Henry VI Part 1

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Charles, Bastard, Alanson, Pucell.Enter Charles, the Bastard, Alençon, Joan la Pucelle, 1H6 III.iii.1.1
and soldiers 1H6 III.iii.1.2
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Dismay not (Princes) at this accident,Dismay not, princes, at this accident,accident (n.)
occurrence, event, happening
1H6 III.iii.1
Nor grieue that Roan is so recouered:Nor grieve that Rouen is so recovered. 1H6 III.iii.2
Care is no cure, but rather corrosiue,Care is no cure, but rather corrosive,care (n.)
remedy, healing, restoration
1H6 III.iii.3
corrosive (adj.)

old form: corrosiue
aggravating, destructive, wasting away
care (n.)
sorrowing, grieving, lamentation
For things that are not to be remedy'd.For things that are not to be remedied. 1H6 III.iii.4
Let frantike Talbot triumph for a while,Let frantic Talbot triumph for a whilefrantic (adj.)

old form: frantike
mad, insane, frenzied, out of one's senses
1H6 III.iii.5
And like a Peacock sweepe along his tayle,And like a peacock sweep along his tail; 1H6 III.iii.6
Wee'le pull his Plumes, and take away his Trayne,We'll pull his plumes and take away his train,train (n.)

old form: Trayne
retinue, following, entourage
1H6 III.iii.7
If Dolphin and the rest will be but rul'd.If Dauphin and the rest will be but ruled.rule (v.)

old form: rul'd
control, direct, guide
1H6 III.iii.8
Charles. CHARLES 
We haue been guided by thee hitherto,We have been guided by thee hitherto, 1H6 III.iii.9
And of thy Cunning had no diffidence,And of thy cunning had no diffidence;diffidence (n.)
distrust, misgiving, lack of confidence
1H6 III.iii.10
cunning (n.)
[magical] knowledge, art, craft
One sudden Foyle shall neuer breed distrust.One sudden foil shall never breed distrust.foil (n.)

old form: Foyle
check, repulse, setback, defeat
1H6 III.iii.11
Bastard. BASTARD 
Search out thy wit for secret pollicies,Search out thy wit for secret policies,policy (n.)

old form: pollicies
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft
1H6 III.iii.12
wit (n.)
mind, brain, thoughts
And we will make thee famous through the World.And we will make thee famous through the world. 1H6 III.iii.13
Wee'le set thy Statue in some holy place,We'll set thy statue in some holy place, 1H6 III.iii.14
And haue thee reuerenc't like a blessed Saint.And have thee reverenced like a blessed saint. 1H6 III.iii.15
Employ thee then, sweet Virgin, for our good.Employ thee then, sweet virgin, for our good.employ (v.)
devote, apply, occupy [oneself]
1H6 III.iii.16
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Then thus it must be, this doth Ioane deuise:Then thus it must be; this doth Joan devise: 1H6 III.iii.17
By faire perswasions, mixt with sugred words,By fair persuasions, mixed with sugared words,sugared (adj.)

old form: sugred
flattering, honeyed, ingratiating
1H6 III.iii.18
persuasion (n.)

old form: perswasions
argument, inducement, reason
fair (adj.)

old form: faire
plausible, flattering, seductive
We will entice the Duke of BurgonieWe will entice the Duke of Burgundy 1H6 III.iii.19
To leaue the Talbot, and to follow vs.To leave the Talbot and to follow us. 1H6 III.iii.20
Charles. CHARLES 
I marry Sweeting, if we could doe that,Ay, marry, sweeting, if we could do that,marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
1H6 III.iii.21
sweeting (n.)
sweetheart, darling, dearest
France were no place for Henryes Warriors,France were no place for Henry's warriors, 1H6 III.iii.22
Nor should that Nation boast it so with vs,Nor should that nation boast it so with us, 1H6 III.iii.23
But be extirped from our Prouinces.But be extirped from our provinces.extirp (v.)
root out, eradicate, eliminate
1H6 III.iii.24
For euer should they be expuls'd from France,For ever should they be expulsed from Franceexpulse (v.)

old form: expuls'd
expel, drive out, banish
1H6 III.iii.25
And not haue Title of an Earledome here.And not have title of an earldom here.title (n.)
possession, lordship, dominion
1H6 III.iii.26
Your Honors shall perceiue how I will worke,Your honours shall perceive how I will work 1H6 III.iii.27
To bring this matter to the wished end.To bring this matter to the wished end. 1H6 III.iii.28
Drumme sounds a farre off.Drum sounds afar off 1H6 III.iii.29
Hearke, by the sound of Drumme you may perceiueHark, by the sound of drum you may perceive 1H6 III.iii.29
Their Powers are marching vnto Paris-ward.Their powers are marching unto Paris-ward.power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
1H6 III.iii.30
unto ... ward (prep.)

old form: vnto
Here sound an English March.Here sound an English march 1H6 III.iii.31.1
There goes the Talbot, with his Colours spred,There goes the Talbot with his colours spread,colours (n.)
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
1H6 III.iii.31
And all the Troupes of English after him.And all the troops of English after him. 1H6 III.iii.32
French March.Here sound a French march 1H6 III.iii.33.1
Now in the Rereward comes the Duke and his:Now in the rearward comes the Duke and his;rearward (n.)
rear, behind the main body of troops
1H6 III.iii.33
Fortune in fauor makes him lagge behinde.Fortune in favour makes him lag behind.favour (n.)

old form: fauor
friendship, good will, friendly regard
1H6 III.iii.34
Summon a Parley, we will talke with him.Summon a parley; we will talk with him.parle, parley (n.)
negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms]
1H6 III.iii.35
Trumpets sound a Parley.Trumpets sound a parley 1H6 III.iii.36
Charles. CHARLES 
A Parley with the Duke of Burgonie.A parley with the Duke of Burgundy! 1H6 III.iii.36
Enter Burgundy and troops 1H6 III.iii.37
Who craues a Parley with the Burgonie?Who craves a parley with the Burgundy?crave (v.)

old form: craues
need, demand, require
1H6 III.iii.37
Pucell. PUCELLE 
The Princely Charles of France, thy Countreyman. The princely Charles of France, thy countryman. 1H6 III.iii.38
What say'st thou Charles? for I am marching hence.What sayest thou, Charles? for I am marching hence. 1H6 III.iii.39
Charles. CHARLES 
Speake Pucell, and enchaunt him with thy words.Speak, Pucelle, and enchant him with thy words.enchant (v.)

old form: enchaunt
charm, bewitch, win over
1H6 III.iii.40
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Braue Burgonie, vndoubted hope of France,Brave Burgundy, undoubted hope of France,undoubted (adj.)

old form: vndoubted
absolute, assured, true
1H6 III.iii.41
brave (adj.)

old form: Braue
noble, worthy, excellent
Stay, let thy humble Hand-maid speake to thee.Stay, let thy humble handmaid speak to thee. 1H6 III.iii.42
Speake on,but be not ouer-tedious.Speak on; but be not overtedious. 1H6 III.iii.43
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Looke on thy Country, look on fertile France,Look on thy country, look on fertile France, 1H6 III.iii.44
And see the Cities and the Townes defac't,And see the cities and the towns defaced 1H6 III.iii.45
By wasting Ruine of the cruell Foe,By wasting ruin of the cruel foe;wasting (adj.)
destructive, devastating, ravaging
1H6 III.iii.46
ruin (n.)

old form: Ruine
ruination, destruction, devastation
As lookes the Mother on her lowly Babe,As looks the mother on her lowly babelowly (adj.)
laid low, prostrate; or: little, tiny
1H6 III.iii.47
When Death doth close his tender-dying Eyes.When death doth close his tender-dying eyes,tender-dying (adj.)
dying young
1H6 III.iii.48
See, see the pining Maladie of France:See, see the pining malady of France;pining (adj.)
consuming, wasting, eating away
1H6 III.iii.49
Behold the Wounds, the most vnnaturall Wounds,Behold the wounds, the most unnatural wounds,unnatural (adj.)

old form: vnnaturall
against natural feeling, not in accord with kinship
1H6 III.iii.50
Which thou thy selfe hast giuen her wofull Brest.Which thou thyself hast given her woeful breast. 1H6 III.iii.51
Oh turne thy edged Sword another way,O, turn thy edged sword another way;edged (adj.)
sharp, sharpened, cutting
1H6 III.iii.52
Strike those that hurt, and hurt not those that helpe:Strike those that hurt, and hurt not those that help! 1H6 III.iii.53
One drop of Blood drawne from thy Countries Bosome,One drop of blood drawn from thy country's bosom 1H6 III.iii.54
Should grieue thee more then streames of forraine gore.Should grieve thee more than streams of foreign gore. 1H6 III.iii.55
Returne thee therefore with a floud of Teares,Return thee therefore with a flood of tears, 1H6 III.iii.56
And wash away thy Countries stayned Spots.And wash away thy country's stained spots.stained (adj.)

old form: stayned
full of disgrace, dishonouring
1H6 III.iii.57
(aside) 1H6 III.iii.58
Either she hath bewitcht me with her words,Either she hath bewitched me with her words, 1H6 III.iii.58
Or Nature makes me suddenly relent.Or nature makes me suddenly relent.nature (n.)
natural feelings, natural affection
1H6 III.iii.59
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Besides, all French and France exclaimes on thee,Besides, all French and France exclaims on thee,exclaim on / upon (v.)

old form: exclaimes
accuse, blame, denounce [loudly]
1H6 III.iii.60
Doubting thy Birth and lawfull Progenie.Doubting thy birth and lawful progeny.progeny (n.)

old form: Progenie
ancestry, descent, parentage
1H6 III.iii.61
Who ioyn'st thou with, but with a Lordly Nation,Who joinest thou with but with a lordly nation 1H6 III.iii.62
That will not trust thee, but for profits sake?That will not trust thee but for profit's sake? 1H6 III.iii.63
When Talbot hath set footing once in France,When Talbot hath set footing once in France, 1H6 III.iii.64
And fashion'd thee that Instrument of Ill,And fashioned thee that instrument of ill,ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
1H6 III.iii.65
fashion (v.)

old form: fashion'd
form, shape, make [into]
Who then, but English Henry, will be Lord,Who then but English Henry will be lord, 1H6 III.iii.66
And thou be thrust out, like a Fugitiue?And thou be thrust out like a fugitive?fugitive (n.)

old form: Fugitiue
exile, refugee, deserter
1H6 III.iii.67
Call we to minde, and marke but this for proofe:Call we to mind, and mark but this for proof:mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
1H6 III.iii.68
Was not the Duke of Orleance thy Foe?Was not the Duke of Orleans thy foe? 1H6 III.iii.69
And was he not in England Prisoner?And was he not in England prisoner? 1H6 III.iii.70
But when they heard he was thine Enemie,But when they heard he was thine enemy, 1H6 III.iii.71
They set him free, without his Ransome pay'd,They set him free without his ransom paid, 1H6 III.iii.72
In spight of Burgonie and all his friends.In spite of Burgundy and all his friends. 1H6 III.iii.73
See then, thou fight'st against thy Countreymen,See then, thou fightest against thy countrymen, 1H6 III.iii.74
And ioyn'st with them will be thy slaughter-men.And joinest with them will be thy slaughtermen.slaughterman, slaughter-man (n.)
executioner, slayer, murderer
1H6 III.iii.75
Come, come, returne; returne thou wandering Lord,Come, come, return; return, thou wandering lord;wandering (adj.)
straying, erring, disloyal
1H6 III.iii.76
Charles and the rest will take thee in their armes.Charles and the rest will take thee in their arms. 1H6 III.iii.77
(aside) 1H6 III.iii.78.1
I am vanquished: These haughtie wordes of hersI am vanquished. These haughty words of hershaughty (adj.)
high-minded, aspiring, lofty
1H6 III.iii.78
Haue batt'red me like roaring Cannon-shot,Have battered me like roaring cannon-shot 1H6 III.iii.79
And made me almost yeeld vpon my knees.And made me almost yield upon my knees. 1H6 III.iii.80
Forgiue me Countrey, and sweet Countreymen:(to them) Forgive me, country, and sweet countrymen! 1H6 III.iii.81
And Lords accept this heartie kind embrace.And, lords, accept this hearty kind embrace. 1H6 III.iii.82
My Forces and my Power of Men are yours.My forces and my power of men are yours.power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
1H6 III.iii.83
So farwell Talbot, Ile no longer trust thee.So farewell, Talbot; I'll no longer trust thee. 1H6 III.iii.84
Pucell. PUCELLE 
Done like a Frenchman: turne and turne againe.Done like a Frenchman – (aside) turn and turn again.turn (v.)
change, transform, alter
1H6 III.iii.85
Charles. CHARLES 
Welcome braue Duke, thy friendship makes vs fresh.Welcome, brave Duke. Thy friendship makes us fresh.fresh (adj.)
refreshed, invigorated, renewed
1H6 III.iii.86
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
Bastard. BASTARD 
And doth beget new Courage in our Breasts.And doth beget new courage in our breasts. 1H6 III.iii.87
Pucell hath brauely play'd her part in this,Pucelle hath bravely played her part in this,bravely (adv.)

old form: brauely
splendidly, worthily, excellently
1H6 III.iii.88
And doth deserue a Coronet of Gold.And doth deserve a coronet of gold. 1H6 III.iii.89
Charles. CHARLES 
Now let vs on, my Lords, And ioyne our Powers,Now let us on, my lords, and join our powers,power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
1H6 III.iii.90
And seeke how we may preiudice the Foe. And seek how we may prejudice the foe.prejudice (v.)

old form: preiudice
injure, harm, damage
1H6 III.iii.91
Exeunt.Exeunt 1H6 III.iii.91
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