102 | |
are they: Thou art very Trinculo indeede: how cam'st | are they. Thou art very Trinculo indeed! How cam'st | very (adj.) true, real, genuine | Tem II.ii.103 | |
thou to be the siege of this Moone-calfe? Can he vent | thou to be the siege of this mooncalf? Can he vent | mooncalf (n.) monstrosity, misshapen creature, monster | Tem II.ii.104 | |
| | siege (n.) excrement, ordure, dung | | |
| | vent (v.) discharge, excrete, defecate | | |
Trinculo's? | Trinculos? | | Tem II.ii.105 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
I tooke him to be kil'd with a thunder-strok; | I took him to be killed with a thunderstroke. | | Tem II.ii.106 | |
but art thou not dround Stephano: I hope now thou | But art thou not drowned, Stephano? I hope now thou | | Tem II.ii.107 | |
art not dround: Is the Storme ouer-blowne? I hid mee | art not drowned. Is the storm overblown? I hid me | overblow (v.) blow over, pass away, abate | Tem II.ii.108 | |
vnder the dead Moone-Calfes Gaberdine, for feare of the | under the dead mooncalf's gaberdine for fear of the | gaberdine (n.) cloak, cape, loose upper garment | Tem II.ii.109 | |
Storme: And art thou liuing Stephano? O Stephano, two | storm. And art thou living, Stephano? O Stephano, two | | Tem II.ii.110 | |
Neapolitanes scap'd? | Neapolitans 'scaped? | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Tem II.ii.111 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
'Prethee doe not turne me about, my stomacke is | Prithee, do not turn me about. My stomach is | | Tem II.ii.112 | |
not constant. | not constant. | constant (adj.) settled, stable, steady | Tem II.ii.113 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
| (aside) | | Tem II.ii.114.1 | |
These be fine things, and if they be not sprights: | These be fine things, an if they be not sprites. | sprite, spright (n.) spirit, ghost, supernatural being | Tem II.ii.114 | |
| | an if (conj.) if | | |
that's a braue God, and beares Celestiall liquor: | That's a brave god, and bears celestial liquor. | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | Tem II.ii.115 | |
I will kneele to him. | I will kneel to him. | | Tem II.ii.116 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
How did'st thou scape? How cam'st thou | How didst thou 'scape? How cam'st thou | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | Tem II.ii.117 | |
hither? Sweare by this Bottle how thou cam'st hither: I | hither? Swear by this bottle how thou cam'st hither. I | | Tem II.ii.118 | |
escap'd vpon a But of Sacke, which the Saylors heaued | escaped upon a butt of sack, which the sailors heaved | butt (n.) large cask, barrel | Tem II.ii.119 | |
| | sack (n.) [type of] white wine | | |
o'reboord, by this Bottle which I made of the barke of a | o'erboard, by this bottle, which I made of the bark of a | | Tem II.ii.120 | |
Tree, with mine owne hands, since I was cast a'shore. | tree, with mine own hands, since I was cast ashore. | | Tem II.ii.121 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
I'le sweare vpon that Bottle, to be thy true subiect, | I'll swear upon that bottle to be thy true subject, | | Tem II.ii.122 | |
for the liquor is not earthly. | for the liquor is not earthly. | | Tem II.ii.123 | |
St. | STEPHANO | | | |
Heere: sweare then how thou escap'dst. | Here! Swear, then, how thou escaped'st. | | Tem II.ii.124 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
Swom ashore (man) like a Ducke: I can swim | Swum ashore, man, like a duck. I can swim | | Tem II.ii.125 | |
like a Ducke i'le be sworne. | like a duck, I'll be sworn. | | Tem II.ii.126 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Here, kisse the Booke. | Here, kiss the book. (He gives him wine) | | Tem II.ii.127 | |
Though thou canst swim like a Ducke, thou art made like | Though thou canst swim like a duck, thou art made like | | Tem II.ii.128 | |
a Goose. | a goose. | | Tem II.ii.129 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
O Stephano, ha'st any more of this? | O Stephano, hast any more of this? | | Tem II.ii.130 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
The whole But (man) my Cellar is in a rocke | The whole butt, man. My cellar is in a rock | butt (n.) large cask, barrel | Tem II.ii.131 | |
by th' sea-side, where my Wine is hid: How now Moone-Calfe, | by th' seaside, where my wine is hid. How now, mooncalf? | mooncalf (n.) monstrosity, misshapen creature, monster | Tem II.ii.132 | |
how do's thine Ague? | How does thine ague? | ague (n.) fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever] | Tem II.ii.133 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Ha'st thou not dropt from heauen? | Hast thou not dropped from heaven? | | Tem II.ii.134 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Out o'th Moone I doe assure thee. I was the | Out o'th' moon, I do assure thee. I was the | | Tem II.ii.135 | |
Man ith' Moone, when time was. | Man i'th' Moon when time was. | time was, when once upon a time | Tem II.ii.136 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
I haue seene thee in her: and I doe adore thee: / My | I have seen thee in her, and I do adore thee. My | | Tem II.ii.137 | |
Mistris shew'd me thee, and thy Dog, and thy Bush. | mistress showed me thee, and thy dog, and thy bush. | | Tem II.ii.138 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Come, sweare to that: kisse the Booke: I will | Come, swear to that. Kiss the book. I will | | Tem II.ii.139 | |
furnish it anon with new Contents: Sweare. | furnish it anon with new contents. Swear! (Caliban | furnish (v.) provide, supply, possess | Tem II.ii.140 | |
| | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | | |
| drinks) | | Tem II.ii.140.2 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
By this good light, this is a very shallow | By this good light, this is a very shallow | shallow (adj.) naive, gullible, lacking in depth of character | Tem II.ii.141 | |
Monster: I afeard of him? a very weake Monster: / The | monster! I afeard of him? A very weak monster! The | afeard (adj.) afraid, frightened, scared | Tem II.ii.142 | |
Man ith' Moone? A most poore creadulous Monster: | Man i'th' Moon? A most poor credulous monster! – | | Tem II.ii.143 | |
Well drawne Monster, in good sooth. | Well drawn, monster, in good sooth! | sooth (n.) truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] | Tem II.ii.144 | |
| | draw (v.) drink deep, drain | | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Ile shew thee euery fertill ynch o'th Island: and | I'll show thee every fertile inch o'th' island, and | | Tem II.ii.145 | |
I will kisse thy foote: I prethee be my god. | I will kiss thy foot. I prithee, be my god. | | Tem II.ii.146 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
By this light, a most perfidious, and drunken | By this light, a most perfidious and drunken | perfidious (adj.) treacherous, unfaithful, disloyal | Tem II.ii.147 | |
Monster, when's god's a sleepe he'll rob his Bottle. | monster! When's god's asleep, he'll rob his bottle. | | Tem II.ii.148 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
Ile kisse thy foot, Ile sweare my selfe thy Subiect. | I'll kiss thy foot. I'll swear myself thy subject. | | Tem II.ii.149 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Come on then: downe and sweare. | Come on then. Down, and swear! | | Tem II.ii.150 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
I shall laugh my selfe to death at this puppi-headed | I shall laugh myself to death at this puppy-headed | | Tem II.ii.151 | |
Monster: a most scuruie Monster: I could finde in | monster. A most scurvy monster! I could find in | scurvy (adj.) contemptible, despicable, wretched | Tem II.ii.152 | |
my heart to beate him. | my heart to beat him – | | Tem II.ii.153 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
Come, kisse. | Come, kiss. | | Tem II.ii.154 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
But that the poore Monster's in drinke: An | But that the poor monster's in drink. An | | Tem II.ii.155 | |
abhominable Monster. | abominable monster! | | Tem II.ii.156 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
I'le shew thee the best Springs: I'le plucke thee / Berries: | I'll show thee the best springs. I'll pluck thee berries. | | Tem II.ii.157 | |
I'le fish for thee; and get thee wood enough. | I'll fish for thee, and get thee wood enough. | | Tem II.ii.158 | |
A plague vpon the Tyrant that I serue; | A plague upon the tyrant that I serve! | | Tem II.ii.159 | |
I'le beare him no more Stickes, but follow thee, | I'll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, | | Tem II.ii.160 | |
thou wondrous man. | Thou wondrous man. | | Tem II.ii.161 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
A most rediculous Monster, to make a wonder | A most ridiculous monster, to make a wonder | | Tem II.ii.162 | |
of a poore drunkard. | of a poor drunkard! | | Tem II.ii.163 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
I 'prethee let me bring thee where Crabs grow; | I prithee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; | crab (n.) crab-apple, sour apple | Tem II.ii.164 | |
and I with my long nayles will digge thee pig-nuts; | And I with my long nails will dig thee pignuts, | pignut (n.) variety of edible nutty root, earth chestnut | Tem II.ii.165 | |
show thee a Iayes nest, and instruct thee how | Show thee a jay's nest, and instruct thee how | | Tem II.ii.166 | |
to snare the nimble Marmazet: I'le bring thee | To snare the nimble marmoset. I'll bring thee | marmoset (n.) type of small monkey | Tem II.ii.167 | |
to clustring Philbirts, and sometimes I'le get thee | To clust'ring filberts, and sometimes I'll get thee | filbert (n.) hazel-nut | Tem II.ii.168 | |
young Scamels from the Rocke: Wilt thou goe with me? | Young scamels from the rock. Wilt thou go with me? | scamel (n.) [uncertain meaning] type of bird or fish | Tem II.ii.169 | |
Ste. | STEPHANO | | | |
I pre'thee now lead the way without any more | I prithee now, lead the way without any more | | Tem II.ii.170 | |
talking. Trinculo, the King, and all our company else | talking. – Trinculo, the King and all our company else | | Tem II.ii.171 | |
being dround, wee will inherit here: Here; beare my | being drowned, we will inherit here. Here, bear my | | Tem II.ii.172 | |
Bottle: Fellow Trinculo; we'll fill him by and by againe. | bottle. Fellow Trinculo, we'll fill him by and by again. | | Tem II.ii.173 | |
Caliban Sings drunkenly. | (Caliban sings drunkenly | | Tem II.ii.174 | |
| CALIBAN | | | |
Farewell Master; farewell, farewell. | Farewell, master! Farewell, farewell! | | Tem II.ii.174 | |
Tri. | TRINCULO | | | |
A howling Monster: a drunken Monster. | A howling monster! A drunken monster! | | Tem II.ii.175 | |
Cal. | CALIBAN | | | |
No more dams I'le make for fish, | No more dams I'll make for fish, | | Tem II.ii.176 | |
Nor fetch in firing, | Nor fetch in firing | firing (n.) firewood, fuel | Tem II.ii.177 | |
at requiring, | At requiring, | requiring (n.) demanding, requesting as a right | Tem II.ii.178 | |
Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish, | Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish. | trenchering (n.) plates, platters, serving dishes | Tem II.ii.179 | |
Ban' ban' Cacalyban | Ban, Ban, Cacaliban | | Tem II.ii.180 | |
Has a new Master, get a new Man. | Has a new master – get a new man! | | Tem II.ii.181 | |
Freedome, high-day, high-day freedome, freedome | Freedom, high-day! High-day, freedom! Freedom, | high-day (n.) day of celebration, festival day, holiday | Tem II.ii.182 | |
high-day, freedome. | high-day, freedom! | | Tem II.ii.183 | |
Ste | STEPHANO | | | |
O braue Monster; lead the way. | O brave monster! Lead the way. | brave (adj.) fine, excellent, splendid, impressive | Tem II.ii.184 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Tem II.ii.184 | |