First folio
| Modern text
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Enter Antipholus of Ephesus, his man Dromio, Angelo | Enter Antipholus of Ephesus, his man Dromio, Angelo | | CE III.i.1.1 | |
the Goldsmith, and Balthaser the Merchant. | the goldsmith, and Balthasar the merchant | | CE III.i.1.2 | |
Good signior Angelo you must excuse vs all, | Good Signor Angelo, you must excuse us all. | | CE III.i.1 | |
My wife is shrewish when I keepe not howres; | My wife is shrewish when I keep not hours. | hour (n.) (plural) fixed time, timetable | CE III.i.2 | |
Say that I lingerd with you at your shop | Say that I lingered with you at your shop | | CE III.i.3 | |
To see the making of her Carkanet, | To see the making of her carcanet, | carcanet (n.) jewelled necklace | CE III.i.4 | |
And that to morrow you will bring it home. | And that tomorrow you will bring it home. | | CE III.i.5 | |
But here's a villaine that would face me downe | But here's a villain that would face me down | face down (v.) confront with impudence, persist in contradicting | CE III.i.6 | |
He met me on the Mart, and that I beat him, | He met me on the mart, and that I beat him, | mart (n.) market | CE III.i.7 | |
And charg'd him with a thousand markes in gold, | And charged him with a thousand marks in gold, | charge (v.) entrust, commission, delegate | CE III.i.8 | |
| | mark (n.) accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound) | | |
And that I did denie my wife and house; | And that I did deny my wife and house. | deny (v.) disown, disavow, renounce | CE III.i.9 | |
Thou drunkard thou, what didst thou meane by this? | Thou drunkard, thou – what didst thou mean by this? | | CE III.i.10 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
Say what you wil sir, but I know what I know, | Say what you will, sir, but I know what I know: | | CE III.i.11 | |
That you beat me at the Mart I haue your hand to show; | That you beat me at the mart I have your hand to show. | | CE III.i.12 | |
If yr skin were parchment, & ye blows you gaue were ink, | If the skin were parchment and the blows you gave were ink, | | CE III.i.13 | |
Your owne hand-writing would tell you what I thinke. | Your own handwriting would tell you what I think. | | CE III.i.14 | |
I thinke thou art an asse. | I think thou art an ass. | | CE III.i.15.1 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
Marry so it doth appeare | Marry, so it doth appear | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | CE III.i.15.2 | |
By the wrongs I suffer, and the blowes I beare, | By the wrongs I suffer, and the blows I bear. | | CE III.i.16 | |
I should kicke being kickt, and being at that passe, | I should kick, being kicked, and, being at that pass, | pass (n.) predicament, juncture, critical point | CE III.i.17 | |
You would keepe from my heeles, and beware of an asse. | You would keep from my heels, and beware of an ass. | | CE III.i.18 | |
Y'are sad signior Balthazar, pray God our cheer | You're sad, Signor Balthasar. Pray God our cheer | cheer (n.) entertainment, fare, food and drink | CE III.i.19 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
May answer my good will, and your good welcom here. | May answer my good will, and your good welcome here. | answer (v.) live up to, correspond to, be equal to | CE III.i.20 | |
Bal. | BALTHASAR | | | |
I hold your dainties cheap sir, & your welcom deer. | I hold your dainties cheap, sir, and your welcome dear. | dainty (n.) delicacy, choice foodstuff | CE III.i.21 | |
Oh signior Balthazar, either at flesh or fish, | O, Signor Balthasar, either at flesh or fish | | CE III.i.22 | |
A table full of welcome, makes scarce one dainty dish. | A table full of welcome makes scarce one dainty dish. | scarce (adv.) scarcely, hardly, barely, only just | CE III.i.23 | |
Bal. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Good meat sir is cõmon that euery churle affords. | Good meat, sir, is common. That every churl affords. | churl (n.) peasant, serf, rustic | CE III.i.24 | |
And welcome more common, for thats nothing but words. | And welcome more common, for that's nothing but words. | | CE III.i.25 | |
Bal. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Small cheere and great welcome, makes a merrie feast. | Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. | | CE III.i.26 | |
I, to a niggardly Host, and more sparing guest: | Ay, to a niggardly host and more sparing guest. | | CE III.i.27 | |
But though my cates be meane, take them in good part, | But though my cates be mean, take them in good part. | mean (adj.) lowly, humble, poor | CE III.i.28 | |
| | cates (n.) provisions, food, victuals | | |
Better cheere may you haue, but not with better hart. | Better cheer may you have, but not with better heart. | cheer (n.) entertainment, fare, food and drink | CE III.i.29 | |
But soft, my doore is lockt; goe bid them let vs in. | But soft, my door is locked. Go bid them let us in. | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | CE III.i.30 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
Maud, Briget, Marian, Cisley, Gillian, Ginn. | Maud, Bridget, Marian, Cicely, Gillian, Ginn! | | CE III.i.31 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.31 | |
Mome, Malthorse, Capon, Coxcombe, Idiot, Patch, | Mome, malthorse, capon, coxcomb, idiot, patch, | mome (n.) blockhead, fool, dolt | CE III.i.32 | |
| | malthorse, malt-horse (n./adj.) heavy brewer's horse; so: drudge, idiot | | |
| | patch (n.) fool, clown; rogue, knave | | |
| | coxcomb (n.) fool's head, fool, simpleton | | |
| | capon (n.) castrated cockerel; so: fool, dolt [as term of abuse] | | |
Either get thee from the dore, or sit downe at the hatch: | Either get thee from the door or sit down at the hatch. | hatch (n.) lower part of a door, half-door, gate | CE III.i.33 | |
Dost thou coniure for wenches, that yu calst for such store, | Dost thou conjure for wenches, that thou callest for such store, | wench (n.) girl, lass | CE III.i.34 | |
| | store (n.) abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity | | |
| | conjure (v.) ask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech | | |
| | conjure (v.) engage in magic, cast spells, invoke supernatural aid | | |
When one is one too many, goe get thee from the dore. | When one is one too many? Go, get thee from the door. | | CE III.i.35 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
What patch is made our Porter? my Master stayes in the street. | What patch is made our porter? – My master stays in the street. | stay (v.) wait (for), await | CE III.i.36 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.37 | |
Let him walke from whence he came, lest hee catch cold on's feet. | Let him walk from whence he came, lest he catch cold on's feet. | | CE III.i.37 | |
Who talks within there? hoa, open the dore. | Who talks within, there? Hoa, open the door. | | CE III.i.38 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.39.1 | |
Right sir, Ile tell you when, and you'll tell me wherefore. | Right, sir, I'll tell you when an you'll tell me wherefore. | and, an (conj.) if, whether | CE III.i.39 | |
Wherefore? for my dinner: I haue not din'd to day. | Wherefore? For my dinner. I have not dined today. | | CE III.i.40 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.41 | |
Nor to day here you must not come againe when you may. | Nor today here you must not. Come again when you may. | | CE III.i.41 | |
What art thou that keep'st mee out from the howse I owe? | What art thou that keepest me out from the house I owe? | owe (v.) own, possess, have | CE III.i.42 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.43.1 | |
The Porter for this time Sir, and my name is Dromio. | The porter for this time, sir, and my name is Dromio. | time (n.) circumstance, particular occasion | CE III.i.43 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
O villaine, thou hast stolne both mine office and my name, | O, villain, thou hast stolen both mine office and my name. | office (n.) role, position, place, function | CE III.i.44 | |
The one nere got me credit, the other mickle blame: | The one ne'er got me credit, the other mickle blame. | mickle (adj.) great, much, large | CE III.i.45 | |
If thou hadst beene Dromio to day in my place, | If thou hadst been Dromio today in my place, | | CE III.i.46 | |
Thou wouldst haue chang'd thy face for a name, or thy name for an asse. | Thou wouldst have changed thy face for a name, or thy name for an ass. | | CE III.i.47 | |
Enter Luce. | Enter Luce | | CE III.i.48.1 | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
What a coile is there Dromio? who are those at the gate? | What a coil is there, Dromio! Who are those at the gate? | coil (n.) turmoil, disturbance, fuss | CE III.i.48 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
Let my Master in Luce. | Let my master in, Luce. | | CE III.i.49.1 | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
Faith no, hee comes too late, | Faith, no, he comes too late; | | CE III.i.49.2 | |
and so tell your Master. | And so tell your master. | | CE III.i.50.1 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
O Lord I must laugh, | O Lord, I must laugh. | | CE III.i.50.2 | |
haue at you with a Prouerbe, / Shall I set in my staffe. | Have at you with a proverb: shall I set in my staff? | staff, set in one's make oneself at home, take up abode | CE III.i.51 | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
Haue at you with another, that's when? can you tell? | Have at you with another. That‘s ‘When? Can you tell?’ | | CE III.i.52 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.53 | |
If thy name be called Luce, Luce thou hast answer'd him well. | If thy name be called Luce, Luce, thou hast answered him well. | | CE III.i.53 | |
Doe you heare you minion, you'll let vs in I hope? | Do you hear, you minion? You'll let us in, I trow | minion (n.) hussy, jade, minx | CE III.i.54 | |
| | trow (v.) hope, trust, suppose | | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
I thought to haue askt you. | I thought to have asked you. | | CE III.i.55.1 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.55 | |
And you said no. | And you said no. | | CE III.i.55.2 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
So come helpe, well strooke, there was blow for blow. | So, come – help. Well struck! There was blow for blow. | | CE III.i.56 | |
Thou baggage let me in. | Thou baggage, let me in. | | CE III.i.57.1 | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
Can you tell for whose sake? | Can you tell for whose sake? | | CE III.i.57.2 | |
E.Drom. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
Master, knocke the doore hard. | Master, knock the door hard. | | CE III.i.58.1 | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
Let him knocke till it ake. | Let him knock till it ache. | | CE III.i.58.2 | |
You'll crie for this minion, if I beat the doore downe. | You'll cry for this, minion, if I beat the door down. | | CE III.i.59 | |
Luce. | LUCE | | | |
What needs all that, and a paire of stocks in the towne? | What needs all that, and a pair of stocks in the town? | | CE III.i.60 | |
Enter Adriana. | Enter Adriana | | CE III.i.61.1 | |
Adr. | ADRIANA | | | |
Who is that at the doore yt keeps all this noise? | Who is that at the door that keeps all this noise? | keep (v.) keep up, maintain, carry on | CE III.i.61 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.62.1 | |
By my troth your towne is troubled with vnruly boies. | By my troth, your town is troubled with unruly boys. | boy (n.) fellow, rogue, wretch | CE III.i.62 | |
| | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | | |
Are you there Wife? you might haue come before. | Are you there, wife? You might have come before. | | CE III.i.63 | |
Adri. | ADRIANA | | | |
Your wife sir knaue? go get you from the dore. | Your wife, sir knave? Go get you from the door. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | CE III.i.64 | |
| Exit with Luce | | CE III.i.64 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
If you went in paine Master, this knaue wold goe sore. | If you went in pain, master, this knave would go sore. | | CE III.i.65 | |
Angelo. | ANGELO | | | |
Heere is neither cheere sir, nor welcome, we would faine haue either. | Here is neither cheer, sir, nor welcome. We would fain have either. | cheer (n.) entertainment, fare, food and drink | CE III.i.66 | |
| | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | | |
Baltz. | BALTHASAR | | | |
In debating which was best, wee shall part with neither. | In debating which was best, we shall part with neither. | part (v.) depart [from], leave, quit | CE III.i.67 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
They stand at the doore, Master, bid them welcome hither. | They stand at the door, master. Bid them welcome hither. | | CE III.i.68 | |
There is something in the winde, that we cannot get in. | There is something in the wind, that we cannot get in. | | CE III.i.69 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
You would say so Master, if your garments were thin. | You would say so, master, if your garments were thin. | thin (adj.) flimsy, threadbare, insufficient | CE III.i.70 | |
Your cake here is warme within: you stand here in the cold. | Your cake here is warm within. You stand here in the cold. | | CE III.i.71 | |
It would make a man mad as a Bucke to be so bought and sold. | It would make a man mad as a buck to be so bought and sold. | buy and sell, past form bought and sold betray, exploit, treat treacherously | CE III.i.72 | |
Go fetch me something, Ile break ope the gate. | Go fetch me something. I'll break ope the gate. | ope (adj.) open | CE III.i.73 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.74.1 | |
Breake any breaking here, and Ile breake your knaues pate. | Break any breaking here, and I'll break your knave's pate. | | CE III.i.74 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
A man may breake a word with your sir, and words are but winde: | A man may break a word with you, sir, and words are but wind; | break (v.) speak, exchange | CE III.i.75 | |
I and breake it in your face, so he break it not behinde. | Ay, and break it in your face, so he break it not behind. | | CE III.i.76 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.77.1 | |
It seemes thou want'st breaking, out vpon thee hinde. | It seems thou wantest breaking. Out upon thee, hind! | hind (n.) boor, fellow, rustic, peasant | CE III.i.77 | |
| | break (v.) train, discipline, mould | | |
| | want (v.) require, demand, need | | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
Here's too much out vpon thee, I pray thee let me in. | Here's too much ‘ Out upon thee.’ I pray thee, let me in. | | CE III.i.78 | |
| (within) | | CE III.i.79 | |
I, when fowles haue no feathers, and fish haue no fin. | Ay, when fowls have no feathers, and fish have no fin. | | CE III.i.79 | |
Well, Ile breake in: go borrow me a crow. | Well, I'll break in. Go borrow me a crow. | crow (n.) crowbar | CE III.i.80 | |
E.Dro. | DROMIO OF EPHESUS | | | |
A crow without feather, Master meane you so; | A crow without feather, master – mean you so? | | CE III.i.81 | |
For a fish without a finne, ther's a fowle without a fether, | For a fish without a fin, there's a fowl without a feather. – | | CE III.i.82 | |
If a crow help vs in sirra, wee'll plucke a crow together. | If a crow help us in, sirrah, we'll pluck a crow together. | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | CE III.i.83 | |
| | crow, pluck a settle the quarrel, clear up the matter | | |
Go, get thee gon, fetch me an iron Crow. | Go, get thee gone. Fetch me an iron crow. | | CE III.i.84 | |
Balth. | BALTHASAR | | | |
Haue patience sir, oh let it not be so, | Have patience, sir. O, let it not be so. | | CE III.i.85 | |
Heerein you warre against your reputation, | Herein you war against your reputation, | | CE III.i.86 | |
And draw within the compasse of suspect | And draw within the compass of suspect | suspect (n.) suspicion, mistrust, doubt | CE III.i.87 | |
| | compass (n.) range, reach, limit, scope | | |
Th' vnuiolated honor of your wife. | The unviolated honour of your wife. | | CE III.i.88 | |
Once this your long experience of your wisedome, | Once this: your long experience of her wisdom, | | CE III.i.89 | |
Her sober vertue, yeares, and modestie, | Her sober virtue, years, and modesty, | years (n.) maturity, experience [coming through age] | CE III.i.90 | |
Plead on your part some cause to you vnknowne; | Plead on her part some cause to you unknown. | | CE III.i.91 | |
And doubt not sir, but she will well excuse | And doubt not, sir, but she will well excuse | excuse (v.) explain, give reasons [for] | CE III.i.92 | |
Why at this time the dores are made against you. | Why at this time the doors are made against you. | make (v.) make fast, shut, close | CE III.i.93 | |
Be rul'd by me, depart in patience, | Be ruled by me. Depart in patience, | | CE III.i.94 | |
And let vs to the Tyger all to dinner, | And let us to the Tiger all to dinner, | | CE III.i.95 | |
And about euening come your selfe alone, | And about evening come yourself alone | | CE III.i.96 | |
To know the reason of this strange restraint: | To know the reason of this strange restraint. | restraint (n.) prohibition, exclusion, keeping out | CE III.i.97 | |
If by strong hand you offer to breake in | If by strong hand you offer to break in | offer (v.) attempt, start, try, make a move | CE III.i.98 | |
Now in the stirring passage of the day, | Now in the stirring passage of the day, | stirring (adj.) busy, bustling, active | CE III.i.99 | |
| | passage (n.) traffic, passing to and fro, movement of people | | |
A vulgar comment will be made of it; | A vulgar comment will be made of it, | vulgar (adj.) public, general, common | CE III.i.100 | |
And that supposed by the common rowt | And that supposed by the common rout | suppose (v.) presume to be true, believe to be a fact | CE III.i.101 | |
| | rout (n.) rabble, mob, disorderly crowd | | |
Against your yet vngalled estimation, | Against your yet ungalled estimation | estimation (n.) esteem, respect, reputation | CE III.i.102 | |
| | ungalled (adj.) uninjured, unharmed, unhurt | | |
That may with foule intrusion enter in, | That may with foul intrusion enter in | intrusion (n.) breaking in, forced entry | CE III.i.103 | |
And dwell vpon your graue when you are dead; | And dwell upon your grave when you are dead. | | CE III.i.104 | |
For slander liues vpon succession: | For slander lives upon succession, | succession (n.) transmission, being passed on | CE III.i.105 | |
For euer hows'd, where it gets possession. | For ever housed where it gets possession. | | CE III.i.106 | |
You haue preuail'd, I will depart in quiet, | You have prevailed. I will depart in quiet, | | CE III.i.107 | |
And in despight of mirth meane to be merrie: | And in despite of mirth mean to be merry. | despite of, in (prep.) in spite of | CE III.i.108 | |
I know a wench of excellent discourse, | I know a wench of excellent discourse, | wench (n.) girl, lass | CE III.i.109 | |
| | discourse (n.) conversation, talk, chat | | |
Prettie and wittie; wilde, and yet too gentle; | Pretty and witty; wild, and yet, too, gentle. | wild (adj.) wanton, flighty, frivolous | CE III.i.110 | |
There will we dine: this woman that I meane | There will we dine. This woman that I mean, | | CE III.i.111 | |
My wife (but I protest without desert) | My wife – but, I protest, without desert – | desert, desart (n.) cause, deserving, warrant | CE III.i.112 | |
Hath oftentimes vpbraided me withall: | Hath oftentimes upbraided me withal. | withal (adv.) with this / it, by this / it | CE III.i.113 | |
To her will we to dinner, get you home | To her will we to dinner. (To Angelo) Get you home | | CE III.i.114 | |
And fetch the chaine, by this I know 'tis made, | And fetch the chain. By this, I know, 'tis made. | | CE III.i.115 | |
Bring it I pray you to the Porpentine, | Bring it, I pray you, to the Porpentine, | | CE III.i.116 | |
For there's the house: That chaine will I bestow | For there's the house. That chain will I bestow – | | CE III.i.117 | |
(Be it for nothing but to spight my wife) | Be it for nothing but to spite my wife – | | CE III.i.118 | |
Vpon mine hostesse there, good sir make haste: | Upon mine hostess there. Good sir, make haste. | | CE III.i.119 | |
Since mine owne doores refuse to entertaine me, | Since mine own doors refuse to entertain me, | entertain (v.) receive, admit, let in | CE III.i.120 | |
Ile knocke else-where, to see if they'll disdaine me. | I'll knock elsewhere to see if they'll disdain me. | | CE III.i.121 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
Ile meet you at that place some houre hence. | I'll meet you at that place some hour hence. | | CE III.i.122 | |
Do so, this iest shall cost me some expence. | Do so. – This jest shall cost me some expense. | | CE III.i.123 | |
| Exeunt | | CE III.i.123 | |