Henry IV Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Prince Henry, Pointz, Bardolfe, and PageEnter Prince Henry and Poins 2H4 II.ii.1
Trust me, I am exceeding weary. Before God, I am exceeding weary. 2H4 II.ii.1
Is it come to that? I had thought wearines durst Is't come to that? I had thought weariness durst 2H4 II.ii.2
not haue attach'd one of so high blood. not have attached one of so high blood.attach (v.)

old form: attach'd
seize, take hold of, grip
2H4 II.ii.3
blood (n.)
nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage
It doth me: though it discolours Faith, it does me, though it discolours 2H4 II.ii.4
the complexion of my Greatnesse to acknowledge it. Doth the complexion of my greatness to acknowledge it. Dothcomplexion (n.)
appearance, look, colouring
2H4 II.ii.5
it not shew vildely in me, to desire small Beere? it not show vilely in me to desire small beer?show (v.)

old form: shew
appear, look [like], present [as]
2H4 II.ii.6
vilely, vildly (adv.)

old form: vildely
shamefully, wretchedly, meanly
beer / ale, small

old form: Beere
weak beer, beer of poor quality
Why, a Prince should not be so loosely studied, as Why, a prince should not be so loosely studied asstudied (adj.)
experienced, skilled, practised
2H4 II.ii.7
loosely (adv.)
negligently, with laxity, carelessly
to remember so weake a Composition. to remember so weak a composition. 2H4 II.ii.8
Belike then, my Appetite was not Princely Belike then my appetite was not princelybelike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
2H4 II.ii.9
got: for (in troth) I do now remember the poore got, for, by my troth, I do now remember the poortroth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
2H4 II.ii.10
Creature, Small Beere. But indeede these humble considerations creature small beer. But indeed, these humble considerationscreature (n.)
material comfort, drink, liquor
2H4 II.ii.11
make me out of loue with my Greatnesse. What a make me out of love with my greatness. What a 2H4 II.ii.12
disgrace is it to me, to remember thy name? Or to know disgrace is it to me to remember thy name! Or to know 2H4 II.ii.13
thy face to morrow? Or to take note how many paire of thy face tomorrow! Or to take note how many pair of 2H4 II.ii.14
Silk stockings yu hast? (Viz. these, and those that were silk stockings thou hast – viz. these, and those that were 2H4 II.ii.15
thy peach-colour'd ones:) Or to beare the Inuentorie of thy peach-coloured once! Or to bear the inventory ofbear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
bear in mind, keep note of
2H4 II.ii.16
thy shirts, as one for superfluity, and one other, for vse. thy shirts, as, one for superfluity, and another for use!superfluity (n.)
spare availability, additional instance
2H4 II.ii.17
But that the Tennis-Court-keeper knowes better then I, But that the tennis-court keeper knows better than I, 2H4 II.ii.18
for it is a low ebbe of Linnen with thee, when thou kept'st for it is a low ebb of linen with thee when thou keepest 2H4 II.ii.19
not Racket there, as thou hast not done a great while, not racket there – as thou hast not done a great while, 2H4 II.ii.20
because the rest of thy Low Countries, haue made a shift because the rest of thy low countries have made a shiftshift (n.)
expedient, measure, arrangement [especially as 'make shift' = contrive]
2H4 II.ii.21
low country
lower regions of the body
to eate vp thy Holland. to eat up thy holland. And God knows whether thoseholland (n.)
fine linen fabric
2H4 II.ii.22
that bawl out the ruins of thy linen shall inherit Hisout (prep.)
out of
2H4 II.ii.23
ruin (n.)
(plural) remains, remnants, residue
kingdom – but the midwives say the children are not in 2H4 II.ii.24
the fault. Whereupon the world increases, and kindredsfault (n.)
sin, offence, crime
2H4 II.ii.25
are mightily strengthened. 2H4 II.ii.26
How ill it followes, after you haue labour'd so hard, How ill it follows, after you have laboured so hard,ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
2H4 II.ii.27
you should talke so idlely? Tell me how many good yong you should talk so idly! Tell me, how many good youngidly (adv.)

old form: idlely
foolishly, crazily, frivolously
2H4 II.ii.28
Princes would do so, their Fathers lying so sicke, as yours princes would do so, their fathers being so sick as yours 2H4 II.ii.29
is? at this time is? 2H4 II.ii.30
Shall I tell thee one thing, Pointz? Shall I tell thee one thing, Poins? 2H4 II.ii.31
Yes: and let it be an excellent good thing. Yes, faith, and let it be an excellent good thing. 2H4 II.ii.32
It shall serue among wittes of no higher It shall serve, among wits of no higher 2H4 II.ii.33
breeding then thine. breeding than thine. 2H4 II.ii.34
Go to: I stand the push of your one thing, that you'l Go to, I stand the push of your one thing that youstand (v.)
withstand, endure, stand up to
2H4 II.ii.35
tell. will tell. 2H4 II.ii.36
Why, I tell thee, it is not meet, that I Marry, I tell thee it is not meet that Imeet (adj.)
fit, suitable, right, proper
2H4 II.ii.37
marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
should be sad now my Father is sicke: albeit I could tell should be sad now my father is sick. Albeit I could tellsad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
2H4 II.ii.38
to thee (as to one it pleases me, for fault of a better, to to thee, as to one it pleases me for fault of a better to 2H4 II.ii.39
call my friend) I could be sad, and sad indeed too. call my friend, I could be sad, and sad indeed too. 2H4 II.ii.40
Very hardly, vpon such a subiect. Very hardly, upon such a subject.hardly (adv.)
severely, harshly, badly
2H4 II.ii.41
Thou think'st me as farre in By this hand, thou thinkest me as far in 2H4 II.ii.42
the Diuels Booke, as thou, and Falstaffe, for obduracie and the devil's book as thou and Falstaff, for obduracy and 2H4 II.ii.43
persistencie. Let the end try the man. But I tell thee, persistency. Let the end try the man. But I tell thee, 2H4 II.ii.44
my hart bleeds inwardly, that my Father is so sicke: and my heart bleeds inwardly that my father is so sick; and 2H4 II.ii.45
keeping such vild company as thou art, hath in reason keeping such vile company as thou art hath in reasonreason (n.)
reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion
2H4 II.ii.46
taken from me, all ostentation of sorrow. taken from me all ostentation of sorrow.ostentation (n.)
public show, display, exhibition
2H4 II.ii.47
The reason? The reason? 2H4 II.ii.48
What would'st thou think of me, if I What wouldst thou think of me if I 2H4 II.ii.49
shold weep? should weep? 2H4 II.ii.50
I would thinke thee a most Princely hypocrite. I would think thee a most princely hypocrite. 2H4 II.ii.51
It would be euery mans thought: and It would be every man's thought, and 2H4 II.ii.52
thou art a blessed Fellow, to thinke as euery man thinkes: thou art a blessed fellow, to think as every man thinks. 2H4 II.ii.53
neuer a mans thought in the world, keepes the Rode-way Never a man's thought in the world keeps the roadwayroadway (n.)

old form: Rode-way
highway, common way
2H4 II.ii.54
better then thine: euery man would thinke me an better than thine. Every man would think me an 2H4 II.ii.55
Hypocrite indeede. And what accites your most worshipful hypocrite indeed. And what accites your most worshipfulaccite (v.)
arouse, induce, excite
2H4 II.ii.56
thought to thinke so? thought to think so? 2H4 II.ii.57
Why, because you haue beene so lewde, and so much Why, because you have been so lewd, and so muchlewd (adj.)

old form: lewde
improper, unseemly
2H4 II.ii.58
ingraffed to Falstaffe. engraffed to Falstaff.ingraft, engraffed (adj.)

old form: ingraffed
closely attached, associated [with]
2H4 II.ii.59
And to thee. And to thee. 2H4 II.ii.60
Nay, I am well spoken of, I can heare it By this light, I am well spoke on; I can hear itspeak on (v.)
speak of
2H4 II.ii.61
with mine owne eares: the worst that they can say of me with mine own ears. The worst that they can say of me 2H4 II.ii.62
is, that I am a second Brother, and that I am a proper is that I am a second brother, and that I am a properproper (adj.)
fine, excellent, good
2H4 II.ii.63
brother, second
younger son
Fellowe of my hands: and those two things I confesse I fellow of my hands, and those two things I confess I 2H4 II.ii.64
canot helpe. Looke, looke, here comes Bardolfe. cannot help. By the mass, here comes Bardolph. 2H4 II.ii.65
Enter Bardolfe.Enter Bardolph and the Page 2H4 II.ii.66
And the Boy that I gaue Falstaffe, he had And the boy that I gave Falstaff – 'a had 2H4 II.ii.66
him from me Christian, and see if the fat villain him from me Christian, and look if the fat villain have 2H4 II.ii.67
haue not transform'd him Ape. not transformed him ape.transform (v.)

old form: transform'd
change in form, metamorphose
2H4 II.ii.68
Saue your Grace. God save your grace! 2H4 II.ii.69
And yours, most Noble Bardolfe. And yours, most noble Bardolph! 2H4 II.ii.70
(to Bardolph) 2H4 II.ii.71
Come you pernitious Asse, you bashfull Come, you virtuous ass, you bashful 2H4 II.ii.71
Foole, must you be blushing? Wherefore blush you now? fool, must you be blushing? Wherefore blush you now? 2H4 II.ii.72
what a Maidenly man at Armes are you become? Is it What a maidenly man-at-arms are you become! Is't 2H4 II.ii.73
such a matter to get a Pottle-pots Maiden-head? such a matter to get a pottle-pot's maidenhead?maidenhead (n.)

old form: maiden-head
2H4 II.ii.74
pottle, pottle-pot (n.)
drinking vessel containing two quarts
He call'd me euen now (my Lord) through a red Lattice, 'A calls me e'en now, my lord, through a red lattice,lattice (n.)
lattice-work, criss-cross adornment; also: tavern symbol
2H4 II.ii.75
and I could discerne no part of his face from the window: and I could discern no part of his face from the window. 2H4 II.ii.76
at last I spy'd his eyes, and me thought he had made At last I spied his eyes, and methought he had mademethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thought
it seems / seemed to me
2H4 II.ii.77
two holes in the Ale-wiues new Petticoat, & peeped two holes in the ale-wife's petticoat, and so peepedale-wife (n.)

old form: Ale-wiues
ale-house keeper, barmaid
2H4 II.ii.78
through. through. 2H4 II.ii.79
Hath not the boy profited? Has not the boy profited? 2H4 II.ii.80
Away, you horson vpright Rabbet, away. Away, you whoreson upright rabbit, away!whoreson (adj.)

old form: horson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
2H4 II.ii.81
Away, you rascally Altheas dreame, away. Away, you rascally Althaea's dream, away!Althaea (n.)
[al'thaya] mother of Meleager, whose life-span was determined by the preservation of a magic log; when Althaea burnt the log on a fire, Meleager died
2H4 II.ii.82
Instruct vs Boy: what dreame, Boy? Instruct us, boy! What dream, boy? 2H4 II.ii.83
Marry (my Lord) Althea dream'd, she was deliuer'd Marry, my lord, Althaea dreamt she was delivered 2H4 II.ii.84
of a Firebrand, and therefore I call him hir dream. of a firebrand; and therefore I call him her dream.firebrand (n.)
piece of wood kindled in the fire
2H4 II.ii.85
A Crownes-worth of good Interpretation: A crown's-worth of good interpretation! 2H4 II.ii.86
There it is, Boy. There 'tis, boy. 2H4 II.ii.87
O that this good Blossome could bee kept from Cankers: O that this blossom could be kept from cankers!canker (n./adj.)
grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite
2H4 II.ii.88
Well, there is six pence to preserue thee. Well, there is sixpence to preserve thee. 2H4 II.ii.89
If you do not make him be hang'd among An you do not make him be hanged amongand, an (conj.)
if, whether
2H4 II.ii.90
you, the gallowes shall be wrong'd. you, the gallows shall have wrong. 2H4 II.ii.91
And how doth thy Master, Bardolph? And how doth thy master, Bardolph? 2H4 II.ii.92
Well, my good Lord: he heard of your Graces Well, my lord. He heard of your grace's 2H4 II.ii.93
comming to Towne. There's a Letter for you. coming to town. There's a letter for you. 2H4 II.ii.94
Deliuer'd with good respect: And how doth the Delivered with good respect. And how doth therespect (n.)
courtesy, politeness, consideration
2H4 II.ii.95
Martlemas, your Master? martlemas your master?martlemas (n.)
[applied to a person] case of plenty, fullness of being
2H4 II.ii.96
Martinmas, Martlemas (n.)
St Martins Day, 11 November, associated with plentiful food
In bodily health Sir. In bodily health, sir. 2H4 II.ii.97
Marry, the immortall part needes a Physitian: but Marry, the immortal part needs a physician, but 2H4 II.ii.98
that moues not him: though that bee sicke, it dyes not. that moves not him. Though that be sick, it dies not. 2H4 II.ii.99
I do allow this Wen to bee as familiar I do allow this wen to be as familiarwen (n.)
swelling, tumour, lump
2H4 II.ii.100
with me, as my dogge: and he holds his place, for looke you with me as my dog, and he holds his place, for look youplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
2H4 II.ii.101
hold (v.)
keep, maintain, observe
he writes. how he writes –  2H4 II.ii.102
Letter. (reading the letter) 2H4 II.ii.103
Iohn Falstaffe Knight: (Euery John Falstaff, knight – every 2H4 II.ii.103
man must know that, as oft as hee hath occasion to name man must know that as oft as he has occasion to nameoft (adv.)
2H4 II.ii.104
himselfe:) Euen like those that are kinne to the King, for himself, even like those that are kin to the king, for 2H4 II.ii.105
they neuer pricke their finger, but they say, there is som they never prick their finger but they say ‘ There's some 2H4 II.ii.106
of the kings blood spilt. How comes that (sayes he) of the King's blood spilt.’ ‘ How comes that?’ says he 2H4 II.ii.107
that takes vpon him not to conceiue? the answer is as that takes upon him not to conceive. The answer is astake upon (v.)

old form: vpon
profess, pretend, affect [oneself]
2H4 II.ii.108
conceive (v.)

old form: conceiue
understand, comprehend, follow
ready as a borrowed cap: I am the Kings poore ready as a borrower's cap: ‘ I am the King's poor 2H4 II.ii.109
Cosin, Sir. cousin, sir.’ 2H4 II.ii.110
Nay, they will be kin to vs, but they wil Nay, they will be kin to us, or they will 2H4 II.ii.111
fetch it from Iaphet. But to the Letter: --- Sir Iohn Falstaffe, fetch it from Japhet. But to the letter: Sir John Falstaff,fetch (v.)
trace, find the origin of
2H4 II.ii.112
Japhet (n.)
in the Bible, Noah’s third son, the ancestor of Europeans
Knight, to the Sonne of the King, neerest his Father, Harrie knight, to the son of the King nearest his father, Harry 2H4 II.ii.113
Prince of Wales, greeting. Prince of Wales, greeting. 2H4 II.ii.114
Why this is a Certificate. Why, this is a certificate!certificate (n.)
official document, formal deed
2H4 II.ii.115
Peace. I will imitate the honourable Peace! I will imitate the honourable 2H4 II.ii.116
Romaines in breuitie. Romans in brevity. 2H4 II.ii.117
Sure he meanes breuity in breath: short-winded. He sure means brevity in breath, short-winded. 2H4 II.ii.118
I commend me to thee, I commend thee, I commend me to thee, I commend thee,commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
2H4 II.ii.119
and I leaue thee. Bee not too familiar with Pointz, for heeand I leave thee. Be not too familiar with Poins, for he 2H4 II.ii.120
misuses thy Fauours so much, that he sweares thou art to misuses thy favours so much that he swears thou art to 2H4 II.ii.121
marrie his Sister Nell. Repent at idle times as thou mayst,marry his sister Nell. Repent at idle times as thou mayst,idle (adj.)
empty, unoccupied, inactive
2H4 II.ii.122
and so farewell. and so farewell. 2H4 II.ii.123
Thine, by yea and no: which is as much as Thine by yea and no – which is as much as toyea and no, by
by yes and no [emphatic assertion, replacing a real oath]
2H4 II.ii.124
to say, as thou vsest him. Iacke Falstaffe with say, as thou usest him – Jack Falstaff with 2H4 II.ii.125
my Familiars: Iohn with my Brothers and my familiars, John with my brothers and 2H4 II.ii.126
Sister: & Sir Iohn, with all Europe. sisters, and Sir John with all Europe. 2H4 II.ii.127
My Lord, I will steepe this Letter in Sack, and make My lord, I'll steep this letter in sack and makesack (n.)
[type of] white wine
2H4 II.ii.128
him eate it. him eat it. 2H4 II.ii.129
That's to make him eate twenty of his That's to make him eat twenty of his 2H4 II.ii.130
Words. But do you vse me thus Ned? Must I marry words. But do you use me thus, Ned? Must I marry 2H4 II.ii.131
your Sister? your sister? 2H4 II.ii.132
May the Wench haue no worse Fortune. But I neuer God send the wench no worse fortune! But I neverwench (n.)
girl, lass
2H4 II.ii.133
said so. said so. 2H4 II.ii.134
Well, thus we play the Fooles with the Well, thus we play the fools with the 2H4 II.ii.135
time, & the spirits of the wise, sit in the clouds, and time, and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and 2H4 II.ii.136
mocke vs: Is your Master heere in London? mock us. – Is your master here in London? 2H4 II.ii.137
Yes my Lord. Yea, my lord. 2H4 II.ii.138
Where suppes he? Doth the old Bore, feede Where sups he? Doth the old boar feed 2H4 II.ii.139
in the old Franke? in the old frank?frank (n.)

old form: Franke
2H4 II.ii.140
At the old place my Lord, in East-cheape. At the old place, my lord, in Eastcheap.Eastcheap (n.)
East End street, near Monument, London
2H4 II.ii.141
What Company? What company? 2H4 II.ii.142
Ephesians my Lord, of the old Church. Ephesians, my lord, of the old church.Ephesian (n.)
good mate, old drinking companion
2H4 II.ii.143
Sup any women with him? Sup any women with him?sup (v.)
have supper
2H4 II.ii.144
None my Lord, but old Mistris Quickly, and None, my lord, but old Mistress Quickly, and 2H4 II.ii.145
M. Doll Teare-sheet. Mistress Doll Tearsheet. 2H4 II.ii.146
What Pagan may that be? What pagan may that be?pagan (n.)
prostitute, whore
2H4 II.ii.147
A proper Gentlewoman, Sir, and a Kinswoman of my A proper gentlewoman, sir, and a kinswoman of myproper (adj.)
honest, honourable, worthy
2H4 II.ii.148
gentlewoman (n.)
woman of good breeding, well-born lady
Masters. master's. 2H4 II.ii.149
Euen such Kin, as the Parish Heyfors are Even such kin as the parish heifers are 2H4 II.ii.150
to the Towne-Bull? Shall we steale vpon them (Ned) at to the town bull. Shall we steal upon them, Ned, at 2H4 II.ii.151
Supper? supper? 2H4 II.ii.152
I am your shadow, my Lord, Ile follow you. I am your shadow, my lord; I'll follow you. 2H4 II.ii.153
Sirrah, you boy, and Bardolph, no word Sirrah, you boy, and Bardolph, no word 2H4 II.ii.154
to your Master that I am yet in Towne. There's for to your master that I am yet come to town. There's for 2H4 II.ii.155
your silence. your silence. 2H4 II.ii.156
I haue no tongue, sir. I have no tongue, sir. 2H4 II.ii.157
And for mine Sir, I will gouerne it. And for mine, sir, I will govern it. 2H4 II.ii.158
Fare ye well: go. Fare you well; go.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
2H4 II.ii.159
Exeunt Bardolph and Page 2H4 II.ii.159
This Doll Teare-sheet should be some Rode. This Doll Tearsheet should be some road.road (n.)

old form: Rode
harbour, anchorage, roadstead
2H4 II.ii.160
I warrant you, as common as the way betweene I warrant you, as common as the way betweenwarrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
2H4 II.ii.161
S. Albans, and London. Saint Albans and London. 2H4 II.ii.162
How might we see Falstaffe bestow How might we see Falstaff bestowbestow (v.)
carry, bear, acquit, conduct
2H4 II.ii.163
himselfe to night, in his true colours, and not our selues himself tonight in his true colours, and not ourselves 2H4 II.ii.164
be seene? be seen? 2H4 II.ii.165
Put on two Leather Ierkins, and Aprons, and waite Put on two leathern jerkins and aprons, and waitjerkin (n.)
male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather]
2H4 II.ii.166
vpon him at his Table, like Drawers. upon him at his table as drawers.drawer (n.)
one who draws drink from a cask, tapster, barman
2H4 II.ii.167
From a God, to a Bull? A heauie declension: From a God to a bull? A heavy descension!heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
grave, serious, weighty
2H4 II.ii.168
declension (n.)
decline, deterioration, downward course
descension (n.)
descent, fall from dignity, degradation
It was Ioues case. From a Prince, to a Prentice, It was Jove's case. From a prince to a prentice?prentice (n.)
2H4 II.ii.169
Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
a low transformation, that shall be mine: for in euery thing, A low transformation, that shall be mine; for in everything 2H4 II.ii.170
the purpose must weigh with the folly. Follow the purpose must weigh with the folly. Followpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
2H4 II.ii.171
weigh (v.)
balance [as in scales], poise, match
me Ned.me, Ned. 2H4 II.ii.172
ExeuntExeunt 2H4 II.ii.172
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