The Merchant of Venice

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Bassanio, Portia, Gratiano, and all Enter Bassanio, Portia, Gratiano, Nerissa, and all MV III.ii.1.1
their traine.their trains MV III.ii.1.2
I pray you tarrie, pause a day or twoI pray you tarry, pause a day or twotarry (v.)

old form: tarrie
stay, remain, linger
MV III.ii.1
Before you hazard, for in choosing wrongBefore you hazard, for in choosing wronghazard (v.)
expose to risk, take one's chance [of]
MV III.ii.2
I loose your companie; therefore forbeare a while,I lose your company. Therefore forbear awhile.forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
control oneself, have patience [for]
MV III.ii.3
There's something tels me (but it is not loue)There's something tells me, but it is not love, MV III.ii.4
I would not loose you, and you know your selfe,I would not lose you; and you know yourself MV III.ii.5
Hate counsailes not in such a quallitie;Hate counsels not in such a quality.quality (n.)

old form: quallitie
nature, disposition, character
MV III.ii.6
But least you should not vnderstand me well,But lest you should not understand me well – MV III.ii.7
And yet a maiden hath no tongue, but thought,And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought – MV III.ii.8
I would detaine you here some month or twoI would detain you here some month or two MV III.ii.9
Before you venture for me. I could teach youBefore you venture for me. I could teach you MV III.ii.10
How to choose right, but then I am forsworne,How to choose right, but then I am forsworn.forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
MV III.ii.11
So will I neuer be, so may you misse me,So will I never be. So may you miss me. MV III.ii.12
But if you doe, youle make me wish a sinne,But if you do, you'll make me wish a sin, MV III.ii.13
That I had beene forsworne: Beshrow your eyes,That I had been forsworn. Beshrew your eyes!beshrew, 'shrew (v.)

old form: Beshrow
curse, devil take, evil befall
MV III.ii.14
They haue ore-lookt me and deuided me,They have o'erlooked me and divided me;overlook (v.)

old form: ore-lookt
bewitch, subject to magic
MV III.ii.15
One halfe of me is yours, the other halfe yours,One half of me is yours, the other half yours, MV III.ii.16
Mine owne I would say: but of mine then yours,Mine own I would say; but if mine then yours, MV III.ii.17
And so all yours; O these naughtie timesAnd so all yours. O these naughty timesnaughty (adj.)

old form: naughtie
wicked, evil, vile
MV III.ii.18
Puts bars betweene the owners and their rights.Put bars between the owners and their (n.)
objection, impediment
MV III.ii.19
And so though yours, not yours (proue it so)And so, though yours, not yours. Prove it so, MV III.ii.20
Let Fortune goe to hell for it, not I.Let fortune go to hell for it, not I. MV III.ii.21
I speake too long, but 'tis to peize the time,I speak too long, but 'tis to piece the time,peise (v.)

old form: peize
weigh down, burden, load
MV III.ii.22
piece (v.)
prolong, extend, drag out
To ich it, and to draw it out in length,To eke it and to draw it out in length,eke, eke out (v.)

old form: ich
add to, increase, supplement
MV III.ii.23
To stay you from election.To stay you from election.election (n.)
choice, preference
MV III.ii.24.1
stay (v.)
dissuade, stop, prevent
Let me choose,Let me choose, MV III.ii.24.2
For as I am, I liue vpon the racke.For as I am, I live upon the rack.rack (n.)

old form: racke
machine of torture which stretches the limbs
MV III.ii.25
Vpon the racke Bassanio, then confesseUpon the rack, Bassanio? Then confess MV III.ii.26
What treason there is mingled with your loue.What treason there is mingled with your love. MV III.ii.27
None but that vglie treason of mistrust.None but that ugly treason of mistrust MV III.ii.28
Which makes me feare the enioying of my loue:Which makes me fear th' enjoying of my love.fear (v.)

old form: feare
fear for, worry about, be anxious about
MV III.ii.29
There may as well be amitie and life,There may as well be amity and life MV III.ii.30
'Tweene snow and fire, as treason and my loue.'Tween snow and fire, as treason and my love. MV III.ii.31
I, but I feare you speake vpon the racke,Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rack, MV III.ii.32
Where men enforced doth speake any thing.Where men enforced do speak anything. MV III.ii.33
Promise me life, and ile confesse the truth.Promise me life and I'll confess the truth. MV III.ii.34
Well then, confesse and liue.Well then, confess and live. MV III.ii.35.1
Confesse and loueConfess and love MV III.ii.35.2
Had beene the verie sum of my confession:Had been the very sum of my confession. MV III.ii.36
O happie torment, when my torturerO happy torment, when my torturer MV III.ii.37
Doth teach me answers for deliuerance:Doth teach me answers for deliverance. MV III.ii.38
But let me to my fortune and the caskets.But let me to my fortune and the caskets. MV III.ii.39
Away then, I am lockt in one of them,Away then, I am locked in one of them; MV III.ii.40
If you doe loue me, you will finde me out.If you do love me, you will find me out. MV III.ii.41
Nerryssa and the rest, stand all aloofe,Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof.aloof (adv.)

old form: aloofe
a short distance away, to one side
MV III.ii.42
Let musicke sound while he doth make his choise,Let music sound while he doth make his choice, MV III.ii.43
Then if he loose he makes a Swan-like end,Then if he lose he makes a swanlike end, MV III.ii.44
Fading in musique. That the comparisonFading in music. That the comparison MV III.ii.45
May stand more proper, my eye shall be the streameMay stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream MV III.ii.46
And watrie death-bed for him: he may win,And watery deathbed for him. He may win, MV III.ii.47
And what is musique than? Than musique isAnd what is music then? Then music is MV III.ii.48
Euen as the flourish, when true subiects boweEven as the flourish when true subjects bow MV III.ii.49
To a new crowned Monarch: Such it is,To a new-crowned monarch. Such it is MV III.ii.50
As are those dulcet sounds in breake of day,As are those dulcet sounds in break of day MV III.ii.51
That creepe into the dreaming bride-groomes eare,That creep into the dreaming bridegroom's ear MV III.ii.52
And summon him to marriage. Now he goesAnd summon him to marriage. Now he goes, MV III.ii.53
With no lesse presence, but with much more loueWith no less presence but with much more lovepresence (n.)
appearance, bearing, demeanour
MV III.ii.54
Then yong Alcides, when he did redeemeThan young Alcides when he did redeemAlcides (n.)
[pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus
MV III.ii.55
The virgine tribute, paied by howling TroyThe virgin tribute paid by howling TroyTroy (n.)
ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion
MV III.ii.56
To the Sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice,To the sea-monster. I stand for sacrifice; MV III.ii.57
The rest aloofe are the Dardanian wiues:The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives,Dardanian (adj.)
poetic name for someone or something to do with Troy
MV III.ii.58
With bleared visages come forth to viewWith bleared visages come forth to viewvisage (n.)
face, countenance
MV III.ii.59
bleared (adj.)
blear-eyed, tear-dimmed
The issue of th' exploit: Goe Hercules,The issue of th' exploit. Go, Hercules;issue (n.)
outcome, result, consequence(s)
MV III.ii.60
Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
Liue thou, I liue with much more dismayLive thou, I live. With much, much more dismay MV III.ii.61
I view the sight, then thou that mak'st the fray.I view the fight than thou that mak'st the fray. MV III.ii.62
Here Musicke. A Song the whilst Bassanio comments on the Caskets to A song the whilst Bassanio comments on the caskets to MV III.ii.63.1
himselfe.himself MV III.ii.63.2
Tell me where is fancie bred,Tell me where is fancy bred,fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
love, amorousness, infatuation
MV III.ii.63
Or in the heart, or in the head:Or in the heart, or in the head? MV III.ii.64
How begot, how nourished. How begot, how nourished?beget (v.), past form begot
produce, engender, give rise to
MV III.ii.65
Replie, replie.Reply, reply. MV III.ii.66
It is engendred in the eyes,It is engendered in the eyes, MV III.ii.67
With gazing fed, and Fancie dies,With gazing fed, and fancy dies MV III.ii.68
In the cradle where it lies:In the cradle where it lies. MV III.ii.69
Let vs all ring Fancies knell.Let us all ring fancy's knell. MV III.ii.70
Ile begin it. Ding, dong, bell.I'll begin it – Ding, dong, bell. MV III.ii.71
All. ALL 
Ding, dong, bell.Ding, dong, bell. MV III.ii.72
So may the outward showes be least themseluesSo may the outward shows be least themselves.outward (adj.)
external, surface, superficial
MV III.ii.73
show (n.)

old form: showes
appearance, exhibition, display
The world is still deceiu'd with ornament.The world is still deceived with ornament.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
MV III.ii.74
In Law, what Plea so tanted and corrupt,In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt,tainted (adj.)

old form: tanted
corrupted, dishonourable, depraved
MV III.ii.75
But being season'd with a gracious voice,But being seasoned with a gracious voice,gracious (adj.)
delightful, lovely, charming
MV III.ii.76
voice (n.)
authoritative opinion, judgement
but (adv.)
Obscures the show of euill? In Religion,Obscures the show of evil? In religion, MV III.ii.77
What damned error, but some sober browWhat damned error but some sober browsober (adj.)
sedate, staid, demure, grave
MV III.ii.78
brow (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance
Will blesse it, and approue it with a text,Will bless it and approve it with a text,approve (v.)

old form: approue
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
MV III.ii.79
Hiding the grosenesse with faire ornament:Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?grossness (n.)

old form: grosenesse
flagrant nature, obviousness, enormity
MV III.ii.80
There is no voice so simple, but assumesThere is no vice so simple but assumessimple (adj.)
basic, minimal, small
MV III.ii.81
Some marke of vertue on his outward parts;Some mark of virtue on his outward parts. MV III.ii.82
How manie cowards, whose hearts are all as falseHow many cowards whose hearts are all as falsefalse (adj.)
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
MV III.ii.83
As stayers of sand, weare yet vpon their chinsAs stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins MV III.ii.84
The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars,The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars,Mars (n.)
Roman god of war
MV III.ii.85
Who inward searcht, haue lyuers white as milke,Who inward searched, have livers white as milk,liver (n.)

old form: lyuers
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire]
MV III.ii.86
And these assume but valors excrement,And these assume but valour's excrementexcrement (n.)
outgrowth [of hair]
MV III.ii.87
To render them redoubted. Looke on beautie,To render them redoubted. Look on beauty,redoubted (adj.)
feared, dreaded, revered
MV III.ii.88
And you shall see 'tis purchast by the weight,And you shall see 'tis purchased by the weight, MV III.ii.89
Which therein workes a miracle in nature,Which therein works a miracle in nature, MV III.ii.90
Making them lightest that weare most of it:Making them lightest that wear most of it. MV III.ii.91
So are those crisped snakie golden locksSo are those crisped snaky golden locks,snaky (adj.)

old form: snakie
twisting, winding, sinuous; also: deceitful
MV III.ii.92
crisped (adj.)
stiffly curled
Which makes such wanton gambols with the windeWhich make such wanton gambols with the windwanton (adj.)
casual, gentle
MV III.ii.93
Vpon supposed fairenesse, often knowneUpon supposed fairness, often known MV III.ii.94
To be the dowrie of a second head,To be the dowry of a second head, MV III.ii.95
The scull that bred them in the Sepulcher.The skull that bred them in the sepulchre. MV III.ii.96
Thus ornament is but the guiled shoreThus ornament is but the guiled shoreguiled (adj.)
treacherous, deceiving, full of guile
MV III.ii.97
To a most dangerous sea: the beautious scarfeTo a most dangerous sea, the beauteous scarf MV III.ii.98
Vailing an Indian beautie; In a word,Veiling an Indian beauty; in a word,Indian (adj.)
dark-complexioned, dark-haired
MV III.ii.99
The seeming truth which cunning times put onThe seeming truth which cunning times put onseeming (adj.)
apparent, convincing in appearance
MV III.ii.100
To intrap the wisest. Therefore then thou gaudie gold,To entrap the wisest. Therefore thou gaudy gold, MV III.ii.101
Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee,Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee; MV III.ii.102
Nor none of thee thou pale and common drudgeNor none of thee, thou pale and common drudgedrudge (n.)
slave, serf, lackey
MV III.ii.103
'Tweene man and man: but thou, thou meager lead'Tween man and man. But thou, thou meagre lead MV III.ii.104
Which rather threatnest then dost promise ought,Which rather threaten'st than dost promise aught,aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
MV III.ii.105
Thy palenesse moues me more then eloquence,Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence, MV III.ii.106
And here choose I, ioy be the consequence.And here choose I. Joy be the consequence! MV III.ii.107

(aside) MV III.ii.108.1
How all the other passions fleet to ayre,How all the other passions fleet to air:fleet (v.)
turn, pass, change
MV III.ii.108
As doubtfull thoughts, and rash imbrac'd despaire:As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair, MV III.ii.109
And shuddring feare, and greene-eyed iealousie.And shudd'ring fear, and green-eyed jealousy. MV III.ii.110
O loue be moderate, allay thy extasie,O love, be moderate, allay thy ecstasy,allay (v.)
subside, abate, diminish, quell
MV III.ii.111
In measure raine thy ioy, scant this excesse,In measure rain thy joy, scant this excess,scant (v.)
neglect, stint, withhold
MV III.ii.112
I feele too much thy blessing, make it lesse,I feel too much thy blessing, make it less MV III.ii.113
For feare I surfeit.For fear I surfeit.surfeit (v.)
become sick through having too much
MV III.ii.114.1
(opening the leaden casket) MV III.ii.114
What finde I here?What find I here? MV III.ii.114.2
Faire Portias counterfeit. What demie GodFair Portia's counterfeit! What demi-godcounterfeit (n.)
likeness, portrait, image
MV III.ii.115
Hath come so neere creation? moue these eies?Hath come so near creation? Move these eyes? MV III.ii.116
Or whether riding on the bals of mineOr whether, riding on the balls of mine, MV III.ii.117
Seeme they in motion? Here are seuer'd lipsSeem they in motion? Here are severed lipssevered (adj.)

old form: seuer'd
parted, opened
MV III.ii.118
Parted with suger breath, so sweet a barreParted with sugar breath; so sweet a barbar (n.)

old form: barre
obstruction, barrier, obstacle
MV III.ii.119
Should sunder such sweet friends: here in her hairesShould sunder such sweet friends. Here in her hairssunder (v.)
separate, split up, part
MV III.ii.120
The Painter plaies the Spider, and hath wouenThe painter plays the spider, and hath woven MV III.ii.121
A golden mesh t'intrap the hearts of menA golden mesh t' entrap the hearts of men MV III.ii.122
Faster then gnats in cobwebs: but her eies,Faster than gnats in cobwebs. But her eyes, MV III.ii.123
How could he see to doe them? hauing made one,How could he see to do them? Having made one, MV III.ii.124
Me thinkes it should haue power to steale both hisMethinks it should have power to steal both hismethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
MV III.ii.125
And leaue it selfe vnfurnisht: Yet looke how farreAnd leave itself unfurnished. Yet look how farunfurnished (adj.)

old form: vnfurnisht
unfinished, defective
MV III.ii.126
The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadowThe substance of my praise doth wrong this shadowshadow (n.)
image, likeness, portrait, semblance
MV III.ii.127
In vnderprising it, so farre this shadowIn underprizing it, so far this shadow MV III.ii.128
Doth limpe behinde the substance. Here's the scroule,Doth limp behind the substance. Here's the scroll,substance (n.)
real thing, genuine article
MV III.ii.129
The continent, and summarie of my fortune.The continent and summary of my fortune:continent (n.)
embodiment, summation, digest
MV III.ii.130
You that choose not by the viewYou that choose not by the view MV III.ii.131
Chance as faire, and choose as true:Chance as fair, and choose as true. MV III.ii.132
Since this fortune fals to you,Since this fortune falls to you, MV III.ii.133
Be content, and seeke no new.Be content and seek no new.content (adj.)
contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed
MV III.ii.134
If you be well pleasd with this,If you be well pleased with this MV III.ii.135
And hold your fortune for your blisse,And hold your fortune for your bliss, MV III.ii.136
Turne you where your Lady is,Turn you where your lady is, MV III.ii.137
And claime her with a louing kisse.And claim her with a loving kiss. MV III.ii.138
A gentle scroule: Faire Lady, by your leaue,A gentle scroll. Fair lady, by your leave.gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
MV III.ii.139
I come by note to giue, and to receiue,I come by note, to give and to receive.note (n.)
bill, invoice, account
MV III.ii.140
Like one of two contending in a prizeLike one of two contending in a prize,contend (v.)
compete, vie, rival
MV III.ii.141
That thinks he hath done well in peoples eies:That thinks he hath done well in people's eyes, MV III.ii.142
Hearing applause and vniuersall shout,Hearing applause and universal shout, MV III.ii.143
Giddie in spirit, still gazing in a doubtGiddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubtstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
MV III.ii.144
giddy (adj.)

old form: Giddie
swaying, quaking, dizzying
Whether those peales of praise be his or no.Whether those pearls of praise be his or no, MV III.ii.145
So thrice faire Lady stand I euen so,So, thrice-fair lady, stand I even so, MV III.ii.146
As doubtfull whether what I see be true,As doubtful whether what I see be true, MV III.ii.147
Vntill confirm'd, sign'd, ratified by you.Until confirmed, signed, ratified by you. MV III.ii.148
You see my Lord Bassiano where I stand,You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, MV III.ii.149
Such as I am; though for my selfe aloneSuch as I am. Though for myself alone MV III.ii.150
I would not be ambitious in my wish,I would not be ambitious in my wish MV III.ii.151
To wish my selfe much better, yet for you,To wish myself much better, yet for you MV III.ii.152
I would be trebled twenty times my selfe,I would be trebled twenty times myself, MV III.ii.153
A thousand times more faire, ten thousand timesA thousand times more fair, ten thousand times MV III.ii.154
More rich, that onely to stand high in your account,More rich, that only to stand high in your account, MV III.ii.155
I might in vertues, beauties, liuings, friends,I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends,living (n.)

old form: liuings
possessions, means of support, livelihood
MV III.ii.156
Exceed account: but the full summe of meExceed account; but the full sum of me MV III.ii.157
Is sum of nothing: which to terme in grosse,Is sum of something, which to term in gross,gross (n.)

old form: grosse
overall total, whole amount
MV III.ii.158
Is an vnlessoned girle, vnschool'd, vnpractiz'd,Is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpractised, MV III.ii.159
Happy in this, she is not yet so oldHappy in this, she is not yet so old MV III.ii.160
But she may learne: happier then this,But she may learn; happier than this, MV III.ii.161
Shee is not bred so dull but she can learne;She is not bred so dull but she can learn; MV III.ii.162
Happiest of all, is that her gentle spiritHappiest of all is that her gentle spiritgentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
MV III.ii.163
Commits it selfe to yours to be directed,Commits itself to yours to be directed, MV III.ii.164
As from her Lord, her Gouernour, her King.As from her lord, her governor, her king. MV III.ii.165
My selfe, and what is mine, to you and yoursMyself and what is mine to you and yours MV III.ii.166
Is now conuerted. But now I was the LordIs now converted. But now I was the lord MV III.ii.167
Of this faire mansion, master of my seruants,Of this fair mansion, master of my servants, MV III.ii.168
Queene ore my selfe: and euen now, but now,Queen o'er myself; and even now, but now, MV III.ii.169
This house, these seruants, and this same my selfeThis house, these servants, and this same myself MV III.ii.170
Are yours, my Lord, I giue them with this ring,Are yours, my lord's. I give them with this ring, MV III.ii.171
Which when you part from, loose, or giue away,Which when you part from, lose, or give away, MV III.ii.172
Let it presage the ruine of your loue,Let it presage the ruin of your lovepresage (v.)
signify, indicate
MV III.ii.173
And be my vantage to exclaime on you.And be my vantage to exclaim on you.exclaim on / upon (v.)

old form: exclaime
accuse, blame, denounce [loudly]
MV III.ii.174
vantage (n.)
right moment, suitable opportunity
Maddam, you haue bereft me of all words,Madam, you have bereft me of all words,bereave (v.)
take away [from], deprive, deny, rob
MV III.ii.175
Onely my bloud speakes to you in my vaines,Only my blood speaks to you in my veins, MV III.ii.176
And there is such confusion in my powers,And there is such confusion in my powerspower (n.)
faculty, function, ability
MV III.ii.177
confusion (n.)
disturbance, distraction, agitation [of the mind]
As after some oration fairely spokeAs after some oration fairly spoke MV III.ii.178
By a beloued Prince, there doth appeareBy a beloved prince, there doth appear MV III.ii.179
Among the buzzing pleased multitude,Among the buzzing pleased multitude, MV III.ii.180
Where euery something being blent together,Where every something being blent togetherblent (adj.)
blended, mixed, applied [as of painting]
MV III.ii.181
Turnes to a wilde of nothing, saue of ioyTurns to a wild of nothing, save of joywild (n.)

old form: wilde
wilderness, waste land
MV III.ii.182
Exprest, and not exprest: but when this ringExpressed and not expressed. But when this ring MV III.ii.183
Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence,Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence, MV III.ii.184
O then be bold to say Bassanio's dead.O then be bold to say Bassanio's dead. MV III.ii.185
My Lord and Lady, it is now our timeMy lord and lady, it is now our time, MV III.ii.186
That haue stood by and seene our wishes prosper,That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper, MV III.ii.187
To cry good ioy, good ioy my Lord and Lady.To cry good joy, good joy, my lord and lady! MV III.ii.188
My Lord Bassanio, and my gentle Lady,My lord Bassanio, and my gentle lady,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
MV III.ii.189
I wish you all the ioy that you can wish:I wish you all the joy that you can wish, MV III.ii.190
For I am sure you can wish none from me:For I am sure you can wish none from me; MV III.ii.191
And when your Honours meane to solemnizeAnd when your honours mean to solemnize MV III.ii.192
The bargaine of your faith: I doe beseech youThe bargain of your faith, I do beseech you MV III.ii.193
Euen at that time I may be married too.Even at that time I may be married too. MV III.ii.194
With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife.With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife. MV III.ii.195
I thanke your Lordship, you gaue got me one.I thank your lordship, you have got me one. MV III.ii.196
My eyes my Lord can looke as swift as yours:My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours: MV III.ii.197
You saw the mistres, I beheld the maid:You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid. MV III.ii.198
You lou'd, I lou'd for intermission,You loved, I loved; for intermissionintermission (n.)
respite, pause, rest
MV III.ii.199
No more pertaines to me my Lord then you;No more pertains to me, my lord, than you. MV III.ii.200
Your fortune stood vpon the caskets there,Your fortune stood upon the caskets there, MV III.ii.201
And so did mine too, as the matter falls:And so did mine too, as the matter falls; MV III.ii.202
For wooing heere vntill I swet againe,For wooing here until I sweat again, MV III.ii.203
And swearing till my very rough was dryAnd swearing till my very roof was dry MV III.ii.204
With oathes of loue, at last, if promise last,With oaths of love, at last, if promise last, MV III.ii.205
I got a promise of this faire one heereI got a promise of this fair one here MV III.ii.206
To haue her loue: prouided that your fortuneTo have her love, provided that your fortune MV III.ii.207
Atchieu'd her mistresse.Achieved her mistress. MV III.ii.208.1
Is this true Nerrissa?Is this true, Nerissa? MV III.ii.208.2
Madam it is so, so you stand pleas'd withall.Madam, it is, so you stand pleased withal. MV III.ii.209
And doe you Gratiano meane good faith?And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith? MV III.ii.210
Yes faith my Lord.Yes, faith, my lord. MV III.ii.211
Our feast shall be much honored in your marriage. Our feast shall be much honoured in your marriage. MV III.ii.212
Weele play with them the first boy for a thousand We'll play with them, the first boy for a thousand MV III.ii.213
ducats.ducats.ducat (n.)
gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries
MV III.ii.214
What and stake downe?What, and stake down? MV III.ii.215
No, we shal nere win at that sport, and stakeNo, we shall ne'er win at that sport, and stakesport (n.)
sexual recreation, intercourse, amorous dalliance
MV III.ii.216
downe.down. MV III.ii.217
But who comes heere? Lorenzo and his Infidell?But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel! MV III.ii.218
What and my old Venetian friend Salerio?What, and my old Venetian friend Salerio! MV III.ii.219
Enter Lorenzo, Iessica, and Salerio.Enter Lorenzo, Jessica, and Salerio, a messenger from MV III.ii.220.1
Venice MV III.ii.220.2
Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hether,Lorenzo and Salerio, welcome hither, MV III.ii.220
If that the youth of my new interest heereIf that the youth of my new interest here MV III.ii.221
Haue power to bid you welcome: by your leaueHave power to bid you welcome. By your leave, MV III.ii.222
I bid my verie friends and CountrimenI bid my very friends and countrymen,very (adj.)

old form: verie
[intensifying] thoroughgoing, absolute
MV III.ii.223
Sweet Portia welcome.Sweet Portia, welcome. MV III.ii.224.1
So do I my Lord, So do I, my lord. MV III.ii.224.2
they are intirely welcome.They are entirely welcome.entirely (adv.)

old form: intirely
sincerely, heartily
MV III.ii.225
I thanke your honor; for my part my Lord,I thank your honour. For my part, my lord, MV III.ii.226
My purpose was not to haue seene you heere,My purpose was not to have seen you here,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
MV III.ii.227
But meeting with Salerio by the way,But meeting with Salerio by the way, MV III.ii.228
He did intreate mee past all saying nayHe did entreat me past all saying nay MV III.ii.229
To come with him along.To come with him along. MV III.ii.230.1
I did my Lord,I did, my lord, MV III.ii.230.2
And I haue reason for it, Signior AnthonioAnd I have reason for it. Signor Antonio MV III.ii.231
Commends him to you.Commends him to you.commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
MV III.ii.232.1
He gives Bassanio a letter MV III.ii.232
Ere I ope his LetterEre I ope his letter,ope (v.)
MV III.ii.232.2
I pray you tell me how my good friend doth.I pray you tell me how my good friend doth. MV III.ii.233
Not sicke my Lord, vnlesse it be in minde,Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind, MV III.ii.234
Nor wel, vnlesse in minde: his Letter thereNor well unless in mind. His letter there MV III.ii.235
Wil shew you his estate.Will show you his (n.)
state, situation, circumstances
MV III.ii.236
Opens the Letter.Bassanio opens the letter MV III.ii.237.1
Nerrissa, cheere yond stranger, bid her welcom.Nerissa, cheer yond stranger; bid her welcome.stranger (n.)
foreigner, alien, outsider
MV III.ii.237
Your hand Salerio, what's the newes from Venice?Your hand, Salerio. What's the news from Venice? MV III.ii.238
How doth that royal Merchant good Anthonio;How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?royal merchant
merchant prince
MV III.ii.239
I know he wil be glad of our successe,I know he will be glad of our success; MV III.ii.240
We are the Iasons, we haue won the fleece.We are the Jasons, we have won the Fleece. MV III.ii.241
I would you had won the fleece that hee hath lost.I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost. MV III.ii.242
There are some shrewd contents in yond same Paper,There are some shrewd contents in yond same papershrewd (adj.)
ominous, telling; or: bitter, vexatious
MV III.ii.243
That steales the colour from Bassianos cheeke,That steals the colour from Bassanio's cheek: MV III.ii.244
Some deere friend dead, else nothing in the worldSome dear friend dead, else nothing in the world MV III.ii.245
Could turne so much the constitutionCould turn so much the constitutionturn (v.)

old form: turne
change, transform, alter
MV III.ii.246
constitution (n.)
disposition, temperament, mood
Of any constant man. What, worse and worse?Of any constant man. What, worse and worse?constant (adj.)
settled, resolved, decided
MV III.ii.247
With leaue Bassanio I am halfe your selfe,With leave, Bassanio, I am half yourself, MV III.ii.248
And I must freely haue the halfe of any thingAnd I must freely have the half of anything MV III.ii.249
That this same paper brings you.That this same paper brings you. MV III.ii.250.1
O sweet Portia,O sweet Portia, MV III.ii.250.2
Heere are a few of the vnpleasant'st wordsHere are a few of the unpleasant'st words MV III.ii.251
That euer blotted paper. Gentle LadieThat ever blotted paper! Gentle lady,gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
MV III.ii.252
When I did first impart my loue to you,When I did first impart my love to you, MV III.ii.253
I freely told you all the wealth I hadI freely told you all the wealth I had MV III.ii.254
Ran in my vaines: I was a Gentleman,Ran in my veins – I was a gentleman – MV III.ii.255
And then I told you true: and yet deere Ladie,And then I told you true; and yet, dear lady, MV III.ii.256
Rating my selfe at nothing, you shall seeRating myself at nothing, you shall see MV III.ii.257
How much I was a Braggart, when I told youHow much I was a braggart. When I told you MV III.ii.258
My state was nothing, I should then haue told youMy state was nothing, I should then have told youstate (n.)
estate, property, wealth, means
MV III.ii.259
That I was worse then nothing: for indeedeThat I was worse than nothing; for indeed MV III.ii.260
I haue ingag'd my selfe to a deere friend,I have engaged myself to a dear friend, MV III.ii.261
Ingag'd my friend to his meere enemieEngaged my friend to his mere enemy,engage (v.)

old form: ingag'd
pledge, give the guarantee of
MV III.ii.262
mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
To feede my meanes. Heere is a Letter Ladie,To feed my means. Here is a letter, lady; MV III.ii.263
The paper as the bodie of my friend,The paper as the body of my friend, MV III.ii.264
And euerie word in it a gaping woundAnd every word in it a gaping wound MV III.ii.265
Issuing life blood. But is it true Salerio,Issuing life-blood. But is it true, Salerio? MV III.ii.266
Hath all his ventures faild, what not one hit,Have all his ventures failed? What, not one hit? MV III.ii.267
From Tripolis, from Mexico and England,From Tripolis, from Mexico and England,Tripolis (n.)
[pron: 'tripolis] Tripoli; seaport capital in N Africa (modern Libya)
MV III.ii.268
From Lisbon, Barbary, and India,From Lisbon, Barbary, and India,Barbary (n.)
Barbary coast of N Africa, famous for its horses
MV III.ii.269
And not one vessell scape the dreadfull touchAnd not one vessel scape the dreadful touchscape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
MV III.ii.270
Of Merchant-marring rocks?Of merchant-marring rocks?merchant-marring (adj.)
capable of damaging a merchant-ship
MV III.ii.271.1
Not one my Lord.Not one, my lord. MV III.ii.271.2
Besides, it should appeare, that if he hadBesides, it should appear that if he had MV III.ii.272
The present money to discharge the Iew,The present money to discharge the Jew,discharge (v.)
pay, reimburse, settle with
MV III.ii.273
He would not take it: neuer did I knowHe would not take it. Never did I know MV III.ii.274
A creature that did beare the shape of manA creature that did bear the shape of man MV III.ii.275
So keene and greedy to confound a man.So keen and greedy to confound a man.confound (v.)
destroy, overthrow, ruin
MV III.ii.276
He plyes the Duke at morning and at night,He plies the Duke at morning and at night, MV III.ii.277
And doth impeach the freedome of the stateAnd doth impeach the freedom of the stateimpeach (v.)
discredit, disparage, call into question
MV III.ii.278
If they deny him iustice. Twenty Merchants,If they deny him justice. Twenty merchants, MV III.ii.279
The Duke himselfe, and the MagnificoesThe Duke himself, and the magnificoesmagnifico (n.)
Venetian leader
MV III.ii.280
Of greatest port haue all perswaded with him,Of greatest port have all persuaded with him,port (n.)
station, position, dignity
MV III.ii.281
persuade (v.)

old form: perswaded
plead, entreat
But none can driue him from the enuious pleaBut none can drive him from the envious pleaenvious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
MV III.ii.282
plea (n.)
claim, argument, issue
Of forfeiture, of iustice, and his bond.Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond. MV III.ii.283
When I was with him, I haue heard him sweareWhen I was with him, I have heard him swear MV III.ii.284
To Tuball and to Chus, his Countri-men,To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, MV III.ii.285
That he would rather haue Anthonio's flesh,That he would rather have Antonio's flesh MV III.ii.286
Then twenty times the value of the summeThan twenty times the value of the sum MV III.ii.287
That he did owe him: and I know my Lord,That he did owe him, and I know, my lord, MV III.ii.288
If law, authoritie, and power denie not,If law, authority, and power deny not,power (n.)
authority, government
MV III.ii.289
It will goe hard with poore Anthonio.It will go hard with poor Antonio. MV III.ii.290
Is it your deere friend that is thus in trouble?Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble? MV III.ii.291
The deerest friend to me, the kindest man,The dearest friend to me, the kindest man, MV III.ii.292
The best condition'd, and vnwearied spiritThe best-conditioned and unwearied spiritbest-conditioned (adj.)best-natured, of finest characterMV III.ii.293
In doing curtesies: and one in whomIn doing courtesies, and one in whom MV III.ii.294
The ancient Romane honour more appearesThe ancient Roman honour more appears MV III.ii.295
Then any that drawes breath in Italie.Than any that draws breath in Italy. MV III.ii.296
What summe owes he the Iew?What sum owes he the Jew? MV III.ii.297
For me three thousand ducats.For me, three thousand ducats. MV III.ii.298.1
What, no more?What, no more? MV III.ii.298.2
Pay him sixe thousand, and deface the bond:Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond.deface (v.)
[heraldry] efface, obliterate, blot out
MV III.ii.299
Double sixe thousand, and then treble that,Double six thousand and then treble that, MV III.ii.300
Before a friend of this descriptionBefore a friend of this description MV III.ii.301
Shall lose a haire through Bassano's fault.Shall lose a hair through Bassanio's fault. MV III.ii.302
First goe with me to Church, and call me wife,First go with me to church and call me wife, MV III.ii.303
And then away to Venice to your friend:And then away to Venice to your friend! MV III.ii.304
For neuer shall you lie by Portias sideFor never shall you lie by Portia's side MV III.ii.305
With an vnquiet soule. You shall haue goldWith an unquiet soul. You shall have gold MV III.ii.306
To pay the petty debt twenty times ouer.To pay the petty debt twenty times over. MV III.ii.307
When it is payd, bring your true friend along,When it is paid, bring your true friend along. MV III.ii.308
My maid Nerrissa, and my selfe meane timeMy maid Nerissa and myself meantime MV III.ii.309
Will liue as maids and widdowes; come away,Will live as maids and widows. Come away, MV III.ii.310
For you shall hence vpon your wedding day:For you shall hence upon your wedding-day. MV III.ii.311
Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheere,Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer;cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
face, look, expression
MV III.ii.312
Since you are deere bought, I will loue you deere.Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear. MV III.ii.313
But let me heare the letter of your friend.But let me hear the letter of your friend. MV III.ii.314
Sweet Bassanio, my ships haue all miscarried, Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried,miscarry (v.)
come to harm, be lost, be destroyed
MV III.ii.315
my Creditors grow cruell, my estate is very low, my bond my creditors grow cruel, my estate is very low, my bondestate (n.)
state, situation, circumstances
MV III.ii.316
to the Iew is forfeit, and since in paying it, it is impossible to the Jew is forfeit. And since in paying it, it is impossible MV III.ii.317
I should liue, all debts are cleerd betweene you and I, if I I should live, all debts are cleared between you and I if I MV III.ii.318
might see you at my death: notwithstanding, vse your might but see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your MV III.ii.319
pleasure, if your loue doe not perswade you to come, let not pleasure. If your love do not persuade you to come, let not MV III.ii.320
my letter. MV III.ii.321
O loue! dispach all busines and be gone.O love, dispatch all business and be gone.dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispach
deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly
MV III.ii.322
Since I haue your good leaue to goe away,Since I have your good leave to go away, MV III.ii.323
I will make hast; but till I come againe,I will make haste, but till I come again MV III.ii.324
No bed shall ere be guilty of my stay,No bed shall e'er be guilty of my stay, MV III.ii.325
Nor rest be interposer twixt vs twaine. Nor rest be interposer 'twixt us twain. MV III.ii.326
Exeunt.Exeunt MV III.ii.326
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