
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Cornets. Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, all the Gentry,Cornets. Enter Coriolanus, Menenius, all the Gentry, Cor III.i.1.1
Cominius, Titus Latius, and other Senators.Cominius, Titus Lartius, and other Senators Cor III.i.1.2
Tullus Auffidius then had made new head.Tullus Aufidius then had made new head?head (n.)
fighting force, army, body of troops
Cor III.i.1
Latius. LARTIUS 
He had, my Lord, and that it was which caus'dHe had, my lord, and that it was which caused Cor III.i.2
Our swifter Composition.Our swifter composition.composition (n.)
settlement, truce, coming to terms
Cor III.i.3
So then the Volces stand but as at first,So then the Volsces stand but as at first, Cor III.i.4
Readie when time shall prompt them, to make roadeReady, when time shall prompt them, to make roadroad (n.)

old form: roade
inroad, raid, incursion
Cor III.i.5
Vpon's againe.Upon's again. Cor III.i.6.1
They are worne (Lord Consull) so,They are worn, lord Consul, soworn (adj.)
worn out, exhausted, spent
Cor III.i.6.2
That we shall hardly in our ages seeThat we shall hardly in our ages seeage (n.)
whole life, lifetime, days
Cor III.i.7
Their Banners waue againe.Their banners wave again. Cor III.i.8.1
Saw you Auffidius?Saw you Aufidius? Cor III.i.8.2
Latius. LARTIUS 
On safegard he came to me, and did curseOn safeguard he came to me, and did cursesafeguard, on

old form: safegard
under safe-conduct, with guarantee of safe passage
Cor III.i.9
Against the Volces, for they had so vildlyAgainst the Volsces, for they had so vilely Cor III.i.10
Yeelded the Towne: he is retyred to Antium.Yielded the town. He is retired to Antium. Cor III.i.11
Spoke he of me?Spoke he of me? Cor III.i.12.1
Latius. LARTIUS 
He did, my Lord.He did, my lord. Cor III.i.12.2
How? what?How? What? Cor III.i.12.3
Latius. LARTIUS 
How often he had met you Sword to Sword:How often he had met you, sword to sword; Cor III.i.13
That of all things vpon the Earth, he hatedThat of all things upon the earth he hated Cor III.i.14
Your person most: That he would pawne his fortunesYour person most; that he would pawn his fortunes Cor III.i.15
To hopelesse restitution, so he mightTo hopeless restitution, so he mightrestitution (n.)
recovery, restoration, retrieval
Cor III.i.16
Be call'd your Vanquisher.Be called your vanquisher. Cor III.i.17.1
At Antium liues he?At Antium lives he? Cor III.i.17.2
Latius. LARTIUS 
At Antium.At Antium. Cor III.i.18
I wish I had a cause to seeke him there,I wish I had a cause to seek him there, Cor III.i.19
To oppose his hatred fully. Welcome home.To oppose his hatred fully. Welcome home. Cor III.i.20
Enter Scicinius and Brutus.Enter Sicinius and Brutus Cor III.i.21
Behold, these are the Tribunes of the People,Behold, these are the Tribunes of the People, Cor III.i.21
The Tongues o'th' Common Mouth. I do despise them:The tongues o'th' common mouth. I do despise them, Cor III.i.22
For they doe pranke them in Authoritie,For they do prank them in authorityprank (v.)

old form: pranke
dress up, deck out, adorn
Cor III.i.23
Against all Noble sufferance.Against all noble sufferance.sufferance (n.)
endurance, forbearance, patience
Cor III.i.24.1
Passe no further.Pass no further. Cor III.i.24.2
Hah? what is that?Ha? What is that? Cor III.i.25
It will be dangerous to goe on--- No further.It will be dangerous to go on. No further. Cor III.i.26
What makes this change?What makes this change? Cor III.i.27
The matter?The matter? Cor III.i.28
Hath he not pass'd the Noble, and the Common?Hath he not passed the noble and the common?noble (n.)
Cor III.i.29
pass (v.)

old form: pass'd
be approved [by], be ratified [by]
common (n.)
common people, ordinary citizens
Cominius, no.Cominius, no. Cor III.i.30.1
Haue I had Childrens Voyces?Have I had children's voices?voice (n.)

old form: Voyces
vote, official support
Cor III.i.30.2
Tribunes giue way, he shall to th'Market place.Tribunes, give way. He shall to th' market-place. Cor III.i.31
The People are incens'd against him.The people are incensed against him. Cor III.i.32.1
Stop,Stop, Cor III.i.32.2
or all will fall in broyle.Or all will fall in broil.broil (n.)

old form: broyle
turmoil, confused fighting, battle
Cor III.i.33.1
Are these your Heard?Are these your herd? Cor III.i.33.2
Must these haue Voyces, that can yeeld them now,Must these have voices, that can yield them now Cor III.i.34
And straight disclaim their toungs? what are your Offices?And straight disclaim their tongues? What are your offices?office (n.)
role, position, place, function
Cor III.i.35
straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
You being their Mouthes, why rule you not their Teeth?You being their mouths, why rule you not their teeth?rule (v.)
control, direct, guide
Cor III.i.36
Haue you not set them on?Have you not set them on?set on (v.)
encourage, urge, incite
Cor III.i.37.1
Be calme, be calme.Be calm, be calm. Cor III.i.37.2
It is a purpos'd thing, and growes by Plot,It is a purposed thing, and grows by plot,purposed (adj.)

old form: purpos'd
planned, premeditated, prearranged
Cor III.i.38
To curbe the will of the Nobilitie:To curb the will of the nobility. Cor III.i.39
Suffer't, and liue with such as cannot rule,Suffer't, and live with such as cannot rule Cor III.i.40
Nor euer will be ruled.Nor ever will be ruled. Cor III.i.41.1
Call't not a Plot:Call't not a plot. Cor III.i.41.2
The People cry you mockt them: and of late,The people cry you mocked them; and of late,late, of
recently, a little while ago
Cor III.i.42
When Corne was giuen them gratis, you repin'd,When corn was given them gratis, you repined,repine (v.)

old form: repin'd
be discontented, complain, feel dissatisfaction
Cor III.i.43
gratis (adv.)
for nothing, without payment
Scandal'd the Suppliants: for the People, call'd themScandalled the suppliants for the people, called themscandal (v.)

old form: Scandal'd
revile, scorn, denigrate
Cor III.i.44
Time-pleasers, flatterers, foes to Noblenesse.Time-pleasers, flatterers, foes to nobleness.time-pleaser (n.)
time-server, follower of fashion
Cor III.i.45
Why this was knowne before.Why, this was known before. Cor III.i.46.1
Not to them all.Not to them all. Cor III.i.46.2
Haue you inform'd them sithence?Have you informed them sithence?sithence (adv.)
since, subsequently
Cor III.i.47.1
How? I informe them?How? I inform them! Cor III.i.47.2
You are like to doe such businesse.You are like to do such (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Cor III.i.48.1
Not vnlikeNot unlike Cor III.i.48.2
each way to better yours.Each way to better yours. Cor III.i.49
Why then should I be Consull? by yond CloudsWhy then should I be consul? By yond clouds, Cor III.i.50
Let me deserue so ill as you, and make meLet me deserve so ill as you, and make meill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
Cor III.i.51
Your fellow Tribune.Your fellow tribune. Cor III.i.52.1
You shew too much of that,You show too much of that Cor III.i.52.2
For which the People stirre: if you will passeFor which the people stir. If you will passstir (v.)

old form: stirre
rise in revolt, make a disturbance
Cor III.i.53
To where you are bound, you must enquire your way,To where you are bound, you must enquire your way, Cor III.i.54
Which you are out of, with a gentler spirit,Which you are out of, with a gentler spirit,gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
Cor III.i.55
Or neuer be so Noble as a Consull,Or never be so noble as a consul, Cor III.i.56
Nor yoake with him for Tribune.Nor yoke with him for tribune.yoke (v.)

old form: yoake
associate, link, join, couple
Cor III.i.57.1
Let's be calme.Let's be calm. Cor III.i.57.2
The People are abus'd: set on, this paltringThe people are abused. Set on. This palteringset on (v.)
go forward, advance, proceed
Cor III.i.58
paltering (n.)

old form: paltring
evasiveness, equivocation, trickery
abuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat
Becomes not Rome: nor ha's CoriolanusBecomes not Rome, nor has Coriolanusbecome (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
Cor III.i.59
Deseru'd this so dishonor'd Rub, layd falselyDeserved this so dishonoured rub, laid falselyrub (n.)
[bowls] obstacle, impediment, hindrance
Cor III.i.60
falsely (adv.)
treacherously, deceitfully, dishonestly
dishonoured (adj.)

old form: dishonor'd
dishonourable, dishonouring, shameful
I'th' plaine Way of his Merit.I'th' plain way of his merit.plain (adj.)

old form: plaine
[bowls] level, flat, even, smooth
Cor III.i.61.1
Tell me of Corne:Tell me of corn! Cor III.i.61.2
this was my speech, / And I will speak't againe.This was my speech, and I will speak't again –  Cor III.i.62
Not now, not now.Not now, not now. Cor III.i.63.1
Not in this heat, Sir, now.Not in this heat, sir, now.heat (n.)
anger, rage, passion
Cor III.i.63.2
Now as I liue, I will.Now, as I live I will. Cor III.i.64
My Nobler friends, I craue their pardons: / ForMy nobler friends, I crave their pardons. Forcrave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
Cor III.i.65
the mutable ranke-sented Meynie, / Let themThe mutable, rank-scented meiny, let themmeiny (n.)

old form: Meynie
multitude, crowd, throng
Cor III.i.66
rank-scented (adj.)

old form: ranke-sented
foul-smelling, stinking
regard me, as I doe not flatter, / AndRegard me as I do not flatter, andregard (v.)
take note of, pay heed to, value
Cor III.i.67
therein behold themselues: I say againe,Therein behold themselves. I say again, Cor III.i.68
In soothing them, we nourish 'gainst our SenateIn soothing them we nourish 'gainst our Senatesoothe (v.)
flatter, praise, sweet-talk
Cor III.i.69
The Cockle of Rebellion, Insolence, Sedition,The cockle of rebellion, insolence, sedition,cockle (n.)
variety of weed, darnel
Cor III.i.70
Which we our selues haue plowed for, sow'd, & scatter'd,Which we ourselves have ploughed for, sowed, and scattered Cor III.i.71
By mingling them with vs, the honor'd Number,By mingling them with us, the honoured number,honoured (adj.)

old form: honor'd
honourable, dignified, virtuous
Cor III.i.72
Who lack not Vertue, no, nor Power, but thatWho lack not virtue, no, nor power, but thatvirtue (n.)

old form: Vertue
courage, valour, bravery
Cor III.i.73
Which they haue giuen to Beggers.Which they have given to beggars. Cor III.i.74.1
Well, no more.Well, no more. Cor III.i.74.2
No more words, we beseech you.No more words, we beseech you. Cor III.i.75.1
How? no more?How? No more? Cor III.i.75.2
As for my Country, I haue shed my blood,As for my country I have shed my blood, Cor III.i.76
Not fearing outward force: So shall my LungsNot fearing outward force, so shall my lungs Cor III.i.77
Coine words till their decay, against those MeazelsCoin words till their decay against those measlesmeasles (n.)

old form: Meazels
scabs; or: lepers
Cor III.i.78
decay (n.)
destruction, downfall, ending
Which we disdaine should Tetter vs, yet soughtWhich we disdain should tetter us, yet soughttetter (v.)
cover the skin with scabs
Cor III.i.79
The very way to catch them.The very way to catch them. Cor III.i.80.1
You speake a'th' people,You speak o'th' people, Cor III.i.80.2
as if you were a God, / To punish; NotAs if you were a god to punish, not Cor III.i.81
a man, of their Infirmity.A man of their infirmity. Cor III.i.82.1
'Twere well'Twere well Cor III.i.82.2
we let the people know't.We let the people know't. Cor III.i.83.1
What, what? His Choller?What, what? His choler?choler (n.)

old form: Choller
anger, rage, wrath
Cor III.i.83.2
Choller?Choler! Cor III.i.84
Were I as patient as the midnight sleep,Were I as patient as the midnight sleep,patient (adj.)
calm, serene, of quiet mind
Cor III.i.85
By Ioue, 'twould be my minde.By Jove, 'twould be my mind.Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Cor III.i.86.1
It is a mindeIt is a mind Cor III.i.86.2
that shall remain a poison / Where it is:That shall remain a poison where it is, Cor III.i.87
not poyson any further.Not poison any further. Cor III.i.88.1
Shall remaine?Shall remain! Cor III.i.88.2
Heare you this Triton of the Minnoues? Marke youHear you this Triton of the minnows? Mark youminnow (n.)

old form: Minnoues
[variety of fish] insignificant object
Cor III.i.89
mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Triton (n.)
[pron: 'triyton] minor Greek sea god, the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite
His absolute Shall?His absolute ‘shall'? Cor III.i.90.1
'Twas from the Cannon.'Twas from the, from the

old form: Cannon
out of order, improper, inappropriate
Cor III.i.90.2
Shall?‘ Shall!’ Cor III.i.90.3
O God! but most vnwise Patricians: whyO good but most unwise patricians! Why, Cor III.i.91
You graue, but wreaklesse Senators, haue you thusYou grave but reckless Senators, have you thus Cor III.i.92
Giuen Hidra heere to choose an Officer,Given Hydra here to choose an officerHydra (n.)
[pron: 'hiydra] many-headed monster, the child of Typhon and Echnida; as each head was cut off, it grew again
Cor III.i.93
That with his peremptory Shall, being butThat with his peremptory ‘ shall,’ being but Cor III.i.94
The horne, and noise o'th' Monsters, wants not spiritThe horn and noise o'th' monster's, wants not spirithorn (n.)

old form: horne
type of wind instrument
Cor III.i.95
To say, hee'l turne your Current in a ditch,To say he'll turn your current in a ditch,turn (v.)

old form: turne
send, drive, dispatch
Cor III.i.96
And make your Channell his? If he haue power,And make your channel his? If he have power,power (n.)
authority, government
Cor III.i.97
Then vale your Ignorance: If none, awakeThen vail your ignorance; if none, awakeignorance (n.)
negligence, obtuseness, lack of understanding
Cor III.i.98
vail (v.)

old form: vale
lower, bow down, cast down [as in submission]
Your dangerous Lenity: If you are Learn'd,Your dangerous lenity. If you are learned,learned (adj.)

old form: Learn'd
wise, erudite, sagacious
Cor III.i.99
lenity (n.)
mildness, gentleness, mercifulness
Be not as common Fooles; if you are not,Be not as common fools; if you are not, Cor III.i.100
Let them haue Cushions by you. You are Plebeians,Let them have cushions by you. You are plebeianscushion (n.)
seat of office, judgement seat
Cor III.i.101
If they be Senators: and they are no lesse,If they be senators; and they are no less Cor III.i.102
When both your voices blended, the great'st tasteWhen, both your voices blended, the great'st taste Cor III.i.103
Most pallates theirs. They choose their Magistrate,Most palates theirs. They choose their magistrate;palate (v.)

old form: pallates
present a flavour to, savour of
Cor III.i.104
And such a one as he, who puts his Shall,And such a one as he, who puts his ‘ shall,’ Cor III.i.105
His popular Shall, against a grauer BenchHis popular ‘ shall,’ against a graver benchpopular (adj.)
plebeian, of the common people
Cor III.i.106
bench (n.)
governing body, court of justice
Then euer frown'd in Greece. By Ioue himselfe,Than ever frowned in Greece. By Jove himself, Cor III.i.107
It makes the Consuls base; and my Soule akesIt makes the consuls base! And my soul achesbase (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
Cor III.i.108
To know, when two Authorities are vp,To know, when two authorities are up,up (adv.)

old form: vp
in a state of forceful action, exerting power
Cor III.i.109
Neither Supreame; How soone ConfusionNeither supreme, how soon confusionconfusion (n.)
destruction, overthrow, ruin
Cor III.i.110
May enter 'twixt the gap of Both, and takeMay enter 'twixt the gap of both and taketake (v.)
conquer, overthrow, destroy
Cor III.i.111
The one by th' other.The one by th' other. Cor III.i.112.1
Well, on to'th' Market place.Well, on to th' market-place. Cor III.i.112.2
Who euer gaue that Counsell, to giue forthWhoever gave that counsel to give forthcounsel (n.)

old form: Counsell
advice, guidance, direction
Cor III.i.113
The Corne a'th' Store-house gratis, as 'twas vs'dThe corn o'th' storehouse gratis, as 'twas usedgratis (adv.)
for nothing, without payment
Cor III.i.114
use (v.)

old form: vs'd
be accustomed, make a habit [of]
Sometime in Greece.Sometime in Greece – sometime (adv.)
formerly, at one time, once
Cor III.i.115.1
Well, well, no more of that.Well, well, no more of that. Cor III.i.115.2
Thogh there the people had more absolute powreThough there the people had more absolute power – absolute (adj.)
unrestricted, unconditional, without restraint
Cor III.i.116
I say they norisht disobedience: fed,I say they nourished disobedience, fed Cor III.i.117
the ruin of the State.The ruin of the state. Cor III.i.118.1
Why shall the people giueWhy shall the people give Cor III.i.118.2
One that speakes thus, their voyce?One that speaks thus their voice?voice (n.)

old form: voyce
vote, official support
Cor III.i.119.1
Ile giue my Reasons,I'll give my reasons, Cor III.i.119.2
More worthier then their Voyces. They know the CorneMore worthier than their voices. They know the corn Cor III.i.120
Was not our recompence, resting well assur'dWas not our recompense, resting well assuredrecompense (n.)

old form: recompence
payment for services, reward
Cor III.i.121
They ne're did seruice for't; being prest to'th' Warre,That ne'er did service for't. Being pressed to th' war,press (v.)

old form: prest
levy, raise, conscript
Cor III.i.122
Euen when the Nauell of the State was touch'd,Even when the navel of the state was touched,navel (n.)

old form: Nauell
very heart, nerve centre
Cor III.i.123
touch (v.)

old form: touch'd
threaten, endanger, imperil
They would not thred the Gates: This kinde of SeruiceThey would not thread the gates. This kind of servicethread (v.)

old form: thred
trace a path through, make a way through
Cor III.i.124
Did not deserue Corne gratis. Being i'th' Warre,Did not deserve corn gratis. Being i'th' war,gratis (adv.)
for nothing, without payment
Cor III.i.125
There Mutinies and Reuolts, wherein they shew'dTheir mutinies and revolts, wherein they showed Cor III.i.126
Most Valour spoke not for them. Th'AccusationMost valour, spoke not for them. Th' accusation Cor III.i.127
Which they haue often made against the Senate,Which they have often made against the Senate, Cor III.i.128
All cause vnborne, could neuer be the NatiueAll cause unborn, could never be the nativenative (n.)

old form: Natiue
origin, source, root
Cor III.i.129
unborn (adj.)

old form: vnborne
not existing, without being
Of our so franke Donation. Well, what then?Of our so frank donation. Well, what then?frank (adj.)

old form: franke
generous, liberal, bounteous
Cor III.i.130
How shall this Bosome-multiplied, digestHow shall this bosom multiplied digestmultiplied (adj.)
many-headed, myriad, multiple
Cor III.i.131
digest, disgest (v.)
understand, interpret, comprehend
bosom (n.)

old form: Bosome
stomach, gut; or: being, person
The Senates Courtesie? Let deeds expresseThe Senate's courtesy? Let deeds express Cor III.i.132
What's like to be their words, We did request it,What's like to be their words: ‘ We did request it;like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Cor III.i.133
We are the greater pole, and in true feareWe are the greater poll, and in true fearpoll (n.)

old form: pole
number of persons
Cor III.i.134
They gaue vs our demands. Thus we debaseThey gave us our demands.’ Thus we debase Cor III.i.135
The Nature of our Seats, and make the RabbleThe nature of our seats, and make the rabble Cor III.i.136
Call our Cares, Feares; which will in timeCall our cares fears; which will in timecare (n.)
anxiety, worry, solicitude [about]
Cor III.i.137
Breake ope the Lockes a'th' Senate, and bring inBreak ope the locks o'th' Senate and bring inope (v.)
Cor III.i.138
The Crowes to pecke the Eagles.The crows to peck the eagles. Cor III.i.139.1
Come enough.Come, enough. Cor III.i.139.2
Enough, with ouer measure.Enough, with over measure. Cor III.i.140.1
No, take more.No, take more. Cor III.i.140.2
What may be sworne by, both Diuine and Humane,What may be sworn by, both divine and human, Cor III.i.141
Seale what I end withall. This double worship,Seal what I end withal! This double worship,worship (n.)
sovereignty, supremacy
Cor III.i.142
seal (v.)

old form: Seale
confirm, ratify, approve
double (adj.)
divided, twofold, dual
Whereon part do's disdaine with cause, the otherWhere one part does disdain with cause, the other Cor III.i.143
Insult without all reason: where Gentry, Title, wisedomInsult without all reason; where gentry, title, wisdom,insult (v.)
be insolent, show scorn, triumph scornfully
Cor III.i.144
gentry (n.)
position of gentleman, high rank
without (prep.)
Cannot conclude, but by the yea and noCannot conclude but by the yea and noconclude (v.)
come to a decision, make an agreement
Cor III.i.145
Of generall Ignorance, it must omitOf general ignorance – it must omitomit (v.)
neglect, disregard, forget about
Cor III.i.146
general (adj.)

old form: generall
common, of everyone, public
Reall Necessities, and giue way the whileReal necessities, and give way the while Cor III.i.147
To vnstable Slightnesse. Purpose so barr'd, it followes,To unstable slightness. Purpose so barred, it followsslightness (n.)

old form: Slightnesse
triviality, paltriness, trifling
Cor III.i.148
purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
bar (v.)

old form: barr'd
prevent, obstruct, block
Nothing is done to purpose. Therefore beseech you,Nothing is done to purpose. Therefore, beseech you – purpose, to
effectively, to any effect
Cor III.i.149
You that will be lesse fearefull, then discreet,You that will be less fearful than discreet,discreet (adj.)
discerning, judicious, prudent
Cor III.i.150
That loue the Fundamentall part of StateThat love the fundamental part of state Cor III.i.151
More then you doubt the change on't: That preferreMore than you doubt the change on't, that preferdoubt (v.)
fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for]
Cor III.i.152
A Noble life, before a Long, and Wish,A noble life before a long, and wish Cor III.i.153
To iumpe a Body with a dangerous Physicke,To jump a body with a dangerous physicphysic (n.)

old form: Physicke
medicine, healing, treatment
Cor III.i.154
jump (v.)

old form: iumpe
risk, hazard, imperil
That's sure of death without it: at once plucke outThat's sure of death without it – at once pluck out Cor III.i.155
The Multitudinous Tongue, let them not lickeThe multitudinous tongue, let them not lickmultitudinous (adj.)
belonging to the multitude
Cor III.i.156
The sweet which is their poyson. Your dishonorThe sweet which is their poison. Your dishonour Cor III.i.157
Mangles true iudgement, and bereaues the StateMangles true judgement, and bereaves the state Cor III.i.158
Of that Integrity which should becom't:Of that integrity which should become't,integrity (n.)
unity, wholeness, oneness
Cor III.i.159
become (v.)

old form: becom
grace, honour, dignify
Not hauing the power to do the good it wouldNot having the power to do the good it would Cor III.i.160
For th' ill which doth controul't.For th' ill which doth control't.control (v.)

old form: controul
overwhelm, overpower
Cor III.i.161.1
ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
Has said enough.'Has said enough. Cor III.i.161.2
Ha's spoken like a Traitor, and shall answer'Has spoken like a traitor and shall answeranswer (v.)
suffer the consequences [for], be accountable [for]
Cor III.i.162
As Traitors do.As traitors do. Cor III.i.163.1
Thou wretch, despight ore-whelme thee:Thou wretch, despite o'erwhelm thee!despite (n.)

old form: despight
contempt, scorn, disdain
Cor III.i.163.2
What should the people do with these bald Tribunes?What should the people do with these bald Tribunes,bald (adj.)
trivial, foolish, witless
Cor III.i.164
On whom depending, their obedience failesOn whom depending, their obedience fails Cor III.i.165
To'th' greater Bench, in a Rebellion:To th' greater bench? In a rebellion,bench (n.)
governing body, court of justice
Cor III.i.166
When what's not meet, but what must be, was Law,When what's not meet, but what must be, was law,meet (adj.)
fit, suitable, right, proper
Cor III.i.167
Then were they chosen: in a better houre,Then were they chosen. In a better hour Cor III.i.168
Let what is meet, be saide it must be meet,Let what is meet be said it must be meet, Cor III.i.169
And throw their power i'th' dust.And throw their power i'th' dust. Cor III.i.170
Manifest Treason.Manifest treason! Cor III.i.171.1
This a Consull? No.This a Consul? No. Cor III.i.171.2
The Ediles hoe:The Aediles, ho! Cor III.i.172.1
Enter an Adile.Enter an Aedile Cor III.i.172
Let him be apprehended:Let him be apprehended. Cor III.i.172.2
Go call the people, in whose name my SelfeGo, call the people, (Exit Aedile) in whose name myself Cor III.i.173
Attach thee as a Traitorous Innouator:Attach thee as a traitorous innovator,innovator (n.)

old form: Innouator
revolutionary, radical, rebel
Cor III.i.174
attach (v.)
arrest, seize, apprehend
A Foe to'th' publike Weale. Obey I charge thee,A foe to th' public weal. Obey, I charge thee,weal (n.)

old form: Weale
state, community, commonwealth
Cor III.i.175
And follow to thine answer.And follow to thine answer.answer (n.)
interrogation, cross-examination, appearance in court, trial
Cor III.i.176.1
Hence old Goat.Hence, old goat! Cor III.i.176.2
Wee'l Surety him.We'll surety him.surety (v.)
go bail for, act as a guarantor for
Cor III.i.177.1
Ag'd sir, hands off.Aged sir, hands off. Cor III.i.177.2
Hence rotten thing, or I shall shake thy bonesHence, rotten thing! or I shall shake thy bones Cor III.i.178
Out of thy Garments.Out of thy garments. Cor III.i.179.1
Helpe ye Citizens.Help, ye citizens! Cor III.i.179.2
Enter a rabble of Plebeians with the Adiles.Enter a rabble of Plebeians, with the Aediles Cor III.i.180.1
On both sides more respect.On both sides more respect.respect (n.)
courtesy, politeness, consideration
Cor III.i.180
Heere's hee, that would take from you all your power.Here's he that would take from you all your power. Cor III.i.181
Seize him Adiles.Seize him, Aediles! Cor III.i.182
Downe with him, downe with him.Down with him, down with him! Cor III.i.183
Weapons, weapons, weapons:Weapons, weapons, weapons! Cor III.i.184
They all bustle about Coriolanus.They all bustle about Coriolanus Cor III.i.185
All. ALL  
(shouting confusedly) Cor III.i.185
Tribunes, Patricians, Citizens: what ho:Tribunes! Patricians! Citizens! What ho! Cor III.i.185
Sicinius, Brutus, Coriolanus, Citizens.Sicinius! Brutus! Coriolanus! Citizens! Cor III.i.186
Peace, peace, peace, stay, hold, peace.Peace, peace, peace! Stay, hold, peace! Cor III.i.187
What is about to be? I am out of Breath,What is about to be? I am out of breath. Cor III.i.188
Confusions neere, I cannot speake. You, TribunesConfusion's near. I cannot speak. You Tribunes Cor III.i.189
To'th' people: Coriolanus, patience:To th' People – Coriolanus, patience! –  Cor III.i.190
Speak good Sicinius.Speak, good Sicinius. Cor III.i.191.1
Heare me, People peace.Hear me, people. Peace! Cor III.i.191.2
Let's here our Tribune: peace, speake, speake, speake.Let's hear our Tribune. Peace! Speak, speak, speak. Cor III.i.192
You are at point to lose your Liberties:You are at point to lose your liberties.point, at
just about, on the point [of]
Cor III.i.193
Martius would haue all from you; Martius,Martius would have all from you, Martius, Cor III.i.194
Whom late you haue nam'd for Consull.Whom late you have named for consul. Cor III.i.195.1
Fie, fie, fie,Fie, fie, fie! Cor III.i.195.2
this is the way to kindle, not to quench.This is the way to kindle, not to quench. Cor III.i.196
To vnbuild the Citie, and to lay all flat.To unbuild the city and to lay all flat.unbuild (v.)

old form: vnbuild
pull down, demolish, dismantle
Cor III.i.197
What is the Citie, but the People?What is the city but the people? Cor III.i.198.1
True, True, Cor III.i.198.2
the People are the Citie.The people are the city. Cor III.i.199
By the consent of all, we were establish'dBy the consent of all we were established Cor III.i.200
the Peoples Magistrates.The people's magistrates. Cor III.i.201.1
You so remaine.You so remain. Cor III.i.201.2
And so are like to doe.And so are like to (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Cor III.i.202
That is the way to lay the Citie flat,That is the way to lay the city flat, Cor III.i.203
To bring the Roofe to the Foundation,To bring the roof to the foundation, Cor III.i.304
And burie all, which yet distinctly raungesAnd bury all which yet distinctly rangesrange (v.)

old form: raunges
arrange, lay out, array [in order]
Cor III.i.205
distinctly (adv.)
clearly, without confusion
In heapes, and piles of Ruine.In heaps and piles of ruin. Cor III.i.206.1
This deserues Death.This deserves death. Cor III.i.206.2
Or let vs stand to our Authoritie,Or let us stand to our authority,stand to (v.)
maintain, uphold, be steadfast in
Cor III.i.207
Or let vs lose it: we doe here pronounce,Or let us lose it. We do here pronounce, Cor III.i.208
Vpon the part o'th' People, in whose powerUpon the part o'th' people, in whose powerpower (n.)
exercise of power, authoritative action
Cor III.i.209
We were elected theirs, Martius is worthyWe were elected theirs, Martius is worthy Cor III.i.210
Of present Death.Of present death. Cor III.i.211.1
Therefore lay hold of him:Therefore lay hold of him; Cor III.i.211.2
Beare him to th'Rock Tarpeian, and from thenceBear him to th' rock Tarpeian, and from thenceTarpeian rock
[pron: tahr'peean] rock in Rome, from which criminals were thrown to their deaths
Cor III.i.212
Into destruction cast him.Into destruction cast him. Cor III.i.213.1
Adiles seize him.Aediles, seize him. Cor III.i.213.2
Yeeld Martius, yeeld.Yield, Martius, yield. Cor III.i.214.1
Heare me one word,Hear me one word Cor III.i.214.2
'beseech you Tribunes, heare me but a word.Beseech you, Tribunes, hear me but a word. Cor III.i.215
Adiles. AEDILES 
Peace, peace.Peace, peace! Cor III.i.216
(to Brutus) Cor III.i.217
Be that you seeme, truly your Countries friend,Be that you seem, truly your country's friend, Cor III.i.217
And temp'rately proceed to what you wouldAnd temperately proceed to what you would Cor III.i.218
Thus violently redresse.Thus violently redress. Cor III.i.219.1
Sir, those cold wayes,Sir, those cold ways, Cor III.i.219.2
That seeme like prudent helpes, are very poysonous,That seem like prudent helps, are very poisonous Cor III.i.220
Where the Disease is violent. Lay hands vpon him,Where the disease is violent. Lay hands upon him Cor III.i.221
And beare him to the Rock. And bear him to the rock. Cor III.i.222.1
Corio. drawes his Sword.Coriolanus draws his sword Cor III.i.222
No, Ile die here:No, I'll die here. Cor III.i.222.2
There's some among you haue beheld me fighting,There's some among you have beheld me fighting; Cor III.i.223
Come trie vpon your selues, what you haue seene me.Come, try upon yourselves what you have seen me. Cor III.i.224
Downe with that Sword, Tribunes withdraw a while.Down with that sword! Tribunes, withdraw awhile. Cor III.i.225
Lay hands vpon him.Lay hands upon him. Cor III.i.226.1
Helpe Martius, helpe:Help Martius, help, Cor III.i.226.2
you that be noble, helpe him young and old.You that be noble, help him, young and old! Cor III.i.227
Downe with him, downe with him. Down with him, down with him! Cor III.i.228
Exeunt. In this Mutinie, the Tribunes, the Adiles, and theIn this mutiny the Tribunes, the Aediles, and the Cor III.i.229.1
People are beat in.people are beat in Cor III.i.229.2
Goe, get you to our House: be gone, away,Go, get you to your house! Be gone, away! Cor III.i.229
All will be naught else.All will be naught else.naught, nought (adj.)
lost, ruined, brought to nothing
Cor III.i.230.1
Get you gone.Get you gone. Cor III.i.230.2
Stand fast,Stand fast! Cor III.i.230.3
we haue as many friends as enemies.We have as many friends as enemies. Cor III.i.231
Shall it be put to that?Shall it be put to that? Cor III.i.232.1
The Gods forbid:The gods forbid! Cor III.i.232.2
I prythee noble friend, home to thy House,I prithee, noble friend, home to thy house; Cor III.i.233
Leaue vs to cure this Cause.Leave us to cure this cause.cause (n.)
disease, illness, sickness
Cor III.i.234.1
For 'tis a Sore vpon vs,For 'tis a sore upon us Cor III.i.234.2
You cannot Tent your selfe: be gone, 'beseech you.You cannot tent yourself. Be gone, beseech you.tent (v.)
treat with a tent [linen for cleansing wounds]; cure, remedy
Cor III.i.235
Come Sir, along with vs.Come, sir, along with us. Cor III.i.236
I would they were Barbarians, as they are,I would they were barbarians, as they are, Cor III.i.237
Though in Rome litter'd: not Romans, as they are not,Though in Rome littered; not Romans, as they are not,litter (v.)

old form: litter'd
[comparing humans to animals] bring forth, be born
Cor III.i.238
Though calued i'th' Porch o'th' Capitoll:Though calved i'th' porch o'th' Capitol.Capitol (n.)
geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
Cor III.i.239.1
calve (v.)

old form: calued
[comparing humans to animals] bring forth
Be gone,Be gone. Cor III.i.239.2
put not your worthy Rage into your Tongue,Put not your worthy rage into your tongue. Cor III.i.240
One time will owe another.One time will owe another.owe (v.)
repay, compensate, pay back
Cor III.i.241.1
On faire ground,On fair ground Cor III.i.241.2
I could beat fortie of them.I could beat forty of them. Cor III.i.242.1
I could my selfeI could myself Cor III.i.242.2
take vp a Brace o'th' best of them, yea, the two Tribunes.Take up a brace o'th' best of them; yea, the two Tribunes.take up (v.)

old form: vp
take on, handle, cope with
Cor III.i.243
brace (n.)
group of two, couple, pair
But now 'tis oddes beyond Arithmetick,But now 'tis odds beyond arithmetic,arithmetic (n.)

old form: Arithmetick
calculation, computation, reckoning
Cor III.i.244
And Manhood is call'd Foolerie, when it standsAnd manhood is called foolery when it standsstand (v.)
make a stand [against], fight, resist
Cor III.i.245
Against a falling Fabrick. Will you hence,Against a falling fabric. Will you hencefabric (n.)

old form: Fabrick
building, edifice
Cor III.i.246
Before the Tagge returne? whose Rage doth rendBefore the tag return, whose rage doth rendtag (n.)

old form: Tagge
rabble, riff-raff, mob
Cor III.i.247
Like interrupted Waters, and o're-beareLike interrupted waters, and o'erbearoverbear (v.)

old form: o're-beare
overwhelm, overcome, overpower
Cor III.i.248
What they are vs'd to beare.What they are used to bear? Cor III.i.249.1
Pray you be gone:Pray you be gone. Cor III.i.249.2
Ile trie whether my old Wit be in requestI'll try whether my old wit be in request Cor III.i.250
With those that haue but little: this must be patchtWith those that have but little. This must be patched Cor III.i.251
With Cloth of any Colour.With cloth of any colour. Cor III.i.252.1
Nay, come away. Nay, come away. Cor III.i.252.2
Exeunt Coriolanus and Cominius. Exeunt Coriolanus and Cominius Cor III.i.252
This man ha's marr'd his fortune.This man has marred his fortune. Cor III.i.253
His nature is too noble for the World:His nature is too noble for the world. Cor III.i.254
He would not flatter Neptune for his Trident,He would not flatter Neptune for his trident,Neptune
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
Cor III.i.255
Or Ioue, for's power to Thunder: his Heart's his Mouth:Or Jove for's power to thunder. His heart's his mouth. Cor III.i.256
What his Brest forges, that his Tongue must vent,What his breast forges, that his tongue must vent,vent (v.)
utter, express, air, proclaim
Cor III.i.257
And being angry, does forget that euerAnd, being angry, does forget that ever Cor III.i.258
He heard the Name of Death. He heard the name of death. Cor III.i.259
A Noise within. A noise within Cor III.i.260
Here's goodly worke.Here's goodly work! Cor III.i.260.1
I would they were a bed.I would they were a-bed! Cor III.i.260.2
I would they were in Tyber. / What the vengeance,I would they were in Tiber! What the vengeance,Tiber (n.)
[pron: 'tiyber] river flowing through Rome
Cor III.i.261
vengeance, what the
[strong exclamation] what the hell
could he not speake 'em faire?Could he not speak 'em fair? Cor III.i.262.1
Enter Brutus and Sicinius with the rabble againe.Enter Brutus and Sicinius, with the rabble again Cor III.i.262
Where is this Viper,Where is this viper Cor III.i.262.2
That would depopulate the city, &That would depopulate the city and Cor III.i.263
be euery man himselfBe every man himself? Cor III.i.264.1
You worthy Tribunes.You worthy Tribunes –  Cor III.i.264.2
He shall be throwne downe the Tarpeian rockHe shall be thrown down the Tarpeian rock Cor III.i.265
With rigorous hands: he hath resisted Law,With rigorous hands. He hath resisted law, Cor III.i.266
And therefore Law shall scorne him further TriallAnd therefore law shall scorn him further trialscorn (v.)

old form: scorne
refuse with contempt, disdain to offer
Cor III.i.267
Then the seuerity of the publike Power,Than the severity of the public power,power (n.)
exercise of power, authoritative action
Cor III.i.268
Which he so sets at naught.Which he so sets at nought. Cor III.i.269.1
He shall well knowHe shall well know Cor III.i.269.2
the Noble Tribunes are / The peoples mouths,The noble Tribunes are the people's mouths, Cor III.i.270
and we their hands.And we their hands. Cor III.i.271.1
He shall sure ont.He shall, sure on't.sure (adv.)
surely, assuredly, certainly
Cor III.i.271.2
Sir, sir. Sir, sir –  Cor III.i.271.3
Peace.Peace! Cor III.i.272
Do not cry hauocke, where you shold but huntDo not cry havoc, where you should but hunthavoc (n.)

old form: hauocke
[in fighting and hunting: calling for] total slaughter, general devastation
Cor III.i.273
With modest warrant.With modest warrant.warrant (n.)
licence, sanction, authorization
Cor III.i.274.1
Sir, how com'st that youSir, how comes't that you Cor III.i.274.2
haue holpe / To make this rescue?Have holp to make this rescue?rescue (n.)
[legal] forced removal from custody
Cor III.i.275.1
Heere me speake?Hear me speak. Cor III.i.275.2
As I do know / The Consuls worthinesse, As I do know the Consul's worthiness, Cor III.i.276
so can I name his Faults.So can I name his faults. Cor III.i.277.1
Consull? what Consull?Consul! What Consul? Cor III.i.277.2
The Consull Coriolanus.The Consul Coriolanus. Cor III.i.278.1
He Consull.He Consul! Cor III.i.278.2
No, no, no, no, no.No, no, no, no, no. Cor III.i.279
If by the Tribunes leaue, / And yours good people,If, by the Tribunes' leave, and yours, good people, Cor III.i.280
I may be heard, I would craue a word or two,I may be heard, I would crave a word or two,crave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
Cor III.i.281
The which shall turne you to no further harme,The which shall turn you to no further harm Cor III.i.282
Then so much losse of time.Than so much loss of time. Cor III.i.283.1
Speake breefely then,Speak briefly then, Cor III.i.283.2
For we are peremptory to dispatchFor we are peremptory to dispatchperemptory (adj.)
determined, resolved, absolutely decided
Cor III.i.284
dispatch, despatch (v.)
kill, put to death, make away with, finish off
This Viporous Traitor: to eiect him henceThis viperous traitor. To eject him hence Cor III.i.285
Were but one danger, and to keepe him heereWere but our danger, and to keep him here Cor III.i.286
Our certaine death: therefore it is decreed,Our certain death. Therefore it is decreed Cor III.i.287
He dyes to night.He dies tonight. Cor III.i.288.1
Now the good Gods forbid,Now the good gods forbid Cor III.i.288.2
That our renowned Rome, whose gratitudeThat our renowned Rome, whose gratitude Cor III.i.289
Towards her deserued Children, is enroll'dTowards her deserved children is enrolleddeserved (adj.)

old form: deserued
deserving, meritorious, praiseworthy
Cor III.i.290
In Ioues owne Booke, like an vnnaturall DamIn Jove's own book, like an unnatural damdam (n.)
Cor III.i.291
Should now eate vp her owne.Should now eat up her own! Cor III.i.292
He's a Disease that must be cut away.He's a disease that must be cut away. Cor III.i.293
Oh he's a Limbe, that ha's but a DiseaseO, he's a limb that has but a disease –  Cor III.i.294
Mortall, to cut it off: to cure it, easie.Mortal, to cut it off; to cure it, easy.mortal (adj.)

old form: Mortall
fatal, deadly, lethal
Cor III.i.295
What ha's he done to Rome, that's worthy death?What has he done to Rome that's worthy death? Cor III.i.296
Killing our Enemies, the blood he hath lostKilling our enemies, the blood he hath lost –  Cor III.i.297
(Which I dare vouch, is more then that he hathWhich I dare vouch is more than that he hath Cor III.i.298
By many an Ounce) he dropp'd it for his Country:By many an ounce – he dropped it for his country; Cor III.i.299
And what is left, to loose it by his Countrey,And what is left, to lose it by his country Cor III.i.300
Were to vs all that doo't, and suffer itWere to us all that do't and suffer it Cor III.i.301
A brand to th' end a'th World.A brand to th' end o'th' world.brand (n.)
mark of infamy, stigma, disgrace
Cor III.i.302.1
This is cleane kamme.This is clean kam.kam (adj.)

old form: kamme
crooked, misleading, perverse
Cor III.i.302.2
clean (adv.)

old form: cleane
totally, absolutely, utterly
Meerely awry: / When he did loue his Country,Merely awry. When he did love his country,merely (adv.)

old form: Meerely
completely, totally, entirely
Cor III.i.303
it honour'd him.It honoured him. Cor III.i.304.1
The seruice of the footeThe service of the foot, Cor III.i.304.2
Being once gangren'd, is not then respectedBeing once gangrened, is not then respected Cor III.i.305
For what before it was.For what before it was. Cor III.i.306.1
Wee'l heare no more:We'll hear no more. Cor III.i.306.2
Pursue him to his house, and plucke him thence,Pursue him to his house and pluck him thence, Cor III.i.307
Least his infection being of catching nature,Lest his infection, being of catching nature, Cor III.i.308
Spred further.Spread further. Cor III.i.309.1
One word more, one word:One word more, one word! Cor III.i.309.2
This Tiger-footed-rage, when it shall findThis tiger-footed rage, when it shall find Cor III.i.310
The harme of vnskan'd swiftnesse, will (too late)The harm of unscanned swiftness, will too lateunscanned (adj.)

old form: vnskan'd
unthinking, unconsidered, thoughtless
Cor III.i.311
Tye Leaden pounds too's heeles. Proceed by Processe,Tie leaden pounds to's heels. Proceed by process,pound (n.)
pound-weight, weight, load
Cor III.i.312
process (n.)

old form: Processe
proper legal procedure
Least parties (as he is belou'd) breake out,Lest parties – as he is beloved – break outparty (n.)
side, faction, camp
Cor III.i.313
And sacke great Rome with Romanes.And sack great Rome with Romans. Cor III.i.314.1
If it were so?If it were so –  Cor III.i.314.2
What do ye talke?What do ye talk? Cor III.i.315
Haue we not had a taste of his Obedience?Have we not had a taste of his obedience? Cor III.i.316
Our Ediles smot: our selues resisted: come.Our Aediles smote? Ourselves resisted? Come!smite (v.), past forms smote, smit

old form: smot
strike, hit (often, with great force)
Cor III.i.317
Consider this: He ha's bin bred i'th' WarresConsider this. He has been bred i'th' wars Cor III.i.318
Since a could draw a Sword, and is ill-school'dSince 'a could draw a sword, and is ill schooledill (adv.)
imperfectly, poorly, to ill effect
Cor III.i.319
In boulted Language: Meale and Bran togetherIn bolted language. Meal and bran togetherbolted (adj.)

old form: boulted
refined, carefully sifted, polished
Cor III.i.320
He throwes without distinction. Giue me leaue,He throws without distinction. Give me leave, Cor III.i.321
Ile go to him, and vndertake to bring him in peace,I'll go to him and undertake to bring him Cor III.i.322
Where he shall answer by a lawfull FormeWhere he shall answer by a lawful form,form (n.)

old form: Forme
way of behaving, behaviour, code of conduct
Cor III.i.323
(In peace) to his vtmost perill.In peace, to his utmost peril. Cor III.i.324.1
Noble Tribunes,Noble Tribunes, Cor III.i.324.2
It is the humane way: the other courseIt is the humane way. The other coursecourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Cor III.i.325
Will proue to bloody: and the end of it,Will prove too bloody, and the end of it Cor III.i.326
Vnknowne to the Beginning.Unknown to the beginning. Cor III.i.327.1
Noble Menenius,Noble Menenius, Cor III.i.327.2
be you then as the peoples officer:Be you then as the people's officer. Cor III.i.328
Masters, lay downe your Weapons.Masters, lay down your weapons. Cor III.i.329.1
Go not home.Go not home. Cor III.i.329.2
Meet on the Market place: wee'l attend you there:Meet on the market-place. We'll attend you there;attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
Cor III.i.330
Where if you bring not Martius, wee'l proceedeWhere, if you bring not Martius, we'll proceed Cor III.i.331
In our first way.In our first way. Cor III.i.332.1
Ile bring him to you.I'll bring him to you. Cor III.i.332.2
Let me desire your company: he must come,(to the Senators) Let me desire your company. He must come, Cor III.i.333
Or what is worst will follow.Or what is worst will follow. Cor III.i.334.1
Pray you let's to him.Pray you let's to him. Cor III.i.334.2
Exeunt Omnes. Exeunt Cor III.i.334
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