
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter seuen or eight Citizens.Enter seven or eight Citizens Cor II.iii.1.1
Once if he do require our voyces, weeOnce, if he do require our voices, weonce (adv.)
once and for all, in a word
Cor II.iii.1
voice (n.)

old form: voyces
vote, official support
ought not to deny him.ought not to deny him. Cor II.iii.2
We may Sir if we will.We may, sir, if we will. Cor II.iii.3
We haue power in our selues to do it, butWe have power in ourselves to do it, butpower (n.)
exercise of power, authoritative action
Cor II.iii.4
it is a power that we haue no power to do: For, if hee shewit is a power that we have no power to do. For if he show Cor II.iii.5
vs his wounds, and tell vs his deeds, we are to put ourus his wounds and tell us his deeds, we are to put our Cor II.iii.6
tongues into those wounds, and speake for them: So if hetongues into those wounds and speak for them. So, if he Cor II.iii.7
tel vs his Noble deeds, we must also tell him our Nobletell us his noble deeds, we must also tell him our noble Cor II.iii.8
acceptance of them. Ingratitude is monstrous, and foracceptance of them. Ingratitude is monstrous, and for Cor II.iii.9
the multitude to be ingratefull, were to make a Monster ofthe multitude to be ingrateful were to make a monster ofingrateful (adj.)

old form: ingratefull
ungrateful, unappreciative
Cor II.iii.10
the multitude; of the which, we being members, shouldthe multitude; of the which we being members should Cor II.iii.11
bring our selues to be monstrous members.bring ourselves to be monstrous members. Cor II.iii.12
And to make vs no better thought of aAnd to make us no better thought of a Cor II.iii.13
little helpe will serue: for once we stood vp about thelittle help will serve; for once we stood up about theserve (v.)

old form: serue
suffice, be enough, do [for]
Cor II.iii.14
stand up (v.)

old form: vp
confront boldly, make a stand
Corne, he himselfe stucke not to call vs the many-headedcorn, he himself stuck not to call us the many-headedstick (v.)

old form: stucke
hesitate, linger, think twice
Cor II.iii.15
Multitude. multitude. Cor II.iii.16
We haue beene call'd so of many, notWe have been called so of many; not Cor II.iii.17
that our heads are some browne, some blacke, some Abram, that our heads are some brown, some black, some abram,abram (adj.)
dark brown, golden brown [from ‘auburn’]
Cor II.iii.18
some bald; but that our wits are so diuersly Coulord;some bald, but that our wits are so diversely coloured. Cor II.iii.19
and truely I thinke, if all our wittes were to issue out of oneAnd truly I think if all our wits were to issue out of one Cor II.iii.20
Scull, they would flye East, West, North, South, and theirskull, they would fly east, west, north, south, and their Cor II.iii.21
consent of one direct way, should be at once to all theconsent of one direct way should be at once to all theconsent (n.)
agreement, accord, unanimity, compact
Cor II.iii.22
points a'th Compasse.points o'th' compass. Cor II.iii.23
Thinke you so? Which way do youThink you so? Which way do you Cor II.iii.24
iudge my wit would flye.judge my wit would fly? Cor II.iii.25
Nay your wit will not so soone out asNay, your wit will not so soon out as Cor II.iii.26
another mans will, 'tis strongly wadg'd vp in a blocke-head:another man's will – 'tis strongly wedged up in a blockhead; Cor II.iii.27
but if it were at liberty, 'twould sure Southward.but if it were at liberty 'twould sure southward. Cor II.iii.28
Why that way?Why that way? Cor II.iii.29
To loose it selfe in a Fogge, where being threeTo lose itself in a fog, where being three Cor II.iii.30
parts melted away with rotten Dewes, the fourth wouldparts melted away with rotten dews, the fourth wouldrotten (adj.)
unhealthy, corrupting, unwholesome
Cor II.iii.31
dew (n.)

old form: Dewes
dewfall, dampness, moisture
returne for Conscience sake, to helpe to get thee a Wife.return for conscience' sake to help to get thee a wife. Cor II.iii.32
You are neuer without your trickes, youYou are never without your tricks. You Cor II.iii.33
may, you may.may, you may!may, you
go on, carry on
Cor II.iii.34
Are you all resolu'd to giue your voyces?Are you all resolved to give your voices? Cor II.iii.35
But that's no matter, the greater part carries it, I say. IfBut that's no matter, the greater part carries it. I say, ifpart (n.)
side, camp, party
Cor II.iii.36
hee would incline to the people, there was neuer a worthierhe would incline to the people, there was never a worthier Cor II.iii.37 Cor II.iii.38
Enter Coriolanus in a gowne of Humility, withEnter Coriolanus in a gown of humility, with Cor II.iii.39.1
Menenius.Menenius Cor II.iii.39.2
Heere he comes, and in the Gowne of humility, marke hisHere he comes, and in the gown of humility. Mark hismark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Cor II.iii.39
behauiour: we are not to stay altogether, but to comebehaviour. We are not to stay all together, but to come Cor II.iii.40
by him where he stands, by ones, by twoes, & by him where he stands, by ones, by twos, and by threes. Cor II.iii.41
He's to make his requests by particulars, wherein euerieHe's to make his requests by particulars, wherein everyparticular (n.)
individual person, self
Cor II.iii.42
one of vs ha's a single Honor, in giuing him our own one of us has a single honour, in giving him our own Cor II.iii.43
voices with our owne tongues, therefore follow me, andvoices with our own tongues. Therefore follow me, and Cor II.iii.44
Ile direct you how you shall go by him.I'll direct you how you shall go by him. Cor II.iii.45
All. ALL 
Content, content.Content, content.content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
Cor II.iii.46
Exeunt Citizens Cor II.iii.46
Oh Sir, you are not right: haue you not knowneO sir, you are not right. Have you not knownright (adj.)
correct [in opinion], right-minded
Cor II.iii.47
The worthiest men haue done't?The worthiest men have done't? Cor II.iii.48.1
What must I say,What must I say? –  Cor II.iii.48.2
I pray Sir? / Plague vpon't, I cannot bring‘ I pray, sir ’ – Plague upon't! I cannot bring Cor II.iii.49
My tongue to such a pace. Looke Sir, my wounds,My tongue to such a pace. ‘ Look, sir, my wounds! Cor II.iii.50
I got them in my Countries Seruice, whenI got them in my country's service, when Cor II.iii.51
Some certaine of your Brethren roar'd, and ranneSome certain of your brethren roared and rancertain (n.)

old form: certaine
number of people, particular members
Cor II.iii.52
From th' noise of our owne Drummes.From th' noise of our own drums.’ Cor II.iii.53.1
Oh me the Gods,O me, the gods! Cor II.iii.53.2
you must not speak of that, / You must desire themYou must not speak of that. You must desire them Cor II.iii.54
to thinke vpon you.To think upon you.think upon (v.)

old form: thinke vpon
think kindly about, remember well
Cor II.iii.55.1
Thinke vpon me? Hang 'em,Think upon me? Hang 'em! Cor II.iii.55.2
I would they would forget me, like the VertuesI would they would forget me, like the virtues Cor II.iii.56
Which our Diuines lose by em.Which our divines lose by 'em.lose (v.)
waste, throw away, give unprofitably
Cor II.iii.57.1
divine (n.)

old form: Diuines
clergyman, priest, parson
You'l marre all,You'll mar all. Cor II.iii.57.2
Ile leaue you: Pray you speake to em, I pray youI'll leave you. Pray you speak to 'em, I pray you, Cor II.iii.58
In wholsome manner. In wholesome manner.wholesome (adj.)

old form: wholsome
profitable, valuable, promoting well-being
Cor II.iii.59.1
Exit Exit Cor II.iii.59
Enter three of the Citizens.Enter three of the Citizens Cor II.iii.59
Bid them wash their Faces,Bid them wash their faces Cor II.iii.59.2
And keepe their teeth cleane: So, heere comes a brace,And keep their teeth clean. So, here comes a brace.brace (n.)
group of two, couple, pair
Cor II.iii.60
You know the cause (Sir) of my standing heere.You know the cause, sir, of my standing here. Cor II.iii.61
We do Sir, tell vs what hath brought you too't.We do, sir. Tell us what hath brought you to't. Cor II.iii.62
Mine owne desert.Mine own desert. Cor II.iii.63
Your owne desert.Your own desert? Cor II.iii.64
I, but mine owne desire.Ay, but not mine own desire. Cor II.iii.65
How not your owne desire?How not your own desire? Cor II.iii.66
No Sir, 'twas neuer my desire yet to troubleNo, sir, 'twas never my desire yet to trouble Cor II.iii.67
the poore with begging.the poor with begging. Cor II.iii.68
You must thinke if we giue you any thing,You must think, if we give you anything, Cor II.iii.69
we hope to gaine by you.we hope to gain by you. Cor II.iii.70
Well then I pray, your priceWell then, I pray, your price Cor II.iii.71
a'th' Consulship.o'th' consulship? Cor II.iii.72
The price is, to aske it kindly.The price is to ask it kindly. Cor II.iii.73
Kindly sir, I pray let me ha't: I haueKindly, sir, I pray let me ha't. I have Cor II.iii.74
wounds to shew you, which shall bee yours in priuate:wounds to show you, which shall be yours in private. Cor II.iii.75
your good voice Sir, what say(to the Second Citizen) Your good voice, sir. What say Cor II.iii.76
you?you? Cor II.iii.77
You shall ha't worthy Sir.You shall ha't, worthy sir. Cor II.iii.78
A match Sir, there's in all two worthieA match, sir. There's in all two worthymatch (n.)
bargain, contract, agreement
Cor II.iii.79
voyces begg'd: I haue your Almes, Adieu.voices begged. I have your alms. Adieu. Cor II.iii.80
But this is something odde.But this is something odd.something (adv.)
somewhat, rather
Cor II.iii.81
And 'twere to giue againe: but 'tis noAn 'twere to give again – but 'tis noand, an (conj.)
if, whether
Cor II.iii.82
matter.matter. Cor II.iii.83
Exeunt. Exeunt Cor II.iii.83
Enter two other Citizens.Enter two other Citizens Cor II.iii.84.1
Pray you now, if it may stand with the tunePray you now, if it may stand with the tunestand (v.)
accord, agree, hold good, be compatible
Cor II.iii.84
tune (n.)
state of mind, mood
of your voices, that I may bee Consull, I haue heere theof your voices that I may be consul, I have here the Cor II.iii.85
Customarie Gowne.customary gown. Cor II.iii.86
You haue deserued Nobly of yourYou have deserved nobly of your Cor II.iii.87
Countrey, and you haue not deserued, and you have not deserved nobly. Cor II.iii.88
Your Anigma.Your enigma? Cor II.iii.89
You haue bin a scourge to herYou have been a scourge to her Cor II.iii.90
enemies, you haue bin a Rod to her Friends, you haueenemies, you have been a rod to her friends. You have Cor II.iii.91
not indeede loued the Common people.not indeed loved the common people. Cor II.iii.92
You should account mee the more Vertuous,You should account me the more virtuous Cor II.iii.93
that I haue not bin common in my Loue, I will sir flatterthat I have not been common in my love. I will, sir, flattercommon (adj.)
cheap, vulgar, promiscuous
Cor II.iii.94
my sworne Brother the people to earne a deerer estimationmy sworn brother, the people, to earn a dearer estimationbrother, sworn

old form: sworne
companion-in-arms, devoted friend
Cor II.iii.95
of them, 'tis a condition they account gentle:of them. 'Tis a condition they account gentle;gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
Cor II.iii.96
condition (n.)
quality, behaviour, attribute, habit
& since the wisedome of their choice, is rather to haue myand since the wisdom of their choice is rather to have my Cor II.iii.97
Hat, then my Heart, I will practice the insinuating nod, andhat than my heart, I will practise the insinuating nod and Cor II.iii.98
be off to them most counterfetly, that is sir, I willbe off to them most counterfeitly. That is, sir, I willbe off (v.)
doff the hat
Cor II.iii.99
counterfeitly (adv.)

old form: counterfetly
feignedly, in a pretended way
counterfet the bewitchment of some popular man, andcounterfeit the bewitchment of some popular man andpopular (adj.)
currying favour with the people
Cor II.iii.100
counterfeit (v.)

old form: counterfet
copy, imitate, simulate
bewitchment (n.)
magical appeal, ability to charm
giue it bountifull to the desirers: Therefore beseech you,give it bountiful to the desirers. Therefore, beseech you, Cor II.iii.101
I may be Consull.I may be consul. Cor II.iii.102
Wee hope to finde you our friend: andWe hope to find you our friend, and Cor II.iii.103
therefore giue you our voices heartily.therefore give you our voices heartily. Cor II.iii.104
You haue receyued many wounds forYou have received many wounds for Cor II.iii.105
your Countrey. your country. Cor II.iii.106
I wil not Seale your knowledge with shewingI will not seal your knowledge with showingseal (v.)

old form: Seale
confirm, ratify, approve
Cor II.iii.107
them. I will make much of your voyces, and so troublethem. I will make much of your voices and so trouble Cor II.iii.108
you no no farther. Cor II.iii.109
Both. BOTH 
The Gods giue you ioy Sir heartily.The gods give you joy, sir, heartily! Cor II.iii.110
Exeunt Cor II.iii.110
Most sweet Voyces:Most sweet voices!voice (v.)

old form: Voyces
voter, person offering support
Cor II.iii.111
Better it is to dye, better to sterue,Better it is to die, better to starve, Cor II.iii.112
Then craue the higher, which first we do deserue.Than crave the hire which first we do deserve.crave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
Cor II.iii.113
Why in this Wooluish tongue should I stand heere,Why in this wolvish toge should I stand heretoge (n.)
Cor II.iii.114
To begge of Hob and Dicke, that does appeereTo beg of Hob and Dick that does appearHob and Dick

old form: Dicke
every Tom, Dick, and Harry
Cor II.iii.115
Their needlesse Vouches: Custome calls me too't.Their needless vouches? Custom calls me to't.needless (adj.)

old form: needlesse
unnecessary, pointless, superfluous
Cor II.iii.116
vouch (n.)
warrant, guarantee, formal confirmation
What Custome wills in all things, should we doo't?What custom wills, in all things should we do't, Cor II.iii.117
The Dust on antique Time would lye vnswept,The dust on antique time would lie unswepttime (n.)
(the) world, (the) age, society
Cor II.iii.118
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
ancient, olden, former
And mountainous Error be too highly heapt,And mountainous error be too highly heaped Cor II.iii.119
For Truth to o're-peere. Rather then foole it so,For truth to o'erpeer. Rather than fool it so,overpeer, over-peer (v.)

old form: o're-peere
rise above, tower over
Cor II.iii.120
Let the high Office and the Honor goLet the high office and the honour gooffice (n.)
role, position, place, function
Cor II.iii.121
To one that would doe thus. I am halfe through,To one that would do thus. I am half through; Cor II.iii.122
The one part suffered, the other will I doe.The one part suffered, the other will I do. Cor II.iii.123
Enter three Citizens more.Enter three Citizens more Cor II.iii.124
Here come moe Voyces.Here come more voices. Cor II.iii.124
Your Voyces? for your Voyces I haue fought,Your voices! For your voices I have fought, Cor II.iii.125
Watcht for your Voyces: for your Voyces, beareWatched for your voices; for your voices bearwatch (v.)

old form: Watcht
keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout
Cor II.iii.126
Of Wounds, two dozen odde: Battailes thrice sixOf wounds two dozen odd. Battles thrice six Cor II.iii.127
I haue seene, and heard of: for your Voyces, / HaueI have seen and heard of; for your voices have Cor II.iii.128
done many things, some lesse, some more: / Your Voyces?Done many things, some less, some more. Your voices! Cor II.iii.129
Indeed I would be Consull.Indeed, I would be consul. Cor II.iii.130
Hee ha's done Nobly, and cannot goe withoutHe has done nobly, and cannot go without Cor II.iii.131
any honest mans Voyce.any honest man's voice. Cor II.iii.132
Therefore let him be Consull: theTherefore let him be consul. The Cor II.iii.133
Gods giue him ioy, and make him good friend to thegods give him joy and make him good friend to the Cor II.iii.134
People.people! Cor II.iii.135
All. ALL 
Amen, Amen. God saue thee, Noble Consull.Amen, amen. God save thee, noble Consul! Cor II.iii.136
Exeunt Citizens Cor II.iii.136
Worthy Voyces.Worthy voices.voice (v.)

old form: Voyces
voter, person offering support
Cor II.iii.137
Enter Menenius, with Brutus and Scicinius.Enter Menenius, with Brutus and Sicinius Cor II.iii.138.1
You haue stood your Limitation: / And the TribunesYou have stood your limitation, and the Tribuneslimitation (n.)
allotted time, appointed period
Cor II.iii.138
endue you with the Peoples Voyce, / Remaines,Endue you with the people's voice. Remainsindue, endue (v.)
endow, furnish, provide
Cor II.iii.139
that in th' Officiall Markes inuested, / YouThat in th' official marks invested youmark (n.)

old form: Markes
(plural) insignia, regalia
Cor II.iii.140
anon doe meet the Senate.Anon do meet the Senate.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Cor II.iii.141.1
Is this done?Is this done? Cor II.iii.141.2
The Custome of Request you haue discharg'd:The custom of request you have discharged. Cor II.iii.142
The People doe admit you, and are summon'dThe people do admit you, and are summoned Cor II.iii.143
To meet anon, vpon your approbation.To meet anon upon your approbation.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Cor II.iii.144
approbation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
Where? at the Senate-house?Where? at the Senate House? Cor II.iii.145.1
There, Coriolanus.There, Coriolanus. Cor II.iii.145.2
May I change these Garments?May I change these garments? Cor II.iii.146.1
You may, Sir.You may, sir. Cor II.iii.146.2
That Ile straight do: and knowing my selfe again,That I'll straight do and, knowing myself again,straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
Cor II.iii.147
Repayre to th'Senate-house.Repair to th' Senate (v.)

old form: Repayre
come, go, make one's way
Cor II.iii.148
Ile keepe you company. Will you along?I'll keep you company. (To the Tribunes) Will you along? Cor II.iii.149
We stay here for the People.We stay here for the people. Cor II.iii.150.1
Fare you well. Fare you well.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
Cor II.iii.150.2
Exeunt Coriol. and Mene. Exeunt Coriolanus and Menenius Cor II.iii.150
He ha's it now: and by his Lookes, me thinkes,He has it now, and by his looks methinksmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Cor II.iii.151
'Tis warme at's heart.'Tis warm at's heart. Cor II.iii.152.1
With a prowd heart he woreWith a proud heart he wore Cor II.iii.152.2
his humble Weeds: / Will you dismisse the People?His humble weeds. Will you dismiss the people?weed (n.)
(plural) garments, dress, clothes
Cor II.iii.153
Enter the Plebeians.Enter the Plebeians Cor II.iii.154
How now, my Masters, haue you chose this man?How now, my masters, have you chose this man? Cor II.iii.154
He ha's our Voyces, Sir.He has our voices, sir. Cor II.iii.155
We pray the Gods, he may deserue your loues.We pray the gods he may deserve your loves. Cor II.iii.156
Amen, Sir: to my poore vnworthy notice,Amen, sir. To my poor unworthy notice, Cor II.iii.157
He mock'd vs, when he begg'd our Voyces.He mocked us when he begged our voices. Cor II.iii.158.1
Certainely,Certainly, Cor II.iii.158.2
he flowted vs downe-right.He flouted us downright. Cor II.iii.159
No, 'tis his kind of speech, he did not mock vs.No,'tis his kind of speech – he did not mock us. Cor II.iii.160
Not one amongst vs, saue your selfe, but sayesNot one amongst us, save yourself, but says Cor II.iii.161
He vs'd vs scornefully: he should haue shew'd vsHe used us scornfully. He should have showed us Cor II.iii.162
His Marks of Merit, Wounds receiu'd for's Countrey.His marks of merit, wounds received for's country. Cor II.iii.163
Why so he did, I am sure.Why, so he did, I am sure. Cor II.iii.164.1
No, no: no man saw 'em.No, no! No man saw 'em. Cor II.iii.164.2
Hee said hee had Wounds, / Which he could shew in priuate:He said he had wounds which he could show in private, Cor II.iii.165
And with his Hat, thus wauing it in scorne,And with his hat, thus waving it in scorn, Cor II.iii.166
I would be Consull, sayes he: aged Custome,‘ I would be consul,’ says he. ‘ Aged custom Cor II.iii.167
But by your Voyces, will not so permit me.But by your voices will not so permit me; Cor II.iii.168
Your Voyces therefore: when we graunted that,Your voices therefore.’ When we granted that, Cor II.iii.169
Here was, I thanke you for your Voyces, thanke youHere was ‘ I thank you for your voices. Thank you, Cor II.iii.170
Your most sweet Voyces: now you haue left your Voyces,Your most sweet voices. Now you have left your voices, Cor II.iii.171
I haue no further with you. Was not this mockerie?I have no further with you.’ Was not this mockery? Cor II.iii.172
Why eyther were you ignorant to see't?Why either were you ignorant to see't,ignorant (adj.)
dull, unwitting, simple-minded
Cor II.iii.173
Or seeing it, of such Childish friendlinesse,Or, seeing it, of such childish friendliness Cor II.iii.174
To yeeld your Voyces?To yield your voices? Cor II.iii.175.1
Could you not haue told him,Could you not have told him –  Cor II.iii.175.2
As you were lesson'd: When he had no Power,As you were lessoned – when he had no power,lesson (v.)

old form: lesson'd
instruct, teach, advise
Cor II.iii.176
power (n.)
authority, government
But was a pettie seruant to the State,But was a petty servant to the state, Cor II.iii.177
He was your Enemie, euer spake againstHe was your enemy, ever spake against Cor II.iii.178
Your Liberties, and the Charters that you beareYour liberties and the charters that you bear Cor II.iii.179
I'th' Body of the Weale: and now arriuingI'th' body of the weal; and now, arrivingweal (n.)

old form: Weale
state, community, commonwealth
Cor II.iii.180
arrive (v.)

old form: arriuing
reach, arrive at
body (n.)
corporate body, collective mass [of people]
A place of Potencie, and sway o'th' State,A place of potency and sway o'th' state,place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Cor II.iii.181
potency (n.)

old form: Potencie
power, authority, command
sway (n.)
controlling influence, guiding power, direction
If he should still malignantly remaineIf he should still malignantly remainstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cor II.iii.182
Fast Foe to th'Plebeij, your Voyces mightFast foe to th' plebeii, your voices might Cor II.iii.183
Be Curses to your selues. You should haue said,Be curses to yourselves? You should have said Cor II.iii.184
That as his worthy deeds did clayme no lesseThat as his worthy deeds did claim no less Cor II.iii.185
Then what he stood for: so his gracious natureThan what he stood for, so his gracious naturestand for (v.)
be a candidate for, offer for election
Cor II.iii.186
Would thinke vpon you, for your Voyces, / AndWould think upon you for your voices and Cor II.iii.187
translate his Mallice towards you, into Loue,Translate his malice towards you into love,translate (v.)
change, transform, alter
Cor II.iii.188
Standing your friendly Lord.Standing your friendly lord.stand (v.)
act as, be, hold good as
Cor II.iii.189.1
Thus to haue said,Thus to have said, Cor II.iii.189.2
As you were fore-aduis'd, had toucht his Spirit,As you were fore-advised, had touched his spiritfore-advise (v.)

old form: fore-aduis'd
previously advise, instruct earlier
Cor II.iii.190
touch (v.)

old form: toucht
test the quality [of], put to the test
And try'd his Inclination: from him plucktAnd tried his inclination; from him pluckedtry (v.)

old form: try'd
prove, ascertain, find out
Cor II.iii.191
Eyther his gracious Promise, which you mightEither his gracious promise, which you might, Cor II.iii.192
As cause had call'd you vp, haue held him to;As cause had called you up, have held him to;call up (v.)

old form: call'd vp
arouse, prompt, bring to mind
Cor II.iii.193
cause (n.)
occasion, circumstance
Or else it would haue gall'd his surly nature,Or else it would have galled his surly nature,gall (v.)

old form: gall'd
vex, annoy, irritate
Cor II.iii.194
Which easily endures not Article,Which easily endures not articlearticle (n.)
condition, stipulation, requirement
Cor II.iii.195
Tying him to ought, so putting him to Rage,Tying him to aught. So putting him to rage,aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Cor II.iii.196
You should haue ta'ne th' aduantage of his Choller,You should have ta'en th' advantage of his cholercholer (n.)

old form: Choller
anger, rage, wrath
Cor II.iii.197
And pass'd him vnelected.And passed him unelected. Cor II.iii.198.1
Did you perceiue,Did you perceive Cor II.iii.198.2
He did sollicite you in free Contempt,He did solicit you in free contemptsolicit (v.)

old form: sollicite
court, chase after, pursue
Cor II.iii.199
free (adj.)
frank, undisguised, open
When he did need your Loues: and doe you thinke,When he did need your loves, and do you think Cor II.iii.200
That his Contempt shall not be brusing to you,That his contempt shall not be bruising to you Cor II.iii.201
When he hath power to crush? Why, had your BodyesWhen he hath power to crush? Why, had your bodies Cor II.iii.202
No Heart among you? Or had you Tongues, to cryNo heart among you? Or had you tongues to cryheart (n.)
courage, spirit, valour
Cor II.iii.203
cry (v.)
protest, rebel, cry out
Against the Rectorship of Iudgement?Against the rectorship of judgement?rectorship (n.)
rule, government, dominion
Cor II.iii.204.1
judgement (n.)

old form: Iudgement
reason, discernment, good sense
Haue you,Have you Cor II.iii.204.2
ere now, deny'd the asker: / And now againe,Ere now denied the asker, and now again, Cor II.iii.205
of him that did not aske, but mock, / BestowOf him that did not ask but mock, bestowbestow (v.)
give, provide, grant
Cor II.iii.206
your su'd-for Tongues?Your sued-for tongues?sued-for (adj.)

old form: su'd-for
begged for, entreated, petitioned
Cor II.iii.207
Hee's not confirm'd, we may deny him yet.He's not confirmed; we may deny him yet. Cor II.iii.208
And will deny him:And will deny him: Cor II.iii.209
Ile haue fiue hundred Voyces of that sound.I'll have five hundred voices of that sound. Cor II.iii.210
I twice fiue hundred, & their friends, to piece 'em.I twice five hundred and their friends to piece 'em.piece (v.)
add to, join to, augment
Cor II.iii.211
Get you hence instantly, and tell those friends,Get you hence instantly, and tell those friends Cor II.iii.212
They haue chose a Consull, that will from them takeThey have chose a consul that will from them take Cor II.iii.213
Their Liberties, make them of no more VoyceTheir liberties; make them of no more voiceliberty (n.)
(plural) rights, prerogatives, privileges
Cor II.iii.214
Then Dogges, that are as often beat for barking,Than dogs that are as often beat for barking Cor II.iii.215
As therefore kept to doe so.As therefore kept to do so. Cor II.iii.216.1
Let them assemble:Let them assemble, Cor II.iii.216.2
and on a safer Iudgement, / All reuokeAnd on a safer judgement all revokesafe (adj.)
sound, sensible, level-headed
Cor II.iii.217
your ignorant election: Enforce his Pride,Your ignorant election. Enforce his prideenforce (v.)
emphasize, urge, lay stress upon
Cor II.iii.218
ignorant (adj.)
dull, unwitting, simple-minded
And his old Hate vnto you: besides, forget notAnd his old hate unto you. Besides, forget not Cor II.iii.219
With what Contempt he wore the humble Weed,With what contempt he wore the humble weed,weed (n.)
garment, piece of clothing
Cor II.iii.220
How in his Suit he scorn'd you: but your Loues,How in his suit he scorned you; but your loves,suit (n.)
formal request, entreaty, petition
Cor II.iii.221
scorn (v.)

old form: scorn'd
mock, jeer, express disdain [at]
Thinking vpon his Seruices, tooke from youThinking upon his services, took from you Cor II.iii.222
Th' apprehension of his present portance,Th' apprehension of his present portance,portance (n.)
behaviour, demeanour, bearing
Cor II.iii.223
apprehension (n.)
powers of comprehension, understanding
Which most gibingly, vngrauely, he did fashionWhich most gibingly, ungravely, he did fashiongibingly (adv.)
sarcastically, tauntingly, in a mocking manner
Cor II.iii.224
ungravely (adv.)

old form: vngrauely
derisively, displaying ridicule
fashion (v.)
form, shape, make [into]
After the inueterate Hate he beares you.After the inveterate hate he bears you. Cor II.iii.225.1
LayLay Cor II.iii.225.2
a fault on vs, your Tribunes, / That we labour'dA fault on us, your Tribunes, that we laboured, Cor II.iii.226
(no impediment betweene) / But that you must No impediment between, but that you mustimpediment (n.)
obstruction, hindrance, obstacle
Cor II.iii.227
cast your Election on him.Cast your election on him. Cor II.iii.228.1
Say you chose him,Say, you chose him Cor II.iii.228.2
more after our commandment, / Then as guidedMore after our commandment than as guided Cor II.iii.229
by your owne true affections, and that / Your MindsBy your own true affections, and that your minds,affection (n.)
emotion, feeling
Cor II.iii.230
pre-occupy'd with what you rather must do,Pre-occupied with what you rather must do Cor II.iii.231
Then what you should, made you against the graineThan what you should, made you against the grain Cor II.iii.232
To Voyce him Consull. Lay the fault on vs.To voice him consul. Lay the fault on us.voice (v.)

old form: Voyce
vote, elect, appoint
Cor II.iii.233
I, spare vs not: Say, we read Lectures to you,Ay, spare us not. Say we read lectures to you,lecture (n.)
lesson, instructive example
Cor II.iii.234
How youngly he began to serue his Countrey,How youngly he began to serve his country,youngly (adv.)
in youth, early in life
Cor II.iii.235
How long continued, and what stock he springs of,How long continued, and what stock he springs of –  Cor II.iii.236
The Noble House o'th' Martians: from whence cameThe noble house o'th' Martians, from whence came Cor II.iii.237
That Ancus Martius, Numaes Daughters Sonne:That Ancus Martius, Numa's daughter's son,Numa (n.)
[pron: 'nyooma] Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, 716-672 BC
Cor II.iii.238
Ancus Martius
[pron: 'ankus 'mahshus] fourth king of Rome, 7th-c BC
Who after great Hostilius here was King,Who after great Hostilius here was king.Hostilius (n.)
[pron: hos'tilius] Tullus Hostilius, third king of Rome, 7th-c BC
Cor II.iii.239
Of the same House Publius and Quintus were,Of the same house Publius and Quintus were,Publius (n.)
supposed ancestor of Caius Martius
Cor II.iii.240
Quintus (n.)
supposed ancestor of Caius Martius
That our best Water, brought by Conduits hither,That our best water brought by conduits hither;conduit (n.)
channel, pipe, aqueduct
Cor II.iii.241
And Nobly nam'd, soAnd Censorinus, nobly named so,Censorinus (n.)
[pron: senser'iynus] Caius Marcius Rutilus, 3rd-c BC Roman politician
Cor II.iii.242
twice being Censor,Twice being by the people chosen censor, Cor II.iii.243
Was his great Ancestor.Was his great ancestor. Cor II.iii.244.1
One thus descended,One thus descended, Cor II.iii.244.2
That hath beside well in his person wrought,That hath beside well in his person wroughtwork (v.), past form wrought
bring about, arrange, effect
Cor II.iii.245
To be set high in place, we did commendTo be set high in place, we did commendplace (n.)
position, post, office, rank
Cor II.iii.246
commend (v.)
commit, entrust, hand over
commend (v.)
present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
To your remembrances: but you haue found,To your remembrances. But you have found,remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Cor II.iii.247
Skaling his present bearing with his past,Scaling his present bearing with his past,scale (v.)

old form: Skaling
weigh, balance, compare
Cor II.iii.248
That hee's your fixed enemie; and reuokeThat he's your fixed enemy, and revoke Cor II.iii.249
Your suddaine approbation.Your sudden approbation.sudden (adj.)

old form: suddaine
hasty, impulsive, impetuous
Cor II.iii.250.1
approbation (n.)
expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
Say you ne're had don't,Say you ne'er had done't –  Cor II.iii.250.2
(Harpe on that still) but by our putting on:Harp on that still – but by our putting on.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cor II.iii.251
putting on (n.)
instigation, prompting, urging
And presently, when you haue drawne your number,And presently, when you have drawn your number,presently (adv.)
after a short time, soon, before long
Cor II.iii.252
draw (v.)

old form: drawne
bring together, draw in, gather
Repaire to th'Capitoll.Repair to th' (v.)

old form: Repaire
come, go, make one's way
Cor II.iii.253.1
Capitol (n.)
geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
All. ALL 
We will so: almost allWe will so. Almost all Cor II.iii.253.2
repent in their election.Repent in their election. Cor II.iii.254.1
Exeunt Plebeians. Exeunt Plebeians Cor II.iii.254
Let them goe on:Let them go on. Cor II.iii.254.2
This Mutinie were better put in hazard,This mutiny were better put in hazardhazard, in
in peril, at risk
Cor II.iii.255
Then stay past doubt, for greater:Than stay, past doubt, for greater. Cor II.iii.256
If, as his nature is, he fall in rageIf, as his nature is, he fall in rage Cor II.iii.257
With their refusall, both obserue and answerWith their refusal, both observe and answeranswer (v.)
act along with, sustain, respond to
Cor II.iii.258
The vantage of his anger.The vantage of his anger.vantage (n.)
right moment, suitable opportunity
Cor II.iii.259.1
To th'Capitoll, come:To th' Capitol, come. Cor II.iii.259.2
We will be there before the streame o'th' People:We will be there before the stream o'th' people; Cor II.iii.260
And this shall seeme, as partly 'tis, their owne,And this shall seem, as partly 'tis, their own, Cor II.iii.261
Which we haue goaded on-ward. Which we have goaded onward. Cor II.iii.262
Exeunt. Exeunt Cor II.iii.262
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