Richard II

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Queene, Bushy, and Bagot.Enter the Queen, Bushy, and Bagot R2 II.ii.1.1
Bush. BUSHY 
Madam, your Maiesty is too much sad,Madam, your majesty is too much sad.sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
R2 II.ii.1
You promis'd when you parted with the King,You promised when you parted with the King R2 II.ii.2
To lay aside selfe-harming heauinesse,To lay aside life-harming heaviness, R2 II.ii.3
And entertaine a cheerefull disposition.And entertain a cheerful disposition.entertain (v.)

old form: entertaine
maintain, keep up, practise
R2 II.ii.4
To please the King, I did: to please my selfeTo please the King I did. To please myself R2 II.ii.5
I cannot do it: yet I know no causeI cannot do it. Yet I know no cause R2 II.ii.6
Why I should welcome such a guest as greefe,Why I should welcome such a guest as grief R2 II.ii.7
Saue bidding farewell to so sweet a guestSave bidding farewell to so sweet a guest R2 II.ii.8
As my sweet Richard; yet againe me thinkes,As my sweet Richard. Yet again methinksmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
R2 II.ii.9
Some vnborne sorrow, ripe in fortunes wombeSome unborn sorrow ripe in fortune's womb R2 II.ii.10
Is comming towards me, and my inward souleIs coming towards me, and my inward soul R2 II.ii.11
With nothing trembles, at something it greeues,With nothing trembles. At some thing it grieves R2 II.ii.12
More then with parting from my Lord the King.More than with parting from my lord the King. R2 II.ii.13
Bush. BUSHY 
Each substance of a greefe hath twenty shadowsEach substance of a grief hath twenty shadows R2 II.ii.14
Which shewes like greefe it selfe, but is not so:Which shows like grief itself, but is not so. R2 II.ii.15
For sorrowes eye, glazed with blinding teares,For sorrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears, R2 II.ii.16
Diuides one thing intire, to many obiects,Divides one thing entire to many objects, R2 II.ii.17
Like perspectiues, which rightly gaz'd vponLike perspectives which, rightly gazed upon,perspective (n.)

old form: perspectiues
picture in which perspective is altered so as to appear distorted unless seen from a particular angle
R2 II.ii.18
Shew nothing but confusion, ey'd awry,Show nothing but confusion; eyed awry, R2 II.ii.19
Distinguish forme: so your sweet MaiestieDistinguish form. So your sweet majesty,distinguish (v.)
discern, make out, show distinctly
R2 II.ii.20
Looking awry vpon your Lords departure,Looking awry upon your lord's departure,awry (adv.)
mistakenly, wrongly, erroneously
R2 II.ii.21
Finde shapes of greefe, more then himselfe to waile,Find shapes of grief more than himself to wail,wail (v.)

old form: waile
bewail, lament, grieve [for]
R2 II.ii.22
Which look'd on as it is, is naught bur shadowesWhich looked on as it is, is naught but shadows R2 II.ii.23
Of what it is not: then thrice-gracious Queene,Of what it is not. Then, thrice-gracious Queen, R2 II.ii.24
More then your Lords departure weep not, more's not seene;More than your lord's departure weep not – more is not seen, R2 II.ii.25
Or if it be, 'tis with false sorrowes eie,Or if it be, 'tis with false sorrow's eye,false (adj.)
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
R2 II.ii.26
Which for things true, weepe things imaginary.Which for things true weeps things imaginary. R2 II.ii.27
It may be so: but yet my inward souleIt may be so; but yet my inward soul R2 II.ii.28
Perswades me it is otherwise: how ere it be,Persuades me it is otherwise. Howe'er it be R2 II.ii.29
I cannot but be sad: so heauy sad,I cannot but be sad – so heavy-sadheavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
R2 II.ii.30
As though on thinking on no thought I thinke,As, though on thinking on no thought I think, R2 II.ii.31
Makes me with heauy nothing faint and shrinke.Makes me with heavy nothing faint and shrink.shrink (v.)

old form: shrinke
shiver, recoil, draw back
R2 II.ii.32
Bush. BUSHY 
'Tis nothing but conceit (my gracious Lady.)'Tis nothing but conceit, my gracious lady.conceit (n.)
imagining, brooding, fanciful thought
R2 II.ii.33
'Tis nothing lesse: conceit is still deriu'd'Tis nothing less. Conceit is still derivedstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
R2 II.ii.34
From some fore-father greefe, mine is not so,From some forefather grief. Mine is not so, R2 II.ii.35
For nothing hath begot my something greefe,For nothing hath begot my something grief, R2 II.ii.36
Or something, hath the nothing that I greeue,Or something hath the nothing that I grieve –  R2 II.ii.37
'Tis in reuersion that I do possesse,'Tis in reversion that I do possess – reversion (n.)

old form: reuersion
right of succession, situation of reverting to its original owner
R2 II.ii.38
But what it is, that is not yet knowne, whatBut what it is that is not yet known what, R2 II.ii.39
I cannot name, 'tis namelesse woe I wot.I cannot name; 'tis nameless woe, I wot.wot (v.)
learn, know, be told
R2 II.ii.40
Enter Greene.Enter Green R2 II.ii.41
Heauen saue your Maiesty, and wel met Gentlemen:God save your majesty, and well met, gentlemen. R2 II.ii.41
I hope the King is not yet shipt for Ireland.I hope the King is not yet shipped for Ireland. R2 II.ii.42
Why hop'st thou so? Tis better hope he is:Why hopest thou so? 'Tis better hope he is, R2 II.ii.43
For his designes craue hast, his hast good hope,For his designs crave haste, his haste good (n.)

old form: designes
undertaking, purpose, enterprise
R2 II.ii.44
crave (v.)

old form: craue
need, demand, require
Then wherefore dost thou hope he is not shipt?Then wherefore dost thou hope he is not shipped? R2 II.ii.45
That he our hope, might haue retyr'd his power,That he, our hope, might have retired his power,power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
R2 II.ii.46
retire (v.)

old form: retyr'd
retreat, pull back, withdraw
and driuen into dispaire an enemies hope,And driven into despair an enemy's hope, R2 II.ii.47
Who strongly hath set footing in this Land.Who strongly hath set footing in this land. R2 II.ii.48
The banish'd Bullingbrooke repeales himselfe,The banished Bolingbroke repeals himself,repeal (v.)

old form: repeales
recall, call back [from exile]
R2 II.ii.49
And with vp-lifted Armes is safe arriu'dAnd with uplifted arms is safe arriveduplifted (adj.)

old form: vp-lifted
brandished, raised up
R2 II.ii.50
arms (n.)

old form: Armes
weapons, armaments
At Rauenspurg.At Ravenspurgh. R2 II.ii.51.1
Now God in heauen forbid.Now God in heaven forbid! R2 II.ii.51.2
O Madam 'tis too true: and that is worse,Ah, madam, 'tis too true! And, that is worse, R2 II.ii.52
The L.Northumberland, his yong sonne Henrie Percie,The Lord Northumberland, his son young Henry Percy, R2 II.ii.53
The Lords of Rosse, Beaumond, and Willoughby,The Lords of Ross, Beaumont, and Willoughby, R2 II.ii.54
With all their powrefull friends are fled to him.With all their powerful friends are fled to him. R2 II.ii.55
Bush. BUSHY 
Why haue you not proclaim'd NorthumberlandWhy have you not proclaimed Northumberland R2 II.ii.56
And the rest of the reuolted faction, Traitors?And all the rest, revolted faction, traitors?revolted (adj.)

old form: reuolted
rebellious, insurgent, insubordinate
R2 II.ii.57
We haue: whereupon the Earle of WorcesterWe have; whereupon the Earl of Worcester R2 II.ii.58
Hath broke his staffe, resign'd his Stewardship,Hath broken his staff, resigned his stewardship, R2 II.ii.59
And al the houshold seruants fled with him And all the household servants fled with him R2 II.ii.60
to BullinbrookTo Bolingbroke. R2 II.ii.61
So Greene, thou art the midwife of my woe,So, Green, thou art the midwife to my woe, R2 II.ii.62
And Bullinbrooke my sorrowes dismall heyre:And Bolingbroke my sorrow's dismal heir.heir (n.)

old form: heyre
offspring, progeny, fruit
R2 II.ii.63
Now hath my soule brought forth her prodegie,Now hath my soul brought forth her prodigy,prodigy (n.)

old form: prodegie
monster, abnormal birth, ominous monstrosity
R2 II.ii.64
And I a gasping new deliuered mother,And I, a gasping new-delivered mother, R2 II.ii.65
Haue woe to woe, sorrow to sorrow ioyn'd.Have woe to woe, sorrow to sorrow joined. R2 II.ii.66
Bush. BUSHY 
Dispaire not Madam.Despair not, madam. R2 II.ii.67.1
Who shall hinder me?Who shall hinder me? R2 II.ii.67.2
I will dispaire, and be at enmitieI will despair and be at enmity R2 II.ii.68
With couzening hope; he is a Flatterer,With cozening hope. He is a flatterer,cozening (adj.)

old form: couzening
cheating, deceiving, fraudulent
R2 II.ii.69
A Parasite, a keeper backe of death,A parasite, a keeper-back of death R2 II.ii.70
Who gently would dissolue the bands of life,Who gently would dissolve the bands of lifedissolve (v.)

old form: dissolue
loosen, release, set free
R2 II.ii.71
band (n.)
bond, shackle, chain
Which false hopes linger in extremity.Which false hope lingers in extremity.extremity (n.)
utmost degree, greatest amount
R2 II.ii.72
linger (v.)
prolong, draw out, extend
Enter YorkeEnter York R2 II.ii.73
Heere comes the Duke of Yorke.Here comes the Duke of York. R2 II.ii.73
With signes of warre about his aged necke,With signs of war about his aged neck. R2 II.ii.74
Oh full of carefull businesse are his lookes:O, full of careful business are his looks!business (n.)

old form: businesse
concern, uneasiness, distress
R2 II.ii.75
careful (adj.)

old form: carefull
anxious, concerned, worried
Vncle, for heauens sake speake comfortable words:Uncle, for God's sake speak comfortable words.comfortable (adj.)
comforting, encouraging, reassuring
R2 II.ii.76
Yor. YORK 
Should I do so I should belie my thoughts. R2 II.ii.77
Comfort's in heauen, and we are on the earth,Comfort's in heaven, and we are on the earth, R2 II.ii.78
Where nothing liues but crosses, care and greefe:Where nothing lives but crosses, cares, and grief.cross (n.)
trial, affliction, trouble
R2 II.ii.79
Your husband he is gone to saue farre off,Your husband, he is gone to save far off, R2 II.ii.80
Whilst others come to make him loose at home:Whilst others come to make him lose at home. R2 II.ii.81
Heere am I left to vnder-prop his Land,Here am I left to underprop his land, R2 II.ii.82
Who weake with age, cannot support my selfe:Who weak with age cannot support myself. R2 II.ii.83
Now comes the sicke houre that his surfet made,Now comes the sick hour that his surfeit made.sick (adj.)

old form: sicke
ill through excess, surfeited
R2 II.ii.84
Now shall he try his friends that flattered him.Now shall he try his friends that flattered him.try (v.)
put to the test, test the goodness [of]
R2 II.ii.85
Enter a seruant.Enter a Servingman R2 II.ii.86
My Lord, your sonne was gone before I came.My lord, your son was gone before I came. R2 II.ii.86
Yor. YORK 
He was: why so: go all which way it will:He was? – why, so. Go all which way it will. R2 II.ii.87
The Nobles they are fled, the Commons they are cold,The nobles they are fled. The commons they are cold, R2 II.ii.88
And will I feare reuolt on Herfords side.And will, I fear, revolt on Hereford's side. R2 II.ii.89
Sirra, get thee to Plashie to my sister Gloster,Sirrah, get thee to Pleshey to my sister Gloucester. R2 II.ii.90
Bid her send me presently a thousand pound,Bid her send me presently a thousand pound – presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
R2 II.ii.91
Hold, take my Ring.Hold: take my ring. R2 II.ii.92
My Lord, I had forgot / To tell your Lordship, My lord, I had forgot to tell your lordship –  R2 II.ii.93
to day I came by, and call'd there,Today as I came by I called there –  R2 II.ii.94
But I shall greeue you to report the rest.But I shall grieve you to report the rest. R2 II.ii.95
Yor. YORK 
What is`t knaue?What is't, knave?knave (n.)

old form: knaue
servant, menial, lackey
R2 II.ii.96
An houre before I came, the Dutchesse di'de.An hour before I came the Duchess died. R2 II.ii.97
Yor. YORK 
Heau'n for his mercy, what a tide of woesGod for his mercy, what a tide of woes R2 II.ii.98
Come rushing on this wofull Land at once?Comes rushing on this woeful land at once! R2 II.ii.99
I know not what to do: I would to heauenI know not what to do. I would to God –  R2 II.ii.100
(So my vntruth had not prouok'd him to it)So my untruth had not provoked him to it – untruth (n.)

old form: vntruth
disloyalty, unfaithfulness, infidelity
R2 II.ii.101
The King had cut off my head with my brothers.The King had cut off my head with my brother's. R2 II.ii.102
What, are there postes dispatcht for Ireland?What, are there no posts dispatched for Ireland?post (n.)

old form: postes
express messenger, courier
R2 II.ii.103
How shall we do for money for these warres? How shall we do for money for these wars? R2 II.ii.104
Come sister (Cozen I would say) pray pardon me.Come, sister – cousin, I would say – pray pardon me. R2 II.ii.105
Go fellow, get thee home, poouide some Carts,Go, fellow, get thee home, provide some carts, R2 II.ii.106
And bring away the Armour that is there.And bring away the armour that is there. R2 II.ii.107
Gentlemen, will you muster men?Gentlemen, will you go muster men? R2 II.ii.108
If I know how, or which way to order these affairesIf I know how or which way to order these affairs R2 II.ii.109
Thus disorderly thrust into my hands,Thus disorderly thrust into my hands, R2 II.ii.110
Neuer beleeue me. Both are my kinsmen,Never believe me. Both are my kinsmen. R2 II.ii.111
Th'one is my Soueraigne, whom both my oathT' one is my sovereign, whom both my oath R2 II.ii.112
And dutie bids defend: th'other againeAnd duty bids defend. T'other again R2 II.ii.113
Is my kinsman, whom the King hath wrong'd,Is my kinsman, whom the King hath wronged, R2 II.ii.114
Whom conscience, and my kindred bids to right:Whom conscience and my kindred bids to right. R2 II.ii.115
Well, somewhat we must do: Come Cozen,Well, somewhat we must do. (To the Queen) Come, cousin, R2 II.ii.116
Ile dispose of you. Gentlemen, go muster vp your men,I'll dispose of you. Gentlemen, go muster up your men,dispose of (v.)
make arrangements for
R2 II.ii.117
And meet me presently at Barkley Castle:And meet me presently at Berkeley.presently (adv.)
after a short time, soon, before long
R2 II.ii.118
I should to Plashy too: I should to Pleshey, too, R2 II.ii.119
but time will not permit, / All is vneuen, But time will not permit. All is uneven,uneven (adj.)

old form: vneuen
irregular, erratic
R2 II.ii.120
and euery thing is left at six and seuen. And everything is left at six and seven. R2 II.ii.121
ExitExeunt York and the Queen R2 II.ii.121
Bushy, Bagot, and Green remain R2 II.ii.122
Bush. BUSHY 
The winde sits faire for newes to go to Ireland,The wind sits fair for news to go to Ireland, R2 II.ii.122
But none returnes: For vs to leuy powerBut none returns. For us to levy powerpower (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
R2 II.ii.123
Proportionable to th'enemy, Proportionable to the enemyproportionable (adj.)
proportional, comparable, commensurate [with]
R2 II.ii.124
is all impossible.Is all unpossible.unpossible (adj.)
R2 II.ii.125
Besides our neerenesse to the King in loue,Besides, our nearness to the King in love R2 II.ii.126
Is neere the hate of those loue not the King.Is near the hate of those love not the King. R2 II.ii.127
And that's the wauering Commons, for their loueAnd that is the wavering commons; for their lovecommons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
R2 II.ii.128
Lies in their purses, and who so empties them,Lies in their purses, and whoso empties them R2 II.ii.129
By so much fils their hearts with deadly hate.By so much fills their hearts with deadly hate. R2 II.ii.130
Bush. BUSHY 
Wherein the king stands generally condemn'dWherein the King stands generally condemned.generally (adv.)
universally, without exception, in the eyes of all
R2 II.ii.131
If iudgement lye in them, then so do we,If judgement lie in them, then so do we, R2 II.ii.132
Because we haue beene euer neere the King.Because we ever have been near the King.ever (adv.)

old form: euer
constantly, continually, at all times
R2 II.ii.133
Well: I will for refuge straight to Bristoll Castle,Well, I will for refuge straight to Bristol Castle.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
R2 II.ii.134
Bristow, Bristol (n.)
city-port in SW England, close to the mouth of the R Severn
The Earle of Wiltshire is alreadie there.The Earl of Wiltshire is already there. R2 II.ii.135
Bush. BUSHY 
Thither will I with you, for little officeThither will I with you; for little officeoffice (n.)
service, sympathy, kindness
R2 II.ii.136
Will the hatefull Commons performe for vs,Will the hateful commons perform for us – hateful (adj.)

old form: hatefull
full of hate
R2 II.ii.137
commons (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
Except like Curres, to teare vs all in peeces:Except like curs to tear us all to pieces. R2 II.ii.138
Will you go along with vs?Will you go along with us? R2 II.ii.139
No, I will to Ireland to his Maiestie:No, I will to Ireland to his majesty. R2 II.ii.140
Farewell, if hearts presages be not vaine,Farewell. If heart's presages be not vain,presage (n.)
foreboding, presentiment, misgiving
R2 II.ii.141
We three here part, that neu'r shall meete againe.We three here part that ne'er shall meet again. R2 II.ii.142
That's as Yorke thriues to beate back BullinbrokeThat's as York thrives to beat back Bolingbroke. R2 II.ii.143
Alas poore Duke, the taske he vndertakesAlas, poor Duke! The task he undertakes R2 II.ii.144
Is numbring sands, and drinking Oceans drie,Is numbering sands and drinking oceans dry. R2 II.ii.145
Where one on his side fights, thousands will flye.Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly. R2 II.ii.146
Bush. BAGOT 
Farewell at once, for once, for all, and euer.Farewell at once, for once, for all, and ever. R2 II.ii.147
Well, we may meete againe.Well, we may meet again. R2 II.ii.148.1
I feare me neuer. I fear me, never. R2 II.ii.148.2
Exit.Exeunt R2 II.ii.148
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