
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Clotten, and Lords.Enter Cloten and Lords Cym II.iii.1
Your Lordship is the most patient man in losse,Your lordship is the most patient man in loss, Cym II.iii.1
the most coldest that euer turn'd vp Ace.the most coldest that ever turned up ace.ace (n.)
one [lowest score on a dice]
Cym II.iii.2
cold (adj.)
unruffled, impassive, unimpassioned
It would make any man cold to loose.It would make any man cold to lose.cold (adj.)
gloomy, depressed, dispirited
Cym II.iii.3
But not euery man patient after the noble temperBut not every man patient after the noble tempertemper (n.)
frame of mind, temperament, disposition
Cym II.iii.4
of your Lordship; You are most hot, and furiousof your lordship. You are most hot and furiousfurious (adj.)
passionate, uproarious, excitable
Cym II.iii.5
when you winne.when you win. Cym II.iii.6
Winning will put any man into courage: if I couldWinning will put any man into courage. If I could Cym II.iii.7
get this foolish Imogen, I should haue Gold enough:get this foolish Innogen, I should have gold enough. Cym II.iii.8
it's almost morning, is't not?It's almost morning, is't not? Cym II.iii.9
Day, my Lord.Day, my lord. Cym II.iii.10
I would this Musicke would come: I am aduised to giueI would this music would come: I am advised to give Cym II.iii.11
her Musicke a mornings, they say it will penetrate. her music a mornings, they say it will penetrate.penetrate (v.)
pierce the feelings, touch the heart [also: sexual innuendo]
Cym II.iii.12
Enter Musitians.Enter Musicians Cym II.iii.13
Come on, tune: If you can penetrate her with your Come on, tune: if you can penetrate her with your Cym II.iii.13
fingering, so: wee'l try with tongue too: if none willfingering, so: we'll try with tongue too: if none willtongue (n.)
speech, expression, language, words, voice
Cym II.iii.14
do, let her remaine: but Ile neuer giue o're. First, ado, let her remain: but I'll never give o'er. First, agive over (v.)

old form: giue o're
cease, finish, leave off
Cym II.iii.15
very excellent good conceyted thing; after a wonderful very excellent good-conceited thing; after, a wonderfulgood-conceited (adj.)

old form: good conceyted
cleverly devised, ingeniously composed
Cym II.iii.16
sweet aire, with admirable rich words to it, andsweet air, with admirable rich words to it, andair (n.)

old form: aire
melody, tune, strain
Cym II.iii.17
admirable (adv.)
then let her consider.then let her consider.consider (v.)
reflect, think carefully, ponder, contemplate
Cym II.iii.18
SONG.SONG Cym II.iii.18a
Hearke, hearke, the Larke at Heauens gate sings,Hark, hark, the lark at heaven's gate sings, Cym II.iii.19
and Phobus gins arise,And Phoebus gins arise,gin, 'gin (v.), past form gan, 'gan
begin [to]
Cym II.iii.20
Phoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo
His Steeds to water at those SpringsHis steeds to water at those springs Cym II.iii.21
on chalic'd Flowres that lyes:On chaliced flowers that lies;chaliced (adj.)

old form: chalic'd
with cup-shaped blossom
Cym II.iii.22
And winking Mary-buds begin to ope their Golden eyesAnd winking Mary-buds begin to ope their golden eyes;Mary-bud (n.)
marigold bud
Cym II.iii.23
ope (v.)
winking (adj.)
with closed petals
With euery thing that pretty is, my Lady sweet arise:With every thing that pretty is, my lady sweet arise: Cym II.iii.24
Arise, arise.Arise, arise! Cym II.iii.25
So, get you gone: if this pen trate, I will considerSo get you gone: if this penetrate, I will considerconsider (v.)
reward, recompense, requite
Cym II.iii.26
your Musicke the better: if it do not, it is a voyce in heryour music the better: if it do not, it is a vice in her Cym II.iii.27
eares which Horse-haires, and Calues-guts, nor theears, which horse-hairs, and calves'-guts, nor thehorse-hairs (n.)

old form: Horse-haires
Cym II.iii.28
calves'-guts (n.)

old form: Calues-guts
violin strings
voyce of vnpaued Eunuch to boot, can neuer amed.voice of unpaved eunuch to boot, can never amend.unpaved (adj.)

old form: vnpaued
without stones [testicles], castrated
Cym II.iii.29
boot, to
in addition, as well
Exeunt Musicians Cym II.iii.29
Heere comes the King.Here comes the king. Cym II.iii.30
I am glad I was vp so late, for that's the reason I wasI am glad I was up so late, for that's the reason I was Cym II.iii.31
vp so earely: he cannot choose but take this Seruice Iup so early: he cannot choose but take this service I Cym II.iii.32
haue done, fatherly.have done fatherly.fatherly (adv.)
in a paternal manner, with a father's love
Cym II.iii.33
Enter Cymbaline, and Queene.Enter Cymbeline and Queen Cym II.iii.34.1
Good morrow to your Maiesty, and to my graciousGood morrow to your majesty, and to my graciousmorrow (n.)
Cym II.iii.34
Mother.mother. Cym II.iii.35
Attend you here the doore of our stern daughterAttend you here the door of our stern daughter?attend (v.)
be present [at], be found [at]
Cym II.iii.36
Will she not forth?Will she not forth? Cym II.iii.37
I haue assayl'd her with Musickes, but she vouchsafesI have assailed her with musics, but she vouchsafesvouchsafe (v.)
allow, permit, grant
Cym II.iii.38
assail (v.)

old form: assayl'd
approach with offers of love, woo with vigour, attempt to seduce
no notice. Cym II.iii.39
The Exile of her Minion is too new,The exile of her minion is too new,minion (n.)
darling, favourite, select one
Cym II.iii.40
She hath not yet forgot him, some more timeShe hath not yet forgot him, some more time Cym II.iii.41
Must weare the print of his remembrance on't,Must wear the print of his remembrance on't,remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Cym II.iii.42
And then she's yours.And then she's yours. Cym II.iii.43.1
You are most bound to'th'King,You are most bound to th' king, Cym II.iii.43.2
Who let's go by no vantages, that mayWho lets go by no vantages that mayvantage (n.)
right moment, suitable opportunity
Cym II.iii.44
Preferre you to his daughter: Frame your selfePrefer you to his daughter: frame yourselfprefer (v.)

old form: Preferre
promote, advance, recommend
Cym II.iii.45
frame (v.)
adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate
To orderly solicity, and be friendedTo orderly solicits, and be friendedsolicit (n.)
entreaty, solicitation, wooing
Cym II.iii.46
friend (v.)
befriend, sustain, assist
With aptnesse of the season: make denialsWith aptness of the season: make denialsseason (n.)
time, due time, occasion
Cym II.iii.47
Encrease your Seruices: so seeme, as ifIncrease your services: so seem, as if Cym II.iii.48
You were inspir'd to do those duties whichYou were inspired to do those duties which Cym II.iii.49
You tender to her: that you in all obey her,You tender to her: that you in all obey her,tender (v.)
offer, give, present
Cym II.iii.50
Saue when command to your dismission tends,Save when command to your dismission tends,dismission (n.)
rejection, dismissal, repudiation
Cym II.iii.51
And therein you are senselesse.And therein you are senseless.senseless (adj.)

old form: senselesse
unconscious, insensible, oblivious
Cym II.iii.52.1
Senselesse? Not so.Senseless? Not so. Cym II.iii.52.2
Enter a Messenger Cym II.iii.53.1
So like you (Sir) Ambassadors from Rome;So like you, sir, ambassadors from Rome;like (v.)
please, suit
Cym II.iii.53
The one is Caius Lucius.The one is Caius Lucius. Cym II.iii.54.1
A worthy Fellow,A worthy fellow, Cym II.iii.54.2
Albeit he comes on angry purpose now;Albeit he comes on angry purpose now;purpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
Cym II.iii.55
But that's no fault of his: we must receyue himBut that's no fault of his: we must receive him Cym II.iii.56
According to the Honor of his Sender,According to the honour of his sender, Cym II.iii.57
And towards himselfe, his goodnesse fore-spent on vsAnd towards himself, his goodness forespent on us,forespent (adj.)

old form: fore-spent
previously shown, earlier displayed
Cym II.iii.58
We must extend our notice: Our deere Sonne,We must extend our notice. Our dear son,extend (v.)
stretch, push so far, give scope to
Cym II.iii.59
When you haue giuen good morning to your Mistris,When you have given good morning to your mistress, Cym II.iii.60
Attend the Queene, and vs, we shall haue needeAttend the queen and us; we shall have needattend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
Cym II.iii.61
T'employ you towards this Romane. / Come our Queene. T' employ you towards this Roman. Come, our queen. Cym II.iii.62
Exeunt.Exeunt all but Cloten Cym II.iii.62
If she be vp, Ile speake with her: if notIf she be up, I'll speak with her: if not, Cym II.iii.63
Let her lye still, and dreame: by your leaue hoa,Let her lie still, and dream. By your leave, ho!still (adj.)
at rest, in repose
Cym II.iii.64
(knocks) Cym II.iii.65
I know her women are about her: whatI Know her women are about her: what Cym II.iii.65
If I do line one of their hands, 'tis GoldIf I do line one of their hands? 'Tis gold Cym II.iii.66
Which buyes admittance (oft it doth) yea, and makesWhich buys admittance – oft it doth – yea, and makesoft (adv.)
Cym II.iii.67
Diana's Rangers false themselues, yeeld vpDiana's rangers false themselves, yield upranger (n.)
gamekeeper, forester
Cym II.iii.68
false (v.)
make false, betray, corrupt
Diana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
Their Deere to'th'stand o'th'Stealer: and 'tis GoldTheir deer to th' stand o'th' stealer: and 'tis goldstand (n.)
[hunting] standing-place, hiding-place
Cym II.iii.69
Which makes the True-man kill'd, and saues the Theefe:Which makes the true-man killed, and saves the thief:save (v.)

old form: saues
spare, allow to live
Cym II.iii.70
true (adj.)
honest, upright, law-abiding
Nay, sometime hangs both Theefe, and True-man: whatNay, sometime hangs both thief, and true-man: what Cym II.iii.71
Can it not do, and vndoo? I will makeCan it not do, and undo? I will make Cym II.iii.72
One of her women Lawyer to me, forOne of her women lawyer to me, for Cym II.iii.73
I yet not vnderstand the case my selfe.I yet not understand the case myself. Cym II.iii.74
By your leaue. By your leave. Cym II.iii.75
Knockes. (knocks) Cym II.iii.76
Enter a Lady.Enter a Lady Cym II.iii.76
Who's there that knockes?Who's there that knocks? Cym II.iii.76.1
A Gentleman.A gentleman. Cym II.iii.76.2
No more.No more? Cym II.iii.76.3
Yes, and a Gentlewomans Sonne.Yes, and a gentlewoman's son. Cym II.iii.77.1
That's moreThat's more Cym II.iii.77.2
Then some whose Taylors are as deere as yours,Than some whose tailors are as dear as yours Cym II.iii.78
Can iustly boast of: what's your Lordships pleasure?Can justly boast of. What's your lordship's pleasure? Cym II.iii.79
Your Ladies person, is she ready?Your lady's person, is she ready?ready (adj.)
dressed, clothed
Cym II.iii.80.1
I,Ay, Cym II.iii.80.2
to keepe her Chamber.To keep her chamber.keep (v.)

old form: keepe
stay within, remain inside
Cym II.iii.81.1
There is Gold for you,There is gold for you, Cym II.iii.81.2
Sell me your good report.Sell me your good report. Cym II.iii.82
How, my good name? or to report of youHow, my good name? Or to report of you Cym II.iii.83
What I shall thinke is good. The Princesse.What I shall think is good? The princess! Cym II.iii.84
Exit Lady Cym II.iii.84
Enter Imogen.Enter Innogen Cym II.iii.85
Good morrow fairest, Sister your sweet hand.Good morrow, fairest: sister, your sweet hand. Cym II.iii.85
Good morrow Sir, you lay out too much painesGood morrow, sir. You lay out too much painslay out (v.)
expend, spend, use up
Cym II.iii.86
For purchasing but trouble: the thankes I giue,For purchasing but trouble: the thanks I give Cym II.iii.87
Is telling you that I am poore of thankes,Is telling you that I am poor of thanks, Cym II.iii.88
And scarse can spare them.And scarce can spare them. Cym II.iii.89.1
Still I sweare I loue you.Still I swear I love you.still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
Cym II.iii.89.2
If you but said so, 'twere as deepe with me:If you but said so, 'twere as deep with me:deep (adj.)

old form: deepe
solemn, weighty, important
Cym II.iii.90
If you sweare still, your recompence is stillIf you swear still, your recompense is still Cym II.iii.91
That I regard it not.That I regard it not. Cym II.iii.92.1
This is no answer.This is no answer. Cym II.iii.92.2
But that you shall not say, I yeeld being silent,But that you shall not say I yield being silent, Cym II.iii.93
I would not speake. I pray you spare me, 'faithI would not speak. I pray you spare me: 'faith Cym II.iii.94
I shall vnfold equall discourtesieI shall unfold equal discourtesyunfold (v.)

old form: vnfold
display, reveal, show
Cym II.iii.95
To your best kindnesse: one of your great knowingTo your best kindness: one of your great knowingknowing (n.)
knowledge of the world, experience, savoir-faire
Cym II.iii.96
Should learne (being taught) forbearance.Should learn – being taught – forbearance.forbearance (n.)
patience, restraint, moderation
Cym II.iii.97
To leaue you in your madnesse, 'twere my sin,To leave you in your madness, 'twere my sin, Cym II.iii.98
I will not.I will not. Cym II.iii.99
Fooles are not mad Folkes.Fools are not mad folks. Cym II.iii.100.1
Do you call me Foole?Do you call me fool? Cym II.iii.100.2
As I am mad, I do:As I am mad I do: Cym II.iii.101
If you'l be patient, Ile no more be mad,If you'll be patient, I'll no more be mad, Cym II.iii.102
That cures vs both. I am much sorry (Sir)That cures us both. I am much sorry, sir, Cym II.iii.103
You put me to forget a Ladies mannersYou put me to forget a lady's manners,put (v.)
cause, encourage, provoke
Cym II.iii.104
By being so verball: and learne now, for all,By being so verbal: and learn now, for all,verbal (adj.)

old form: verball
talkative, verbose, vocal
Cym II.iii.105
That I which know my heart, do heere pronounceThat I, which know my heart, do here pronounce, Cym II.iii.106
By th'very truth of it, I care not for you,By th' very truth of it, I care not for you, Cym II.iii.107
And am so neere the lacke of CharitieAnd am so near the lack of charity –  Cym II.iii.108
To accuse my selfe, I hate you: which I had ratherTo accuse myself – I hate you: which I had rather Cym II.iii.109
You felt, then make't my boast.You felt than make't my boast. Cym II.iii.110.1
You sinne againstYou sin against Cym II.iii.110.2
Obedience, which you owe your Father, forObedience, which you owe your father; for Cym II.iii.111
The Contract you pretend with that base Wretch,The contract you pretend with that base wretch,pretend (v.)
claim, avow, profess
Cym II.iii.112
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
One, bred of Almes, and foster'd with cold dishes,One bred of alms, and fostered with cold dishes,breed (v.), past form bred
raise, bring up, support
Cym II.iii.113
With scraps o'th'Court: It is no Contract, none;With scraps o'th' court, it is no contract, none; Cym II.iii.114
And though it be allowed in meaner partiesAnd though it be allowed in meaner parties – mean (adj.)
of low rank, inferior in position, less important
Cym II.iii.115
(Yet who then he more meane) to knit their soulesYet who than he more mean? – to knit their souls –  Cym II.iii.116
(On whom there is no more dependancieOn whom there is no more dependencydependency, dependancy (n.)

old form: dependancie
body of dependants
Cym II.iii.117
But Brats and Beggery) in selfe-figur'd knot,But brats and beggary – in self-figured knot,self-figured (adj.)

old form: selfe-figur'd
self-made, formed by oneself
Cym II.iii.118
Yet you are curb'd from that enlargement, byYet you are curbed from that enlargement, byenlargement (n.)
freedom of action, privilege of choice
Cym II.iii.119
curb (v.)

old form: curb'd
restrain, inhibit, hold back
The consequence o'th'Crowne, and must not foyleThe consequence o'th' crown, and must not foilfoil (v.)

old form: foyle
dishonour, demean, degrade
Cym II.iii.120
consequence (n.)
importance, weighty matter
The precious note of it; with a base Slaue,The precious note of it; with a base slave,note (n.)
reputation, distinction, standing
Cym II.iii.121
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
A Hilding for a Liuorie, a Squires Cloth,A hilding for a livery, a squire's cloth,livery (n.)

old form: Liuorie
uniform, costume, special clothing
Cym II.iii.122
squire (n.)
[contemptuous] servant, follower, attendant
hilding (n.)
good-for-nothing, worthless individual
cloth (n.)
clothing, dress, outfit
A Pantler; not so eminent.A pantler; not so eminent.pantler (n.)
servant in charge of the bread, pantryman
Cym II.iii.123.1
Prophane Fellow:Profane fellowprofane (adj.)

old form: Prophane
blasphemous, irreverent, foul-mouthed
Cym II.iii.123.2
Wert thou the Sonne of Iupiter, and no more,Wert thou the son of Jupiter, and no moreJupiter, Jove (n.)
Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno
Cym II.iii.124
But what thou art besides: thou wer't too base,But what thou art besides, thou wert too basebase (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
Cym II.iii.125
To be his Groome: thou wer't dignified enoughTo be his groom: thou wert dignified enough,dignified (adj.)
raised in status, invested with dignity
Cym II.iii.126
Euen to the point of Enuie. If'twere madeEven to the point of envy, if 'twere madeenvy (n.)

old form: Enuie
admiration, desire [to be like], jealousy
Cym II.iii.127
Comparatiue for your Vertues, to be stil'dComparative for your virtues to be styledcomparative (adj.)

old form: Comparatiue
as a means of comparison
Cym II.iii.128
The vnder Hangman of his Kingdome; and hatedThe under-hangman of his kingdom; and hated Cym II.iii.129
For being prefer'd so well.For being preferred so well.prefer (v.)

old form: prefer'd
promote, advance, recommend
Cym II.iii.130.1
The South-Fog rot him.The south-fog rot him!south-fog (n.)
contagion brought by the south wind
Cym II.iii.130.2
He neuer can meete more mischance, then comeHe never can meet more mischance than come Cym II.iii.131
To be but nam'd of thee. His mean'st GarmentTo be but named of thee. His mean'st garment,mean (adj.)

old form: mean'st
lowly, humble, poor
Cym II.iii.132
That euer hath but clipt his body; is dearerThat ever hath but clipped his body, is dearerclip (v.)

old form: clipt
embrace, clasp, hug
Cym II.iii.133
In my respect, then all the Heires aboue thee,In my respect, than all the hairs above thee,respect (n.)
regard, admiration, favour, opinion
Cym II.iii.134
Were they all made such men: How now Pisanio?Were they all made such men. How now, Pisanio! Cym II.iii.135
Enter Pisanio,Enter Pisanio Cym II.iii.136
His Garments? Now the diuell.‘ His garment!’ Now, the devil –  Cym II.iii.136
To Dorothy my woman hie thee presently.To Dorothy my woman hie thee presently.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Cym II.iii.137
hie (v.)
hasten, hurry, speed
His Garment?‘His garment!' Cym II.iii.138.1
I am sprighted with a Foole,I am sprited with a fool,sprite, spright (v.)
torment, haunt [as if by a spirit]
Cym II.iii.138.2
Frighted, and angred worse: Go bid my womanFrighted, and angered worse. Go bid my womanfright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
Cym II.iii.139
Search for a Iewell, that too casuallySearch for a jewel, that too casuallycasually (adv.)
accidentally, by mischance
Cym II.iii.140
Hath left mine Arme: it was thy Masters. Shrew meHath left mine arm: it was thy master's. 'Shrew me,beshrew, 'shrew (v.)
curse, devil take, evil befall
Cym II.iii.141
If I would loose it for a Reuenew,If I would lose it for a revenue Cym II.iii.142
Of any Kings in Europe. I do think,Of any king's in Europe! I do think Cym II.iii.143
I saw't this morning: Confident I am.I saw't this morning: confident I am. Cym II.iii.144
Last night 'twas on mine Arme; I kiss'd it,Last night 'twas on mine arm; I kissed it: Cym II.iii.145
I hope it be not gone, to tell my LordI hope it be not gone to tell my lord Cym II.iii.146
That I kisse aught but he.That I kiss aught but he. Cym II.iii.47.1
'Twill not be lost.'Twill not be lost. Cym II.iii.147.2
I hope so: go and search.I hope so: go and search. Cym II.iii.148.1
Exit Pisanio Cym II.iii.48
You haue abus'd me:You have abused me:abuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong
Cym II.iii.148.2
His meanest Garment?‘ His meanest garment!’ Cym II.iii.149.1
I, I said so Sir,Ay, I said so, sir: Cym II.iii.149.2
If you will make't an Action, call witnesse to't.If you will make't an action, call witness to't.action (n.)
law-suit, legal proceeding, litigation
Cym II.iii.150
I will enforme your Father.I will inform your father. Cym II.iii.151.1
Your Mother too:Your mother too: Cym II.iii.151.2
She's my good Lady; and will concieue, I hopeShe's my good lady; and will conceive, I hope,hope (v.)
expect, anticipate, envisage
Cym II.iii.152
conceive (v.)

old form: concieue
think, hold an opinion
But the worst of me. So I leaue your Sir,But the worst of me. So, I leave you, sir, Cym II.iii.153
To'th'worst of discontent.To th' worst of discontent. Cym II.iii.154.1
Exit.Exit Cym II.iii.154
Ile be reueng'd:I'll be revenged: Cym II.iii.154.2
His mean'st Garment? Well. ‘ His mean'st garment!’ Well. Cym II.iii.155
Exit.Exit Cym II.iii.155
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