Henry V

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Nim, Bardolph, Pistoll, and Boy. Enter Nym, Bardolph, Pistol, and Boy H5 III.ii.1
On, on, on, on, on, to the breach, to the On, on, on, on, on! To the breach, to the H5 III.ii.1
breach. breach! H5 III.ii.2
'Pray thee Corporall stay, the Knocks are too hot: Pray thee, corporal, stay – the knocks are too hot,knock (n.)
hard blow, harsh stroke, buffet
H5 III.ii.3
hot (adj.)
active, vigorous
and for mine owne part, I haue not a Case of Liues: the and, for mine own part, I have not a case of lives. Thecase (n.)
set, chest, box
H5 III.ii.4
humor of it is too hot, that is the very plaine-Song of it. humour of it is too hot, that is the very plainsong of it.plainsong (n.)

old form: plaine-Song
plain truth, bottom line
H5 III.ii.5
humour (n.)

old form: humor
style, method, way, fashion
The plaine-Song is most iust: for humors doe abound: The plainsong is most just; for humours do abound.plainsong (n.)

old form: plaine-Song
plain truth, bottom line
H5 III.ii.6
Knocks goe and come: Gods Vassals drop and dye: Knocks go and come; God's vassals drop and die;vassal (n.)
servant, slave, subject
H5 III.ii.7
and Sword and Shield, And sword and shield, H5 III.ii.8
in bloody Field, In bloody field,field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
H5 III.ii.9
doth winne immortall fame. Doth win immortal fame. H5 III.ii.10
Would I were in a Ale-house in London, I would Would I were in an alehouse in London! I would H5 III.ii.11
giue all my fame for a Pot of Ale, and safetie. give all my fame for a pot of ale, and safety. H5 III.ii.12
And I: And I: H5 III.ii.13
If wishes would preuayle with me, If wishes would prevail with me, H5 III.ii.14
my purpose should not fayle with me; My purpose should not fail with me,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
H5 III.ii.15
but thither would I high. But thither would I hie.hie (v.)

old form: high
hasten, hurry, speed
H5 III.ii.16
As duly, As duly, H5 III.ii.17
but not as truly, But not as truly, H5 III.ii.18
as Bird doth sing on bough. As bird doth sing on bough. H5 III.ii.19
Enter Fluellen.Enter Fluellen H5 III.ii.20.1
Vp to the breach, you Dogges; auaunt you Up to the breach, you dogs! Avaunt, youavaunt (int.)
be gone, go away, be off
H5 III.ii.20
Cullions. cullions!cullion (n.)
wretch, rascal, rogue
H5 III.ii.21
He drives them forward H5 III.ii.22.1
Be mercifull great Duke to men of Mould: Be merciful, great Duke, to men of mould!mould (n.)
soil, earth, clay
H5 III.ii.22
abate thy Rage, abate thy manly Rage; Abate thy rage, abate thy manly rage,abate (v.)
lessen, lower, diminish
H5 III.ii.23
abate thy Rage, great Duke. Abate thy rage, great Duke! H5 III.ii.24
Good Bawcock bate thy Rage: vse lenitie sweet Chuck. Good bawcock, bate thy rage! Use lenity, sweet chuck!chuck (n.)
chicken, chick [usually as a term of endearment]
H5 III.ii.25
lenity (n.)

old form: lenitie
mildness, gentleness, mercifulness
bate (v.)
abate, modify, lessen
bawcock (n.)
[fine bird] fine fellow, good chap
These be good humors: your Honor wins bad These be good humours! Your honour wins bad H5 III.ii.26
humors.humours. H5 III.ii.27
Exit.Exeunt all but the Boy H5 III.ii.27
As young as I am, I haue obseru'd these three As young as I am, I have observed these three H5 III.ii.28
Swashers: I am Boy to them all three, but all they three, swashers. I am boy to them all three, but all they three,swasher (n.)
swashbuckler, braggart, boaster
H5 III.ii.29
though they would serue me, could not be Man to me; though they would serve me, could not be man to me; H5 III.ii.30
for indeed three such Antiques doe not amount to a man: for indeed three such antics do not amount to a man.antic, antick(e), antique (n.)
grotesque figure, grinning jester, buffoon
H5 III.ii.31
for Bardolph, hee is white-liuer'd, and red-fac'd; by For Bardolph, he is white-livered and red-faced; bywhite-livered (adj.)

old form: white-liuer'd
lily-livered, cowardly, feeble-spirited
H5 III.ii.32
the meanes whereof, a faces it out, but fights not: for the means whereof 'a faces it out, but fights not. Forface out (v.)
brazen out, carry through shamelessly
H5 III.ii.33
Pistoll, hee hath a killing Tongue, and a quiet Sword; by Pistol, he hath a killing tongue, and a quiet sword; by H5 III.ii.34
the meanes whereof, a breakes Words, and keepes whole the means whereof 'a breaks words, and keeps whole H5 III.ii.35
Weapons: for Nim, hee hath heard, that men of few weapons. For Nym, he hath heard that men of few H5 III.ii.36
Words are the best men, and therefore hee scornes to say words are the best men; and therefore he scorns to say H5 III.ii.37
his Prayers, lest a should be thought a Coward: but his his prayers, lest 'a should be thought a coward; but his H5 III.ii.38
few bad Words are matcht with as few good Deeds; for few bad words are matched with as few good deeds, for H5 III.ii.39
a neuer broke any mans Head but his owne, and that 'a never broke any man's head but his own, and that H5 III.ii.40
was against a Post, when he was drunke. They will steale was against a post, when he was drunk. They will steal H5 III.ii.41
any thing, and call it Purchase. Bardolph stole a Lute-case, anything, and call it purchase. Bardolph stole a lute-case,purchase (n.)
proceeds, plunder, booty
H5 III.ii.42
bore it twelue Leagues, and sold it for three halfepence. bore it twelve leagues, and sold it for three halfpence.halfpence (n.)
silver coin worth half of one penny
H5 III.ii.43
Nim and Bardolph are sworne Brothers in filching: Nym and Bardolph are sworn brothers in filching,brother, sworn

old form: sworne
companion-in-arms, devoted friend
H5 III.ii.44
and in Callice they stole a fire-shouell. I knew by that and in Calais they stole a fire-shovel – I knew by that H5 III.ii.45
peece of Seruice, the men would carry Coales. They would piece of service the men would carry coals. They wouldcoals, carry

old form: Coales
submit to insult, show cowardice; also: do degrading work
H5 III.ii.46
haue me as familiar with mens Pockets, as their Gloues have me as familiar with men's pockets as their gloves H5 III.ii.47
or their Hand-kerchers: which makes much against my or their handkerchers: which makes much against myhandkercher (n.)

old form: Hand-kerchers
H5 III.ii.48
Manhood, if I should take from anothers Pocket, to manhood, if I should take from another's pocket to H5 III.ii.49
put into mine; for it is plaine pocketting vp of Wrongs. I put into mine; for it is plain pocketing up of wrongs. I H5 III.ii.50
must leaue them, and seeke some better Seruice: their must leave them, and seek some better service. Their H5 III.ii.51
Villany goes against my weake stomacke, and therefore villainy goes against my weak stomach, and therefore H5 III.ii.52
I must cast it vp. I must cast it up.cast up (v.)

old form: vp
vomit, throw up, regurgitate
H5 III.ii.53
Exit.Exit H5 III.ii.53
Enter Gower.Enter Fluellen, Gower following H5 III.ii.54.1
Captaine Fluellen, you must come presently to Captain Fluellen, you must come presently topresently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
H5 III.ii.54
the Mynes; the Duke of Gloucester would speake with you. the mines. The Duke of Gloucester would speak with you.mine (n.)

old form: Mynes
excavated passage under a fortress wall
H5 III.ii.55
To the Mynes? Tell you the Duke, it is not so To the mines? Tell you the Duke, it is not so H5 III.ii.56
good to come to the Mynes: for looke you, the Mynes is good to come to the mines, for, look you, the mines is H5 III.ii.57
not according to the disciplines of the Warre; the not according to the disciplines of the war. Thediscipline (n.)
military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war
H5 III.ii.58
concauities of it is not sufficient: for looke you, th' athuersarie, concavities of it is not sufficient; for, look you, th' athversary, H5 III.ii.59
you may discusse vnto the Duke, looke you, is digt himselfe you may discuss unto the Duke, look you, is digt himselfdiscuss (v.)

old form: discusse
disclose, make known, declare
H5 III.ii.60
foure yard vnder the Countermines: by Cheshu, I four yard under the countermines. By Cheshu, Icountermine (n.)
excavated passage made by fortress defenders to intercept an enemy mine
H5 III.ii.61
thinke a will plowe vp all, if there is not better directions. think 'a will plow up all, if there is not better directions. H5 III.ii.62
The Duke of Gloucester, to whom the Order of the The Duke of Gloucester, to whom the order of theorder (n.)
arrangement, disposition, direction
H5 III.ii.63
Siege is giuen, is altogether directed by an Irish man, a siege is given, is altogether directed by an Irishman, a H5 III.ii.64
very valiant Gentleman yfaith. very valiant gentleman, i'faith. H5 III.ii.65
It is Captaine Makmorrice, is it not? It is Captain Macmorris, is it not? H5 III.ii.66
I thinke it be. I think it be. H5 III.ii.67
By Cheshu he is an Asse, as in the World, I By Cheshu, he is an ass, as in the world; ICheshu (n.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'Jesu'
H5 III.ii.68
will verifie as much in his Beard: he ha's no more will verify as much in his beard. He has no moreverify (v.)

old form: verifie
confirm, substantiate, prove correct
H5 III.ii.69
beard, in his
to his face, openly
directions in the true disciplines of the Warres, looke you, directions in the true disciplines of the wars, look you,discipline (n.)
military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war
H5 III.ii.70
of the Roman disciplines, then is a Puppy-dog. of the Roman disciplines, than is a puppy-dog. H5 III.ii.71
Enter Makmorrice, and Captaine Iamy.Enter Captain Macmorris and Captain Jamy H5 III.ii.72
Here a comes, and the Scots Captaine, Captaine Here 'a comes, and the Scots captain, Captain H5 III.ii.72
Iamy, with him. Jamy, with him. H5 III.ii.73
Captaine Iamy is a maruellous falorous Gentleman, Captain Jamy is a marvellous falorous gentleman,marvellous (adv.)

old form: maruellous
very, extremely, exceedingly
H5 III.ii.74
that is certain, and of great expedition that is certain, and of great expedition andexpedition (n.)
ready learning, awareness, insight
H5 III.ii.75
and knowledge in th' aunchiant Warres, vpon my particular knowledge in th' aunchient wars, upon my particularparticular (adj.)
personal, special, private
H5 III.ii.76
ancient, aunchient (adj.)

old form: aunchiant
former, earlier, past
knowledge of his directions: by Cheshu he will maintaine knowledge of his directions. By Cheshu, he will maintain H5 III.ii.77
his Argument as well as any Militarie man in the World, in his argument as well as any military man in the world, in H5 III.ii.78
the disciplines of the Pristine Warres of the Romans. the disciplines of the pristine wars of the Romans. H5 III.ii.79
I say gudday, Captaine Fluellen. I say gud-day, Captain Fluellen. H5 III.ii.80
Godden to your Worship, good Captaine Good-e'en to your worship, good Captain H5 III.ii.81
Iames. James. H5 III.ii.82
How now Captaine Mackmorrice, haue you quit the How now, Captain Macmorris, have you quit the H5 III.ii.83
Mynes? haue the Pioners giuen o're? mines? Have the pioneers given o'er?pioneer, pioner (n.)
miner, digger, excavator
H5 III.ii.84
By Chrish Law tish ill done: the Worke ish By Chrish, la, 'tish ill done! The work ishill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
H5 III.ii.85
Chrish (n.)
Irish pronunciation of 'Christ'
la (int.)
giue ouer, the Trompet sound the Retreat. By my Hand give over, the trompet sound the retreat. By my hand H5 III.ii.86
I sweare, and my fathers Soule, the Worke ish ill done: it I swear, and my father's soul, the work ish ill done: it H5 III.ii.87
ish giue ouer: I would haue blowed vp the Towne, so ish give over. I would have blowed up the town, so H5 III.ii.88
Chrish saue me law, in an houre. O tish ill done, tish ill Chrish save me, la, in an hour. O, tish ill done, 'tish illsave (v.)
preserve from damnation, bring salvation to [in emphatic expressions]
H5 III.ii.89
done: by my Hand tish ill done. done – by my hand, 'tish ill done! H5 III.ii.90
Captaine Mackmorrice, I beseech you now, will Captain Macmorris, I beseech you now, will H5 III.ii.91
you voutsafe me, looke you, a few disputations with you, you voutsafe me, look you, a few disputations with you,voutsafe (v.)
Welsh pronunciation of 'vouchsafe'
H5 III.ii.92
vouchsafe (v.)
allow, permit, grant
disputation (n.)
dialogue, discourse, conversation
as partly touching or concerning the disciplines of the as partly touching or concerning the disciplines of the H5 III.ii.93
Warre, the Roman Warres, in the way of Argument, looke you, war, the Roman wars, in the way of argument, look you, H5 III.ii.94
and friendly communication: partly to satisfie my and friendly communication? – partly to satisfy my H5 III.ii.95
Opinion, and partly for the satisfaction, looke you, of my opinion, and partly for the satisfaction, look you, of my H5 III.ii.96
Mind: as touching the direction of the Militarie discipline, mind – as touching the direction of the military discipline,discipline (n.)
military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war
H5 III.ii.97
that is the Point. that is the point. H5 III.ii.98
It sall be vary gud, gud feith, gud Captens bath, and It sall be vary gud, gud feith, gud captens bath, and H5 III.ii.99
I sall quit you with gud leue, as I may pick occasion: that I sall quit you with gud leve, as I may pick occasion: thatoccasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
H5 III.ii.100
quit (v.)
answer, respond to, requite
sall I mary. sall I, marry.marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
H5 III.ii.101
It is no time to discourse, so Chrish saue me: It is no time to discourse, so Chrish save me!discourse (v.)
talk, chat, converse
H5 III.ii.102
the day is hot, and the Weather, and the Warres, and the The day is hot, and the weather, and the wars, and the H5 III.ii.103
King, and the Dukes: it is no time to discourse, the King, and the Dukes – it is no time to discourse, the H5 III.ii.104
Town is beseech'd: and the Trumpet call vs to the breech, town is beseeched, and the trumpet call us to the breach, H5 III.ii.105
and we talke, and be Chrish do nothing, tis shame for vs and we talk, and, be Chrish, do nothing; 'tis shame for us H5 III.ii.106
all: so God sa'me tis shame to stand still, it is shame by all: so God sa' me, 'tis shame to stand still; it is shame, by H5 III.ii.107
my hand: and there is Throats to be cut, and Workes to be my hand – and there is throats to be cut, and works to be H5 III.ii.108
done, and there ish nothing done, so Christ sa'me law. done, and there ish nothing done, so Chrish sa' me, la!la (int.)
H5 III.ii.109
By the Mes, ere theise eyes of mine take themselues By the mess, ere theise eyes of mine take themselvestake to (v.)
have recourse to, take oneself off to
H5 III.ii.110
to slomber, ayle de gud seruice, or Ile ligge to slomber, ay'll de gud service, or ay'll lig H5 III.ii.111
i'th'grund for it; ay, or goe to death: and Ile pay't as i'th' grund for it, ay, or go to death! And ay'll pay't as H5 III.ii.112
valorously as I may, that sal I suerly do, that is the valorously as I may, that sall I suerly do, that is the H5 III.ii.113
breff and the long: mary, I wad full faine heard some breff and the long. Marry, I wad full fain hear somefain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
H5 III.ii.114
brief and the long / tedious, the

old form: breff
the long and the short
question tween you tway. question 'tween you tway.question (n.)
debating, discussion, investigation
H5 III.ii.115
tway (n.)
Captaine Mackmorrice, I thinke, looke you, vnder Captain Macmorris, I think, look you, under H5 III.ii.116
your correction, there is not many of your Nation. your correction, there is not many of your nation –  H5 III.ii.117
Of my Nation? What ish my Nation? Ish a Of my nation? What ish my nation? Ish a H5 III.ii.118
Villaine, and a Basterd, and a Knaue, and a Rascall. What villain, and a bastard, and a knave, and a rascal. Whatknave (n.)

old form: Knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
H5 III.ii.119
ish my Nation? Who talkes of my Nation? ish my nation? Who talks of my nation? H5 III.ii.120
Looke you, if you take the matter otherwise Look you, if you take the matter otherwise H5 III.ii.121
then is meant, Captaine Mackmorrice, peraduenture I shall than is meant, Captain Macmorris, peradventure I shallperadventure (adv.)

old form: peraduenture
perhaps, maybe, very likely
H5 III.ii.122
thinke you doe not vse me with that affabilitie, as in think you do not use me with that affability as inuse (v.)

old form: vse
treat, deal with, manage
H5 III.ii.123
discretion you ought to vse me, looke you, being as good a discretion you ought to use me, look you, being as good a H5 III.ii.124
man as your selfe, both in the disciplines of Warre, and in man as yourself, both in the disciplines of war, and indiscipline (n.)
military strategy, tactics, training in the art of war
H5 III.ii.125
the deriuation of my Birth, and in other particularities. the derivation of my birth, and in other particularities.particularity (n.)
personal matter, individual issue
H5 III.ii.126
I doe not know you so good a man as my selfe: I do not know you so good a man as myself. H5 III.ii.127
so Chrish saue me, I will cut off your Head. So Chrish save me, I will cut off your head. H5 III.ii.128
Gentlemen both, you will mistake each other. Gentlemen both, you will mistake each other.mistake (v.)
misunderstand, take wrongly, misconceive
H5 III.ii.129
A, that's a foule fault.Ah, that's a foul fault! H5 III.ii.130
A Parley.A parley is soundedparle, parley (n.)
negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms]
H5 III.ii.131
The Towne sounds a Parley. The town sounds a parley. H5 III.ii.131
Captaine Mackmorrice, when there is more Captain Macmorris, when there is more H5 III.ii.132
better oportunitie to be required, looke you, I will be better opportunity to be required, look you, I will berequire (v.)
call up, make available
H5 III.ii.133
so bold as to tell you, I know the disciplines of Warre: and so bold as to tell you, I know the disciplines of war; and H5 III.ii.134
there is an end.there is an end. H5 III.ii.135
Exit.Exeunt H5 III.ii.135
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