Henry VI Part 3

First folio
Modern text


Key line

A lowd alarum. Enter Clifford Wounded.A loud alarum. Enter Clifford, wounded 3H6 II.vi.1
Heere burnes my Candle out; I, heere it dies,Here burns my candle out; ay, here it dies, 3H6 II.vi.1
Which whiles it lasted, gaue King Henry light.Which, whiles it lasted, gave King Henry light. 3H6 II.vi.2
O Lancaster! I feare thy ouerthrow,O Lancaster, I fear thy overthrow 3H6 II.vi.3
More then my Bodies parting with my Soule:More than my body's parting with my soul! 3H6 II.vi.4
My Loue and Feare, glew'd many Friends to thee,My love and fear glued many friends to thee;glue (v.)

old form: glew'd
attach, join, bring together
3H6 II.vi.5
fear (n.)

old form: Feare
formidableness, ability to inspire fear
And now I fall. Thy tough Commixtures melts,And, now I fall, thy tough commixture melts,commixture (n.)
composition, compound, union
3H6 II.vi.6
Impairing Henry, strength'ning misproud Yorke;Impairing Henry, strengthening misproud York.misproud (adj.)
wrongly proud, arrogant, high and mighty
3H6 II.vi.7

The common people swarm like summer flies; 3H6 II.vi.8
And whether flye the Gnats, but to the Sunne?And whither fly the gnats but to the sun? 3H6 II.vi.9
And who shines now, but Henries Enemies?And who shines now but Henry's enemies? 3H6 II.vi.10
O Phoebus! had'st thou neuer giuen consent,O Phoebus, hadst thou never given consentPhoebus (n.)
[pron: 'feebus] Latin name for Apollo as the sun-god; also called Phoebus Apollo
3H6 II.vi.11
That Phaeton should checke thy fiery Steeds,That Phaethon should check thy fiery steeds,check (v.)

old form: checke
take the reins of, control, manage
3H6 II.vi.12
Phaethon, Phaeton (n.)
[pron: 'fayuhton] son of Helios, the Greek sun-god, who tried to drive his chariot but was destroyed when he drove it too near Earth
Thy burning Carre neuer had scorch'd the earth.Thy burning car never had scorched the earth!car (n.)

old form: Carre
carriage, cart, chariot [often of the sun god]
3H6 II.vi.13
And Henry, had'st thou sway'd as Kings should do,And, Henry, hadst thou swayed as kings should do,sway (v.)

old form: sway'd
control, rule, direct, govern
3H6 II.vi.14
Or as thy Father, and his Father did,Or as thy father and his father did, 3H6 II.vi.15
Giuing no ground vnto the house of Yorke,Giving no ground unto the house of York, 3H6 II.vi.16
They neuer then had sprung like Sommer Flyes:They never then had sprung like summer flies;spring (v.)
spring up, rise up, multiply
3H6 II.vi.17
I, and ten thousand in this lucklesse Realme,I and ten thousand in this luckless realm 3H6 II.vi.18
Hed left no mourning Widdowes for our death,Had left no mourning widows for our death; 3H6 II.vi.19
And thou this day, had'st kept thy Chaire in peace.And thou this day hadst kept thy chair in peace.chair (n.)

old form: Chaire
3H6 II.vi.20
For what doth cherrish Weeds, but gentle ayre?For what doth cherish weeds but gentle air?cherish (v.)

old form: cherrish
nourish, cause to grow
3H6 II.vi.21
gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
And what makes Robbers bold, but too much lenity?And what makes robbers bold but too much lenity?lenity (n.)
mildness, gentleness, mercifulness
3H6 II.vi.22
Bootlesse are Plaints, and Curelesse are my Wounds:Bootless are plaints, and cureless are my wounds;plaint (n.)
lamentation, expression of sorrow
3H6 II.vi.23
bootless (adj.)

old form: Bootlesse
useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing
cureless (adj.)

old form: Curelesse
incurable, fatal, without remedy
No way to flye, nor strength to hold out flight:No way to fly, nor strength to hold out flight;hold out (v.)
sustain, maintain, keep up
3H6 II.vi.24
The Foe is mercilesse, and will not pitty:The foe is merciless and will not pity, 3H6 II.vi.25
For at their hands I haue deseru'd no pitty.For at their hands I have deserved no pity. 3H6 II.vi.26
The ayre hath got into my deadly Wounds,The air hath got into my deadly wounds, 3H6 II.vi.27
And much effuse of blood, doth make me faint:And much effuse of blood doth make me faint.effuse (n.)
effusion, outflow, pouring out
3H6 II.vi.28
faint (adj.)
weak, fatigued, lacking in strength
Come Yorke, and Richard, Warwicke, and the rest,Come, York and Richard, Warwick and the rest; 3H6 II.vi.29
I stab'd your Fathers bosomes; Split my brest.I stabbed your fathers' bosoms; split my breast. 3H6 II.vi.30

He faints 3H6 II.vi.31.1
Alarum & Retreat. Enter Edward, Warwicke, Richard, Alarum and retreat. Enter Edward, Richard, George, 3H6 II.vi.31.2
and Soldiers, Montague, & Clarence.Warwick, Montague, and soldiers 3H6 II.vi.31.3
Now breath we Lords, good fortune bids vs pause,Now breathe we, lords; good fortune bids us pause,breathe (v.)

old form: breath
catch breath, pause, rest
3H6 II.vi.31
And smooth the frownes of War, with peacefull lookes:And smooth the frowns of war with peaceful looks. 3H6 II.vi.32
Some Troopes pursue the bloody-minded Queene,Some troops pursue the bloody-minded Queen,bloody-minded (adj.)
bloodthirsty, ready to shed someone's blood
3H6 II.vi.33
That led calme Henry, though he were a King,That led calm Henry, though he were a king,lead (v.)
govern, dominate, direct
3H6 II.vi.34
As doth a Saile, fill'd with a fretting GustAs doth a sail, filled with a fretting gust,fretting (adj.)
intermittently blowing, squalling
3H6 II.vi.35
Command an Argosie to stemme the Waues.Command an argosy to stem the waves.stem (v.)

old form: stemme
cut through, make headway against
3H6 II.vi.36
argosy (n.)

old form: Argosie
large merchant ship
command (v.)
force, control, drive
But thinke you (Lords) that Clifford fled with them?But think you, lords, that Clifford fled with them? 3H6 II.vi.37
No, 'tis impossible he should escape:No, 'tis impossible he should escape; 3H6 II.vi.38
(For though before his face I speake the words)For, though before his face I speak the words, 3H6 II.vi.39
Your Brother Richard markt him for the Graue.Your brother Richard marked him for the grave;mark (v.)

old form: markt
destine, brand, designate
3H6 II.vi.40
And wheresoere he is, hee's surely dead. And wheresoe'er he is, he's surely dead. 3H6 II.vi.41
Clifford gronesClifford groans and then dies 3H6 II.vi.41
Whose soule is that which takes hir heauy leaue?Whose soul is that which takes her heavy leave?heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
3H6 II.vi.42
A deadly grone, like life and deaths departing.A deadly groan, like life and death's departing.departing (n.)
separation, parting, division
3H6 II.vi.43
See who it is. / And now the Battailes ended,See who it is; and, now the battle's ended, 3H6 II.vi.44
If Friend or Foe, let him be gently vsed.If friend or foe, let him be gently used.gently (adv.)
like a gentleman, honourably, with dignity
3H6 II.vi.45
use (v.)

old form: vsed
treat, deal with, manage
Reuoke that doome of mercy, for 'tis Clifford,Revoke that doom of mercy, for 'tis Clifford;doom (n.)

old form: doome
judgement, sentence, decision
3H6 II.vi.46
Who not contented that he lopp'd the BranchWho not contented that he lopped the branch 3H6 II.vi.47
In hewing Rutland, when his leaues put forth,In hewing Rutland when his leaves put forth, 3H6 II.vi.48
But set his murth'ring knife vnto the Roote,But set his murdering knife unto the root 3H6 II.vi.49
From whence that tender spray did sweetly spring,From whence that tender spray did sweetly spring:spray (n.)
branch, limb, offshoot
3H6 II.vi.50
I meane our Princely Father, Duke of Yorke.I mean our princely father, Duke of York. 3H6 II.vi.51
From off the gates of Yorke, fetch down ye head,From off the gates of York fetch down the head, 3H6 II.vi.52
Your Fathers head, which Clifford placed there:Your father's head, which Clifford placed there; 3H6 II.vi.53
In stead whereof, let this supply the roome,Instead whereof let this supply the room:room (n.)

old form: roome
place, space
3H6 II.vi.54
Measure for measure, must be answered.Measure for measure must be answered.answer (v.)
give in return, repay, requite
3H6 II.vi.55
Bring forth that fatall Schreechowle to our house,Bring forth that fatal screech-owl to our house,screech-owl (n.)

old form: Schreechowle
barn-owl [thought to be a bird of ill omen]
3H6 II.vi.56
fatal (adj.)

old form: fatall
ominous, full of foreboding, doom-laden
That nothing sung but death, to vs and ours:That nothing sung but death to us and ours; 3H6 II.vi.57
Now death shall stop his dismall threatning sound,Now death shall stop his dismal threatening sounddismal (adj.)

old form: dismall
sinister, ominous, malign
3H6 II.vi.58
And his ill-boading tongue, no more shall speake.And his ill-boding tongue no more shall speak.ill-boding (adj.)

old form: ill-boading
inauspicious, predicting evil, prophesying doom
3H6 II.vi.59
I thinke is vnderstanding is bereft:I think his understanding is bereft.bereave (v.)
take away [from], deprive, deny, rob
3H6 II.vi.60
Speake Clifford, dost thou know who speakes to thee?Speak, Clifford, dost thou know who speaks to thee? 3H6 II.vi.61
Darke cloudy death ore-shades his beames of life,Dark cloudy death o'ershades his beams of life,overshade (v.)

old form: ore-shades
overshadow, cast a gloom over
3H6 II.vi.62
And he nor sees, nor heares vs, what we say.And he nor sees nor hears us what we say. 3H6 II.vi.63
O would he did, and so (perhaps) he doth,O, would he did! And so perhaps he doth; 3H6 II.vi.64
'Tis but his policy to counterfet,'Tis but his policy to counterfeit,policy (n.)
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft
3H6 II.vi.65
counterfeit (v.)

old form: counterfet
pretend, feign, make believe
Because he would auoid such bitter tauntsBecause he would avoid such bitter taunts 3H6 II.vi.66
Which in the time of death he gaue our Father.Which in the time of death he gave our father. 3H6 II.vi.67
If so thou think'st, / Vex him with eager Words.If so thou thinkest, vex him with eager words.eager (adj.)
sharp, cutting
3H6 II.vi.68
vex (v.)
afflict, trouble, torment
Clifford, aske mercy, and obtaine no grace.Clifford, ask mercy and obtain no grace. 3H6 II.vi.69
Clifford, repent in bootlesse penitence.Clifford, repent in bootless penitence.bootless (adj.)

old form: bootlesse
useless, worthless, fruitless, unavailing
3H6 II.vi.70
Clifford, deuise excuses for thy faults.Clifford, devise excuses for thy faults.fault (n.)
sin, offence, crime
3H6 II.vi.71
While we deuise fell Tortures for thy faults.While we devise fell tortures for thy faults.fell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
3H6 II.vi.72
Thou didd'st loue Yorke, and I am son to Yorke.Thou didst love York, and I am son to York. 3H6 II.vi.73
Thou pittied'st Rutland, I will pitty thee.Thou pitied'st Rutland; I will pity thee. 3H6 II.vi.74
Where's Captaine Margaret, to fence you now?Where's Captain Margaret to fence you now?fence (v.)
protect, shield, defend
3H6 II.vi.75
They mocke thee Clifford, / Sweare as thou was't wont.They mock thee, Clifford; swear as thou wast wont.wont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
3H6 II.vi.76
What, not an Oath? Nay then the world go's hardWhat! Not an oath? Nay, then the world goes hard 3H6 II.vi.77
When Clifford cannot spare his Friends an oath:When Clifford cannot spare his friends an oath. 3H6 II.vi.78
I know by that he's dead, and by my Soule,I know by that he's dead; and, by my soul, 3H6 II.vi.79
If this right hand would buy two houres life,If this right hand would buy two hour's life, 3H6 II.vi.80
That I (in all despight) might rayle at him,That I in all despite might rail at him,rail (v.)

old form: rayle
rant, rave, be abusive [about]
3H6 II.vi.81
despite (n.)

old form: despight
contempt, scorn, disdain
This hand should chop it off: & with the issuing BloodThis hand should chop it off, and with the issuing blood 3H6 II.vi.82
Stifle the Villaine, whose vnstanched thirstStifle the villain whose unstanched thirstunstanched (adj.)

old form: vnstanched
unquenchable, insatiable, unable to be satisfied
3H6 II.vi.83
Yorke, and yong Rutland could not satisfieYork and young Rutland could not satisfy. 3H6 II.vi.84
I, but he's dead. Of with the Traitors head,Ay, but he's dead. Off with the traitor's head, 3H6 II.vi.85
And reare it in the place your Fathers stands.And rear it in the place your father's stands.rear (v.)

old form: reare
raise, lift up
3H6 II.vi.86
And now to London with Triumphant march,And now to London with triumphant march, 3H6 II.vi.87
There to be crowned Englands Royall King:There to be crowned England's royal king; 3H6 II.vi.88
From whence, shall Warwicke cut the Sea to France,From whence shall Warwick cut the sea to France, 3H6 II.vi.89
And aske the Ladie Bona for thy Queene:And ask the Lady Bona for thy queen. 3H6 II.vi.90
So shalt thou sinow both these Lands together,So shalt thou sinew both these lands together;sinew (v.)

old form: sinow
join strongly, knit, bind
3H6 II.vi.91
And hauing France thy Friend, thou shalt not dreadAnd, having France thy friend, thou shalt not dreaddread (v.)
fear, anticipate in fear, be anxious about
3H6 II.vi.92
The scattred Foe, that hopes to rise againe:The scattered foe that hopes to rise again;scattered (adj.)

old form: scattred
dispersed, defeated, disunited
3H6 II.vi.93
For though they cannot greatly sting to hurt,For though they cannot greatly sting to hurt, 3H6 II.vi.94
Yet looke to haue them buz to offend thine eares:Yet look to have them buzz to offend thine ears.look (v.)

old form: looke
be prepared, expect, count on
3H6 II.vi.95
buzz (v.)

old form: buz
spread false rumours
First, will I see the Coronation,First will I see the coronation, 3H6 II.vi.96
And then to Britanny Ile crosse the Sea,And then to Brittany I'll cross the sea 3H6 II.vi.97
To effect this marriage, so it please my Lord.To effect this marriage, so it please my lord. 3H6 II.vi.98
Euen as thou wilt sweet Warwicke, let it bee:Even as thou wilt, sweet Warwick, let it be; 3H6 II.vi.99
For in thy shoulder do I builde my Seate;For in thy shoulder do I build my seat,seat (n.)

old form: Seate
3H6 II.vi.100
And neuer will I vndertake the thingAnd never will I undertake the thing 3H6 II.vi.101
Wherein thy counsaile and consent is wanting:Wherein thy counsel and consent is wanting.want (v.)
lack, need, be without
3H6 II.vi.102
Richard, I will create thee Duke of Gloucester,Richard, I will create thee Duke of Gloucester, 3H6 II.vi.103
And George of Clarence; Warwicke as our Selfe,And George, of Clarence; Warwick, as ourself, 3H6 II.vi.104
Shall do, and vndo as him pleaseth best.Shall do and undo as him pleaseth best. 3H6 II.vi.105
Let me be Duke of Clarence, George of Gloster,Let me be Duke of Clarence, George of Gloucester; 3H6 II.vi.106
For Glosters Dukedome is too ominous.For Gloucester's dukedom is too ominous. 3H6 II.vi.107
Tut, that's a foolish obseruation:Tut, that's a foolish observation; 3H6 II.vi.108
Richard, be Duke of Gloster: Now to London,Richard, be Duke of Gloucester. Now to London, 3H6 II.vi.109
To see these Honors in possession.To see these honours in possession.possession (n.)
actual holding, real ownership, immediate possession
3H6 II.vi.110
ExeuntExeunt 3H6 II.vi.110
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