Henry VIII

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Trumpets, Sennet, and Cornets. Enter two Vergers, Trumpets, sennet, and cornets. Enter two Vergers, H8 II.iv.1.1
with short siluer wands; next them two Scribes in with short silver wands; next them two Scribes, inwand (n.)
rod, staff
H8 II.iv.1.2
the habite of Doctors; after them, the Bishop ofthe habit of doctors; after them, the Archbishop ofhabit (n.)

old form: habite
dress, clothing, costume
H8 II.iv.1.3
Canterbury alone; after him, the Bishops of Lincolne, Canterbury alone; after him, the Bishops of Lincoln, H8 II.iv.1.4
Ely, Rochester, and S. Asaph: Next them, with Ely, Rochester, and Saint Asaph; next them, with H8 II.iv.1.5
some small distance, followes a Gentleman bearing the some small distance, follows a Gentleman bearing the H8 II.iv.1.6
Purse, with the great Seale, and a Cardinals Hat: Then purse, with the great seal, and a cardinal's hat; thenpurse (n.)
bag containing the great seal
H8 II.iv.1.7
two Priests, bearing each a Siluer Crosse: Then two Priests bearing each a silver cross; then Griffith, H8 II.iv.1.8
a Gentleman Vsher bare-headed, accompanyed with a a Gentleman Usher, bare-headed, accompanied with a H8 II.iv.1.9
Sergeant at Armes, bearing a Siluer Mace: Then two Sergeant-at-Arms bearing a silver mace; then two H8 II.iv.1.10
Gentlemen bearing two great Siluer Pillers: After Gentlemen bearing two great silver pillars; after H8 II.iv.1.11
them, side by side, the two Cardinals, two Noblemen,them, side by side, the two Cardinals; two noblemen H8 II.iv.1.12
with the Sword and Mace. The King takes place vnder with the sword and mace. The King takes place under H8 II.iv.1.13
the Cloth of State. The two Cardinalls sit vnder him as the cloth of state. The two Cardinals sit under him asstate (n.)
[also: cloth of state] canopy over a chair of state
H8 II.iv.1.14
Iudges. The Queene takes place some distance from the judges. The Queen takes place some distance from the H8 II.iv.1.15
King. The Bishops place themselues on each side the King. The Bishops place themselves on each side the H8 II.iv.1.16
Court in manner of a Consistory: Below them the court in manner of a consistory; below them, theconsistory (n.)
ecclesiastical court
H8 II.iv.1.17
Scribes. The Lords sit next the Bishops. The rest of theScribes. The Lords sit next the Bishops. The rest of the H8 II.iv.1.18
Attendants stand in conuenient order about the Stage.attendants stand in convenient order about the stage H8 II.iv.1.19
Whil'st our Commission from Rome is read,Whilst our commission from Rome is read, H8 II.iv.1
Let silence be commanded.Let silence be commanded. H8 II.iv.2.1
What's the need?What's the need? H8 II.iv.2.2
It hath already publiquely bene read,It hath already publicly been read, H8 II.iv.3
And on all sides th'Authority allow'd,And on all sides th' authority allowed. H8 II.iv.4
You may then spare that time.You may then spare that time. H8 II.iv.5.1
Bee't so, proceed.Be't so, proceed. H8 II.iv.5.2
Say, Henry K. of England, come into the Say, ‘ Henry, King of England, come into the H8 II.iv.6
Court.court.’ H8 II.iv.7
Crier. CRIER 
Henry King of England, &c.Henry, King of England, come into the court. H8 II.iv.8
Heere.Here. H8 II.iv.9
Scribe. SCRIBE 
Say, Katherine Queene of England, / Come into the Say ‘ Katherine, Queen of England, come into the H8 II.iv.10
Court.court.’ H8 II.iv.11
Crier. CRIER 
Katherine Queene of England, &c.Katherine, Queen of England, come into the court. H8 II.iv.12
The Queene makes no answer, rises out of her Chaire,The Queen makes no answer, rises out of her chair, H8 II.iv.13.1
goes about the Court, comes to the King, and kneeles atgoes about the court, comes to the King, and kneels at H8 II.iv.13.2
his Feete. Then speakes.his feet; then speaks H8 II.iv.13.3
Sir, I desire you do me Right and Iustice,Sir, I desire you do me right and justice, H8 II.iv.13
And to bestow your pitty on me; forAnd to bestow your pity on me; for H8 II.iv.14
I am a most poore Woman, and a Stranger,I am a most poor woman, and a stranger,stranger (n.)
foreigner, alien, outsider
H8 II.iv.15
Borne out of your Dominions: hauing heereBorn out of your dominions, having heredominion (n.)
land, territory, province
H8 II.iv.16
No Iudge indifferent, nor no more assuranceNo judge indifferent, nor no more assuranceindifferent (adj.)
impartial, unbiased, neutral
H8 II.iv.17
Of equall Friendship and Proceeding. Alas Sir:Of equal friendship and proceeding. Alas, sir,equal (adj.)

old form: equall
fair, equitable, evenhanded
H8 II.iv.18
In what haue I offended you? What causeIn what have I offended you? What cause H8 II.iv.19
Hath my behauiour giuen to your displeasure,Hath my behaviour given to your displeasure, H8 II.iv.20
That thus you should proceede to put me off,That thus you should proceed to put me offput off (v.)
dismiss, brush aside, spurn
H8 II.iv.21
And take your good Grace from me? Heauen witnesse,And take your good grace from me? Heaven witness,grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
H8 II.iv.22
I haue bene to you, a true and humble Wife,I have been to you a true and humble wife, H8 II.iv.23
At all times to your will conformable:At all times to your will conformable,conformable (adj.)
compliant, submissive, tractable
H8 II.iv.24
Euer in feare to kindle your Dislike,Ever in fear to kindle your dislike, H8 II.iv.25
Yea, subiect to your Countenance: Glad, or sorry,Yea, subject to your countenance, glad or sorrysorry (adj.)
sorrowful, painful, sad, pitiable
H8 II.iv.26
countenance (n.)
expression, look, face
As I saw it inclin'd? When was the houreAs I saw it inclined. When was the hour H8 II.iv.27
I euer contradicted your Desire?I ever contradicted your desire, H8 II.iv.28
Or made it not mine too? Or which of your FriendsOr made it not mine too? Or which of your friends H8 II.iv.29
Haue I not stroue to loue, although I knewHave I not strove to love, although I knew H8 II.iv.30
He were mine Enemy? What Friend of mine,He were mine enemy? What friend of mine H8 II.iv.31
That had to him deriu'd your Anger, did IThat had to him derived your anger did Iderive (v.)

old form: deriu'd
bring down [on], direct [to]
H8 II.iv.32
Continue in my Liking? Nay, gaue noticeContinue in my liking, nay, gave noticecontinue (v.)
retain, carry on with, preserve
H8 II.iv.33
He was from thence discharg'd? Sir, call to minde,He was from thence discharged? Sir, call to mind H8 II.iv.34
That I haue beene your Wife, in this Obedience,That I have been your wife in this obedience H8 II.iv.35
Vpward of twenty yeares, and haue bene blestUpward of twenty years, and have been blessed H8 II.iv.36
With many Children by you. If in the courseWith many children by you. If, in the course H8 II.iv.37
And processe of this time, you can report,And process of this time, you can report, H8 II.iv.38
And proue it too, against mine Honor, aught;And prove it too, against mine honour aught,aught (n.)
anything, [with negative word] nothing
H8 II.iv.39
My bond to Wedlocke, or my Loue and DutieMy bond to wedlock, or my love and duty H8 II.iv.40
Against your Sacred Person; in Gods nameAgainst your sacred person, in God's name H8 II.iv.41
Turne me away: and let the fowl'st ContemptTurn me away, and let the foul'st contempt H8 II.iv.42
Shut doore vpon me, and so giue me vpShut door upon me, and so give me up H8 II.iv.43
To the sharp'st kinde of Iustice. Please you, Sir,To the sharp'st kind of justice. Please you, sir, H8 II.iv.44
The King your Father, was reputed forThe King your father was reputed for H8 II.iv.45
A Prince most Prudent; of an excellentA prince most prudent, of an excellent H8 II.iv.46
And vnmatch'd Wit, and Iudgement. FerdinandAnd unmatched wit and judgement. Ferdinandwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
H8 II.iv.47
My Father, King of Spaine, was reckon'd oneMy father, King of Spain, was reckoned one H8 II.iv.48
The wisest Prince, that there had reign'd, by manyThe wisest prince that there had reigned, by many H8 II.iv.49
A yeare before. It is not to be question'd,A year before. It is not to be questionedquestion (v.)

old form: question'd
dispute, quarrel [over], call into question
H8 II.iv.50
That they had gather'd a wise Councell to themThat they had gathered a wise council to them H8 II.iv.51
Of euery Realme, that did debate this Businesse,Of every realm, that did debate this business, H8 II.iv.52
Who deem'd our Marriage lawful. Wherefore I humblyWho deemed our marriage lawful. Wherefore I humbly H8 II.iv.53
Beseech you Sir, to spare me, till I mayBeseech you, sir, to spare me, till I may H8 II.iv.54
Be by my Friends in Spaine, aduis'd; whose CounsaileBe by my friends in Spain advised, whose counsel H8 II.iv.55
I will implore. If not, i'th'name of GodI will implore. If not, I'th' name of God, H8 II.iv.56
Your pleasure be fulfill'd.Your pleasure be fulfilled. H8 II.iv.57.1
You haue heere Lady,You have here, lady, H8 II.iv.57.2
(And of your choice) these Reuerend Fathers, menAnd of your choice, these reverend fathers, men H8 II.iv.58
Of singular Integrity, and Learning;Of singular integrity and learning, H8 II.iv.59
Yea, the elect o'th'Land, who are assembledYea, the elect o'th' land, who are assembled H8 II.iv.60
To pleade your Cause. It shall be therefore bootlesse,To plead your cause. It shall be therefore bootlessbootless (adj.)

old form: bootlesse
useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing
H8 II.iv.61
That longer you desire the Court, as wellThat longer you desire the court, as well H8 II.iv.62
For your owne quiet, as to rectifieFor your own quiet, as to rectifyquiet (n.)
calmness, peace of mind, serenity
H8 II.iv.63
What is vnsetled in the King.What is unsettled in the King.unsettled (adj.)

old form: vnsetled
disturbed, troubled; also: unresolved, unfixed
H8 II.iv.64.1
His GraceHis grace H8 II.iv.64.2
Hath spoken well, and iustly: Therefore Madam,Hath spoken well and justly. Therefore, madam, H8 II.iv.65
It's fit this Royall Session do proceed,It's fit this royal session do proceed,session, sessions (n.)
judicial assembly, trial, court
H8 II.iv.66
And that (without delay) their ArgumentsAnd that without delay their arguments H8 II.iv.67
Be now produc'd, and heard.Be now produced and heard. H8 II.iv.68.1
Lord Cardinall, Lord Cardinal, H8 II.iv.68.2
to you I speake.To you I speak. H8 II.iv.69.1
Your pleasure, Madam.Your pleasure, madam. H8 II.iv.69.2
Sir, Sir, H8 II.iv.69.3
I am about to weepe; but thinking thatI am about to weep; but, thinking that H8 II.iv.70
We are a Queene (or long haue dream'd so) certaineWe are a queen, or long have dreamed so, certain H8 II.iv.71
The daughter of a King, my drops of teares,The daughter of a king, my drops of tears H8 II.iv.72
Ile turne to sparkes of fire.I'll turn to sparks of fire. H8 II.iv.73.1
Be patient yet.Be patient yet. H8 II.iv.73.2
I will, when you are humble; Nay before,I will, when you are humble; nay, before, H8 II.iv.74
Or God will punish me. I do beleeueOr God will punish me. I do believe, H8 II.iv.75
(Induc'd by potent Circumstances) thatInduced by potent circumstances, that H8 II.iv.76
You are mine Enemy, and make my Challenge,You are mine enemy, and make my challengechallenge (n.)
legal objection
H8 II.iv.77
You shall not be my Iudge. For it is youYou shall not be my judge; for it is you H8 II.iv.78
Haue blowne this Coale, betwixt my Lord, and me;Have blown this coal betwixt my lord and me –  H8 II.iv.79
(Which Gods dew quench) therefore, I say againe,Which God's dew quench! Therefore I say again, H8 II.iv.80
I vtterly abhorre; yea, from my SouleI utterly abhor, yea, from my soulabhor (v.)

old form: abhorre
reject, protest against, refuse
H8 II.iv.81
Refuse you for my Iudge, whom yet once moreRefuse you for my judge, whom yet once more H8 II.iv.82
I hold my most malicious Foe, and thinke notI hold my most malicious foe, and think not H8 II.iv.83
At all a Friend to truth.At all a friend to truth. H8 II.iv.84.1
I do professeI do professprofess (v.)

old form: professe
declare, avow, affirm
H8 II.iv.84.2
You speake not like your selfe: who euer yetYou speak not like yourself, who ever yet H8 II.iv.85
Haue stood to Charity, and displayd th'effectsHave stood to charity and displayed th' effectsstand to (v.)
maintain, uphold, be steadfast in
H8 II.iv.86
Of disposition gentle, and of wisedome,Of disposition gentle and of wisdomgentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
H8 II.iv.87
Ore-topping womans powre. Madam, you do me wrongO'ertopping woman's power. Madam, you do me wrong:overtop (v.)

old form: Ore-topping
excel, surpass, go beyond the (normal) level of
H8 II.iv.88
I haue no Spleene against you, nor iniusticeI have no spleen against you, nor injusticespleen (n.)

old form: Spleene
irritability, malice, bad temper
H8 II.iv.89
For you, or any: how farre I haue proceeded,For you or any. How far I have proceeded, H8 II.iv.90
Or how farre further (Shall) is warrantedOr how far further shall, is warrantedwarrant (v.)
authorize, sanction, license
H8 II.iv.91
By a Commission from the Consistorie,By a commission from the consistory,consistory (n.)

old form: Consistorie
ecclesiastical court
H8 II.iv.92
Yea, the whole Consistorie of Rome. You charge me,Yea, the whole consistory of Rome. You charge me H8 II.iv.93
That I haue blowne this Coale: I do deny it,That I have blown this coal. I do deny it. H8 II.iv.94
The King is present: If it be knowne to him,The King is present. If it be known to him H8 II.iv.95
That I gainsay my Deed, how may he wound,That I gainsay my deed, how may he wound,gainsay (v.)
deny, renounce, disown
H8 II.iv.96
And worthily my Falsehood, yea, as muchAnd worthily, my falsehood – yea, as muchfalsehood (n.)
disloyalty, treachery, faithlessness
H8 II.iv.97
As you haue done my Truth. If he knowAs you have done my truth. If he knowtruth (n.)
loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness
H8 II.iv.98
That I am free of your Report, he knowesThat I am free of your report, he knowsfree (adj.)
innocent, guiltless
H8 II.iv.99
I am not of your wrong. Therefore in himI am not of your wrong. Therefore in himwrong (n.)
dishonour, discredit, harm
H8 II.iv.100
It lies to cure me, and the Cure is toIt lies to cure me, and the cure is to H8 II.iv.101
Remoue these Thoughts from you. The which beforeRemove these thoughts from you; the which before H8 II.iv.102
His Highnesse shall speake in, I do beseechHis highness shall speak in, I do beseech H8 II.iv.103
You (gracious Madam) to vnthinke your speaking,You, gracious madam, to unthink your speakingunthink (v.)

old form: vnthinke
remove from one's thoughts
H8 II.iv.104
And to say so no more.And to say so no more. H8 II.iv.105.1
My Lord, My Lord,My lord, my lord, H8 II.iv.105.2
I am a simple woman, much too weakeI am a simple woman, much too weak H8 II.iv.106
T' oppose your cunning. Y'are meek, & humble-mouth'dT' oppose your cunning. You're meek and humble-mouthed; H8 II.iv.107
You signe your Place, and Calling, in full seeming,You sign your place and calling, in full seeming,seeming (n.)
deceptive appearance, two-faced behaviour, pretence
H8 II.iv.108
sign (v.)

old form: signe
display, signify, advertise
full (adj.)
whole, entire, complete
With Meekenesse and Humilitie: but your HeartWith meekness and humility; but your heart H8 II.iv.109
Is cramm'd with Arrogancie, Spleene, and Pride.Is crammed with arrogancy, spleen, and pride.spleen (n.)

old form: Spleene
irritability, malice, bad temper
H8 II.iv.110
arrogancy (n.)

old form: Arrogancie
You haue by Fortune, and his Highnesse fauors,You have, by fortune and his highness' favours, H8 II.iv.111
Gone slightly o're lowe steppes, and now are mountedGone slightly o'er low steps, and now are mountedslightly (adv.)
easily, with little effort
H8 II.iv.112
Where Powres are your Retainers, and your wordsWhere powers are your retainers, and your words,power (n.)

old form: Powres
exercise of power, authoritative action
H8 II.iv.113
(Domestickes to you) serue your will, as't pleaseDomestics to you, serve your will as't pleasedomestic (n.)

old form: Domestickes
servant, slave
H8 II.iv.114
Your selfe pronounce their Office. I must tell you,Yourself pronounce their office. I must tell you,office (n.)
role, position, place, function
H8 II.iv.115
You tender more your persons Honor, thenYou tender more your person's honour thantender (v.)
rate, esteem, regard
H8 II.iv.116
Your high profession Spirituall. That agenYour high profession spiritual, that again H8 II.iv.117
I do refuse you for my Iudge, and heereI do refuse you for my judge, and here, H8 II.iv.118
Before you all, Appeale vnto the Pope,Before you all, appeal unto the Pope, H8 II.iv.119
To bring my whole Cause 'fore his Holinesse,To bring my whole cause 'fore his holiness, H8 II.iv.120
And to be iudg'd by him.And to be judged by him. H8 II.iv.121.1
She Curtsies to the King, and offers to depart.She curtsies to the King, and offers to departoffer (v.)
attempt, start, try, make a move
H8 II.iv.121
The Queene is obstinate,The Queen is obstinate, H8 II.iv.121.2
Stubborne to Iustice, apt to accuse it, andStubborn to justice, apt to accuse it, andstubborn (adj.)

old form: Stubborne
resistant, hostile, antagonistic
H8 II.iv.122
apt (adj.)
prompt, quick, ready
accuse (v.)
object to, find fault with, impugn
Disdainfull to be tride by't; tis not well.Disdainful to be tried by't; 'tis not well. H8 II.iv.123
Shee's going away.She's going away. H8 II.iv.124
Call her againe.Call her again. H8 II.iv.125
Crier. CRIER 
Katherine. Q of England, come into the Court.Katherine, Queen of England, come into the court. H8 II.iv.126
Madam, you are cald backe.Madam, you are called back. H8 II.iv.127
What need you note it? pray you keep your way,What need you note it? Pray you keep your way;note (v.)
observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of]
H8 II.iv.128
keep your way
keep going, don't stop
When you are cald returne. Now the Lord helpe,When you are called, return. Now the Lord help! H8 II.iv.129
They vexe me past my patience, pray you passe on;They vex me past my patience. Pray you, pass on.pass (v.)

old form: passe
advance, move on, proceed
H8 II.iv.130
I will not tarry: no, nor euer moreI will not tarry; no, nor ever moretarry (v.)
stay, remain, linger
H8 II.iv.131
Vpon this businesse my appearance make,Upon this business my appearance make H8 II.iv.132
In any of their Courts.In any of their courts. H8 II.iv.133.1
Exit Queene, and her Attendants.Exeunt the Queen and her attendants H8 II.iv.133
Goe thy wayes Kate,Go thy ways, Kate.ways, go thy / your

old form: Goe, wayes
carry on, go ahead
H8 II.iv.133.2
That man i'th'world, who shall report he ha'sThat man i'th' world who shall report he has H8 II.iv.134
A better Wife, let him in naught be trusted,A better wife, let him in nought be trusted H8 II.iv.135
For speaking false in that; thou art aloneFor speaking false in that. Thou art alone – false (adv.)
wrongly, erroneously, in error
H8 II.iv.136
(If thy rare qualities, sweet gentlenesse,If thy rare qualities, sweet gentleness,rare (adj.)
marvellous, splendid, excellent
H8 II.iv.137
Thy meeknesse Saint-like, Wife-like Gouernment,Thy meekness saint-like, wife-like government,government (n.)

old form: Gouernment
self-control, self-discipline, moral conduct
H8 II.iv.138
Obeying in commanding, and thy partsObeying in commanding, and thy partspart (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
H8 II.iv.139
Soueraigne and Pious els, could speake thee out)Sovereign and pious else, could speak thee out – speak out (v.)

old form: speake
declare, manifest, display
H8 II.iv.140
The Queene of earthly Queenes: Shee's Noble borne;The queen of earthly queens. She's noble born, H8 II.iv.141
And like her true Nobility, she ha'sAnd like her true nobility she has H8 II.iv.142
Carried her selfe towards me.Carried herself towards me.carry (v.)
conduct, comport, present
H8 II.iv.143.1
Most gracious Sir,Most gracious sir, H8 II.iv.143.2
In humblest manner I require your Highnes,In humblest manner I require your highnessrequire (v.)
request, ask, beg
H8 II.iv.144
That it shall please you to declare in hearingThat it shall please you to declare in hearing H8 II.iv.145
Of all these eares (for where I am rob'd and bound,Of all these ears – for where I am robbed and bound, H8 II.iv.146
There must I be vnloos'd, although not thereThere must I be unloosed, although not there H8 II.iv.147
At once, and fully satisfide) whether euer IAt once and fully satisfied – whether ever I H8 II.iv.148
Did broach this busines to your Highnes, orDid broach this business to your highness, orbroach (v.)
raise, introduce into conversation
H8 II.iv.149
Laid any scruple in your way, which mightLaid any scruple in your way which mightscruple (n.)
objection, difficulty, doubt
H8 II.iv.150
Induce you to the question on't: or euerInduce you to the question on't, or ever H8 II.iv.151
Haue to you, but with thankes to God for suchHave to you, but with thanks to God for such H8 II.iv.152
A Royall Lady, spake one, the least word that mightA royal lady, spake one the least word that might H8 II.iv.153
Be to the preiudice of her present State,Be to the prejudice of her present state, H8 II.iv.154
Or touch of her good Person?Or touch of her good person?touch (v.)
stain, taint, infect
H8 II.iv.155.1
My Lord Cardinall,My lord Cardinal, H8 II.iv.155.2
I doe excuse you; yea, vpon mine Honour,I do excuse you; yea, upon mine honour, H8 II.iv.156
I free you from't: You are not to be taughtI free you from't. You are not to be taught H8 II.iv.157
That you haue many enemies, that know notThat you have many enemies that know not H8 II.iv.158
Why they are so; but like to Village Curres,Why they are so, but, like to village curs,like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
H8 II.iv.159
Barke when their fellowes doe. By some of theseBark when their fellows do. By some of these H8 II.iv.160
The Queene is put in anger; y'are excus'd:The Queen is put in anger. You're excused. H8 II.iv.161
But will you be more iustifi'de? You euerBut will you be more justified? You ever H8 II.iv.162
Haue wish'd the sleeping of this busines, neuer desir'dHave wished the sleeping of this business, never desired H8 II.iv.163
It to be stir'd; but oft haue hindred, oftIt to be stirred, but oft have hindered, oft,oft (adv.)
H8 II.iv.164
The passages made toward it; on my Honour,The passages made toward it. On my honour,passage (n.)
incident, occurrence, event, happening
H8 II.iv.165
I speake my good Lord Cardnall, to this point;I speak my good lord Cardinal to this point,speak to

old form: speake
bear witness to, attest, support
H8 II.iv.166
And thus farre cleare him. / Now, what mou'd me too't,And thus far clear him. Now, what moved me to't, H8 II.iv.167
I will be bold with time and your attention:I will be bold with time and your attention. H8 II.iv.168
Then marke th'inducement. Thus it came; giue heede too't:Then mark th' inducement. Thus it came – give heed to't:inducement (n.)
influential reason, persuasive cause
H8 II.iv.169
mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
My Conscience first receiu'd a tendernes,My conscience first received a tenderness, H8 II.iv.170
Scruple, and pricke, on certaine Speeches vtter'dScruple, and prick, on certain speeches utteredscruple (n.)
suspicion, misgiving, doubt
H8 II.iv.171
By th'Bishop of Bayon, then French Embassador,By th' Bishop of Bayonne, then French ambassador, H8 II.iv.172
Who had beene hither sent on the debatingWho had been hither sent on the debating H8 II.iv.173
And Marriage 'twixt the Duke of Orleance, andA marriage 'twixt the Duke of Orleans and H8 II.iv.174
Our Daughter Mary: I'th'Progresse of this busines,Our daughter Mary. I'th' progress of this business, H8 II.iv.175
Ere a determinate resolution, heeEre a determinate resolution, he – determinate (adj.)
conclusive, definitive, decisive
H8 II.iv.176
(I meane the Bishop) did require a respite,I mean the Bishop – did require a respite,respite (n.)
extent of time, time-scale
H8 II.iv.177
require (v.)
request, ask, beg
Wherein he might the King his Lord aduertise,Wherein he might the King his lord advertiseadvertise, advertize (v.)

old form: aduertise
make aware, inform, notify; warn
H8 II.iv.178
Whether our Daughter were legitimate,Whether our daughter were legitimate, H8 II.iv.179
Respecting this our Marriage with the Dowager,Respecting this our marriage with the dowager,respecting (prep.)
with regard to, with reference to
H8 II.iv.180
Sometimes our Brothers Wife. This respite shookeSometimes our brother's wife. This respite shooksometimes (adv.)
formerly, once, at one time, previously
H8 II.iv.181
The bosome of my Conscience, enter'd me;The bosom of my conscience, entered me,bosom (n.)

old form: bosome
heart, inner person
H8 II.iv.182
Yea, with a spitting power, and made to trembleYea, with a spitting power, and made to tremblespitting (adj.)
piercing, penetrating, impaling
H8 II.iv.183
The region of my Breast, which forc'd such way,The region of my breast; which forced such way H8 II.iv.184
That many maz'd considerings, did throngThat many mazed considerings did throngmazed (adj.)

old form: maz'd
bewildered, confused, perplexed
H8 II.iv.185
considering (n.)
consideration, reflection, brooding
And prest in with this Caution. First, me thoughtAnd pressed in with this caution. First, methoughtmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thought
it seems / seemed to me
H8 II.iv.186
press (v.)

old form: prest
push forward, thrust, come / go boldly
I stood not in the smile of Heauen, who hadI stood not in the smile of heaven, who had H8 II.iv.187
Commanded Nature, that my Ladies wombeCommanded nature that my lady's womb, H8 II.iv.188
If it conceiu'd a male-child by me, shouldIf it conceived a male child by me, should H8 II.iv.189
Doe no more Offices of life too't; thenDo no more offices of life to't thanoffice (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
H8 II.iv.190
The Graue does to th'dead: For her Male Issue,The grave does to th' dead; for her male issueissue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
H8 II.iv.191
Or di'de where they were made, or shortly afterOr died where they were made, or shortly after H8 II.iv.192
This world had ayr'd them. Hence I tooke a thought,This world had aired them. Hence I took a thought H8 II.iv.193
This was a Iudgement on me, that my KingdomeThis was a judgement on me, that my kingdom, H8 II.iv.194
(Well worthy the best Heyre o'th'World) should notWell worthy the best heir o'th' world, should not H8 II.iv.195
Be gladded in't by me. Then followes, thatBe gladded in't by me. Then follows thatglad (v.)
gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice
H8 II.iv.196
I weigh'd the danger which my Realmes stood inI weighed the danger which my realms stood inweigh (v.)

old form: weigh'd
consider, take into account
H8 II.iv.197
By this my Issues faile, and that gaue to meBy this my issue's fail, and that gave to mefail (n.)

old form: faile
failure [to comply with], lack
H8 II.iv.198
Many a groaning throw: thus hulling inMany a groaning throe. Thus hulling inhull (v.)
lie, float, drift [with sails furled]
H8 II.iv.199
The wild Sea of my Conscience, I did steereThe wild sea of my conscience, I did steer H8 II.iv.200
Toward this remedy, whereupon we areToward this remedy, whereupon we are H8 II.iv.201
Now present heere together: that's to say,Now present here together; that's to say, H8 II.iv.202
I meant to rectifie my Conscience, whichI meant to rectify my conscience, which H8 II.iv.203
I then did feele full sicke, and yet not well,I then did feel full sick, and yet not well,full (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
H8 II.iv.204
yet, as yet (adv.)
By all the Reuerend Fathers of the Land,By all the reverend fathers of the land H8 II.iv.205
And Doctors learn'd. First I began in priuate,And doctors learned. First I began in private H8 II.iv.206
With you my Lord of Lincolne; you rememberWith you, my lord of Lincoln. You remember H8 II.iv.207
How vnder my oppression I did reekeHow under my oppression I did reekreek (v.)

old form: reeke
break into a sweat, perspire
H8 II.iv.208
When I first mou'd you.When I first moved you.move (v.)

old form: mou'd
raise an issue [with], mention a matter [to]
H8 II.iv.209.1
Very well my Liedge.Very well, my liege.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
H8 II.iv.209.2
I haue spoke long, be pleas'd your selfe to sayI have spoke long; be pleased yourself to say H8 II.iv.210
How farre you satisfide me.How far you satisfied me. H8 II.iv.211.1
So please your Highnes,So please your highness, H8 II.iv.211.2
The question did at first so stagger me,The question did at first so stagger me –  H8 II.iv.212
Bearing a State of mighty moment in't,Bearing a state of mighty moment in'tstate (n.)
condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
H8 II.iv.213
And consequence of dread, that I committedAnd consequence of dread – that I committed H8 II.iv.214
The daringst Counsaile which I had to doubt,The daring'st counsel which I had to doubt,doubt (n.)
question, difficulty, hesitation [over]
H8 II.iv.215
And did entreate your Highnes to this course,And did entreat your highness to this coursecourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
H8 II.iv.216
Which you are running heere.Which you are running here. H8 II.iv.217.1
I then mou'd you,I then moved you,move (v.)

old form: mou'd
raise an issue [with], mention a matter [to]
H8 II.iv.217.2
My Lord of Canterbury, and got your leaueMy lord of Canterbury, and got your leave H8 II.iv.218
To make this present Summons vnsolicited.To make this present summons. Unsolicited H8 II.iv.219
I left no Reuerend Person in this Court;I left no reverend person in this court, H8 II.iv.220
But by particular consent proceededBut by particular consent proceeded H8 II.iv.221
Vnder your hands and Seales; therefore goe on,Under your hands and seals. Therefore, go on, H8 II.iv.222
For no dislike i'th'world against the personFor no dislike i'th' world against the person H8 II.iv.223
Of the good Queene; but the sharpe thorny pointsOf the good Queen, but the sharp thorny points H8 II.iv.224
Of my alleadged reasons, driues this forward:Of my alleged reasons, drive this forward.alleged (adj.)

old form: alleadged
cited in court, proposed, offered
H8 II.iv.225
Proue but our Marriage lawfull, by my LifeProve but our marriage lawful, by my life H8 II.iv.226
And Kingly Dignity, we are contentedAnd kingly dignity, we are contentedcontented (adj.)
willing, ready, agreeable
H8 II.iv.227
To weare our mortall State to come, with her,To wear our mortal state to come with her,mortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
human, subject to death, characterized by mortality
H8 II.iv.228
state (n.)
kingship, majesty, sovereignty
(Katherine our Queene) before the primest CreatureKatherine our Queen, before the primest creatureprimest (n./adj.)
best, finest, most supreme
H8 II.iv.229
That's Parragon'd o'th'WorldThat's paragoned o'th' world.paragon (v.)

old form: Parragon'd
compare, match, place side by side
H8 II.iv.230.1
So please your Highnes,So please your highness, H8 II.iv.230.2
The Queene being absent, 'tis a needfull fitnesse,The Queen being absent, 'tis a needful fitnessneedful (adj.)

old form: needfull
necessary, needed, indispensable
H8 II.iv.231
fitness (n.)

old form: fitnesse
proper behaviour, appropriate conduct
That we adiourne this Court till further day;That we adjourn this court till further day.further (adj.)
H8 II.iv.232
Meane while, must be an earnest motionMeanwhile must be an earnest motion H8 II.iv.233
Made to the Queene to call backe her AppealeMade to the Queen to call back her appeal H8 II.iv.234
She intends vnto his Holinesse.She intends unto his holiness. H8 II.iv.235.1
(aside) H8 II.iv.235
I may perceiueI may perceive H8 II.iv.235.2
These Cardinals trifle with me: I abhorreThese Cardinals trifle with me. I abhor H8 II.iv.236
This dilatory sloth, and trickes of Rome.This dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome. H8 II.iv.237
My learn'd and welbeloued Seruant Cranmer,My learned and well-beloved servant, Cranmer, H8 II.iv.238
Prethee returne, with thy approch: I know,Prithee return. With thy approach I know H8 II.iv.239
My comfort comes along: breake vp the Court;My comfort comes along. (to them) Break up the court; H8 II.iv.240
I say, set on.I say, set on.set on (v.)
go forward, advance, proceed
H8 II.iv.241
Exeunt, in manner as they enter'd.Exeunt in manner as they entered H8 II.iv.241
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