First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Sound a Senet. Enter King, Queene, Cardinall, | Sound a sennet. Enter the King, Queen, Cardinal, | | 2H6 III.i.1.1 | |
Suffolke, Yorke, Buckingham, Salisbury, and Warwicke, | Suffolk, York, Buckingham, Salisbury, and Warwick | | 2H6 III.i.1.2 | |
to the Parliament. | to the parliament | | 2H6 III.i.1.3 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I muse my Lord of Gloster is not come: | I muse my Lord of Gloucester is not come; | muse (v.) wonder, be surprised | 2H6 III.i.1 | |
'Tis not his wont to be the hindmost man, | 'Tis not his wont to be the hindmost man, | wont (n.) custom, habit, practice | 2H6 III.i.2 | |
| | hindmost (adj.) last to arrive, last in order | | |
What e're occasion keepes him from vs now. | Whate'er occasion keeps him from us now. | | 2H6 III.i.3 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Can you not see? or will ye not obserue | Can you not see? Or will ye not observe | | 2H6 III.i.4 | |
The strangenesse of his alter'd Countenance? | The strangeness of his altered countenance? | strangeness (n.) estrangement, disaffection, coldness, aloofness | 2H6 III.i.5 | |
| | countenance (n.) appearance, aspect, look | | |
With what a Maiestie he beares himselfe, | With what a majesty he bears himself, | | 2H6 III.i.6 | |
How insolent of late he is become, | How insolent of late he is become, | insolent (adj.) proud, haughty, arrogant | 2H6 III.i.7 | |
How prowd, how peremptorie, and vnlike himselfe. | How proud, how peremptory, and unlike himself? | peremptory (adj.) overbearing, imperious, dictatorial | 2H6 III.i.8 | |
We know the time since he was milde and affable, | We know the time since he was mild and affable, | since (conj.) when | 2H6 III.i.9 | |
And if we did but glance a farre-off Looke, | And if we did but glance a far-off look, | | 2H6 III.i.10 | |
Immediately he was vpon his Knee, | Immediately he was upon his knee, | | 2H6 III.i.11 | |
That all the Court admir'd him for submission. | That all the court admired him for submission; | admire (v.) marvel, wonder, be astonished [at] | 2H6 III.i.12 | |
But meet him now, and be it in the Morne, | But meet him now, and be it in the morn, | morn (n.) morning, dawn | 2H6 III.i.13 | |
When euery one will giue the time of day, | When everyone will give the time of day, | time of day daily greeting | 2H6 III.i.14 | |
He knits his Brow, and shewes an angry Eye, | He knits his brow and shows an angry eye, | brow (n.) eyebrow | 2H6 III.i.15 | |
And passeth by with stiffe vnbowed Knee, | And passeth by with stiff unbowed knee, | | 2H6 III.i.16 | |
Disdaining dutie that to vs belongs. | Disdaining duty that to us belongs. | duty (n.) reverence, due respect, proper attitude | 2H6 III.i.17 | |
Small Curres are not regarded when they grynne, | Small curs are not regarded when they grin, | regard (v.) take note of, pay heed to, value | 2H6 III.i.18 | |
| | grin (v.) bare the teeth, grimace, snarl | | |
But great men tremble when the Lyon rores, | But great men tremble when the lion roars; | | 2H6 III.i.19 | |
And Humfrey is no little Man in England. | And Humphrey is no little man in England. | | 2H6 III.i.20 | |
First note, that he is neere you in discent, | First note that he is near you in descent, | near (adj.) close to the throne [in order of succession], near relation | 2H6 III.i.21 | |
And should you fall, he is the next will mount. | And should you fall, he is the next will mount. | mount (v.) ascend, rise up, climb | 2H6 III.i.22 | |
Me seemeth then, it is no Pollicie, | Me seemeth then it is no policy, | policy (n.) statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy | 2H6 III.i.23 | |
Respecting what a rancorous minde he beares, | Respecting what a rancorous mind he bears | respect (v.) bear in mind, consider | 2H6 III.i.24 | |
And his aduantage following your decease, | And his advantage following your decease, | advantage (n.) benefit, gain, advancement, profit | 2H6 III.i.25 | |
That he should come about your Royall Person, | That he should come about your royal person | | 2H6 III.i.26 | |
Or be admitted to your Highnesse Councell. | Or be admitted to your highness' Council. | | 2H6 III.i.27 | |
By flatterie hath he wonne the Commons hearts: | By flattery hath he won the commons' hearts, | commons (n.) common people, ordinary citizens | 2H6 III.i.28 | |
And when he please to make Commotion, | And when he please to make commotion, | commotion (n.) insurrection, rebellion, sedition | 2H6 III.i.29 | |
'Tis to be fear'd they all will follow him. | 'Tis to be feared they all will follow him. | | 2H6 III.i.30 | |
Now 'tis the Spring, and Weeds are shallow-rooted, | Now 'tis the spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted; | | 2H6 III.i.31 | |
Suffer them now, and they'le o're-grow the Garden, | Suffer them now and they'll o'ergrow the garden, | suffer (v.) put up with, tolerate, do nothing about | 2H6 III.i.32 | |
And choake the Herbes for want of Husbandry. | And choke the herbs for want of husbandry. | | 2H6 III.i.33 | |
The reuerent care I beare vnto my Lord, | The reverent care I bear unto my lord | reverent (adj.) worthy of respect, holy, religious | 2H6 III.i.34 | |
Made me collect these dangers in the Duke. | Made me collect these dangers in the Duke. | collect (v.) see, perceive, pick up | 2H6 III.i.35 | |
If it be fond, call it a Womans feare: | If it be fond, call it a woman's fear; | fond (adj.) foolish, stupid, mad | 2H6 III.i.36 | |
Which feare, if better Reasons can supplant, | Which fear if better reasons can supplant, | | 2H6 III.i.37 | |
I will subscribe, and say I wrong'd the Duke. | I will subscribe and say I wronged the Duke. | subscribe (v.) concur, consent, give assent | 2H6 III.i.38 | |
My Lord of Suffolke, Buckingham, and Yorke, | My Lord of Suffolk, Buckingham, and York, | | 2H6 III.i.39 | |
Reproue my allegation, if you can, | Reprove my allegation if you can; | reprove (v.) disprove, rebut, refute, deny | 2H6 III.i.40 | |
Or else conclude my words effectuall. | Or else conclude my words effectual. | effectual (adj.) conclusive, decisive, pertinent | 2H6 III.i.41 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Well hath your Highnesse seene into this Duke: | Well hath your highness seen into this Duke; | | 2H6 III.i.42 | |
And had I first beene put to speake my minde, | And had I first been put to speak my mind, | | 2H6 III.i.43 | |
I thinke I should haue told your Graces Tale. | I think I should have told your grace's tale. | | 2H6 III.i.44 | |
The Duchesse, by his subornation, | The Duchess by his subornation, | subornation (n.) aiding and abetting, inducement to do wrong, instigation | 2H6 III.i.45 | |
Vpon my Life began her diuellish practises: | Upon my life, began her devilish practices; | practice (n.) scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue | 2H6 III.i.46 | |
Or if he were not priuie to those Faults, | Or if he were not privy to those faults, | privy (adj.) privately aware [of], secretly knowledgeable [about] | 2H6 III.i.47 | |
| | fault (n.) sin, offence, crime | | |
Yet by reputing of his high discent, | Yet by reputing of his high descent, | repute of (v.) think highly of, hold in esteem | 2H6 III.i.48 | |
As next the King, he was successiue Heire, | As next the King he was successive heir, | successive (adj.) next in descent, legitimate, succeeding | 2H6 III.i.49 | |
And such high vaunts of his Nobilitie, | And such high vaunts of his nobility, | vaunt (n.) boast, bragging claim | 2H6 III.i.50 | |
Did instigate the Bedlam braine-sick Duchesse, | Did instigate the bedlam brain-sick Duchess | bedlam (adj.) mad, crazed, frantic | 2H6 III.i.51 | |
By wicked meanes to frame our Soueraignes fall. | By wicked means to frame our sovereign's fall. | frame (v.) arrange, organize, plan | 2H6 III.i.52 | |
Smooth runnes the Water, where the Brooke is deepe, | Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep, | | 2H6 III.i.53 | |
And in his simple shew he harbours Treason. | And in his simple show he harbours treason. | show (n.) appearance, exhibition, display | 2H6 III.i.54 | |
| | simple (adj.) sincere, honest, open, innocent | | |
The Fox barkes not, when he would steale the Lambe. | The fox barks not when he would steal the lamb. | | 2H6 III.i.55 | |
No, no, my Soueraigne, Glouster is a man | No, no, my sovereign, Gloucester is a man | | 2H6 III.i.56 | |
Vnsounded yet, and full of deepe deceit. | Unsounded yet and full of deep deceit. | unsounded (adj.) unfathomed, unexplored, with unrevealed depths | 2H6 III.i.57 | |
| | deep (adj.) deeply cunning, profound in craft | | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
Did he not, contrary to forme of Law, | Did he not, contrary to form of law, | | 2H6 III.i.58 | |
Deuise strange deaths, for small offences done? | Devise strange deaths for small offences done? | | 2H6 III.i.59 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
And did he not, in his Protectorship, | And did he not, in his Protectorship, | | 2H6 III.i.60 | |
Leuie great summes of Money through the Realme, | Levy great sums of money through the realm | | 2H6 III.i.61 | |
For Souldiers pay in France, and neuer sent it? | For soldiers' pay in France, and never sent it? | | 2H6 III.i.62 | |
By meanes whereof, the Townes each day reuolted. | By means whereof the towns each day revolted. | | 2H6 III.i.63 | |
Buck. | BUCKINGHAM | | | |
Tut, these are petty faults to faults vnknowne, | Tut, these are petty faults to faults unknown, | | 2H6 III.i.64 | |
Which time will bring to light in smooth Duke Humfrey. | Which time will bring to light in smooth Duke Humphrey. | smooth (adj.) plausible, glib, apparently amiable | 2H6 III.i.65 | |
King. | KING | | | |
My Lords at once: the care you haue of vs, | My lords, at once; the care you have of us, | | 2H6 III.i.66 | |
To mowe downe Thornes that would annoy our Foot, | To mow down thorns that would annoy our foot, | annoy (v.) harm, molest, hurt, injure | 2H6 III.i.67 | |
Is worthy prayse: but shall I speake my conscience, | Is worthy praise; but, shall I speak my conscience, | | 2H6 III.i.68 | |
Our Kinsman Gloster is as innocent, | Our kinsman Gloucester is as innocent | | 2H6 III.i.69 | |
From meaning Treason to our Royall Person, | From meaning treason to our royal person | | 2H6 III.i.70 | |
As is the sucking Lambe, or harmelesse Doue: | As is the sucking lamb or harmless dove. | | 2H6 III.i.71 | |
The Duke is vertuous, milde, and too well giuen, | The Duke is virtuous, mild, and too well given | given (adj.) disposed, inclined, minded | 2H6 III.i.72 | |
To dreame on euill, or to worke my downefall. | To dream on evil or to work my downfall. | | 2H6 III.i.73 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Ah what's more dangerous, then this fond affiance? | Ah, what's more dangerous than this fond affiance? | fond (adj.) foolish, stupid, mad | 2H6 III.i.74 | |
| | affiance (n.) confidence, trust, faith | | |
Seemes he a Doue? his feathers are but borrow'd, | Seems he a dove? His feathers are but borrowed, | | 2H6 III.i.75 | |
For hee's disposed as the hatefull Rauen. | For he's disposed as the hateful raven. | disposed (adj.) of a particular disposition, with a turn of mind | 2H6 III.i.76 | |
Is he a Lambe? his Skinne is surely lent him, | Is he a lamb? His skin is surely lent him, | lend (v.) give, grant, bestow [on] | 2H6 III.i.77 | |
For hee's enclin'd as is the rauenous Wolues. | For he's inclined as is the ravenous wolves. | | 2H6 III.i.78 | |
Who cannot steale a shape, that meanes deceit? | Who cannot steal a shape that means deceit? | | 2H6 III.i.79 | |
Take heed, my Lord, the welfare of vs all, | Take heed, my lord; the welfare of us all | | 2H6 III.i.80 | |
Hangs on the cutting short that fraudfull man. | Hangs on the cutting short that fraudful man. | fraudful fraudulent, treacherous, deceitful | 2H6 III.i.81 | |
Enter Somerset. | Enter Somerset | | 2H6 III.i.82 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
All health vnto my gracious Soueraigne. | All health unto my gracious sovereign! | | 2H6 III.i.82 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Welcome Lord Somerset: What Newes from France? | Welcome, Lord Somerset. What news from France? | | 2H6 III.i.83 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
That all your Interest in those Territories, | That all your interest in those territories | | 2H6 III.i.84 | |
Is vtterly bereft you: all is lost. | Is utterly bereft you; all is lost. | bereave (v.) take away [from], deprive, deny, rob | 2H6 III.i.85 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Cold Newes, Lord Somerset: but Gods will be done. | Cold news, Lord Somerset; but God's will be done! | cold (adj.) bad, unwelcome, disagreeable | 2H6 III.i.86 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
| (aside) | | 2H6 III.i.87 | |
Cold Newes for me: for I had hope of France, | Cold news for me; for I had hope of France | | 2H6 III.i.87 | |
As firmely as I hope for fertile England. | As firmly as I hope for fertile England. | | 2H6 III.i.88 | |
Thus are my Blossomes blasted in the Bud, | Thus are my blossoms blasted in the bud, | | 2H6 III.i.89 | |
And Caterpillers eate my Leaues away: | And caterpillars eat my leaves away; | | 2H6 III.i.90 | |
But I will remedie this geare ere long, | But I will remedy this gear ere long, | gear (n.) business, affair, matter | 2H6 III.i.91 | |
Or sell my Title for a glorious Graue. | Or sell my title for a glorious grave. | sell (v.) exchange, trade, give up | 2H6 III.i.92 | |
| | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | | |
Enter Gloucester. | Enter Gloucester | | 2H6 III.i.93 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
All happinesse vnto my Lord the King: | All happiness unto my lord the King! | | 2H6 III.i.93 | |
Pardon, my Liege, that I haue stay'd so long. | Pardon, my liege, that I have stayed so long. | stay (v.) stay away, delay, be absent | 2H6 III.i.94 | |
| | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Nay Gloster, know that thou art come too soone, | Nay, Gloucester, know that thou art come too soon, | | 2H6 III.i.95 | |
Vnlesse thou wert more loyall then thou art: | Unless thou wert more loyal than thou art. | | 2H6 III.i.96 | |
I doe arrest thee of High Treason here. | I do arrest thee of high treason here. | | 2H6 III.i.97 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Well Suffolke, thou shalt not see me blush, | Well, Suffolk, thou shalt not see me blush, | | 2H6 III.i.98 | |
Nor change my Countenance for this Arrest: | Nor change my countenance for this arrest; | countenance (n.) expression, look, face | 2H6 III.i.99 | |
A Heart vnspotted, is not easily daunted. | A heart unspotted is not easily daunted. | unspotted (adj.) unblemished, unstained, pure | 2H6 III.i.100 | |
The purest Spring is not so free from mudde, | The purest spring is not so free from mud | | 2H6 III.i.101 | |
As I am cleare from Treason to my Soueraigne. | As I am clear from treason to my sovereign. | | 2H6 III.i.102 | |
Who can accuse me? wherein am I guiltie? | Who can accuse me? Wherein am I guilty? | | 2H6 III.i.103 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
'Tis thought, my Lord, / That you tooke Bribes of France, | 'Tis thought, my lord, that you took bribes of France; | | 2H6 III.i.104 | |
And being Protector, stay'd the Souldiers pay, | And, being Protector, stayed the soldiers' pay, | stay (v.) retain, keep back, withhold | 2H6 III.i.105 | |
By meanes whereof, his Highnesse hath lost France. | By means whereof his highness hath lost France. | | 2H6 III.i.106 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Is it but thought so? / What are they that thinke it? | Is it but thought so? What are they that think it? | | 2H6 III.i.107 | |
I neuer rob'd the Souldiers of their pay, | I never robbed the soldiers of their pay, | | 2H6 III.i.108 | |
Nor euer had one penny Bribe from France. | Nor ever had one penny bribe from France. | | 2H6 III.i.109 | |
So helpe me God, as I haue watcht the Night, | So help me God, as I have watched the night, | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | 2H6 III.i.110 | |
I, Night by Night, in studying good for England. | Ay, night by night, in studying good for England! | | 2H6 III.i.111 | |
That Doyt that ere I wrested from the King, | That doit that e'er I wrested from the King, | doit (n.) [small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle | 2H6 III.i.112 | |
Or any Groat I hoorded to my vse, | Or any groat I hoarded to my use, | groat (n.) fourpenny piece | 2H6 III.i.113 | |
Be brought against me at my Tryall day. | Be brought against me at my trial day! | | 2H6 III.i.114 | |
No: many a Pound of mine owne proper store, | No, many a pound of mine own proper store, | store (n.) possessions, belongings, property, fortune | 2H6 III.i.115 | |
| | proper (adj.) personal, private, individual | | |
Because I would not taxe the needie Commons, | Because I would not tax the needy commons, | commons (n.) common people, ordinary citizens | 2H6 III.i.116 | |
Haue I dis-pursed to the Garrisons, | Have I disbursed to the garrisons, | dispurse (v.) disburse, pay out, give away | 2H6 III.i.117 | |
And neuer ask'd for restitution. | And never asked for restitution. | | 2H6 III.i.118 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
It serues you well, my Lord, to say so much. | It serves you well, my lord, to say so much. | serve (v.) be of use, render service, be an advantage [to] | 2H6 III.i.119 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
I say no more then truth, so helpe me God. | I say no more than truth, so help me God! | | 2H6 III.i.120 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
In your Protectorship, you did deuise | In your Protectorship you did devise | | 2H6 III.i.121 | |
Strange Tortures for Offendors, neuer heard of, | Strange tortures for offenders, never heard of, | | 2H6 III.i.122 | |
That England was defam'd by Tyrannie. | That England was defamed by tyranny. | defame (v.) dishonour, disgrace, make infamous | 2H6 III.i.123 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Why 'tis well known, that whiles I was Protector, | Why, 'tis well known that, whiles I was Protector, | | 2H6 III.i.124 | |
Pittie was all the fault that was in me: | Pity was all the fault that was in me; | | 2H6 III.i.125 | |
For I should melt at an Offendors teares, | For I should melt at an offender's tears, | | 2H6 III.i.126 | |
And lowly words were Ransome for their fault: | And lowly words were ransom for their fault. | lowly (adj.) humble, modest, submissive | 2H6 III.i.127 | |
| | fault (n.) sin, offence, crime | | |
Vnlesse it were a bloody Murtherer, | Unless it were a bloody murderer | | 2H6 III.i.128 | |
Or foule felonious Theefe, that fleec'd poore passengers, | Or foul felonious thief that fleeced poor passengers, | passenger (n.) wayfarer, traveller, passer-by | 2H6 III.i.129 | |
| | felonious (adj.) wicked, criminal, iniquitous | | |
| | fleece (v.) plunder, rob, strip of possessions | | |
I neuer gaue them condigne punishment. | I never gave them condign punishment; | condign (adj.) deserving, well-deserved, fitting | 2H6 III.i.130 | |
Murther indeede, that bloodie sinne, I tortur'd | Murder indeed, that bloody sin, I tortured | | 2H6 III.i.131 | |
Aboue the Felon, or what Trespas else. | Above the felon or what trespass else. | trespass (n.) wrong, offence, injustice, crime | 2H6 III.i.132 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
My Lord, these faults are easie, quickly answer'd: | My lord, these faults are easy, quickly answered; | easy (adj.) slight, petty, insignificant | 2H6 III.i.133 | |
| | fault (n.) sin, offence, crime | | |
| | answer (v.) explain, excuse, answer satisfactorily | | |
But mightier Crimes are lay'd vnto your charge, | But mightier crimes are laid unto your charge, | | 2H6 III.i.134 | |
Whereof you cannot easily purge your selfe. | Whereof you cannot easily purge yourself. | | 2H6 III.i.135 | |
I doe arrest you in his Highnesse Name, | I do arrest you in his highness' name; | | 2H6 III.i.136 | |
And here commit you to my Lord Cardinall | And here commit you to my lord Cardinal | | 2H6 III.i.137 | |
To keepe, vntill your further time of Tryall. | To keep until your further time of trial. | keep (v.) detain, hold in custody, be guarded | 2H6 III.i.138 | |
| | further (adj.) future, eventual | | |
King. | KING | | | |
My Lord of Gloster, 'tis my speciall hope, | My lord of Gloucester, 'tis my special hope | | 2H6 III.i.139 | |
That you will cleare your selfe from all suspence, | That you will clear yourself from all suspense; | suspense (n.) suspicion, doubt, uncertainty | 2H6 III.i.140 | |
My Conscience tells me you are innocent. | My conscience tells me you are innocent. | | 2H6 III.i.141 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Ah gracious Lord, these dayes are dangerous: | Ah, gracious lord, these days are dangerous; | | 2H6 III.i.142 | |
Vertue is choakt with foule Ambition, | Virtue is choked with foul ambition, | | 2H6 III.i.143 | |
And Charitie chas'd hence by Rancours hand; | And charity chased hence by rancour's hand; | rancour (n.) bitterness, hatred, malice | 2H6 III.i.144 | |
Foule Subornation is predominant, | Foul subornation is predominant, | predominant (adj.) [astrology] in the ascendant, ruling | 2H6 III.i.145 | |
| | subornation (n.) aiding and abetting, inducement to do wrong, instigation | | |
And Equitie exil'd your Highnesse Land. | And equity exiled your highness' land. | equity (n.) justice, impartiality, fairness | 2H6 III.i.146 | |
I know, their Complot is to haue my Life: | I know their complot is to have my life; | complot (n.) plot, conspiracy, covert plan | 2H6 III.i.147 | |
And if my death might make this Iland happy, | And if my death might make this island happy, | | 2H6 III.i.148 | |
And proue the Period of their Tyrannie, | And prove the period of their tyranny, | period (n.) full stop, end, ending, conclusion | 2H6 III.i.149 | |
I would expend it with all willingnesse. | I would expend it with all willingness. | expend (v.) spend, employ, use | 2H6 III.i.150 | |
But mine is made the Prologue to their Play: | But mine is made the prologue to their play; | | 2H6 III.i.151 | |
For thousands more, that yet suspect no perill, | For thousands more, that yet suspect no peril, | | 2H6 III.i.152 | |
Will not conclude their plotted Tragedie. | Will not conclude their plotted tragedy. | | 2H6 III.i.153 | |
Beaufords red sparkling eyes blab his hearts mallice, | Beaufort's red sparkling eyes blab his heart's malice, | blab (v.) betray, reveal | 2H6 III.i.154 | |
And Suffolks cloudie Brow his stormie hate; | And Suffolk's cloudy brow his stormy hate; | brow (n.) appearance, aspect, countenance | 2H6 III.i.155 | |
| | cloudy (adj.) sullen, gloomy, scowling | | |
Sharpe Buckingham vnburthens with his tongue, | Sharp Buckingham unburdens with his tongue | unburden, unburthen (v.) reveal, disclose; or: unload | 2H6 III.i.156 | |
The enuious Load that lyes vpon his heart: | The envious load that lies upon his heart; | envious (adj.) malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity | 2H6 III.i.157 | |
And dogged Yorke, that reaches at the Moone, | And dogged York, that reaches at the moon, | dogged (adj.) spiteful, malicious, vindictive | 2H6 III.i.158 | |
Whose ouer-weening Arme I haue pluckt back, | Whose overweening arm I have plucked back, | overweening (adj.) arrogant, overambitious, high and mighty | 2H6 III.i.159 | |
By false accuse doth leuell at my Life. | By false accuse doth level at my life. | level at (v.) aim for, have as a target | 2H6 III.i.160 | |
| | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | | |
| | accuse (n.) accusation, charge | | |
And you, my Soueraigne Lady, with the rest, | And you, my sovereign lady, with the rest, | | 2H6 III.i.161 | |
Causelesse haue lay'd disgraces on my head, | Causeless have laid disgraces on my head, | causeless (adv.) for no reason, without justification, groundlessly | 2H6 III.i.162 | |
And with your best endeuour haue stirr'd vp | And with your best endeavour have stirred up | | 2H6 III.i.163 | |
My liefest Liege to be mine Enemie: | My liefest liege to be mine enemy. | lief (adj.) dear, beloved, cherished | 2H6 III.i.164 | |
I, all of you haue lay'd your heads together, | Ay, all you have laid your heads together – | | 2H6 III.i.165 | |
My selfe had notice of your Conuenticles, | Myself had notice of your conventicles – | conventicle (n.) secret meeting, clandestine gathering | 2H6 III.i.166 | |
And all to make away my guiltlesse Life. | And all to make away my guiltless life. | make away (v.) put an end to, do away with | 2H6 III.i.167 | |
I shall not want false Witnesse, to condemne me, | I shall not want false witness to condemn me, | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 2H6 III.i.168 | |
| | want (v.) lack, need, be without | | |
Nor store of Treasons, to augment my guilt: | Nor store of treasons to augment my guilt; | store (n.) abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity | 2H6 III.i.169 | |
The ancient Prouerbe will be well effected, | The ancient proverb will be well effected: | effect (v.) bring into effect, fulfil, show to be true | 2H6 III.i.170 | |
A Staffe is quickly found to beat a Dogge. | ‘ A staff is quickly found to beat a dog.’ | | 2H6 III.i.171 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
My Liege, his rayling is intollerable. | My liege, his railing is intolerable. | railing (n.) abuse, insulting speech, vilification | 2H6 III.i.172 | |
If those that care to keepe your Royall Person | If those that care to keep your royal person | keep (v.) protect, defend, preserve | 2H6 III.i.173 | |
| | care (v.) feel concern, be anxious, trouble oneself | | |
From Treasons secret Knife, and Traytors Rage, | From treason's secret knife and traitor's rage | | 2H6 III.i.174 | |
Be thus vpbrayded, chid, and rated at, | Be thus upbraided, chid, and rated at, | rate at (v.) berate, reproach, rebuke, scold | 2H6 III.i.175 | |
And the Offendor graunted scope of speech, | And the offender granted scope of speech, | scope (n.) opportunity, liberty, free course of action | 2H6 III.i.176 | |
'Twill make them coole in zeale vnto your Grace. | 'Twill make them cool in zeal unto your grace. | | 2H6 III.i.177 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Hath he not twit our Soueraigne Lady here | Hath he not twit our sovereign lady here | twit (v.) taunt, upbraid, reproach | 2H6 III.i.178 | |
With ignominious words, though Clarkely coucht? | With ignominious words, though clerkly couched, | clerkly (adv.) scholarly, cleverly, adroitly | 2H6 III.i.179 | |
| | couched (adj.) phrased, expressed, put into words | | |
As if she had suborned some to sweare | As if she had suborned some to swear | suborn (v.) bribe, corrupt, persuade [someone] to commit perjury | 2H6 III.i.180 | |
False allegations, to o'rethrow his state. | False allegations to o'erthrow his state? | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | 2H6 III.i.181 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
But I can giue the loser leaue to chide. | But I can give the loser leave to chide. | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | 2H6 III.i.182 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Farre truer spoke then meant: I lose indeede, | Far truer spoke than meant. I lose indeed; | | 2H6 III.i.183 | |
Beshrew the winners, for they play'd me false, | Beshrew the winners, for they played me false! | false (adv.) slanderously, faithlessly, with such calumny | 2H6 III.i.184 | |
| | beshrew, 'shrew (v.) curse, devil take, evil befall | | |
And well such losers may haue leaue to speake. | And well such losers may have leave to speak. | | 2H6 III.i.185 | |
Buck. | BUCKINGHAM | | | |
Hee'le wrest the sence, and hold vs here all day. | He'll wrest the sense and hold us here all day. | wrest (v.) distort, twist, strain | 2H6 III.i.186 | |
Lord Cardinall, he is your Prisoner. | Lord Cardinal, he is your prisoner. | | 2H6 III.i.187 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
Sirs, take away the Duke, and guard him sure. | Sirs, take away the Duke and guard him sure. | sure (adv.) securely, safely, well | 2H6 III.i.188 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Ah, thus King Henry throwes away his Crutch, | Ah, thus King Henry throws away his crutch | | 2H6 III.i.189 | |
Before his Legges be firme to beare his Body. | Before his legs be firm to bear his body. | | 2H6 III.i.190 | |
Thus is the Shepheard beaten from thy side, | Thus is the shepherd beaten from thy side, | | 2H6 III.i.191 | |
And Wolues are gnarling, who shall gnaw thee first. | And wolves are gnarling who shall gnaw thee first. | gnarl (v.) snarl, growl | 2H6 III.i.192 | |
Ah that my feare were false, ah that it were; | Ah, that my fear were false; ah, that it were! | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | 2H6 III.i.193 | |
For good King Henry, thy decay I feare. | For, good King Henry, thy decay I fear. | decay (n.) destruction, downfall, ending | 2H6 III.i.194 | |
Exit Gloster. | Exit Gloucester, guarded by the Cardinal's men | | 2H6 III.i.194 | |
King. | KING | | | |
My Lords, what to your wisdomes seemeth best, | My lords, what to your wisdoms seemeth best | | 2H6 III.i.195 | |
Doe, or vndoe, as if our selfe were here. | Do or undo, as if ourself were here. | | 2H6 III.i.196 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
What, will your Highnesse leaue the Parliament? | What, will your highness leave the parliament? | | 2H6 III.i.197 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I Margaret: my heart is drown'd with griefe, | Ay, Margaret; my heart is drowned with grief, | | 2H6 III.i.198 | |
Whose floud begins to flowe within mine eyes; | Whose flood begins to flow within mine eyes, | | 2H6 III.i.199 | |
My Body round engyrt with miserie: | My body round engirt with misery; | engirt (adj.) surrounded, encircled, hemmed-in | 2H6 III.i.200 | |
For what's more miserable then Discontent? | For what's more miserable than discontent? | | 2H6 III.i.201 | |
Ah Vnckle Humfrey, in thy face I see | Ah, uncle Humphrey, in thy face I see | | 2H6 III.i.202 | |
The Map of Honor, Truth, and Loyaltie: | The map of honour, truth, and loyalty; | map (n.) epitome, embodiment, incarnation | 2H6 III.i.203 | |
And yet, good Humfrey, is the houre to come, | And yet, good Humphrey, is the hour to come | | 2H6 III.i.204 | |
That ere I prou'd thee false, or fear'd thy faith. | That e'er I proved thee false or feared thy faith. | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 2H6 III.i.205 | |
What lowring Starre now enuies thy estate? | What lowering star now envies thy estate, | estate (n.) high rank, standing, status | 2H6 III.i.206 | |
| | envy, envy at (v.) show malice [towards], hate, regard with ill will | | |
| | lowering (adj.) ominous, threatening, gloomy | | |
That these great Lords, and Margaret our Queene, | That these great lords, and Margaret our Queen, | | 2H6 III.i.207 | |
Doe seeke subuersion of thy harmelesse Life. | Do seek subversion of thy harmless life? | subversion (n.) destruction, overthrow, ruin | 2H6 III.i.208 | |
Thou neuer didst them wrong, nor no man wrong: | Thou never didst them wrong, nor no man wrong; | | 2H6 III.i.209 | |
And as the Butcher takes away the Calfe, | And as the butcher takes away the calf, | | 2H6 III.i.210 | |
And binds the Wretch, and beats it when it strayes, | And binds the wretch, and beats it when it strays, | | 2H6 III.i.211 | |
Bearing it to the bloody Slaughter-house; | Bearing it to the bloody slaughter-house, | | 2H6 III.i.212 | |
Euen so remorselesse haue they borne him hence: | Even so remorseless have they borne him hence; | | 2H6 III.i.213 | |
And as the Damme runnes lowing vp and downe, | And as the dam runs lowing up and down, | dam (n.) mother | 2H6 III.i.214 | |
Looking the way her harmelesse young one went, | Looking the way her harmless young one went, | | 2H6 III.i.215 | |
And can doe naught but wayle her Darlings losse; | And can do naught but wail her darling's loss; | | 2H6 III.i.216 | |
Euen so my selfe bewayles good Glosters case | Even so myself bewails good Gloucester's case | | 2H6 III.i.217 | |
With sad vnhelpefull teares, and with dimn'd eyes; | With sad unhelpful tears, and with dimmed eyes | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | 2H6 III.i.218 | |
Looke after him, and cannot doe him good: | Look after him, and cannot do him good, | look after (v.) follow with the eye, look with favour on | 2H6 III.i.219 | |
| | good, do one be of use to, provide assistance to | | |
So mightie are his vowed Enemies. | So mighty are his vowed enemies. | | 2H6 III.i.220 | |
His fortunes I will weepe, and 'twixt each groane, | His fortunes I will weep, and 'twixt each groan | | 2H6 III.i.221 | |
Say, who's a Traytor? Gloster he is none. | Say ‘Who's a traitor? Gloucester he is none.' | | 2H6 III.i.222 | |
Exit. | Exit with Buckingham, Salisbury, and Warwick | | 2H6 III.i.222 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Free Lords: / Cold Snow melts with the Sunnes hot Beames: | Free lords, cold snow melts with the sun's hot beams: | free (adj.) noble, honourable, worthy | 2H6 III.i.223 | |
Henry, my Lord, is cold in great Affaires, | Henry my lord is cold in great affairs, | cold (adj.) indifferent, unenthusiastic, uninterested | 2H6 III.i.224 | |
Too full of foolish pittie: and Glosters shew | Too full of foolish pity; and Gloucester's show | show (n.) appearance, exhibition, display | 2H6 III.i.225 | |
Beguiles him, as the mournefull Crocodile | Beguiles him as the mournful crocodile | | 2H6 III.i.226 | |
With sorrow snares relenting passengers; | With sorrow snares relenting passengers; | passenger (n.) wayfarer, traveller, passer-by | 2H6 III.i.227 | |
| | relenting (adj.) soft-hearted, sympathetic, pitying | | |
Or as the Snake, roll'd in a flowring Banke, | Or as the snake rolled in a flowering bank, | rolled (adj.) curled up, coiled | 2H6 III.i.228 | |
With shining checker'd slough doth sting a Child, | With shining checkered slough, doth sting a child | checkered (adj.) patterned, with varied markings | 2H6 III.i.229 | |
| | slough (n.) outer skin | | |
That for the beautie thinkes it excellent. | That for the beauty thinks it excellent. | | 2H6 III.i.230 | |
Beleeue me Lords, were none more wise then I, | Believe me, lords, were none more wise than I – | | 2H6 III.i.231 | |
And yet herein I iudge mine owne Wit good; | And yet herein I judge mine own wit good – | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | 2H6 III.i.232 | |
This Gloster should be quickly rid the World, | This Gloucester should be quickly rid the world, | rid (v.) remove from, clear away from | 2H6 III.i.233 | |
To rid vs from the feare we haue of him. | To rid us from the fear we have of him. | | 2H6 III.i.234 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
That he should dye, is worthie pollicie, | That he should die is worthy policy; | policy (n.) statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy | 2H6 III.i.235 | |
| | worthy (adj.) good, sensible, shrewd | | |
But yet we want a Colour for his death: | But yet we want a colour for his death. | want (v.) require, demand, need | 2H6 III.i.236 | |
| | colour (n.) pretext, pretence | | |
'Tis meet he be condemn'd by course of Law. | 'Tis meet he be condemned by course of law. | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | 2H6 III.i.237 | |
| | course (n.) habit, custom, practise, normal procedure | | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
But in my minde, that were no pollicie: | But in my mind that were no policy. | policy (n.) statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy | 2H6 III.i.238 | |
The King will labour still to saue his Life, | The King will labour still to save his life, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | 2H6 III.i.239 | |
The Commons haply rise, to saue his Life; | The commons haply rise to save his life; | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | 2H6 III.i.240 | |
| | commons (n.) common people, ordinary citizens | | |
And yet we haue but triuiall argument, | And yet we have but trivial argument, | trivial (adj.) slight, poor, insubstantial | 2H6 III.i.241 | |
| | argument (n.) proof, evidence, demonstration | | |
More then mistrust, that shewes him worthy death. | More than mistrust, that shows him worthy death. | mistrust (n.) suspicion, distrust, strong doubt | 2H6 III.i.242 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
So that by this, you would not haue him dye. | So that, by this, you would not have him die. | | 2H6 III.i.243 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Ah Yorke, no man aliue, so faine as I. | Ah, York, no man alive so fain as I. | fain (adj.) fond, inclined [to], apt [to] | 2H6 III.i.244 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
'Tis Yorke that hath more reason for his death. | 'Tis York that hath more reason for his death. | | 2H6 III.i.245 | |
But my Lord Cardinall, and you my Lord of Suffolke, | But, my lord Cardinal, and you, my lord of Suffolk, | | 2H6 III.i.246 | |
Say as you thinke, and speake it from your Soules: | Say as you think, and speak it from your souls: | | 2H6 III.i.247 | |
Wer't not all one, an emptie Eagle were set, | Were't not all one, an empty eagle were set | empty (adj.) famished, hungry, having an empty stomach | 2H6 III.i.248 | |
To guard the Chicken from a hungry Kyte, | To guard the chicken from a hungry kite, | | 2H6 III.i.249 | |
As place Duke Humfrey for the Kings Protector? | As place Duke Humphrey for the King's Protector? | | 2H6 III.i.250 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
So the poore Chicken should be sure of death. | So the poor chicken should be sure of death. | | 2H6 III.i.251 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Madame 'tis true: and wer't not madnesse then, | Madam, 'tis true; and were't not madness then | | 2H6 III.i.252 | |
To make the Fox surueyor of the Fold? | To make the fox surveyor of the fold? | surveyor (n.) guardian, supervisor, overseer | 2H6 III.i.253 | |
Who being accus'd a craftie Murtherer, | Who being accused a crafty murderer, | | 2H6 III.i.254 | |
His guilt should be but idly posted ouer, | His guilt should be but idly posted over | idly (adv.) foolishly, crazily, frivolously | 2H6 III.i.255 | |
| | post over (v.) pass over, disregard, go through with haste | | |
Because his purpose is not executed. | Because his purpose is not executed. | execute (v.) carry out, fulfil, perform | 2H6 III.i.256 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
No: let him dye, in that he is a Fox, | No; let him die, in that he is a fox, | | 2H6 III.i.257 | |
By nature prou'd an Enemie to the Flock, | By nature proved an enemy to the flock, | | 2H6 III.i.258 | |
Before his Chaps be stayn'd with Crimson blood, | Before his chaps be stained with crimson blood, | chaps, chops (n.) jaws | 2H6 III.i.259 | |
As Humfrey prou'd by Reasons to my Liege. | As Humphrey, proved by reasons, to my liege. | | 2H6 III.i.260 | |
And doe not stand on Quillets how to slay him: | And do not stand on quillets how to slay him; | quillet (n.) quibble, equivocation, hair-splitting distinction | 2H6 III.i.261 | |
| | stand on (v.) insist on, demand, call for | | |
Be it by Gynnes, by Snares, by Subtletie, | Be it by gins, by snares, by subtlety, | gin (n.) snare, trap | 2H6 III.i.262 | |
Sleeping, or Waking, 'tis no matter how, | Sleeping or waking, 'tis no matter how, | | 2H6 III.i.263 | |
So he be dead; for that is good deceit, | So he be dead; for that is good deceit | | 2H6 III.i.264 | |
Which mates him first, that first intends deceit. | Which mates him first that first intends deceit. | mate (v.) checkmate, overcome, finish off | 2H6 III.i.265 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
Thrice Noble Suffolke, 'tis resolutely spoke. | Thrice-noble Suffolk, 'tis resolutely spoke. | | 2H6 III.i.266 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Not resolute, except so much were done, | Not resolute, except so much were done; | | 2H6 III.i.267 | |
For things are often spoke, and seldome meant, | For things are often spoke and seldom meant; | | 2H6 III.i.268 | |
But that my heart accordeth with my tongue, | But that my heart accordeth with my tongue, | | 2H6 III.i.269 | |
Seeing the deed is meritorious, | Seeing the deed is meritorious, | | 2H6 III.i.270 | |
And to preserue my Soueraigne from his Foe, | And to preserve my sovereign from his foe, | | 2H6 III.i.271 | |
Say but the word, and I will be his Priest. | Say but the word and I will be his priest. | | 2H6 III.i.272 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
But I would haue him dead, my Lord of Suffolke, | But I would have him dead, my lord of Suffolk, | | 2H6 III.i.273 | |
Ere you can take due Orders for a Priest: | Ere you can take due orders for a priest. | order, take make arrangements | 2H6 III.i.274 | |
Say you consent, and censure well the deed, | Say you consent and censure well the deed, | censure (v.) judge, think of, give an opinion of [not involving blame] | 2H6 III.i.275 | |
And Ile prouide his Executioner, | And I'll provide his executioner; | | 2H6 III.i.276 | |
I tender so the safetie of my Liege. | I tender so the safety of my liege. | tender (v.) feel concern for, hold dear, care for | 2H6 III.i.277 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Here is my Hand, the deed is worthy doing. | Here is my hand; the deed is worthy doing. | | 2H6 III.i.278 | |
Queene. | QUEEN | | | |
And so say I. | And so say I. | | 2H6 III.i.279 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
And I: and now we three haue spoke it, | And I; and now we three have spoke it, | | 2H6 III.i.280 | |
It skills not greatly who impugnes our doome. | It skills not greatly who impugns our doom. | impugn (v.) call into question, dispute the validity of | 2H6 III.i.281 | |
| | skill (v.) matter, make a difference, be of importance | | |
| | doom (n.) judgement, sentence, decision | | |
Enter a Poste. | Enter a Post | | 2H6 III.i.282.1 | |
Post. | POST | | | |
Great Lords, from Ireland am I come amaine, | Great lords, from Ireland am I come amain, | amain (adv.) in all haste, at full speed | 2H6 III.i.282 | |
To signifie, that Rebels there are vp, | To signify that rebels there are up | signify (v.) report, make known, declare | 2H6 III.i.283 | |
| | up (adv.) up in arms, in rebellion, in revolt | | |
And put the Englishmen vnto the Sword. | And put the Englishmen unto the sword. | | 2H6 III.i.284 | |
Send Succours (Lords) and stop the Rage betime, | Send succours, lords, and stop the rage betime, | succour (n.) reinforcements, military assistance | 2H6 III.i.285 | |
| | rage (n.) violence, fighting, conflict | | |
| | betime (adv.) in good time, early on | | |
Before the Wound doe grow vncurable; | Before the wound do grow uncurable; | | 2H6 III.i.286 | |
For being greene, there is great hope of helpe. | For, being green, there is great hope of help. | green (adj.) fresh, recent, new | 2H6 III.i.287 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
A Breach that craues a quick expedient stoppe. | A breach that craves a quick expedient stop! | expedient (adj.) speedy, rapid, expeditious | 2H6 III.i.288 | |
| | stop (n.) filling up, plugging, sealing | | |
| | breach (n.) outbreak, uprising, insurrection | | |
| | crave (v.) need, demand, require | | |
What counsaile giue you in this weightie cause? | What counsel give you in this weighty cause? | cause (n.) affair, business, subject | 2H6 III.i.289 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
That Somerset be sent as Regent thither: | That Somerset be sent as Regent thither. | | 2H6 III.i.290 | |
'Tis meet that luckie Ruler be imploy'd, | 'Tis meet that lucky ruler be employed; | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | 2H6 III.i.291 | |
| | lucky (adj.) fortunate, successful, prosperous | | |
Witnesse the fortune he hath had in France. | Witness the fortune he hath had in France. | | 2H6 III.i.292 | |
Som. | SOMERSET | | | |
If Yorke, with all his farre-fet pollicie, | If York, with all his far-fet policy, | far-fet (adj.) cunning, scheming, devious | 2H6 III.i.293 | |
Had beene the Regent there, in stead of me, | Had been the Regent there instead of me, | | 2H6 III.i.294 | |
He neuer would haue stay'd in France so long. | He never would have stayed in France so long. | | 2H6 III.i.295 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
No, not to lose it all, as thou hast done. | No, not to lose it all, as thou hast done. | | 2H6 III.i.296 | |
I rather would haue lost my Life betimes, | I rather would have lost my life betimes | betimes (adv.) speedily, soon, in a short time | 2H6 III.i.297 | |
Then bring a burthen of dis-honour home, | Than bring a burden of dishonour home, | | 2H6 III.i.298 | |
By staying there so long, till all were lost. | By staying there so long till all were lost. | | 2H6 III.i.299 | |
Shew me one skarre, character'd on thy Skinne, | Show me one scar charactered on thy skin; | character (v.) inscribe, engrave, write | 2H6 III.i.300 | |
Mens flesh preseru'd so whole, doe seldome winne. | Men's flesh preserved so whole do seldom win. | | 2H6 III.i.301 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Nay then, this sparke will proue a raging fire, | Nay then, this spark will prove a raging fire | | 2H6 III.i.302 | |
If Wind and Fuell be brought, to feed it with: | If wind and fuel be brought to feed it with. | | 2H6 III.i.303 | |
No more, good Yorke; sweet Somerset be still. | No more, good York; sweet Somerset, be still. | still (adj.) silent, quiet | 2H6 III.i.304 | |
Thy fortune, Yorke, hadst thou beene Regent there, | Thy fortune, York, hadst thou been Regent there, | | 2H6 III.i.305 | |
Might happily haue prou'd farre worse then his. | Might happily have proved far worse than his. | happily (adv.) perhaps, by chance, maybe | 2H6 III.i.306 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
What, worse then naught? nay, then a shame take all. | What, worse than naught? Nay, then a shame take all! | naught, nought (n.) nothing | 2H6 III.i.307 | |
Somerset. | SOMERSET | | | |
And in the number, thee, that wishest shame. | And, in the number, thee that wishest shame! | | 2H6 III.i.308 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
My Lord of Yorke, trie what your fortune is: | My lord of York, try what your fortune is. | | 2H6 III.i.309 | |
Th'vnciuill Kernes of Ireland are in Armes, | Th' uncivil kerns of Ireland are in arms | kern (n.) lightly armed Irish foot-soldier | 2H6 III.i.310 | |
| | uncivil (adj.) uncivilized, barbarous, unrefined | | |
And temper Clay with blood of Englishmen. | And temper clay with blood of Englishmen; | temper (v.) soften, moisten, mix [with] | 2H6 III.i.311 | |
| | clay (n.) earth, ground, mud | | |
To Ireland will you leade a Band of men, | To Ireland will you lead a band of men, | | 2H6 III.i.312 | |
Collected choycely, from each Countie some, | Collected choicely, from each county some, | choicely (adv.) carefully, with great discrimination | 2H6 III.i.313 | |
And trie your hap against the Irishmen? | And try your hap against the Irishmen? | hap (n.) fortune, lot, fate | 2H6 III.i.314 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
I will, my Lord, so please his Maiestie. | I will, my lord, so please his majesty. | | 2H6 III.i.315 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Why, our Authoritie is his consent, | Why, our authority is his consent, | | 2H6 III.i.316 | |
And what we doe establish, he confirmes: | And what we do establish he confirms. | | 2H6 III.i.317 | |
Then, Noble Yorke, take thou this Taske in hand. | Then, noble York, take thou this task in hand. | | 2H6 III.i.318 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
I am content: Prouide me Souldiers, Lords, | I am content. Provide me soldiers, lords, | content (adj.) agreeable, willing, ready | 2H6 III.i.319 | |
Whiles I take order for mine owne affaires. | Whiles I take order for mine own affairs. | order, take make arrangements | 2H6 III.i.320 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
A charge, Lord Yorke, that I will see perform'd. | A charge, Lord York, that I will see performed. | charge (n.) commission, responsibility, official duty | 2H6 III.i.321 | |
But now returne we to the false Duke Humfrey. | But now return we to the false Duke Humphrey. | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 2H6 III.i.322 | |
Card. | CARDINAL | | | |
No more of him: for I will deale with him, | No more of him; for I will deal with him | | 2H6 III.i.323 | |
That henceforth he shall trouble vs no more: | That henceforth he shall trouble us no more. | | 2H6 III.i.324 | |
And so breake off, the day is almost spent, | And so break off, the day is almost spent. | break off (v.) stop talking, finish a discussion | 2H6 III.i.325 | |
Lord Suffolke, you and I must talke of that euent. | Lord Suffolk, you and I must talk of that event. | event (n.) outcome, issue, consequence | 2H6 III.i.326 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
My Lord of Suffolke, within foureteene dayes | My Lord of Suffolk, within fourteen days | | 2H6 III.i.327 | |
At Bristow I expect my Souldiers, | At Bristow I expect my soldiers; | Bristow, Bristol (n.) city-port in SW England, close to the mouth of the R Severn | 2H6 III.i.328 | |
For there Ile shippe them all for Ireland. | For there I'll ship them all for Ireland. | | 2H6 III.i.329 | |
Suff. | SUFFOLK | | | |
Ile see it truly done, my Lord of Yorke. | I'll see it truly done, my lord of York. | | 2H6 III.i.330 | |
Exeunt. Manet Yorke. | Exeunt all but York | | 2H6 III.i.330 | |
Yorke. | YORK | | | |
Now Yorke, or neuer, steele thy fearfull thoughts, | Now, York, or never, steel thy fearful thoughts, | fearful (adj.) timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear | 2H6 III.i.331 | |
And change misdoubt to resolution; | And change misdoubt to resolution; | misdoubt (n.) suspicion, mistrust, doubtfulness | 2H6 III.i.332 | |
Be that thou hop'st to be, or what thou art; | Be that thou hopest to be, or what thou art | | 2H6 III.i.333 | |
Resigne to death, it is not worth th' enioying: | Resign to death; it is not worth th' enjoying. | | 2H6 III.i.334 | |
Let pale-fac't feare keepe with the meane-borne man, | Let pale-faced fear keep with the mean-born man, | mean-born (adj.) low-born, of humble birth | 2H6 III.i.335 | |
| | keep (v.) lodge, live, dwell | | |
And finde no harbor in a Royall heart. | And find no harbour in a royal heart. | | 2H6 III.i.336 | |
Faster thẽ Spring-time showres, comes thoght on thoght, | Faster than springtime showers comes thought on thought, | | 2H6 III.i.337 | |
And not a thought, but thinkes on Dignitie. | And not a thought but thinks on dignity. | dignity (n.) official position, high office, rule | 2H6 III.i.338 | |
My Brayne, more busie then the laboring Spider, | My brain, more busy than the labouring spider, | | 2H6 III.i.339 | |
Weaues tedious Snares to trap mine Enemies. | Weaves tedious snares to trap mine enemies. | tedious (adj.) laborious, painstaking, wearyingly intricate | 2H6 III.i.340 | |
Well Nobles, well: 'tis politikely done, | Well, nobles, well; 'tis politicly done, | politicly (adv.) in a politic manner, strategically, shrewdly | 2H6 III.i.341 | |
To send me packing with an Hoast of men: | To send me packing with an host of men. | | 2H6 III.i.342 | |
I feare me, you but warme the starued Snake, | I fear me you but warm the starved snake, | starved (adj.) frozen-stiff, near-perished with cold | 2H6 III.i.343 | |
Who cherisht in your breasts, will sting your hearts. | Who, cherished in your breasts, will sting your hearts. | | 2H6 III.i.344 | |
'Twas men I lackt, and you will giue them me; | 'Twas men I lacked, and you will give them me; | | 2H6 III.i.345 | |
I take it kindly: yet be well assur'd, | I take it kindly; yet be well assured | | 2H6 III.i.346 | |
You put sharpe Weapons in a mad-mans hands. | You put sharp weapons in a madman's hands. | | 2H6 III.i.347 | |
Whiles I in Ireland nourish a mightie Band, | Whiles I in Ireland nourish a mighty band, | | 2H6 III.i.348 | |
I will stirre vp in England some black Storme, | I will stir up in England some black storm | | 2H6 III.i.349 | |
Shall blowe ten thousand Soules to Heauen, or Hell: | Shall blow ten thousand souls to heaven or hell; | | 2H6 III.i.350 | |
And this fell Tempest shall not cease to rage, | And this fell tempest shall not cease to rage | fell (adj.) cruel, fierce, savage | 2H6 III.i.351 | |
Vntill the Golden Circuit on my Head, | Until the golden circuit on my head, | circuit (n.) crown, circlet, diadem | 2H6 III.i.352 | |
Like to the glorious Sunnes transparant Beames, | Like to the glorious sun's transparent beams, | like to / unto (conj./prep.) similar to, comparable with | 2H6 III.i.353 | |
Doe calme the furie of this mad-bred Flawe. | Do calm the fury of this mad-bred flaw. | mad-bred (adj.) produced by madness | 2H6 III.i.354 | |
| | flaw (n.) gust, squall, blast | | |
And for a minister of my intent, | And, for a minister of my intent, | minister (n.) messenger, agent, servant | 2H6 III.i.355 | |
| | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | | |
I haue seduc'd a head-strong Kentishman, | I have seduced a headstrong Kentishman, | | 2H6 III.i.356 | |
Iohn Cade of Ashford, | John Cade of Ashford, | | 2H6 III.i.357 | |
To make Commotion, as full well he can, | To make commotion, as full well he can, | commotion (n.) insurrection, rebellion, sedition | 2H6 III.i.358 | |
Vnder the Title of Iohn Mortimer. | Under the title of John Mortimer. | | 2H6 III.i.359 | |
In Ireland haue I seene this stubborne Cade | In Ireland have I seen this stubborn Cade | | 2H6 III.i.360 | |
Oppose himselfe against a Troupe of Kernes, | Oppose himself against a troop of kerns, | kern (n.) lightly armed Irish foot-soldier | 2H6 III.i.361 | |
And fought so long, till that his thighes with Darts | And fought so long till that his thighs with darts | dart (n.) arrow; or: light spear | 2H6 III.i.362 | |
Were almost like a sharpe-quill'd Porpentine: | Were almost like a sharp-quilled porpentine; | porpentine (n.) porcupine | 2H6 III.i.363 | |
And in the end being rescued, I haue seene | And, in the end being rescued, I have seen | | 2H6 III.i.364 | |
Him capre vpright, like a wilde Morisco, | Him caper upright like a wild Morisco, | morisco (n.) morris dancer | 2H6 III.i.365 | |
Shaking the bloody Darts, as he his Bells. | Shaking the bloody darts as he his bells. | | 2H6 III.i.366 | |
Full often, like a shag-hayr'd craftie Kerne, | Full often, like a shag-haired crafty kern, | shag-haired (adj.) having shaggy hair, rough-haired | 2H6 III.i.367 | |
| | kern (n.) lightly armed Irish foot-soldier | | |
Hath he conuersed with the Enemie, | Hath he conversed with the enemy, | | 2H6 III.i.368 | |
And vndiscouer'd, come to me againe, | And undiscovered come to me again | | 2H6 III.i.369 | |
And giuen me notice of their Villanies. | And given me notice of their villainies. | | 2H6 III.i.370 | |
This Deuill here shall be my substitute; | This devil here shall be my substitute; | | 2H6 III.i.371 | |
For that Iohn Mortimer, which now is dead, | For that John Mortimer, which now is dead, | | 2H6 III.i.372 | |
In face, in gate, in speech he doth resemble. | In face, in gait, in speech, he doth resemble; | | 2H6 III.i.373 | |
By this, I shall perceiue the Commons minde, | By this I shall perceive the commons' mind, | commons (n.) common people, ordinary citizens | 2H6 III.i.374 | |
How they affect the House and Clayme of Yorke. | How they affect the house and claim of York. | affect (v.) incline to, like, favour, be drawn to | 2H6 III.i.375 | |
Say he be taken, rackt, and tortured; | Say he be taken, racked, and tortured, | rack (v.) stretch on the rack | 2H6 III.i.376 | |
I know, no paine they can inflict vpon him, | I know no pain they can inflict upon him | | 2H6 III.i.377 | |
Will make him say, I mou'd him to those Armes. | Will make him say I moved him to those arms. | move (v.) encourage, instigate, prompt | 2H6 III.i.378 | |
Say that he thriue, as 'tis great like he will, | Say that he thrive, as 'tis great like he will, | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | 2H6 III.i.379 | |
| | like, great very likely | | |
Why then from Ireland come I with my strength, | Why, then from Ireland come I with my strength, | strength (n.) troops, forces, resources, followers | 2H6 III.i.380 | |
And reape the Haruest which that Rascall sow'd. | And reap the harvest which that rascal sowed; | | 2H6 III.i.381 | |
For Humfrey; being dead, as he shall be, | For Humphrey being dead, as he shall be, | | 2H6 III.i.382 | |
And Henry put apart: the next for me. | And Henry put apart, the next for me. | | 2H6 III.i.383 | |
Exit. | Exit | | 2H6 III.i.383 | |