The Tempest

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo.Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo Tem III.ii.1
Tell not me, when the But is out we willTell not me! When the butt is out we willout (adv.)
at an end, finished
Tem III.ii.1
butt (n.)

old form: But
large cask, barrel
drinke water, not a drop before; therefore beare vp, & drink water; not a drop before. Therefore, bear up andbear up (v.)

old form: beare vp
stay upright, not fall down
Tem III.ii.2
boord em' Seruant Monster, drinke to me.board 'em. Servant monster, drink to me.board (v.)

old form: boord
[nautical] get on board
Tem III.ii.3
Seruant Monster? the folly of this Iland,Servant monster? The folly of this island! Tem III.ii.4
they say there's but fiue vpon this Isle; we are three ofThey say there's but five upon this isle. We are three of Tem III.ii.5
them, if th' other two be brain'd like vs, the State totters.them. If th' other two be brained like us, the state totters.brained (adj.)

old form: brain'd
furnished with a brain, addle-brained
Tem III.ii.6
Drinke seruant Monster when I bid thee,Drink, servant monster, when I bid thee. Tem III.ii.7
thy eies are almost set in thy head.Thy eyes are almost set in thy head.set (adj.)
fixed, rigid, closed
Tem III.ii.8
Where should they bee set else? hee were aWhere should they be set else? He were a Tem III.ii.9
braue Monster indeede if they were set in his taile.brave monster indeed if they were set in his tail.brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Tem III.ii.10
My man-Monster hath drown'd his tongueMy man-monster hath drowned his tongue Tem III.ii.11
in sacke: for my part the Sea cannot drowne mee, I swam in sack. For my part, the sea cannot drown me. I swam,sack (n.)

old form: sacke
[type of] white wine
Tem III.ii.12
ere I could recouer the shore, fiue and thirtie Leagues offere I could recover the shore, five-and-thirty leagues offrecover (v.)

old form: recouer
reach, get to, make
Tem III.ii.13
and on, by this light thou shalt bee my Lieutenantand on. By this light, thou shalt be my lieutenant, Tem III.ii.14
Monster, or my, or my standard.standard (n.)
ensign, flagbearer, standard-bearer
Tem III.ii.15
Your Lieutenant if you list, hee's no standard.Your lieutenant, if you list; he's no standard.list (v.)
wish, like, please
Tem III.ii.16
Weel not run Monsieur Monster.We'll not run, Monsieur (v.)
run away [from battle]
Tem III.ii.17
Nor go neither: but you'l lie like dogs, andNor go neither; but you'll lie like dogs, and Tem III.ii.18
yet say nothing neither.yet say nothing neither. Tem III.ii.19
Moone-calfe, speak once in thy life, if thou beestMooncalf, speak once in thy life, if thou beestmooncalf (n.)

old form: Moone-calfe
monstrosity, misshapen creature, monster
Tem III.ii.20
a good Moone-calfe.a good mooncalf. Tem III.ii.21
How does thy honour? Let me licke thy shooe:How does thy honour? Let me lick thy shoe. Tem III.ii.22
Ile not serue him, he is not valiant.I'll not serve him: he is not valiant. Tem III.ii.23
Thou liest most ignorant Monster, I am inThou liest, most ignorant monster! I am in Tem III.ii.24
case to iustle a Constable: why, thou debosh'd Fishcase to justle a constable. Why, thou deboshed fish,justle (v.)

old form: iustle
jostle, hustle, elbow
Tem III.ii.25
deboshed, deboyst (adj.)

old form: debosh'd
debauched, corrupted, depraved
case (n.)
fit state, state of readiness
thou, was there euer man a Coward, that hath drunk sothou, was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so Tem III.ii.26
much Sacke as I to day? wilt thou tell a monstrous lie,much sack as I today? Wilt thou tell a monstrous lie, Tem III.ii.27
being but halfe a Fish, and halfe a Monster?being but half a fish and half a monster? Tem III.ii.28
Loe, how he mockes me, wilt thou let him myLo, how he mocks me! Wilt thou let him, my Tem III.ii.29
Lord?lord? Tem III.ii.30
Lord, quoth he? that a Monster should be‘ Lord,’ quoth he! That a monster should bequoth (v.)
Tem III.ii.31
such a Naturall?such a natural!natural (n.)

old form: Naturall
congenital idiot, half-wit, fool
Tem III.ii.32
Loe, loe againe: bite him to death I prethee.Lo, lo, again! Bite him to death, I prithee. Tem III.ii.33
Trinculo, keepe a good tongue in your head:Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head. Tem III.ii.34
If you proue a mutineere, the next Tree: the pooreIf you prove a mutineer – the next tree! The poor Tem III.ii.35
Monster's my subiect, and he shall not suffer's my subject, and he shall not suffer indignity. Tem III.ii.36
I thanke my noble Lord. Wilt thou be pleas'd toI thank my noble lord. Wilt thou be pleased to Tem III.ii.37
hearken once againe to the suite I made to thee?hearken once again to the suit I made to thee?suit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
Tem III.ii.38
hearken (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
Marry will I: kneele, and repeate it, I willMarry, will I. Kneel, and repeat it. I willmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
Tem III.ii.39
stand, and so shall Trinculo.stand, and so shall Trinculo. Tem III.ii.40
Enter Ariell inuisible.Enter Ariel, invisible Tem III.ii.41
As I told thee before, I am subiect to a Tirant,As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant, Tem III.ii.41
A Sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me / Of thea sorcerer, that by his cunning hath cheated me of the Tem III.ii.42
Island.island. Tem III.ii.43
Thou lyest.Thou liest. Tem III.ii.44
(to Trinculo) Tem III.ii.45
Thou lyest, thou iesting Monkey thou:Thou liest, thou jesting monkey, thou. Tem III.ii.45
I would my valiant Master would destroy thee.I would my valiant master would destroy thee! Tem III.ii.46
I do not lye.I do not lie. Tem III.ii.47
Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in'sTrinculo, if you trouble him any more in's Tem III.ii.48
tale, / By this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth.tale, by this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth.supplant (v.)
get rid of, root out
Tem III.ii.49
Why, I said nothing.Why, I said nothing. Tem III.ii.50
Mum then, and no more: proceed.Mum, then, and no more. Proceed!mum (int.)
be quiet, shush
Tem III.ii.51
I say by Sorcery he got this IsleI say, by sorcery he got this isle; Tem III.ii.52
From me, he got it. If thy Greatnesse willFrom me he got it. If thy greatness will Tem III.ii.53
Reuenge it on him, (for I know thou dar'st)Revenge it on him – for I know thou dar'st, Tem III.ii.54
But this Thing dare not.But this thing dare not –  Tem III.ii.55
That's most certaine.That's most certain. Tem III.ii.56
Thou shalt be Lord of it, and Ile serue thee.Thou shalt be lord of it, and I'll serve thee. Tem III.ii.57
How now shall this be compast? / CanstHow now shall this be compassed? Canstcompass (v.)

old form: compast
accomplish, fulfil, achieve, bring about
Tem III.ii.58
thou bring me to the party?thou bring me to the party?party (n.)
person, fellow
Tem III.ii.59
Yea, yea my Lord, Ile yeeld him thee asleepe,Yea, yea, my lord, I'll yield him thee asleep,yield (v.)

old form: yeeld
hand over, give up, deliver
Tem III.ii.60
Where thou maist knocke a naile into his head.Where thou mayst knock a nail into his head. Tem III.ii.61
Thou liest, thou canst not.Thou liest, thou canst not. Tem III.ii.62
What a py'de Ninnie's this? Thou scuruy patch:What a pied ninny's this! Thou scurvy patch!ninny (n.)

old form: Ninnie
simpleton, fool
Tem III.ii.63
pied (adj.)

old form: py'de
of different colours, multi-coloured
patch (n.)
fool, clown; rogue, knave
scurvy (adj.)

old form: scuruy
contemptible, despicable, wretched
I do beseech thy Greatnesse giue him blowes,I do beseech thy greatness give him blows, Tem III.ii.64
And take his bottle from him: When that's gone,And take his bottle from him. When that's gone, Tem III.ii.65
He shall drinke nought but brine, for Ile not shew himHe shall drink naught but brine, for I'll not show himbrine (n.)
sea water, sea
Tem III.ii.66
Where the quicke Freshes are.Where the quick freshes are.quick (adj.)

old form: quicke
running, flowing, gushing
Tem III.ii.67
fresh (n.)
freshwater stream, fresh spring
Trinculo, run into no further danger: InterruptTrinculo, run into no further danger. Interrupt Tem III.ii.68
the Monster one word further, and by this hand,the monster one word further and, by this hand, Tem III.ii.69
Ile turne my mercie out o' doores, and make a / Stockfish ofI'll turn my mercy out o' doors, and make a stockfish ofstockfish (n.)
dried cod
Tem III.ii.70
thee.thee. Tem III.ii.71
Why, what did I? I did nothing: Ile goWhy, what did I? I did nothing. I'll go Tem III.ii.72
farther off.farther off. Tem III.ii.73
Didst thou not say he lyed?Didst thou not say he lied? Tem III.ii.74
Thou liest.Thou liest. Tem III.ii.75
Do I so? Take thou that,Do I so? Take thou that! Tem III.ii.76
He strikes Trinculo Tem III.ii.77
As you like this, giue me the lye another time.As you like this, give me the lie another time. Tem III.ii.77
I did not giue the lie: Out o'your wittes, andI did not give the lie. Out o' your wits, and Tem III.ii.78
hearing too? A pox o'your bottle, this can Sacke andhearing too? A pox o' your bottle! This can sack andpox (n.)
venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
Tem III.ii.79
drinking doo: A murren on your Monster, and the diuelldrinking do. A murrain on your monster, and the devilmurrain (n.)

old form: murren
plague, pestilence
Tem III.ii.80
take your fingers.take your fingers! Tem III.ii.81
Ha, ha, ha.Ha, ha, ha! Tem III.ii.82
Now forward with your Tale: prethee standNow forward with your tale. – Prithee, stand Tem III.ii.83
further off.further off. Tem III.ii.84
Beate him enough: after a little timeBeat him enough. After a little time, Tem III.ii.85
Ile beate him too.I'll beat him too. Tem III.ii.86
Stand farther: Come proceede.Stand farther. – Come, proceed. Tem III.ii.87
Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custome with himWhy, as I told thee, 'tis a custom with him Tem III.ii.88
I'th afternoone to sleepe: there thou maist braine him,I'th' afternoon to sleep. There thou mayst brain him, Tem III.ii.89
Hauing first seiz'd his bookes: Or with a loggeHaving first seized his books; or with a log Tem III.ii.90
Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake,Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake,paunch (v.)
stab in the paunch, wound in the stomach
Tem III.ii.91
Or cut his wezand with thy knife. RememberOr cut his weasand with thy knife. Rememberweasand, wezand (n.)
throat, windpipe, gullet
Tem III.ii.92
First to possesse his Bookes; for without themFirst to possess his books, for without them Tem III.ii.93
Hee's but a Sot, as I am; nor hath notHe's but a sot, as I am, nor hath notsot (n.)
blockhead, idiot, dolt
Tem III.ii.94
One Spirit to command: they all do hate himOne spirit to command. They all do hate him Tem III.ii.95
As rootedly as I. Burne but his Bookes,As rootedly as I. Burn but his books.rootedly (adv.)
deep-seatedly, in an entrenched way
Tem III.ii.96
He ha's braue Vtensils (for so he calles them)He has brave utensils, for so he calls them,utensil (n.)

old form: Vtensils
household goods, domestic furnishing; or: implement [for magic]
Tem III.ii.97
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Which when he ha's a house, hee'l decke withall.Which, when he has a house, he'll deck withal.deck (v.)

old form: decke
cover, adorn, decorate
Tem III.ii.98
And that most deeply to consider, isAnd that most deeply to consider is Tem III.ii.99
The beautie of his daughter: he himselfeThe beauty of his daughter. He himself Tem III.ii.100
Cals her a non-pareill: I neuer saw a womanCalls her a nonpareil. I never saw a womannonpareil (n.)

old form: non-pareill
person without equal, unique one, paragon
Tem III.ii.101
But onely Sycorax my Dam, and she;But only Sycorax my dam and she;dam (n.)
Tem III.ii.102
But she as farre surpasseth Sycorax,But she as far surpasseth Sycorax Tem III.ii.103
As great'st do's least.As great'st does least. Tem III.ii.104.1
Is it so braue a Lasse?Is it so brave a lass?brave (adj.)
noble, worthy, excellent
Tem III.ii.104.2
I Lord, she will become thy bed, I warrant,Ay, lord. She will become thy bed, I warrant,warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
Tem III.ii.105
become (v.)
grace, honour, dignify
And bring thee forth braue brood.And bring thee forth brave brood.brood (n.)
children, offspring
Tem III.ii.106
Monster, I will kill this man: his daughterMonster, I will kill this man. His daughter Tem III.ii.107
and I will be King and Queene, saue our Graces: andand I will be King and Queen – save our graces! – and Tem III.ii.108
Trinculo and thy selfe shall be Vice-royes: Dost thou likeTrinculo and thyself shall be viceroys. Dost thou likeviceroy (n.)

old form: Vice-royes
substitute ruler, deputy monarch
Tem III.ii.109
the plot Trinculo?the plot, Trinculo?plot (n.)
plan, scheme, stratagem
Tem III.ii.110
Excellent.Excellent. Tem III.ii.111
Giue me thy hand, I am sorry I beate thee:Give me thy hand. I am sorry I beat thee; Tem III.ii.112
But while thou liu'st keepe a good tongue in thy head.but, while thou livest, keep a good tongue in thy head. Tem III.ii.113
Within this halfe houre will he be asleepe,Within this half-hour will he be asleep. Tem III.ii.114
Wilt thou destroy him then?Wilt thou destroy him then? Tem III.ii.115.1
I on mine honour.Ay, on mine honour. Tem III.ii.115.2
This will I tell my Master.This will I tell my master. Tem III.ii.116
Thou mak'st me merry: I am full of pleasure,Thou mak'st me merry. I am full of pleasure. Tem III.ii.117
Let vs be iocond. Will you troule the CatchLet us be jocund! Will you troll the catchjocund (adj.)

old form: iocond
merry, joyful, cheerful
Tem III.ii.118
troll (v.)

old form: troule
sing out, sing merrily
catch (n.)
musical round
You taught me but whileare?You taught me but while-ere?while-ere (adv.)

old form: whileare
a while before, a short time ago
Tem III.ii.119
At thy request Monster, I will do reason, / AnyAt thy request, monster, I will do reason, anyreason (n.)
reasonable treatment, justified course of action
Tem III.ii.120
reason: Come on Trinculo, let vs sing.reason. Come on, Trinculo, let us sing. Tem III.ii.121
Sings.Sings Tem III.ii.122.1
Flout 'em, and cout 'em: Flout 'em and scout 'em,flout (v.)
insult, abuse, mock
Tem III.ii.122
scout (v.)
mock, deride, ridicule
and skowt 'em, and flout 'em, And scout 'em and flout 'em! Tem III.ii.123
Thought is free. Thought is free. Tem III.ii.124
That's not the tune.That's not the tune. Tem III.ii.125
Ariell plaies the tune on a Tabor and Pipe.Ariel plays the tune on a tabor and pipetabor (n.)
type of small drum, especially used in revelling
Tem III.ii.126
What is this same?What is this same? Tem III.ii.126
This is the tune of our Catch, plaid by theThis is the tune of our catch, played by thecatch (n.)
musical round
Tem III.ii.127
picture of No-body.picture of Nobody. Tem III.ii.128
If thou beest a man, shew thy selfe in thy likenes:If thou beest a man, show thyself in thy likeness. Tem III.ii.129
If thou beest a diuell, take't as thou list.If thou beest a devil, take't as thou list.list (v.)
wish, like, please
Tem III.ii.130
O forgiue me my sinnes.O, forgive me my sins! Tem III.ii.131
He that dies payes all debts: I defie thee;He that dies pays all debts. I defy thee. Tem III.ii.132
Mercy vpon vs.Mercy upon us! Tem III.ii.133
Art thou affeard?Art thou afeard?afeard (adj.)

old form: affeard
afraid, frightened, scared
Tem III.ii.134
No Monster, not I.No, monster, not I. Tem III.ii.135
Be not affeard, the Isle is full of noyses,Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises,noise (n.)

old form: noyses
musical sounds, melodious noises
Tem III.ii.136
Sounds, and sweet aires, that giue delight and hurt not:Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Tem III.ii.137
Sometimes a thousand twangling InstrumentsSometimes a thousand twangling instrumentstwangling (adj.)
twanging, resounding, jingling
Tem III.ii.138
Will hum about mine eares; and sometime voices,Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices Tem III.ii.139
That if I then had wak'd after long sleepe,That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Tem III.ii.140
Will make me sleepe againe, and then in dreaming,Will make me sleep again; and then, in dreaming, Tem III.ii.141
The clouds methought would open, and shew richesThe clouds methought would open, and show richesmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)
it seems / seemed to me
Tem III.ii.142
Ready to drop vpon me, that when I wak'dReady to drop upon me, that when I waked Tem III.ii.143
I cri'de to dreame againe.I cried to dream again. Tem III.ii.144
This will proue a braue kingdome to me, / WhereThis will prove a brave kingdom to me, wherebrave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Tem III.ii.145
I shall haue my Musicke for nothing.I shall have my music for nothing. Tem III.ii.146
When Prospero is destroy'd.When Prospero is destroyed. Tem III.ii.147
That shall be by and by: I remember theThat shall be by and by. I remember theby and by (adv.)
immediately, straightaway, directly
Tem III.ii.148
storie.story. Tem III.ii.149
The sound is going away, / Lets follow it, andThe sound is going away. Let's follow it, and Tem III.ii.150
after do our worke.after do our work. Tem III.ii.151
Leade Monster, / Wee'l follow: I would I couldLead, monster; we'll follow. I would I could Tem III.ii.152
see this Taborer, / He layes it on.see this taborer! He lays it on.taborer (n.)
player of a tabor
Tem III.ii.153
lay on / upon (v.)

old form: layes
set to, set about, undertake vigorously
Wilt come? Ile follow Stephano.Wilt come? – I'll follow, Stephano. Tem III.ii.154
Exeunt.Exeunt Tem III.ii.154
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