As You Like It

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Rosalind, and Celia, and Iaques.Enter Rosalind, Celia, and Jaques AYL IV.i.1.1
I prethee, pretty youth, let me better acquaintedI prithee, pretty youth, let me be better acquaintedpretty (adj.)
[of men] fine, good-looking
AYL IV.i.1
with thee.with thee. AYL IV.i.2
They say you are a melancholly fellow.They say you are a melancholy fellow. AYL IV.i.3
I am so: I doe loue it better then laughing.I am so: I do love it better than laughing. AYL IV.i.4
Those that are in extremity of either, areThose that are in extremity of either are AYL IV.i.5
abhominable fellowes, and betray themselues to eueryabominable fellows, and betray themselves to everybetray (v.)
give up, expose, lay open [especially: to punishment]
AYL IV.i.6
moderne censure, worse then drunkards.modern censure worse than drunkards.modern (adj.)

old form: moderne
ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday
AYL IV.i.7
censure (n.)
condemnation, blame, stricture
Why, 'tis good to be sad and say nothing.Why, 'tis good to be sad and say nothing.sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
AYL IV.i.8
Why then 'tis good to be a poste.Why then, 'tis good to be a (n.)

old form: poste
AYL IV.i.9
I haue neither the Schollers melancholy, which isI have neither the scholar's melancholy, which is AYL IV.i.10
emulation: nor the Musitians, which is fantasticall; noremulation; nor the musician's, which is fantastical; norfantastical (adj.)

old form: fantasticall
fanciful, imaginative, full of wild ideas
AYL IV.i.11
the Courtiers, which is proud: nor the Souldiers, which isthe courtier's, which is proud; nor the soldier's, which is AYL IV.i.12
ambitious: nor the Lawiers, which is politick: nor theambitious; nor the lawyer's, which is politic; nor thepolitic (adj.)

old form: politick
crafty, wily, self-serving
AYL IV.i.13
Ladies, which is nice: nor the Louers, which is all these:lady's, which is nice; nor the lover's, which is all these:nice (adj.)
fastidious, particular, fussy, overscrupulous
AYL IV.i.14
but it is a melancholy of mine owne, compounded ofbut it is a melancholy of mine own, compounded of AYL IV.i.15
many simples, extracted from many obiects, and indeedmany simples, extracted from many objects, and indeedsimple (n.)
ingredient, element, constituent
AYL IV.i.16
the sundrie contemplation of my trauells, in which bythe sundry contemplation of my travels, in which my AYL IV.i.17
often rumination, wraps me in a most humorous sadnesse.often rumination wraps me in a most humorous sadness.humorous (adj.)
capricious, moody, temperamental
AYL IV.i.18
A Traueller: by my faith you haue greatA traveller! By my faith, you have great AYL IV.i.19
reason to be sad: I feare you haue sold your owne Lands, to reason to be sad. I fear you have sold your own lands tosad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
AYL IV.i.20
see other mens; then to haue seene much, and to hauesee other men's; then, to have seen much and to have AYL IV.i.21
nothing, is to haue rich eyes and poore hands.nothing is to have rich eyes and poor hands. AYL IV.i.22
Yes, I haue gain'd my experience.Yes, I have gained my experience. AYL IV.i.23
Enter Orlando.Enter Orlando AYL IV.i.24
And your experience makes you sad: I hadAnd your experience makes you sad. I had AYL IV.i.24
rather haue a foole to make me merrie, then experience torather have a fool to make me merry than experience to AYL IV.i.25
make me sad, and to trauaile for it too.make me sad – and to travail for it too!travail, travel (v.)

old form: trauaile
travel, journey [often overlapping with the sense of 'labour']
AYL IV.i.26
Good day, and happinesse, deere Rosalind.Good day, and happiness, dear Rosalind! AYL IV.i.27
Nay then God buy you, and you talke in blanke verse.Nay then, God buy you, an you talk in blank verse.and, an (conj.)
if, whether
AYL IV.i.28
(Going) AYL IV.i.29
(as he goes) AYL IV.i.29
Farewell Mounsieur Trauellor: lookeFarewell, Monsieur Traveller. Look AYL IV.i.29
you lispe, and weare strange suites; disable all the benefitsyou lisp and wear strange suits; disable all the benefitslisp (v.)

old form: lispe
put on a foreign accent
AYL IV.i.30
strange (adj.)
foreign, alien, from abroad
disable (v.)
disparage, belittle, devalue
benefit (n.)
quality, advantage, gift
of your owne Countrie: be out of loue with your natiuitie,of your own country; be out of love with your nativity,nativity (n.)

old form: natiuitie
country of birth
AYL IV.i.31
and almost chide God for making you that countenanceand almost chide God for making you that countenancechide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
AYL IV.i.32
countenance (n.)
demeanour, bearing, manner
you are; or I will scarce thinke you haue swam in ayou are; or I will scarce think you have swam in aswim (v.)
float, sail
AYL IV.i.33
Gundello. Why how now Orlando, where haue yougondola. – Why, how now, Orlando, where have you AYL IV.i.34
bin all this while? you a louer? and you serue me suchbeen all this while? You a lover! An you serve me suchand, an (conj.)
if, whether
AYL IV.i.35
another tricke, neuer come in my sight more.another trick, never come in my sight more. AYL IV.i.36
My faire Rosalind, I come within an houre of myMy fair Rosalind, I come within an hour of my AYL IV.i.37
promise.promise. AYL IV.i.38
Breake an houres promise in loue? hee that willBreak an hour's promise in love? He that will AYL IV.i.39
diuide a minute into a thousand parts, and breake but adivide a minute into a thousand parts, and break but a AYL IV.i.40
part of the thousand part of a minute in the affairs ofpart of the thousandth part of a minute in the affairs of AYL IV.i.41
loue, it may be said of him that Cupid hath clapt himlove, it may be said of him that Cupid hath clapped himCupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
AYL IV.i.42
oth' shoulder, but Ile warrant him heart hole.o'th' shoulder, but I'll warrant him heart-whole.warrant (v.)
act as a pledge for, give an assurance about
AYL IV.i.43
heart-whole (adj.)

old form: heart hole
with affections uncommitted, with the heart uninvolved
Pardon me deere Rosalind.Pardon me, dear Rosalind. AYL IV.i.44
Nay, and you be so tardie, come no more in myNay, an you be so tardy come no more in myand, an (conj.)
if, whether
AYL IV.i.45
sight, I had as liefe be woo'd of a Snaile.sight; I had as lief be wooed of a snail.lief, had as

old form: liefe
should like just as much
AYL IV.i.46
Of a Snaile?Of a snail? AYL IV.i.47
I, of a Snaile: for though he comes slowly, heeAy, of a snail: for though he comes slowly, he AYL IV.i.48
carries his house on his head; a better ioyncture I thinkecarries his house on his head – a better jointure, I think,jointure (n.)

old form: ioyncture
marriage settlement, part of a husband's estate due to his widow
AYL IV.i.49
then you make a woman: besides, he brings his destiniethan you make a woman. Besides he brings his destiny AYL IV.i.50
with him.with him. AYL IV.i.51
What's that?What's that? AYL IV.i.52
Why hornes: wc such as youare faine to beWhy, horns; which such as you are fain to befain (adj.)
obliged, forced, compelled
AYL IV.i.53
beholding to your wiues for: but he comes armed in hisbeholding to your wives for. But he comes armed in his AYL IV.i.54
fortune, and preuents the slander of his wife.fortune, and prevents the slander of his wife.prevent (v.)

old form: preuents
forestall, anticipate
AYL IV.i.55
slander (n.)
dishonour, disgrace, disrepute
Vertue is no horne-maker: and my Rosalind isVirtue is no horn-maker; and my Rosalind ishorn-maker (n.)

old form: horne-maker
maker of cuckolds
AYL IV.i.56
vertuous.virtuous. AYL IV.i.57
And I am your Rosalind.And I am your Rosalind. AYL IV.i.58
It pleases him to call you so: but he hath a Rosalind It pleases him to call you so; but he hath a Rosalind AYL IV.i.59
of a better leere then you.of a better leer than you.leer (n.)

old form: leere
complexion, countenance, look
AYL IV.i.60
Come, wooe me, wooe mee: for now I am in aCome, woo me, woo me: for now I am in a AYL IV.i.61
holy-day humor, and like enough to consent: Whatholiday humour, and like enough to consent. Whatlike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
AYL IV.i.62
humour (n.)

old form: humor
mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
would you say to me now, and I were your verie, veriewould you say to me now, an I were your very, veryand, an (conj.)
as if
AYL IV.i.63
Rosalind?Rosalind? AYL IV.i.64
I would kisse before I spoke.I would kiss before I spoke. AYL IV.i.65
Nay,you were better speake first, and when youNay, you were better speak first, and when you AYL IV.i.66
were grauel'd, for lacke of matter, you might take occasionwere gravelled for lack of matter, you might take occasionmatter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
AYL IV.i.67
gravelled (v.)

old form: grauel'd
perplexed, at a loss, stumped
to kisse: verie good Orators when they are out, they will to kiss. Very good orators, when they are out, they willout (adv.)
at a loss, put out, nonplussed; unable to remember one's lines
AYL IV.i.68
spit, and for louers, lacking (God warne vs) matter, thespit, and for lovers lacking – God warn us! – matter, thewarn (v.)
[unclear meaing] warrant, protect, preserve
AYL IV.i.69
cleanliest shift is to kisse.cleanliest shift is to kiss.cleanly (adj.)
deft, skilful, clever
AYL IV.i.70
How if the kisse be denide?How if the kiss be denied? AYL IV.i.71
Then she puts you to entreatie, and thereThen she puts you to entreaty, and there AYL IV.i.72
begins new matter.begins new matter.matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
AYL IV.i.73
Who could be out, being before his belouedWho could be out, being before his belovedout (adv.)
at a loss, put out, nonplussed; unable to remember one's lines
AYL IV.i.74
Mistris?mistress? AYL IV.i.75
Marrie that should you if I were your Mistris,Marry, that should you if I were your mistress,marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
AYL IV.i.76
or I should thinke my honestie ranker then my wit.or I should think my honesty ranker than my wit.rank (adj.)
strong, stout, firm
AYL IV.i.77
honesty (n.)

old form: honestie
virtue, chastity
wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
What, of my suite?What, of my suit?of (prep.)
out of
AYL IV.i.78
suit (n.)

old form: suite
clothing, dress, garb
suit (n.)

old form: suite
wooing, courtship
Not out of your apparrell, and yet out of yourNot out of your apparel, and yet out of yourapparel (n.)

old form: apparrell
clothes, clothing, dress
AYL IV.i.79
suite: Am not I your Rosalind?suit. Am not I your Rosalind?suit (n.)

old form: suite
clothing, dress, garb
AYL IV.i.80
I take some ioy to say you are, because I wouldI take some joy to say you are, because I would AYL IV.i.81
be talking of talking of her. AYL IV.i.82
Well, in her person, I say I will not haue you.Well, in her person, I say I will not have you. AYL IV.i.83
Then in mine owne person, I die.Then, in mine own person, I die. AYL IV.i.84
No faith, die by Attorney: the poore world isNo, faith, die by attorney. The poor world isattorney, by
by proxy [as opposed to ‘in person’]
AYL IV.i.85
almost six thousand yeeres old, and in all this time therealmost six thousand years old, and in all this time there AYL IV.i.86
was not anie man died in his owne person (videlicet) in awas not any man died in his own person, videlicit, in avidelicet (adv.)
[pron: vi'deliset] namely
AYL IV.i.87
loue cause: Troilous had his braines dash'd out with alove-cause. Troilus had his brains dashed out with aTroilus (n.)
[pron: 'troylus] youngest son of Priam and Hecuba; killed by Achilles; lover of Cressida
AYL IV.i.88
Grecian club, yet he did what hee could to die before,Grecian club, yet he did what he could to die before, AYL IV.i.89
and he is one of the patternes of loue. Leander, he wouldand he is one of the patterns of love. Leander, he would AYL IV.i.90
haue liu'd manie a faire yeere though Hero had turn'dhave lived many a fair year though Hero had turnedHero (n.)
priestess of Aphrodite, in love with Leander
AYL IV.i.91
Nun; if it had not bin for a hot Midsomer-night, fornun, if it had not been for a hot midsummer night: for, AYL IV.i.92
(good youth) he went but forth to wash him in thegood youth, he went but forth to wash him in the AYL IV.i.93
Hellespont, and being taken with the crampe, was droun'd,Hellespont and being taken with the cramp was drowned,Hellespont (n.)
['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara
AYL IV.i.94
and the foolish Chronoclers of that age, found it was Hero and the foolish chroniclers of that age found it was ‘Hero AYL IV.i.95
of Cestos. But these are all lies, men haue died fromof Sestos'. But these are all lies; men have died fromSestos (n.)
location of the temple of Aphrodite, on the Hellespont
AYL IV.i.96
time to time, and wormes haue eaten them, but not fortime to time and worms have eaten them, but not for AYL IV.i.97 AYL IV.i.98
I would not haue my right Rosalind of thisI would not have my right Rosalind of this AYL IV.i.99
mind, for I protest her frowne might kill me.mind, for I protest her frown might kill me. AYL IV.i.100
By this hand, it will not kill a flie: but come,By this hand, it will not kill a fly. But come, AYL IV.i.101
now I will be your Rosalind in a more comming-onnow I will be your Rosalind in a more coming-oncoming-on (adj.)

old form: comming-on
amenable, agreeable, compliant
AYL IV.i.102
disposition: and aske me what you will, I will grant it.disposition; and ask me what you will, I will grant it.disposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
AYL IV.i.103
Then loue me Rosalind.Then love me, Rosalind. AYL IV.i.104
Yes faith will I, fridaies and saterdaies, andYes, faith will I, Fridays and Saturdays and AYL IV.i.105
all.all. AYL IV.i.106
And wilt thou haue me?And wilt thou have me? AYL IV.i.107
I, and twentie such.Ay, and twenty such.twenty, and

old form: twentie
[ballad catch phrase, used as an intensifer] and many more
AYL IV.i.108
What saiest thou?What sayest thou? AYL IV.i.109
Are you not good?Are you not good? AYL IV.i.110
I hope so.I hope so. AYL IV.i.111
Rosalind. ROSALIND 
Why then, can one desire too much of a goodWhy then, can one desire too much of a good AYL IV.i.112
thing: Come sister, you shall be the Priest, and marriething? Come, sister, you shall be the priest and marry AYL IV.i.113
vs: giue me your hand Orlando: What doe you say us. – Give me your hand, Orlando. – What do you say, AYL IV.i.114
sister?sister? AYL IV.i.115
Pray thee marrie vs.Pray thee, marry us. AYL IV.i.116
I cannot say the words.I cannot say the words. AYL IV.i.117
You must begin, will you Orlando.You must begin, ‘ Will you, Orlando.’ AYL IV.i.118
Goe too: wil you Orlando, haue to wife this Go to. – Will you, Orlando, have to wife this AYL IV.i.119
Rosalind?Rosalind? AYL IV.i.120
I will.I will. AYL IV.i.121
I, but when?Ay, but when? AYL IV.i.122
Why now, as fast as she can marrie vs.Why, now, as fast as she can marry us. AYL IV.i.123
Then you must say, I take thee Rosalind forThen you must say ‘ I take thee, Rosalind, for AYL IV.i.124
wife.wife.’ AYL IV.i.125
I take thee Rosalind for wife.I take thee, Rosalind, for wife. AYL IV.i.126
I might aske you for your Commission, / But II might ask you for your commission, but Icommission (n.)
warrant, authority [to act]
AYL IV.i.127
doe take thee Orlando for my husband : there's a girledo take thee, Orlando, for my husband. There's a girl AYL IV.i.128
goes before the Priest, and certainely a Womans thoughtgoes before the priest, and certainly a woman's thoughtgo before (v.)
anticipate, forestall
AYL IV.i.129
runs before her actions.runs before her actions. AYL IV.i.130
So do all thoughts, they are wing'd.So do all thoughts, they are winged. AYL IV.i.131
Now tell me how long you would haue her,Now tell me how long you would have her AYL IV.i.132
after you haue possest her?after you have possessed her. AYL IV.i.133
For euer, and a day.For ever and a day. AYL IV.i.134
Say a day, without the euer: no, no Orlando,Say ‘ a day ’ without the ‘ ever.’ No, no, Orlando, AYL IV.i.135
men are Aprill when they woe, December when theymen are April when they woo, December when they AYL IV.i.136
wed: Maides are May when they are maides, but the skywed; maids are May when they are maids, but the sky AYL IV.i.137
changes when they are wiues: I will bee more iealouschanges when they are wives. I will be more jealous AYL IV.i.138
of thee, then a Barbary cocke-pidgeon ouer his hen, moreof thee than a Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen, moreBarbary cock-pigeon

old form: cocke-pidgeon
type of pigeon from the Barbary coast; [reputedly of Eastern men] man who jealously safeguards his wife
AYL IV.i.139
clamorous then a Parrat against raine, more new-fangledclamorous than a parrot against rain, more new-fanglednew-fangled (adj.)
fond of novelty, distracted by new things
AYL IV.i.140
then an ape, more giddy in my desires, then a monkey:than an ape, more giddy in my desires than a monkey;giddy (adj.)
frivolous, flighty, fickle, irresponsible
AYL IV.i.141
I will weepe for nothing, like Diana in the Fountaine, & II will weep for nothing, like Diana in the fountain, and IDiana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
AYL IV.i.142
wil do that when you are dispos'd to be merry: I willwill do that when you are disposed to be merry; I will AYL IV.i.143
laugh like a Hyen, and that when thou art inclin'd to laugh like a hyen, and that when thou art inclined tohyen (n.)
AYL IV.i.144
sleepe.sleep. AYL IV.i.145
But will my Rosalind doe so?But will my Rosalind do so? AYL IV.i.146
By my life, she will doe as I doe.By my life, she will do as I do. AYL IV.i.147
O but she is wise.O, but she is wise. AYL IV.i.148
Or else shee could not haue the wit to doe this:Or else she could not have the wit to do this.wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
AYL IV.i.149
the wiser, the waywarder: make the doores vpon aThe wiser, the waywarder. Make the doors upon amake (v.)
make fast, shut, close
AYL IV.i.150
waywarder (n.)
obstinate, wilful, self-willed [person]
womans wit, and it will out at the casement: shut that,woman's wit, and it will out at the casement; shut that,wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
AYL IV.i.151
casement (n.)
window [on hinges and able to be opened]
and 'twill out at the key-hole: stop that, 'twill flie withand 'twill out at the key-hole; stop that, 'twill fly withstop (v.)
stop up, close (up), shut
AYL IV.i.152
the smoake out at the chimney.the smoke out at the chimney. AYL IV.i.153
A man that had a wife with such a wit, he mightA man that had a wife with such a wit, he mightwit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
AYL IV.i.154
say, wit whether wil't?say ‘ Wit, whither wilt?’wit (n.)
lively person, sharp-minded individual
AYL IV.i.155
Nay, you might keepe that checke for it, till youNay, you might keep that check for it, till you AYL IV.i.156
met your wiues wit going to your neighbours bed.met your wife's wit going to your neighbour's bed. AYL IV.i.157
And what wit could wit haue, to excuse that?And what wit could wit have to excuse that? AYL IV.i.158
Marry to say, she came to seeke you there: youMarry, to say she came to seek you there. Youmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
AYL IV.i.159
shall neuer take her without her answer, vnlesse you takeshall never take her without her answer, unless you take AYL IV.i.160
her without her tongue: ô that woman that cannot makeher without her tongue. O, that woman that cannot make AYL IV.i.161
her fault her husbands occasion, let her neuer nurse herher fault her husband's occasion, let her never nurse her AYL IV.i.162
childe her selfe, for she will breed it like a foole.child herself, for she will breed it like a fool. AYL IV.i.163
For these two houres Rosalinde, I wil leaue thee.For these two hours, Rosalind, I will leave thee. AYL IV.i.164
Alas, deere loue, I cannot lacke thee two houres.Alas, dear love, I cannot lack thee two hours! AYL IV.i.165
I must attend the Duke at dinner, by twoI must attend the Duke at dinner. By twoattend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
AYL IV.i.166
a clock I will be with thee againe.o'clock I will be with thee again. AYL IV.i.167
I, goe your waies, goe your waies: I knew whatAy, go your ways, go your ways: I knew what AYL IV.i.168
you would proue, my friends told mee as much, and Iyou would prove, my friends told me as much, and I AYL IV.i.169
thought no lesse: that flattering tongue of yours wonnethought no less. That flattering tongue of yours won AYL IV.i.170
me: 'tis but one cast away, and so come death: twome. 'Tis but one cast away, and so, come death. Twocast away (v.)
cast off, discard, throw away
AYL IV.i.171
o'clocke is your howre.o'clock is your hour? AYL IV.i.172
I, sweet Rosalind.Ay, sweet Rosalind. AYL IV.i.173
By my troth, and in good earnest, and so GodBy my troth, and in good earnest, and so Godtroth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
AYL IV.i.174
mend mee, and by all pretty oathes that are not dangerous,mend me, and by all pretty oaths that are not dangerous,mend (v.)
amend, save [in emphatic expressions]
AYL IV.i.175
if you breake one iot of your promise, or come one minuteif you break one jot of your promise, or come one minute AYL IV.i.176
behinde your houre, I will thinke you the most patheticallbehind your hour, I will think you the most patheticalpathetical (adj.)

old form: patheticall
pathetic, miserable, deplorable
AYL IV.i.177
breake-promise, and the most hollow louer, and the most break-promise, and the most hollow lover, and the mostbreak-promise (n.)

old form: breake-promise
AYL IV.i.178
vnworthy of her you call Rosalinde, that may bee chosenunworthy of her you call Rosalind, that may be chosen AYL IV.i.179
out of the grosse band of the vnfaithfull: thereforeout of the gross band of the unfaithful. Therefore,gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
whole, total, entire
AYL IV.i.180
beware my censure, and keep your promise.beware my censure, and keep your promise.censure (n.)
condemnation, blame, stricture
AYL IV.i.181
With no lesse religion, then if thou wert indeedWith no less religion than if thou wert indeedreligion (n.)
religious observance, spiritual duty, obligation
AYL IV.i.182
my Rosalind: so Rosalind. So, adieu. AYL IV.i.183
Well, Time is the olde Iustice that examines allWell, Time is the old justice that examines all AYL IV.i.184
such offenders, and let time try: adieu. such offenders, and let Time try. Adieu!try (v.)
judge the case
AYL IV.i.185
Exit.Exit Orlando AYL IV.i.185
You haue simply misus'd our sexe in your loue-prate:You have simply misused our sex in your love-prate.misuse (v.)

old form: misus'd
disgrace, deride, abuse
AYL IV.i.186
simply (adv.)
completely, absolutely, totally
love-prate (n.)

old form: loue-prate
love-chatter, amorous talk
we must haue your doublet and hose plucktWe must have your doublet and hose pluckeddoublet
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
AYL IV.i.187
hose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
ouer your head, and shew the world what the bird hathover your head, and show the world what the bird hath AYL IV.i.188
done to her owne neast.done to her own nest. AYL IV.i.189
O coz, coz, coz: my pretty little coz, that thouO coz, coz, coz, my pretty little coz, that thou AYL IV.i.190
didst know how many fathome deepe I am in loue: but itdidst know how many fathom deep I am in love! But it AYL IV.i.191
cannot bee sounded: my affection hath an vnknownecannot be sounded: my affection hath an unknownaffection (n.)
love, devotion
AYL IV.i.192
bottome, like the Bay of Portugall.bottom, like the Bay of Portugal.Portugal, Bay of
sea of supposed great depth off Portugal
AYL IV.i.193
Or rather bottomlesse, that as fast as you poureOr rather, bottomless, that as fast as you pour AYL IV.i.194
affection in, in runs out.affection in, it runs out. AYL IV.i.195
No, that same wicked Bastard of Venus, thatNo, that same wicked bastard of Venus, thatVenus (n.)
Roman goddess of beauty and love
AYL IV.i.196
was begot of thought, conceiu'd of spleene, and borne ofwas begot of thought, conceived of spleen, and born ofthought (n.)
melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry
AYL IV.i.197
spleen (n.)

old form: spleene
impulse, caprice, whim
madnesse, that blinde rascally boy, that abuses euery onesmadness, that blind rascally boy that abuses everyone'sabuse (v.)
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat
AYL IV.i.198
eyes, because his owne are out, let him bee iudge, howeyes because his own are out, let him be judge how AYL IV.i.199
deepe I am in loue: ile tell thee Aliena, I cannot be outdeep I am in love. I'll tell thee, Aliena, I cannot be out AYL IV.i.200
of the sight of Orlando: Ile goe finde a shadow, and sighof the sight of Orlando: I'll go find a shadow and sigh AYL IV.i.201
till he come.till he come. AYL IV.i.202
And Ile sleepe. And I'll sleep. AYL IV.i.203
Exeunt.Exeunt AYL IV.i.203
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