First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Hubert and Executioners. | Enter Hubert and executioners | | KJ IV.i.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Heate me these Irons hot, and looke thou stand | Heat me these irons hot, and look thou stand | | KJ IV.i.1 | |
Within the Arras: when I strike my foot | Within the arras. When I strike my foot | arras (n.) tapestry hanging | KJ IV.i.2 | |
Vpon the bosome of the ground, rush forth | Upon the bosom of the ground, rush forth | bosom (n.) surface | KJ IV.i.3 | |
And binde the boy, which you shall finde with me | And bind the boy which you shall find with me | | KJ IV.i.4 | |
Fast to the chaire: be heedfull: hence, and watch. | Fast to the chair. Be heedful. Hence, and watch! | | KJ IV.i.5 | |
Exec. | EXECUTIONER | | | |
I hope your warrant will beare out the deed. | I hope your warrant will bear out the deed. | bear out (v.) support, authorize, sanction | KJ IV.i.6 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Vncleanly scruples feare not you: looke too't. | Uncleanly scruples! Fear not you. Look to't! | uncleanly (adj.) offensive, foul | KJ IV.i.7 | |
| The executioners withdraw | | KJ IV.i.8 | |
Yong Lad come forth; I haue to say with you. | Young lad, come forth; I have to say with you. | | KJ IV.i.8 | |
Enter Arthur. | Enter Arthur | | KJ IV.i.9 | |
Ar. | ARTHUR | | | |
Good morrow Hubert. | Good morrow, Hubert. | morrow (n.) morning | KJ IV.i.9.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Good morrow, little Prince. | Good morrow, little prince. | | KJ IV.i.9.2 | |
Ar. | ARTHUR | | | |
As little Prince, hauing so great a Title | As little prince, having so great a title | | KJ IV.i.10 | |
To be more Prince, as may be: you are sad. | To be more prince, as may be. You are sad. | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | KJ IV.i.11 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Indeed I haue beene merrier. | Indeed, I have been merrier. | | KJ IV.i.12.1 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
'Mercie on me: | Mercy on me! | | KJ IV.i.12.2 | |
Me thinkes no body should be sad but I: | Methinks nobody should be sad but I. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | KJ IV.i.13 | |
Yet I remember, when I was in France, | Yet I remember, when I was in France, | | KJ IV.i.14 | |
Yong Gentlemen would be as sad as night | Young gentlemen would be as sad as night | | KJ IV.i.15 | |
Onely for wantonnesse: by my Christendome, | Only for wantonness. By my christendom, | wantonness (n.) foolish behaviour, caprice, whims | KJ IV.i.16 | |
So I were out of prison, and kept Sheepe | So I were out of prison and kept sheep, | | KJ IV.i.17 | |
I should be as merry as the day is long: | I should be as merry as the day is long; | | KJ IV.i.18 | |
And so I would be heere, but that I doubt | And so I would be here, but that I doubt | doubt (v.) suspect, have suspicions about, fear | KJ IV.i.19 | |
My Vnckle practises more harme to me: | My uncle practises more harm to me. | practise (v.) plot, scheme, conspire | KJ IV.i.20 | |
He is affraid of me, and I of him: | He is afraid of me and I of him. | | KJ IV.i.21 | |
Is it my fault, that I was Geffreyes sonne? | Is it my fault that I was Geoffrey's son? | | KJ IV.i.22 | |
No in deede is't not: and I would to heauen | No, indeed, is't not; and I would to heaven | | KJ IV.i.23 | |
I were your sonne, so you would loue me, Hubert: | I were your son, so you would love me, Hubert. | | KJ IV.i.24 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ IV.i.25.1 | |
If I talke to him, with his innocent prate | If I talk to him, with his innocent prate | prate (n.) prattle, chatter, blather | KJ IV.i.25 | |
He will awake my mercie, which lies dead: | He will awake my mercy, which lies dead. | | KJ IV.i.26 | |
Therefore I will be sodaine, and dispatch. | Therefore I will be sudden, and dispatch. | sudden (adj.) swift, rapid, prompt | KJ IV.i.27 | |
| | dispatch, despatch (v.) kill, put to death, make away with, finish off | | |
Ar. | ARTHUR | | | |
Are you sicke Hubert? you looke pale today, | Are you sick, Hubert? You look pale today. | | KJ IV.i.28 | |
Insooth I would you were a little sicke, | In sooth, I would you were a little sick, | sooth (n.) truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] | KJ IV.i.29 | |
That I might sit all night, and watch with you. | That I might sit all night and watch with you. | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | KJ IV.i.30 | |
I warrant I loue you more then you do me. | I warrant I love you more than you do me. | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | KJ IV.i.31 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
| (aside) | | KJ IV.i.32.1 | |
His words do take possession of my bosome. | His words do take possession of my bosom. | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | KJ IV.i.32 | |
| He shows Arthur the warrant | | KJ IV.i.33.1 | |
Reade heere yong Arthnr. How now foolish rheume? | Read here, young Arthur. (aside) How now, foolish rheum! | rheum (n.) tears | KJ IV.i.33 | |
Turning dispitious torture out of doore? | Turning dispiteous torture out of door! | door, out of (adv.) out of doors, out of the house | KJ IV.i.34 | |
| | dispiteous (adj.) pitiless, merciless | | |
I must be breefe, least resolution drop | I must be brief, lest resolution drop | | KJ IV.i.35 | |
Out at mine eyes, in tender womanish teares. | Out at mine eyes in tender womanish tears. | | KJ IV.i.36 | |
Can you not reade it? Is it not faire writ? | Can you not read it? Is it not fair writ? | fair (adv.) well, in a good hand, elegantly [like a clerk] | KJ IV.i.37 | |
Ar. | ARTHUR | | | |
Too fairely Hubert, for so foule effect, | Too fairly, Hubert, for so foul effect. | effect (n.) purpose, end, intended deed | KJ IV.i.38 | |
Must you with hot Irons, burne out both mine eyes? | Must you with hot irons burn out both mine eyes? | | KJ IV.i.39 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Yong Boy, I must. | Young boy, I must. | | KJ IV.i.40.1 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
And will you? | And will you? | | KJ IV.i.40.2 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
And I will. | And I will. | | KJ IV.i.40.3 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
Haue you the heart? When your head did but ake, | Have you the heart? When your head did but ache, | | KJ IV.i.41 | |
I knit my hand-kercher about your browes | I knit my handkercher about your brows – | knit, knit up (v.) tie, fasten [by means of a knot] | KJ IV.i.42 | |
| | handkercher (n.) handkerchief | | |
| | brow (n.) forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead] | | |
(The best I had, a Princesse wrought it me) | The best I had, a princess wrought it me – | work (v.), past form wrought embroider, make, sew | KJ IV.i.43 | |
And I did neuer aske it you againe: | And I did never ask it you again; | | KJ IV.i.44 | |
And with my hand, at midnight held your head; | And with my hand at midnight held your head, | | KJ IV.i.45 | |
And like the watchfull minutes, to the houre, | And like the watchful minutes to the hour, | | KJ IV.i.46 | |
Still and anon cheer'd vp the heauy time; | Still and anon cheered up the heavy time, | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | KJ IV.i.47 | |
| | anon, still and continually | | |
Saying, what lacke you? and where lies your greefe? | Saying, ‘ What lack you?’, and ‘ Where lies your grief?’, | grief (n.) pain, torment, distress | KJ IV.i.48 | |
Or what good loue may I performe for you? | Or ‘ What good love may I perform for you?’. | love (n.) act of kindness, affectionate deed | KJ IV.i.49 | |
Many a poore mans sonne would haue lyen still, | Many a poor man's son would have lien still | | KJ IV.i.50 | |
And nere haue spoke a louing word to you: | And ne'er have spoke a loving word to you; | | KJ IV.i.51 | |
But you, at your sicke seruice had a Prince: | But you at your sick service had a prince. | | KJ IV.i.52 | |
Nay, you may thinke my loue was craftie loue, | Nay, you may think my love was crafty love, | crafty (adj.) cunning, devious, wily | KJ IV.i.53 | |
And call it cunning. Do, and if you will, | And call it cunning. Do, an if you will. | an if (conj.) if | KJ IV.i.54 | |
| | cunning (n.) deviousness, deceit, craftiness, artfulness | | |
If heauen be pleas'd that you must vse me ill, | If heaven be pleased that you must use me ill, | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | KJ IV.i.55 | |
Why then you must. Will you put out mine eyes? | Why then you must. Will you put out mine eyes – | | KJ IV.i.56 | |
These eyes, that neuer did, nor neuer shall | These eyes that never did, nor never shall, | | KJ IV.i.57 | |
So much as frowne on you. | So much as frown on you? | | KJ IV.i.58.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
I haue sworne to do it: | I have sworn to do it, | | KJ IV.i.58.2 | |
And with hot Irons must I burne them out. | And with hot irons must I burn them out. | | KJ IV.i.59 | |
Ar. | ARTHUR | | | |
Ah, none but in this Iron Age, would do it: | Ah, none but in this iron age would do it! | iron age age of cruelty, time of wickedness | KJ IV.i.60 | |
The Iron of it selfe, though heate red hot, | The iron of itself, though heat red-hot, | | KJ IV.i.61 | |
Approaching neere these eyes, would drinke my teares, | Approaching near these eyes, would drink my tears | | KJ IV.i.62 | |
And quench this fierie indignation, | And quench his fiery indignation | | KJ IV.i.63 | |
Euen in the matter of mine innocence: | Even in the matter of mine innocence; | matter (n.) stuff, soul, substance | KJ IV.i.64 | |
Nay, after that, consume away in rust, | Nay, after that, consume away in rust, | consume away (v.) waste away, disintegrate, perish | KJ IV.i.65 | |
But for containing fire to harme mine eye: | But for containing fire to harm mine eye. | | KJ IV.i.66 | |
Are you more stubborne hard, then hammer'd Iron? | Are you more stubborn-hard than hammered iron? | | KJ IV.i.67 | |
And if an Angell should haue come to me, | An if an angel should have come to me | an if (conj.) if | KJ IV.i.68 | |
And told me Hubert should put out mine eyes, | And told me Hubert should put out mine eyes, | | KJ IV.i.69 | |
I would not haue beleeu'd him: no tongue but Huberts. | I would not have believed him – no tongue but Hubert's! | | KJ IV.i.70 | |
| Hubert stamps his foot | | KJ IV.i.71 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Come forth: | Come forth! | | KJ IV.i.71.1 | |
| The executioners come forward with ropes and irons | | KJ IV.i.71 | |
Do as I bid you do. | Do as I bid you do. | | KJ IV.i.71.2 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
O saue me Hubert, saue me: my eyes are out | O, save me, Hubert, save me! My eyes are out | | KJ IV.i.72 | |
Euen with the fierce lookes of these bloody men. | Even with the fierce looks of these bloody men. | | KJ IV.i.73 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Giue me the Iron I say, and binde him heere. | Give me the iron, I say, and bind him here. | | KJ IV.i.74 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
Alas, what neede you be so boistrous rough? | Alas, what need you be so boisterous-rough? | boisterous (adv.) violently, fiercely, forcefully | KJ IV.i.75 | |
I will not struggle, I will stand stone still: | I will not struggle; I will stand stone-still. | | KJ IV.i.76 | |
For heauen sake Hubert let me not be bound: | For heaven sake, Hubert, let me not be bound! | | KJ IV.i.77 | |
Nay heare me Hubert, driue these men away, | Nay, hear me, Hubert! Drive these men away, | | KJ IV.i.78 | |
And I will sit as quiet as a Lambe. | And I will sit as quiet as a lamb. | | KJ IV.i.79 | |
I will not stirre, nor winch, nor speake a word, | I will not stir, nor winch, nor speak a word, | winch (v.) wince, flinch, recoil | KJ IV.i.80 | |
Nor looke vpon the Iron angerly: | Nor look upon the iron angerly. | angerly (adv.) angrily, grouchily, testily | KJ IV.i.81 | |
Thrust but these men away, and Ile forgiue you, | Thrust but these men away, and I'll forgive you, | | KJ IV.i.82 | |
What euer torment you do put me too. | Whatever torment you do put me to. | | KJ IV.i.83 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Go stand within: let me alone with him. | Go stand within. Let me alone with him. | | KJ IV.i.84 | |
Exec. | EXECUTIONER | | | |
I am best pleas'd to be from such a deede. | I am best pleased to be from such a deed. | | KJ IV.i.85 | |
| Exeunt executioners | | KJ IV.i.85 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
Alas, I then haue chid away my friend, | Alas, I then have chid away my friend! | chide (v.), past form chid brusquely command, drive [away] with harsh words | KJ IV.i.86 | |
He hath a sterne looke, but a gentle heart: | He hath a stern look, but a gentle heart. | gentle (adj.) soft, tender, kind | KJ IV.i.87 | |
Let him come backe, that his compassion may | Let him come back, that his compassion may | | KJ IV.i.88 | |
Giue life to yours. | Give life to yours. | | KJ IV.i.89.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Come (Boy) prepare your selfe. | Come, boy, prepare yourself. | | KJ IV.i.89.2 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
Is there no remedie? | Is there no remedy? | | KJ IV.i.90.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
None, but to lose your eyes. | None, but to lose your eyes. | | KJ IV.i.90.2 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
O heauen: that there were but a moth in yours, | O heaven, that there were but a mote in yours, | mote (n.) speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle | KJ IV.i.91 | |
A graine, a dust, a gnat, a wandering haire, | A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wandering hair, | dust (n.) speck of dust, particle, iota | KJ IV.i.92 | |
Any annoyance in that precious sense: | Any annoyance in that precious sense. | annoyance (n.) discomfort, irritation, hurt | KJ IV.i.93 | |
Then feeling what small things are boysterous there, | Then feeling what small things are boisterous there, | boisterous (adj.) irritable, painful, irritating | KJ IV.i.94 | |
Your vilde intent must needs seeme horrible. | Your vile intent must needs seem horrible. | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | KJ IV.i.95 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Is this your promise? Go too, hold your toong. | Is this your promise? Go to, hold your tongue. | | KJ IV.i.96 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
Hubert, the vtterance of a brace of tongues, | Hubert, the utterance of a brace of tongues | brace (n.) group of two, couple, pair | KJ IV.i.97 | |
Must needes want pleading for a paire of eyes: | Must needs want pleading for a pair of eyes. | want (v.) fall short [of], be deficient [in] | KJ IV.i.98 | |
Let me not hold my tongue: let me not Hubert, | Let me not hold my tongue. Let me not, Hubert! | | KJ IV.i.99 | |
Or Hubert, if you will cut out my tongue, | Or, Hubert, if you will, cut out my tongue, | | KJ IV.i.100 | |
So I may keepe mine eyes. O spare mine eyes, | So I may keep mine eyes. O, spare mine eyes, | | KJ IV.i.101 | |
Though to no vse, but still to looke on you. | Though to no use but still to look on you! | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | KJ IV.i.102 | |
Loe, by my troth, the Instrument is cold, | Lo, by my troth, the instrument is cold | troth, by my by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion] | KJ IV.i.103 | |
And would not harme me. | And would not harm me. | | KJ IV.i.104.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
I can heate it, Boy. | I can heat it, boy. | | KJ IV.i.104.2 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
No, in good sooth: the fire is dead with griefe, | No, in good sooth: the fire is dead with grief, | sooth (n.) truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] | KJ IV.i.105 | |
Being create for comfort, to be vs'd | Being create for comfort, to be used | | KJ IV.i.106 | |
In vndeserued extreames: See else your selfe, | In undeserved extremes. See else yourself. | | KJ IV.i.107 | |
There is no malice in this burning cole, | There is no malice in this burning coal; | | KJ IV.i.108 | |
The breath of heauen, hath blowne his spirit out, | The breath of heaven hath blown his spirit out, | | KJ IV.i.109 | |
And strew'd repentant ashes on his head. | And strewed repentant ashes on his head. | | KJ IV.i.110 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
But with my breath I can reuiue it Boy. | But with my breath I can revive it, boy. | | KJ IV.i.111 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
And if you do, you will but make it blush, | An if you do, you will but make it blush | an if (conj.) if | KJ IV.i.112 | |
And glow with shame of your proceedings, Hubert: | And glow with shame of your proceedings, Hubert. | | KJ IV.i.113 | |
Nay, it perchance will sparkle in your eyes: | Nay, it perchance will sparkle in your eyes, | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | KJ IV.i.114 | |
| | sparkle (v.) send out sparks | | |
And, like a dogge that is compell'd to fight, | And, like a dog that is compelled to fight, | | KJ IV.i.115 | |
Snatch at his Master that doth tarre him on. | Snatch at his master that doth tarre him on. | tarre (v.) incite, provoke, arouse | KJ IV.i.116 | |
| | snatch (n.) snap, bite | | |
All things that you should vse to do me wrong | All things that you should use to do me wrong | | KJ IV.i.117 | |
Deny their office: onely you do lacke | Deny their office. Only you do lack | office (n.) role, position, place, function | KJ IV.i.118 | |
| | deny (v.) refuse, decline, scorn | | |
That mercie, which fierce fire, and Iron extends, | That mercy which fierce fire and iron extends – | extend (v.) show, offer, permit | KJ IV.i.119 | |
Creatures of note for mercy, lacking vses. | Creatures of note for mercy-lacking uses. | creature (n.) object, instrument, thing | KJ IV.i.120 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Well, see to liue: I will not touch thine eye, | Well, see to live. I will not touch thine eye | | KJ IV.i.121 | |
For all the Treasure that thine Vnckle owes, | For all the treasure that thine uncle owes; | owe (v.) own, possess, have | KJ IV.i.122 | |
Yet am I sworne, and I did purpose, Boy, | Yet am I sworn, and I did purpose, boy, | | KJ IV.i.123 | |
With this same very Iron, to burne them out. | With this same very iron to burn them out. | | KJ IV.i.124 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
O now you looke like Hubert. All this while | O, now you look like Hubert. All this while | | KJ IV.i.125 | |
You were disguis'd. | You were disguised. | | KJ IV.i.126.1 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Peace: no more. Adieu, | Peace! No more. Adieu. | | KJ IV.i.126.2 | |
Your Vnckle must not know but you are dead. | Your uncle must not know but you are dead. | | KJ IV.i.127 | |
Ile fill these dogged Spies with false reports: | I'll fill these dogged spies with false reports; | dogged (adj.) fierce, cruel, ferocious | KJ IV.i.128 | |
| | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | | |
And, pretty childe, sleepe doubtlesse, and secure, | And, pretty child, sleep doubtless and secure | doubtless (adj.) without fear, free from apprehension | KJ IV.i.129 | |
That Hubert for the wealth of all the world, | That Hubert, for the wealth of all the world, | | KJ IV.i.130 | |
Will not offend thee. | Will not offend thee. | | KJ IV.i.131.1 | |
Art. | ARTHUR | | | |
O heauen! I thanke you Hubert. | O heaven! I thank you, Hubert. | | KJ IV.i.131.2 | |
Hub. | HUBERT | | | |
Silence, no more; go closely in with mee, | Silence! No more. Go closely in with me. | closely (adv.) secretly, covertly, privately | KJ IV.i.132 | |
Much danger do I vndergo for thee. | Much danger do I undergo for thee. | | KJ IV.i.133 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | KJ IV.i.133 | |