Titus Andronicus

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter young Lucius and Lauinia running after him, Enter Young Lucius and Lavinia running after him, Tit IV.i.1.1
and the Boy flies from her with his bookes vnder his and the boy flies from her with his books under his Tit IV.i.1.2
arme.arm. Tit IV.i.1.3
Enter Titus and Marcus.Enter Titus and Marcus Tit IV.i.1.4
Helpe Grandsier helpe, my Aunt Lauinia,Help, grandsire, help! My aunt Laviniagrandsire (n.)

old form: Grandsier
Tit IV.i.1
Followes me euerywhere I know not why.Follows me everywhere, I know not why. Tit IV.i.2
Good Vncle Marcus see how swift she comes,Good uncle Marcus, see how swift she comes. Tit IV.i.3
Alas sweet Aunt, I know not what you meane.Alas, sweet aunt, I know not what you mean. Tit IV.i.4
He drops his books Tit IV.i.5
Stand by me Lucius, doe not feare thy Aunt.Stand by me, Lucius; do not fear thine aunt. Tit IV.i.5
Titus. TITUS 
She loues thee boy too well to doe thee harmeShe loves thee, boy, too well to do thee harm. Tit IV.i.6
I when my father was in Rome she did.Ay, when my father was in Rome she did. Tit IV.i.7
What meanes my Neece Lauinia by these signes?What means my niece Lavinia by these signs? Tit IV.i.8
Feare not Lucius, somewhat doth she meane:Fear her not, Lucius; somewhat doth she mean.somewhat (n.)
Tit IV.i.9
See Lucius see, how much she makes of thee:See, Lucius, see how much she makes of thee: Tit IV.i.10
Some whether would she haue thee goe with her.Somewhither would she have thee go with her. Tit IV.i.11
Ah boy, Cornelia neuer with more careAh, boy, Cornelia never with more care Tit IV.i.12
Read to her sonnes, then she hath read to thee,Read to her sons than she hath read to thee Tit IV.i.13
Sweet Poetry, and Tullies Oratour:Sweet poetry and Tully's Orator.Tully (n.)
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman, and philosopher, 1st-c BC
Tit IV.i.14
Canst thou not gesse wherefore she plies thee thus?Canst thou not guess wherefore she plies thee thus?ply (v.)
keep on at, press, urge
Tit IV.i.15
My Lord I know not I, nor can I gesse,My lord, I know not, I, nor can I guess, Tit IV.i.16
Vnlesse some fit or frenzie do possesse her:Unless some fit or frenzy do possess her;frenzy (n.)

old form: frenzie
distraction, agitation, delirium
Tit IV.i.17
For I haue heard my Grandsier say full oft,For I have heard my grandsire say full oftoft (adv.)
Tit IV.i.18
full (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
Extremitie of griefes would make men mad.Extremity of griefs would make men mad, Tit IV.i.19
And I haue read that Hecuba of Troy,And I have read that Hecuba of TroyHecuba (n.)
wife of Priam, King of Troy, and mother of 18 children; after the Greeks took Troy, she saw her sons and her husband killed, and was sent into slavery.
Tit IV.i.20
Ran mad through sorrow, that made me to feare,Ran mad for sorrow. That made me to fear, Tit IV.i.21
Although my Lord, I know my noble Aunt,Although, my lord, I know my noble aunt Tit IV.i.22
Loues me as deare as ere my mother did,Loves me as dear as e'er my mother did, Tit IV.i.23
And would not but in fury fright my youth,And would not but in fury fright my youth,fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
Tit IV.i.24
fury (n.)
fit of madness
Which made me downe to throw my bookes, and flieWhich made me down to throw my books and fly, Tit IV.i.25
Causles perhaps, but pardon me sweet Aunt,Causeless perhaps. But pardon me, sweet aunt, Tit IV.i.26
And Madam, if my Vncle Marcus goe,And, madam, if my uncle Marcus go,go (v.)

old form: goe
come, accompany, stay
Tit IV.i.27
I will most willingly attend your Ladyship.I will most willingly attend your ladyship.attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
Tit IV.i.28
Lucius I will.Lucius, I will. Tit IV.i.29
Lavinia turns over the books dropped by Lucius Tit IV.i.30
How now Lauinia, Marcus what meanes this?How now, Lavinia? Marcus, what means this? Tit IV.i.30
Some booke there is that she desires to see,Some book there is that she desires to see. Tit IV.i.31
Which is it girle of these? Open them boy,Which is it, girl, of these? Open them, boy. Tit IV.i.32
But thou art deeper read and better skild,(To Lavinia) But thou art deeper read and better skilled. Tit IV.i.33
Come and take choyse of all my Library,Come and take choice of all my library, Tit IV.i.34
And so beguile thy sorrow, till the heauensAnd so beguile thy sorrow, till the heavensbeguile (v.)
divert attention from, disguise
Tit IV.i.35
Reueale the damn'd contriuer of this deed.Reveal the damned contriver of this deed. Tit IV.i.36
What booke? / Why lifts she vp her armes in sequence thus?Why lifts she up her arms in sequence thus? Tit IV.i.37
I thinke she meanes that ther was more then oneI think she means that there were more than one Tit IV.i.38
Confederate in the fact, I more there was:Confederate in the fact. Ay, more there was, Tit IV.i.39
Or else to heauen she heaues them to reuenge.Or else to heaven she heaves them for revenge.heave (v.)

old form: heaues
raise, lift up
Tit IV.i.40
Lucius what booke is that she tosseth so?Lucius, what book is that she tosseth so?toss (v.)
stir up, disturb, toss about
Tit IV.i.41
Grandsier 'tis Ouids Metamorphosis,Grandsire, 'tis Ovid's Metamorphoses;Ovid, Ovidius (n.)
[pron: 'ovid] Latin poet; exiled to live among the Goths in AD 8
Tit IV.i.42
My mother gaue it me.My mother gave it me. Tit IV.i.43.1
For loue of her that's gone,For love of her that's gone, Tit IV.i.43.2
Perhahs she culd it from among the rest.Perhaps she culled it from among the rest.cull (v.)

old form: culd
select, pick out, choose
Tit IV.i.44
Soft, so busily she turnes the leaues,Soft, so busily she turns the leaves.soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Tit IV.i.45
Helpe her, what would she finde? Lauinia shall I read? Help her! What would she find? Lavinia, shall I read? Tit IV.i.46
This is the tragicke tale of Philomel?This is the tragic tale of Philomel,Philomel, Philomela (n.)
[pron: 'filomel] daughter of Pandion, king of Athens; Tereus raped her and cut out her tongue, but she told the tale in her embroidery; the gods turned her into a nightingale after she took her revenge
Tit IV.i.47
And treates of Tereus treason and his rape,And treats of Tereus' treason and his rape;Tereus (n.)
[pron: 'tereus] legendary king of Athens, who raped and mutilated his sister-in-law Philomel
Tit IV.i.48
And rape I feare was roote of thine annoy.And rape, I fear, was root of thy annoy.annoy (n.)
trouble, vexation, distress
Tit IV.i.49
See brother see, note how she quotes the leauesSee, brother, see: note how she quotes the leaves.quote (v.)
closely observe, note, examine
Tit IV.i.50
Lauinia, wert thou thus surpriz'd sweet girle,Lavinia, wert thou thus surprised, sweet girl?surprise (v.)

old form: surpriz'd
attack, capture, seize
Tit IV.i.51
Rauisht and wrong'd as Philomela was?Ravished and wronged, as Philomela was, Tit IV.i.52
Forc'd in the ruthlesse, vast, and gloomy woods?Forced in the ruthless, vast, and gloomy woods?vast (adj.)
boundless, extensive, widespread
Tit IV.i.53
See, see, I such a place there is where we did hunt,See, see. Ay, such a place there is where we did hunt –  Tit IV.i.54
(O had we neuer, neuer hunted there)O, had we never, never hunted there –  Tit IV.i.55
Patern'd by that the Poet heere describes,Patterned by that the poet here describes, Tit IV.i.56
By nature made for murthers and for rapes.By nature made for murders and for rapes. Tit IV.i.57
O why should nature build so foule a den,O, why should nature build so foul a den, Tit IV.i.58
Vnlesse the Gods delight in tragedies?Unless the gods delight in tragedies? Tit IV.i.59
Giue signes sweet girle, for heere are none but friendsGive signs, sweet girl, for here are none but friends, Tit IV.i.60
What Romaine Lord it was durst do the deed?What Roman lord it was durst do the deed? Tit IV.i.61
Or slunke not Saturnine, as Tarquin ersts,Or slunk not Saturnine, as Tarquin erst,Tarquin
Tarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece
Tit IV.i.62
That left the Campe to sinne in Lucrece bed.That left the camp to sin in Lucrece' bed?Lucrece, Lucretia (n.)
[lu'krees] legendary Roman heroine, 6th-c BC, who killed herself after being raped by Tarquin
Tit IV.i.63
Sit downe sweet Neece, brother sit downe by me,Sit down, sweet niece. Brother, sit down by me. Tit IV.i.64
They sit Tit IV.i.65.1
Appollo, Pallas, Ioue, or Mercury,Apollo, Pallas, Jove or MercuryApollo (n.)
Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing
Tit IV.i.65
Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
Pallas (n.)
alternative name for Athene
Mercury (n.)
messenger of the Roman gods; also, god of commerce
Inspire me that I may this treason finde.Inspire me, that I may this treason find. Tit IV.i.66
My Lord looke heere, looke heere Lauinia.My lord, look here; look here, Lavinia. Tit IV.i.67
This sandie plot is plaine, guide if thou canstThis sandy plot is plain; guide, if thou canst,plain (adj.)

old form: plaine
[bowls] level, flat, even, smooth
Tit IV.i.68
This after me, This after me. Tit IV.i.69.1
He writes his Name with his staffe, and guides it with He writes his name with his staff, and guides it with Tit IV.i.69.1
feete and mouth.feet and mouth Tit IV.i.69.2
I haue writ my name,I have writ my name Tit IV.i.69.2
Without the helpe of any hand at all.Without the help of any hand at all. Tit IV.i.70
Curst be that hart that forc'st vs to that shift:Cursed be that heart that forced us to this shift!shift (n.)
expedient, measure, arrangement [especially as 'make shift' = contrive]
Tit IV.i.71
Write thou good Neece, and heere display at last,Write thou, good niece, and here display at last Tit IV.i.72
What God will haue discouered for reuenge,What God will have discovered for revenge.discover (v.)

old form: discouered
reveal, show, make known
Tit IV.i.73
Heauen guide thy pen to print thy sorrowes plaine,Heaven guide thy pen to print thy sorrows plain, Tit IV.i.74
That we may know the Traytors and the truth.That we may know the traitors and the truth. Tit IV.i.75
She takes the staffe in her mouth, and guides it with She takes the staff in her mouth, and guides it with Tit IV.i.76.1
her stumps and writes.her stumps, and writes Tit IV.i.76.2
Oh doe ye read my Lord what she hath writs?O, do ye read, my lord, what she hath writ? Tit IV.i.76
Stuprum, Chiron, Demetrius. Stuprum – Chiron – Demetrius.’ Tit IV.i.77
What, what, the lustfull sonnes of Tamora,What, what? The lustful sons of Tamora Tit IV.i.78
Performers of this hainous bloody deed?Performers of this heinous, bloody deed? Tit IV.i.79
Magni Dominator poli,Magni dominator poli,magni...
master of the great heavens, do you so calmly hear crimes, so calmly see them
Tit IV.i.80
Tam lentus audis scelera, tam lentus vides?Tam lentus audis scelera, tam lentus vides? Tit IV.i.81
Oh calme thee gentle Lord: Although I knowO, calm thee, gentle lord, although I knowgentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Tit IV.i.82
There is enough written vpon this earth,There is enough written upon this earth Tit IV.i.83
To stirre a mutinie in the mildest thoughts,To stir a mutiny in the mildest thoughts,mutiny (n.)

old form: mutinie
rebellion, revolt, quarrel
Tit IV.i.84
And arme the mindes of infants to exclaimes.And arm the minds of infants to exclaims.exclaim (n.)

old form: exclaimes
exclamation, outcry, protest
Tit IV.i.85
My Lord kneele downe with me: Lauinia kneele,My lord, kneel down with me; Lavinia, kneel; Tit IV.i.86
And kneele sweet boy, the Romaine Hectors hope,And kneel, sweet boy, the Roman Hector's hope;Hector (n.)
son of Priam, married to Andromache; the bravest Trojan, who led out their army to battle
Tit IV.i.87
They kneel Tit IV.i.88.1
And sweare with me, as with the wofull FeereAnd swear with me – as, with the woeful ferefere (n.)

old form: Feere
spouse, partner, husband/wife
Tit IV.i.88
And father of that chast dishonoured Dame,And father of that chaste dishonoured dame, Tit IV.i.89
Lord Iunius Brutus sweare for Lucrece rape,Lord Junius Brutus swore for Lucrece' rape – Brutus, Lucius
Lucius Junius Brutus, founder of the Roman republic in 509 BC
Tit IV.i.90
That we will prosecute (by good aduise)That we will prosecute by good adviceprosecute (v.)
pursue, follow up, seek
Tit IV.i.91
advice (n.)

old form: aduise
consideration, reflection, deliberation
Mortall reuenge vpon these traytorous Gothes,Mortal revenge upon these traitorous Goths,mortal (adj.)

old form: Mortall
fatal, deadly, lethal
Tit IV.i.92
And see their blood, or die with this reproach.And see their blood, or die with this reproach.reproach (n.)
blame, disgrace, shame
Tit IV.i.93
They rise Tit IV.i.94
Tis sure enough, and you knew how.'Tis sure enough, and you knew how. Tit IV.i.94
But if you hunt these Beare-whelpes, then bewareBut if you hunt these bear-whelps, then beware: Tit IV.i.95
The Dam will wake, and if she winde you once,The dam will wake, and if she wind ye once.wind (v.)

old form: winde
scent, get wind of
Tit IV.i.96
dam (n.)
Shee's with the Lyon deepely still in league.She's with the lion deeply still in league, Tit IV.i.97
And lulls him whilst she palyeth on her backe,And lulls him whilst she playeth on her back, Tit IV.i.98
And when he sleepes will she do what she list.And, when he sleeps, will she do what she list.list (v.)
wish, like, please
Tit IV.i.99
You are a young huntsman Marcus, let it alone:You are a young huntsman, Marcus. Let alone, Tit IV.i.100
And come, I will goe get a leafe of brasse,And come, I will go get a leaf of brass, Tit IV.i.101
And with a Gad of steele will write these words,And with a gad of steel will write these words,gad (n.)
engraving tool, stylus
Tit IV.i.102
And lay it by: the angry Northerne windeAnd lay it by. The angry northern wind Tit IV.i.103
Will blow these sands like Sibels leaues abroad,Will blow these sands like Sibyl's leaves abroad,Sibyl, Sybilla (n.)
priestess inspired by Apollo, her prophecies being written on leaves; Apollo granted her as many years of life as she could hold grains of sand in her hand
Tit IV.i.104
abroad (adv.)
widely scattered, all over the place
And wheres your lesson then. Boy what say you?And where's our lesson then? Boy, what say you? Tit IV.i.105
I say my Lord, that if I were a man,I say, my lord, that if I were a man Tit IV.i.106
Their mothers bed-chamber should not be safe,Their mother's bedchamber should not be safe Tit IV.i.107
For these bad bond-men to the yoake of Rome.For these base bondmen to the yoke of Rome.yoke (n.)

old form: yoake
servitude, state of subjection
Tit IV.i.108
bondman (n.)

old form: bond-men
bondsman, serf, slave
base (adj.)
low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
I that's my boy, thy father hath full oft,Ay, that's my boy! Thy father hath full oftoft (adv.)
Tit IV.i.109
For his vngratefull country done the like.For his ungrateful country done the like.like, the
the same
Tit IV.i.110
And Vncle so will I, and if I liue.And, uncle, so will I, and if I live. Tit IV.i.111
Come goe with me into mine Armorie,Come, go with me into mine armoury. Tit IV.i.112
Lucius Ile fit thee, and withall, my boyLucius, I'll fit thee, and withal my boyfit (v.)
fit out, equip, provide
Tit IV.i.113
Shall carry from me to the Empresse sonnes,Shall carry from me to the Empress' sons Tit IV.i.114
Presents that I intend to send them both,Presents that I intend to send them both. Tit IV.i.115
Come, come, thou'lt do thy message, wilt thou not?Come, come, thou'lt do thy message, wilt thou not? Tit IV.i.116
I with my dagger in their bosomes Grandsire:Ay, with my dagger in their bosoms, grandsire. Tit IV.i.117
No boy not so, Ile teach thee another course,No, boy, not so. I'll teach thee another course.course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Tit IV.i.118
Lauinia come, Marcus looke to my house,Lavinia, come. Marcus, look to my house; Tit IV.i.119
Lucius and Ile goe braue it at the Court,Lucius and I'll go brave it at the court.brave (v.)

old form: braue
swagger, act boastfully, show off
Tit IV.i.120
I marry will we sir, and weele be waited on.Ay, marry, will we, sir, and we'll be waited on.marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
Tit IV.i.121
wait on / upon (v.)
attend to, pay attention to, not ignore
Exeunt.Exeunt Titus, Lavinia, and boy Tit IV.i.122
O heauens! Can you heare a good man groneO heavens, can you hear a good man groan Tit IV.i.123
And not relent, or not compassion him?And not relent, or not compassion him?compassion (v.)
have compassion on, pity, be sorry for
Tit IV.i.124
Marcus attend him in his extasie,Marcus, attend him in his ecstasy,ecstasy (n.)

old form: extasie
fit, bout of madness, frenzied behaviour
Tit IV.i.125
attend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
That hath more scars of sorrow in his heart,That hath more scars of sorrow in his heart Tit IV.i.126
Then foe-mens markes vpon his batter'd shield,Than foemen's marks upon his battered shield, Tit IV.i.127
But yet so iust, that he will not reuenge,But yet so just that he will not revenge. Tit IV.i.128
Reuenge the heauens for old Andronicus.Revenge the heavens for old Andronicus! Tit IV.i.129
ExitExit Tit IV.i.129
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