Richard II

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Bullingbrooke, Yorke, Northumberland, Rosse, Percie, Willoughby, with Enter Bolingbroke, York, Northumberland, with R2 III.i.1.1
Bushie and Greene Prisoners.Bushy and Green, prisoners R2 III.i.1.2
Bring forth these men:Bring forth these men. R2 III.i.1
Bushie and Greene, I will not vex your soules,Bushy and Green, I will not vex your souls, R2 III.i.2
(Since presently your soules must part your bodies)Since presently your souls must part your bodies,part (v.)
depart [from], leave, quit
R2 III.i.3
presently (adv.)
after a short time, soon, before long
With too much vrging your pernitious liues,With too much urging your pernicious lives,urging (n.)

old form: vrging
pressing on the attention, bringing forward
R2 III.i.4
For 'twere no Charitie: yet to wash your bloodFor 'twere no charity. Yet, to wash your blood R2 III.i.5
From off my hands, here in the view of men,From off my hands, here in the view of men R2 III.i.6
I will vnfold some causes of your deaths.I will unfold some causes of your deaths. R2 III.i.7
You haue mis-led a Prince, a Royall King,You have misled a prince, a royal king, R2 III.i.8
A happie Gentleman in Blood, and Lineaments,A happy gentleman in blood and lineaments,lineament (n.)
personal appearance, distinctive quality
R2 III.i.9
happy (adj.)

old form: happie
fortunate, lucky, favoured
blood (n.)
nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage
By you vnhappied, and disfigur'd cleane:By you unhappied and disfigured clean.unhappy (v.)

old form: vnhappied
make unhappy, make unfortunate
R2 III.i.10
clean (adv.)

old form: cleane
totally, absolutely, utterly
You haue in manner with your sinfull houresYou have in manner with your sinful hoursmanner, in
as it were, in a manner of speaking
R2 III.i.11
Made a Diuorce betwixt his Queene and him,Made a divorce betwixt his Queen and him, R2 III.i.12
Broke the possession of a Royall Bed,Broke the possession of a royal bed,possession (n.)
joint rights, shared ownership
R2 III.i.13
And stayn'd the beautie of a faire Queenes Cheekes,And stained the beauty of a fair queen's cheeks R2 III.i.14
With teares drawn frõ her eyes, with your foule wrongs.With tears drawn from her eyes by your foul wrongs. R2 III.i.15
My selfe a Prince, by fortune of my birth,Myself – a prince by fortune of my birth, R2 III.i.16
Neere to the King in blood, and neere in loue,Near to the King in blood, and near in love R2 III.i.17
Till you did make him mis-interprete me,Till you did make him misinterpret me –  R2 III.i.18
Haue stoopt my neck vnder your iniuries,Have stooped my neck under your injuries,stoop (v.)

old form: stoopt
kneel, submit, bow down
R2 III.i.19
And sigh'd my English breath in forraine Clouds,And sighed my English breath in foreign clouds, R2 III.i.20
Eating the bitter bread of banishment;Eating the bitter bread of banishment R2 III.i.21
While you haue fed vpon my Seignories,Whilst you have fed upon my signories,signory (n.)

old form: Seignories
estate, domain, territory
R2 III.i.22
Dis-park'd my Parkes, and fell'd my Forrest Woods;Disparked my parks, and felled my forest woods,dispark (v.)

old form: Dis-park'd
convert [a park] to other uses, change the nature of [a park]
R2 III.i.23
From mine owne Windowes torne my Household Coat,From my own windows torn my household coat,tear (v.)

old form: torne
break, shatter, burst
R2 III.i.24
coat (n.)
Raz'd out my Impresse, leauing me no signe,Razed out my imprese, leaving me no signimprese (n.)

old form: Impresse
crest, heraldic device, emblem
R2 III.i.25
race out (v.)

old form: Raz'd
raze out, erase, scrape away
Saue mens opinions, and my liuing blood,Save men's opinions and my living blood R2 III.i.26
To shew the World I am a Gentleman.To show the world I am a gentleman.gentleman (n.)
someone of high birth, nobleman
R2 III.i.27
This, and much more, much more then twice all this,This and much more, much more than twice all this, R2 III.i.28
Condemnes you to the death: see them deliuered ouerCondemns you to the death. See them delivered over R2 III.i.29
To execution, and the hand of death.To execution and the hand of death. R2 III.i.30
Bushie. BUSHY 
More welcome is the stroake of death to me,More welcome is the stroke of death to me R2 III.i.31
Then Bullingbrooke to England.Than Bolingbroke to England. Lords, farewell. R2 III.i.32
Greene. GREEN 
My comfort is, that Heauen will take our soules,My comfort is that heaven will take our souls R2 III.i.33
And plague Iniustice with the paines of Hell.And plague injustice with the pains of hell. R2 III.i.34
My Lord Northumberland, see them dispatch'd:My Lord Northumberland, see them dispatched.dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispatch'd
kill, put to death, make away with, finish off
R2 III.i.35
Exeunt Northumberland with Bushy and Green R2 III.i.35
Vnckle, you say the Queene is at your House,Uncle, you say the Queen is at your house. R2 III.i.36
For Heauens sake fairely let her be entreated,For God's sake, fairly let her be intreated.entreat, intreat (v.)
treat, handle, deal with
R2 III.i.37
fairly (adv.)

old form: fairely
cordially, warmly, becomingly
Tell her I send to her my kind commends;Tell her I send to her my kind commends.commend (n.)
(plural) greeting, compliment, remembrance
R2 III.i.38
Take speciall care my Greetings be deliuer'd.Take special care my greetings be delivered.deliver (v.)

old form: deliuer'd
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
R2 III.i.39
York. YORK 
A Gentleman of mine I haue dispatch'dA gentleman of mine I have dispatched R2 III.i.40
With Letters of your loue, to her at large.With letters of your love to her at large.large, at
at length, in full, thoroughly
R2 III.i.41
Thankes gentle Vnckle: come Lords away,Thanks, gentle uncle. Come, lords, away,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
R2 III.i.42
To fight with Glendoure, and his Complices;To fight with Glendower and his complices.complice (n.)
accomplice, confederate, associate
R2 III.i.43
A while to worke, and after holliday.A while to work, and after, holiday. R2 III.i.44
Exeunt.Exeunt R2 III.i.44
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