| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Arcite, with Meate, Wine, and Files. | Enter Arcite, with meat, wine, and files | | TNK III.iii.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
I should be neere the place, hoa. Cosen Palamon. | I should be near the place. Ho, cousin Palamon! | | TNK III.iii.1 | |
Enter Palamon. | Enter Palamon | | TNK III.iii.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Arcite. | Arcite? | | TNK III.iii.2.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
The same: I have brought you foode and files, | The same. I have brought you food and files; | | TNK III.iii.2.2 | |
Come forth and feare not, her'es no Theseus. | Come forth and fear not, here's no Theseus. | | TNK III.iii.3 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Not none so honest Arcite. | Nor none so honest, Arcite. | | TNK III.iii.4.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
That's no matter, | That's no matter; | | TNK III.iii.4.2 | |
Wee'l argue that hereafter: Come take courage, | We'll argue that hereafter. Come, take courage; | | TNK III.iii.5 | |
You shall not dye thus beastly, here Sir drinke | You shall not die thus beastly. Here, sir, drink, | beastly (adv.) like an animal, in a beastly manner | TNK III.iii.6 | |
I know you are faint, then ile talke further with you. | I know you are faint; then I'll talk further with you. | | TNK III.iii.7 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Arcite, thou mightst now poyson me. | Arcite, thou mightst now poison me. | | TNK III.iii.8.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
I might. | I might; | | TNK III.iii.8.2 | |
But I must feare you first: Sit downe, and good now | But I must fear you first. Sit down, and good now, | | TNK III.iii.9 | |
No more of these vaine parlies; let us not | No more of these vain parleys; let us not, | parle, parley (n.) negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms] | TNK III.iii.10 | |
| | parle, parley (n.) argument, altercation, exchange | | |
Having our ancient reputation with us | Having our ancient reputation with us, | ancient, aunchient (adj.) former, earlier, past | TNK III.iii.11 | |
Make talke for Fooles, and Cowards, To your health, &c. | Make talk for fools and cowards. To your health! | | TNK III.iii.12 | |
| He drinks | | TNK III.iii.13 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Doe. | Do. | | TNK III.iii.13.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Pray sit downe then, and let me entreate you | Pray sit down then, and let me entreat you, | | TNK III.iii.13.2 | |
By all the honesty and honour in you, | By all the honesty and honour in you, | | TNK III.iii.14 | |
No mention of this woman, t'will disturbe us, | No mention of this woman, 'twill disturb us. | | TNK III.iii.15 | |
We shall have time enough. | We shall have time enough. | | TNK III.iii.16.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Well Sir, Ile pledge you. | Well, sir, I'll pledge you. | pledge (v.) drink a toast to, drink to | TNK III.iii.16.2 | |
| He drinks | | TNK III.iii.17 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Drinke a good hearty draught, it breeds good blood man. | Drink a good hearty draught, it breeds good blood, man. | | TNK III.iii.17 | |
Doe not you feele it thaw you? | Do not you feel it thaw you? | | TNK III.iii.18.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Stay, Ile tell you | Stay, I'll tell you | | TNK III.iii.18.2 | |
after a draught or two more. | After a draught or two more. | | TNK III.iii.19.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Spare it not, | Spare it not; | | TNK III.iii.19.2 | |
the Duke has more Cuz: Eate now. | The Duke has more, coz. Eat now. | | TNK III.iii.20.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Yes. | Yes. | | TNK III.iii.20.2 | |
| He eats | | TNK III.iii.20 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
I am glad | I am glad | | TNK III.iii.20.3 | |
you have so good a stomach. | You have so good a stomach. | stomach (n.) appetite, desire [for food] | TNK III.iii.21.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
I am gladder | I am gladder | | TNK III.iii.21.2 | |
I have so good meate too't. | I have so good meat to't. | | TNK III.iii.22.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Is't not mad lodging, | Is't not mad lodging, | mad (adj.) strange, bizarre, weird | TNK III.iii.22.2 | |
here in the wild woods Cosen | Here in the wild woods, cousin? | | TNK III.iii.23.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Yes, for then | Yes, for them | | TNK III.iii.23.2 | |
that have wilde Consciences. | That have wild consciences. | wild (adj.) erratic, irregular, unruly | TNK III.iii.24.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
How tasts your vittails? | How tastes your victuals? | | TNK III.iii.24.2 | |
your hunger needs no sawce I see, | Your hunger needs no sauce, I see. | | TNK III.iii.25.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Not much. | Not much; | | TNK III.iii.25.2 | |
But if it did, yours is too tart: sweete Cosen: | But if it did, yours is too tart, sweet cousin. | | TNK III.iii.26 | |
what is this? | What is this? | | TNK III.iii.27.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Venison. | Venison. | | TNK III.iii.27.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Tis a lusty meate: | 'Tis a lusty meat; | lusty (adj.) tasty, flavourful, well-flavoured | TNK III.iii.27.3 | |
Giue me more wine; here Arcite to the wenches | Give me more wine. Here, Arcite, to the wenches | wench (n.) girl, lass | TNK III.iii.28 | |
We have known in our daies. The Lord Stewards daughter. | We have known in our days! The lord steward's daughter – | | TNK III.iii.29 | |
Doe you remember her? | Do you remember her? | | TNK III.iii.30.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
After you Cuz. | After you, coz. | | TNK III.iii.30.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
She lov'd a black-haird man. | She loved a black-haired man. | | TNK III.iii.31.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
She did so; well Sir. | She did so; well, sir? | | TNK III.iii.31.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
And I have heard some call him Arcite. and | And I have heard some call him Arcite, and – | | TNK III.iii.32 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Out with't faith. | Out with't, faith. | | TNK III.iii.33.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
She met him in an Arbour: | She met him in an arbour. | | TNK III.iii.33.2 | |
What did she there Cuz? play o'th virginals? | What did she there, coz? Play o'th' virginals? | virginals (n.) small keyboard instrument | TNK III.iii.34 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Something she did Sir. | Something she did, sir. | | TNK III.iii.35.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Made her groane a moneth for't; | Made her groan a month for't – | | TNK III.iii.35.2 | |
or 2. or 3. or 10. | Or two, or three, or ten. | | TNK III.iii.36.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
The Marshals Sister, | The marshal's sister | | TNK III.iii.36.2 | |
Had her share too, as I remember Cosen, | Had her share too, as I remember, cousin, | | TNK III.iii.37 | |
Else there be tales abroade, you'l pledge her? | Else there be tales abroad; you'll pledge her? | tale (n.) false rumour, story, tittle-tattle | TNK III.iii.38.1 | |
| | pledge (v.) drink a toast to, drink to | | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Yes. | Yes. | | TNK III.iii.38.2 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
A pretty broune wench t'is-There was a time | A pretty brown wench 'tis. There was a time | brown (adj.) brunette, brown-haired | TNK III.iii.39 | |
When yong men went a hunting, and a wood, | When young men went a-hunting – and a wood, | | TNK III.iii.40 | |
And a broade Beech: and thereby hangs a tale: | And a broad beech – and thereby hangs a tale – | | TNK III.iii.41 | |
heigh ho. | Heigh ho! | | TNK III.iii.42.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
For Emily, upon my life; Foole | For Emily, upon my life! Fool, | | TNK III.iii.42.2 | |
Away with this straind mirth; I say againe | Away with this strained mirth; I say again, | strained (adj.) forced, artificial, feigned | TNK III.iii.43 | |
That sigh was breathd for Emily; base Cosen, | That sigh was breathed for Emily. Base cousin, | base (adj.) dishonourable, low, unworthy | TNK III.iii.44 | |
Dar'st thou breake first? | Darest thou break first? | break (v.) break one's promise, not keep one's word | TNK III.iii.45.1 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
you are wide. | You are wide. | wide (adj.) wide of the mark, mistaken | TNK III.iii.45.2 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
By heaven and earth, | By heaven and earth, | | TNK III.iii.45.3 | |
ther's nothing in thee honest. | There's nothing in thee honest. | | TNK III.iii.46.1 | |
Arc, | ARCITE | | | |
Then Ile leave you: | Then I'll leave you; | | TNK III.iii.46.2 | |
you are a Beast now: | You are a beast now. | | TNK III.iii.47.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
As thou makst me, Traytour. | As thou makest me, traitor. | | TNK III.iii.47.2 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Ther's all things needfull, files and shirts, and, perfumes: | There's all things needful; files, and shirts, and perfumes. | | TNK III.iii.48 | |
Ile come againe some two howres hence, and bring | I'll come again some two hours hence, and bring | | TNK III.iii.49 | |
That that shall quiet all, | That that shall quiet all. | | TNK III.iii.50.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
A Sword and Armour. | A sword and armour! | | TNK III.iii.50.2 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Feare me not; you are now too fowle; farewell. | Fear me not. You are now too foul; farewell. | fear (v.) doubt, mistrust | TNK III.iii.51 | |
| | foul (adj.) dirty, miry, muddy | | |
Get off your Trinkets, you shall want nought; | Get off your trinkets; you shall want naught. | want (v.) lack, need, be without | TNK III.iii.52.1 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
Sir ha: | Sirrah – | | TNK III.iii.52.2 | |
Arc. | ARCITE | | | |
Ile heare no more. | I'll hear no more. | | TNK III.iii.53.1 | |
Exit. | Exit | | TNK III.iii.53 | |
Pal. | PALAMON | | | |
If he keepe touch, he dies for't. | If he keep touch, he dies for't. | keep touch (v.) keep [one's] promise, prove reliable | TNK III.iii.53.2 | |
Exit. | Exit | | TNK III.iii.53 | |