
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter two Officers, to lay Cushions, as it were, in the Enter two Officers, to lay cushions, as it were in the Cor II.ii.1.1
Capitoll.CapitolCapitol (n.)
geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Cor II.ii.1.2
Come, come, they are almost here: howCome, come, they are almost here. How Cor II.ii.1
many stand for Consulships?many stand for consulships? Cor II.ii.2
Three, they say: but 'tis thought ofThree, they say; but 'tis thought of Cor II.ii.3
euery one, Coriolanus will carry it.everyone Coriolanus will carry it.carry (v.)
secure, obtain, gain
Cor II.ii.4
That's a braue fellow: but hee's vengeanceThat's a brave fellow, but he's vengeancevengeance (adv.)
exceedingly, intensely, tremendously
Cor II.ii.5
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
prowd, and loues not the common people.proud and loves not the common people. Cor II.ii.6
'Faith, there hath beene many great menFaith, there hath been many great men Cor II.ii.7
that haue flatter'd the people, who ne're loued them; andthat have flattered the people, who ne'er loved them; and Cor II.ii.8
there be many that they haue loued, they know notthere be many that they have loved, they know not Cor II.ii.9
wherefore: so that if they loue they know not why, theywherefore. So that, if they love they know not why, they Cor II.ii.10
hate vpon no better a ground. Therefore, for Coriolanus hate upon no better a ground. Therefore, for Coriolanus Cor II.ii.11
neyther to care whether they loue, or hate him, manifestsneither to care whether they love or hate him manifests Cor II.ii.12
the true knowledge he ha's in their disposition, and out ofthe true knowledge he has in their disposition, and out ofin (prep.)
Cor II.ii.13
disposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
his Noble carelesnesse lets them plainely see't.his noble carelessness lets them plainly see't.carelessness (n.)

old form: carelesnesse
indifference, inattention, unconcern [about public opinion]
Cor II.ii.14
If he did not care whether he had theirIf he did not care whether he had their Cor II.ii.15
loue, or no, hee waued indifferently, 'twixt doing themlove or no, he waved indifferently 'twixt doing themindifferently (adv.)
impartially, equally, alike
Cor II.ii.16
wave (v.)

old form: waued
waver, vacillate, alternate
neyther good, nor harme: but hee seekes their hate withneither good nor harm. But he seeks their hate with Cor II.ii.17
greater deuotion, then they can render it him; and leauesgreater devotion than they can render it him, and leaves Cor II.ii.18
nothing vndone, that may fully discouer him their opposite.nothing undone that may fully discover him their opposite.opposite (n.)
opponent, adversary, anatagonist
Cor II.ii.19
discover (v.)

old form: discouer
reveal, show, make known
Now to seeme to affect the mallice and displeasure ofNow to seem to affect the malice and displeasure ofmalice (n.)

old form: mallice
hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity
Cor II.ii.20
affect (v.)
cultivate, aim at, seek out
the People, is as bad, as that which he dislikes, to flatterthe people is as bad as that which he dislikes – to flatter Cor II.ii.21
them for their loue.them for their love. Cor II.ii.22
Hee hath deserued worthily of his Countrey,He hath deserved worthily of his country; Cor II.ii.23
and his assent is not by such easie degrees as those,and his ascent is not by such easy degrees as thosedegree (n.)
step, stage, rung
Cor II.ii.24
who hauing beene supple and courteous to the People,who, having been supple and courteous to the people, Cor II.ii.25
Bonnetted, without any further deed, to haue them at allbonneted, without any further deed to have them at all,bonnet (v.)
take off the hat, remove the bonnet [in respect or flattery]
Cor II.ii.26
into their estimation, and report: but hee hath so plantedinto their estimation and report. But he hath so plantedestimation (n.)
esteem, respect, reputation
Cor II.ii.27
report (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
his Honors in their Eyes, and his actions in their Hearts,his honours in their eyes and his actions in their hearts Cor II.ii.28
that for their Tongues to be silent, and not confesse so much,that for their tongues to be silent and not confess so much Cor II.ii.29
were a kinde of ingratefull Iniurie: to report otherwise,were a kind of ingrateful injury. To report otherwiseingrateful (adj.)

old form: ingratefull
unacceptable, displeasing, disagreeable
Cor II.ii.30
were a Mallice, that giuing it selfe the Lye, would pluckewere a malice that, giving itself the lie, would pluck Cor II.ii.31
reproofe and rebuke from euery Eare that heard it.reproof and rebuke from every ear that heard it.reproof (n.)

old form: reproofe
rebuff, rebuke, censure
Cor II.ii.32
No more of him, hee's a worthy man:No more of him, he's a worthy man. Cor II.ii.33
make way, they are comming.Make way, they are coming. Cor II.ii.34
A Sennet. Enter the Patricians, and the Tribunes of the A sennet. Enter the Patricians and the Tribunes of the Cor II.ii.35.1
People, Lictors before them: Coriolanus, Menenius, People, Lictors before them; Coriolanus, Menenius, Cor II.ii.35.2
Cominius the Consul: Scicinius and Brutus take their Cominius the Consul. Sicinius and Brutus take their Cor II.ii.35.3
places by themselues: Coriolanus stands.places by themselves Cor II.ii.35.4
Hauing determin'd of the Volces, / AndHaving determined of the Volsces anddetermine (v.)

old form: determin'd
make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about]
Cor II.ii.35
to send for Titus Lartius: it remaines,To send for Titus Lartius, it remains, Cor II.ii.36
As the maine Point of this our after-meeting,As the main point of this our after-meeting,after-meeting (n.)
follow-up meeting
Cor II.ii.37
To gratifie his Noble seruice, thatTo gratify his noble service thatgratify (v.)

old form: gratifie
reward, repay, show gratitude for
Cor II.ii.38
hath / Thus stood for his Countrey. Therefore please you,Hath thus stood for his country. Therefore please you,stand for (v.)
defend, uphold, protect, support
Cor II.ii.39
Most reuerend and graue Elders, to desireMost reverend and grave elders, to desire Cor II.ii.40
The present Consull, and last Generall,The present consul and last general Cor II.ii.41
In our well-found Successes, to reportIn our well-found successes to reportwell-found (adj.)
commendable, meritorious, laudable
Cor II.ii.42
A little of that worthy Worke, perform'dA little of that worthy work performed Cor II.ii.43
By Martius Caius Coriolanus: whomBy Caius Martius Coriolanus, whom Cor II.ii.44
We met here, both to thanke, and to remember,We met here both to thank and to rememberremember (v.)
commemorate, acknowledge, reward, recognize
Cor II.ii.45
With Honors like himselfe.With honours like himself. Cor II.ii.46.1
Speake, good Cominius:Speak, good Cominius. Cor II.ii.46.2
Leaue nothing out for length, and make vs thinkeLeave nothing out for length, and make us think Cor II.ii.47
Rather our states defectiue for requitall,Rather our state's defective for requitalrequital (n.)

old form: requitall
recompense, reward, repayment
Cor II.ii.48
Then we to stretch it out. Masters a'th' People,Than we to stretch it out. (To the Tribunes) Masters o'th' people, Cor II.ii.49
We doe request your kindest eares: and afterWe do request your kindest ears, and after, Cor II.ii.50
Your louing motion toward the common Body,Your loving motion toward the common bodymotion (n.)
urging, prompting, encouragement
Cor II.ii.51
To yeeld what passes here.To yield what passes here.yield (v.)

old form: yeeld
agree [to], consent [to], comply [with]
Cor II.ii.52.1
We are conuentedWe are conventedconvent (v.)

old form: conuented
bring together, assemble, convene
Cor II.ii.52.2
vpon a pleasing Treatie, and haue heartsUpon a pleasing treaty, and have heartstreaty (n.)

old form: Treatie
entreaty, proposal for agreement, proposition
Cor II.ii.53
inclinable to honor and aduanceInclinable to honour and advance Cor II.ii.54
the Theame of our Assembly.The theme of our assembly. Cor II.ii.55.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
Which the ratherWhich the rather Cor II.ii.55.2
wee shall be blest to doe, if he rememberWe shall be blest to do, if he rememberblessed, blest (adj.)
happy, glad, joyful
Cor II.ii.56
a kinder value of the People, thenA kinder value of the people than Cor II.ii.57
he hath hereto priz'd them at.He hath hereto prized them at. Cor II.ii.58.1
That's off, that's off:That's off, that's off!off (adj.)
beside the point, irrelevant
Cor II.ii.58.2
I would you rather had been silent: Please youI would you rather had been silent. Please you Cor II.ii.59
to heare Cominius speake?To hear Cominius speak? Cor II.ii.60.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
Most willingly:Most willingly. Cor II.ii.60.2
but yet my Caution was more pertinentBut yet my caution was more pertinent Cor II.ii.61
then the rebuke you giue it.Than the rebuke you give it. Cor II.ii.62.1
He loues your People,He loves your people; Cor II.ii.62.2
but tye him not to be their Bed-fellow: But tie him not to be their bedfellow.tie (v.)

old form: tye
oblige, constrain, force
Cor II.ii.63
Worthie Cominius speake.Worthy Cominius, speak. Cor II.ii.64.1
Coriolanus rises, and offers to goe away.Coriolanus rises, and offers to go awayoffer (v.)
attempt, start, try, make a move
Cor II.ii.64
Nay, keepe your place.Nay, keep your place. Cor II.ii.64.2
Sit Coriolanus: neuer shame to heareSit, Coriolanus, never shame to hear Cor II.ii.65
What you haue Nobly done.What you have nobly done. Cor II.ii.66.1
Your Honors pardon:Your honours' pardon. Cor II.ii.66.2
I had rather haue my Wounds to heale againe,I had rather have my wounds to heal again Cor II.ii.67
Then heare say how I got them.Than hear say how I got them. Cor II.ii.68.1
Brutus. BRUTUS 
Sir, I hopeSir, I hope Cor II.ii.68.2
my words dis-bench'd you not?My words disbenched you not.disbench (v.)

old form: dis-bench'd
unseat, make rise
Cor II.ii.69.1
No Sir: yet oft,No, sir. Yet oft,oft (adv.)
Cor II.ii.69.2
When blowes haue made me stay, I fled from words.When blows have made me stay, I fled from words. Cor II.ii.70
You sooth'd not, therefore hurt not: but your People,You soothed not, therefore hurt not. But your people,soothe (v.)

old form: sooth'd
flatter, praise, sweet-talk
Cor II.ii.71
I loue them as they weigh---I love them as they weigh –  Cor II.ii.72.1
Pray now sit downe.Pray now, sit down. Cor II.ii.72.2
I had rather haue one scratch my Head i'th' Sun,I had rather have one scratch my head i'th' sun Cor II.ii.73
When the Alarum were strucke, then idly sitWhen the alarum were struck than idly sitstrike (v.)

old form: strucke
beat, sound, strike up
Cor II.ii.74
alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
To heare my Nothings monster'd. To hear my nothings (v.)

old form: monster'd
describe as something wonderful, make into an unnatural marvel
Cor II.ii.75.1
Exit CoriolanusExit Coriolanus Cor II.ii.75
Masters of the People,Masters of the people, Cor II.ii.75.2
Your multiplying Spawne, how can he flatter?Your multiplying spawn how can he flatter –  Cor II.ii.76
That's thousand to one good one, when you now seeThat's thousand to one good one – when you now see Cor II.ii.77
He had rather venture all his Limbes for Honor,He had rather venture all his limbs for honour Cor II.ii.78
Then on ones Eares to heare it. Proceed Cominius.Than one on's ears to hear it. Proceed, Cominius. Cor II.ii.79
I shall lacke voyce: the deeds of CoriolanusI shall lack voice. The deeds of Coriolanus Cor II.ii.80
Should not be vtter'd feebly: it is held,Should not be uttered feebly. It is held Cor II.ii.81
That Valour is the chiefest Vertue, / AndThat valour is the chiefest virtue and Cor II.ii.82
most dignifies the hauer: if it be,Most dignifies the haver. If it be,haver (n.)

old form: hauer
possessor, holder, displayer
Cor II.ii.83
The man I speake of, cannot in the WorldThe man I speak of cannot in the world Cor II.ii.84
Be singly counter-poys'd. At sixteene yeeres,Be singly counterpoised. At sixteen years,singly (adv.)
by another person, by a single individual
Cor II.ii.85
counterpoise (v.)

old form: counter-poys'd
equal, match, rival
When Tarquin made a Head for Rome, he foughtWhen Tarquin made a head for Rome, he foughthead (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops
Cor II.ii.86
Tarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece
Beyond the marke of others: our then Dictator,Beyond the mark of others. Our then dictator,mark (n.)

old form: marke
reach, aim, range
Cor II.ii.87
Whom with all prayse I point at, saw him fight,Whom with all praise I point at, saw him fight Cor II.ii.88
When with his Amazonian Shinne he droueWhen with his Amazonian chin he droveAmazonian (adj.)
Amazon-like; beardless, hairless
Cor II.ii.89
The brizled Lippes before him: he bestridThe bristled lips before him. He bestrid Cor II.ii.90
An o're-prest Roman, and i'th' Consuls viewAn o'erpressed Roman and i'th' Consul's viewoverpressed (adj.)

old form: o're-prest
overpowered, overwhelmed, overcome
Cor II.ii.91
Slew three Opposers: Tarquins selfe he met,Slew three opposers. Tarquin's self he met, Cor II.ii.92
And strucke him on his Knee: in that dayes feates,And struck him on his knee. In that day's feats,on (prep.)
Cor II.ii.93
When he might act the Woman in the Scene,When he might act the woman in the scene, Cor II.ii.94
He prou'd best man i'th' field, and for his meedHe proved best man i'th' field, and for his meedmeed (n.)
reward, prize, recompense
Cor II.ii.95
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
Was Brow-bound with the Oake. His Pupill ageWas brow-bound with the oak. His pupil ageoak (n.)

old form: Oake
crown of oak leaves [awarded to a victorious soldier]
Cor II.ii.96
pupil (adj.)

old form: Pupill
of being a pupil, as an apprentice
brow-bind (v.)
wreathe around the brow
Man-entred thus, he waxed like a Sea,Man-entered thus, he waxed like a sea,man-entered (adj.)

old form: Man-entred
entered into manhood
Cor II.ii.97
wax (v.)
grow, increase, enlarge
And in the brunt of seuenteene Battailes since,And in the brunt of seventeen battles sincebrunt (n.)
shock, violence, ferocity
Cor II.ii.98
He lurcht all Swords of the Garland: for this last,He lurched all swords of the garland. For this last,sword (n.)
soldier, sword-wielder
Cor II.ii.99
lurch (v.)

old form: lurcht
rob, cheat
Before, and in Corioles, let me sayBefore and in Corioles, let me say Cor II.ii.100
I cannot speake him home: he stopt the flyers,I cannot speak him home. He stopped the fliers,speak (v.)

old form: speake
find language for, say in words about
Cor II.ii.101
home (adv.)
fully, thoroughly, unsparingly
And by his rare example made the CowardAnd by his rare example made the coward Cor II.ii.102
Turne terror into sport: as Weeds beforeTurn terror into sport. As weeds beforesport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
Cor II.ii.103
A Vessell vnder sayle, so men obey'd,A vessel under sail, so men obeyed Cor II.ii.104
And fell below his Stem: his Sword, Deaths stampe,And fell below his stem. His sword, death's stamp,stamp (n.)

old form: stampe
impression, mark, imprint
Cor II.ii.105
stem (n.)
prow, bows
Where it did marke, it tooke from face to foot:Where it did mark, it took from face to foot.take (v.)

old form: tooke
make an impression
Cor II.ii.106
He was a thing of Blood, whose euery motionHe was a thing of blood, whose every motion Cor II.ii.107
Was tim'd with dying Cryes: alone he entredWas timed with dying cries. Alone he enteredtime (v.)

old form: tim'd
measure rhythmically, accompany regularly
Cor II.ii.108
The mortall Gate of th' Citie, which he paintedThe mortal gate of th' city, which he paintedmortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
fatal, deadly, lethal
Cor II.ii.109
With shunlesse destinie: aydelesse came off,With shunless destiny; aidless came off,shunless (adj.)

old form: shunlesse
unavoidable, inescapable, certain
Cor II.ii.110
And with a sudden re-inforcement struckeAnd with a sudden reinforcement struckstrike (v.)

old form: strucke
have an evil influence, do harm
Cor II.ii.111
reinforcement (n.)
fresh attack, renewal of force
Carioles like a Planet: now all's his,Corioles like a planet. Now all's his, Cor II.ii.112
When by and by the dinne of Warre gan pierceWhen by and by the din of war 'gan piercegin, 'gin (v.), past form gan, 'gan
begin [to]
Cor II.ii.113
by and by (adv.)
immediately, straightaway, directly
His readie sence: then straight his doubled spiritHis ready sense, then straight his doubled spiritstraight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
Cor II.ii.114
sense (n.)

old form: sence
senses, sensation, organs of sense
ready (adj.)

old form: readie
alert, vigilant, attentive
doubled (adj.)
redoubled in strength, twice as strong as previously
Requickned what in flesh was fatigate,Requickened what in flesh was fatigate,requicken (v.)

old form: Requickned
revive, reanimate, refresh
Cor II.ii.115
fatigate (adj.)
fatigued, weary, tired
And to the Battaile came he, where he didAnd to the battle came he, where he did Cor II.ii.116
Runne reeking o're the liues of men, as ifRun reeking o'er the lives of men, as ifreek (v.)
steam, smoke, give off vapour
Cor II.ii.117
'twere / A perpetuall spoyle: and till we call'd'Twere a perpetual spoil; and till we calledspoil (n.)

old form: spoyle
slaughter, destruction, ruination
Cor II.ii.118
Both Field and Citie ours, he neuer stoodBoth field and city ours he never stoodstand (v.)
stand still, stop, cease moving
Cor II.ii.119
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
To ease his Brest with panting.To ease his breast with panting. Cor II.ii.120.1
Worthy man.Worthy man!worthy (adj.)
estimable, admirable, heroic
Cor II.ii.120.2
He cannot but with measure fit the HonorsHe cannot but with measure fit the honoursmeasure, with
liberally, abundantly, lavishly
Cor II.ii.121
fit (v.)
suit, befit, be suitable [for]
which we deuise him.Which we devise him.devise (v.)
give, assign, confer on
Cor II.ii.122.1
Our spoyles he kickt at,Our spoils he kicked at,spoil (n.)
plunder, booty
Cor II.ii.122.2
kick at (v.)
spurn, scorn, reject with contempt
And look'd vpon things precious, as they wereAnd looked upon things precious as they were Cor II.ii.123
The common Muck of the World: he couets lesseThe common muck of the world. He covets less Cor II.ii.124
Then Miserie it selfe would giue, rewardsThan misery itself would give, rewardsmisery (n.)

old form: Miserie
complete poverty, destitution, beggary
Cor II.ii.125
his deeds / With doing them, and is contentHis deeds with doing them, and is content Cor II.ii.126
To spend the time, to end it.To spend the time to end it.end (v.)
provide an end for, give purpose to
Cor II.ii.127.1
Hee's right Noble,He's right noble. Cor II.ii.127.2
let him be call'd for.Let him be called for. Cor II.ii.128.1
Call Coriolanus.Call Coriolanus. Cor II.ii.128.2
Enter Coriolanus.Enter Coriolanus Cor II.ii.129
He doth appeare.He doth appear. Cor II.ii.129
The Senate, Coriolanus, are well pleas'dThe Senate, Coriolanus, are well pleased Cor II.ii.130
to make thee Consull.To make thee consul. Cor II.ii.131.1
I doe owe them stillI do owe them stillstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cor II.ii.131.2
my Life, and Seruices.My life and services. Cor II.ii.132.1
It then remaines,It then remains Cor II.ii.132.2
that you doe speake to the People.That you do speak to the people. Cor II.ii.133.1
I doe beseech you,I do beseech you Cor II.ii.133.2
Let me o're-leape that custome: for I cannotLet me o'erleap that custom, for I cannotoverleap (v.)

old form: o're-leape
pass over, pass by , skip
Cor II.ii.134
Put on the Gowne, stand naked, and entreat themPut on the gown, stand naked, and entreat themnaked (adj.)
exposed to view
Cor II.ii.135
For my Wounds sake, to giue their sufferage: / Please youFor my wounds' sake to give their suffrage. Please yousuffrage (n.)

old form: sufferage
vote, approval, consent
Cor II.ii.136
that I may passe this doing.That I may pass this doing.pass (v.)

old form: passe
let pass, omit, avoid
Cor II.ii.137.1
Sir, the PeopleSir, the people Cor II.ii.137.2
must haue their Voyces, / Neyther will they bateMust have their voices, neither will they batevoice (n.)

old form: Voyces
vote, official support
Cor II.ii.138
bate (v.)
omit, lose, leave out
one iot of Ceremonie.One jot of ceremony. Cor II.ii.139.1
Put them not too't:Put them not to't.put (v.)
force, press, thrust
Cor II.ii.139.2
Pray you goe fit you to the Custome, / AndPray you go fit you to the custom andfit (v.)
adapt, conform, accommodate
Cor II.ii.140
take to you, as your Predecessors haue,Take to you, as your predecessors have, Cor II.ii.141
Your Honor with your forme.Your honour with your form.form (n.)

old form: forme
position, rank, status
Cor II.ii.142.1
It is a part thatIt is a part Cor II.ii.142.2
I shall blush in acting, / And might wellThat I shall blush in acting, and might well Cor II.ii.143
be taken from the People.Be taken from the people. Cor II.ii.144.1
Brutus. BRUTUS  
(to Sicinius) Cor II.ii.144
Marke you that.Mark you that?mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Cor II.ii.144.2
To brag vnto them, thus I did, and thusTo brag unto them ‘ Thus I did, and thus!’, Cor II.ii.145
Shew them th' vnaking Skarres, which I should hide,Show them th' unaching scars which I should hide, Cor II.ii.146
As if I had receiu'd them for the hyreAs if I had received them for the hire Cor II.ii.147
Of their breath onely.Of their breath only! Cor II.ii.148.1
Doe not stand vpon't:Do not stand upon't.stand upon (v.)

old form: vpon
make an issue of, insist upon, bother about
Cor II.ii.148.2
We recommend to you Tribunes of the PeopleWe recommend to you, Tribunes of the People,recommend (v.)
commit, commend, consign
Cor II.ii.149
Our purpose to them, and to our Noble ConsullOur purpose to them; and to our noble Consulpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Cor II.ii.150
Wish we all Ioy, and Honor.Wish we all joy and honour. Cor II.ii.151
To Coriolanus come all ioy and Honor.To Coriolanus come all joy and honour! Cor II.ii.152
Flourish Cornets. Then Exeunt. Flourish. Cornets. Then exeunt. Cor II.ii.152
Manet Sicinius and Brutus.Sicinius and Brutus stay behind Cor II.ii.153
You see how he intends to vse the people.You see how he intends to use the people. Cor II.ii.153
May they perceiue's intent: he wil require themMay they perceive's intent! He will require themintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
Cor II.ii.154
require (v.)
request, ask, beg
As if he did contemne what he requested,As if he did contemn what he requestedcontemn (v.)

old form: contemne
despise, scorn, treat with contempt
Cor II.ii.155
Should be in them to giue.Should be in them to give. Cor II.ii.156.1
Come, wee'l informe themCome, we'll inform them Cor II.ii.156.2
Of our proceedings heere on th' Market place,Of our proceedings here. On th' market-place Cor II.ii.157
I know they do attend vs.I know they do attend us.attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
Cor II.ii.158
Exeunt Cor II.ii.158
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