Measure for Measure

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Clowne.Enter Pompey MM IV.iii.1
I am as well acquainted heere, as I was in ourI am as well acquainted here as I was in our MM IV.iii.1
house of profession: one would thinke it were Mistrishouse of profession. One would think it were Mistresshouse of profession
brothel, whorehouse
MM IV.iii.2
Ouer-dons owne house, for heere be manie of her oldeOverdone's own house, for here be many of her old MM IV.iii.3
Customers. First, here's yong Mr Rash, hee's in forcustomers. First, here's young Master Rash. He's in for MM IV.iii.4
a commoditie of browne paper, and olde Ginger, nine scorea commodity of brown paper and old ginger, ninescore-and-seventeencommodity (n.)

old form: commoditie
supply, quantity, stock, consignment
MM IV.iii.5
and seuenteene pounds, of which hee made fiue Markespounds, of which he made five marksmark (n.)
accounting unit in England (value: two-thirds of a pound)
MM IV.iii.6
readie money: marrie then, Ginger was not much in request,ready money. Marry, then ginger was not much in request,marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
MM IV.iii.7
for the olde Women were all dead. Then is therefor the old women were all dead. Then is there MM IV.iii.8
heere one Mr Caper, at the suite of Master Three-Pile here one Master Caper, at the suit of Master Threepilesuit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
MM IV.iii.9
the Mercer, for some foure suites of Peach-colour'd Satten,the mercer, for some four suits of peach-coloured satin, MM IV.iii.10
which now peaches him a beggar. Then haue we heere,which now peaches him a beggar. Then have we herepeach (v.)
impeach, denounce, accuse
MM IV.iii.11
yong Dizie, and yong M Deepe-vow, and M young Dizzy, and young Master Deepvow, and Master MM IV.iii.12
Copperspurre, and M Starue-Lackey the Rapier andCopperspur, and Master Starve-lackey, the rapier andrapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
MM IV.iii.13
dagger man, and yong Drop-heire that kild lustie dagger man, and young Drop-heir that killed lusty MM IV.iii.14
Pudding, and M Forthlight the Tilter, and braue Pudding, and Master Forthright the tilter, and bravetilter (n.)
jouster, tournament competitor
MM IV.iii.15
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
M Shootie the great Traueller, and wilde Halfe-Canne Master Shoe-tie the great traveller, and wild Half-can MM IV.iii.16
that stabb'd Pots, and I thinke fortie more, all great doersthat stabbed Pots, and I think forty more, all great doers MM IV.iii.17
in our Trade, and are now for the Lords our trade, and are now ‘ for the Lord's sake.’sake, for the Lord's
[cry of a prisoner calling for alms through a cell window] in jail
MM IV.iii.18
Enter Abhorson.Enter Abhorson MM IV.iii.19
Sirrah, bring Barnardine hether.Sirrah, bring Barnardine hither. MM IV.iii.19
M Barnardine, you must rise and beMaster Barnardine, you must rise and be MM IV.iii.20
hang'd, M Barnardine.hanged, Master Barnardine! MM IV.iii.21
What hoa Barnardine.What ho, Barnardine! MM IV.iii.22
Barnardine within. (within) MM IV.iii.23.1
A pox o'your throats: who makesA pox o' your throats! Who makespox (n.)
venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
MM IV.iii.23
that noyse there? What are you?that noise there? What are you? MM IV.iii.24
Your friends Sir, the Hangman: / You must be soYour friends, sir, the hangman. You must be so MM IV.iii.25
good Sir to rise, and be put to death.good, sir, to rise and be put to death. MM IV.iii.26
(within) MM IV.iii.27
Away you Rogue, away, I am Away, you rogue, away! I am MM IV.iii.27
sleepie.sleepy. MM IV.iii.28
Tell him he must awake, / And that quickly too.Tell him he must awake, and that quickly too. MM IV.iii.29
Pray Master Barnardine, awake till you arePray, Master Barnardine, awake till you are MM IV.iii.30
executed, and sleepe afterwards.executed, and sleep afterwards. MM IV.iii.31
Go in to him, and fetch him out.Go in to him, and fetch him out. MM IV.iii.32
He is comming Sir, he is comming: I heare his StrawHe is coming, sir, he is coming. I hear his straw MM IV.iii.33
russle.rustle. MM IV.iii.34
Enter Barnardine.Enter Barnardine MM IV.iii.35.1
Is the Axe vpon the blocke, sirrah?Is the axe upon the block, sirrah?sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
MM IV.iii.35
Verie readie Sir.Very ready, sir. MM IV.iii.36
How now Abhorson? / What's the newes withHow now, Abhorson, what's the news with MM IV.iii.37
you?you? MM IV.iii.38
Truly Sir, I would desire you to clap intoTruly, sir, I would desire you to clap intoclap into (v.)
make haste with, get on with
MM IV.iii.39
your prayers: for looke you, the Warrants come.your prayers, for look you, the warrant's come. MM IV.iii.40
You Rogue, I haue bin drinking all night,You rogue, I have been drinking all night. MM IV.iii.41
I am not fitted for't.I am not fitted for't. MM IV.iii.42
Oh, the better Sir: for he that drinkes all night,O, the better, sir, for he that drinks all night, MM IV.iii.43
and is hanged betimes in the morning, may sleepe theand is hanged betimes in the morning, may sleep thebetimes (adv.)
early in the morning, at an early hour
MM IV.iii.44
sounder all the next day.sounder all the next day. MM IV.iii.45
Enter Duke.Enter Duke as a friar MM IV.iii.46.1
Looke you Sir, heere comes your ghostly Father:Look you, sir, here comes your ghostly father.ghostly (adj.)
spiritual, holy
MM IV.iii.46
do we iest now thinke you?Do we jest now, think you? MM IV.iii.47
Duke. DUKE 
Sir, induced by my charitie, and hearing how hastilySir, induced by my charity, and hearing how hastily MM IV.iii.48
you are to depart, I am come to aduise you, / Comfort you,you are to depart, I am come to advise you, comfort you, MM IV.iii.49
and pray with you.and pray with you. MM IV.iii.50
Friar, not I: I haue bin drinking hard allFriar, not I. I have been drinking hard all MM IV.iii.51
night, and I will haue more time to prepare mee, or they night and I will have more time to prepare me, or they MM IV.iii.52
shall beat out my braines with billets: I will not consentshall beat out my brains with billets. I will not consentbillet (n.)
thick stick, cudgel
MM IV.iii.53
to die this day, that's die this day, that's certain. MM IV.iii.54
Duke. DUKE 
Oh sir, you must: and therefore I beseech you / LookeO, sir, you must, and therefore I beseech you look MM IV.iii.55
forward on the iournie you shall go.forward on the journey you shall go. MM IV.iii.56
I sweare I will not die to day for anie mansI swear I will not die today for any man's MM IV.iii.57
perswasion.persuasion. MM IV.iii.58
Duke. DUKE 
But heare you:But hear you. MM IV.iii.59
Not a word: if you haue anie thing to say toNot a word. If you have anything to say to MM IV.iii.60
me, come to my Ward: for thence will not I to day. me, come to my ward, for thence will not I today.ward (n.)
cell [in a prison]
MM IV.iii.61
ExitExit MM IV.iii.61
Enter Prouost.Enter Provost MM IV.iii.62
Duke. DUKE 
Vnfit to liue, or die: oh grauell heart.Unfit to live or die. O gravel heart! MM IV.iii.62
After him (Fellowes) bring him to the blocke.After him, fellows: bring him to the block. MM IV.iii.63
Exeunt Abhorson and Pompey MM IV.iii.63
Now Sir, how do you finde the prisoner?Now, sir, how do you find the prisoner? MM IV.iii.64
Duke. DUKE 
A creature vnpre-par'd, vnmeet for death,A creature unprepared, unmeet for death,unmeet (adj.)

old form: vnmeet
unready, unfit, ill-equipped
MM IV.iii.65
And to transport him in the minde he is,And to transport him in the mind he istransport (v.)
remove from the world, put to death
MM IV.iii.66
Were damnable.Were damnable. MM IV.iii.67.1
Heere in the prison, Father,Here in the prison, father, MM IV.iii.67.2
There died this morning of a cruell Feauor,There died this morning of a cruel fever MM IV.iii.68
One Ragozine, a most notorious Pirate,One Ragozine, a most notorious pirate, MM IV.iii.69
A man of Claudio's yeares: his beard, and headA man of Claudio's years, his beard and head MM IV.iii.70
Iust of his colour. What if we do omitJust of his colour. What if we do omitomit (v.)
neglect, disregard, forget about
MM IV.iii.71
This Reprobate, til he were wel enclin'd,This reprobate till he were well inclined, MM IV.iii.72
And satisfie the Deputie with the visageAnd satisfy the deputy with the visagevisage (n.)
face, countenance
MM IV.iii.73
Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
MM IV.iii.74
Duke. DUKE 
Oh, 'tis an accident that heauen prouides:O, 'tis an accident that heaven provides. MM IV.iii.75
Dispatch it presently, the houre drawes onDispatch it presently; the hour draws onpresently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
MM IV.iii.76
dispatch, despatch (v.)
deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly
Prefixt by Angelo: See this be done,Prefixed by Angelo. See this be done,prefixed (adj.)

old form: Prefixt
fixed, settled, prearranged, decided in advance
MM IV.iii.77
And sent according to command, whiles IAnd sent according to command, whiles I MM IV.iii.78
Perswade this rude wretch willingly to die.Persuade this rude wretch willingly to die.rude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
MM IV.iii.79
This shall be done (good Father) presently:This shall be done, good father, presently, MM IV.iii.80
But Barnardine must die this afternoone,But Barnardine must die this afternoon, MM IV.iii.81
And how shall we continue Claudio,And how shall we continue Claudio,continue (v.)
retain, carry on with, preserve
MM IV.iii.82
To saue me from the danger that might come,To save me from the danger that might come MM IV.iii.83
If he were knowne aliue?If he were known alive? MM IV.iii.84.1
Duke. DUKE 
Let this be done,Let this be done. MM IV.iii.84.2
Put them in secret holds, both Barnardine Put them in secret holds, both Barnardinehold (n.)
MM IV.iii.85
and Claudio, / Ere twice the Sun hath madeAnd Claudio. Ere twice the sun hath made MM IV.iii.86
his iournall greeting / To yond generation,His journal greeting to yond generation,journal (adj.)

old form: iournall
daily, diurnal, routine
MM IV.iii.87
generation (n.)
[unclear meaning] world, human race
you shal finde / Your safetie manifested.You shall find your safety manifested. MM IV.iii.88
I am your free dependant.I am your free (adj.)
freely given, willing, unconstrained
MM IV.iii.89
Duke. DUKE 
Quicke, dispatch, and send the head to AngeloQuick, dispatch, and send the head to Angelo.dispatch, despatch (v.)
deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly
MM IV.iii.90
Exit.Exit Provost MM IV.iii.90
Now wil I write Letters to Angelo,Now will I write letters to Varrius –  MM IV.iii.91
(The Prouost he shal beare them) whose contentsThe provost, he shall bear them – whose contents MM IV.iii.92
Shal witnesse to him I am neere at home:Shall witness to him I am near at home,witness (v.)

old form: witnesse
be a sign of, foreshadow, betoken
MM IV.iii.93
And that by great Iniunctions I am boundAnd that by great injunctions I am bound MM IV.iii.94
To enter publikely: him Ile desireTo enter publicly. Him I'll desire MM IV.iii.95
To meet me at the consecrated Fount,To meet me at the consecrated fount MM IV.iii.96
A League below the Citie: and from thence,A league below the city, and from thence, MM IV.iii.97
By cold gradation, and weale-ballanc'd forme.By cold gradation and well-balanced form,gradation (n.)
step-by-step progress, steady steps
MM IV.iii.98
form (n.)

old form: forme
formal procedure, due process, formality
cold (adj.)
calm, cool, deliberate
We shal proceed with Angelo.We shall proceed with Angelo. MM IV.iii.99
Enter Prouost.Enter Provost MM IV.iii.100
Heere is the head, Ile carrie it my selfe.Here is the head. I'll carry it myself. MM IV.iii.100
Duke. DUKE 
Conuenient is it: Make a swift returne,Convenient is it. Make a swift return,convenient (adj.)

old form: Conuenient
fitting, suitable, appropriate
MM IV.iii.101
For I would commune with you of such things,For I would commune with you of such thingscommune (v.)
talk, converse, discourse
MM IV.iii.102
That want no eare but yours.That want no ear but yours.want (v.)
require, demand, need
MM IV.iii.103.1
Ile make all speede.I'll make all speed. MM IV.iii.103.2
ExitExit MM IV.iii.103
Isabell within. (within) MM IV.iii.104
Peace hoa, be heere.Peace, ho, be here. MM IV.iii.104
Duke. DUKE 
The tongue of Isabell. She's come to know,The tongue of Isabel. She's come to know MM IV.iii.105
If yet her brothers pardon be come hither:If yet her brother's pardon be come hither, MM IV.iii.106
But I will keepe her ignorant of her good,But I will keep her ignorant of her good, MM IV.iii.107
To make her heauenly comforts of dispaire,To make her heavenly comforts of despair MM IV.iii.108
When it is least expected.When it is least expected. MM IV.iii.109.1
Enter Isabella.Enter Isabella MM IV.iii.109
Hoa, by your leaue.Ho, by your leave! MM IV.iii.109.2
Duke. DUKE 
Good morning to you, faire, and gracious daughter.Good morning to you, fair and gracious daughter. MM IV.iii.110
The better giuen me by so holy a man,The better, given me by so holy a man. MM IV.iii.111
Hath yet the Deputie sent my brothers pardon?Hath yet the deputy sent my brother's pardon? MM IV.iii.112
Duke. DUKE 
He hath releasd him, Isabell, from the world,He hath released him, Isabel, from the world. MM IV.iii.113
His head is off, and sent to Angelo.His head is off and sent to Angelo. MM IV.iii.114
Nay, but it is not so.Nay, but it is not so. MM IV.iii.115
Duke. DUKE 
It is no other, Shew your wisedome daughterIt is no other. Show your wisdom, daughter, MM IV.iii.116
in your close patience.In your close patience.close (adj.)
secretive, tight-lipped, uncommunicative
MM IV.iii.117
Oh, I wil to him, and plucke out his eies.O, I will to him and pluck out his eyes! MM IV.iii.118
Duk. DUKE 
You shal not be admitted to his sight.You shall not be admitted to his sight. MM IV.iii.119
Vnhappie Claudio, wretched Isabell,Unhappy Claudio! Wretched Isabel! MM IV.iii.120
Iniurious world, most damned Angelo.Injurious world! Most damned Angelo! MM IV.iii.121
Duke. DUKE 
This nor hurts him, nor profits you a iot,This nor hurts him nor profits you a jot; MM IV.iii.122
Forbeare it therefore, giue your cause to heauen,Forbear it therefore, give your cause to heaven.forbear (v.)

old form: Forbeare
stop, cease, desist
MM IV.iii.123
Marke what I say, which you shal findeMark what I say, which you shall findmark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
MM IV.iii.124
By euery sillable a faithful veritie.By every syllable a faithful verity.verity (n.)

old form: veritie
truth, reality, actuality
MM IV.iii.125
The Duke comes home to morrow: nay drie your eyes,The Duke comes home tomorrow – nay, dry your eyes –  MM IV.iii.126
One of our Couent, and his ConfessorOne of our covent, and his confessor,covent (n.)

old form: Couent
convent, community
MM IV.iii.127
Giues me this instance: Already he hath carriedGives me this instance. Already he hath carriedinstance (n.)
sign, evidence, proof
MM IV.iii.128
Notice to Escalus and Angelo,Notice to Escalus and Angelo, MM IV.iii.129
Who do prepare to meete him at the gates,Who do prepare to meet him at the gates, MM IV.iii.130
There to giue vp their powre: If you can pace your wisdome,There to give up their power. If you can, pace your wisdompace (v.)
train to move, control the course of
MM IV.iii.131
power (n.)

old form: powre
authority, government
In that good path that I would wish it go,In that good path that I would wish it go, MM IV.iii.132
And you shal haue your bosome on this wretch,And you shall have your bosom on this wretch,bosom (n.)

old form: bosome
wish, desire
MM IV.iii.133
Grace of the Duke, reuenges to your heart,Grace of the Duke, revenges to your heart,grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
MM IV.iii.134
And general Honor.And general honour. MM IV.iii.135.1
I am directed by you.I am directed by you. MM IV.iii.135.2
Duk. DUKE 
This Letter then to Friar Peter giue,This letter then to Friar Peter give. MM IV.iii.136
'Tis that he sent me of the Dukes returne:'Tis that he sent me of the Duke's return. MM IV.iii.137
Say, by this token, I desire his companieSay, by this token, I desire his company MM IV.iii.138
At Mariana's house to night. Her cause, and yoursAt Mariana's house tonight. Her cause and yours MM IV.iii.139
Ile perfect him withall, and he shal bring youI'll perfect him withal, and he shall bring youperfect (v.)
inform fully, instruct completely
MM IV.iii.140
Before the Duke; and to the head of AngeloBefore the Duke; and to the head of Angelohead, to one's
to one's face, frankly, openly
MM IV.iii.141
Accuse him home and home. For my poore selfe,Accuse him home and home. For my poor self,home (adv.)
fully, thoroughly, unsparingly
MM IV.iii.142
I am combined by a sacred Vow,I am combined by a sacred vowcombine (v.)
bind, constrain, oblige
MM IV.iii.143
And shall be absent. Wend you with this Letter :And shall be absent. Wend you with this letter.wend (v.)
direct, betake [oneself]
MM IV.iii.144
Command these fretting waters from your eiesCommand these fretting waters from your eyeswater (n.)
MM IV.iii.145
With a light heart; trust not my holie OrderWith a light heart. Trust not my holy order MM IV.iii.146
If I peruert your course: whose heere?If I pervert your course. Who's here?course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
MM IV.iii.147
Enter Lucio.Enter Lucio MM IV.iii.148
Good' euen; / Frier, where's the Prouost?Good even. Friar, where's the provost? MM IV.iii.148
Duke. DUKE 
Not within Sir. Not within, sir. MM IV.iii.149
Oh prettie Isabella, I am pale at mine heart, to seeO pretty Isabella, I am pale at mine heart to see MM IV.iii.150
thine eyes so red: thou must be patient; I am faine tothine eyes so red. Thou must be patient. I am fain tofain (adj.)

old form: faine
obliged, forced, compelled
MM IV.iii.151
dine and sup with water and bran: I dare not for mydine and sup with water and bran. I dare not for mysup (v.)
have supper
MM IV.iii.152
head fill my belly. One fruitful Meale would set mee too't:head fill my belly; one fruitful meal would set me to't.set (v.)
direct, put, make come
MM IV.iii.153
but they say the Duke will be heere to Morrow. By myBut they say the Duke will be here tomorrow. By mytroth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
MM IV.iii.154
troth Isabell I lou'd thy brother, if the olde fantasticaltroth, Isabel, I loved thy brother. If the old fantasticalfantastical (adj.)
fanciful, imaginative, full of wild ideas
MM IV.iii.155
Duke of darke corners had bene at home, he had liued.Duke of dark corners had been at home, he had lived. MM IV.iii.156
Exit Isabella MM IV.iii.156
Duke. DUKE 
Sir, the Duke is marueilous little beholding to yourSir, the Duke is marvellous little beholding to yourmarvellous (adv.)

old form: marueilous
very, extremely, exceedingly
MM IV.iii.157
beholding (adj.)
beholden, obliged, indebted
reports, but the best is, he liues not in them.reports, but the best is, he lives not in them. MM IV.iii.158
Friar, thou knowest not the Duke so wel as I do:Friar, thou knowest not the Duke so well as I do. MM IV.iii.159
he's a better woodman then thou tak'st him for.He's a better woodman than thou tak'st him for.woodman (n.)
hunter, huntsman
MM IV.iii.160
Duke. DUKE 
Well: you'l answer this one day. Fare ye well.Well, you'll answer this one day. Fare ye well.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
MM IV.iii.161
Nay tarrie, Ile go along with thee, / I can tel theeNay, tarry, I'll go along with thee. I can tell thee MM IV.iii.162
pretty tales of the Duke.pretty tales of the Duke. MM IV.iii.163
Duke. DUKE 
You haue told me too many of him already sir ifYou have told me too many of him already, sir, if MM IV.iii.164
they be true: if not true, none were enough.they be true; if not true, none were enough. MM IV.iii.165
Lucio. LUCIO 
I was once before him for getting a Wench withI was once before him for getting a wench withwench (n.)
girl, lass
MM IV.iii.166
childe.child. MM IV.iii.167
Duke. DUKE 
Did you such a thing?Did you such a thing? MM IV.iii.168
Yes marrie did I; but I was faine to forswear it,Yes, marry, did I, but I was fain to forswear it.fain (adj.)

old form: faine
obliged, forced, compelled
MM IV.iii.169
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore
deny, repudiate, refuse to admit
They would else haue married me to the rotten Medler.They would else have married me to the rotten medlar.medlar (n.)

old form: Medler
whore, prostitute
MM IV.iii.170
Duke. DUKE 
Sir your company is fairer then honest, rest youSir, your company is fairer than honest. Rest you MM IV.iii.171
well.well. MM IV.iii.172
Lucio. LUCIO 
By my troth Ile go with thee to the lanes end: ifBy my troth, I'll go with thee to the lane's end. Iftroth, by my
by my truth [exclamation emphasizing an assertion]
MM IV.iii.173
baudy talke offend you, wee'l haue very litle of it: naybawdy talk offend you, we'll have very little of it. Nay, MM IV.iii.174
Friar, I am a kind of Burre, I shal sticke. friar, I am a kind of burr, I shall stick.burr (n.)
prickly, clinging seedpod
MM IV.iii.175
ExeuntExeunt MM IV.iii.175
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