Henry IV Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter two Drawers. Enter Francis and another Drawer 2H4 II.iv.1.1
What hast thou brought there? Apple-Iohns? What the devil hast thou brought there – apple-johns?apple-john (n.)
kind of apple with a shrivelled skin [associated with midsummer (St John's) day]
2H4 II.iv.1
Thou know'st Sir Iohn cannot endure an Thou knowest Sir John cannot endure an 2H4 II.iv.2
Apple-Iohn. apple-john. 2H4 II.iv.3
Thou say'st true: the Prince once set a Mass, thou sayst true. The prince once set a 2H4 II.iv.4
Dish of Apple-Iohns before him, and told him there were dish of apple-johns before him, and told him there were 2H4 II.iv.5
fiue more Sir Iohns: and, putting off his Hat, said, I will five more Sir Johns, and, putting off his hat, said ‘ I willput off (v.)
doff, remove, take off
2H4 II.iv.6
now take my leaue of these sixe drie, round, old-wither'd now take my leave of these six dry, round, old, withered 2H4 II.iv.7
Knights. It anger'd him to the heart: but hee hath forgot knights.’ It angered him to the heart. But he hath forgot 2H4 II.iv.8
that. that. 2H4 II.iv.9
Why then couer, and set them downe: and see Why then, cover, and set them down, and seecover (v.)

old form: couer
lay the table
2H4 II.iv.10
if thou canst finde out Sneakes Noyse; Mistris Teare-sheet if thou canst find out Sneak's noise. Mistress Tearsheetnoise (n.)

old form: Noyse
band, company of musicians
2H4 II.iv.11
would faine haue some Musique. would fain hear some music.fain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
2H4 II.iv.12
(preparing to leave) 2H4 II.iv.13.1
Dispatch! The room wheredispatch, despatch (v.)
hurry up, be quick
2H4 II.iv.13
they supped is too hot; they'll come in straight.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
2H4 II.iv.14
sup (v.)
have supper
Enter Will 2H4 II.iv.15
Sirrha, heere will be the Prince, and Master Points, Sirrah, here will be the Prince and Master Poins 2H4 II.iv.15
anon: and they will put on two of our Ierkins, and Aprons, anon, and they will put on two of our jerkins and aprons,jerkin (n.)
male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather]
2H4 II.iv.16
anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
and Sir Iohn must not know of it: Bardolph hath and Sir John must not know of it. Bardolph hath 2H4 II.iv.17
brought word. brought word. 2H4 II.iv.18
Then here will be old Vtis: it will be an By the mass, here will be old utis. It will be anold (adj.)
plenty of, abundant, more than enough
2H4 II.iv.19
utis (n.)

old form: Vtis
clamour, din; or: festivity, jollification
excellent stratagem. excellent stratagem.stratagem (n.)
scheme, device, cunning plan
2H4 II.iv.20
Ile see if I can finde out Sneake. I'll see if I can find out Sneak. 2H4 II.iv.21
Exit.Exeunt Francis and Drawer 2H4 II.iv.21
Enter Hostesse, and Dol.Enter Hostess and Doll Tearsheet 2H4 II.iv.22.1
Sweet-heart, me thinkes now you are in an I'faith, sweetheart, methinks now you are in anmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)
it seems / seemed to me
2H4 II.iv.22
excellent good temperalitie: your Pulsidge beates as excellent good temperality. Your pulsidge beats aspulsidge (n.)
malapropism for ‘pulses’
2H4 II.iv.23
temperality (n.)

old form: temperalitie
malapropism for ‘temper’
extraordinarily, as heart would desire; and your Colour extraordinarily as heart would desire, and your colour, 2H4 II.iv.24
(I warrant you) is as red as any Rose: I warrant you, is as red as any rose, in good truth, la!la (int.)
2H4 II.iv.25
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
But you haue drunke too much Canaries, and But, i'faith, you have drunk too much canaries, andcanary, canaries (n.)
variety of sweet wine from the Canary Islands
2H4 II.iv.26
that's a maruellous searching Wine; and it perfumes the that's a marvellous searching wine, and it perfumes theperfume (v.)
malapropism for ‘perfuse’ [= cause to flow through]
2H4 II.iv.27
marvellous (adv.)

old form: maruellous
very, extremely, exceedingly
searching (adj.)
finding out weak spots, penetrating, stirring
blood, ere wee can say what's this. How doe you now? blood ere one can say ‘ What's this?’ How do you now? 2H4 II.iv.28
Better then I was: Hem. Better than I was – hem! 2H4 II.iv.29
Why that was well said: A good heart's worth Why, that's well said – a good heart's worth 2H4 II.iv.30
Gold. Looke, here comes Sir Iohn. gold. Lo, here comes Sir John. 2H4 II.iv.31
Enter Falstaffe.Enter Falstaff, singing 2H4 II.iv.32
When Arthur first in Court --- When Arthur first in court –  2H4 II.iv.32
(emptie the Iordan) empty the jordanjordan (n.)

old form: Iordan
2H4 II.iv.33
Exit Will 2H4 II.iv.33
and was a worthy King: And was a worthy king –  2H4 II.iv.34
How now Mistris Dol? how now, Mistress Doll? 2H4 II.iv.35
Sick of a Calme: yea, good-sooth. Sick of a calm, yea, good faith.calm (n.)

old form: Calme
malapropism for ‘qualm’ [feeling of nausea]
2H4 II.iv.36
So is all her Sect: if they be once in a Calme, So is all her sect; an they be once in a calmsect (n.)
class, kind, sort
2H4 II.iv.37
and, an (conj.)
if, even if
they are sick. they are sick. 2H4 II.iv.38
You muddie Rascall, is that all the A pox damn you, you muddy rascal, is that all therascal (n.)

old form: Rascall
young or inferior deer in a herd; one of the common herd
2H4 II.iv.39
muddy (adj.)

old form: muddie
[of a young deer] sluggish, lazy
pox (n.)
venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
comfort you giue me? comfort you give me? 2H4 II.iv.40
You make fat Rascalls, Mistris Dol. You make fat rascals, Mistress Doll. 2H4 II.iv.41
I make them? Gluttonie and Diseases make them, I make them? Gluttony and diseases make them; 2H4 II.iv.42
I make them not. I make them not. 2H4 II.iv.43
If the Cooke make the Gluttonie, you If the cook help to make the gluttony, you 2H4 II.iv.44
helpe to make the Diseases (Dol) we catch of you (Dol) help to make the diseases, Doll. We catch of you, Doll, 2H4 II.iv.45
we catch of you: Grant that, my poore Vertue, grant that. we catch of you. Grant that, my poor virtue, grant that. 2H4 II.iv.46
I marry, our Chaynes, and our Iewels. Yea, Mary's joys, our chains and our jewels – joy (n.)
[unclear meaning] delight, bliss [for Mary, as the mother of Jesus]; or: darling, pet
2H4 II.iv.47
Your Brooches, Pearles, and Owches: For to – your brooches, pearls, and ouches – for toouch (n.)

old form: Owches
ornament, gem; also: sore
2H4 II.iv.48
serue brauely, is to come halting off: you know, to come serve bravely is to come halting off, you know; to comehalt (v.)
limp, proceed lamely
2H4 II.iv.49
bravely (adv.)

old form: brauely
splendidly, worthily, excellently
off the Breach, with his Pike bent brauely, and to off the breach, with his pike bent bravely; and topike, pick (n.)
weapon with a long handle ending in a spearhead
2H4 II.iv.50
Surgerie brauely; to venture vpon the charg'd-Chambers surgery bravely; to venture upon the charged chamberschamber (n.)
piece of ordnance, cannon, gun
2H4 II.iv.51
charged (adj.)

old form: charg'd
loaded; also: given a burden
brauely. bravely –  2H4 II.iv.52
Hang yourself, you muddy conger, hang yourself!muddy (adj.)
dirty, foul
2H4 II.iv.53
conger (n.)
type of sea-eel
Why this is the olde fashion: you two By my troth, this is the old fashion; you twofashion (n.)
manner, way, mode, appearance
2H4 II.iv.54
troth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
neuer meete, but you fall to some discord: you are both never meet but you fall to some discord. You are both, 2H4 II.iv.55
(in good troth) as Rheumatike as two drie Tostes, you cannot i' good truth, as rheumatic as two dry toasts; you cannotrheumatic (adj.)

old form: Rheumatike
malapropism for ‘choleric’ or ‘lunatic’
2H4 II.iv.56
one beare with anothers Confirmities. What the one bear with another's confirmities. What theconfirmity (n.)

old form: Confirmities
malapropism for ‘infirmity’
2H4 II.iv.57
good-yere? One must beare, and that must bee you: goodyear! One must bear, and that (to Doll) must be you;good-year / goodyear, what the

old form: yere
[expression of impatience] what the deuce
2H4 II.iv.58
bear (v.), past forms bore, borne
tolerate, endure, put up with
you are the weaker Vessell; as they say, the emptier you are the weaker vessel, as they say, the emptier 2H4 II.iv.59
Vessell. vessel. 2H4 II.iv.60
Can a weake emptie Vessell beare such a huge full Can a weak empty vessel bear such a huge full 2H4 II.iv.61
Hogs-head? There's a whole Marchants Venture of hogshead? There's a whole merchant's venture ofhogshead (n.)

old form: Hogs-head
large cask, barrel [of wine]
2H4 II.iv.62
venture (n.)
cargo, consignment, goods
Burdeux-Stuffe in him: you haue not seene a Hulke better Bourdeaux stuff in him. You have not seen a hulk betterstuff (n.)

old form: Stuffe
stock-in-trade, merchandise
2H4 II.iv.63
hulk (n.)

old form: Hulke
ship, vessel
stufft in the Hold. Come, Ile be friends with thee stuffed in the hold. Come, I'll be friends with thee, 2H4 II.iv.64
Iacke: Thou art going to the Warres, and whether I shall Jack; thou art going to the wars, and whether I shall 2H4 II.iv.65
euer see thee againe, or no, there is no body cares. ever see thee again or no there is nobody cares. 2H4 II.iv.66
Enter Drawer.enter the Drawer 2H4 II.iv.67.1
Sir, Ancient Pistoll is below, and would speake Sir, Ancient Pistol's below, and would speakancient, aunchient (n.)
ensign, standard-bearer
2H4 II.iv.67
with you. with you. 2H4 II.iv.68
Hang him, swaggering Rascall, let him not come Hang him, swaggering rascal. Let him not comeswaggering (n.)
blustering, bullying, quarrelling
2H4 II.iv.69
hither: it is the foule-mouth'dst Rogue in England. hither. It is the foul-mouthed'st rogue in England. 2H4 II.iv.70
If hee swagger, let him not come here: If he swagger, let him not come here. No, byswagger (v.)
quarrel, squabble, behave in an insolent way
2H4 II.iv.71
I must liue amongst my Neighbors, Ile no my faith! I must live among my neighbours; I'll no 2H4 II.iv.72
Swaggerers: I am in good name, and fame, with the very swaggerers. I am in good name and fame with the veryname (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
2H4 II.iv.73
swaggerer (n.)
quarreller, blusterer, squabbler
fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
best: shut the doore, there comes no Swaggerers heere: I best. Shut the door. There comes no swaggerers here. I 2H4 II.iv.74
haue not liu'd all this while, to haue swaggering now: have not lived all this while to have swaggering now. 2H4 II.iv.75
shut the doore, I pray you. Shut the door, I pray you. 2H4 II.iv.76
Do'st thou heare, Hostesse? Dost thou hear, hostess? 2H4 II.iv.77
'Pray you pacifie your selfe (Sir Iohn) there comes Pray ye, pacify yourself, Sir John; there comespacify (v.)

old form: pacifie
stay quiet; or: malapropism for ‘satisfy’ [= be assured]
2H4 II.iv.78
no Swaggerers heere. no swaggerers here. 2H4 II.iv.79
Do'st thou heare? it is mine Ancient. Dost thou hear? It is mine ancient. 2H4 II.iv.80
Tilly-fally (Sir Iohn) neuer tell me, your Tilly-fally, Sir John, ne'er tell me; an yourtilly-fally, tilly-vally (int.)
nonsense, fiddlesticks
2H4 II.iv.81
and, an (conj.)
if, whether
ancient Swaggerer comes not in my doores. I was before ancient swagger, 'a comes not in my doors. I was before 2H4 II.iv.82
Master Tisick the Deputie, the other day: and as hee said Master Tisick the debuty t' other day, and, as he saiddebuty (n.)

old form: Deputie
malapropism for ‘deputy’ [= deputy alderman]
2H4 II.iv.83
to me, it was no longer agoe then Wednesday last: to me – 'twas no longer ago than Wednesday last, i'good 2H4 II.iv.84
Neighbour Quickly (sayes hee;) Master Dombe, faith – ‘ Neighbour Quickly,’ says he – Master Dumb 2H4 II.iv.85
our Minister, was by then: Neighbour Quickly (sayes our minister was by then – ‘ Neighbour Quickly,’ saysby (adv.)
near by, close at hand
2H4 II.iv.86
hee) receiue those that are Ciuill; for (sayth hee) you are in he, ‘ receive those that are civil, for,’ said he, ‘ you are incivil (adj.)

old form: Ciuill
seemly, decent, well-behaved
2H4 II.iv.87
an ill Name: now hee said so, I can tell whereupon: an ill name ’ – now 'a said so, I can tell whereupon.ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
2H4 II.iv.88
name (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
for (sayes hee) you are an honest Woman, and well ‘ For,’ says he, ‘ you are an honest woman, and well 2H4 II.iv.89
thought on; therefore take heede what Guests you receiue: thought on; therefore take heed what guests you receive; 2H4 II.iv.90
Receiue (sayes hee) no swaggering Companions. There receive,’ says he, ‘ no swaggering companions.’ There 2H4 II.iv.91
comes none heere. You would blesse you to heare what hee comes none here. You would bless you to hear what he 2H4 II.iv.92
said. No, Ile no Swaggerers. said. No, I'll no swaggerers. 2H4 II.iv.93
Hee's no Swaggerer (Hostesse:) a tame Cheater, hee: He's no swaggerer, hostess, a tame cheater,cheater (n.)
deceiver, sharper, gamester; also: officer who looks after estates forfeited to the crown
2H4 II.iv.94
tame (adj.)
petty, decoy [attracting people into a card game]
you may stroake him as gently, as a Puppie Grey-hound: i'faith. You may stroke him as gently as a puppy greyhound. 2H4 II.iv.95
hee will not swagger with a Barbarie Henne, if her He'll not swagger with a Barbary hen, if herBarbary hen

old form: Barbarie Henne
guinea hen; or: prostitute
2H4 II.iv.96
feathers turne backe in any shew of resistance. Call him feathers turn back in any show of resistance. Call him 2H4 II.iv.97
vp (Drawer.) up, drawer. 2H4 II.iv.98
Exit Drawer 2H4 II.iv.98
Cheater, call you him? I will barre no honest man Cheater, call you him? I will bar no honest man 2H4 II.iv.99
my house, nor no Cheater: but I doe not loue swaggering; my house, nor no cheater, but I do not love swaggering; 2H4 II.iv.100
I am the worse when one sayes, swagger: by my troth, I am the worse when one says ‘ swagger.’ 2H4 II.iv.101
Feele Masters, how I shake: looke you, I warrant you. Feel, masters, how I shake, look you, I warrant you.warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
2H4 II.iv.102
So you doe, Hostesse. So you do, hostess. 2H4 II.iv.103
Doe I? yea, in very truth doe I, if it were an Do I? Yea, in very truth, do I, an 'twere anand, an (conj.)
as if
2H4 II.iv.104
Aspen Leafe: I cannot abide Swaggerers. aspen leaf. I cannot abide swaggerers. 2H4 II.iv.105
Enter Pistol, and Bardolph and his Boy.Enter Ancient Pistol, Bardolph, and the Page 2H4 II.iv.106
'Saue you, Sir Iohn. God save you, Sir John! 2H4 II.iv.106
Welcome Ancient Pistol. Here (Pistol) I Welcome, Ancient Pistol! Here, Pistol, I 2H4 II.iv.107
charge you with a Cup of Sacke: doe you discharge vpon charge you with a cup of sack – do you discharge uponcharge (v.)
toast, drink a health to
2H4 II.iv.108
discharge (v.)
respond to a toast, drink a further health
mine Hostesse. mine hostess. 2H4 II.iv.109
I will discharge vpon her (Sir Iohn) with two I will discharge upon her, Sir John, with two 2H4 II.iv.110
Bullets. bullets. 2H4 II.iv.111
She is Pistoll-proofe (Sir) you shall hardly She is pistol-proof, sir; you shall not hardlyhardly (adv.)
with great difficulty, only with difficulty
2H4 II.iv.112
offend her. offend her. 2H4 II.iv.113
Come, Ile drinke no Proofes, nor no Bullets: I will Come, I'll drink no proofs, nor no bullets. I'll 2H4 II.iv.114
drinke no more then will doe me good, for no mans drink no more than will do me good, for no man's 2H4 II.iv.115
pleasure, I. pleasure, I. 2H4 II.iv.116
Then to you (Mistris Dorothie) I will charge Then to you, Mistress Dorothy! I will charge 2H4 II.iv.117
you. you. 2H4 II.iv.118
Charge me? I scorne you (scuruie Companion) what? Charge me? I scorn you, scurvy companion. What,companion (n.)
rogue, rascal, fellow
2H4 II.iv.119
you poore, base, rascally, cheating, lacke-Linnen-Mate: you poor, base, rascally, cheating, lack-linen mate!mate (n.)
fellow, individual
2H4 II.iv.120
lack-linen (adj.)

old form: lacke-Linnen
badly dressed, disreputable
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
away you mouldie Rogue, away; I am meat for your Away, you mouldy rogue, away! I am meat for your 2H4 II.iv.121
Master. master. 2H4 II.iv.122
I know you, Mistris Dorothie. I know you, Mistress Dorothy. 2H4 II.iv.123
Away you Cut-purse Rascall, you filthy Bung, away: Away, you cutpurse rascal, you filthy bung, away!rascal (n.)

old form: Rascall
worthless wretch, good-for-nothing
2H4 II.iv.124
cutpurse (n.)

old form: Cut-purse
pickpocket, thief, robber
bung (n.)
pickpocket; also: hole-stopper [penis]
By this Wine, Ile thrust my Knife in your mouldie Chappes, By this wine, I'll thrust my knife in your mouldy chapschaps, chops (n.)

old form: Chappes
2H4 II.iv.125
if you play the sawcie Cuttle with me. Away you Bottle-Ale an you play the saucy cuttle with me. Away, you bottle-alesaucy (adj.)

old form: sawcie
lecherous, lascivious, lustful
2H4 II.iv.126
and, an (conj.)
if, whether
bottle-ale (adj.)
dissolute, degenerate, low
cuttle (n.)
knife used by pickpockets for cutting purses; bully, cut-throat
Rascall, you Basket-hilt stale Iugler, you. Since when, rascal, you basket-hilt stale juggler, you! Since when,stale (adj.)
worn-out, hackneyed, faded
2H4 II.iv.127
juggler (n.)

old form: Iugler
trickster, deceiver, fraud
basket-hilt (n.)
sword hilt with protective steel basketwork
I pray you, Sir? what, with two Points on your I pray you, sir? God's light, with two points on yourpoint (n.)
(usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet]
2H4 II.iv.128
shoulder? much. shoulder? Much! 2H4 II.iv.129
I will murther your Ruffe, God let me not live but I will murder your ruffmurder, murther (v.)
tear off, mangle, destroy
2H4 II.iv.130
ruff (n.)
frill of stiff folded linen, worn around the neck
for this. for this. 2H4 II.iv.131
No more, Pistol! I would not have you go off 2H4 II.iv.132
here. Discharge yourself of our company, Pistol. 2H4 II.iv.133
No, good Captaine Pistol: not heere, sweete No, good Captain Pistol, not here, sweet 2H4 II.iv.134
Captaine. captain! 2H4 II.iv.135
Captaine? thou abhominable damn'd Cheater, art Captain! Thou abominable damned cheater, art 2H4 II.iv.136
thou not asham'd to be call'd Captaine? If Captaines thou not ashamed to be called captain? An captainsand, an (conj.)
if, whether
2H4 II.iv.137
were of my minde, they would trunchion you out, for were of my mind, they would truncheon you out, fortruncheon (v.)

old form: trunchion
cudgel, beat with a truncheon
2H4 II.iv.138
taking their Names vpon you, before you haue earn'd taking their names upon you before you have earned 2H4 II.iv.139
them. You a Captaine? you slaue, for what? for tearing them. You a captain? You slave! For what? For tearing 2H4 II.iv.140
a poore Whores Ruffe in a Bawdy-house? Hee a Captaine? a poor whore's ruff in a bawdy-house? He a captain!ruff (n.)
frill of stiff folded linen, worn around the neck
2H4 II.iv.141
bawdy-house (n.)
hang him Rogue, hee liues vpon mouldie stew'd-Pruines, Hang him, rogue, he lives upon mouldy stewed prunesstewed prune

old form: stew'd-Pruines
prostitute, bawd, whore
2H4 II.iv.142
and dry'de Cakes. A Captaine? These Villaines and dried cakes. A captain! God's light, these villains 2H4 II.iv.143
will make the word Captaine odious: will make the word as odious as the word ‘ occupy ’,occupy (v.)
fornicate, have sexual dealings [with]
2H4 II.iv.144
which was an excellent good word before it was 2H4 II.iv.145
Therefore Captaines had neede looke to it. ill-sorted. Therefore captains had need look to't.ill-sorted (adv.)
badly matched, in bad company
2H4 II.iv.146
'Pray thee goe downe, good Ancient. Pray thee go down, good ancient. 2H4 II.iv.147
Hearke thee hither, Mistris Dol. Hark thee hither, Mistress Doll. 2H4 II.iv.148
Not I: I tell thee what, Corporall Bardolph, I Not I; I tell thee what, Corporal Bardolph, I 2H4 II.iv.149
could teare her: Ile be reueng'd on her. could tear her! I'll be revenged of her. 2H4 II.iv.150
'Pray thee goe downe. Pray thee go down. 2H4 II.iv.151
Ile see her damn'd first: to Pluto's damn'd I'll see her damned first! To Pluto's damnedPluto (n.)
one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld
2H4 II.iv.152
Lake, to the Infernall Deepe, where Erebus lake, by this hand, to th' infernal deep, with Erebus andErebus (n.)
'darkness', son of Chaos, the place where Shades passed on their way to Hades
2H4 II.iv.153
and Tortures vilde also. Hold Hooke and Line, say I: Downe: tortures vile also! Hold hook and line, say I! Down 2H4 II.iv.154
downe Dogges, downe Fates: haue wee not Hiren here? down, dogs! Down, faitours! Have we not Hiren here?faitour, faitor (n.)
cheat, impostor, fraud
2H4 II.iv.155
Hiren (n.)
[pron: 'hiyren] character (thought to be of a seductress) in a lost play by George Peele
He brandishes his sword 2H4 II.iv.156
Good Captaine Peesel be quiet, it is very late: Good Captain Peesel, be quiet; 'tis very late, 2H4 II.iv.156
I beseeke you now, aggrauate your Choler. i'faith. I beseek you now, aggravate your choler.choler (n.)
anger, rage, wrath
2H4 II.iv.157
aggravate (v.)

old form: aggrauate
intensify; malapropism for ‘moderate’
beseek (v.)

old form: beseeke
dialect form or malapropism for ‘beseech’
These be good Humors indeede. Shall Pack-Horses, These be good humours indeed! Shall packhorses,humour (n.)

old form: Humors
style, method, way, fashion
2H4 II.iv.158
humour (n.)

old form: Humors
fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
and hollow-pamper'd Iades of Asia, And hollow pampered jades of Asia,jade (n.)

old form: Iades
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
2H4 II.iv.159
which cannot goe but thirtie miles a day, Which cannot go but thirty mile a day, 2H4 II.iv.160
compare with Caesar, and with Caniballs, Compare with Caesars and with Cannibals,compare (v.)
vie, rival, compete
2H4 II.iv.161
Caesar, Julius (n.)
[pron: 'seezer] Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
and Troian Greekes? nay, rather damne them with And Troyant Greeks? Nay, rather damn them withTroyant (adj.)
2H4 II.iv.162
King Cerberus, and let the Welkin roare: King Cerberus, and let the welkin roar!welkin (n.)
sky, firmament, heavens
2H4 II.iv.163
Cerberus (n.)
['sairberus] three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the Underworld, originally 50-headed; charmed to sleep by Orpheus during his quest to rescue Euridice
shall wee fall foule for Toyes? Shall we fall foul for toys?toy (n.)

old form: Toyes
whim, caprice, trifling matter
2H4 II.iv.164
fall foul

old form: foule
fall out, quarrel, come into conflict
By my troth Captaine, these are very bitter By my troth, captain, these are very bitter 2H4 II.iv.165
words. words. 2H4 II.iv.166
Be gone, good Ancient: this will grow to a Be gone, good ancient; this will grow to a 2H4 II.iv.167
Brawle anon. brawl anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
2H4 II.iv.168
Die men, like Dogges; giue Crownes like Pinnes: Haue Die men like dogs! Give crowns like pins! Havecrown (n.)
2H4 II.iv.169
we not Hiren here? we not Hiren here?Hiren (n.)
[pron: 'hiyren] character (thought to be of a seductress) in a lost play by George Peele
2H4 II.iv.170
On my word (Captaine) there's none such here. O' my word, captain, there's none such here. 2H4 II.iv.171
-What the good yere, doe you thinke I would denye her? What the goodyear, do you think I would deny her?good-year / goodyear, what the

old form: yere
[expression of impatience] what the deuce
2H4 II.iv.172
deny (v.)

old form: denye
disallow, forbid, refuse permission [for]
I pray be quiet. For God's sake, be quiet. 2H4 II.iv.173
Then feed, and be fat (my faire Calipolis.) Then feed and be fat, my fair Calipolis!Calipolis (n.)
[pron: ka'lipolis] mother of Muly Mahamet, character in a contemporary play by George Peele, The Battle of Alcazar
2H4 II.iv.174
Come, giue me some Sack, Come, give's some sack. 2H4 II.iv.175
Si fortune me tormente, sperato me contente. Si fortune me tormente sperato me contento .si fortune...
if fortune torments me, hope contents me
2H4 II.iv.176
Feare wee broad-sides? No, let the Fiend giue fire: Fear we broadsides? No, let the fiend give fire!give fire

old form: giue
begin firing, shoot, discharge
2H4 II.iv.177
Giue me some Sack: and Sweet-heart lye thou there: Give me some sack. And, sweetheart, lie thou there! 2H4 II.iv.178
(He lays down his sword) 2H4 II.iv.179.1
Come wee to full Points here, and are et cetera's no-thing? Come we to full points here? And are etceteras nothings?etcetera (n.)
substitute for an indelicate word, here probably ‘vagina’
2H4 II.iv.179
point, full
full stop, complete halt
Pistol, I would be quiet. Pistol, I would be quiet. 2H4 II.iv.180
Sweet Knight, I kisse thy Neaffe: what? wee haue Sweet knight, I kiss thy neaf. What! We haveneaf (n.)

old form: Neaffe
fist, clenched hand
2H4 II.iv.181
seene the seuen Starres. seen the seven stars! 2H4 II.iv.182
Thrust him downe stayres, I cannot For God's sake, thrust him downstairs; I cannot 2H4 II.iv.183
endure such a Fustian Rascall. endure such a fustian rascal.rascal (n.)

old form: Rascall
worthless wretch, good-for-nothing
2H4 II.iv.184
fustian (adj.)
bombastic, ranting, blustering
Thrust him downe stayres? know we not Thrust him downstairs? Know we notknow (v.)
2H4 II.iv.185
Galloway Nagges? Galloway nags?Galloway nag
small strong riding horse [from Galloway, Scotland]; prostitute
2H4 II.iv.186
Quoit him downe (Bardolph) like a shoue-groat Quoit him down, Bardolph, like a shove-groatquoit (v.)
throw, pitch, chuck [like a quoit]
2H4 II.iv.187
shove-groat (adj.)

old form: shoue
shove-halfpenny, shovel-board
shilling: nay, if hee doe nothing but speake nothing, hee shilling. Nay, an 'a do nothing but speak nothing, 'aand, an (conj.)
if, whether
2H4 II.iv.188
shilling (n.)
coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound
shall be nothing here. shall be nothing here. 2H4 II.iv.189
Come, get you downe stayres. Come, get you downstairs. 2H4 II.iv.190
What? shall wee haue Incision? shall wee embrew? What! Shall we have incision? Shall we imbrue?imbrue, embrue (v.)

old form: embrew
pierce, stab, stain with blood
2H4 II.iv.191
(He snatches up his sword) 2H4 II.iv.192
then Death rocke me asleepe, abridge my dolefull dayes: Then death rock me asleep, abridge my doleful days! 2H4 II.iv.192
why then let grieuous, gastly, gaping Wounds, Why then, let grievous, ghastly, gaping wounds 2H4 II.iv.193
vntwin'd the Sisters three: Come Atropos, I say. Untwind the Sisters Three! Come, Atropos, I say!untwind (v.)

old form: vntwin'd
untwine, untwist the spinning of
2H4 II.iv.194
Atropos (n.)
['atrohpos] one of the three Fates, who cuts the thread of life
Here's good stuffe toward. Here's goodly stuff toward!toward (adv.)
impending, forthcoming, in preparation
2H4 II.iv.195
goodly (adj.)
splendid, excellent, fine
Giue me my Rapier, Boy. Give me my rapier, boy.rapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
2H4 II.iv.196
I prethee Iack, I prethee doe not draw. I pray thee, Jack, I pray thee do not draw. 2H4 II.iv.197
(drawing) 2H4 II.iv.198
Get you downe stayres. Get you downstairs. 2H4 II.iv.198
Here's a goodly tumult: Ile forsweare keeping Here's a goodly tumult! I'll forswear keepingforswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsweare
abandon, renounce, reject, give up
2H4 II.iv.199
house, before Ile be in these tirrits, and frights. So:house afore I'll be in these tirrits and frights! So!tirrits (n.)
malapropism combining ‘terrors’ and ‘fits’
2H4 II.iv.200
afore, 'fore (conj.)
before, sooner than
(Falstaff thrusts at Pistol) 2H4 II.iv.201.1
Murther I warrant now. Alas, alas, put vp your naked Murder, I warrant now! Alas, alas, put up your nakedwarrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
2H4 II.iv.201
Weapons, put vp your naked Weapons. weapons, put up your naked weapons. 2H4 II.iv.202
(Exit Bardolph, driving Pistol out) 2H4 II.iv.202
I prethee Iack be quiet, the Rascall is gone: ah, I pray thee, Jack, be quiet; the rascal's gone. Ah, 2H4 II.iv.203
you whorson little valiant Villaine, you. you whoreson little valiant villain, you!whoreson (adj.)

old form: whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
2H4 II.iv.204
Are you not hurt i'th' Groyne? me thought hee Are you not hurt i'th' groin? Methought 'a mademethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thought
it seems / seemed to me
2H4 II.iv.205
made a shrewd Thrust at your Belly. a shrewd thrust at your belly.shrewd (adj.)
malicious, nasty, vicious
2H4 II.iv.206
Enter Bardolph 2H4 II.iv.207
Haue you turn'd him out of doores? Have you turned him out o' doors? 2H4 II.iv.207
Yes Sir: the Rascall's drunke: you haue hurt Yea, sir, the rascal's drunk. You have hurt 2H4 II.iv.208
him (Sir) in the shoulder. him sir, i'th' shoulder. 2H4 II.iv.209
A Rascall to braue me. A rascal, to brave me!brave (v.)

old form: braue
challenge, defy, confront, provoke
2H4 II.iv.210
Ah, you sweet little Rogue, you: alas, poore Ape, Ah, you sweet little rogue, you! Alas, poor ape,ape (n.)
fool, idiot, jackass
2H4 II.iv.211
how thou sweat'st? Come, let me wipe thy Face: Come how thou sweatest! Come, let me wipe thy face. Come 2H4 II.iv.212
on, you whorson Chops: Ah Rogue, I loue thee: on, you whoreson chops! Ah, rogue, i'faith, I love thee.chaps, chops (n.)
[jocular] fat cheeks
2H4 II.iv.213
whoreson (adj.)

old form: whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
Thou art as valorous as Hector of Troy, worth fiue of Thou art as valorous as Hector of Troy, worth five of 2H4 II.iv.214
Agamemnon, and tenne times better then the nine Agamemnon, and ten times better than the NineNine Worthies
three pagans (Hector of Troy, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar), three Jews (Joshua, David, Judas Maccabaeus), three Christians (Arthur, Charlemagne, Godfrey of Bouillon or Guy of Warwick); Hercules and Pompey the Great are included in LLL V.ii
2H4 II.iv.215
Agamemnon (n.)
[pron: aga'memnon] commander of the Greek forces at Troy, married to Clytemnestra
Worthies: ah Villaine. Worthies. Ah, villain! 2H4 II.iv.216
A rascally Slaue, I will tosse the Rogue in a A rascally slave! I will toss the rogue in a 2H4 II.iv.217
Blanket. blanket. 2H4 II.iv.218
Doe, if thou dar'st for thy heart: if thou doo'st, Ile Do, an thou darest for thy heart. An thou dost, I'lland, an (conj.)
if, whether
2H4 II.iv.219
canuas thee betweene a paire of Sheetes. canvass thee between a pair of sheets.canvass (v.)

old form: canuas
toss about [as if in a canvas sheet], beat, thrash
2H4 II.iv.220
Enter Musique.Enter musicians 2H4 II.iv.221
The Musique is come, Sir. The music is come, sir. 2H4 II.iv.221
Let them play: play Sirs. Let them play. Play, sirs! 2H4 II.iv.222
(Music) 2H4 II.iv.223.1
Sit on my Knee, Dol. A Rascall, bragging Slaue: the Sit on my knee, Doll. A rascal bragging slave! The slave (n.)
fellow, rascal, rogue, villain
2H4 II.iv.223
rascal (adj.)
worthless, good-for-nothing
Rogue fled from me like Quick-siluer. rogue fled from me like quicksilver.quicksilver (n.)

old form: Quick-siluer
liquid mercury
2H4 II.iv.224
And thou followd'st him like a Church: I'faith, and thou followed'st him like a church. 2H4 II.iv.225
thou whorson little tydie Bartholmew Bore-pigge, when Thou whoreson little tidy Bartholomew boar-pig, whenwhoreson (adj.)

old form: whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
2H4 II.iv.226
tidy (adj.)

old form: tydie
good-looking, handsome; also: fat, plump
Bartholomew boar-pigpig sold at the annual London fair held on St Bartholomew's day
wilt thou leaue fighting on dayes, and foyning on nights, wilt thou leave fighting a-days, and foining a-nights,a (prep.)
variant form of 'at'
2H4 II.iv.227
foining (n./adj.)

old form: foyning
[fencing] thrusting, lunging
and begin to patch vp thine old Body for Heauen? and begin to patch up thine old body for heaven? 2H4 II.iv.228
Enter the Prince and Poines disguis'd.Enter, behind, the Prince and Poins disguised as 2H4 II.iv.229.1
drawers 2H4 II.iv.229.2
Peace (good Dol) doe not speake like a Deaths-head: Peace, good Doll, do not speak like a death's-head;death's-head (n.)

old form: Deaths-head
skull, memento mori
2H4 II.iv.229
doe not bid me remember mine end. do not bid me remember mine end. 2H4 II.iv.230
Sirrha, what humor is the Prince of? Sirrah, what humour's the Prince of?humour (n.)

old form: humor
mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
2H4 II.iv.231
A good shallow young fellow: hee would haue A good shallow young fellow. 'A would haveshallow (adj.)
naive, gullible, lacking in depth of character
2H4 II.iv.232
made a good Pantler, hee would haue chipp'd Bread well. made a good pantler; 'a would ha' chipped bread well.chip bread

old form: chipp'd
cut away the crust of a loaf
2H4 II.iv.233
pantler (n.)
servant in charge of the bread, pantryman
They say Poines hath a good Wit. They say Poins has a good wit.wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
2H4 II.iv.234
Hee a good Wit? hang him Baboone, his Wit is He a good wit? Hang him, baboon! His wit's 2H4 II.iv.235
as thicke as Tewksburie Mustard: there is no more conceit as thick as Tewkesbury mustard. There's no more conceitTewkesbury (n.)
[pron: 'tyooksbree] town in Gloucestershire, a mustard-making centre; battle site (1471)
2H4 II.iv.236
conceit (n.)
understanding, intelligence, apprehension
in him, then is in a Mallet. in him than is in a mallet. 2H4 II.iv.237
Why doth the Prince loue him so then? Why does the Prince love him so, then? 2H4 II.iv.238
Because their Legges are both of a bignesse: and hee Because their legs are both of a bigness, and 'abigness (n.)

old form: bignesse
large size, good bulk
2H4 II.iv.239
playes at Quoits well, and eates Conger and Fennell, and plays at quoits well, and eats conger and fennel, andfennel (n.)

old form: Fennell
fragrant herb used as a sauce for fish
2H4 II.iv.240
conger (n.)
type of sea-eel
drinkes off Candles ends for Flap-dragons, and rides the drinks off candles' ends for flap-dragons, and rides theflap-dragons (n.)
[game of bravado] snap-dragons: small burning objects floating on liquor, which have to be avoided while drinking; or: edible objects floating on burning liquor, to be seized and eaten
2H4 II.iv.241
wilde-Mare with the Boyes, and iumpes vpon Ioyn'd-stooles, wild mare with the boys, and jumps upon joint-stools,mare, ride the wild

old form: wilde
type of schoolboy game involving one boy leaping on top of others
2H4 II.iv.242
joint-stool, join-stool, joined-stool (n.)

old form: Ioyn'd-stooles
well-made stool [by a joiner] [also used in phrases of ridicule]
and sweares with a good grace, and weares his Boot very and swears with a good grace, and wears his boots verygrace (n.)
gracefulness, charm, elegance
2H4 II.iv.243
smooth, like vnto the Signe of the Legge; and breedes no bate smooth like unto the sign of the leg, and breeds no batesign (n.)

old form: Signe
publicity sign, advertisement
2H4 II.iv.244
like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
bate (n.)
discord, strife, quarrel
with telling of discreete stories: and such other Gamboll with telling of discreet stories, and such other gambolgambol (adj.)

old form: Gamboll
playful, sportive, spirited
2H4 II.iv.245
Faculties hee hath, that shew a weake Minde, and an able faculties 'a has that show a weak mind and an ablefaculty (n.)
function, power, capability
2H4 II.iv.246
Body, for the which the Prince admits him; for the body, for the which the Prince admits him. For theadmit (v.)
consent to keep company with, have to do with
2H4 II.iv.247
Prince himselfe is such another: the weight of an hayre Prince himself is such another – the weight of a hair 2H4 II.iv.248
will turne the Scales betweene their Haber-de-pois. will turn the scales between their avoirdupois.avoirdupois (n.)

old form: Haber-de-pois
weight, state of heaviness
2H4 II.iv.249
Would not this Naue of a Wheele haue his Would not this nave of a wheel have hisnave (n.)

old form: Naue
[of wheels] hub, pivot
2H4 II.iv.250
Eares cut off? ears cut off? 2H4 II.iv.251
Let vs beat him before his Whore. Let's beat him before his whore. 2H4 II.iv.252
Looke, if the wither'd Elder hath not Look, whe'er the withered elder hath notelder (n.)
elder tree
2H4 II.iv.253
his Poll claw'd like a Parrot. his poll clawed like a parrot.poll (n.)
2H4 II.iv.254
Is it not strange, that Desire should so many yeeres Is it not strange that desire should so many years 2H4 II.iv.255
out-liue performance? outlive performance? 2H4 II.iv.256
Kisse me Dol. Kiss me, Doll. 2H4 II.iv.257
Saturne and Venus this yeere in Coniunction? Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction!Saturn (n.)
planet particularly associated with melancholic, morose, or vengeful temperaments
2H4 II.iv.258
conjunction (n.)
apparent coming together of heavenly bodies as seen from Earth
Venus (n.)
planet particularly associated with love, beauty, and fertility
What sayes the Almanack to that? What says th' almanac to that? 2H4 II.iv.259
And looke whether the fierie Trigon, his Man, be not And look whether the fiery trigon his man be nottrigon (n.)
triangle of the zodiac
2H4 II.iv.260
lisping to his Masters old Tables, his Note-Booke, his lisping to his master's old tables, his note-book, hislisp (v.)
talk in a loving voice
2H4 II.iv.261
table (n.)
intimate, confidante
Councell-keeper? counsel-keeper.counsel-keeper (n.)

old form: Councell
person who keeps secrets
2H4 II.iv.262
Thou do'st giue me flatt'ring Busses. Thou dost give me flattering busses.buss (n.)
2H4 II.iv.263
Nay truely, I kisse thee with a most constant heart. By my troth, I kiss thee with a most constant heart. 2H4 II.iv.264
I am olde, I am olde. I am old, I am old. 2H4 II.iv.265
I loue thee better, then I loue ere a scuruie young I love thee better than I love e'er a scurvy youngscurvy (adj.)

old form: scuruie
contemptible, despicable, wretched
2H4 II.iv.266
Boy of them all. boy of them all. 2H4 II.iv.267
What Stuffe wilt thou haue a Kirtle of? I shall receiue What stuff wilt have a kirtle of? I shall receivekirtle (n.)
dress, gown
2H4 II.iv.268
Money on Thursday: thou shalt haue a Cappe to morrow. A money a-Thursday; shalt have a cap tomorrow. Aa (prep.)
variant form of 'on'
2H4 II.iv.269
merrie Song, come: it growes late, wee will to Bed. Thou wilt merry song! Come, it grows late; we'll to bed. Thou'lt 2H4 II.iv.270
forget me, when I am gone. forget me when I am gone. 2H4 II.iv.271
Thou wilt set me a weeping, if thou By my troth, thou'lt set me a-weeping an thouand, an (conj.)
if, whether
2H4 II.iv.272
say'st so: proue that euer I dresse my selfe handsome, till sayst so. Prove that ever I dress myself handsome till 2H4 II.iv.273
thy returne: well, hearken the end. thy return. Well, hearken a'th' end.hearken (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
2H4 II.iv.274
Some Sack, Francis. Some sack, Francis. 2H4 II.iv.275
(coming forward) 2H4 II.iv.276.1
Anon, anon, Anon, anon,anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
2H4 II.iv.276
Sir. sir. 2H4 II.iv.277
Ha? a Bastard Sonne of the Kings? And art not Ha! A bastard son of the King's? And art not 2H4 II.iv.278
thou Poines, his Brother? thou Poins his brother? 2H4 II.iv.279
Why thou Globe of sinfull Continents, Why, thou globe of sinful continents,continent (n.)
container, receptacle, enclosure
2H4 II.iv.280
what a life do'st thou lead? what a life dost thou lead! 2H4 II.iv.281
A better then thou: I am a Gentleman, thou A better than thou – I am a gentleman; thou 2H4 II.iv.282
art a Drawer. art a drawer. 2H4 II.iv.283
Very true, Sir: and I come to draw you Very true, sir, and I come to draw you 2H4 II.iv.284
out by the Eares. out by the ears. 2H4 II.iv.285
Oh, the Lord preserue thy good Grace: O, the Lord preserve thy grace! By my troth, 2H4 II.iv.286
Welcome to London. Now Heauen blesse that sweete welcome to London! Now the Lord bless that sweet 2H4 II.iv.287
Face of thine: what, are you come from Wales? face of thine! O Jesu, are you come from Wales? 2H4 II.iv.288
Thou whorson mad Compound of Maiestie: Thou whoreson mad compound of majesty,whoreson (adj.)

old form: whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
2H4 II.iv.289
compound (n.)
lump, composition, mass
by this light Flesh, and corrupt Blood, by this light flesh and corrupt blood (laying his handlight (adj.)
promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton
2H4 II.iv.290
thou art welcome. upon Doll), thou art welcome. 2H4 II.iv.291
How? you fat Foole, I scorne you. How! You fat fool, I scorn you. 2H4 II.iv.292
My Lord, hee will driue you out of your reuenge, My lord, he will drive you out of your revenge 2H4 II.iv.293
and turne all to a merryment, if you take not the heat. and turn all to a merriment, if you take not the heat.take (v.)
catch, receive, get
2H4 II.iv.294
You whorson Candle-myne you, how You whoreson candle-mine you, howcandle-mine (n.)

old form: Candle-myne
mine of candle-fat
2H4 II.iv.295
vildly did you speake of me euen now, before this honest, vilely did you speak of me now, before this honest,honest (adj.)
chaste, pure, virtuous
2H4 II.iv.296
vertuous, ciuill Gentlewoman? virtuous, civil gentlewoman!gentlewoman (n.)
woman of good breeding, well-born lady
2H4 II.iv.297
'Blessing on your good heart, and so shee God's blessing of your good heart, and so she 2H4 II.iv.298
is by my troth. is, by my troth! 2H4 II.iv.299
Didst thou heare me? Didst thou hear me? 2H4 II.iv.300
Yes: and you knew me, as you did when Yea, and you knew me, as you did when 2H4 II.iv.301
you ranne away by Gads-hill: you knew I was at your you ran away by Gad's Hill; you knew I was at your 2H4 II.iv.302
back, and spoke it on purpose, to trie my patience. back, and spoke it on purpose to try my patience. 2H4 II.iv.303
No, no, no: not so: I did not thinke, thou wast No, no, no, not so; I did not think thou wast 2H4 II.iv.304
within hearing. within hearing. 2H4 II.iv.305
I shall driue you then to confesse the I shall drive you then to confess the 2H4 II.iv.306
wilfull abuse, and then I know how to handle you. wilful abuse, and then I know how to handle you. 2H4 II.iv.307
No abuse (Hall) on mine Honor, no abuse. No abuse, Hal, o' mine honour, no abuse. 2H4 II.iv.308
Not to disprayse me? and call me Not? To dispraise me, and call medispraise (v.)

old form: disprayse
disparage, belittle, denigrate
2H4 II.iv.309
Pantler, and Bread-chopper, and I know not what? pantler, and bread-chipper, and I know not what?pantler (n.)
servant in charge of the bread, pantryman
2H4 II.iv.310
bread-chipper (n.)

old form: Bread-chopper
menial who cuts away the crust of a loaf
No abuse (Hal.) No abuse, Hal. 2H4 II.iv.311
No abuse? No abuse? 2H4 II.iv.312
No abuse (Ned) in the World: honest Ned none. No abuse, Ned, i'th' world, honest Ned, none. 2H4 II.iv.313
I disprays'd him before the Wicked, that the Wicked I dispraised him before the wicked that the wickeddispraise (v.)

old form: disprays'd
disparage, belittle, denigrate
2H4 II.iv.314
might not fall in loue with him: might not fall in love with (turning to Prince Henry) thee 2H4 II.iv.315
In which doing, I haue done the part of a carefull Friend, – in which doing, I have done the part of a careful friend 2H4 II.iv.316
and a true Subiect, and thy Father is to giue me thankes and a true subject, and thy father is to give me thanks 2H4 II.iv.317
for it. No abuse (Hal:) none (Ned) none; no Boyes, for it. No abuse, Hal; none, Ned, none: no, faith, boys, 2H4 II.iv.318
none. none. 2H4 II.iv.319
See now whether pure Feare, and entire See now whether pure fear and entire 2H4 II.iv.320
Cowardise, doth not make thee wrong this vertuous cowardice doth not make thee wrong this virtuous 2H4 II.iv.321
Gentle-woman, to close with vs? Is shee of the Wicked? Is gentlewoman to close with us. Is she of the wicked? Isclose (v.)
agree, come to terms, compromise
2H4 II.iv.322
thine Hostesse heere, of the Wicked? Or is the Boy of the thine hostess here of the wicked? Or is thy boy of the 2H4 II.iv.323
Wicked? Or honest Bardolph (whose Zeale burnes in his wicked? Or honest Bardolph, whose zeal burns in his 2H4 II.iv.324
Nose) of the Wicked? nose, of the wicked? 2H4 II.iv.325
Answere thou dead Elme, answere. Answer, thou dead elm, answer. 2H4 II.iv.326
The Fiend hath prickt downe Bardolph The fiend hath pricked down Bardolphprick down, prick (v.)

old form: prickt downe
mark (down), put on a list, record in writing
2H4 II.iv.327
irrecouerable, and his Face is Lucifers Priuy-Kitchin, irrecoverable, and his face is Lucifer's privy-kitchen,irrecoverable (adj.)
beyond redemption, past recovery
2H4 II.iv.328
privy-kitchen (n.)

old form: Priuy-Kitchin
personal kitchen
Lucifer (n.)
in the Bible, the name of a principal devil; or, the Devil
where hee doth nothing but rost Mault-Wormes: for the where he doth nothing but roast maltworms. For themaltworm, malt-worm (n.)

old form: Mault-Wormes
drinker [of malt-liquor], drunkard, inebriate
2H4 II.iv.329
Boy, there is a good Angell about him, but the Deuill out-bids boy, there is a good angel about him, but the devil binds 2H4 II.iv.330
him too. him too. 2H4 II.iv.331
For the Women? For the women? 2H4 II.iv.332
For one of them, shee is in Hell alreadie, and For one of them, she's in hell already, and 2H4 II.iv.333
burnes poore Soules: for the other, I owe her Money; and burns poor souls. For th' other, I owe her money, andburn (v.)

old form: burnes
infect [with venereal disease]
2H4 II.iv.334
whether shee bee damn'd for that, I know not. whether she be damned for that I know not. 2H4 II.iv.335
No, I warrant you. No, I warrant you.warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
2H4 II.iv.336
No, I thinke thou art not: I thinke thou art quit No, I think thou art not; I think thou art quitquit (v.)
acquit, absolve, clear
2H4 II.iv.337
for that. Marry, there is another Indictment vpon thee, for that. Marry, there is another indictment upon thee,marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
2H4 II.iv.338
indictment (n.)
legal document containing a charge
for suffering flesh to bee eaten in thy house, contrary to for suffering flesh to be eaten in thy house, contrary tosuffer (v.)
allow, permit, let
2H4 II.iv.339
the Law, for the which I thinke thou wilt howle. the law, for the which I think thou wilt howl. 2H4 II.iv.340
All Victuallers doe so: What is a Ioynt of Mutton, All victuallers do so. What's a joint of muttonvictualler (n.)
inn-keeper, tavern-owner
2H4 II.iv.341
or two, in a whole Lent? or two in a whole Lent?Lent (n.)
in Christian tradition, the 6-week penitential season before Easter
2H4 II.iv.342
You, Gentlewoman. You, gentlewomangentlewoman (n.)
[formally polite address] madam
2H4 II.iv.343
What sayes your Grace? What says your grace? 2H4 II.iv.344
His Grace sayes that, which his flesh rebells His grace says that which his flesh rebels 2H4 II.iv.345
against. against. 2H4 II.iv.346
Peto knocks at door 2H4 II.iv.347
Who knocks so lowd at doore? Looke to the doore Who knocks so loud at door? Look to th' door 2H4 II.iv.347
there, Francis? there, Francis. 2H4 II.iv.348
Enter Peto.Enter Peto 2H4 II.iv.349
Peto, how now? what newes? Peto, how now, what news? 2H4 II.iv.349
The King, your Father, is at Westminster, The King your father is at Westminster, 2H4 II.iv.350
And there are twentie weake and wearied Postes, And there are twenty weak and wearied postspost (n.)
express messenger, courier
2H4 II.iv.351
Come from the North: and as I came along, Come from the north; and as I came along 2H4 II.iv.352
I met, and ouer-tooke a dozen Captaines, I met and overtook a dozen captains, 2H4 II.iv.353
Bare-headed, sweating, knocking at the Tauernes, Bare-headed, sweating, knocking at the taverns, 2H4 II.iv.354
And asking euery one for Sir Iohn Falstaffe. And asking every one for Sir John Falstaff. 2H4 II.iv.355
By Heauen (Poines) I feele me much to blame, By heaven, Poins, I feel me much to blame, 2H4 II.iv.356
So idly to prophane the precious time, So idly to profane the precious timeprofane (v.)

old form: prophane
misuse, abuse, maltreat
2H4 II.iv.357
When Tempest of Commotion, like the South, When tempest of commotion, like the southsouth (n.)
south wind [believed to bring storms, and plague-carrying mists]
2H4 II.iv.358
commotion (n.)
insurrection, rebellion, sedition
Borne with black Vapour, doth begin to melt, Borne with black vapour, doth begin to meltvapour (n.)
mist, cloud, fog
2H4 II.iv.359
And drop vpon our bare vnarmed heads. And drop upon our bare unarmed heads. 2H4 II.iv.360
Giue me my Sword, and Cloake: Falstaffe, good night.Give me my sword and cloak. Falstaff, good night. 2H4 II.iv.361
Exit.Exeunt Prince and Poins 2H4 II.iv.361
Now comes in the sweetest Morsell of the Now comes in the sweetest morsel of the 2H4 II.iv.362
night, and wee must hence, and leaue it vnpickt. night, and we must hence and leave it unpicked.unpicked (adj.)

old form: vnpickt
not gathered, unenjoyed
2H4 II.iv.363
Knocking within 2H4 II.iv.363
Exit Bardolph 2H4 II.iv.363
More knocking at the doore? More knocking at the door? 2H4 II.iv.364
Enter Bardolph 2H4 II.iv.365
How now? what's the matter? How now, what's the matter? 2H4 II.iv.365
You must away to Court, Sir, presently, You must away to court, sir, presently.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
2H4 II.iv.366
A dozen Captaines stay at doore for you. A dozen captains stay at door for you.stay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
2H4 II.iv.367
(to Page) 2H4 II.iv.368.1
Pay the Musitians, Sirrha: farewell Pay the musicians, sirrah. Farewell,sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
2H4 II.iv.368
Hostesse, farewell Dol. You see (my good Wenches) how hostess; farewell, Doll. You see, my good wenches, howwench (n.)
girl, lass
2H4 II.iv.369
men of Merit are sought after: the vndeseruer may sleepe, men of merit are sought after; the undeserver may sleep,undeserver (n.)

old form: vndeseruer
one who deserves nothing, unworthy person
2H4 II.iv.370
when the man of Action is call'd on. Farewell good when the man of action is called on. Farewell, good 2H4 II.iv.371
Wenches: if I be not sent away poste, I will see you againe, wenches. If I be not sent away post, I will see you againpost (adv.)

old form: poste
in haste, with speed
2H4 II.iv.372
ere I goe. ere I go. 2H4 II.iv.373
I cannot speake: if my heart bee not readie to burst--- I cannot speak; if my heart be not ready to burst –  2H4 II.iv.374
Well (sweete Iacke) haue a care of thy selfe. well, sweet Jack, have a care of thyself. 2H4 II.iv.375
Farewell, farewell. Farewell, farewell. 2H4 II.iv.376
Exit.Exit with Bardolph, Peto, Page, and musicians 2H4 II.iv.376
Well, fare thee well: I haue knowne thee these Well, fare thee well. I have known thee thesefare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
2H4 II.iv.377
twentie nine yeeres, come Pescod-time: but an honester, twenty-nine years, come peascod-time, but an honesterpeascod (n.)

old form: Pescod
pea-plant, pea-pod
2H4 II.iv.378
and truer-hearted man--- Well, fare thee well. and truer-hearted man – well, fare thee well. 2H4 II.iv.379
(at the door) 2H4 II.iv.380
Mistris Teare-sheet. Mistress Tearsheet! 2H4 II.iv.380
What's the matter? What's the matter? 2H4 II.iv.381
Bid Mistris Teare-sheet come to my Master. Bid Mistress Tearsheet come to my master. 2H4 II.iv.382
Oh runne Dol, runne: runne, good Dol. O, run, Doll, run! Run, good Doll! Come! –  2H4 II.iv.383
She comes blubbered. – Yea, will you come, Doll?blubbered (adj.)
tear-stained, disfigured with weeping [no comic overtones]
2H4 II.iv.384
Exeunt.Exeunt 2H4 II.iv.384
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