All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Countesse and Clowne.Enter the Countess and the Clown AW II.ii.1.1
Come on sir, I shall now put you to theCome on, sir. I shall now put you to theput (v.)
force, make, compel
AW II.ii.1
height of your breeding.height of your breeding. AW II.ii.2
Clown. CLOWN 
I will shew my selfe highly fed, and lowly taught, II will show myself highly fed and lowly taught. I AW II.ii.3
know my businesse is but to the Court.know my business is but to the court. AW II.ii.4
To the Court, why what place make you To the court! Why, what place make you AW II.ii.5
speciall, when you put off that with such contempt, butspecial, when you put off that with such contempt? Butput off (v.)
dismiss, brush aside, spurn
AW II.ii.6
special (adj.)

old form: speciall
particular, specific, distinctive
to the Court?to the court! AW II.ii.7
Truly Madam, if God haue lent a man anyTruly, madam, if God have lent a man any AW II.ii.8
manners, hee may easilie put it off at Court: hee that cannotmanners he may easily put it off at court. He that cannotput off (v.)
pass off, palm off, foist on
AW II.ii.9
make a legge, put off's cap, kisse his hand, and say nothing,make a leg, put off's cap, kiss his hand, and say nothing,leg (n.)

old form: legge
bending of a knee, genuflection, obeisance
AW II.ii.10
has neither legge, hands, lippe, nor cap; and indeed such ahas neither leg, hands, lip, nor cap; and indeed such a AW II.ii.11
fellow, to say precisely, were not for the Court, but forfellow, to say precisely, were not for the court. But for AW II.ii.12
me, I haue an answere will serue all, I have an answer will serve all men. AW II.ii.13
Marry that's a bountifull answere that fits allMarry, that's a bountiful answer that fits allmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
AW II.ii.14
questions.questions. AW II.ii.15
It is like a Barbers chaire that fits all buttockes, the pinIt is like a barber's chair that fits all buttocks: the AW II.ii.16
buttocke, the quatch-buttocke, the brawn buttocke, orpin-buttock, the quatch-buttock, the brawn-buttock, orquatch (adj.)
[unclear meaning] squat, fat, plump
AW II.ii.17
brawn-buttock (n.)

old form: brawn buttocke
fleshy buttock, well-rounded bottom
any buttocke.any buttock. AW II.ii.18
Will your answere serue fit to all questions?Will your answer serve fit to all questions?fit (adv.)
suitably, fittingly, appropriately
AW II.ii.19
As fit as ten groats is for the hand of an Atturney,As fit as ten groats is for the hand of an attorney,attorney (n.)

old form: Atturney
advocate, mediator, promoter
AW II.ii.20
groat (n.)
fourpenny piece
as your French Crowne for your taffety punke, as Tibsas your French crown for your taffety punk, as Tib'spunk (n.)

old form: punke
harlot, strumpet, whore
AW II.ii.21
French crown
baldness caused by syphilis [often punning on the French coin]
Tib (n.)
[type name for] strumpet, harlot, whore
taffety (adj.)
finely dressed, showy, overdressed
rush for Toms fore-finger, as a pancake for Shroue-rush for Tom's forefinger, as a pancake for Shroverush (n.)
ring made of rushes, reed ring
AW II.ii.22
tuesday, a Morris for May-day, as the naile to his hole,Tuesday, a morris for May-day, as the nail to his hole,morris (n.)
morris dance
AW II.ii.23
the Cuckold to his horne, as a scolding queane to athe cuckold to his horn, as a scolding quean to aquean (n.)

old form: queane
bawd, jade, hussy
AW II.ii.24
cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife
wrangling knaue, as the Nuns lip to the Friers mouth,wrangling knave, as the nun's lip to the friar's mouth;knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
AW II.ii.25
nay as the pudding to his skin.nay, as the pudding to his skin.pudding (n.)
type of large savoury dish; dumpling, pasty
AW II.ii.26
Haue you, I say, an answere of such fitnesse forHave you, I say, an answer of such fitness for AW II.ii.27
all questions?all questions? AW II.ii.28
From below your Duke, to beneath your Constable,From below your duke to beneath your constable, AW II.ii.29
it will fit any will fit any question. AW II.ii.30
It must be an answere of most monstrous size,It must be an answer of most monstrous size AW II.ii.31
that must fit all demands.that must fit all demands. AW II.ii.32
But a triflle neither in good faith, if the learnedBut a trifle neither, in good faith, if the learned AW II.ii.33
should speake truth of it: heere it is, and all that belongsshould speak truth of it. Here it is, and all that belongs AW II.ii.34
to't. Aske mee if I am a Courtier, it shall doe you no harmeto't. Ask me if I am a courtier; it shall do you no harm AW II.ii.35
to learn. AW II.ii.36
To be young againe if we could: I will bee aTo be young again, if we could! I will be a AW II.ii.37
foole in question, hoping to bee the wiser by your answer.fool in question, hoping to be the wiser by your answer. AW II.ii.38
I pray you sir, are you a Courtier?I pray you, sir, are you a courtier? AW II.ii.39
O Lord sir theres a simple putting off: more,O Lord, sir! – There's a simple putting off. More, AW II.ii.40
more, a hundred of them.more, a hundred of them. AW II.ii.41
Sir I am a poore freind of yours, that loues you.Sir, I am a poor friend of yours that loves you. AW II.ii.42
O Lord sir, thicke, thicke, spare not me.O Lord, sir! – Thick, thick; spare not me.thick (adv.)

old form: thicke
quickly, rapidly, fast
AW II.ii.43
I thinke sir, you can eate none of this homelyI think, sir, you can eat none of this homely AW II.ii.44
meate.meat. AW II.ii.45
O Lord sir; nay put me too't, I warrant you.O Lord, sir! – Nay, put me to't, I warrant you.warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
AW II.ii.46
You were lately whipt sir as I thinke.You were lately whipped, sir, as I think. AW II.ii.47
O Lord sir, spare not me.O Lord, sir! – Spare not me. AW II.ii.48
Doe you crie O Lord sir at your whipping,Do you cry, ‘ O Lord, sir! ’ at your whipping, AW II.ii.49
and spare not me? Indeed your O Lord sir, is very and ‘ spare not me?’ Indeed your ‘ O Lord, sir!’ is very AW II.ii.50
sequent to your whipping: you would answere very wellsequent to your whipping: you would answer very wellsequent (adj.)
following, ensuing, consequent
AW II.ii.51
answer (v.)

old form: answere
respond, react
to a whipping if you were but bound too' a whipping, if you were but bound to't.bind (v.), past form bound
pledge, vow, be under obligation
AW II.ii.52
I nere had worse lucke in my life in my O LordI ne'er had worse luck in my life in my ‘ O Lord, AW II.ii.53
sir: I see things may serue long, but not serue euer.sir!’ I see things may serve long, but not serve ever. AW II.ii.54
I play the noble huswife with the time,I play the noble housewife with the time, AW II.ii.55
to entertaine it so merrily with a foole.To entertain it so merrily with a fool. AW II.ii.56
O Lord sir, why there't serues well agen.O Lord, sir! – Why, there't serves well again. AW II.ii.57
And end sir to your businesse: giue Hellen this,An end, sir! To your business: give Helen this, AW II.ii.58
And vrge her to a present answer backe,And urge her to a present answer back. AW II.ii.59
Commend me to my kinsmen, and my sonne,Commend me to my kinsmen and my son.commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
AW II.ii.60
This is not much.This is not much. AW II.ii.61
Not much commendation to them.Not much commendation to them? AW II.ii.62
Not much imployement for you, you vnderstandNot much employment for you. You understand AW II.ii.63 AW II.ii.64
Most fruitfully, I am there, before my legges.Most fruitfully. I am there before my legs. AW II.ii.65
Hast you agen. Haste you again.again (adv.)

old form: agen
back [to a former position]
AW II.ii.66
ExeuntExeunt AW II.ii.66
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