Henry V

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Pistoll, Nim, Bardolph, Boy, and Hostesse.Enter Pistol, Hostess, Nym, Bardolph, and Boy H5 II.iii.1.1
'Prythee honey sweet Husband, let me bring thee Prithee, honey-sweet husband, let me bring theebring (v.)
accompany, conduct, escort
H5 II.iii.1
to Staines. to Staines. H5 II.iii.2
No: for my manly heart doth erne. No, for my manly heart doth earn.earn (v.)
yearn, mourn, grieve
H5 II.iii.3
Bardolph, be blythe: Nim, rowse thy vaunting Veines: Bardolph, be blithe! Nym, rouse thy vaunting veins!vaunting (adj.)
boastful, bragging, loud-mouthed
H5 II.iii.4
Boy, brissle thy Courage vp: for Falstaffe hee is dead, Boy, bristle thy courage up! For Falstaff, he is dead, H5 II.iii.5
and wee must erne therefore. And we must earn therefore.earn (v.)

old form: erne
yearn, mourn, grieve
H5 II.iii.6
therefore (adv.)
for that very reason
Would I were with him, wheresomere hee is, Would I were with him, wheresome'er he is, H5 II.iii.7
eyther in Heauen, or in Hell. either in heaven or in hell! H5 II.iii.8
Nay sure, hee's not in Hell: hee's in Arthurs Nay, sure, he's not in hell: he's in Arthur'sArthur (n.)
malapropism for Abraham
H5 II.iii.9
Bosome, if euer man went to Arthurs Bosome: a made bosom, if ever man went to Arthur's bosom. 'A made H5 II.iii.10
a finer end, and went away and it had beene any Christome a finer end, and went away an it had been any christomchristom (adj.)

old form: Christome
[malapropism for ‘christened’ or ‘chrism’] in a christening robe, innocent
H5 II.iii.11
and, an (conj.)
as if
Childe: a parted eu'n iust betweene Twelue and One, eu'n child; 'a parted e'en just between twelve and one, e'en H5 II.iii.12
at the turning o'th'Tyde: for after I saw him fumble withat the turning o'th' tide; for after I saw him fumble with H5 II.iii.13
the Sheets, and play with Flowers, and smile vpon his the sheets, and play with flowers, and smile upon his H5 II.iii.14
fingers end, I knew there was but one way: for his fingers' ends, I knew there was but one way; for his H5 II.iii.15
Nose was as sharpe as a Pen, and a Table of greene nose was as sharp as a pen, and 'a babbled of green H5 II.iii.16
fields. How now Sir Iohn (quoth I?) what man? be fields. ‘ How now, Sir John?’ quoth I, ‘ What, man, bequoth (v.)
H5 II.iii.17
a good cheare: so a cryed out, God, God, God, three o' good cheer!’ So 'a cried out, ‘ God, God, God!’ three H5 II.iii.18
or foure times: now I, to comfort him, bid him a should or four times. Now I, to comfort him, bid him 'a should H5 II.iii.19
not thinke of God; I hop'd there was no neede to not think of God – I hoped there was no need to H5 II.iii.20
trouble himselfe with any such thoughts yet: so a bad trouble himself with any such thoughts yet. So 'a badebid (v.), past form bade
pray, entreat, beg, ask
H5 II.iii.21
me lay more Clothes on his feet: I put my hand into the me lay more clothes on his feet; I put my hand into the H5 II.iii.22
Bed, and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone: bed, and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone; H5 II.iii.23
then I felt to his knees, and so vp-peer'd, and vpward, and then I felt to his knees, and so up'ard and up'ard, and H5 II.iii.24
all was as cold as any stone. all was as cold as any stone. H5 II.iii.25
They say he cryed out of Sack. They say he cried out of sack.of (prep.)
H5 II.iii.26
I, that a did. Ay, that 'a did. H5 II.iii.27
And of Women. And of women. H5 II.iii.28
Nay, that a did not. Nay, that 'a did not. H5 II.iii.29
Yes that a did, and said they were Deules incarnate. Yes, that 'a did, and said they were devils incarnate. H5 II.iii.30
A could neuer abide Carnation, 'twas a Colour 'A could never abide carnation, 'twas a colour H5 II.iii.31
he neuer lik'd. he never liked. H5 II.iii.32
A said once, the Deule would haue him about Women. 'A said once, the devil would have him about women. H5 II.iii.33
A did in some sort (indeed) handle Women: but 'A did in some sort, indeed, handle women; but H5 II.iii.34
then hee was rumatique, and talk'd of the Whore of then he was rheumatic, and talked of the Whore ofrheumatic (adj.)

old form: rumatique
malapropism for ‘choleric’ or ‘lunatic’
H5 II.iii.35
Whore of Babylon
in the Bible, a prostitute figure, taken as a symbol of degenerate Rome, and thus of Roman Catholicism
Babylon. Babylon. H5 II.iii.36
Doe you not remember a saw a Flea sticke vpon Do you not remember, 'a saw a flea stick upon H5 II.iii.37
Bardolphs Nose, and a said it was a blacke Soule burning in Bardolph's nose, and 'a said it was a black soul burning in H5 II.iii.38
Hell. hell? H5 II.iii.39
Well, the fuell is gone that maintain'd that Well, the fuel is gone that maintained that H5 II.iii.40
fire: that's all the Riches I got in his seruice. fire – that's all the riches I got in his service. H5 II.iii.41
Shall wee shogg? the King will be gone from Shall we shog? The King will be gone fromshog, shog off (v.)

old form: shogg
go away, be gone, get along
H5 II.iii.42
Southampton. Southampton. H5 II.iii.43
Come, let's away. My Loue, giue me thy Lippes: Come, let's away. My love, give me thy lips. H5 II.iii.44
Looke to my Chattels, and my Moueables: Look to my chattels and my movables. H5 II.iii.45
Let Sences rule: The world is, Pitch and pay: Let senses rule. The word is ‘ Pitch and pay!’pitch and pay
pay as you go, no credit
H5 II.iii.46
sense (n.)
senses, sensation, organs of sense
trust none: Trust none; H5 II.iii.47
for Oathes are Strawes, mens Faiths are Wafer-Cakes, For oaths are straws, men's faiths are wafer-cakes,wafer-cake (n.)
type of thin, lightweight cake
H5 II.iii.48
and hold-fast is the onely Dogge: My Ducke, And Holdfast is the only dog, my duck. H5 II.iii.49
therefore Caueto bee thy Counsailor. Therefore, Caveto be thy counsellor.caveto (int.)

old form: Caueto
[summarizing a piece of advice] beware, take care
H5 II.iii.50
Goe, cleare thy Chrystalls. Yoke-fellowes in Armes, Go, clear thy crystals. Yoke-fellows in arms,yoke-fellow (n.)

old form: yoke-fellowes
fellow-worker, comrade, partner
H5 II.iii.51
crystal (n.)

old form: Chrystalls
(plural) eyes
let vs to France, like Horse-leeches my Boyes, Let us to France, like horse-leeches, my boys, H5 II.iii.52
to sucke, to sucke, the very blood to sucke. To suck, to suck, the very blood to suck! H5 II.iii.53
And that's but vnwholesome food, they say. And that's but unwholesome food, they say.unwholesome (adj.)

old form: vnwholesome
harmful, damaging, noxious
H5 II.iii.54
Touch her soft mouth, and march. Touch her soft mouth, and march. H5 II.iii.55
Farwell Hostesse. Farewell, Hostess. H5 II.iii.56
He kisses her H5 II.iii.57.1
I cannot kisse, that is the humor of it: but adieu. I cannot kiss, that is the humour of it; but adieu.humour (n.)
style, method, way, fashion
H5 II.iii.57
Let Huswiferie appeare: keepe close, I thee command. Let housewifery appear. Keep close, I thee command.housewifery (n.)

old form: Huswiferie
housekeeping, household management
H5 II.iii.58
Farwell: adieu. Farewell! Adieu! H5 II.iii.59
ExeuntExeunt H5 II.iii.59
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