Much Ado About Nothing

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Prince, Bastard, Leonato, Frier, Enter Don Pedro, Don John, Leonato, Friar Francis, MA IV.i.1.1
Claudio, Benedicke, Hero, and Beatrice.Claudio, Benedick, Hero, Beatrice, and attendants MA IV.i.1.2
Leonato. LEONATO 
Come Frier Francis, be briefe, onely to the plaine Come, Friar Francis, be brief; only to the plain MA IV.i.1
forme of marriage, and you shal recount their particular form of marriage, and you shall recount their particular MA IV.i.2
duties afterwards.duties afterwards. MA IV.i.3
Fran. FRIAR 
You come hither, my Lord, to marry this Lady.You come hither, my lord, to marry this lady? MA IV.i.4
No.No. MA IV.i.5
To be married to her: Frier, you come to marrie To be married to her; Friar, you come to marry MA IV.i.6
her.her! MA IV.i.7
Frier. FRIAR 
Lady, you come hither to be married to this Count.Lady, you come hither to be married to this Count. MA IV.i.8
Hero. HERO 
I doe.I do. MA IV.i.9
Frier. FRIAR 
If either of you know any inward impediment why If either of you know any inward impediment whyinward (adj.)
secret, private, undisclosed
MA IV.i.10
you should not be conioyned, I charge you on your soules you should not be conjoined, I charge you, on your souls, MA IV.i.11
to vtter utter it. MA IV.i.12
Know you anie, Hero?Know you any, Hero? MA IV.i.13
Hero. HERO 
None my Lord.None, my lord. MA IV.i.14
Frier. FRIAR 
Know you anie, Count?Know you any, Count? MA IV.i.15
I dare make his answer, None.I dare make his answer, None. MA IV.i.16
O what men dare do! what men may do! O, what men dare do! What men may do! MA IV.i.17
what men daily do!What men daily do, not knowing what they do! MA IV.i.18
How now! interiections? why then, some beHow now! Interjections? Why, then, some be MA IV.i.19
of laughing, as ha, ha, he. of laughing, as, ah, ha, he! MA IV.i.20
Stand thee by Frier, father, by your leaue,Stand thee by, Friar. Father, by your leave:stand by (v.)
stand aside, draw back
MA IV.i.21
Will you with free and vnconstrained souleWill you with free and unconstrained soul MA IV.i.22
Giue me this maid your daughter?Give me this maid, your daughter? MA IV.i.23
As freely sonne as God did giue her me.As freely, son, as God did give her me. MA IV.i.24
And what haue I to giue you back, whose worthAnd what have I to give you back, whose worth MA IV.i.25
May counterpoise this rich and precious gift?May counterpoise this rich and precious gift?counterpoise (v.)
equal, match, rival
MA IV.i.26
Nothing, vnlesse you render her againe.Nothing, unless you render her again. MA IV.i.27
Sweet Prince, you learn me noble thankfulnes:Sweet Prince, you learn me noble thankfulness.learn (v.)
teach, instruct [not a regional dialect usage as in modern English]
MA IV.i.28
There Leonato, take her backe againe,There, Leonato, take her back again, MA IV.i.29
Giue not this rotten Orenge to your friend,Give not this rotten orange to your friend; MA IV.i.30
Shee's but the signe and semblance of her honour:She's but the sign and semblance of her honour.sign (n.)

old form: signe
mere semblance, token symbol, show
MA IV.i.31
Behold how like a maid she blushes heere!Behold how like a maid she blushes here! MA IV.i.32
O what authoritie and shew of truthO, what authority and show of truth MA IV.i.33
Can cunning sinne couer it selfe withall!Can cunning sin cover itself withal! MA IV.i.34
Comes not that bloud, as modest euidence,Comes not that blood as modest evidenceevidence (n.)

old form: euidence
witness, testimony, avowal
MA IV.i.35
modest (adj.)
decorous, seemly, not offending modesty
blood (n.)

old form: bloud
colouring, healthy complexion, blushing
To witnesse simple Vertue? would you not sweareTo witness simple virtue? Would you not swear,witness (v.)

old form: witnesse
bear witness to, attest, testify to
MA IV.i.36
All you that see her, that she were a maide,All you that see her, that she were a maid MA IV.i.37
By these exterior shewes? But she is none:By these exterior shows? But she is none; MA IV.i.38
She knowes the heat of a luxurious bed:She knows the heat of a luxurious bed.luxurious (adj.)
lustful, lecherous, lascivious
MA IV.i.39
Her blush is guiltinesse, not modestie.Her blush is guiltiness, not modesty. MA IV.i.40
Leonato. LEONATO 
What doe you meane, my Lord?What do you mean, my lord? MA IV.i.41.1
Not to be married,Not to be married, MA IV.i.41.2
Not to knit my soule to an approued wanton.Not to knit my soul to an approved wanton.wanton (n.)
harlot, whore
MA IV.i.42
approved (adj.)

old form: approued
tested, tried, established, proven
Deere my Lord, if you in your owne proofe,Dear my lord, if you, in your own proof,proof (n.)

old form: proofe
test, trial
MA IV.i.43
Haue vanquisht the resistance of her youth,Have vanquished the resistance of her youth, MA IV.i.44
And made defeat of her virginitie.And made defeat of her virginity –defeat (n.)
act of destruction, ruin
MA IV.i.45
I know what you would say: if I haue knowne her,I know what you would say. If I have known her,know (v.)

old form: knowne
have sexual knowledge of, have intercourse with
MA IV.i.46
You will say, she did imbrace me as a husband,You will say she did embrace me as a husband, MA IV.i.47
And so extenuate the forehand sinne: And so extenuate the 'forehand sin.extenuate (v.)
mitigate, lessen, tone down
MA IV.i.48
forehand, fore-hand (adj.)
beforehand, previously committed
No Leonato,No, Leonato, MA IV.i.49
I neuer tempted her with word too large,I never tempted her with word too large,large (adj.)
licentious, coarse
MA IV.i.50
But as a brother to his sister, shewedBut, as a brother to his sister, showed MA IV.i.51
Bashfull sinceritie and comely loue.Bashful sincerity and comely love. MA IV.i.52
Hero. HERO 
And seem'd I euer otherwise to you?And seemed I ever otherwise to you? MA IV.i.53
Out on thee seeming, I will write against it,Out on thee! Seeming! I will write against it.seeming (n.)
deceptive appearance, two-faced behaviour, pretence
MA IV.i.54
You seeme to me as Diane in her Orbe,You seem to me as Dian in her orb,Diana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
MA IV.i.55
As chaste as is the budde ere it be blowne:As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown;blown (adj.)

old form: blowne
in full flower, in its bloom
MA IV.i.56
But you are more intemperate in your blood,But you are more intemperate in your bloodblood (n.)
passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual]
MA IV.i.57
Than Venus, or those pampred animalls,Than Venus, or those pampered animalsVenus (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love
MA IV.i.58
That rage in sauage sensualitie.That rage in savage sensuality.savage (adj.)

old form: sauage
uncivilized, wild, ungoverned
MA IV.i.59
Hero. HERO 
Is my Lord well, that he doth speake so wide?Is my lord well, that he doth speak so wide?wide (adv.)
in error, mistakenly
MA IV.i.60
Sweete Prince, why speake not you?Sweet Prince, why speak not you? MA IV.i.61.1
What should I speake?What should I speak? MA IV.i.61.2
I stand dishonour'd that haue gone about,I stand dishonoured, that have gone about MA IV.i.62
To linke my deare friend to a common stale.To link my dear friend to a common stale.stale (n.)
prostitute, wanton, harlot
MA IV.i.63
Are these things spoken, or doe I but dreame?Are these things spoken, or do I but dream? MA IV.i.64
Sir, they are spoken, and these things are true. Sir, they are spoken, and these things are true. MA IV.i.65
This lookes not like a nuptiall. This looks not like a nuptial. MA IV.i.66.1
Hero. HERO 
True, O God!True? O God! MA IV.i.66.2
Leonato, stand I here?Leonato, stand I here? MA IV.i.67
Is this the Prince? is this the Princes brother?Is this the Prince? Is this the Prince's brother? MA IV.i.68
Is this face Heroes? are our eies our owne?Is this face Hero's? Are our eyes our own? MA IV.i.69
All this is so, but what of this my Lord?All this is so; but what of this, my lord? MA IV.i.70
Let me but moue one question to your daughter,Let me but move one question to your daughter; MA IV.i.71
And by that fatherly and kindly power,And, by that fatherly and kindly powerpower (n.)
control, influence, sway
MA IV.i.72
kindly (adj.)
natural, proper
That you haue in her, bid her answer truly.That you have in her, bid her answer truly. MA IV.i.73
I charge thee doe, as thou art my childe.I charge thee do so, as thou art my child. MA IV.i.74
Hero. HERO 
O God defend me how am I beset,O God defend me! How am I beset! MA IV.i.75
What kinde of catechizing call you this?What kind of catechizing call you this? MA IV.i.76
To make you answer truly to your name.To make you answer truly to your name. MA IV.i.77
Hero. HERO 
Is it not Hero? who can blot that nameIs it not Hero? Who can blot that name MA IV.i.78
With any iust reproach?With any just reproach? MA IV.i.79.1
Marry that can Hero,Marry, that can Hero;marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
MA IV.i.79.2
Hero it selfe can blot out Heroes vertue.Hero itself can blot out Hero's virtue. MA IV.i.80
What man was he, talkt with you yesternight,What man was he talked with you yesternightyesternight (n.)
last night
MA IV.i.81
Out at your window betwixt twelue and one?Out at your window betwixt twelve and one? MA IV.i.82
Now if you are a maid, answer to this.Now, if you are a maid, answer to this. MA IV.i.83
Hero. HERO 
I talkt with no man at that howre my Lord.I talked with no man at that hour, my lord. MA IV.i.84
Prince. DON PEDRO 
Why then you are no maiden. Leonato,Why, then are you no maiden. Leonato, MA IV.i.85
I am sorry you must heare: vpon mine honor,I am sorry you must hear. Upon mine honour, MA IV.i.86
My selfe, my brother, and this grieued CountMyself, my brother, and this grieved Countgrieved (adj.)

old form: grieued
aggrieved, wronged, ill-used
MA IV.i.87
Did see her, heare her, at that howre last night,Did see her, hear her, at that hour last night MA IV.i.88
Talke with a ruffian at her chamber window,Talk with a ruffian at her chamber-window; MA IV.i.89
Who hath indeed most like a liberall villaine,Who hath indeed, most like a liberal villain,liberal (adj.)

old form: liberall
coarse, licentious, promiscuous
MA IV.i.90
Confest the vile encounters they haue hadConfessed the vile encounters they have had MA IV.i.91
A thousand times in secret.A thousand times in secret. MA IV.i.92
Fie, fie, they are not to be named my Lord,Fie, fie, they are not to be named, my lord, MA IV.i.93
Not to be spoken of,Not to be spoke of! MA IV.i.94
There is not chastitie enough in language,There is not chastity enough in language MA IV.i.95
Without offence to vtter them: thus pretty LadyWithout offence to utter them. Thus, pretty lady, MA IV.i.96
I am sorry for thy much misgouernment.I am sorry for thy much misgovernment.much (adj.)
great, flagrant, brazen
MA IV.i.97
misgovernment (n.)

old form: misgouernment
misconduct, wicked behaviour
O Hero! what a Hero hadst thou beeneO Hero! What a Hero hadst thou been, MA IV.i.98
If halfe thy outward graces had beene placedIf half thy outward graces had been placed MA IV.i.99
About thy thoughts and counsailes of thy heart?About thy thoughts and counsels of thy heart! MA IV.i.100
But fare thee well, most foule, most faire, farewellBut fare thee well, most foul, most fair! Farewell,fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
MA IV.i.101
Thou pure impiety, and impious puritie,Thou pure impiety and impious purity! MA IV.i.102
For thee Ile locke vp all the gates of Loue,For thee I'll lock up all the gates of love, MA IV.i.103
And on my eie-lids shall Coniecture hang,And on my eyelids shall conjecture hang,conjecture (n.)

old form: Coniecture
suspicion, misgiving, evil doubt
MA IV.i.104
To turne all beauty into thoughts of harme,To turn all beauty into thoughts of harm, MA IV.i.105
And neuer shall it more be gracious.And never shall it more be gracious.gracious (adj.)
delightful, lovely, charming
MA IV.i.106
Hath no mans dagger here a point for me?Hath no man's dagger here a point for me? MA IV.i.107
Hero swoons MA IV.i.107
Why how now cosin, wherfore sink you down?Why, how now, cousin! Wherefore sink you down? MA IV.i.108
Come, let vs go: these things come thus to light,Come, let us go. These things, come thus to light, MA IV.i.109
Smother her spirits vp.Smother her spirits up.spirit (n.)
(plural) vital power, energy, vigour
MA IV.i.110
Exeunt Don Pedro, Don John, and Claudio MA IV.i.110
How doth the Lady?How doth the lady? MA IV.i.111.1
Dead I thinke, helpe vncle,Dead, I think. Help, uncle! MA IV.i.111.2
Hero, why Hero, Vncle, Signor Benedicke, Frier.Hero! Why, Hero! Uncle! Signor Benedick! Friar! MA IV.i.112
Leonato. LEONATO 
O Fate! take not away thy heauy hand,O Fate! Take not away thy heavy hand.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
brutal, oppressive, wicked
MA IV.i.113
Death is the fairest couer for her shameDeath is the fairest cover for her shame MA IV.i.114
That may be wisht for.That may be wished for. MA IV.i.115.1
How now cosin Hero?How now, cousin Hero? MA IV.i.115.2
Haue comfort Ladie.Have comfort, lady. MA IV.i.116
Dost thou looke vp?Dost thou look up? MA IV.i.117.1
Frier. FRIAR 
Yea, wherefore should she not?Yea, wherefore should she not? MA IV.i.117.2
Wherfore? Why doth not euery earthly thingWherefore! Why, doth not every earthly thing MA IV.i.118
Cry shame vpon her? Could she heere denieCry shame upon her? Could she here deny MA IV.i.119
The storie that is printed in her blood?The story that is printed in her blood?blood (n.)
colouring, healthy complexion, blushing
MA IV.i.120
Do not liue Hero, do not ope thine eyes:Do not live, Hero, do not ope thine eyes;ope (v.)
MA IV.i.121
For did I thinke thou wouldst not quickly die,For, did I think thou wouldst not quickly die, MA IV.i.122
Thought I thy spirits were stronger then thy shames,Thought I thy spirits were stronger than thy shames, MA IV.i.123
My selfe would on the reward of reproachesMyself would, on the rearward of reproaches,rearward of, on the (prep.)
following, immediately after
MA IV.i.124
Strike at thy life. Grieu'd I, I had but one?Strike at thy life. Grieved I, I had but one? MA IV.i.125
Chid I, for that at frugal Natures frame?Chid I for that at frugal Nature's frame?chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
MA IV.i.126
frame (n.)
plan, established order, scheme of things
O one too much by thee: why had I one?O, one too much by thee! Why had I one? MA IV.i.127
Why euer was't thou louelie in my eies?Why ever wast thou lovely in my eyes? MA IV.i.128
Why had I not with charitable handWhy had I not with charitable hand MA IV.i.129
Tooke vp a beggars issue at my gates,Took up a beggar's issue at my gates,issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
MA IV.i.130
Who smeered thus, and mir'd with infamie,Who smirched thus and mired with infamy,smirched (adj.)
marked, soiled, stained
MA IV.i.131
I might haue said, no part of it is mine:I might have said ‘ No part of it is mine; MA IV.i.132
This shame deriues it selfe from vnknowne loines,This shame derives itself from unknown loins ’?derive (v.)

old form: deriues
MA IV.i.133
But mine, and mine I lou'd, and mine I prais'd,But mine and mine I loved and mine I praised MA IV.i.134
And mine that I was proud on mine so much,And mine that I was proud on, mine so much MA IV.i.135
That I my selfe, was to my selfe not mine:That I myself was to myself not mine, MA IV.i.136
Valewing of her, why she, O she is falneValuing of her – why, she, O, she is fallen MA IV.i.137
Into a pit of Inke, that the wide seaInto a pit of ink, that the wide sea MA IV.i.138
Hath drops too few to wash her cleane againe,Hath drops too few to wash her clean again MA IV.i.139
And salt too little, which may season giueAnd salt too little which may season giveseason (n.)
seasoning, flavour, preservative
MA IV.i.140
To her foule tainted flesh. To her foul tainted flesh! MA IV.i.141.1
Sir, sir, be patient:Sir, sir, be patient. MA IV.i.141.2
for my part, I am so attiredFor my part, I am so attired in wonder,attired (adj.)
wrapped, clothed, swathed
MA IV.i.142
in wonder, I know not what to say. I know not what to say. MA IV.i.143
O on my soule my cosin is belied.O, on my soul, my cousin is belied!belie (v.)
slander, tell lies about
MA IV.i.144
Ladie, were you her bedfellow last night?Lady, were you her bedfellow last night? MA IV.i.145
No truly: not although vntill last night,No, truly not; although, until last night, MA IV.i.146
I haue this tweluemonth bin her bedfellow.I have this twelvemonth been her bedfellow. MA IV.i.147
Confirm'd, confirm'd, O that is stronger madeConfirmed, confirmed! O, that is stronger made MA IV.i.148
Which was before barr'd vp with ribs of iron.Which was before barred up with ribs of iron! MA IV.i.149
Would the Princes lie, and Claudio lie,Would the two Princes lie, and Claudio lie, MA IV.i.150
Who lou'd her so, that speaking of her foulnesse,Who loved her so, that, speaking of her foulness, MA IV.i.151
Wash'd it with teares? Hence from her, let her die.Washed it with tears? Hence from her, let her die! MA IV.i.152
Heare me a little,Hear me a little; MA IV.i.153
for I haue onely bene silent so long, For I have only silent been so long, MA IV.i.154
and giuen way vnto this course of fortune, And given way unto this course of fortunecourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
MA IV.i.155
by noting of the Ladie, I haue markt.By noting of the lady. I have markedmark (v.)

old form: markt
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
MA IV.i.156
A thousand blushing apparitions,A thousand blushing apparitions MA IV.i.157
To start into her face, a thousand innocent shames,To start into her face, a thousand innocent shamesstart (v.)
hurry, rush, hasten
MA IV.i.158
In Angel whitenesse beare away those blushes,In angel whiteness beat away those blushes; MA IV.i.159
And in her eie there hath appear'd a fireAnd in her eye there hath appeared a fire, MA IV.i.160
To burne the errors that these Princes holdTo burn the errors that these Princes hold MA IV.i.161
Against her maiden truth. Call me a foole,Against her maiden truth. Call me a fool; MA IV.i.162
Trust not my reading, nor my obseruations,Trust not my reading nor my observations, MA IV.i.163
Which with experimental seale doth warrantWhich with experimental seal doth warrantexperimental (adj.)
on the basis of experience, often observed
MA IV.i.164
warrant (v.)
act as a pledge for, give an assurance about
seal (n.)

old form: seale
authentication, confirmation, attestation
The tenure of my booke: trust not my age,The tenor of my book; trust not my age,tenor, tenour (n.)

old form: tenure
substance, content, matter, drift
MA IV.i.165
book (n.)

old form: booke
book-learning, scholarship, erudition
My reuerence, calling, nor diuinitie,My reverence, calling, nor divinity, MA IV.i.166
If this sweet Ladie lye not guiltlesse heere,If this sweet lady lie not guiltless herelie under (v.)

old form: lye Vnder
be subject to, suffer the consequences of
MA IV.i.167
Vnder some biting error.Under some biting error. MA IV.i.168.1
Friar, it cannot be:Friar, it cannot be. MA IV.i.168.2
Thou seest that all the Grace that she hath left,Thou seest that all the grace that she hath left MA IV.i.169
Is, that she wil not adde to her damnation,Is that she will not add to her damnation MA IV.i.170
A sinne of periury, she not denies it:A sin of perjury; she not denies it: MA IV.i.171
Why seek'st thou then to couer with excuse,Why seek'st thou then to cover with excuse MA IV.i.172
That which appeares in proper nakednesse?That which appears in proper nakedness?proper (adj.)
thorough, absolute, complete
MA IV.i.173
Ladie, what man is he you are accus'd of?Lady, what man is he you are accused of? MA IV.i.174
Hero. HERO 
They know that do accuse me, I know none:They know that do accuse me; I know none. MA IV.i.175
If I know more of any man aliueIf I know more of any man alive MA IV.i.176
Then that which maiden modestie doth warrant,Than that which maiden modesty doth warrant,warrant (v.)
authorize, sanction, license
MA IV.i.177
Let all my sinnes lacke mercy. O my Father,Let all my sins lack mercy! O my father, MA IV.i.178
Proue you that any man with me conuerst,Prove you that any man with me conversed MA IV.i.179
At houres vnmeete, or that I yesternightAt hours unmeet, or that I yesternightunmeet (adj.)

old form: vnmeete
unfitting, unsuitable, improper
MA IV.i.180
yesternight (n.)
last night
Maintain'd the change of words with any creature,Maintained the change of words with any creature,change (n.)
exchange, replacement [for]
MA IV.i.181
Refuse me, hate me, torture me to death.Refuse me, hate me, torture me to death!refuse (v.)
spurn, disown, cast off
MA IV.i.182
There is some strange misprision in the Princes.There is some strange misprision in the Princes.misprision (n.)
mistake, error, misunderstanding, misconception
MA IV.i.183
Two of them haue the verie bent of honor,Two of them have the very bent of honour;very (adj.)

old form: verie
true, real, genuine
MA IV.i.184
bent (n.)
disposition, constitution, temperament
And if their wisedomes be misled in this:And if their wisdoms be misled in this, MA IV.i.185
The practise of it liues in Iohn the bastard,The practice of it lives in John the Bastard,practice (n.)

old form: practise
trickery, treachery
MA IV.i.186
Whose spirits toile in frame of villanies.Whose spirits toil in frame of villainies.frame (n.)
framing, plotting, contriving
MA IV.i.187
I know not: if they speake but truth of her,I know not. If they speak but truth of her, MA IV.i.188
These hands shall teare her: If they wrong her honour,These hands shall tear her; if they wrong her honour, MA IV.i.189
The proudest of them shall wel heare of it.The proudest of them shall well hear of it. MA IV.i.190
Time hath not yet so dried this bloud of mine,Time hath not yet so dried this blood of mine, MA IV.i.191
Nor age so eate vp my inuention,Nor age so eat up my invention,invention (n.)

old form: inuention
inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty
MA IV.i.192
Nor Fortune made such hauocke of my meanes,Nor fortune made such havoc of my means, MA IV.i.193
Nor my bad life reft me so much of friends,Nor my bad life reft me so much of friends,reave (v.), past form reft
rob, deprive
MA IV.i.194
But they shall finde, awak'd in such a kinde,But they shall find, awaked in such a kind,kind (n.)

old form: kinde
manner, way, state
MA IV.i.195
Both strength of limbe, and policie of minde,Both strength of limb and policy of mind,policy (n.)

old form: policie
statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy
MA IV.i.196
Ability in meanes, and choise of friends,Ability in means and choice of friends MA IV.i.197
To quit me of them throughly.To quit me of them throughly.throughly (adv.)
thoroughly, fully, completely
MA IV.i.198.1
quit (v.)
avenge, requite, take vengeance [on]
Pause awhile:Pause awhile, MA IV.i.198.2
And let my counsell sway you in this case,And let my counsel sway you in this case.sway (v.)
control, rule, direct, govern
MA IV.i.199
Your daughter heere the Princesse (left for dead)Your daughter here the Princes left for dead; MA IV.i.200
Let her awhile be secretly kept in,Let her awhile be secretly kept in, MA IV.i.201
And publish it, that she is dead indeed:And publish it that she is dead indeed. MA IV.i.202
Maintaine a mourning ostentation,Maintain a mourning ostentation,ostentation (n.)
public show, display, exhibition
MA IV.i.203
And on your Families old monument,And on your family's old monument MA IV.i.204
Hang mournfull Epitaphes, and do all rites,Hang mournful epitaphs and do all rites MA IV.i.205
That appertaine vnto a buriall.That appertain unto a burial. MA IV.i.206
What shall become of this? What wil this do?What shall become of this? What will this do? MA IV.i.207
Marry this wel carried, shall on her behalfe,Marry, this, well carried, shall on her behalfcarry (v.)
carry out, manage, conduct
MA IV.i.208
Change slander to remorse, that is some good,Change slander to remorse; that is some good.remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
MA IV.i.209
But not for that dreame I on this strange course,But not for that dream I on this strange course,course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
MA IV.i.210
But on this trauaile looke for greater birth:But on this travail look for greater birth.travail, travel (n.)

old form: trauaile
suffering, torment, distress
MA IV.i.211
She dying, as it must be so maintain'd,She dying, as it must be so maintained, MA IV.i.212
Vpon the instant that she was accus'd,Upon the instant that she was accused, MA IV.i.213
Shal be lamented, pittied, and excus'dShall be lamented, pitied, and excused MA IV.i.214
Of euery hearer: for it so fals out,Of every hearer; for it so falls out MA IV.i.215
That what we haue, we prize not to the worth,That what we have we prize not to the worthworth (n.)
worthiness, value, excellence
MA IV.i.216
Whiles we enioy it; but being lack'd and lost,Whiles we enjoy it, but being lacked and lost, MA IV.i.217
Why then we racke the value, then we findeWhy, then we rack the value, then we findrack (v.)

old form: racke
exaggerate, inflate, increase
MA IV.i.218
The vertue that possession would not shew vsThe virtue that possession would not show us MA IV.i.219
Whiles it was ours, so will it fare with Claudio:Whiles it was ours. So will it fare with Claudio.fare (v.)
go, happen, turn out
MA IV.i.220
When he shal heare she dyed vpon his words,When he shall hear she died upon his words, MA IV.i.221
Th'Idea of her life shal sweetly creepeTh' idea of her life shall sweetly creep MA IV.i.222
Into his study of imagination.Into his study of imagination,imagination (n.)
thought, soul-searching, introspection
MA IV.i.223
study (n.)
reflection, reverie, musing
And euery louely Organ of her life,And every lovely organ of her lifeorgan (n.)
feature, trait, facet
MA IV.i.224
life (n.)
living being, person
Shall come apparel'd in more precious habite:Shall come apparelled in more precious habit,habit (n.)

old form: habite
dress, clothing, costume
MA IV.i.225
apparel (v.)

old form: apparel'd
clothe, dress up, trick out
More mouing delicate, and ful of life,More moving, delicate, and full of life, MA IV.i.226
Into the eye and prospect of his souleInto the eye and prospect of his soul, MA IV.i.227
Then when she liu'd indeed: then shal he mourne,Than when she lived indeed. Then shall he mourn, MA IV.i.228
If euer Loue had interest in his Liuer,If ever love had interest in his liver,liver (n.)

old form: Liuer
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire]
MA IV.i.229
And wish he had not so accused her:And wish he had not so accused her – MA IV.i.230
No, though he thought his accusation true:No, though he thought his accusation true. MA IV.i.231
Let this be so, and doubt not but successeLet this be so, and doubt not but successsuccess (n.)
course of events, process of time
MA IV.i.232
Wil fashion the euent in better shape,Will fashion the event in better shapeevent (n.)

old form: euent
outcome, issue, consequence
MA IV.i.233
Then I can lay it downe in likelihood.Than I can lay it down in likelihood.lay down (v.)

old form: downe
formulate, work out, estimate
MA IV.i.234
But if all ayme but this be leuelld false,But if all aim but this be levelled false,level (v.)

old form: leuelld
aim, direct, target
MA IV.i.235
false (adj.)
wrong, mistaken
false (adv.)
wrongly, erroneously, in error
The supposition of the Ladies death,The supposition of the lady's deathsupposition (n.)
notion, opinion, belief
MA IV.i.236
Will quench the wonder of her infamie.Will quench the wonder of her infamy;wonder (n.)
surprise, astonishment, amazement
MA IV.i.237
And if it sort not well, you may conceale her,And if it sort not well, you may conceal her,sort (v.)
turn out, fall out, come about
MA IV.i.238
As best befits her wounded reputation,As best befits her wounded reputation, MA IV.i.239
In some reclusiue and religious life,In some reclusive and religious life,reclusive (adj.)

old form: reclusiue
secluded, cloistered, withdrawn from society
MA IV.i.240
Out of all eyes, tongnes, mindes and iniuries.Out of all eyes, tongues, minds, and injuries. MA IV.i.241
Signior Leonato, let the Frier aduise you,Signor Leonato, let the Friar advise you; MA IV.i.242
And though you know my inwardnesse and loueAnd though you know my inwardness and loveinwardness (n.)

old form: inwardnesse
attachment, intimacy, close friendship
MA IV.i.243
Is very much vnto the Prince and Claudio.Is very much unto the Prince and Claudio, MA IV.i.244
Yet, by mine honor, I will deale in this,Yet, by mine honour, I will deal in this MA IV.i.245
As secretly and iustlie, as your souleAs secretly and justly as your soul MA IV.i.246
Should with your bodie.Should with your body. MA IV.i.247.1
Being that I flow in greefe,Being that I flow in grief,being that (conj.)
since, seeing that
MA IV.i.247.2
The smallest twine may lead me.The smallest twine may lead me. MA IV.i.248
Frier. FRIAR 
'Tis well consented, presently away,'Tis well consented. Presently away;presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
MA IV.i.249
For to strange sores, strangely they straine the cure,For to strange sores strangely they strain the cure.strain (v.)

old form: straine
constrain, force, press
MA IV.i.250
Come Lady, die to liue, this wedding dayCome, lady, die to live; this wedding-day MA IV.i.251
Perhaps is but prolong'd, haue patience & endure. Perhaps is but prolonged; have patience and endure.prolong (v.)

old form: prolong'd
postpone, put off, delay
MA IV.i.252
Exit. Exeunt all but Benedick and Beatrice MA IV.i.252
Lady Beatrice, haue you wept all this while?Lady Beatrice, have you wept all this while? MA IV.i.253
Yea, and I will weepe a while longer.Yea, and I will weep a while longer. MA IV.i.254
I will not desire that.I will not desire that. MA IV.i.255
You haue no reason, I doe it freely.You have no reason; I do it freely. MA IV.i.256
Surelie I do beleeue your fair cosin is wrong'd.Surely I do believe your fair cousin is wronged. MA IV.i.257
Ah, how much might the man deserue of meeAh, how much might the man deserve of me MA IV.i.258
that would right her!that would right her! MA IV.i.259
Is there any way to shew such friendship?Is there any way to show such friendship? MA IV.i.260
A verie euen way, but no such friend.A very even way, but no such friend.even (adj.)

old form: euen
straightforward, forthright, direct
MA IV.i.261
May a man doe it?May a man do it? MA IV.i.262
It is a mans office, but not yours.It is a man's office, but not (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
MA IV.i.263
I doe loue nothing in the world so well as you, is I do love nothing in the world so well as you; is MA IV.i.264
not that strange?not that strange? MA IV.i.265
As strange as the thing I know not, it were asAs strange as the thing I know not. It were as MA IV.i.266
possible for me to say, I loued nothing so well as you, butpossible for me to say I loved nothing so well as you; but MA IV.i.267
beleeue me not, and yet I lie not, I confesse nothing, nor I believe me not, and yet I lie not; I confess nothing, nor I MA IV.i.268
deny nothing, I am sorry for my cousin.deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin. MA IV.i.269
By my sword Beatrice thou lou'st me.By my sword, Beatrice, thou lovest me. MA IV.i.270
Doe not sweare by it and eat it.Do not swear, and eat it. MA IV.i.271
I will sweare by it that you loue mee, and I willI will swear by it that you love me; and I will MA IV.i.272
make him eat it that sayes I loue not you.make him eat it that says I love not you. MA IV.i.273
Will you not eat your word?Will you not eat your word? MA IV.i.274
With no sawce that can be deuised to it, I protestWith no sauce that can be devised to it; I protestprotest (v.)
make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim
MA IV.i.275
I loue thee.I love thee. MA IV.i.276
Why then God forgiue me.Why, then, God forgive me! MA IV.i.277
What offence sweet Beatrice?What offence, sweet Beatrice? MA IV.i.278
You haue stayed me in a happy howre, I was You have stayed me in a happy hour; I wasstay (v.)
detain, confine, keep
MA IV.i.279
happy (adj.)
opportune, appropriate, propitious, favourable
hour (n.)

old form: howre
time, moment
about to protest I loued you.about to protest I loved you. MA IV.i.280
And doe it with all thy heart.And do it with all thy heart. MA IV.i.281
I loue you with so much of my heart, that noneI love you with so much of my heart that none MA IV.i.282
is left to left to protest. MA IV.i.283
Come, bid me doe any thing for thee.Come, bid me do anything for thee. MA IV.i.284
Kill Claudio.Kill Claudio. MA IV.i.285
Ha, not for the wide world.Ha! Not for the wide world. MA IV.i.286
You kill me to denie, farewell.You kill me to deny it. Farewell. MA IV.i.287
Tarrie sweet Beatrice. (taking her by the hand) Tarry, sweet Beatrice. MA IV.i.288
I am gone, though I am heere, there is no loue in I am gone though I am here; there is no love in MA IV.i.289
you, nay I pray you let me Nay, I pray you, let me go. MA IV.i.290
Beatrice.Beatrice – MA IV.i.291
In faith I will goe.In faith, I will go. MA IV.i.292
Wee'll be friends first.We'll be friends first. MA IV.i.293
You dare easier be friends with mee, than fightYou dare easier be friends with me than fight MA IV.i.294
with mine enemy.with mine enemy. MA IV.i.295
Is Claudio thine enemie?Is Claudio thine enemy? MA IV.i.296
Is a not approued in the height a villaine, thatIs he not approved in the height a villain thatapprove (v.)

old form: approued
prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate
MA IV.i.297
hath slandered, scorned, dishonoured my kinswoman? hath slandered, scorned, dishonoured my kinswoman? MA IV.i.298
O that I were a man! what, beare her in hand vntill theyO that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until theybear in hand

old form: beare
abuse, take advantage of, delude, deceive
MA IV.i.299
come to take hands, and then with publike accusationcome to take hands, and then, with public accusation, MA IV.i.300
vncouered slander, vnmittigated rancour? O God that uncovered slander, unmitigated rancour – O God, thatuncovered (adj.)

old form: vncouered
barefaced, naked, glaring
MA IV.i.301
I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place.I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market-place. MA IV.i.302
Heare me Beatrice.Hear me, Beatrice – MA IV.i.303
Talke with a man out at a window, a properTalk with a man out at a window! A proper MA IV.i.304
saying.saying! MA IV.i.305
Nay but Beatrice.Nay, but Beatrice – MA IV.i.306
Sweet Hero, she is wrong'd, shee is slandered,Sweet Hero! She is wronged, she is slandered, MA IV.i.307
she is vndone.she is undone.undone (adj.)

old form: vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down
MA IV.i.308
Beat?Beat – MA IV.i.309
Princes and Counties! surelie a Princely testimonie, Princes and counties! Surely, a princely testimony,county (n.)
[title of rank] count
MA IV.i.310
a goodly Count, Comfect, a sweet Gallant a goodly count, Count Comfect; a sweet gallant,gallant (n.)
fine gentleman, man of fashion
MA IV.i.311
comfect (n.)
sweetmeat, sugar-plum, comfit
surelie, O that I were a man for his sake! or that I had surely! O that I were a man for his sake, or that I had MA IV.i.312
any friend would be a man for my sake! But manhood any friend would be a man for my sake! But manhood MA IV.i.313
is melted into cursies, valour into complement, and is melted into curtsies, valour into compliment, andcompliment, complement (n.)

old form: complement
ceremony, etiquette, protocol
MA IV.i.314
curtsy, curtsey (n.)

old form: cursies
courtly ceremony, mannered politeness
men are onelie turned into tongue, and trim ones too: he men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones too. Hetrim (adj.)
glib, suave, slick
MA IV.i.315
tongue (n.)
speech, expression, language, words, voice
is now as valiant as Hercules, that only tells a lie, and is now as valiant as Hercules that only tells a lie andHercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
MA IV.i.316
sweares it: I cannot be a man with wishing, therfore I swears it. I cannot be a man with wishing, therefore I MA IV.i.317
will die a woman with grieuing.will die a woman with grieving. MA IV.i.318
Tarry good Beatrice, by this hand I loue Tarry, good Beatrice. By this hand, I love MA IV.i.319
thee.thee. MA IV.i.320
Vse it for my loue some other way then swearing Use it for my love some other way than swearing MA IV.i.321
by it. MA IV.i.322
Thinke you in your soule the Count Claudio hath Think you in your soul the Count Claudio hath MA IV.i.323
wrong'd Hero?wronged Hero? MA IV.i.324
Yea, as sure as I haue a thought, or a soule.Yea, as sure as I have a thought or a soul. MA IV.i.325
Enough, I am engagde, I will challenge him, Enough, I am engaged; I will challenge him. MA IV.i.326
I will kisse your hand, and so leaue you: by this hand I will kiss your hand, and so I leave you. By this hand, MA IV.i.327
Claudio shall render me a deere account: as you heare of Claudio shall render me a dear account. As you hear of MA IV.i.328
me, so thinke of me: goe comfort your coosin, I must say me, so think of me. Go, comfort your cousin; I must say MA IV.i.329
she is dead, and so farewell. she is dead; and so, farewell. MA IV.i.330
Exeunt MA IV.i.330
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