Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Vlysses, Diomedes, Nestor, Agamemnon,Flourish. Enter Agamemnon, Ulysses, Diomedes, TC III.iii.1.1
Menelaus and Chalcas. Florish.Nestor, Ajax, Menelaus, and Calchas TC III.iii.1.2
Now Princes for the seruice I haue done you,Now, princes, for the service I have done you, TC III.iii.1
Th'aduantage of the time promps me aloud,Th' advantage of the time prompts me aloudadvantage (n.)

old form: aduantage
right moment, favourable opportunity
TC III.iii.2
To call for recompence: appeare it to your minde,To call for recompense. Appear it to your mind TC III.iii.3
That through the sight I beare in things to loue,That, through the sight I bear in things to come,bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
be endowed with, have, possess
TC III.iii.4
I haue abandon'd Troy, left my possession,I have abandoned Troy, left my possession,possession (n.)
property, estate, belongings
TC III.iii.5
Incur'd a Traitors name, expos'd my selfe,Incurred a traitor's name, exposed myself, TC III.iii.6
From certaine and possest conueniences,From certain and possessed conveniences,convenience (n.)

old form: conueniences
advantage, desirable feature, point of agreement
TC III.iii.7
To doubtfull fortunes, sequestring from me allTo doubtful fortunes; sequest'ring from me allsequester (v.)

old form: sequestring
separate, remove, cut off
TC III.iii.8
That time, acquaintance, custome and condition,That time, acquaintance, custom, and conditioncondition (n.)
position, social rank, station
TC III.iii.9
Made tame, and most familiar to my nature:Made tame and most familiar to my nature;tame (adj.)
familiar, habitual, customary
TC III.iii.10
And here to doe you seruice am become,And here, to do you service, am become TC III.iii.11
As new into the world, strange, vnacquainted.As new into the world, strange, unacquainted.strange (adj.)
foreign, alien, from abroad
TC III.iii.12
I doe beseech you, as in way of taste,I do beseech you, as in way of taste, TC III.iii.13
To giue me now a little benefit:To give me now a little benefit, TC III.iii.14
Out of those many registred in promise,Out of those many registered in promise, TC III.iii.15
Which you say, liue to come in my behalfe.Which, you say, live to come in my behalf. TC III.iii.16
What would'st thou of vs Troian? make demand?What wouldst thou of us, Trojan? Make demand. TC III.iii.17
You haue a Troian prisoner, cal'd Anthenor,You have a Trojan prisoner, called Antenor, TC III.iii.18
Yesterday tooke: Troy holds him very deere.Yesterday took; Troy holds him very dear. TC III.iii.19
Oft haue you (often haue you, thankes therefore)Oft have you – often have you thanks therefore – oft (adv.)
TC III.iii.20
Desir'd my Cressia in right great exchange.Desired my Cressid in right great exchange, TC III.iii.21
Whom Troy hath still deni'd: but this Anthenor,Whom Troy hath still denied; but this Antenor,still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
TC III.iii.22
I know is such a wrest in their affaires;I know, is such a wrest in their affairswrest (n.)
[music] implement for tuning
TC III.iii.23
That their negotiations all must slacke,That their negotiations all must slack,slack (v.)

old form: slacke
slacken, reduce, slow down
TC III.iii.24
Wanting his mannage: and they will almost,Wanting his manage; and they will almostmanage (n.)

old form: mannage
management, direction, administration
TC III.iii.25
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
Giue vs a Prince of blood, a Sonne of Priam,Give us a prince of blood, a son of Priam,blood (n.)
nobility, breeding, gentility, good parentage
TC III.iii.26
In change of him. Let him be sent great Princes,In change of him. Let him be sent, great princes,change (n.)
exchange, replacement [for]
TC III.iii.27
And he shall buy my Daughter: and her presence,And he shall buy my daughter; and her presence TC III.iii.28
Shall quite strike off all seruice I haue done,Shall quite strike off all service I have donestrike off / away (v.)
cancel [as by a pen-stroke], erase, remove
TC III.iii.29
In most accepted paine.In most accepted pain.pain (n.)

old form: paine
effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
TC III.iii.30.1
accepted (adj.)
Let Diomedes beare him,Let Diomedes bear him,bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
escort, accompany, go along with
TC III.iii.30.2
Diomed, Diomede (n.)
Greek hero in the Trojan War; lover of Cressida
And bring vs Cressid hither: Calcas shall haueAnd bring us Cressid hither; Calchas shall have TC III.iii.31
What he requests of vs: good DiomedWhat he requests of us. Good Diomed, TC III.iii.32
Furnish you fairely for this enterchange;Furnish you fairly for this interchange;furnish (v.)
dress, clothe, equip, fit out
TC III.iii.33
fairly (adv.)

old form: fairely
neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully
Withall bring word, if Hector will to morrowWithal bring word if Hector will tomorrow TC III.iii.34
Be answer'd in his challenge. Aiax is ready.Be answered in his challenge. Ajax is ready. TC III.iii.35
This shall I vndertake, and 'tis a burthenThis shall I undertake, and 'tis a burden TC III.iii.36
Which I am proud to beare. Which I am proud to bear. TC III.iii.37
Exit.Exeunt Diomedes and Calchas TC III.iii.37
Enter Achilles and Patroclus in their Achilles and Patroclus stand in the entrance to their TC III.iii.38.1
Tent.tent TC III.iii.38.2
Achilles stands i'th entrance of his Tent;Achilles stands i'th' entrance of his tent. TC III.iii.38
Please it our Generall to passe strangely by him,Please it our general to pass strangely by him,strangely (adv.)
like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner
TC III.iii.39
As if he were forgot: and Princes all,As if he were forgot; and, princes all, TC III.iii.40
Lay negligent and loose regard vpon him;Lay negligent and loose regard upon him.loose (adj.)
casual, lax, careless
TC III.iii.41
I will come last, 'tis like heele question me,I will come last – 'tis like he'll question melike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
TC III.iii.42
Why such vnplausiue eyes are bent? why turn'd on him?Why such unplausive eyes are bent, why turned on him;unplausive (adj.)

old form: vnplausiue
disapproving, displeased, censurious
TC III.iii.43
bend (v.)
aim, direct, level, turn
If so, I haue derision medicinable,If so, I have derision medicinablemedicinable (adj.)
medicinal, healing, curative, restorative
TC III.iii.44
To vse betweene your strangenesse and his pride,To use between your strangeness and his pride,strangeness (n.)

old form: strangenesse
estrangement, disaffection, coldness, aloofness
TC III.iii.45
Which his owne will shall haue desire to drinke;Which his own will shall have desire to drink. TC III.iii.46
It may doe good, pride hath no other glasseIt may do good: pride hath no other glassglass (n.)

old form: glasse
mirror, looking-glass
TC III.iii.47
To show it selfe, but pride: for supple knees,To show itself but pride; for supple knees TC III.iii.48
Feede arrogance, and are the proud mans fees.Feed arrogance, and are the proud man's fees. TC III.iii.49
Weele execute your purpose, and put onWe'll execute your purpose, and put onpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
TC III.iii.50
A forme of strangenesse as we passe along,A form of strangeness as we pass along –  TC III.iii.51
So doe each Lord, and either greete him not,So do each lord, and either greet him not, TC III.iii.52
Or else disdainfully, which shall shake him more,Or else disdainfully, which shall shake him more TC III.iii.53
Then if not lookt on. I will lead the way.Than if not looked on. I will lead the way. TC III.iii.54
What comes the Generall to speake with me?What, comes the general to speak with me? TC III.iii.55
You know my minde, Ile fight no more 'gainst Troy.You know my mind; I'll fight no more 'gainst Troy. TC III.iii.56
What saies Achilles, would he ought with vs?What says Achilles? Would he aught with us?aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
TC III.iii.57
Would you my Lord ought with the Generall?Would you, my lord, aught with the general? TC III.iii.58
No.No. TC III.iii.59
Nothing my Lord.Nothing, my lord. TC III.iii.60
The better.The better. TC III.iii.61
Exeunt Agamemnon and Nestor TC III.iii.61
Good day, good day.Good day, good day. TC III.iii.62
How doe you? how doe you?How do you? How do you? TC III.iii.63
Exit TC III.iii.63
What, do's the Cuckold scorne me?What, does the cuckold scorn me?cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife
TC III.iii.64
Aiax. AJAX 
How now Patroclus?How now, Patroclus? TC III.iii.65
Good morrow Aiax?Good morrow, Ajax.morrow (n.)
TC III.iii.66
Aiax. AJAX 
Ha.Ha? TC III.iii.67
Good morrow.Good morrow. TC III.iii.68
Aiax. AJAX 
I, and good next day too. Ay, and good next day too. TC III.iii.69
Exeunt.Exit TC III.iii.69
What meane these fellowes? know they not Achilles?What mean these fellows? Know they not Achilles? TC III.iii.70
They passe by strangely: they were vs'd to bendThey pass by strangely. They were used to bend,strangely (adv.)
like a stranger, distantly, in an unfriendly manner
TC III.iii.71
use (v.)

old form: vs'd
be accustomed, make a habit [of]
bend (v.)
give way, bow, submit
To send their smiles before them to Achilles:To send their smiles before them to Achilles; TC III.iii.72
To come as humbly as they vs'd to creepeTo come as humbly as they use to creep TC III.iii.73
to holy Altars.To holy altars. TC III.iii.74.1
What am I poore of late?What, am I poor of late? TC III.iii.74.2
'Tis certaine, greatnesse once falne out with fortune,'Tis certain, greatness, once fallen out with fortune, TC III.iii.75
Must fall out with men too: what the declin'd is,Must fall out with men too. What the declined is,declined (n.)

old form: declin'd
vanquished person, someone brought down
TC III.iii.76
He shall as soone reade in the eyes of others,He shall as soon read in the eyes of others TC III.iii.77
As feele in his owne fall: for men like butter-flies,As feel in his own fall; for men, like butterflies, TC III.iii.78
Shew not their mealie wings, but to the Summer:Show not their mealy wings but to the summer,mealy (adj.)

old form: mealie
powdery, scaly, grainy
TC III.iii.79
And not a man for being simply man,And not a man, for being simply man, TC III.iii.80
Hath any honour; but honour'd for those honoursHath any honour, but honoured for those honours TC III.iii.81
That are without him; as place, riches, and fauour,That are without him, as place, riches, and favour – place (n.)
position, post, office, rank
TC III.iii.82
Prizes of accident, as oft as merit:Prizes of accident as oft as merit – oft (adv.)
TC III.iii.83
Which when they fall, as being slippery standers;Which when they fall, as being slippery standers,stander (n.)
supporter, sustainer, prop
TC III.iii.84
The loue that leand on them as slippery too,The love that leaned on them, as slippery too, TC III.iii.85
Doth one plucke downe another, and togetherDo one pluck down another, and togetherpluck down (v.)

old form: plucke downe
pull down, drag down
TC III.iii.86
Dye in the fall. But 'tis not so with me;Die in the fall. But 'tis not so with me: TC III.iii.87
Fortune and I are friends, I doe enioyFortune and I are friends. I do enjoy TC III.iii.88
At ample point, all that I did possesse,At ample point all that I did possess,point (n.)
summit, apex, highest point
TC III.iii.89
ample (adj.)
full, complete, absolute
Saue these mens lookes: who do me thinkes finde outSave these men's looks; who do, methinks, find outmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TC III.iii.90
Something not worth in me such rich beholding,Something not worth in me such rich beholdingbeholding (n.)
regard, attention, contemplation
TC III.iii.91
As they haue often giuen. Here is Ulisses,As they have often given. Here is Ulysses: TC III.iii.92
Ile interrupt his reading:I'll interrupt his reading –  TC III.iii.93
how now Vlisses?How now, Ulysses! TC III.iii.94.1
Now great Thetis Sonne.Now, great Thetis' son. TC III.iii.94.2
What are you reading?What are you reading? TC III.iii.95.1
A strange fellow hereA strange fellow here TC III.iii.95.2
Writes me, that man, how dearely euer parted,Writes me that man – how dearly ever parted,parted (adj.)
gifted, endowed, accomplished
TC III.iii.96
How much in hauing, or without, or in,How much in having, or without or in – without (adv.)
externally, on the outside
TC III.iii.97
Cannot make boast to haue that which he hath;Cannot make boast to have that which he hath, TC III.iii.98
Nor feeles not what he owes, but by reflection:Nor feels not what he owes, but by reflection;owe (v.)
own, possess, have
TC III.iii.99
As when his vertues shining vpon others,As when his virtues shining upon others TC III.iii.100
Heate them, and they retort that heate againeHeat them, and they retort that heat againretort (v.)
turn back, return, reflect
TC III.iii.101
To the first giuer.To the first giver. TC III.iii.102.1
This is not strange Vlisses:This is not strange, Ulysses. TC III.iii.102.2
The beautie that is borne here in the face,The beauty that is borne here in the face TC III.iii.103
The bearer knowes not, but commends it selfe,The bearer knows not, but commends itselfbearer (n.)
possessor, owner, holder
TC III.iii.104
commend (v.)
present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
To others' eyes; nor doth the eye itself, TC III.iii.105
That most pure spirit of sense, behold itself,sense (n.)
senses, sensation, organs of sense
TC III.iii.106
spirit (n.)
life-supporting substance thought to be carried by the blood, animating essence
Not going from it selfe: but eye to eye oppos'd,Not going from itself, but eye to eye opposed TC III.iii.107
Salutes each other with each others forme.Salutes each other with each other's form. TC III.iii.108
For speculation turnes not to it selfe,For speculation turns not to itselfspeculation (n.)
power of sight, vision
TC III.iii.109
Till it hath trauail'd, and is married thereTill it hath travelled, and is mirrored there TC III.iii.110
Where it may see it selfe: this is not strange at all.Where it may see itself. This is not strange at all. TC III.iii.111
I doe not straine it at the position,I do not strain at the positionposition (n.)
[in logic] affirmation, assertion, hypothesis
TC III.iii.112
strain at (v.)

old form: straine
have difficulty in accepting, have a problem with
It is familiar; but at the Authors drift,It is familiar – but at the author's drift,drift (n.)
direction, progress, course
TC III.iii.113
Who in his circumstance, expresly prouesWho in his circumstance expressly provescircumstance (n.)
special argument, detailed explanation
TC III.iii.114
That no may is the Lord of any thing,That no man is the lord of any thing, TC III.iii.115
(Though in and of him there is much consisting,)Though in and of him there is much consisting, TC III.iii.116
Till he communicate his parts to others:Till he communicate his parts to others;part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
TC III.iii.117
Nor doth he of himselfe know them for ought,Nor doth he of himself know them for aughtaught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
TC III.iii.118
Till he behold them formed in th'applause,Till he behold them formed in th' applause TC III.iii.119
Where they are extended: who like an arch reuerb'rateWhere they're extended; who like an arch reverb'rateextend (v.)
[unclear meaning] react to; evaluate; enlarge in scope
TC III.iii.120
The voyce againe; or like a gate of steele,The voice again; or, like a gate of steel TC III.iii.121
Fronting the Sunne, receiues and renders backeFronting the sun, receives and renders back TC III.iii.122
His figure, and his heate. I was much rapt in this,His figure and his heat. I was much rapt in this,rapt (adj.)
absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied
TC III.iii.123
figure (n.)
form, design, shape, conception
And apprehended here immediately:And apprehended here immediatelyapprehend (v.)
perceive the significance, discern, grasp the matter [of]
TC III.iii.124
The vnknowne Aiax; / Heauens what a man is there?The unknown Ajax. Heavens, what a man is there!unknown (adj.)

old form: vnknowne
obscure, little-known
TC III.iii.125
a very Horse, / That has he knowes not what.A very horse, that has he knows not what! TC III.iii.126
Nature, what things there are.Nature, what things there are TC III.iii.127
Most abiect in regard, and deare in vse.Most abject in regard, and dear in use!regard (n.)
respect, repute, esteem
TC III.iii.128
dear (adj.)

old form: deare
of great worth, valuable, precious
abject (adj.)

old form: abiect
mean-spirited, despicable, contemptible
What things againe most deere in the esteeme,What things again most dear in the esteem, TC III.iii.129
And poore in worth: now shall we see to morrow,And poor in worth! Now shall we see tomorrow –  TC III.iii.130
An act that very chance doth throw vpon him?An act that very chance doth throw upon him – chance (n.)
fortune, lot, destiny
TC III.iii.131
very (adj.)
mere, alone
Aiax renown'd? O heauens, what some men doe,Ajax renowned. O heavens, what some men do, TC III.iii.132
While some men leaue to doe!While some men leave to do! TC III.iii.133
How some men creepe in skittish fortunes hall,How some men creep in skittish Fortune's hall,skittish (adj.)
changeable, fickle, inconstant
TC III.iii.134
Fortune (n.)
Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
Whiles others play the Ideots in her eyes:Whiles others play the idiots in her eyes! TC III.iii.135
How one man eates into anothers pride,How one man eats into another's pride, TC III.iii.136
While pride is feasting in his wantonnesseWhile pride is fasting in his wantonness!wantonness (n.)

old form: wantonnesse
foolish behaviour, caprice, whims
TC III.iii.137
To see these Grecian Lords; why, euen already,To see these Grecian lords! – Why, even already TC III.iii.138
They clap the lubber Aiax on the shoulder,They clap the lubber Ajax on the shoulder,lubber (n.)
clumsy dolt, blundering lout
TC III.iii.139
As if his foote were on braue Hectors brest,As if his foot were on brave Hector's breast,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
TC III.iii.140
And great Troy shrinking.And great Troy shrinking.shrink (v.)
shiver, recoil, draw back
TC III.iii.141
I doe beleeue it: / For they past by me,I do believe it; for they passed by me TC III.iii.142
as mysers doe by beggars, / Neither gaue to me As misers do by beggars, neither gave to me TC III.iii.143
good word, nor looke: What are my deedes forgot?Good word nor look. What, are my deeds forgot? TC III.iii.144
Time hath (my Lord) a wallet at his backe,Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back,wallet (n.)
bag, knapsack
TC III.iii.145
Wherein he puts almes for obliuion:Wherein he puts alms for oblivion, TC III.iii.146
A great siz'd monster of ingratitudes:A great-sized monster of ingratitudes:ingratitude (n.)
act of ingratitude, ungrateful response
TC III.iii.147
Those scraps are good deedes past, / Which are deuour'dThose scraps are good deeds past, which are devoured TC III.iii.148
as fast as they are made, / Forgot as sooneAs fast as they are made, forgot as soon TC III.iii.149
as done: perseuerance, deere my Lord,As done. Perseverance, dear my lord, TC III.iii.150
Keepes honor bright, to haue done, is to hangKeeps honour bright: to have done is to hang TC III.iii.151
Quite out of fashion, like a rustie male,Quite out of fashion, like a rusty mailmail (n.)

old form: male
armour, chain mail, piece of armour
TC III.iii.152
In monumentall mockrie: take the instant way,In monumental mockery. Take the instant way;instant (adj.)
immediate, direct
TC III.iii.153
monumental (adj.)

old form: monumentall
serving as a monument, providing a memorial
For honour trauels in a straight so narrow,For honour travels in a strait so narrow,strait (n.)

old form: straight
cramped passage, confined path
TC III.iii.154
Where one but goes a breast, keepe then the path:Where one but goes abreast. Keep then the path, TC III.iii.155
For emulation hath a thousand Sonnes,For emulation hath a thousand sons,emulation (n.)
ambitious rivalry, contention, conflict
TC III.iii.156
That one by one pursue; if you giue way,That one by one pursue; if you give way, TC III.iii.157
Or hedge aside from the direct forth right;Or hedge aside from the direct forthright,hedge (v.)
deviate from a straight path, shift direction
TC III.iii.158
forthright (n.)

old form: forth right
straight path, direct course
Like to an entred Tyde, they all rush by,Like to an entered tide, they all rush by TC III.iii.159
And leaue you hindmost:And leave you hindmost; TC III.iii.160
Or like a gallant Horse falne in first ranke,Or, like a gallant horse fallen in first rank, TC III.iii.161
Lye there for pauement to the abiect, neereLie there for pavement to the abject rear,pavement (n.)

old form: pauement
paved surface, thoroughfare
TC III.iii.162
abject (adj.)

old form: abiect
mean-spirited, despicable, contemptible
Ore-run and trampled on: then what they doe in present,O'errun and trampled on. Then what they do in present, TC III.iii.163
Though lesse then yours in past, must ore-top yours:Though less than yours in past, must o'ertop yours;overtop (v.)

old form: ore-top
excel, surpass, go beyond the (normal) level of
TC III.iii.164
For time is like a fashionable Hoste,For time is like a fashionable host, TC III.iii.165
That slightly shakes his parting Guest by th'hand;That slightly shakes his parting guest by th' hand,slightly (adv.)
without much attention, neglectfully
TC III.iii.166
And with his armes out-stretcht, as he would flye,And with his arms outstretched, as he would fly, TC III.iii.167
Graspes in the commer: the welcome euer smiles,Grasps in the comer: the welcome ever smiles,comer (n.)

old form: commer
newcomer, arrival, new visitor
TC III.iii.168
grasp in (v.)

old form: Graspes
embrace, clasp in the arms
And farewels goes out sighing: O let not vertue seekeAnd farewell goes out sighing. O, let not virtue seekvirtue (n.)

old form: vertue
virtuous self, honour, excellency
TC III.iii.169
Remuneration for the thing it was:Remuneration for the thing it was; TC III.iii.170
for beautie, wit,For beauty, wit,wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TC III.iii.171
High birth, vigor of bone, desert in seruice,High birth, vigour of bone, desert in service,desert, desart (n.)
worthy deed, meritorious action
TC III.iii.172
bone (n.)
body, physique, bodily frame
Loue, friendship, charity, are subiects allLove, friendship, charity, are subjects all TC III.iii.173
To enuious and calumniating time:To envious and calumniating time.calumniating (adj.)
slandering, defaming, reviling
TC III.iii.174
envious (adj.)
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin:One touch of nature makes the whole world kin,touch (n.)
trait, quality, feature
TC III.iii.175
nature (n.)
human nature
That all with one consent praise new borne gaudes,That all, with one consent, praise new-born gauds,gaud (n.)

old form: gaudes
gaudy toy, showy plaything, trinket
TC III.iii.176
Though they are made and moulded of things past,Though they are made and moulded of things past, TC III.iii.177
And goe to dust, that is a little guilt,And give to dust that is a little gilt TC III.iii.178
More laud then guilt oredusted.More laud than gilt o'erdusted.overdusted, over-dusted (adj.)

old form: oredusted
covered over with dust
TC III.iii.179
laud (n.)
praise, homage, honour
The present eye praises the pres nt obiect:The present eye praises the present object: TC III.iii.180
Then maruell not thou great and compleat man,Then marvel not, thou great and complete man,complete, compleat (adj.)

old form: compleat
fully equipped, with everything present
TC III.iii.181
complete, compleat (adj.)

old form: compleat
accomplished, consummate, thorough
That all the Greekes begin to worship Aiax;That all the Greeks begin to worship Ajax, TC III.iii.182
Since things in motion begin to catch the eye,Since things in motion sooner catch the eye TC III.iii.183
Then what not stirs: the cry went out on thee,Than what stirs not. The cry went once on thee,cry (n.)
acclaim, shout of approval
TC III.iii.184
And still it might, and yet it may againe,And still it might, and yet it may again,still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
TC III.iii.185
If thou would'st not entombe thy selfe aliue,If thou wouldst not entomb thyself alive, TC III.iii.186
And case thy reputation in thy Tent;And case thy reputation in thy tent;case (v.)
hide, conceal, cover up
TC III.iii.187
Whose glorious deedes, but in these fields of late,Whose glorious deeds but in these fields of latefield (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
TC III.iii.188
Made emulous missions 'mongst the gods themselues,Made emulous missions 'mongst the gods themselves,emulous (adj.)
envious, filled with rivalry, greedy for praise
TC III.iii.189
And draue great Mars to faction.And drave great Mars to faction.Mars (n.)
Roman god of war
TC III.iii.190.1
faction (n.)
quarrel, squabble, dissension
drave (v.)
drove [past form of 'drive']
Of this my priuacie,Of this my privacy TC III.iii.190.2
I haue strong reasons.I have strong reasons. TC III.iii.191.1
But 'gainst your priuacieBut 'gainst your privacy TC III.iii.191.2
The reasons are more potent and heroycall:The reasons are more potent and heroical.heroical (adj.)

old form: heroycall
appropriate to the character of a hero
TC III.iii.192
'Tis knowne Achilles, that you are in loue'Tis known, Achilles, that you are in love TC III.iii.193
With one of Priams daughters.With one of Priam's daughters –  TC III.iii.194.1
Ha? knowne?Ha? Known? TC III.iii.194.2
Is that a wonder?Is that a wonder? TC III.iii.195
The prouidence that's in a watchfull State,The providence that's in a watchful stateprovidence (n.)

old form: prouidence
foresight, forethought
TC III.iii.196
state (n.)
government, ruling body, administration
Knowes almost euery graine of Plutoes gold;Knows almost every grain of Pluto's gold,Pluto (n.)
one of the titles of the Greek god of the Underworld
TC III.iii.197
Findes bottome in th'vncomprehensiue deepes;Finds bottom in th' uncomprehensive deeps,uncomprehensive (adj.)

old form: vncomprehensiue
fathomless, boundless, immeasurable
TC III.iii.198
Keepes place with thought; and almost like the gods,Keeps place with thought, and almost, like the gods,place (n.)
way, room
TC III.iii.199
Doe thoughts vnuaile in their dumbe cradles:Does thoughts unveil in their dumb cradles. TC III.iii.200
There is a mysterie (with whom relationThere is a mystery – with whom relationmystery (n.)

old form: mysterie
secret matter, inexplicable essence
TC III.iii.201
relation (n.)
report, account, narration
Durst neuer meddle) in the soule of State;Durst never meddle – in the soul of state, TC III.iii.202
Which hath an operation more diuine,Which hath an operation more divine TC III.iii.203
Then breath or pen can giue expressure to:Than breath or pen can give expressure to.expressure (n.)
expression, picture, image
TC III.iii.204
All the commerse that you haue had with Troy,All the commerce that you have had with Troycommerce (n.)

old form: commerse
dealings, transactions, intercourse
TC III.iii.205
As perfectly is ours, as yours, my Lord.As perfectly is ours as yours, my lord; TC III.iii.206
And better would it fit Achilles much,And better would it fit Achilles much TC III.iii.207
To throw downe Hector then Polixena.To throw down Hector than Polyxena. TC III.iii.208
But it must grieue yong Pirhus now at home,But it must grieve young Pyrrhus now at home,Pyrrhus (n.)
[pron: 'pirus] son of Achilles, who entered Troy in the wooden horse and killed Priam
TC III.iii.209
When fame shall in her Iland sound her trumpe;When fame shall in our islands sound her trump,trump (n.)

old form: trumpe
TC III.iii.210
And all the Greekish Girles shall tripping sing,And all the Greekish girls shall tripping sing:Greekish (adj.)
Greek, Grecian
TC III.iii.211
tripping (adv.)
light-footedly, with nimble dance-steps
Great Hectors sister did Achilles winne;‘ Great Hector's sister did Achilles win, TC III.iii.212
But our great Aiax brauely beate downe him.But our great Ajax bravely beat down him.’bravely (adv.)

old form: brauely
showily, with great display, with a fine flourish
TC III.iii.213
Farewell my Lord: I as your louer speake;Farewell, my lord: I as your lover speak;lover (n.)

old form: louer
companion, comrade, dear friend
TC III.iii.214
The foole slides ore the Ice that you should breake.The fool slides o'er the ice that you should break. TC III.iii.215
Exit TC III.iii.215
To this effect Achilles haue I mou'd you;To this effect, Achilles, have I moved you.effect (n.)
purpose, end, intended deed
TC III.iii.216
move (v.)

old form: mou'd
appeal to, urge, exhort
A woman impudent and mannish growne,A woman impudent and mannish grownimpudent (adj.)
shameless, immodest, unblushing
TC III.iii.217
Is not more loth'd, then an effeminate man,Is not more loathed than an effeminate maneffeminate (adj.)
feeble, soft, unmanly
TC III.iii.218
In time of action: I stand condemn'd for this;In time of action. I stand condemned for this; TC III.iii.219
They thinke my little stomacke to the warre,They think my little stomach to the war,stomach (n.)

old form: stomacke
wish, inclination, desire
TC III.iii.220
And your great loue to me, restraines you thus:And your great love to me, restrains you thus. TC III.iii.221
Sweete, rouse your selfe; and the weake wanton CupidSweet, rouse yourself, and the weak wanton CupidCupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
TC III.iii.222
wanton (adj.)
sexually hot, passionate, sportive
Shall from your necke vnloose his amorous fould,Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold, TC III.iii.223
And like a dew drop from the Lyons mane,And, like a dewdrop from the lion's mane, TC III.iii.224
Be shooke to ayrie ayre.Be shook to air. TC III.iii.225.1
Shall Aiax fight with Hector?Shall Ajax fight with Hector? TC III.iii.225.2
I, and perhaps receiue much honor by him.Ay, and perhaps receive much honour by him. TC III.iii.226
I see my reputation is at stake,I see my reputation is at stake. TC III.iii.227
My fame is shrowdly gored.My fame is shrewdly gored.shrewdly (adv.)

old form: shrowdly
seriously, mightily, very much
TC III.iii.228.1
gored (adj.)
deeply wounded, bleeding
O then beware:O, then, beware; TC III.iii.228.2
Those wounds heale ill, that men doe giue themselues:Those wounds heal ill that men do give themselves.ill (adv.)
imperfectly, poorly, to ill effect
TC III.iii.229
Omission to doe what is necessary,Omission to do what is necessary TC III.iii.230
Seales a commission to a blanke of danger,Seals a commission to a blank of danger,commission (n.)
warrant, authority [to act]
TC III.iii.231
blank charter, blank (n.)

old form: blanke
promissory document with the amount to pay left open
And danger like an ague subtly taintsAnd danger, like an ague, subtly taintstaint (v.)
sully, infect, stain
TC III.iii.232
subtly, subtilly (adv.)
deceitfully, treacherously, deceptively
ague (n.)
fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever]
Euen then when we sit idely in the sunne.Even then when we sit idly in the sun. TC III.iii.233
Goe call Thersites hither sweet Patroclus,Go call Thersites hither, sweet Patroclus. TC III.iii.234
Ile send the foole to Aiax, and desire himI'll send the fool to Ajax, and desire him TC III.iii.235
T'inuite the Troian Lords after the CombatT' invite the Trojan lords after the combat TC III.iii.236
To see vs here vnarm'd: I haue a womans longing,To see us here unarmed. I have a woman's longing, TC III.iii.237
An appetite that I am sicke withall,An appetite that I am sick withal,appetite (n.)
desire, longing, inclination, fancy
TC III.iii.238
To see great Hector in his weedes of peace; To see great Hector in his weeds of peace,weed (n.)

old form: weedes
(plural) garments, dress, clothes
TC III.iii.239
Enter Thersi.(Enter Thersites) TC III.iii.240.1
To talke with him, and to behold his visage,To talk with him, and to behold his visagevisage (n.)
face, countenance
TC III.iii.240
Euen to my full of view. A labour sau'd.Even to my full of view. – A labour saved!save (v.)

old form: sau'd
prevent, avoid, avert
TC III.iii.241
full (n.)
fullness, entire range, complete scope
view (n.)
inspection, examination
view (n.)
sight, range of vision
A wonder.A wonder!wonder (n.)
object of fascination, target of astonishment
TC III.iii.242
What?What? TC III.iii.243
Aiax goes vp and downe the field, asking forAjax goes up and down the field, asking forfield (n.)
duelling place
TC III.iii.244
himselfe.himself. TC III.iii.245
How so?How so? TC III.iii.246
Hee must fight singly to morrow with Hector,He must fight singly tomorrow with Hector, TC III.iii.247
and is so prophetically proud of an heroicall cudgelling,and is so prophetically proud of an heroical cudgellingheroical (adj.)

old form: heroicall
appropriate to the character of a hero
TC III.iii.248
that he raues in saying nothing.that he raves in saying nothing. TC III.iii.249
How can that be?How can that be? TC III.iii.250
Why he stalkes vp and downe like a Peacock, aWhy, he stalks up and down like a peacock, a TC III.iii.251
stride and a stand: ruminates like an hostesse, that hathstride and a stand; ruminates like an hostess that hathstand (n.)
stop, pause, standing still
TC III.iii.252
no Arithmatique but her braine to set downe her reckoning:no arithmetic but her brain to set down her reckoning;reckoning (n.)
counting up, enumeration, calculation
TC III.iii.253
bites his lip with a politique regard, as who should say,bites his lip with a politic regard, as who should sayregard (n.)
look, glance, gaze
TC III.iii.254
politic (adj.)

old form: politique
prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd
there were wit in his head and twoo'd out; and sothere were wit in his head, an 'twould out – and sowit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TC III.iii.255
and, an (conj.)
if, whether
there is: but it lyes as coldly in him, as fire in a flint,there is; but it lies as coldly in him as fire in a flint, TC III.iii.256
which will not shew without knocking. The manswhich will not show without knocking. The man's TC III.iii.257
vndone for euer; for if Hector breake not his neckeundone for ever, for if Hector break not his neckundone (adj.)

old form: vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down
TC III.iii.258
i'th'combat, heele break't himselfe in vaine-glory. Hei'th' combat, he'll break't himself in vainglory. Hevainglory, vain-glory (n.)

old form: vaine-glory
showy event, ostentatious activity
TC III.iii.259
knowes not mee: I said, good morrow Aiax; And heknows not me: I said ‘ Good morrow, Ajax ’ and he TC III.iii.260
replyes, thankes Agamemnon. What thinke you ofreplies ‘ Thanks, Agamemnon.’ – What think you of TC III.iii.261
this man, that takes me for the Generall? Hee's growne athis man, that takes me for the general? He's grown a TC III.iii.262
very land-fish, languagelesse, a monster: a plague ofvery land-fish, languageless, a monster. A plague ofland-fish (n.)
fish living on land; unnatural being
TC III.iii.263
opinion, a man may weare it on both sides like a leatheropinion! A man may wear it on both sides, like a leatheropinion (n.)
arrogance, self-conceit, hubris
TC III.iii.264
Ierkin.jerkin.jerkin (n.)

old form: Ierkin
male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather]
TC III.iii.265
Thou must be my Ambassador to him Thou must be my ambassador to him, TC III.iii.266
Thersites.Thersites. TC III.iii.267
Who, I: why, heele answer no body: heWho, I? Why, he'll answer nobody, he TC III.iii.268
professes not answering; speaking is for beggers: heprofesses not answering; speaking is for beggars; heprofess (v.)
practise, pursue, claim knowledge of
TC III.iii.269
weares his tongue in's armes: I will put on his presence;wears his tongue in's arms. I will put on his presence:presence (n.)
appearance, bearing, demeanour
TC III.iii.270
put on (v.)
show, manifest, exhibit
arms (n.)

old form: armes
weapons, armaments
let Patroclus make his demands to me, you shall seelet Patroclus make demands to me, you shall seedemand (n.)
question, enquiry, request
TC III.iii.271
the Pageant of Aiax.the pageant of Ajax.pageant (n.)
show, scene, spectacle, tableau
TC III.iii.272
To him Patroclus; tell him, I humbly desireTo him, Patroclus. Tell him I humbly desire TC III.iii.273
the valiant Aiax, to inuite the most valorous Hector, tothe valiant Ajax to invite the most valorous Hector to TC III.iii.274
come vnarm'd to my Tent, and to procure safe conduct come unarmed to my tent, and to procure safe-conduct TC III.iii.275
for his person, of the magnanimious and most for his person of the magnanimous and most TC III.iii.276
illustrious, sixe or seauen times honour'd Captaine, Generallillustrious six-or-seven-times-honoured captain-generalcaptain-general (n.)commander-in-chiefTC III.iii.277
of the Grecian Armie Agamemnon, &c.of the Grecian army, Agamemnon, et cetera. TC III.iii.278
doe this.Do this. TC III.iii.279
Ioue blesse great Aiax.Jove bless great Ajax.Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
TC III.iii.280
Hum.Hum! TC III.iii.281
I come from the worthy Aehilles.I come from the worthy Achilles –  TC III.iii.282
Ha?Ha? TC III.iii.283
Who most humbly desires you to inuite Who most humbly desires you to invite TC III.iii.284
Hector to his Tent.Hector to his tent –  TC III.iii.285
Hum.Hum! TC III.iii.286
And to procure safe conduct from And to procure safe-conduct from TC III.iii.287
Agamemnon.Agamemnon. TC III.iii.288
Agamemnon?Agamemnon? TC III.iii.289
I my Lord.Ay, my lord. TC III.iii.290
Ha?Ha! TC III.iii.291
What say you too't.What say you to't? TC III.iii.292
God buy you with all my heart.God buy you, with all my heart. TC III.iii.293
Your answer sir.Your answer, sir. TC III.iii.294
If to morrow be a faire day, by eleuen a clocke itIf tomorrow be a fair day, by eleven o'clock it TC III.iii.295
will goe one way or other; howsoeuer, he shall pay forwill go one way or other; howsoever, he shall pay for TC III.iii.296
me ere he has ere he has me. TC III.iii.297
Your answer sir.Your answer, sir. TC III.iii.298
Fare you well withall my heart.Fare you well, with all my heart.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
TC III.iii.299
Why, but he is not in this tune, is he?Why, but he is not in this tune, is he?tune (n.)
state of mind, mood
TC III.iii.300
No, but he's out a tune thus: what musickeNo, but he's out o' tune thus. What music TC III.iii.301
will be in him when Hector has knockt out his braines,will be in him when Hector has knocked out his brains, TC III.iii.302
I know not: but I am sure none, vnlesse the Fidler I know not; but I am sure, none, unless the fiddler TC III.iii.303
Apollo get his sinewes to make catlings on.Apollo get his sinews to make catlings on.catling (n.)
catgut string
TC III.iii.304
sinew (n.)

old form: sinewes
Come, thou shalt beare a Letter to him straight.Come, thou shalt bear a letter to him straight.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
TC III.iii.305
Let me carry another to his Horse; for that'sLet me carry another to his horse, for that's TC III.iii.306
the more capable creature.the more capable creature.capable (adj.)
sensitive, receptive, responsive
TC III.iii.307
My minde is troubled like a Fountaine stir'd,My mind is troubled, like a fountain stirred, TC III.iii.308
And I my selfe see not the bottome of it.And I myself see not the bottom of it. TC III.iii.309
Exeunt Achilles and Patroclus TC III.iii.309
Would the Fountaine of your minde were cleereWould the fountain of your mind were clear TC III.iii.310
againe, that I might water an Asse at it: I had rather be aagain, that I might water an ass at it! I had rather be a TC III.iii.311
Ticke in a Sheepe, then such a valiant ignorance.tick in a sheep than such a valiant ignorance.ignorance (n.)
ignoramus, example of ignorance
TC III.iii.312
Exit TC III.iii.312
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