King Edward III

Modern text


Key line

Enter two French men, a woman and two little Children, meet them another Citizens.Enter two Frenchmen; a woman and two little children meet them, and other citizens E3 III.ii.1
Wel met my masters: how now, whats the newes,Well met, my masters. How now, what's the news, E3 III.ii.1
And wherefore are ye laden thus with stuffe:And wherefore are ye laden thus with stuff? E3 III.ii.2
What is it quarter daie that you remoue,What, is it quarter day that you remove,quarter day

old form: daie
[day marking a quarter of the year, when house tenancies would change] removal day
E3 III.ii.3
And carrie bag and baggage too?And carry bag and baggage too? E3 III.ii.4
Quarter day, I and quartering pay I feare:Quarter day? Ay, and quartering day, I fear.quartering (adj.)
for cutting into quarters, dismembering
E3 III.ii.5
Haue we not heard the newes that flies abroad?Have ye not heard the news that flies abroad? E3 III.ii.6
What newes?What news? E3 III.ii.7
How the French Nauy is destroyd at Sea,How the French navy is destroyed at sea, E3 III.ii.8
And that the English Armie is arriued.And that the English army is arrived. E3 III.ii.9
What then?What then? E3 III.ii.10
What then quoth you? why ist not time to flie,What then, quoth you? Why, is't not time to fly,quoth (v.)
E3 III.ii.11
When enuie and destruction is so nigh,When envy and destruction is so nigh?envy (n.)

old form: enuie
malice, ill-will, enmity
E3 III.ii.12
Content thee man, they are farre enough from hence,Content thee, man; they are far enough from hence,content (v.)
calm [down], settle, relax
E3 III.ii.13
And will be met I warrant ye to their cost,And will be met, I warrant ye, to their cost,warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
E3 III.ii.14
Before they breake so far into the Realme.Before they break so far into the realm. E3 III.ii.15
I so the Grashopper doth spend the time,Ay, so the grasshopper doth spend the time E3 III.ii.16
In mirthfull iollitie till Winter come,In mirthful jollity till winter come, E3 III.ii.17
And then too late he would redeeme his time,And then too late he would redeem his time, redeem (v.)

old form: redeeme
[of time lost] get back, buy back, make amends for
E3 III.ii.18
When frozen cold hath nipt his carelesse head:When frozen cold hath nipped his careless head.careless (adj.)

old form: carelesse
negligent, improvident, neglectful
E3 III.ii.19
He that no sooner will prouide a Cloake,He that no sooner will provide a cloak E3 III.ii.20
Then when he sees it doth begin to raigne,Than when he sees it doth begin to rain E3 III.ii.21
May peraduenture for his negilgence,May, peradventure, for his negligence,peradventure (adv.)

old form: peraduenture
perhaps, maybe, very likely
E3 III.ii.22
Be throughly washed when he suspects it not,Be throughly washed when he suspects it not.throughly (adv.)
thoroughly, fully, completely
E3 III.ii.23
We that haue charge, and such a trayne as this,We that have charge and such a train as thistrain (n.)

old form: trayne
set of dependents, group of people
E3 III.ii.24
Must looke in time, to looke for them and vs,Must look in time to look for them and us,look for (v.)

old form: looke
be watchful for, look after
E3 III.ii.25
Least when we would, we cannot be relieued.Lest, when we would, we cannot be relieved. E3 III.ii.26
Be like you then dispaire of ill successe,Belike you then despair of ill success,ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
E3 III.ii.27
success (n.)

old form: successe
result, outcome, issue
belike (adv.)

old form: Be like
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
And thinke your Country will be subiugate.And think your country will be subjugate. E3 III.ii.28
We cannot tell, tis good to feare the worst.We cannot tell; 'tis good to fear the worst. E3 III.ii.29
Yet rather fight, then like vnnaturall sonnes,Yet rather fight than, like unnatural sons, E3 III.ii.30
For sake your louing parents in distresse.Forsake your loving parents in distress. E3 III.ii.31
Tush they that haue already taken armes,Tush, they that have already taken arms E3 III.ii.32
Are manie fearefull millions in respectAre many fearful millions, in respectfearful (adj.)

old form: fearefull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
E3 III.ii.33
Of that small handfull of our enimies:Of that small handful of our enemies. E3 III.ii.34
But tis a rightfull quarrell must preuaile,But 'tis a rightful quarrel must prevail: E3 III.ii.35
Edward is sonnne vnto our late kings sister,Edward is son unto our late king's sister, E3 III.ii.36
Where Iohn Valoys, is three degrees remoued.Where John Valois is three degrees removed. E3 III.ii.37
Besides, there goes a Prophesie abroad,Besides, there goes a prophecy abroad, E3 III.ii.38
Published by one that was a Fryer once,Published by one that was a friar once, E3 III.ii.39
Whose Oracles haue many times prooued true,Whose oracles have many times proved true; E3 III.ii.40
And now he sayes the tyme will shortly come,And now he says, the time will shortly come E3 III.ii.41
When as a Lyon rowsed in the west,Whenas a lion roused in the westwhenas, when as (conj.)
when, at the time when
E3 III.ii.42
Shall carie hence the fluerdeluce of France,Shall carry hence the fleur-de-lis of France.fleur-de-lis, flower-de-luce (n.)

old form: fluerdeluce
heraldic lily [royal symbol of France]
E3 III.ii.43
These I can tell yee and such like surmises,These, I can tell ye, and such like surmisessurmise (n.)
idea, imagining, conjecture
E3 III.ii.44
like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Strike many french men cold vnto the heart:Strike many Frenchmen cold unto the heart. E3 III.ii.45
Enter a French man.Enter a Frenchman E3 III.ii.46
Flie cuntry men and cytizens of France,Fly, countrymen and citizens of France! E3 III.ii.46
Sweete flowring peace the roote of happie life,Sweet flow'ring peace, the root of happy life, E3 III.ii.47
Is quite abandoned and expulst the lande,Is quite abandoned and expulsed the land;expulse (v.)

old form: expulst
expel, drive out, banish
E3 III.ii.48
In sted of whome ransackt constraining warre,Instead of whom, ransack-constraining warransack-constraining (adj.)that makes plundering unavoidableE3 III.ii.49
Syts like to Rauens vppon your houses topps,Sits like to ravens upon your houses' tops;like to / unto (conj./prep.)
similar to, comparable with
E3 III.ii.50
Slaughter and mischiefe walke within your streets.Slaughter and mischief walk within your streets,mischief (n.)

old form: mischiefe
wicked action, evil deed, harmful scheme
E3 III.ii.51
And vnrestrained make hauock as they passe,And unrestrained make havoc as they pass, E3 III.ii.52
The forme whereof euen now my selfe beheld,The form whereof even now myself beheld E3 III.ii.53
Vpon this faire mountaine whence I came,Upon this fair mountain whence I came. E3 III.ii.54
For so far of as I directed mine eies,For so far off as I direct'd mine eyes, E3 III.ii.55
I might perceaue fiue Cities all on fire,I might perceive five cities all on fire, E3 III.ii.56
Corne fieldes and vineyards burning like an ouen,Cornfields and vineyards burning like an oven; E3 III.ii.57
And as the leaking vapour in the wind,And as the leaking vapour in the windleaking (adj.)
issuing forth, rising, surging
E3 III.ii.58
vapour (n.)
I tourned but a side I like wise might disserne.Turned but aside, I likewise might discern E3 III.ii.59
The poore inhabitants escapt the flame,The poor inhabitants, escaped the flame, E3 III.ii.60
Fall numberles vpon the souldiers pikes,Fall numberless upon the soldiers' pikes.pike, pick (n.)
weapon with a long handle ending in a spearhead
E3 III.ii.61
Three waies these dredfull ministers of wrath,Three ways these dreadful ministers of wrath E3 III.ii.62
Do tread the measuers of their tragicke march,Do tread the measures of their tragic march:measure (n.)

old form: measuers
slow stately dance, graceful movement
E3 III.ii.63
Vpon the right hand comes the conquering King,Upon the right hand comes the conquering King, E3 III.ii.64
Vpon the lefte is hot vnbridled sonne,Upon the left his hot unbridled son, E3 III.ii.65
And in the midst our nations glittering hoast,And in the midst our nation's glittering host;host (n.)

old form: hoast
army, armed multitude
E3 III.ii.66
All which though distant yet conspire in one,All which, though distant, yet conspire in one E3 III.ii.67
To leaue a desolation where they come,To leave a desolation where they come. E3 III.ii.68
Flie therefore Citizens if you be wise,Fly therefore, citizens, if you be wise, E3 III.ii.69
Seeke out som habitation further of,Seek out some habitation further off. E3 III.ii.70
Here if you staie your wiues will be abused,Here, if you stay, your wives will be abused, E3 III.ii.71
Your treasure sharde before your weeping eies,Your treasure shared before your weeping eyes. E3 III.ii.72
Shelter you your selues for now the storme doth rise,Shelter yourselves, for now the storm doth rise. E3 III.ii.73
Away, away, me thinks I heare their drums,Away, away! Methinks I hear their drums. – methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinks
it seems / seemed to me
E3 III.ii.74
Ah wreched France, I greatly feare thy fal,Ah, wretched France, I greatly fear thy fall: E3 III.ii.75
Thy glory shaketh like a tottering wall.Thy glory shaketh like a tottering wall. E3 III.ii.76
Exeunt E3 III.ii.76
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