The Tempest

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Anthonio, Gonzallo, Adrian, Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Tem III.iii.1.1
Francisco, &cFrancisco, and others Tem III.iii.1.2
By'r lakin, I can goe no further, Sir,By 'r lakin, I can go no further, sir.lakin (n.)
variant of 'lady' [Our Lady]
Tem III.iii.1
My old bones akes: here's a maze trod indeedeMy old bones aches. Here's a maze trod indeed, Tem III.iii.2
Through fourth-rights, & Meanders: by your patience,Through forthrights and meanders! By your patience,meander (n.)
crooked path, winding way
Tem III.iii.3
forthright (n.)

old form: fourth-rights
straight path, direct course
I needes must rest me.I needs must rest me. Tem III.iii.4
Old Lord, I cannot blame thee,Old lord, I cannot blame thee, Tem III.iii.5
Who, am my selfe attach'd with wearinesseWho am myself attached with wearinessattach (v.)

old form: attach'd
seize, take hold of, grip
Tem III.iii.6
To th' dulling of my spirits: Sit downe, and rest:To th' dulling of my spirits. Sit down and rest. Tem III.iii.7
Euen here I will put off my hope, and keepe itEven here I will put off my hope, and keep it Tem III.iii.8
No longer for my Flatterer: he is droun'dNo longer for my flatterer. He is drowned Tem III.iii.9
Whom thus we stray to finde, and the Sea mocksWhom thus we stray to find, and the sea mocks Tem III.iii.10
Our frustrate search on land: well, let him goe.Our frustrate search on land. Well, let him go.frustrate (adj.)
unsuccessful, thwarted, fruitless
Tem III.iii.11
(aside to Sebastian) Tem III.iii.12
I am right glad, that he's so out of hope:I am right glad that he's so out of hope. Tem III.iii.12
Doe not for one repulse forgoe the purposeDo not, for one repulse, forgo the purposepurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Tem III.iii.13
That you resolu'd t' effect.That you resolved t' effect. Tem III.iii.14.1
(aside to Antonio) Tem III.iii.14
The next aduantageThe next advantageadvantage (n.)
right moment, favourable opportunity
Tem III.iii.14.2
will we take throughly.Will we take throughly.throughly (adv.)
thoroughly, fully, completely
Tem III.iii.15.1
(aside to Sebastian) Tem III.iii.15
Let it be to night,Let it be tonight; Tem III.iii.15.2
For now they are oppress'd with trauaile, theyFor, now they are oppressed with travel, theytravail, travel (n.)

old form: trauaile
journeying, travel [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour']
Tem III.iii.16
Will not, nor cannot vse such vigilanceWill not, nor cannot, use such vigilance Tem III.iii.17
As when they are fresh.As when they are fresh. Tem III.iii.18.1
(aside to Antonio) Tem III.iii.18
I say to night: no more.I say tonight. No more. Tem III.iii.18.2
Solemne and strange Musicke: and Prosper on the top Solemn and strange music; and Prospero on the top, Tem III.iii.19.1
(inuisible:) Enter seuerall strange shapes, bringing in a invisible. Enter several strange shapes, bringing in aseveral (adj.)
various, sundry, respective, individual
Tem III.iii.19.2
Banket; and dance about it with gentle actions of salutations, banquet; and dance about it with gentle actions of salutations;gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
Tem III.iii.19.3
and inuiting the King, &c. to eate, they depart.and, inviting the King, etc., to eat, they depart Tem III.iii.19.4
What harmony is this? my good friends, harke.What harmony is this? My good friends, hark! Tem III.iii.19
Maruellous sweet Musicke.Marvellous sweet music!marvellous (adv.)

old form: Maruellous
very, extremely, exceedingly
Tem III.iii.20
Giue vs kind keepers, heauẽs: what were these?Give us kind keepers, heavens! What were these?keeper (n.)
protecting spirit, guardian angel
Tem III.iii.21
A liuing Drolerie: now I will beleeueA living drollery. Now I will believedrollery (n.)

old form: Drolerie
puppet-show, comic entertainment
Tem III.iii.22
That there are Vnicornes: that in ArabiaThat there are unicorns; that in ArabiaArabia (n.)
region of SW Asia, thought of as a desert area
Tem III.iii.23
There is one Tree, the Phonix throne, one PhonixThere is one tree, the phoenix' throne, one phoenix Tem III.iii.24
At this houre reigning there.At this hour reigning there. Tem III.iii.25.1
Ile beleeue both:I'll believe both; Tem III.iii.25.2
And what do's else want credit, come to meAnd what does else want credit, come to mewant (v.)
lack, need, be without
Tem III.iii.26
credit (n.)
credibility, believing, belief
And Ile besworne 'tis true: Trauellers nere did lye,And I'll be sworn 'tis true. Travellers ne'er did lie, Tem III.iii.27
Though fooles at home condemne 'em.Though fools at home condemn 'em. Tem III.iii.28.1
If in NaplesIf in Naples Tem III.iii.28.2
I should report this now, would they beleeue me?I should report this now, would they believe me? Tem III.iii.29
If I should say I saw such Islands;If I should say I saw such islanders? –  Tem III.iii.30
(For certes, these are people of the Island)For certes, these are people of the island – certes (adv.)
certainly, assuredly, without doubt
Tem III.iii.31
Who though they are of monstrous shape, yet noteWho, though they are of monstrous shape, yet note, Tem III.iii.32
Their manners are more gentle, kinde, then ofTheir manners are more gentle, kind, than ofgentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
Tem III.iii.33
Our humaine generation you shall findeOur human generation you shall findgeneration (n.)
family, progeny
Tem III.iii.34
Many, nay almost any.Many, nay, almost any. Tem III.iii.35.1
(aside) Tem III.iii.35
Honest Lord,Honest lord, Tem III.iii.35.2
Thou hast said well: for some of you there present;Thou hast said well, for some of you there present Tem III.iii.36
Are worse then diuels.Are worse than devils. Tem III.iii.37.1
I cannot too much museI cannot too much musemuse (v.)
wonder at, marvel at
Tem III.iii.37.2
Such shapes, such gesture, and such sound expressingSuch shapes, such gesture, and such sound, expressing, Tem III.iii.38
(Although they want the vse of tongue) a kindeAlthough they want the use of tongue, a kindwant (v.)
lack, need, be without
Tem III.iii.39
Of excellent dumbe discourse.Of excellent dumb discourse. Tem III.iii.40.1
(aside) Tem III.iii.40
Praise in departing.Praise in departing. Tem III.iii.40.2
They vanish'd strangely.They vanished strangely.strangely (adv.)
unaccountably, surprisingly, unusually
Tem III.iii.41.1
No matter, sinceNo matter, since Tem III.iii.41.2
They haue left their Viands behinde; for wee haue stomacks.They have left their viands behind, for we have stomachs.stomach (n.)

old form: stomacks
appetite, desire [for food]
Tem III.iii.42
viand (n.)
(usually plural) food, victuals, foodstuff
Wilt please you taste of what is here?Will't please you taste of what is here? Tem III.iii.43.1
Not I.Not I. Tem III.iii.43.2
Faith Sir, you neede not feare: when wee were BoyesFaith, sir, you need not fear. When we were boys, Tem III.iii.44
Who would beleeue that there were Mountayneeres,Who would believe that there were mountaineersmountaineer (n.)

old form: Mountayneeres
[often contemptuous] mountain-dweller, native of the mountains
Tem III.iii.45
Dew-lapt, like Buls, whose throats had hanging at 'emDewlapped like bulls, whose throats had hanging at 'emdewlapped (adj.)

old form: Dew-lapt
with folds of loose skin around the throat
Tem III.iii.46
Wallets of flesh? or that there were such menWallets of flesh? Or that there were such menwallet (n.)
protruding lump, bulging growth
Tem III.iii.47
Whose heads stood in their brests? which now we findeWhose heads stood in their breasts? Which now we find Tem III.iii.48
Each putter out of fiue for one, will bring vsEach putter-out of five for one will bring usputter-out (n.)

old form: putter out
investor, lender, speculator
Tem III.iii.49
Good warrant of.Good warrant of.warrant (n.)
assurance, pledge, guarantee
Tem III.iii.50.1
I will stand to, and feede,I will stand to and feed,stand to (v.)
come forward, set to work
Tem III.iii.50.2
Although my last, no matter, since I feeleAlthough my last – no matter, since I feel Tem III.iii.51
The best is past: brother: my Lord, the Duke,The best is past. Brother, my lord the Duke, Tem III.iii.52
Stand too, and doe as we.Stand to, and do as we. Tem III.iii.53
Thunder and Lightning. Enter Ariell (like a Harpey) Thunder and lightning. Enter Ariel, like a harpy,harpy (n.)
mythical rapacious bird, half woman, half vulture [symbolizing divine retribution]
Tem III.iii.54.1
claps his wings vpon the Table, and with a quient claps his wings upon the table, and, with a quaintquaint (adj.)
ingenious, clever, skilful
Tem III.iii.54.2
deuice the Banquet vanishesdevice, the banquet vanishesdevice (n.)
mechanism, contrivance, apparatus
Tem III.iii.54.3
You are three men of sinne, whom destinyYou are three men of sin, whom destinydestiny (n.)
preordained outcome, divine foretelling
Tem III.iii.54
That hath to instrument this lower world,That hath to instrument this lower worldinstrument (n.)
agent, means, method
Tem III.iii.55
And what is in't: the neuer surfeited Sea,And what is in't – the never-surfeited seanever-surfeited (adj.)never filled to excessTem III.iii.56
Hath caus'd to belch vp you: and on this Island,Hath caused to belch up you, and on this island Tem III.iii.57
Where man doth not inhabit, you 'mongst men,Where man doth not inhabit, you 'mongst men Tem III.iii.58
Being most vnfit to liue: I haue made you mad;Being most unfit to live. I have made you mad; Tem III.iii.59
And euen with such like valour, men hang, and drowneAnd even with suchlike valour men hang and drown Tem III.iii.60
Their proper selues:Their proper selves.proper (adj.)
very, own
Tem III.iii.61.1
Alonso, Sebastian, and the others draw their swords Tem III.iii.61
you fooles, I and my fellowesYou fools! I and my fellows Tem III.iii.61.2
Are ministers of Fate, the ElementsAre ministers of Fate. The elements,element (n.)
substance, raw material, physical matter
Tem III.iii.62
minister (n.)
messenger, agent, servant
Of whom your swords are temper'd, may as wellOf whom your swords are tempered, may as welltemper (v.)

old form: temper'd
harden, toughen
Tem III.iii.63
Wound the loud windes, or with bemockt-at-StabsWound the loud winds, or with bemocked-at stabsbemocked-at (adj.)

old form: bemockt-at
mocked, scorned, derided
Tem III.iii.64
Kill the still closing waters, as diminishKill the still-closing waters, as diminishstill-closing (adj.)

old form: still closing
always coming together [after being divided]
Tem III.iii.65
One dowle that's in my plumbe: My fellow ministersOne dowle that's in my plume. My fellow ministersdowle, dowl (n.)
small feather, tiny part of a feather
Tem III.iii.66
Are like-invulnerable: if you could hurt,Are like invulnerable. If you could hurt,like (adv.)
equally, similarly, also
Tem III.iii.67
Your swords are now too massie for your strengths,Your swords are now too massy for your strengths,massy (adj.)

old form: massie
massive, heavy, colossal
Tem III.iii.68
And will not be vplifted: But rememberAnd will not be uplifted. But remember –  Tem III.iii.69
(For that's my businesse to you) that you threeFor that's my business to you – that you threebusiness (n.)

old form: businesse
mission, errand, purpose
Tem III.iii.70
From Millaine did supplant good Prospero,From Milan did supplant good Prospero, Tem III.iii.71
Expos'd vnto the Sea (which hath requit it)Exposed unto the sea, which hath requit it,requite (v.), past forms requit, requited
reward, repay, recompense
Tem III.iii.72
Him, and his innocent childe: for which foule deed,Him and his innocent child; for which foul deed Tem III.iii.73
The Powres, delaying (not forgetting) haueThe powers, delaying, not forgetting, havepower (n.)

old form: Powres
(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
Tem III.iii.74
Incens'd the Seas, and Shores; yea, all the CreaturesIncensed the seas and shores, yea, all the creaturesincense (v.)

old form: Incens'd
incite, urge, set on
Tem III.iii.75
Against your peace: Thee of thy Sonne, AlonsoAgainst your peace. Thee of thy son, Alonso, Tem III.iii.76
They haue bereft; and doe pronounce by meThey have bereft; and do pronounce by me Tem III.iii.77
Lingring perdition (worse then any deathLingering perdition – worse than any deathperdition (n.)
ruin, destruction, devastation
Tem III.iii.78
Can be at once) shall step, by step attendCan be at once – shall step by step attendattend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
Tem III.iii.79
attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
You, and your wayes, whose wraths to guard you from,You and your ways; whose wraths to guard you from, Tem III.iii.80
Which here, in this most desolate Isle, else falsWhich here, in this most desolate isle, else fallselse (adv.)
Tem III.iii.81
Vpon your heads, is nothing but hearts-sorrow,Upon your heads, is nothing but heart's sorrow, Tem III.iii.82
And a cleere life ensuing.And a clear life ensuing.clear (adj.)

old form: cleere
pure, spotless, faultless
Tem III.iii.83
He vanishes in Thunder: then (to soft Musicke.) Enter theHe vanishes in thunder. Then, to soft music, enter the Tem III.iii.84.1
shapes againe, and daunce (with mockes and mowes) andshapes again, and dance with mocks and mows, carryingmock (n.)
act of mockery, mocking remark, derisive action, scornful irony
Tem III.iii.84.2
mow (n.)
derisive grimace, pout, mocking expression
carrying out the Table.out the table Tem III.iii.84.3
Brauely the figure of this Harpie, hast thouBravely the figure of this harpy hast thouharpy (n.)

old form: Harpie
mythical rapacious bird, half woman, half vulture [symbolizing divine retribution]
Tem III.iii.84
figure (n.)
portrayal, rendering, presentation
bravely (adv.)

old form: Brauely
splendidly, worthily, excellently
Perform'd (my Ariell) a grace it had deuouring:Performed, my Ariel: a grace it had, devouring. Tem III.iii.85
Of my Instruction, hast thou nothing batedOf my instruction hast thou nothing batedbate (v.)
omit, lose, leave out
Tem III.iii.86
In what thou had'st to say: so with good life,In what thou hadst to say. So, with good lifelife (n.)
energy, spirit, liveliness
Tem III.iii.87
And obseruation strange, my meaner ministersAnd observation strange, my meaner ministersminister (n.)
messenger, agent, servant
Tem III.iii.88
mean (adj.)
of low rank, inferior in position, less important
observation (n.)

old form: obseruation
observance, careful attention, heed
strange (adj.)
special, particular, very great
Their seuerall kindes haue done: my high charmes work,Their several kinds have done. My high charms work,several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual
Tem III.iii.89
high (adj.)
sophisticated, elevated, superior
kind (n.)

old form: kindes
role, part
And these (mine enemies) are all knit vpAnd these, mine enemies, are all knit upknit, knit up (v.)

old form: vp
entangle, tie up, catch up
Tem III.iii.90
In their distractions: they now are in my powre;In their distractions. They now are in my power;distraction (n.)
madness, derangement, insanity
Tem III.iii.91
And in these fits, I leaue them, while I visitAnd in these fits I leave them while I visit Tem III.iii.92
Yong Ferdinand (whom they suppose is droun'd)Young Ferdinand, whom they suppose is drowned, Tem III.iii.93
And his, and mine lou'd darling.And his and mine loved darling. Tem III.iii.94
Exit Tem III.iii.94
I'th name of something holy, Sir, why stand youI'th' name of something holy, sir, why stand you Tem III.iii.95
In this strange stare?In this strange stare?stare (n.)
state of amazement, horror-struck condition
Tem III.iii.96
O, it is monstrous: monstrous:O, it is monstrous, monstrous! Tem III.iii.97
Me thought the billowes spoke, and told me of it,Methought the billows spoke, and told me of it;methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thought
it seems / seemed to me
Tem III.iii.98
The windes did sing it to me: and the ThunderThe winds did sing it to me; and the thunder, Tem III.iii.99
(That deepe and dreadfull Organ-Pipe) pronounc'dThat deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounced Tem III.iii.100
The name of Prosper: it did base my Trespasse,The name of Prosper: it did bass my trespass.bass, base (v.)
utter with bass voice, proclaim resonantly
Tem III.iii.101
Therefore my Sonne i'th Ooze is bedded; andTherefore my son i'th' ooze is bedded, and Tem III.iii.102
I'le seeke him deeper then ere plummet sounded,I'll seek him deeper than e'er plummet sounded,plummet (n.)
weighted line used for measuring the depth of water
Tem III.iii.103
And with him there lye mudded.And with him there lie mudded.mud (v.)
bury in mud
Tem III.iii.104.1
Exit.Exit Tem III.iii.104
But one feend at a time,But one fiend at a time, Tem III.iii.104.2
Ile fight their Legions ore.I'll fight their legions o'er. Tem III.iii.105.1
Ile be thy Second.I'll be thy second.second (n.)
supporter, helper, champion
Tem III.iii.105.2
Exeunt.Exeunt Antonio and Sebastian Tem III.iii.105
All three of them are desperate: their great guiltAll three of them are desperate. Their great guilt, Tem III.iii.106
(Like poyson giuen to worke a great time after)Like poison given to work a great time after, Tem III.iii.107
Now gins to bite the spirits: I doe beseech youNow 'gins to bite the spirits. I do beseech you,gin, 'gin (v.), past form gan, 'gan
begin [to]
Tem III.iii.108
bite (v.)
erode, wear down, eat away at
(That are of suppler ioynts) follow them swiftly,That are of suppler joints, follow them swiftly, Tem III.iii.109
And hinder them from what this extasieAnd hinder them from what this ecstasyecstasy (n.)

old form: extasie
fit, bout of madness, frenzied behaviour
Tem III.iii.110
May now prouoke them to.May now provoke them to. Tem III.iii.111.1
Follow, I pray you.Follow, I pray you. Tem III.iii.111.2
Exeunt omnes.Exeunt Tem III.iii.111
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