
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Pisanio and Imogen.Enter Pisanio and Innogen Cym III.iv.1
Thou told'st me when we came frõ horse, ye placeThou told'st me, when we came from horse, the place Cym III.iv.1
Was neere at hand: Ne're long'd my Mother soWas near at hand: ne'er longed my mother so Cym III.iv.2
To see me first, as I haue now. Pisanio, Man:To see me first, as I have now – Pisanio! Man! Cym III.iv.3
Where is Posthumus? What is in thy mindWhere is Posthumus? What is in thy mind Cym III.iv.4
That makes thee stare thus? Wherefore breaks that sighThat makes thee stare thus? Wherefore breaks that sigh Cym III.iv.5
From th'inward of thee? One, but painted thusFrom th' inward of thee? One but painted thus Cym III.iv.6
Would be interpreted a thing perplex'dWould be interpreted a thing perplexedperplexed (adj.)

old form: perplex'd
troubled, disturbed, worried
Cym III.iv.7
Beyond selfe-explication. Put thy selfeBeyond self-explication. Put thyselfself-explication (n.)being able to explain it to oneselfCym III.iv.8
Into a hauiour of lesse feare, ere wildnesseInto a haviour of less fear, ere wildnesswildness (n.)

old form: wildnesse
madness, distraction, frenzy
Cym III.iv.9
haviour (n.)

old form: hauiour
behaviour, manner, demeanour
fear (n.)

old form: feare
frightfulness, terrifying appearance
Vanquish my stayder Senses. What's the matter?Vanquish my staider senses. What's the matter?sense (n.)
feeling, sensibility, capacity to feel
Cym III.iv.10
staid (adj.)

old form: stayder
balanced, settled, calm
Why tender'st thou that Paper to me, withWhy tender'st thou that paper to me, withtender (v.)

old form: tender'st
offer, give, present
Cym III.iv.11
A looke vntender? If't be Summer NewesA look untender? If't be summer news,summer (adj.)
joyful, pleasant, happy
Cym III.iv.12
Smile too't before: if Winterly, thou need'stSmile to't before: if winterly, thou need'stwinterly (adj.)
harsh, cheerless, unpleasant
Cym III.iv.13
But keepe that count'nance stil. My Husbands hand?But keep that count'nance still. My husband's hand?still (adv.)

old form: stil
ever, now [as before]
Cym III.iv.14
That Drug-damn'd Italy, hath out-craftied him,That drug-damned Italy hath outcraftied him,outcrafty (v.)
artfully outwit, surpass in cunning
Cym III.iv.15
drug-damned (adj.)

old form: Drug-damn'd
damnable for its use of poisons, potion-cursed
And hee's at some hard point. Speake man, thy TongueAnd he's at some hard point. Speak, man, thy tongue Cym III.iv.16
May take off some extreamitie, which to readeMay take off some extremity, which to readextremity (n.)

old form: extreamitie
utmost severity, extreme intensity, hardship
Cym III.iv.17
Would be euen mortall to me.Would be even mortal to me.mortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
fatal, deadly, lethal
Cym III.iv.18.1
Please you reade,Please you read; Cym III.iv.18.2
And you shall finde me (wretched man) a thingAnd you shall find me – wretched man – a thing Cym III.iv.19
The most disdain'd of Fortune.The most disdained of fortune. Cym III.iv.20
reades. (reads) Cym III.iv.21
THy Mistris (Pisanio) hath plaide the Thy mistress, Pisanio, hath played the Cym III.iv.21
Strumpet in my Bed: the Testimonies whereof, lyes strumpet in my bed: the testimonies whereof lie Cym III.iv.22
bleeding in me. I speak not out of weake Surmises, bleeding in me. I speak not out of weak surmises, Cym III.iv.23
but from proofe as strong as my greefe, and as certaine but from proof as strong as my grief, and as certaingrief (n.)

old form: greefe
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
Cym III.iv.24
as I expect my Reuenge. That part, thou (Pisanio) as I expect my revenge. That part thou, Pisanio, Cym III.iv.25
must acte for me, if thy Faith be not tainted with themust act for me, if thy faith be not tainted with the Cym III.iv.26
breach of hers; let thine owne hands take away breach of hers; let thine own hands take away Cym III.iv.27
her life: I shall giue thee opportunity at Milford Hauen. her life: I shall give thee opportunity at Milford-Haven: Cym III.iv.28
She hath my Letter for the purpose; where, she hath my letter for the purpose: where,purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Cym III.iv.29
if thou feare to strike, and to make mee certaine it is if thou fear to strike, and to make me certain it is Cym III.iv.30
done, thou art the Pander to her dishonour, anddone, thou art the pander to her dishonour, andpander, pandar (n.)
pimp, procurer, go-between
Cym III.iv.31
equally to me disloyall.equally to me disloyal. Cym III.iv.32
What shall I need to draw my Sword, the PaperWhat shall I need to draw my sword? The paper Cym III.iv.33
Hath cut her throat alreadie? No, 'tis Slander,Hath cut her throat already. No, 'tis slander, Cym III.iv.34
Whose edge is sharper then the Sword, whose tongueWhose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue Cym III.iv.35
Out-venomes all the Wormes of Nyle, whose breathOutvenoms all the worms of Nile, whose breathoutvenom (v.)

old form: Out-venomes
be more poisonous than, exceeds in venom
Cym III.iv.36
worm (n.)

old form: Wormes
serpent, snake
Rides on the posting windes, and doth belyeRides on the posting winds, and doth belieposting (adj.)
swift, speeding, hurrying
Cym III.iv.37
belie (v.)

old form: belye
fill with lies, deceive, delude
All corners of the World. Kings, Queenes, and States,All corners of the world. Kings, queens, and states,state (n.)
persons of rank, nobility, court, council of state
Cym III.iv.38
Maides, Matrons, nay the Secrets of the GraueMaids, matrons, nay, the secrets of the grave Cym III.iv.39
This viperous slander enters. What cheere, Madam?This viperous slander enters. What cheer, madam? Cym III.iv.40
False to his Bed? What is it to be false?False to his bed? What is it to be false?false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
Cym III.iv.41
To lye in watch there, and to thinke on him?To lie in watch there, and to think on him?watch (n.)
sleepless state, wakefulness
Cym III.iv.42
To weepe 'twixt clock and clock? If sleep charge Nature,To weep 'twixt clock and clock? If sleep charge Nature,charge (v.)
overload, overburden, weigh down
Cym III.iv.43
nature (n.)
natural powers, normal state [of mind and body]
clock and clock, 'twixt
from hour to hour, without ceasing
To breake it with a fearfull dreame of him,To break it with a fearful dream of him,fearful (adj.)

old form: fearfull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
Cym III.iv.44
And cry my selfe awake? That's false to's bed? Is it?And cry myself awake? That's false to's bed, is it?false (adj.)
disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
Cym III.iv.45
Alas good Lady.Alas, good lady! Cym III.iv.46
I false? Thy Conscience witnesse: Iachimo,I false? Thy conscience witness: Iachimo, Cym III.iv.47
Thou didd'st accuse him of Incontinencie,Thou didst accuse him of incontinency;incontinency (n.)

old form: Incontinencie
lack of sexual restraint, sexual indulgence, infidelity
Cym III.iv.48
Thou then look'dst like a Villaine: now, me thinkesThou then look'dst like a villain: now, methinks,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Cym III.iv.49
Thy fauours good enough. Some Iay of ItalyThy favour's good enough. Some jay of Italy – jay (n.)

old form: Iay
[bird of bright plumage] showy woman, whore
Cym III.iv.50
favour (n.)

old form: fauours
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
(Whose mother was her painting) hath betraid him:Whose mother was her painting – hath betrayed him:painting (n.)
cosmetics, paint [for the face], beautifying
Cym III.iv.51
Poore I am stale, a Garment out of fashion,Poor I am stale, a garment out of fashion,stale (adj.)
worn out, past the prime of life
Cym III.iv.52
And for I am richer then to hang by th'walles,And, for I am richer than to hang by th' walls, Cym III.iv.53
I must be ript: To peeces with me: Oh!I must be ripped – to pieces with me! – O, Cym III.iv.54
Mens Vowes are womens Traitors. All good seemingMen's vows are women's traitors! All good seeming,seeming (n.)
appearance, look, aspect
Cym III.iv.55
By thy reuolt (oh Husband) shall be thoughtBy thy revolt, O husband, shall be thoughtrevolt (n.)

old form: reuolt
betrayal, change of heart, faithlessness
Cym III.iv.56
Put on for Villainy; not borne where't growes,Put on for villainy; not born where't grows, Cym III.iv.57
But worne a Baite for Ladies.But worn a bait for ladies.bait (n.)

old form: Baite
temptation, lure, enticement
Cym III.iv.58.1
Good Madam, heare me.Good madam, hear me. Cym III.iv.58.2
True honest men being heard, like false Aneas,True honest men, being heard like false Aeneas,false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Cym III.iv.59
Aeneas (n.)
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans
Were in his time thought false: and Synons weepingWere in his time thought false: and Sinon's weepingSinon (n.)
[pron: 'siynon] spy who alerted the Greeks inside the Trojan horse after it had been taken into the citadel of Troy
Cym III.iv.60
Did scandall many a holy teare: tooke pittyDid scandal many a holy tear, took pityscandal (v.)

old form: scandall
discredit, disgrace, bring into ill repute
Cym III.iv.61
From most true wretchednesse. So thou, PosthumusFrom most true wretchedness: so thou, Posthumus, Cym III.iv.62
Wilt lay the Leauen on all proper men;Wilt lay the leaven on all proper men;proper (adj.)
honest, honourable, worthy
Cym III.iv.63
leaven (n.)

old form: Leauen
[baking] fermenting element, infusing mixture, adulteration
Goodly, and gallant, shall be false and periur'dGoodly and gallant shall be false and perjuredfalse (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Cym III.iv.64
From thy great faile: Come Fellow, be thou honest,From thy great fail. Come, fellow, be thou honest:fail (n.)

old form: faile
failure, fault, wrong
Cym III.iv.65
Do thou thy Masters bidding. When thou seest him,Do thou thy master's bidding. When thou see'st him, Cym III.iv.66
A little witnesse my obedience. LookeA little witness my obedience. Look,witness (v.)

old form: witnesse
bear witness to, attest, testify to
Cym III.iv.67
I draw the Sword my selfe, take it, and hitI draw the sword myself, take it, and hit Cym III.iv.68
The innocent Mansion of my Loue (my Heart:)The innocent mansion of my love, my heart: Cym III.iv.69
Feare not, 'tis empty of all things, but Greefe:Fear not, 'tis empty of all things, but grief: Cym III.iv.70
Thy Master is not there, who was indeedeThy master is not there, who was indeed Cym III.iv.71
The riches of it. Do his bidding, strike,The riches of it. Do his bidding, strike. Cym III.iv.72
Thou mayst be valiant in a better cause;Thou mayst be valiant in a better cause; Cym III.iv.73
But now thou seem'st a Coward.But now thou seem'st a coward. Cym III.iv.74.1
Hence vile Instrument,Hence, vile instrument! Cym III.iv.74.2
Thou shalt not damne my hand.Thou shalt not damn my hand. Cym III.iv.75.1
Why, I must dye:Why, I must die: Cym III.iv.75.2
And if I do not by thy hand, thou artAnd if I do not by thy hand, thou art Cym III.iv.76
No Seruant of thy Masters. Against Selfe-slaughter,No servant of thy master's. Against self-slaughter Cym III.iv.77
There is a prohibition so Diuine,There is a prohibition so divine Cym III.iv.78
That crauens my weake hand: Come, heere's my heart:That cravens my weak hand. Come, here's my heart – craven (v.)

old form: crauens
make cowardly, make timorous
Cym III.iv.79
Something's a-foot: Soft, soft, wee'l no defence,Something's afore't – soft, soft! we'll no defence – soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Cym III.iv.80
Obedient as the Scabbard. What is heere,Obedient as the scabbard. What is here? Cym III.iv.81
The Scriptures of the Loyall Leonatus,The scriptures of the loyal Leonatus,scripture (n.)
letter, writing, composition
Cym III.iv.82
All turn'd to Heresie? Away, awayAll turned to heresy? Away, away, Cym III.iv.83
Corrupters of my Faith, you shall no moreCorrupters of my faith! You shall no more Cym III.iv.84
Be Stomachers to my heart: thus may poore FoolesBe stomachers to my heart: thus may poor foolsstomacher (n.)
piece of clothing used by women under their bodice to help cover the chest
Cym III.iv.85
Beleeue false Teachers: Though those that are betraidBelieve false teachers: though those that are betrayedfalse (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Cym III.iv.86
Do feele the Treason sharpely, yet the TraitorDo feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor Cym III.iv.87
Stands in worse case of woe.Stands in worse case of woe. Cym III.iv.88
And thou Posthumus, / That didd'st set vpAnd thou, Posthumus, thou that didst set up Cym III.iv.89
my disobedience 'gainst the King / My Father,My disobedience 'gainst the king my father, Cym III.iv.90
and makes me put into contempt the suitesAnd make me put into contempt the suitssuit (n.)

old form: suites
wooing, courtship
Cym III.iv.91
Of Princely Fellowes, shalt heereafter findeOf princely fellows, shalt hereafter findfellow (n.)

old form: Fellowes
counterpart, match, equal
Cym III.iv.92
It is no acte of common passage, butIt is no act of common passage, butpassage (n.)
incident, occurrence, event, happening
Cym III.iv.93
A straine of Rarenesse: and I greeue my selfe,A strain of rareness: and I grieve myself Cym III.iv.94
To thinke, when thou shalt be disedg'd by her,To think, when thou shalt be disedged by herdisedge (v.)

old form: disedg'd
take the edge off, have appetite satisfied
Cym III.iv.95
That now thou tyrest on, how thy memoryThat now thou tirest on, how thy memorytire (v.)

old form: tyrest
feed greedily, prey ravenously
Cym III.iv.96
Will then be pang'd by me. Prythee dispatch,Will then be panged by me. Prithee, dispatch:pang (v.)

old form: pang'd
afflict with pangs, torture, torment
Cym III.iv.97
dispatch, despatch (v.)
kill, put to death, make away with, finish off
The Lambe entreats the Butcher. Wher's thy knife?The lamb entreats the butcher. Where's thy knife? Cym III.iv.98
Thou art too slow to do thy Masters biddingThou art too slow to do thy master's bidding Cym III.iv.99
When I desire it too.When I desire it too. Cym III.iv.100.1
Oh gracious Lady:O gracious lady: Cym III.iv.100.2
Since I receiu'd command to do this businesse,Since I received command to do this business Cym III.iv.101
I haue not slept one winke.I have not slept one wink. Cym III.iv.102.1
Doo't, and to bed then.Do't, and to bed then. Cym III.iv.102.2
Ile wake mine eye-balles first.I'll wake mine eye-balls out first.wake out (v.)
cause to come out through staying awake
Cym III.iv.103.1
Wherefore thenWherefore then Cym III.iv.103.2
Didd'st vndertake it? Why hast thou abus'dDidst undertake it? Why hast thou abused Cym III.iv.104
So many Miles, with a pretence? This place?So many miles, with a pretence? This place? Cym III.iv.105
Mine Action? and thine owne? Our Horses labour?Mine action, and thine own? Our horses' labour? Cym III.iv.106
The Time inuiting thee? The perturb'd CourtThe time inviting thee? The perturbed court Cym III.iv.107
For my being absent? whereunto I neuerFor my being absent? Whereunto I never Cym III.iv.108
Purpose returne. Why hast thou gone so farrePurpose return. Why hast thou gone so far,purpose (v.)
intend, plan
Cym III.iv.109
To be vn-bent? when thou hast 'tane thy stand,To be unbent when thou hast ta'en thy stand,stand (n.)
[hunting] standing-place, hiding-place
Cym III.iv.110
unbent (adj.)

old form: vn-bent
[archery] not bent, not prepared to release an arrow
Th'elected Deere before thee?Th' elected deer before thee?elected (adj.)
chosen, selected, picked out
Cym III.iv.111.1
But to win timeBut to win time Cym III.iv.111.2
To loose so bad employment, in the whichTo lose so bad employment, in the which Cym III.iv.112
I haue consider'd of a course: good LadieI have considered of a course: good lady,course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Cym III.iv.113
Heare me with patience.Hear me with patience. Cym III.iv.114.1
Talke thy tongue weary, speake:Talk thy tongue weary, speak: Cym III.iv.114.2
I haue heard I am a Strumpet, and mine eareI have heard I am a strumpet, and mine ear,strumpet (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore
Cym III.iv.115
Therein false strooke, can take no greater wound,Therein false struck, can take no greater wound,false (adv.)
slanderously, faithlessly, with such calumny
Cym III.iv.116
Nor tent, to bottome that. But speake.Nor tent, to bottom that. But speak.bottom (v.)

old form: bottome
reach a lower level than, probe more deeply than
Cym III.iv.117.1
tent (n.)
probe, insert [for exploring wounds]
Then Madam,Then, madam, Cym III.iv.117.2
I thought you would not backe againe.I thought you would not back again. Cym III.iv.118.1
Most like,Most like,like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Cym III.iv.118.2
Bringing me heere to kill me.Bringing me here to kill me. Cym III.iv.119.1
Not so neither:Not so, neither: Cym III.iv.119.2
But if I were as wise, as honest, thenBut if I were as wise as honest, then Cym III.iv.120
My purpose would proue well: it cannot be,My purpose would prove well: it cannot bepurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Cym III.iv.121
But that my Master is abus'd. Some Villaine,But that my master is abused: some villain,abuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat
Cym III.iv.122
I, and singular in his Art, hath done you bothAy, and singular in his art, hath done you bothsingular (adj.)
unmatched, pre-eminent, outstanding
Cym III.iv.123
This cursed iniurie.This cursed injury. Cym III.iv.124
Some Roman Curtezan?Some Roman courtesan?courtesan, courtezan (n.)

old form: Curtezan
prostitute, strumpet
Cym III.iv.125.1
No, on my life:No, on my life: Cym III.iv.125.2
Ile giue but notice you are dead, and send himI'll give but notice you are dead, and send him Cym III.iv.126
Some bloody signe of it. For 'tis commandedSome bloody sign of it. For 'tis commanded Cym III.iv.127
I should do so: you shall be mist at Court,I should do so: you shall be missed at court, Cym III.iv.128
And that will well confirme it.And that will well confirm it. Cym III.iv.129.1
Why good Fellow,Why, good fellow, Cym III.iv.129.2
What shall I do the while? Where bide? How liue?What shall I do the while? Where bide? How live?bide (v.)
abide, dwell, live
Cym III.iv.130
Or in my life, what comfort, when I amOr in my life what comfort, when I am Cym III.iv.131
Dead to my Husband?Dead to my husband? Cym III.iv.132.1
If you'l backe to'th'Court.If you'll back to th' court –  Cym III.iv.132.2
No Court, no Father, nor no more adoeNo court, no father, nor no more ado Cym III.iv.133
With that harsh, noble, simple nothing:With that harsh, noble, simple nothing, Cym III.iv.134
That Clotten, whose Loue-suite hath bene to meThat Cloten, whose love-suit hath been to me Cym III.iv.135
As fearefull as a Siege.As fearful as a siege. Cym III.iv.136.1
If not at Court,If not at court, Cym III.iv.136.2
Then not in Britaine must you bide.Then not in Britain must you bide. Cym III.iv.137.1
Where then?Where then? Cym III.iv.137.2
Hath Britaine all the Sunne that shines? Day? Night?Hath Britain all the sun that shines? Day? Night? Cym III.iv.138
Are they not but in Britaine? I'th'worlds VolumeAre they not but in Britain? I'th' world's volume Cym III.iv.139
Our Britaine seemes as of it, but not in't:Our Britain seems as of it, but not in't: Cym III.iv.140
In a great Poole, a Swannes-nest, prythee thinkeIn a great pool, a swan's nest: prithee think Cym III.iv.141
There's liuers out of Britaine.There's livers out of Britain.liver (n.)

old form: liuers
living creature, inhabitant, being
Cym III.iv.142.1
I am most gladI am most glad Cym III.iv.142.2
You thinke of other place: Th'Ambassador,You think of other place: th' ambassador, Cym III.iv.143
Lucius the Romane comes to Milford-HauenLucius the Roman, comes to Milford-Haven Cym III.iv.144
To morrow. Now, if you could weare a mindeTomorrow. Now, if you could wear a mindmind (n.)

old form: minde
intention, purpose, intent
Cym III.iv.145
Darke, as your Fortune is, and but disguiseDark, as your fortune is, and but disguisedark (adj.)

old form: Darke
undivulged, secret, unrevealed
Cym III.iv.146
That which t'appeare it selfe, must not yet be,That which, t' appear itself, must not yet beappear (v.)

old form: appeare
reveal, disclose, show
Cym III.iv.147
But by selfe-danger, you should tread a courseBut by self-danger, you should tread a courseself-danger (n.)

old form: selfe-danger
endangering oneself, putting oneself in jeopardy
Cym III.iv.148
course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Pretty, and full of view: yea, happily, neerePretty, and full of view; yea, haply, nearpretty (adj.)
nice, proper, apt
Cym III.iv.149
haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
The residence of Posthumus; so nie (at least)The residence of Posthumus; so nigh – at least – nigh (adj.)

old form: nie
near, close
Cym III.iv.150
That though his Actions were not visible, yetThat though his actions were not visible, yet Cym III.iv.151
Report should render him hourely to your eare,Report should render him hourly to your earrender (v.)
describe, represent, depict [as]
Cym III.iv.152
As truely as he mooues.As truly as he moves. Cym III.iv.153.1
Oh for such meanes,O, for such means, Cym III.iv.153.2
Though perill to my modestie, not death on'tThough peril to my modesty, not death on't, Cym III.iv.154
I would aduenture.I would adventure!adventure (v.)

old form: aduenture
venture, dare, chance, risk
Cym III.iv.155.1
Well then, heere's the point:Well then, here's the point: Cym III.iv.155.2
You must forget to be a Woman: changeYou must forget to be a woman: change Cym III.iv.156
Command, into obedience. Feare, and NicenesseCommand into obedience: fear and nicenessniceness (n.)

old form: Nicenesse
coyness, fastidiousness, excessive scruple
Cym III.iv.157
(The Handmaides of all Women, or more truelyThe handmaids of all women, or, more truly, Cym III.iv.158
Woman it pretty selfe) into a waggish courage,Woman it pretty self – into a waggish courage,waggish (adj.)
playful, mischievous, impish
Cym III.iv.159
Ready in gybes, quicke-answer'd, sawcie, andReady in gibes, quick-answered, saucy, andquick-answered (adj.)

old form: quicke-answer'd
ready with sharp answers
Cym III.iv.160
saucy (adj.)

old form: sawcie
insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant
gibe (n.)

old form: gybes
scoff, taunt, jeer
As quarrellous as the Weazell: Nay, you mustAs quarrelous as the weasel: nay, you mustquarrelous (adj.)

old form: quarrellous
quarrelsome, argumentative, cantankerous
Cym III.iv.161
Forget that rarest Treasure of your Cheeke,Forget that rarest treasure of your cheek,forget (v.)
neglect, disregard, give no thought to
Cym III.iv.162
Exposing it (but oh the harder heart,Exposing it – but, O, the harder heart! Cym III.iv.163
Alacke no remedy) to the greedy touchAlack, no remedy – to the greedy touch Cym III.iv.164
Of common-kissing Titan: and forgetOf common-kissing Titan: and forgetTitan (n.)
one of the titles of the Roman sun-god, Sol
Cym III.iv.165
common-kissing (adj.)
touching everyone
Your laboursome and dainty Trimmes, whereinYour laboursome and dainty trims, whereinlaboursome (adj.)
laborious, assiduous, hard-working
Cym III.iv.166
trim (n.)

old form: Trimmes
adornment, frill
You made great Iuno angry.You made great Juno angry.Juno (n.)
Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
Cym III.iv.167.1
Nay be breefe?Nay, be brief: Cym III.iv.167.2
I see into thy end, and am almostI see into thy end, and am almostend (n.)
purpose, aim, design
Cym III.iv.168
A man already.A man already. Cym III.iv.169.1
First, make your selfe but like one,First, make yourself but like one. Cym III.iv.169.2
Fore-thinking this. I haue already fitFore-thinking this, I have already fitforethink (v.)

old form: Fore-thinking
anticipate, foresee, predict
Cym III.iv.170
fit (adj.)
ready, prepared, made suitable
('Tis in my Cloake-bagge) Doublet, Hat, Hose, all'Tis in my cloak-bagdoublet, hat, hose, alldoublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
Cym III.iv.171
hose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
cloak-bag (n.)

old form: Cloake-bagge
bag for carrying clothes [such as a cloak], portmanteau
That answer to them: Would you in their seruing,That answer to them: would you, in their servingserving (n.)

old form: seruing
means, agency, assistance
Cym III.iv.172
answer (v.)
go along with, belong with
(And with what imitation you can borrowAnd with what imitation you can borrow Cym III.iv.173
From youth of such a season) 'fore Noble LuciusFrom youth of such a season – 'fore noble Luciusseason (n.)
age [duration of life]
Cym III.iv.174
Present your selfe, desire his seruice: tell himPresent yourself, desire his service: tell him Cym III.iv.175
Wherein you're happy; which will make him know,Wherein you're happy; which will make him know,happy (adj.)
accomplished, favoured, proficient
Cym III.iv.176
If that his head haue eare in Musicke, doubtlesseIf that his head have ear in music, doubtless Cym III.iv.177
With ioy he will imbrace you: for hee's Honourable,With joy he will embrace you: for he's honourable,embrace (v.)

old form: imbrace
welcome, joyfully accept
Cym III.iv.178
And doubling that, most holy. Your meanes abroad:And, doubling that, most holy. Your means abroad:holy (adj.)
virtuous, upright, of great excellence
Cym III.iv.179
abroad (adv.)
in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere
You haue me rich, and I will neuer faileYou have me, rich, and I will never fail Cym III.iv.180
Beginning, nor supplyment.Beginning, nor supplyment.supplyment (n.)
continuing with a supply, ongoing provision
Cym III.iv.181.1
Thou art all the comfortThou art all the comfort Cym III.iv.181.2
The Gods will diet me with. Prythee away,The gods will diet me with. Prithee away,diet (v.)
feed, be given food, fatten
Cym III.iv.182
There's more to be consider'd: but wee'l euenThere's more to be considered: but we'll eveneven (v.)

old form: euen
[unclear meaning] keep pace with; or: sort out, reach agreement over
Cym III.iv.183
All that good time will giue vs. This attempt,All that good time will give us. This attemptattempt (n.)
exploit, undertaking, enterprise
Cym III.iv.184
I am Souldier too, and will abide it withI am soldier to, and will abide it withsoldier (n.)

old form: Souldier
dedicated person, committed individual
Cym III.iv.185
abide (v.)
endure, undergo, face
A Princes Courage. Away, I prythee.A prince's courage. Away, I prithee. Cym III.iv.186
Well Madam, we must take a short farewell,Well, madam, we must take a short farewell, Cym III.iv.187
Least being mist, I be suspected ofLest being missed, I be suspected of Cym III.iv.188
Your carriage from the Court. My Noble Mistris,Your carriage from the court. My noble mistress,carriage (n.)
carrying, conveyance, removal
Cym III.iv.189
Heere is a boxe, I had it from the Queene,Here is a box, I had it from the queen, Cym III.iv.190
What's in't is precious: If you are sicke at Sea,What's in't is precious: if you are sick at sea, Cym III.iv.191
Or Stomacke-qualm'd at Land, a Dramme of thisOr stomach-qualmed at land, a dram of thisstomach-qualmed (adj.)taken sick, fallen illCym III.iv.192
Will driue away distemper. To some shade,Will drive away distemper. To some shade,shade (n.)
covered place, sheltered spot
Cym III.iv.193
distemper (n.)
malady, illness, derangement
And fit you to your Manhood: may the GodsAnd fit you to your manhood: may the godsfit (v.)
adapt, conform, accommodate
Cym III.iv.194
Direct you to the best.Direct you to the best! Cym III.iv.195.1
Amen: I thanke thee.Amen: I thank thee. Cym III.iv.195.2
Exeunt.Exeunt severally Cym III.iv.195
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