Timon of Athens

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter diuers Friends at seuerall doores.Music. Servants attending. Enter Lucullus andattend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
Tim III.vi.1.1
Lucius, Sempronius and Ventidius, at several doors,several (adj.)
separate, different, distinct
Tim III.vi.1.2
senators and lords Tim III.vi.1.3
The good time of day to you, sir.The good time of day to you, sir. Tim III.vi.1
I also wish it to you: I thinke this Honorable LordI also wish it to you. I think this honourable lord Tim III.vi.2
did but try vs this other day.did but try us this other day.try (v.)
put to the test, test the goodness [of]
Tim III.vi.3
Vpon that were my thoughts tyring when weeUpon that were my thoughts tiring when wetire (v.)

old form: tyring
be exercised, be actively engaged
Tim III.vi.4
encountred. I hope it is not so low with him as he madeencountered. I hope it is not so low with him as he madeencounter (v.)

old form: encountred
meet, bump into one another
Tim III.vi.5
it seeme in the triall of his seuerall Friends.it seem in the trial of his several friends.several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual
Tim III.vi.6
It should not be, by the perswasion of his newIt should not be, by the persuasion of his newpersuasion (n.)

old form: perswasion
evidence, persuasive indication
Tim III.vi.7
Feasting.feasting. Tim III.vi.8
I should thinke so. He hath sent mee an earnest I should think so. He hath sent me an earnest Tim III.vi.9
inuiting, which many my neere occasions did vrge mee toinviting, which many my near occasions did urge me toinviting (n.)

old form: inuiting
Tim III.vi.10
near (adj.)

old form: neere
personal, private
occasion (n.)
need, want, requirement
put off: but he hath coniur'd mee beyond them, and Iput off. But he hath conjured me beyond them, and Iput off (v.)
dismiss, brush aside, spurn
Tim III.vi.11
conjure (v.)

old form: coniur'd
ask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech
must needs appeare.must needs appear. Tim III.vi.12
In like manner was I in debt to my importunatIn like manner was I in debt to my importunateimportunate (adj.)

old form: importunat
persistent, pressing, insistent
Tim III.vi.13
debt, in
constrained by necessity, under an obligation
like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
businesse, but he would not heare my excuse. I am sorrie,business, but he would not hear my excuse. I am sorry, Tim III.vi.14
when he sent to borrow of mee, that my Prouision waswhen he sent to borrow of me, that my provision wasprovision (n.)

old form: Prouision
resources, money supply
Tim III.vi.15
out.out.out (adv.)
at an end, finished
Tim III.vi.16
I am sicke of that greefe too, as I vnderstandI am sick of that grief too, as I understand Tim III.vi.17
how all things go.how all things go. Tim III.vi.18
Euery man heares so: what would hee haueEvery man here's so. What would he have Tim III.vi.19
borrowed of you?borrowed of you? Tim III.vi.20
A thousand Peeces.A thousand pieces.piece (n.)

old form: Peeces
coin, piece of money
Tim III.vi.21
A thousand Peeces?A thousand pieces? Tim III.vi.22
What of you?What of you? Tim III.vi.23
He sent to me sir---He sent to me, sir –  Tim III.vi.24
Enter Timon and Attendants.Enter Timon and attendants Tim III.vi.25
Heere he comes.Here he comes. Tim III.vi.25
With all my heart Gentlemen both; and how fareWith all my heart, gentlemen both! And how farefare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
Tim III.vi.26
you?you? Tim III.vi.27
Euer at the best, hearing well of yourEver at the best, hearing well of your Tim III.vi.28
Lordship.lordship. Tim III.vi.29
The Swallow followes not Summer more willing,The swallow follows not summer more willing Tim III.vi.30
then we your Lordship.than we your lordship. Tim III.vi.31
Tim. TIMON  
(aside) Tim III.vi.32
Nor more willingly leaues Winter, suchNor more willingly leaves winter. Such Tim III.vi.32
Summer Birds are men. Gentlemen, oursummer birds are men. (To them) Gentlemen, our Tim III.vi.33
dinner will not recompence this long stay: Feast yourdinner will not recompense this long stay. Feast yourstay (n.)
staying, remaining, continued presence
Tim III.vi.34
eares with the Musicke awhile: If they will fare so harshlyears with the music awhile, if they will fare so harshlyfare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
Tim III.vi.35
o'th'Trumpets sound: we shall too't presently.o'th' trumpet's sound. We shall to't presently.presently (adv.)
after a short time, soon, before long
Tim III.vi.36
I hope it remaines not vnkindely with yourI hope it remains not unkindly with your Tim III.vi.37
Lordship, that I return'd you an empty Messenger.lordship that I returned you an empty messenger.empty (adj.)
empty-handed, with nothing to give
Tim III.vi.38
return (v.)

old form: return'd
send back, respond with
O sir, let it not trouble you.O sir, let it not trouble you. Tim III.vi.39
My Noble Lord.My noble lord –  Tim III.vi.40
Ah my good Friend, what cheere?Ah, my good friend, what cheer? Tim III.vi.41
My most Honorable Lord, I am e'ne sick of My most honourable lord, I am e'en sick of Tim III.vi.42
shame, that when your Lordship this other day sent toshame that when your lordship this other day sent to Tim III.vi.43
me, I was so vnfortunate a Beggar.me I was so unfortunate a beggar. Tim III.vi.44
Thinke not on't, sir.Think not on't, sir. Tim III.vi.45
If you had sent but two houres before.If you had sent but two hours before –  Tim III.vi.46
Let it not cumber your better remembrance.Let it not cumber your better remembrance.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tim III.vi.47
cumber (v.)
distress, trouble, burden
The Banket brought in.The banquet is brought in Tim III.vi.48
Come bring in all together.Come, bring in all together. Tim III.vi.48
All couer'd Dishes.All covered dishes. Tim III.vi.49
Royall Cheare, I warrant you.Royal cheer, I warrant you.cheer (n.)

old form: Cheare
entertainment, fare, food and drink
Tim III.vi.50
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
Doubt not that, if money and the seasonDoubt not that, if money and the season Tim III.vi.51
can yeild itcan yield it. Tim III.vi.52
How do you? What's the newes?How do you? What's the news? Tim III.vi.53
Alcibiades is banish'd: heare you of it?Alcibiades is banished. Hear you of it? Tim III.vi.54
Alcibiades banish'd?Alcibiades banished? Tim III.vi.55
'Tis so, be sure of it.'Tis so, be sure of it. Tim III.vi.56
How? How?How? How? Tim III.vi.57
I pray you vpon what?I pray you, upon what? Tim III.vi.58
My worthy Friends, will you draw neere?My worthy friends, will you draw near? Tim III.vi.59
Ile tell you more anon. Here's a Noble feast I'll tell you more anon. Here's a noble feastanon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Tim III.vi.60
towardtoward.toward (adv.)
impending, forthcoming, in preparation
Tim III.vi.61
This is the old man still.This is the old man still.still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
Tim III.vi.62
Wilt hold? Wilt hold?Will't hold? Will't hold?hold (v.)
stand firm, continue, carry on
Tim III.vi.63
It do's: but time will, and so.It does; but time will – and so –  Tim III.vi.64
I do conceyue.I do conceive.conceive (v.)

old form: conceyue
understand, comprehend, follow
Tim III.vi.65
Each man to his stoole, with that spurre as hee wouldEach man to his stool, with that spur as he wouldspur (n.)

old form: spurre
eagerness, alacrity, enthusiasm
Tim III.vi.66
to the lip of his Mistris: your dyet shall bee in all placesto the lip of his mistress. Your diet shall be in all placesdiet (n.)

old form: dyet
Tim III.vi.67
alike. Make not a Citie Feast of it, to let the meat coole, erealike. Make not a City feast of it, to let the meat cool eremeat (n.)
food, nourishment
Tim III.vi.68
City (adj.)

old form: Citie
such as would be found in the City [of London]; formal
we can agree vpon the first place. Sit, sit. The Godswe can agree upon the first place. Sit, sit. The godsplace (n.)
precedence, proper place
Tim III.vi.69
require our Thankes.require our thanks. Tim III.vi.70
You great Benefactors, sprinkle our Society with Thankefulnesse.You great benefactors, sprinkle our society with thankfulness. Tim III.vi.71
For your owne guifts, make your selues prais'd: ButFor your own gifts make yourselves praised; but Tim III.vi.72
reserue still to giue, least your Deities be despised. Lend to reserve still to give, lest your deities be despised. Lend tostill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Tim III.vi.73
reserve (v.)

old form: reserue
preserve, retain, keep
each man enough, that one neede not lend to another. For each man enough, that one need not lend to another; for Tim III.vi.74
were your Godheads to borrow of men, men would forsake were your godheads to borrow of men, men would forsake Tim III.vi.75
the Gods. Make the Meate be beloued, more then the Man thatthe gods. Make the meat be beloved more than the man that Tim III.vi.76
giues it. Let no Assembly of Twenty, be without a score of gives it. Let no assembly of twenty be without a score of Tim III.vi.77
Villaines. If there sit twelue Women at the Table, let a dozen of villains. If there sit twelve women at the table let a dozen of Tim III.vi.78
them bee as they are. The rest of your Fees, O Gods, the them be – as they are. The rest of your fees, O gods – thefee (n.)
dependent creature, beneficiary, vassal
Tim III.vi.79
Senators of Athens, together with the common legge of People, Senators of Athens, together with the common leg of people – leg (n.)

old form: legge
[unclear meaning] supporting member
Tim III.vi.80
what is amisse in them, you Gods, make suteable for destruction. what is amiss in them, you gods, make suitable for destruction. Tim III.vi.81
For these my present Friends, as they are to mee For these my present friends, as they are to me Tim III.vi.82
nothing, so in nothing blesse them, and to nothing are they nothing, so in nothing bless them, and to nothing are they Tim III.vi.83
welcome.welcome. Tim III.vi.84
Vncouer Dogges, and lap.Uncover, dogs, and lap. Tim III.vi.85
The dishes are uncovered and seen to be full of warm Tim III.vi.86.1
water and stones Tim III.vi.86.2
Some speake. SOME 
What do's his Lordship meane?What does his lordship mean? Tim III.vi.86
Some other. OTHERS 
I know not.I know not. Tim III.vi.87
Timon. TIMON 
May you a better Feast neuer beholdMay you a better feast never behold, Tim III.vi.88
You knot of Mouth-Friends: Smoke, & lukewarm waterYou knot of mouth-friends! Smoke and lukewarm watermouth-friend (n.)
friend in word only; or: friend won by feeding
Tim III.vi.89
knot (n.)
company, band, assembly
Is your perfection. This is Timons last,Is your perfection. This is Timon's last,last (n.)
last thing to be done, final action
Tim III.vi.90
Who stucke and spangled you with Flatteries,Who, stuck and spangled with your flatteries,stick (v.)

old form: stucke
decorate, adorn
Tim III.vi.91
spangle (v.)
adorn brightly, add glitter to
Washes it off and sprinkles in your facesWashes it off, and sprinkles in your faces Tim III.vi.92
Your reeking villany.Your reeking villainy. Tim III.vi.93.1
He throws the water in their faces Tim III.vi.93
Liue loath'd, and longLive loathed and long, Tim III.vi.93.2
Most smiling, smooth, detested Parasites,Most smiling, smooth, detested parasites, Tim III.vi.94
Curteous Destroyers, affable Wolues, meeke Beares:Courteous destroyers, affable wolves, meek bears, Tim III.vi.95
You Fooles of Fortune, Trencher-friends, Times Flyes,You fools of fortune, trencher-friends, time's flies,trencher-friend (n.)
friend for free meals, sponger, parasite
Tim III.vi.96
Cap and knee-Slaues, vapours, and Minute Iackes.Cap-and-knee slaves, vapours, and minute-jacks!minute-jack (n.)

old form: Minute Iackes
mind-changing villain, fickle lout
Tim III.vi.97
vapour (n.)
empty manifestation, worthless emanation
cap-and-knee (adj.)
sycophantic, flattering, obsequious
Of Man and Beast, the infinite MaladieOf man and beast the infinite malady Tim III.vi.98
Crust you quite o're. What do'st thou go?Crust you quite o'er! What, dost thou go?crust over (v.)

old form: o're
encrust with sores, cover with scabs
Tim III.vi.99
Soft, take thy Physicke first; thou too, and thou:Soft, take thy physic first. Thou too, and thou.physic (n.)

old form: Physicke
medicine, healing, treatment
Tim III.vi.100
soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Stay I will lend thee money, borrow none.Stay, I will lend thee money, borrow none. Tim III.vi.101
He throws the stones at them, and drives them out Tim III.vi.102
What? All in Motion? Henceforth be no Feast,What? All in motion? Henceforth be no feast Tim III.vi.102
Whereat a Villaine's not a welcome Guest.Whereat a villain's not a welcome guest. Tim III.vi.103
Burne house, sinke Athens, henceforth hated beBurn house! Sink Athens! Henceforth hated be Tim III.vi.104
Of Timon Man, and all Humanity. Of Timon man and all humanity. Tim III.vi.105
ExitExit Tim III.vi.105
Enter the Senators, with other Lords.Enter lords and senators Tim III.vi.106
How now, my Lords?How now, my lords? Tim III.vi.106
Know you the quality of Lord Timons fury?Know you the quality of Lord Timon's fury?quality (n.)
occasion, cause
Tim III.vi.107
Push, did you see my Cap?Push! Did you see my cap? Tim III.vi.108
I haue lost my Gowne.I have lost my gown. Tim III.vi.109
He's but a mad Lord, & nought but humors He's but a mad lord, and naught but humourshumour (n.)

old form: humors
fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
Tim III.vi.110
swaies him. He gaue me a Iewell th'other day, and now heesways him. He gave me a jewel th' other day, and now hesway (v.)

old form: swaies
control, rule, direct, govern
Tim III.vi.111
has beate it out of my hat. / Did you see my Iewell?has beat it out of my hat. Did you see my jewel? Tim III.vi.112
Did you see my Cap.Did you see my cap? Tim III.vi.113
Heere 'tis.Here 'tis. Tim III.vi.114
Heere lyes my Gowne.Here lies my gown. Tim III.vi.115
Let's make no stay.Let's make no stay.stay (n.)
staying, remaining, continued presence
Tim III.vi.116
Lord Timons mad.Lord Timon's mad. Tim III.vi.117.1
I feel't vpon my bones.I feel't upon my bones. Tim III.vi.117.2
One day he giues vs Diamonds, next day stones.One day he gives us diamonds, next day stones. Tim III.vi.118
Exeunt the Senators.Exeunt Tim III.vi.118
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