As You Like It

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Orlando and Adam.Enter Orlando and Adam from opposite sides AYL II.iii.1
Who's there?Who's there? AYL II.iii.1
What my yong Master, oh my gentle master,What, my young master? O my gentle master,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
AYL II.iii.2
Oh my sweet master, O you memorieO my sweet master, O you memorymemory (n.)

old form: memorie
memorial, remembrance
AYL II.iii.3
Of old Sir Rowland; why, what make you here?Of old Sir Rowland, why, what make you here?make (v.)
do, have to do
AYL II.iii.4
Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you?Why are you virtuous? Why do people love you?virtuous (adj.)

old form: vertuous
showing fine qualities, praiseworthy
AYL II.iii.5
And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant?And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant?gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
AYL II.iii.6
Why would you be so fond to ouercomeWhy would you be so fond to overcomefond (adj.)
foolish, stupid, mad
AYL II.iii.7
The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke?The bonny prizer of the humorous Duke?prizer (n.)

old form: priser
prize-fighter, champion
AYL II.iii.8
humorous (adj.)
capricious, moody, temperamental
bonny (adj.)

old form: bonnie
strong, stalwart, strapping
Your praise is come too swiftly home before you.Your praise is come too swiftly home before you. AYL II.iii.9
Know you not Master, to seeme kinde of men,Know you not, master, to some kind of men AYL II.iii.10
Their graces serue them but as enemies,Their graces serve them but as enemies? AYL II.iii.11
No more doe yours: your vertues gentle MasterNo more do yours; your virtues, gentle master,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
AYL II.iii.12
Are sanctified and holy traitors to you:Are sanctified and holy traitors to you.sanctified (adj.)
sanctimonious, hypocritical, deceiving
AYL II.iii.13
Oh what a world is this, when what is comelyO, what a world is this, when what is comelycomely (adj.)
graceful, becoming, decent
AYL II.iii.14
Enuenoms him that beares it?Envenoms him that bears it!envenom (v.)

old form: Enuenoms
poison, taint, destroy
AYL II.iii.15
Why, what's the matter?Why, what's the matter? AYL II.iii.16.1
O vnhappie youth,O unhappy youth, AYL II.iii.16.2
Come not within these doores: within this roofeCome not within these doors; within this roof AYL II.iii.17
The enemie of all your graces liuesThe enemy of all your graces lives. AYL II.iii.18
Your brother, no, no brother, yet the sonneYour brother – no, no brother – yet the son –  AYL II.iii.19
(Yet not the son, I will not call him son)Yet not the son, I will not call him son AYL II.iii.20
Of him I was about to call his Father,Of him I was about to call his father –  AYL II.iii.21
Hath heard your praises, and this night he meanes,Hath heard your praises, and this night he means AYL II.iii.22
To burne the lodging where you vse to lye,To burn the lodging where you use to lie,use (v.)

old form: vse
be accustomed, make a habit [of]
AYL II.iii.23
And you within it: if he faile of thatAnd you within it. If he fail of that, AYL II.iii.24
He will haue other meanes to cut you off;He will have other means to cut you off. AYL II.iii.25
I ouerheard him: and his practises:I overheard him, and his practices.practice (n.)

old form: practises
scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue
AYL II.iii.26
This is no place, this house is but a butcherie;This is no place, this house is but a butchery;place (n.)
proper place, safe place
AYL II.iii.27
butchery (n.)

old form: butcherie
Abhorre it, feare it, doe not enter it.Abhor it, fear it, do not enter it. AYL II.iii.28
Why whether Adam would'st thou haue me go?Why, whither, Adam, wouldst thou have me go? AYL II.iii.29
No matter whether, so you come not here.No matter whither, so you come not (conj.)
provided that
AYL II.iii.30
What, would'st thou haue me go & beg my food,What, wouldst thou have me go and beg my food, AYL II.iii.31
Or with a base and boistrous Sword enforceOr with a base and boisterous sword enforceenforce (v.)
gain by force, exact
AYL II.iii.32
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
boisterous (adj.)

old form: boistrous
violent, fierce, savage
A theeuish liuing on the common rode?A thievish living on the common road? AYL II.iii.33
This I must do, or know not what to do:This I must do, or know not what to do: AYL II.iii.34
Yet this I will not do, do how I can,Yet this I will not do, do how I can. AYL II.iii.35
I rather will subiect me to the maliceI rather will subject me to the malice AYL II.iii.36
Of a diuerted blood, and bloudie brother.Of a diverted blood and bloody brother.diverted (adj.)

old form: diuerted
turned from its natural course, deviant
AYL II.iii.37
blood (n.)
blood relationship, kinship
But do not so: I haue fiue hundred Crownes,But do not so. I have five hundred crowns,crown (n.)
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
AYL II.iii.38
The thriftie hire I saued vnder your Father,The thrifty hire I saved under your father,hire (n.)
wages, payment, earnings
AYL II.iii.39
Which I did store to be my foster Nurse,Which I did store to be my foster-nurse AYL II.iii.40
When seruice should in my old limbs lie lame,When service should in my old limbs lie lame AYL II.iii.41
And vnregarded age in corners throwne,And unregarded age in corners thrown. AYL II.iii.42
Take that, and he that doth the Rauens feede,Take that, and He that doth the ravens feed, AYL II.iii.43
Yea prouidently caters for the Sparrow,Yea, providently caters for the sparrow, AYL II.iii.44
Be comfort to my age: here is the gold,Be comfort to my age. Here is the gold; AYL II.iii.45
All this I giue you, let me be your seruant,All this I give you. Let me be your servant. AYL II.iii.46
Though I looke old, yet I am strong and lustie;Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty,lusty (adj.)

old form: lustie
vigorous, strong, robust, eager
AYL II.iii.47
For in my youth I neuer did applyFor in my youth I never did apply AYL II.iii.48
Hot, and rebellious liquors in my bloud,Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood,rebellious (adj.)
not obeying, disobedient, mutinous
AYL II.iii.49
liquor (n.)
[alcoholic] drink
Nor did not with vnbashfull forehead woe,Nor did not with unbashful forehead woo AYL II.iii.50
The meanes of weaknesse and debilitie,The means of weakness and debility; AYL II.iii.51
Therefore my age is as a lustie winter,Therefore my age is as a lusty winter,lusty (adj.)

old form: lustie
merry, cheerful, lively
AYL II.iii.52
Frostie, but kindely; let me goe with you,Frosty, but kindly. Let me go with you,kindly (adv.)

old form: kindely
in accordance with human nature, expressing normal humanity
AYL II.iii.53
Ile doe the seruice of a yonger manI'll do the service of a younger man AYL II.iii.54
In all your businesse and necessities.In all your business and necessities. AYL II.iii.55
Oh good old man, how well in thee appearesO good old man, how well in thee appears AYL II.iii.56
The constant seruice of the antique world,The constant service of the antique world,antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
ancient, olden, former
AYL II.iii.57
When seruice sweate for dutie, not for meede:When service sweat for duty, not for meed!meed (n.)

old form: meede
reward, prize, recompense
AYL II.iii.58
Thou art not for the fashion of these times,Thou art not for the fashion of these times, AYL II.iii.59
Where none will sweate, but for promotion,Where none will sweat but for promotion, AYL II.iii.60
And hauing that do choake their seruice vp,And having that do choke their service up AYL II.iii.61
Euen with the hauing, it is not so with thee:Even with the having; it is not so with thee. AYL II.iii.62
But poore old man, thou prun'st a rotten tree,But, poor old man, thou prunest a rotten tree AYL II.iii.63
That cannot so much as a blossome yeelde,That cannot so much as a blossom yieldyield (v.)

old form: yeelde
bring forth, produce
AYL II.iii.64
In lieu of all thy paines and husbandrie,In lieu of all thy pains and husbandry.lieu of, in (prep.)
in return for, in recompense for
AYL II.iii.65
But come thy waies, weele goe along together,But come thy ways, we'll go along together, AYL II.iii.66
And ere we haue thy youthfull wages spent,And ere we have thy youthful wages spent AYL II.iii.67
Weele light vpon some setled low content.We'll light upon some settled low content.low (adj.)
humble, lowly, inferior
AYL II.iii.68
content (n.)
pleasure, satisfaction, happiness
Master goe on, and I will follow theeMaster, go on, and I will follow thee AYL II.iii.69
To the last gaspe with truth and loyaltie,To the last gasp with truth and loyalty. AYL II.iii.70
From seauentie yeeres, till now almost fourescoreFrom seventeen years till now almost four score AYL II.iii.71
Here liued I, but now liue here no moreHere lived I, but now live here no more. AYL II.iii.72
At seauenteene yeeres, many their fortunes seekeAt seventeen years many their fortunes seek, AYL II.iii.73
But at fourescore, it is too late a weeke,But at four score it is too late a week. AYL II.iii.74
Yet fortune cannot recompence me betterYet fortune cannot recompense me better AYL II.iii.75
Then to die well, and not my Masters debter. Than to die well, and not my master's debtor. AYL II.iii.76
Exeunt.Exeunt AYL II.iii.76
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