A Midsummer Night's Dream

Act I
scene III
Act II
scene III
Act IV
scene III
Act V
scene I
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the Clownes.Enter the clowns: Bottom, Quince, Snout, Starveling,clown (n.)
yokel, rustic, country bumpkin; also: low comic character [in a play]
MND III.i.1.1
Flute, and Snug MND III.i.1.2
Are we all met?Are we all met? MND III.i.1
Pat, pat, and here's a maruailous conuenient placePat, pat; and here's a marvellous convenient placepat (adv.)
spot on, on the dot, very timely
marvellous (adv.)

old form: maruailous
very, extremely, exceedingly
convenient (adj.)

old form: conuenient
fitting, suitable, appropriate
for our rehearsall. This greene plot shall be our stage, thisfor our rehearsal. This green plot shall be our stage, this MND III.i.3
hauthorne brake our tyring house, and we will do it inhawthorn brake our tiring-house, and we will do it intiring-house (n.)

old form: tyring house
dressing-room, theatrical green room
brake (n.)
bush, thicket
action, as we will do it before the Duke.action as we will do it before the Duke. MND III.i.5
Peter quince?Peter Quince! MND III.i.6
Peter. QUINCE 
What saist thou, bully Bottome?What sayest thou, Bully Bottom?bully (n./adj.)
[especially as a warm form of address] fine fellow, good friend
There are things in this Comedy of Piramus andThere are things in this comedy of Pyramus and MND III.i.8
Thisby, that will neuer please. First, Piramus must drawThisbe that will never please. First, Pyramus must draw MND III.i.9
a sword to kill himselfe; which the Ladies cannot abide.a sword to kill himself, which the ladies cannot abide. MND III.i.10
How answere you that?How answer you that? MND III.i.11
Snout. SNOUT 
Berlaken, a parlous feare.By 'r lakin, a parlous fear!parlous (adj.)
perilous, dangerous, hazardous
MND III.i.12
lakin (n.)
variant of 'lady' [Our Lady]
I beleeue we must leaue the killing out,I believe we must leave the killing out, MND III.i.13
when all is done.when all is done. MND III.i.14
Not a whit, I haue a deuice to make all well.Not a whit. I have a device to make all well. MND III.i.15
Write me a Prologue, and let the Prologue seeme to say,Write me a prologue, and let the prologue seem to say MND III.i.16
we will do no harme with our swords, and that Pyramuswe will do no harm with our swords, and that Pyramus MND III.i.17
is not kill'd indeede: and for the more better assurance,is not killed indeed; and for the more better assurance,assurance (n.)
security, certainty, confidence
MND III.i.18
tell them, that I Piramus am not Piramus, but Bottome tell them that I, Pyramus, am not Pyramus, but Bottom MND III.i.19
the Weauer; this will put them out of feare.the weaver. This will put them out of fear. MND III.i.20
Well, we will haue such a Prologue, and it shallWell, we will have such a prologue; and it shall MND III.i.21
be written in eight and sixe.be written in eight and six. MND III.i.22
No, make it two more, let it be written in eightNo, make it two more: let it be written in eight MND III.i.23
and eight.and eight. MND III.i.24
Snout. SNOUT 
Will not the Ladies be afear'd of the Lyon?Will not the ladies be afeard of the lion?afeard (adj.)

old form: afear'd
afraid, frightened, scared
MND III.i.25
I feare it, I promise you.I fear it, I promise you. MND III.i.26
Masters, you ought to consider with your selues, toMasters, you ought to consider with yourself, to MND III.i.27
bring in (God shield vs) a Lyon among Ladies, is a mostbring in – God shield us – a lion among ladies is a most MND III.i.28
dreadfull thing. For there is not a more fearefull wilde fouledreadful thing; for there is not a more fearful wildfowl MND III.i.29
then your Lyon liuing: and wee ought to looke to it.than your lion living; and we ought look to't. MND III.i.30
Snout. SNOUT 
Therefore another Prologue must tell he is not aTherefore another prologue must tell he is not a MND III.i.31
Lyon.lion. MND III.i.32
Nay, you must name his name, and halfe his faceNay, you must name his name, and half his face MND III.i.33
must be seene through the Lyons necke, and he himselfemust be seen through the lion's neck, and he himself MND III.i.34
must speake through, saying thus, or to the same defect;must speak through, saying thus, or to the same defect:defect (n.)
malapropism for ‘effect’
MND III.i.35
Ladies, or faire Ladies, I would wish you, or I would‘ Ladies ’, or ‘ Fair ladies – I would wish you ’, or ‘ I would MND III.i.36
request you, or I would entreat you, not to feare, not torequest you ’, or ‘ I would entreat you – not to fear, not to MND III.i.37
tremble: my life for yours. If you thinke I come hithertremble. My life for yours: if you think I come hither MND III.i.38
as a Lyon, it were pitty of my life. No, I am no such as a lion, it were pity of my life. No. I am no suchpity (n.)

old form: pitty
bad thing, sad fate, calamity [for]
MND III.i.39
thing, I am a man as other men are; and there indeedthing. I am a man, as other men are ’ – and there indeed  MND III.i.40
let / him name his name, and tell him plainly hee is Snug let him name his name, and tell them plainly he is Snug MND III.i.41
the ioyner.the joiner. MND III.i.42
Well, it shall be so; but there is two hard things,Well, it shall be so. But there is two hard things: MND III.i.43
that is, to bring the Moone-light into a chamber: for youthat is, to bring the moonlight into a chamber – for, you MND III.i.44
know Piramus and Thisby meete by Moone-light. know, Pyramus and Thisbe meet by moonlight. MND III.i.45
Doth the Moone shine that night wee play our play?Doth the moon shine that night we play our play? MND III.i.46
A Calender, a Calender, looke in the Almanack,A calendar, a calendar! Look in the almanac –  MND III.i.47
finde out Moone-shine, finde out Moone-shine. Enter Pucke.find out moonshine, find out moonshine! MND III.i.48
Yes, it doth shine that night.Yes, it doth shine that night. MND III.i.49
Why then may you leaue a casement of theWhy, then, may you leave a casement of thecasement (n.)
moveable section of a window, light
MND III.i.50
great chamber window (where we play) open, andGreat Chamber window – where we play – open, and MND III.i.51
the Moone may shine in at the casement.the moon may shine in at the casement. MND III.i.52
I, or else one must come in with a bush ofAy; or else one must come in with a bush of MND III.i.53
thorns and a lanthorne, and say he comes to disfigure, or tothorns and a lantern, and say he comes to disfigure or todisfigure (v.)
stand for, disguise, alter the appearance of
MND III.i.54
present the person of Moone-shine. Then there is anotherpresent the person of Moonshine. Then there is another MND III.i.55
thing, we must haue a wall in the great Chamber; for thing. We must have a wall in the Great Chamber; for MND III.i.56
Piramus and Thisby (saies the story) did talke through thePyramus and Thisbe, says the story, did talk through the MND III.i.57
chinke of a wall.chink of a wall. MND III.i.58
You can neuer bring in a wall. What say youYou can never bring in a wall. What say you, MND III.i.59
Bottome?Bottom? MND III.i.60
Some man or other must present wall, and letSome man or other must present Wall; and let MND III.i.61
him haue some Plaster, or some Lome, or some rough cast him have some plaster, or some loam, or some roughcast MND III.i.62
about him, to signifie wall; or let him hold his fingersabout him to signify Wall; and let him hold his fingers MND III.i.63
thus; and through that cranny shall Piramus and Thisby thus, and through that cranny shall Pyramus and Thisbe MND III.i.64
whisper.whisper. MND III.i.65
If that may be, then all is well. Come, sit downeIf that may be, then all is well. Come, sit down MND III.i.66
euery mothers sonne, and rehearse your parts. Piramus,every mother's son, and rehearse your parts. Pyramus, MND III.i.67
you begin; when you haue spoken your speech, enteryou begin. When you have spoken your speech, enter MND III.i.68
into that Brake, and so euery one according to his cue.into that brake; and so everyone according to his cue.brake (n.)
bush, thicket
MND III.i.69
Enter Robin.Enter Puck MND III.i.70.1
Rob. PUCK 
What hempen home-spuns haue we swaggering here,What hempen homespuns have we swaggering herehempen (adj.)
in clothing made of hemp, rustically attired
MND III.i.70
homespun (n.)
wearer of home-made clothing, rustic, yokel
So neere the Cradle of the Faierie Queene?So near the cradle of the Fairy Queen?cradle (n.)
place of repose, resting place
MND III.i.71
What, a Play toward? Ile be an auditor,What, a play toward! I'll be an auditor – toward (adv.)
impending, forthcoming, in preparation
MND III.i.72
An Actor too perhaps, if I see cause.An actor too, perhaps, if I see cause. MND III.i.73
Speake Piramus: Thisby stand forth.Speak, Pyramus! Thisbe, stand forth! MND III.i.74
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
Thisby, the flowers of odious sauors sweete.Thisbe, the flowers of odious savours sweet –  MND III.i.75
Odours, odours.Odours – odours! MND III.i.76
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
Odours sauors sweete,...odours savours sweet. MND III.i.77
So hath thy breath, my dearest Thisby deare.So hath thy breath, my dearest Thisbe dear. MND III.i.78
But harke, a voyce: stay thou but here a while,But hark, a voice. Stay thou but here awhile, MND III.i.79
And by and by I will to thee appeare. And by and by I will to thee appear. MND III.i.80
Exit. Pir.Exit MND III.i.80
Puck. PUCK 
A stranger Piramus, then ere plaid here.A stranger Pyramus than e'er played here. MND III.i.81
Exit MND III.i.81
This. FLUTE 
Must I speake now?Must I speak now? MND III.i.82
I marry must you. For you must vnderstand heAy, marry must you; for you must understand hemarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
MND III.i.83
goes but to see a noyse that he heard, and is to comegoes but to see a noise that he heard, and is to come MND III.i.84
againe. again. MND III.i.85
Thys. FLUTE as Thisbe 
Most radiant Piramus, most Lilly white of hue,Most radiant Pyramus, most lily-white of hue, MND III.i.86
Of colour like the red rose on triumphant bryer,Of colour like the red rose on triumphant briar, MND III.i.87
Most brisky Iuuenall, and eke most louely Iew,Most brisky juvenal, and eke most lovely Jew,eke (adv.)
[archaism] also, moreover, too
MND III.i.88
juvenal (n.)

old form: Iuuenall
youth, young man
brisky (adj.)
brisk, lively, sprightly
As true as truest horse, that yet would neuer tyre,As true as truest horse that yet would never tire, MND III.i.89
Ile meete thee Piramus, at Ninnies toombe.I'll meet thee, Pyramus, at Ninny's tomb –  MND III.i.90
Ninus toombe man: why, you must not speakeNinus' tomb ’, man! – Why, you must not speakNinus (n.)
[pron: 'niynus] founder of the Assyrian city of Nineveh
MND III.i.91
that yet; that you answere to Piramus: you speake allthat yet. That you answer to Pyramus. You speak all MND III.i.92
your part at once, cues and all. Piramus enter, youryour part at once, cues and all. Pyramus, enter – your MND III.i.93
cue is past; it is neuer tyre.cue is past. It is ‘ never tire.’ MND III.i.94
Thys. FLUTE 
O,O! MND III.i.95
( as Thisbe) MND III.i.96
as true as truest horse, that yet would neuer tyre:As true as truest horse, that yet would never tire. MND III.i.96
Enter Puck, and Bottom with an ass's head MND III.i.97
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
If I were faire, Thisby I were onely thine.If I were fair, fair Thisbe, I were only thine. MND III.i.97
O monstrous. O strange. We are hanted; prayO monstrous! O strange! We are haunted! Pray, MND III.i.98
masters, flye masters, helpe.masters! Fly, masters! Help! MND III.i.99
The Clownes all Exit. Exeunt Quince, Snug, Flute, Snout, and Starveling MND III.i.99
Puk. PUCK 
Ile follow you, Ile leade you about a Round,I'll follow you, I'll lead you about a round,round (n.)
circle dance, ring
MND III.i.100
Through bogge, through bush, through brake, through bryer,Thorough bog, thorough bush, thorough brake, thorough briar,brake (n.)
bush, thicket
MND III.i.101
Sometime a horse Ile be, sometime a hound: Sometime a horse I'll be, sometime a hound,sometime (adv.)
sometimes, now and then
MND III.i.102
A hogge, a headlesse beare, sometime a fire,A hog, a headless bear, sometime a fire,fire (n.)
will o' the wisp
MND III.i.103
And neigh, and barke, and grunt, and rore, and burne,And neigh, and bark, and grunt and roar and burn MND III.i.104
Like horse, hound, hog, beare, fire, at euery turne. Like horse, hound, hog, bear, fire at every turn. MND III.i.105
Exit. Enter Piramus with the Asse head.Exit MND III.i.105
Why do they run away? This is a knauery ofWhy do they run away? This is a knavery ofknavery (n.)

old form: knauery
roguish trick, rouguery, trickery
MND III.i.106
them to make me afeard. them to make me afeard.afeard (adj.)
afraid, frightened, scared
MND III.i.107
Enter Snowt. Enter Snout MND III.i.108
O Bottom, thou art chang'd; What doe I see onO Bottom, thou art changed. What do I see on MND III.i.108
thee?thee? MND III.i.109
What do you see? You see an Asse-head of yourWhat do you see? You see an ass head of your MND III.i.110
owne, do you?own, do you? MND III.i.111
Exit Snout MND III.i.111
Enter Peter Quince.Enter Quince MND III.i.112
Blesse thee Bottome, blesse thee; thou artBless thee, Bottom! Bless thee! Thou art MND III.i.112
translated. translated!translate (v.)
change, transform, alter
MND III.i.113
Exit.Exit MND III.i.113
I see their knauery; this is to make an asse of me,I see their knavery! This is to make an ass of me,knavery (n.)

old form: knauery
roguish trick, rouguery, trickery
MND III.i.114
to fright me if they could; but I will not stirre from thisto fright me, if they could; but I will not stir from thisfright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
MND III.i.115
place, do what they can. I will walke vp and downe here,place, do what they can. I will walk up and down here, MND III.i.116
and I will sing that they shall heare I am not afraid. and I will sing, that they shall hear I am not afraid. MND III.i.117
The Woosell cocke, so blacke of hew,(sings) The ousel cock so black of hue,ousel, woosel (n./adj.)

old form: Woosell
MND III.i.118
With Orenge-tawny bill.With orange-tawny bill, MND III.i.119
The Throstle, with his note so true,The throstle with his note so true,throstle (n.)
MND III.i.120
The Wren and little quill.The wren with little quill.quill (n.)
musical pipe, voice, note
MND III.i.121
little (adj.)
[of voices] small, tiny
(wakes) MND III.i.122
What Angell wakes me from my flowry bed?What angel wakes me from my flowery bed? MND III.i.122
(sings) MND III.i.123
The Finch, the Sparrow, and the Larke,The finch, the sparrow, and the lark, MND III.i.123
The plainsong Cuckow gray;The plainsong cuckoo grey,plainsong (adj.)
lacking ornament, melodically simple
MND III.i.124
Whose note full many a man doth marke,Whose note full many a man doth markmark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
MND III.i.125
And dares not answere, nay.And dares not answer ‘ Nay ’ MND III.i.126
For indeede, who would set his wit to so foolish a bird? – for, indeed, who would set his wit to so foolish a bird?wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
MND III.i.127
set (v.)
rate, stake, gamble
Who would giue a bird the lye, though he cry Cuckow,Who would give a bird the lie, though he cry ‘ cuckoo ’ MND III.i.128
neuer so?never so? MND III.i.129
I pray thee gentle mortall, sing againe,I pray thee, gentle mortal, sing again!gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
MND III.i.130
Mine eare is much enamored of thy note;Mine ear is much enamoured of thy note. MND III.i.131
So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape.So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape, MND III.i.132
And thy faire vertues force (perforce) doth moue me.And thy fair virtue's force perforce doth move mevirtue (n.)

old form: vertues
quality, accomplishment, ability
MND III.i.133
perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
On the first view to say, to sweare I loue thee.On the first view to say, to swear, I love thee. MND III.i.134
Me-thinkes mistresse, you should haue little reasonMethinks, mistress, you should have little reasonmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me-thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
MND III.i.135
for that: and yet to say the truth, reason and loue keepefor that. And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep MND III.i.136
little company together, now-adayes. The more the pittie,little company together nowadays – the more the pity MND III.i.137
that some honest neighbours will not make them friends.that some honest neighbours will not make them friends. MND III.i.138
Nay, I can gleeke vpon occasion. – Nay, I can gleek upon occasion.gleek (v.)

old form: gleeke
make a pointed joke, jest, gibe
MND III.i.139
Thou art as wise, as thou art beautifull.Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful. MND III.i.140
Not so neither: but if I had wit enough to getNot so, neither; but if I had wit enough to getwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
MND III.i.141
out of this wood, I haue enough to serue mine owne turne.out of this wood, I have enough to serve mine own turn. MND III.i.142
Out of this wood, do not desire to goe,Out of this wood do not desire to go! MND III.i.143
Thou shalt remaine here, whether thou wilt or no.Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no. MND III.i.144
I am a spirit of no common rate:I am a spirit of no common rate.rate (n.)
worth, value, merit
MND III.i.145
The Summer still doth tend vpon my state,The summer still doth tend upon my state,still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
MND III.i.146
And I doe loue thee; therefore goe with me,And I do love thee. Therefore go with me. MND III.i.147
Ile giue thee Fairies to attend on thee;I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee,attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
MND III.i.148
And they shall fetch thee Iewels from the deepe,And they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep, MND III.i.149
And sing, while thou on pressed flowers dost sleepe:And sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep; MND III.i.150
And I will purge thy mortall grossenesse so,And I will purge thy mortal grossness sogrossness (n.)

old form: grossenesse
material nature, bodily form
MND III.i.151
That thou shalt like an airie spirit go.That thou shalt like an airy spirit go. MND III.i.152
Enter Pease-blossome, Cobweb, Moth, Mustardseede, Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth, and Mustardseed! MND III.i.153
and foure Fairies.Enter the four Fairies MND III.i.154
Ready;Ready! MND III.i.154
and I,And I! MND III.i.155
and I,And I! MND III.i.156
and I,And I! MND III.i.157
ALL Fairies 
Where shall we go? Where shall we go? MND III.i.158
Be kinde and curteous to this Gentleman,Be kind and courteous to this gentleman. MND III.i.159
Hop in his walkes, and gambole in his eies,Hop in his walks and gambol in his eyes; MND III.i.160
Feede him with Apricocks, and Dewberries,Feed him with apricocks and dewberries,dewberry (n.)
species of blackberry
MND III.i.161
apricock (n.)
With purple Grapes, greene Figs, and Mulberries,With purple grapes, green figs, and mulberries. MND III.i.162
The honie-bags steale from the humble Bees,The honey bags steal from the humble bees, MND III.i.163
And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighes,And for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs MND III.i.164
And light them at the fierie-Glow-wormes eyes,And light them at the fiery glow-worms' eyes MND III.i.165
To haue my loue to bed, and to arise:To have my love to bed and to arise; MND III.i.166
And plucke the wings from painted Butterflies,And pluck the wings from painted butterflies MND III.i.167
To fan the Moone-beames from his sleeping eies.To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes. MND III.i.168
Nod to him Elues, and doe him curtesies.Nod to him, elves, and do him courtesies. MND III.i.169
Haile mortall, haile.Hail, mortal! MND III.i.170
Hail! MND III.i.171
2. Fai.MOTH 
Haile.Hail! MND III.i.172
Haile.Hail! MND III.i.173
I cry your worships mercy hartily; I beseechI cry your worships mercy, heartily. I beseech MND III.i.174
your worships name.your worship's name. MND III.i.175
Cobweb.Cobweb. MND III.i.176
I shall desire you of more acquaintance, goodI shall desire you of more acquaintance, gooddesire (v.)
request, wish, ask [for]
MND III.i.177
Master Cobweb: if I cut my finger, I shall make boldMaster Cobweb – if I cut my finger I shall make bold MND III.i.178
with you. Your name honest Gentleman?with you! – Your name, honest gentleman?honest (adj.)
honourable, respectable, upright
MND III.i.179
Pease blossome.Peaseblossom. MND III.i.180
I pray you commend mee to mistresse Squash,I pray you commend me to Mistress Squash,commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
MND III.i.181
your mother, and to master Peascod your father. Goodyour mother, and to Master Peascod, your father. Good MND III.i.182
master Pease-blossome, I shal desire of you more acquaintanceMaster Peaseblossom, I shall desire you of more acquaintance,desire (v.)
request, wish, ask [for]
MND III.i.183
Your name I beseech you sir?too. – Your name, I beseech you, sir? MND III.i.184
Mustard-seede.Mustardseed. MND III.i.185
Good master Mustard seede, I know yourGood Master Mustardseed, I know your MND III.i.186
patience well: that same cowardly gyant-like Oxe beefepatience well. That same cowardly, giantlike Oxbeef MND III.i.187
hath deuoured many a gentleman of your house. Ihath devoured many a gentleman of your house. I MND III.i.188
promise you, your kindred hath made my eyes waterpromise you, your kindred hath made my eyes water MND III.i.189
ere now. I desire you more acquaintance, good Masterere now. I desire your more acquaintance, good Master MND III.i.190
Mustard-seede.Mustardseed. MND III.i.191
Come waite vpon him, lead him to my bower.Come, wait upon him. Lead him to my bower. MND III.i.192
The Moone me-thinks, lookes with a watrie eie,The moon methinks looks with a watery eye;methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me-thinks
it seems / seemed to me
MND III.i.193
And when she weepes, weepe euerie little flower,And when she weeps, weeps every little flower, MND III.i.194
Lamenting some enforced chastitie.Lamenting some enforced chastity.enforced (adj.)
violated, assaulted, ravished
MND III.i.195
Tye vp my louers tongue, bring him silently. Tie up my lover's tongue; bring him silently. MND III.i.196
Exit.Exit Titania with Bottom and the Fairies MND III.i.196
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