Timon of Athens

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter three Senators at one doore, Alcibiades meeting Enter three Senators at one door, Alcibiades meeting Tim III.v.1.1
them, with Attendants.them, with attendants Tim III.v.1.2
My Lord, you haue my voyce, too't, / The faults Bloody:My lord, you have my voice to't; the fault's bloody.fault (n.)
sin, offence, crime
Tim III.v.1
voice (n.)

old form: voyce
vote, official support
bloody (adj.)
involving bloodshed
'Tis necessary he should dye:'Tis necessary he should die; Tim III.v.2
Nothing imboldens sinne so much, as Mercy.Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy.embolden (v.)

old form: imboldens
make more bold, encourage, foster
Tim III.v.3
Most true; the Law shall bruise 'em.Most true. The law shall bruise him.bruise (v.)
crush, smash, destroy
Tim III.v.4
Honor, health, and compassion to the Senate.Honour, health, and compassion to the Senate! Tim III.v.5
Now Captaine.Now, captain? Tim III.v.6
I am an humble Sutor to your Vertues;I am an humble suitor to your virtues;virtue (n.)

old form: Vertues
virtuous self, honour, excellency
Tim III.v.7
For pitty is the vertue of the Law,For pity is the virtue of the law,virtue (n.)

old form: vertue
essence, heart, soul
Tim III.v.8
And none but Tyrants vse it cruelly.And none but tyrants use it cruelly. Tim III.v.9
It pleases time and Fortune to lye heauieIt pleases time and fortune to lie heavyheavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
pressing, weighty, overpowering
Tim III.v.10
Vpon a Friend of mine, who in hot bloodUpon a friend of mine, who in hot bloodhot (adj.)
hot-tempered, angry, passionate
Tim III.v.11
blood (n.)
anger, temper, passion
Hath stept into the Law: which is past depthHath stepped into the law, which is past depthstep into (v.)

old form: stept
come into the path of, put oneself into the power of
Tim III.v.12
To those that (without heede) do plundge intoo't.To those that without heed do plunge into't. Tim III.v.13
He is a Man (setting his Fate aside)He is a man, setting his fate aside,fate (n.)
destiny, fortune
Tim III.v.14
of comely Vertues,Of comely virtues;comely (adj.)
graceful, becoming, decent
Tim III.v.15
Nor did he soyle the fact with Cowardice,Nor did he soil the fact with cowardice – soil (n.)

old form: soyle
blemish, stain, tarnish
Tim III.v.16
fact (n.)
evil deed, wicked act, crime
(And Honour in him, which buyes out his fault)An honour in him which buys out his fault – buy out (v.)

old form: buyes
make up for, cancel out
Tim III.v.17
But with a Noble Fury, and faire spirit,But with a noble fury and fair spirit,fair (adj.)

old form: faire
virtuous, honourable, upright
Tim III.v.18
Seeing his Reputation touch'd to death,Seeing his reputation touched to death,touch (v.)

old form: touch'd
stain, taint, infect
Tim III.v.19
He did oppose his Foe:He did oppose his foe. Tim III.v.20
And with such sober and vnnoted passionAnd with such sober and unnoted passionpassion (n.)
emotional state, mental condition
Tim III.v.21
sober (adj.)
sedate, staid, demure, grave
unnoted (adj.)

old form: vnnoted
hardly noticeable, not particularly observed
He did behooue his anger ere 'twas spent,He did behove his anger, ere 'twas spent,spend (v.)
use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end
Tim III.v.22
behove (v.)

old form: behooue
moderate the need for, keep under control
As if he had but prou'd an Argument.As if he had but proved an argument.argument (n.)
proposition, logical deduction
Tim III.v.23
You vndergo too strict a Paradox,You undergo too strict a paradox,strict (adj.)
strained, forced, absolute
Tim III.v.24
undergo (v.)

old form: vndergo
undertake, carry out, perform
Striuing to make an vgly deed looke faire:Striving to make an ugly deed look fair. Tim III.v.25
Your words haue tooke such paines, as if they labour'dYour words have took such pains as if they laboured Tim III.v.26
To bring Man-slaughter into forme, and set QuarrellingTo bring manslaughter into form, and set quarrellingform (n.)

old form: forme
formal procedure, due process, formality
Tim III.v.27
Vpon the head of Valour; which indeedeUpon the head of valour; which indeedhead (n.)
category, topic, heading
Tim III.v.28
Is Valour mis-begot, and came into the world,Is valour misbegot, and came into the worldmisbegot (adj.)

old form: mis-begot
misbegotten, illegitimate, bastard
Tim III.v.29
When Sects, and Factions were newly borne.When sects and factions were newly born.sect (n.)
faction, cabal, party
Tim III.v.30
Hee's truly Valiant, that can wisely sufferHe's truly valiant that can wisely suffer Tim III.v.31
The worst that man can breath,The worst that man can breathe,breathe (v.)

old form: breath
speak, utter, talk
Tim III.v.32
And make his Wrongs, his Out-sides,And make his wrongs his outsides,outside (n.)

old form: Out-sides
(plural) mere external thing, outward form
Tim III.v.33
wrong (n.)
insult, offence, slight
To weare them like his Rayment, carelessely,To wear them, like his raiment, carelessly,raiment (n.)

old form: Rayment
clothing, clothes, dress
Tim III.v.34
carelessly (adv.)

old form: carelessely
in a carefree way, without concern
And ne're preferre his iniuries to his heart,And ne'er prefer his injuries to his heart,prefer (v.)

old form: preferre
promote, advance, recommend
Tim III.v.35
To bring it into danger.To bring it into danger. Tim III.v.36
If Wrongs be euilles, and inforce vs kill,If wrongs be evils and enforce us kill, Tim III.v.37
What Folly 'tis, to hazard life for Ill.What folly 'tis to hazard life for ill!ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
Tim III.v.38
hazard (v.)
expose to danger, put at risk
My Lord.My lord –  Tim III.v.39.1
You cannot make grosse sinnes looke cleare,You cannot make gross sins look clear:gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
plain, striking, evident, obvious
Tim III.v.39.2
clear (adj.)

old form: cleare
innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty
To reuenge is no Valour, but to beare.To revenge is no valour, but to bear.bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
tolerate, endure, put up with
Tim III.v.40
My Lords, then vnder fauour, pardon me,My lords, then, under favour – pardon me, Tim III.v.41
If I speake like a Captaine.If I speak like a captain –  Tim III.v.42
Why do fond men expose themselues to Battell,Why do fond men expose themselves to battle,fond (adj.)
foolish, stupid, mad
Tim III.v.43
And not endure all threats? Sleepe vpon't,And not endure all threats? Sleep upon't,sleep upon (v.)

old form: Sleepe vpon
disregard, ignore, pay no attention to
Tim III.v.44
And let the Foes quietly cut their ThroatsAnd let the foes quietly cut their throats Tim III.v.45
Without repugnancy? If there beWithout repugnancy? If there berepugnancy (n.)
resistance, fighting back, opposition
Tim III.v.46
Such Valour in the bearing, what make weeSuch valour in the bearing, what make wemake (v.)
do, have to do
Tim III.v.47
bearing (n.)
carrying of hardships, enduring of woes
Abroad? Why then, Women are more valiantAbroad? Why then women are more valiantabroad (adv.)
away from home, out of the house
Tim III.v.48
That stay at home, if Bearing carry it:That stay at home, if bearing carry it, Tim III.v.49
And the Asse, more Captaine then the Lyon?And the ass more captain than the lion, Tim III.v.50
The fellow loaden with Irons, wiser then the Iudge?The fellow loaden with irons wiser than the judge, Tim III.v.51
If Wisedome be in suffering, Oh my Lords,If wisdom be in suffering. O my lords, Tim III.v.52
As you are great, be pittifully Good,As you are great, be pitifully good.pitifully (adv.)

old form: pittifully
with compassion, by showing mercy
Tim III.v.53
Who cannot condemne rashnesse in cold blood?Who cannot condemn rashness in cold blood? Tim III.v.54
To kill, I grant, is sinnes extreamest Gust,To kill, I grant, is sin's extremest gust,gust (n.)
outburst, violent blast
Tim III.v.55
But in defence, by Mercy, 'tis most iust.But in defence, by mercy, 'tis most just.defence (n.)
self-defence, resisting attack
Tim III.v.56
To be in Anger, is impietie:To be in anger is impiety; Tim III.v.57
But who is Man, that is not Angrie.But who is man that is not angry? Tim III.v.58
Weigh but the Crime with this.Weigh but the crime with this. Tim III.v.59
You breath in vaine.You breathe in vain.breathe (v.)

old form: breath
speak, utter, talk
Tim III.v.60.1
In vaine?In vain? His service done Tim III.v.60.2
His seruice done at Lacedemon, and Bizantium,At Lacedaemon and ByzantiumLacedaemon (n.)
[lasi'deemon] Sparta, city-state of S Greece
Tim III.v.61
Were a sufficient briber for his life.Were a sufficient briber for his life.briber (n.)
price paid, incentive, inducement
Tim III.v.62
What's that?What's that? Tim III.v.63
Why say my Lords ha's done faire seruice,Why, I say, my lords, 'has done fair service,fair (adj.)

old form: faire
fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent
Tim III.v.64
And slaine in fight many of your enemies:And slain in fight many of your enemies. Tim III.v.65
How full of valour did he beare himselfeHow full of valour did he bear himself Tim III.v.66
In the last Conflict, and made plenteous wounds?In the last conflict, and made plenteous wounds! Tim III.v.67
He has made too much plenty with him:He has made too much plenty with 'em. Tim III.v.68
He's a sworne Riotor, he has a sinneHe's a sworn rioter; he has a sin Tim III.v.69
That often drownes him, and takes his valour prisoner.That often drowns him and takes his valour prisoner. Tim III.v.70
If there were no Foes, that were enoughIf there were no foes, that were enough Tim III.v.71
To ouercome him. In that Beastly furie,To overcome him. In that beastly fury Tim III.v.72
He has bin knowne to commit outrages,He has been known to commit outrages Tim III.v.73
And cherrish Factions. 'Tis inferr'd to vs,And cherish factions. 'Tis inferred to uscherish (v.)

old form: cherrish
support, foster, sustain
Tim III.v.74
infer (v.)

old form: inferr'd
adduce, bring up, put forward
faction (n.)
quarrel, squabble, dissension
His dayes are foule, and his drinke dangerous.His days are foul and his drink dangerous.drink (n.)

old form: drinke
drinking-bout, carousing
Tim III.v.75
foul (adj.)

old form: foule
detestable, vile, loathsome
He dyes.He dies. Tim III.v.76.1
Hard fate: he might haue dyed in warre.Hard fate! He might have died in war. Tim III.v.76.2
My Lords, if not for any parts in him,My lords, if not for any parts in him – part (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
Tim III.v.77
Though his right arme might purchase his owne time,Though his right arm might purchase his own time Tim III.v.78
And be in debt to none: yet more to moue you,And be in debt to none – yet, more to move you, Tim III.v.79
Take my deserts to his, and ioyne 'em both.Take my deserts to his and join 'em both.desert, desart (n.)
worth, merit, deserving
Tim III.v.80
And for I know, your reuerend Ages loueAnd, for I know your reverend ages loveage (n.)
mature years, old age
Tim III.v.81
Security, / Ile pawne my Victories, allSecurity, I'll pawn my victories, allpawn (v.)

old form: pawne
stake, pledge, risk
Tim III.v.82
my Honour to you / Vpon his good returnes.My honour to you, upon his good returns.return (n.)

old form: returnes
response, reaction, repayment
Tim III.v.83
If by this Crime, he owes the Law his life,If by this crime he owes the law his life, Tim III.v.84
Why let the Warre receiue't in valiant gore,Why, let the war receive't in valiant gore, Tim III.v.85
For Law is strict, and Warre is nothing more.For law is strict, and war is nothing more. Tim III.v.86
We are for Law, he dyes, vrge it no moreWe are for law. He dies. Urge it no more Tim III.v.87
On height of our displeasure: Friend, or Brother,On height of our displeasure. Friend or brother,height (n.)
maximum, highest amount, utmost degree
Tim III.v.88
He forfeits his owne blood, that spilles another.He forfeits his own blood that spills another. Tim III.v.89
Must it be so? It must not bee:Must it be so? It must not be. Tim III.v.90
My Lords, I do beseech you know mee.My lords, I do beseech you know me.know (v.)
acknowledge, remember, think [of]
Tim III.v.91.1
How?How? Tim III.v.91.2
Call me to your remembrances.Call me to your remembrances.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tim III.v.92.1
What.What? Tim III.v.92.2
I cannot thinke but your Age has forgot me,I cannot think but your age has forgot me;age (n.)
mature years, old age
Tim III.v.93
It could not else be, I should proue so bace,It could not else be I should prove so basebase (adj.)

old form: bace
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
Tim III.v.94
To sue and be deny'de such common Grace.To sue and be denied such common grace.sue (v.)
beg, plead, beseech
Tim III.v.95
grace (n.)
favour, good will
deny (v.)

old form: deny'de
refuse, decline, scorn
My wounds ake at you.My wounds ache at you. Tim III.v.96.1
Do you dare our anger?Do you dare our anger? Tim III.v.96.2
'Tis in few words, but spacious in effect:'Tis in few words, but spacious in effect. Tim III.v.97
We banish thee for euer.We banish thee for ever. Tim III.v.98.1
Banish me?Banish me? Tim III.v.98.2
Banish your dotage, banish vsurie,Banish your dotage. Banish usurydotage (n.)
feebleness of mind, senility
Tim III.v.99
That makes the Senate vgly.That makes the Senate ugly. Tim III.v.100
If after two dayes shine, Athens containe thee,If after two days' shine Athens contain thee, Tim III.v.101
Attend our waightier Iudgement.Attend our weightier judgement.weighty (adj.)

old form: waightier
rigorous, severe, harsh
Tim III.v.102
attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
And not to swell our Spirit,And, not to swell our spirit,spirit (n.)
hostility, anger, rage
Tim III.v.103
He shall be executed presently. Exeunt.He shall be executed presently.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Tim III.v.104
Exeunt Senators Tim III.v.104
Now the Gods keepe you old enough, / That you may liueNow the gods keep you old enough, that you may live Tim III.v.105
Onely in bone, that none may looke on you.Only in bone, that none may look on you! Tim III.v.106
I'm worse then mad: I haue kept backe their FoesI'm worse than mad. I have kept back their foes, Tim III.v.107
While they haue told their Money, and let outWhile they have told their money and let outtell (v.)
count out, number, itemize
Tim III.v.108
let out (v.)
lend, make a loan of
Their Coine vpon large interest. I my selfe,Their coin upon large interest, I myself Tim III.v.109
Rich onely in large hurts. All those, for this?Rich only in large hurts. All those for this?hurt (n.)
wound, injury, scar
Tim III.v.110
Is this the Balsome, that the vsuring SenatIs this the balsam that the usuring Senateusuring (adj.)

old form: vsuring
expecting ample interest, looking for maximum return
Tim III.v.111
balsam (n.)

old form: Balsome
balm, soothing ointment, healing agent
Powres into Captaines wounds? Banishment.Pours into captains' wounds? Banishment! Tim III.v.112
It comes not ill: I hate not to be banisht,It comes not ill. I hate not to be banished.ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
Tim III.v.113
It is a cause worthy my Spleene and Furie,It is a cause worthy my spleen and fury,spleen (n.)

old form: Spleene
temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions]
Tim III.v.114
That I may strike at Athens. Ile cheere vpThat I may strike at Athens. I'll cheer up Tim III.v.115
My discontented Troopes, and lay for hearts;My discontented troops, and lay for hearts.lay for (v.)
waylay, ambush, seize
Tim III.v.116
'Tis Honour with most Lands to be at ods,'Tis honour with worst lands to be at odds;worst (adj.)
wicked, evil, corrupt
Tim III.v.117
Souldiers should brooke as little wrongs as Gods. Soldiers should brook as little wrongs as gods.brook (v.)

old form: brooke
endure, tolerate, put up with
Tim III.v.118
Exit.Exit Tim III.v.118
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