Love's Labour's Lost

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Berowne with a Paper in his hand, Enter Berowne with a paper in his hand, LLL IV.iii.1.1
alone.alone LLL IV.iii.1.2
The King he is hunting the Deare,The King he is hunting the deer; LLL IV.iii.1
I am coursing my selfe.I am coursing myself – course (v.)
chase, hunt, pursue
LLL IV.iii.2
They haue pitcht a Toyle, I am toyling in a pytch, pitchThey have pitched a toil; I am toiling in a pitch – pitchtoil (n.)

old form: Toyle
net, snare, trap
LLL IV.iii.3
pitch (n.)
black tar-like substance [used to waterproof planks, etc; often, a symbol of defilement]
pitch (v.)

old form: pitcht
set, place
that defiles; defile, a foule word: Well, set theethat defiles. ‘ Defile ’ – a foul word! Well, set thee LLL IV.iii.4
downe sorrow; for so they say the foole said, and so saydown, sorrow, for so they say the fool said, and so say LLL IV.iii.5
I, and I the foole: Well proued wit. By the Lord thisI – and I the fool. Well proved, wit! By the Lord, thiswit (n.)
reasoning, thinking, deliberation
LLL IV.iii.6
Loue is as mad as Aiax, it kils sheepe, it kils mee, I alove is as mad as Ajax: it kills sheep, it kills me – I aAjax (n.)
[pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength
LLL IV.iii.7
sheepe: Well proued againe a my side. I will not loue; ifsheep. Well proved again o' my side! I will not love; if LLL IV.iii.8
I do hang me: yfaith I will not. O but her eye: byI do, hang me! I'faith, I will not. O, but her eye! By LLL IV.iii.9
this light, but for her eye, I would not loue her; yes,this light, but for her eye I would not love her – yes, LLL IV.iii.10
for her two eyes. Well, I doe nothing in the world butfor her two eyes. Well, I do nothing in the world but LLL IV.iii.11
lye, and lye in my throate. By heauen I doe loue, and itlie, and lie in my throat. By heaven, I do love, and itthroat, lie in one's

old form: lye, throate
be an outrageous liar
LLL IV.iii.12
hath taught mee to Rime, and to be mallicholie: andhath taught me to rhyme, and to be melancholy; and LLL IV.iii.13
here is part of my Rime, and heere my is part of my rhyme, and here my melancholy. LLL IV.iii.14
Well, she hath one a'my Sonnets already, the ClowneWell, she hath one o' my sonnets already. The clown LLL IV.iii.15
bore it, the Foole sent it, and the Lady hath it: sweetbore it, the fool sent it, and the lady hath it – sweet LLL IV.iii.16
Clowne, sweeter Foole, sweetest Lady. By the world, Iclown, sweeter fool, sweetest lady! By the world, I LLL IV.iii.17
would not care a pin, if the other three were in. Herewould not care a pin if the other three were in. Herein (prep.)
in the same situation
LLL IV.iii.18
comes one with a paper, God giue him grace to grone.comes one with a paper. God give him grace to groan! LLL IV.iii.19
He stands aside.He stands aside LLL IV.iii.20.1
The King entreth.Enter the King with a paper LLL IV.iii.20.2
Kin. KING 
Ay mee!Ay me! LLL IV.iii.20
Shot by heauen: proceede sweet Cupid, thouShot, by heaven! Proceed, sweet Cupid. ThouCupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
LLL IV.iii.21
hast thumpt him with thy Birdbolt vnder the lefthast thumped him with thy bird-bolt under the leftbird-bolt, burbolt (n.)

old form: Birdbolt
short blunt-headed arrow for shooting birds
LLL IV.iii.22
pap: in faith secrets.pap. In faith, secrets!pap (n.)
teat, nipple
LLL IV.iii.23
(reading) LLL IV.iii.24
So sweete a kisse the golden Sunne giues not,So sweet a kiss the golden sun gives not LLL IV.iii.24
To those fresh morning drops vpon the Rose,To those fresh morning drops upon the rose, LLL IV.iii.25
As thy eye beames, when their fresh rayse haue smot.As thy eye-beams when their fresh rays have smotesmite (v.), past forms smote, smit
strike, hit (often, with great force)
LLL IV.iii.26
The night of dew that on my cheekes downe flowes.The night of dew that on my cheeks down flows. LLL IV.iii.27
Nor shines the siluer Moone one halfe so bright,Nor shines the silver moon one half so bright LLL IV.iii.28
Through the transparent bosome of the deepe,Through the transparent bosom of the deepbosom (n.)

old form: bosome
LLL IV.iii.29
As doth thy face through teares of mine giue light:As doth thy face, through tears of mine, give light. LLL IV.iii.30
Thou shin'st in euery teare that I doe weepe,Thou shinest in every tear that I do weep; LLL IV.iii.31
No drop, but as a Coach doth carry thee:No drop but as a coach doth carry thee. LLL IV.iii.32
So ridest thou triumphing in my woe.So ridest thou triumphing in my woe. LLL IV.iii.33
Do but behold the teares that swell in me,Do but behold the tears that swell in me, LLL IV.iii.34
And they thy glory through my griefe will show:And they thy glory through my grief will show. LLL IV.iii.35
But doe not loue thy selfe, then thou wilt keepeBut do not love thyself; then thou will keep LLL IV.iii.36
My teares for glasses, and still make me weepe.My tears for glasses and still make me weep.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
LLL IV.iii.37
glass (n.)
mirror, looking-glass
O Queene of Queenes, how farre dost thou excell,O queen of queens, how far dost thou excel, LLL IV.iii.38
No thought can thinke, nor tongue of mortall tell.No thought can think, nor tongue of mortal tell! LLL IV.iii.39
How shall she know my griefes? Ile drop the paper.How shall she know my griefs? I'll drop the paper. LLL IV.iii.40
Sweet leaues shade folly. Who is he comes heere?Sweet leaves, shade folly. Who is he comes here?shade (v.)
hide, conceal, cover up
LLL IV.iii.41
The King steps aside.He stands aside LLL IV.iii.42.1
Enter Longauile. Enter Longaville, with several papersseveral (adj.)
various, sundry, respective, individual
LLL IV.iii.42.2
What Longauill, and reading: listen eare.What, Longaville, and reading! Listen, ear! LLL IV.iii.42
Now in thy likenesse, one more foole appeare.Now, in thy likeness, one more fool appear! LLL IV.iii.43
Ay me, I am forsworne.Ay me, I am forsworn!forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
LLL IV.iii.44
Why he comes in like a periure, wearingWhy, he comes in like a perjure, wearingperjure (n.)

old form: periure
LLL IV.iii.45
papers.papers. LLL IV.iii.46
Long. KING 
In loue I hope, sweet fellowship in shame.In love, I hope – sweet fellowship in shame! LLL IV.iii.47
One drunkard loues another of the name.One drunkard loves another of the name. LLL IV.iii.48
Am I the first yt haue been periur'd so?Am I the first that have been perjured so? LLL IV.iii.49
I could put thee in comfort, not by two that I know,I could put thee in comfort – not by two that I know. LLL IV.iii.50
Thou makest the triumphery, the corner cap of societie,Thou makest the triumviry, the corner-cap of society,society (n.)

old form: societie
companionship, fellowship, association
LLL IV.iii.51
triumviry, triumphery (n.)
triumvirate, threesome
corner-cap (n.)

old form: corner cap
cap with (three) corners, mortar-board
The shape of Loues Tiburne, that hangs vp simplicitie.The shape of Love's Tyburn, that hangs up simplicity. LLL IV.iii.52
I feare these stubborn lines lack power to moue.I fear these stubborn lines lack power to move.stubborn (adj.)
stiff, intractable, unyielding
LLL IV.iii.53
O sweet Maria, Empresse of my Loue,(reading) O sweet Maria, empress of my love! LLL IV.iii.54
These numbers will I teare, and write in prose.These numbers will I tear, and write in prose.number (n.)
(plural) verses, lines
LLL IV.iii.55
He tears the paper LLL IV.iii.56.1
O Rimes are gards on wanton Cupids hose,O, rhymes are guards on wanton Cupid's hose;hose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
LLL IV.iii.56
wanton (adj.)
sexually hot, passionate, sportive
guard (n.)
trimming, trapping, adornment
Disfigure not his Shop.Disfigure not his (n.)
workshop, workroom
LLL IV.iii.57.1
(taking another paper) LLL IV.iii.57
This same shall goe.This same shall go: LLL IV.iii.57.2
He reades the Sonnet.(reading) LLL IV.iii.58
Did not the heauenly Rhetoricke of thine eye,Did not the heavenly rhetoric of thine eye, LLL IV.iii.58
'Gainst whom the world cannot hold argument,'Gainst whom the world cannot hold argument, LLL IV.iii.59
Perswade my heart to this false periurie?Persuade my heart to this false perjury?false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
LLL IV.iii.60
Vowes for thee broke deserue not punishment.Vows for thee broke deserve not punishment. LLL IV.iii.61
A Woman I forswore, but I will proue,A woman I forswore, but I will prove – forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore
abandon, renounce, reject, give up
LLL IV.iii.62
Thou being a Goddesse, I forswore not thee.Thou being a goddess – I forswore not thee. LLL IV.iii.63
My Vow was earthly, thou a heauenly Loue.My vow was earthly, thou a heavenly love; LLL IV.iii.64
Thy grace being gain'd, cures all disgrace in me.Thy grace, being gained, cures all disgrace in me. LLL IV.iii.65
Vowes are but breath, and breath a vapour is.Vows are but breath, and breath a vapour is; LLL IV.iii.66
Then thou faire Sun, which on my earth doest shine,Then thou, fair sun, which on my earth dost shine, LLL IV.iii.67
Exhalest this vapor-vow, in thee it is:Exhalest this vapour-vow; in thee it is.exhale (v.)
cause to flow, draw out, draw up
LLL IV.iii.68
If broken then, it is no fault of mine:If broken, then, it is no fault of mine; LLL IV.iii.69
If by me broke, What foole is not so wise,If by me broke, what fool is not so wise LLL IV.iii.70
To loose an oath, to win a Paradise?To lose an oath to win a paradise? LLL IV.iii.71
This is the liuer veine, which makes flesh a deity.This is the liver vein, which makes flesh a deity,liver (n.)

old form: liuer
part of the body thought to be the seat of the passions [especially sexual desire]
LLL IV.iii.72
vein (n.)

old form: veine
state of mind, motive, mood
A greene Goose, a Coddesse, pure pure Idolatry.A green goose a goddess. Pure, pure (adj.)

old form: greene
fresh, recent, new
LLL IV.iii.73
goose (n.)
prostitute, whore
God amend vs, God amend, we are much out o'th'way.God amend us, God amend! We are much out o'th' way.amend (v.)
cure, heal, improve
LLL IV.iii.74
Enter Dumaine.Enter Dumaine with a paper LLL IV.iii.75
By whom shall I send this (company?) Stay.By whom shall I send this? – Company? Stay. LLL IV.iii.75
He stands aside LLL IV.iii.76
All hid, all hid, an old infant play,All hid, all hid – an old infant play. LLL IV.iii.76
Like a demie God, here sit I in the skie,Like a demi-god here sit I in the sky, LLL IV.iii.77
And wretched fooles secrets heedfully ore-eye.And wretched fools' secrets heedfully o'ereye.overeye, over-eye (v.)

old form: ore-eye
watch, observe; or: look too much at
LLL IV.iii.78
More Sacks to the myll. O heauens I haue my wish,More sacks to the mill! O heavens, I have my wish! LLL IV.iii.79
Dumaine transform'd, foure Woodcocks in a dish.Dumaine transformed! Four woodcocks in a dish!woodcock (n.)
type of game bird, thought to be easily tricked or snared; simpleton
LLL IV.iii.80
O most diuine Kate.O most divine Kate! LLL IV.iii.81
O most prophane coxcombe.O most profane coxcomb!coxcomb (n.)

old form: coxcombe
fool's head, fool, simpleton
LLL IV.iii.82
By heauen the wonder of a mortall eye.By heaven, the wonder in a mortal eye! LLL IV.iii.83
By earth she is not, corporall, there you lye.By earth, she is not, corporal. There you lie. LLL IV.iii.84
Her Amber haires for foule hath amber coted.Her amber hairs for foul hath amber quoted.quote (v.)

old form: coted
refer to, cite
LLL IV.iii.85
An Amber coloured Rauen was well noted.An amber-coloured raven was well noted. LLL IV.iii.86
As vpright as the Cedar.As upright as the cedar. LLL IV.iii.87.1
Stoope I sayStoop, I say! LLL IV.iii.87.2
her shoulder is with-child.Her shoulder is with child.child, with

old form: with-child
bulging out
LLL IV.iii.88.1
As faire as day.As fair as day. LLL IV.iii.88.2
I as some daies, but then no sunne must shine.Ay, as some days; but then no sun must shine. LLL IV.iii.89
O that I had my wish?O that I had my wish! LLL IV.iii.90.1
And I had mine.And I had mine! LLL IV.iii.90.2
Kin. KING 
And mine too good Lord.And I mine too, good Lord! LLL IV.iii.91
Amen, so I had mine: Is not that a good word?Amen, so I had mine! Is not that a good word? LLL IV.iii.92
I would forget her, but a Feuer sheI would forget her, but a fever she LLL IV.iii.93
Raignes in my bloud, and will remembred be.Reigns in my blood, and will remembered be. LLL IV.iii.94
A Feuer in your bloud, why then incisionA fever in your blood? Why, then incisionincision (n.)
LLL IV.iii.95
Would let her out in Sawcers, sweet misprision.Would let her out in saucers. Sweet misprision!misprision (n.)
mistake, error, misunderstanding, misconception
LLL IV.iii.96
Once more Ile read the Ode that I haue writ.Once more I'll read the ode that I have writ. LLL IV.iii.97
Once more Ile marke how Loue can varry Wit.Once more I'll mark how love can vary wit.mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
LLL IV.iii.98
vary (v.)

old form: varry
bring novelty to, cause to change
wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
Dumane reades his Sonnet. (reading) LLL IV.iii.99
On a day, alack the day:On a day – alack the day! –  LLL IV.iii.99
Loue, whose Month is euery May,Love, whose month is ever May, LLL IV.iii.100
Spied a blossome passing faire,Spied a blossom passing fair LLL IV.iii.101
Playing in the wanton ayre:Playing in the wanton air.wanton (adj.)
casual, gentle
LLL IV.iii.102
Through the Veluet, leaues the winde,Through the velvet leaves the wind, LLL IV.iii.103
All vnseene, can passage finde.All unseen, can passage find; LLL IV.iii.104
That the Louer sicke to death,That the lover, sick to death, LLL IV.iii.105
Wish himselfe the heauens breath.Wished himself the heaven's breath. LLL IV.iii.106
Ayre (quoth he) thy cheekes may blowe,Air, quoth he, thy cheeks may blow;quoth (v.)
LLL IV.iii.107
Ayre, would I might triumph so.Air, would I might triumph so! LLL IV.iii.108
But alacke my hand is sworne,But, alack, my hand is sworn LLL IV.iii.109
Nere to plucke thee from thy throne:Ne'er to pluck thee from thy thorn, LLL IV.iii.110
Vow alacke for youth vnmeete,Vow, alack, for youth unmeet,unmeet (adj.)

old form: vnmeete
unfitting, unsuitable, improper
LLL IV.iii.111
Youth so apt to plucke a sweet.Youth so apt to pluck a sweet!apt (adj.)
fit, ready, prepared
LLL IV.iii.112
Doe not call it sinne in me,Do not call it sin in me, LLL IV.iii.113
That I am forsworne for thee.That I am forsworn for thee;forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
LLL IV.iii.114
Thou for whom Ioue would sweare,Thou for whom Jove would swearJove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
LLL IV.iii.115
Iuno but an Athiop were,Juno but an Ethiop were,Ethiop, Ethiope (adj./n.)

old form: Æthiop
Ethiopian, African, person with a dark countenance
LLL IV.iii.116
Juno (n.)
Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity
And denie himselfe for Ioue.And deny himself for Jove,deny (v.)

old form: denie
disown, disavow, renounce
LLL IV.iii.117
Turning mortall for thy Loue.Turning mortal for thy love. LLL IV.iii.118
This will I send, and something else more plaine.This will I send, and something else more plain, LLL IV.iii.119
That shall expresse my true-loues fasting paine.That shall express my true love's fasting pain.fasting (adj.)
caused by abstinence, hunger-induced
LLL IV.iii.120
O would the King, Berowne and Longauill,O, would the King, Berowne, and Longaville LLL IV.iii.121
Were Louers too, ill to example ill,Were lovers too! Ill, to example ill,ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
LLL IV.iii.122
example (v.)
act as a precedent for
Would from my forehead wipe a periur'd note:Would from my forehead wipe a perjured note, LLL IV.iii.123
For none offend, where all alike doe dote.For none offend where all alike do dote. LLL IV.iii.124
(advancing) LLL IV.iii.125
Dumaine, thy Loue is farre from charitie,Dumaine, thy love is far from charity. LLL IV.iii.125
That in Loues griefe desir'st societie:That in love's grief desirest society.society (n.)

old form: societie
companionship, fellowship, association
LLL IV.iii.126
You may looke pale, but I should blush I know,You may look pale, but I should blush, I know, LLL IV.iii.127
To be ore-heard, and taken napping so.To be o'erheard and taken napping so. LLL IV.iii.128
Kin. KING  
(advancing) LLL IV.iii.129
Come sir, you blush: as his, your case is such,Come, sir, you blush! As his your case is such; LLL IV.iii.129
You chide at him, offending twice as much.You chide at him, offending twice as much.chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
LLL IV.iii.130
You doe not loue Maria? Longauile,You do not love Maria! Longaville LLL IV.iii.131
Did neuer Sonnet for her sake compile;Did never sonnet for her sake compile,compile (v.)
compose, create in writing
LLL IV.iii.132
Nor neuer lay his wreathed armes athwartNor never lay his wreathed arms athwartathwart (prep.)
LLL IV.iii.133
His louing bosome, to keepe downe his heart.His loving bosom to keep down his heart. LLL IV.iii.134
I haue beene closely shrowded in this bush,I have been closely shrouded in this bushshroud (v.)

old form: shrowded
hide, conceal, shelter
LLL IV.iii.135
closely (adv.)
secretly, covertly, privately
And markt you both, and for you both did blush.And marked you both, and for you both did blush.mark (v.)

old form: markt
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
LLL IV.iii.136
I heard your guilty Rimes, obseru'd your fashion:I heard your guilty rhymes, observed your fashion, LLL IV.iii.137
Saw sighes reeke from you, noted well your passion.Saw sighs reek from you, noted well your passion.passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage
LLL IV.iii.138
reek (v.)

old form: reeke
steam, smoke, give off vapour
Aye me, sayes one! O Ioue, the other cries!‘ Ay me!’ says one; ‘ O Jove!’ the other cries. LLL IV.iii.139
On her haires were Gold, Christall the others eyes.One, her hairs were gold; crystal the other's eyes. LLL IV.iii.140
(To Longaville) LLL IV.iii.141.1
You would for Paradise breake Faith and troth,You would for paradise break faith and troth;troth (n.)
truth, good faith
LLL IV.iii.141
(To Dumaine) LLL IV.iii.142.1
And Ioue for your Loue would infringe an oath.And Jove, for your love, would infringe an oath. LLL IV.iii.142
What will Berowne say when that he shall heareWhat will Berowne say when that he shall hear LLL IV.iii.143
Faith infringed, which such zeale did sweare.Faith infringed, which such zeal did swear? LLL IV.iii.144
How will he scorne? how will he spend his wit?How will he scorn, how will he spend his wit!wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
LLL IV.iii.145
scorn (v.)

old form: scorne
mock, jeer, express disdain [at]
How will he triumph, leape, and laugh at it?How will he triumph, leap, and laugh at it! LLL IV.iii.146
For all the wealth that euer I did see,For all the wealth that ever I did see, LLL IV.iii.147
I would not haue him know so much by me.I would not have him know so much by me. LLL IV.iii.148
(advancing) LLL IV.iii.149
Now step I forth to whip hypocrisie.Now step I forth to whip hypocrisy. LLL IV.iii.149
Ah good my Liedge, I pray thee pardon me.Ah, good my liege, I pray thee pardon me.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
LLL IV.iii.150
Good heart, What grace hast thou thus to reproueGood heart, what grace hast thou, thus to reprove LLL IV.iii.151
These wormes for louing, that art most in loue?These worms for loving, that art most in love? LLL IV.iii.152
Your eyes doe make no couches in your teares.Your eyes do make no coaches; in your tears LLL IV.iii.153
There is no certaine Princesse that appeares.There is no certain princess that appears; LLL IV.iii.154
You'll not be periur'd, 'tis a hatefull thing:You'll not be perjured, 'tis a hateful thing; LLL IV.iii.155
Tush, none but Minstrels like of Sonnetting.Tush, none but minstrels like of sonneting!sonneting (n.)

old form: Sonnetting
LLL IV.iii.156
But are you not asham'd? nay, are you notBut are you not ashamed? Nay, are you not, LLL IV.iii.157
All three of you, to be thus much ore'shot?All three of you, to be thus much o'ershot?overshoot (v.)

old form: ore'shot
[miss a target by shooting too high] go astray in aim, wide of the mark
LLL IV.iii.158
You found his Moth, the King your Moth did see:You found his mote; the King your mote did see;mote (n.)

old form: Moth
speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle
LLL IV.iii.159
But I a Beame doe finde in each of three.But I a beam do find in each of three.beam (n.)

old form: Beame
large object, huge thing
LLL IV.iii.160
O what a Scene of fool'ry haue I seene.O, what a scene of foolery have I seen, LLL IV.iii.161
Of sighes, of grones, of sorrow, and of teene:Of sighs, of groans, of sorrow, and of teen!teen (n.)

old form: teene
trouble, grief, suffering
LLL IV.iii.162
O me, with what strict patience haue I sat,O me, with what strict patience have I sat, LLL IV.iii.163
To see a King transformed to a Gnat?To see a king transformed to a gnat! LLL IV.iii.164
To see great Hercules whipping a Gigge,To see great Hercules whipping a gig,gig (n.)

old form: Gigge
LLL IV.iii.165
And profound Salomon tuning a Iygge?And profound Solomon to tune a jig,jig (n.)

old form: Iygge
lively song; frivolous dance
LLL IV.iii.166
tune (v.)
And Nestor play at push-pin with the boyes,And Nestor play at push-pin with the boys,push-pin (n.)
type of children's game [the pushing over of a peg to cross the peg of another player]
LLL IV.iii.167
Nestor (n.)
Greek leader in the siege of Troy, reputed for his age and wisdom
And Critticke Tymon laugh at idle toyes.And critic Timon laugh at idle toys!idle (adj.)
trifling, unimportant, trivial
LLL IV.iii.168
toy (n.)

old form: toyes
whim, caprice, trifling matter
Timon (n.)
[pron: 'tiymon] Athenian nobleman; disgusted with mankind because of friends' ingratitude, he lived a secluded life
critic (adj.)

old form: Critticke
censorious, carping, fault-finding
Where lies thy griefe? O tell me good Dumaine;Where lies thy grief? O, tell me, good Dumaine. LLL IV.iii.169
And gentle Longauill, where lies thy paine?And, gentle Longaville, where lies thy pain?gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
LLL IV.iii.170
And where my Liedges? all about the brest:And where my liege's? All about the breast. LLL IV.iii.171
A Candle hoa!A caudle, ho!caudle (n.)

old form: Candle
type of medicinal warm gruel, potion
LLL IV.iii.172.1
Kin. KING 
Too bitter is thy iest.Too bitter is thy jest. LLL IV.iii.172.2
Are wee betrayed thus to thy ouer-view?Are we betrayed thus to thy over-view? LLL IV.iii.173
Not you by me, but I betrayed to you.Not you to me, but I betrayed by you; LLL IV.iii.174
I that am honest, I that hold it sinneI that am honest, I that hold it sin LLL IV.iii.175
To breake the vow I am ingaged in.To break the vow I am engaged in, LLL IV.iii.176
I am betrayed by keeping companyI am betrayed by keeping company LLL IV.iii.177
With men, like men of inconstancie.With men like you, men of inconstancy. LLL IV.iii.178
When shall you see me write a thing in rime?When shall you see me write a thing in rhyme? LLL IV.iii.179
Or grone for Ioane? or spend a minutes time,Or groan for Joan? Or spend a minute's time LLL IV.iii.180
In pruning mee, when shall you heare that IIn pruning me? When shall you hear that Iprune (v.)
[of birds] trim feathers with the beak, preen
LLL IV.iii.181
will praise a hand, a foot, a face, an eye:Will praise a hand, a foot, a face, an eye, LLL IV.iii.182
a gate, a state, a brow, a brest, a waste,A gait, a state, a brow, a breast, a waist,state (n.)
bearing, demeanour, bodily form
LLL IV.iii.183
gait (n.)

old form: gate
manner of walking, bearing, movement
brow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
a legge, a limme.A leg, a limb – LLL IV.iii.184.1
Kin. KING 
Soft, Whither a-way so fast?Soft! Whither away so fast?soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
LLL IV.iii.184.2
A true man, or a theefe, that gallops so.A true man or a thief that gallops so?true (adj.)
honest, upright, law-abiding
LLL IV.iii.185
I post from Loue, good Louer let me go. I post from love. Good lover, let me (v.)
hasten, speed, ride fast
LLL IV.iii.186
Enter Iaquenetta Enter Jaquenetta with a letter, LLL IV.iii.187.1
and Clowne.and Costard LLL IV.iii.187.3
God blesse the King.God bless the King! LLL IV.iii.187.1
Kin. KING 
What Present hast thou there?What present hast thou there?present (n.)
written document
LLL IV.iii.187.2
Some certaine treason.Some certain treason. LLL IV.iii.188.1
Kin. KING 
What makes treason heere?What makes treason here? LLL IV.iii.188.2
Nay it makes nothing sir.Nay, it makes nothing, sir. LLL IV.iii.189.1
Kin. KING 
If it marre nothing neither,If it mar nothing neither, LLL IV.iii.189.2
The treason and you goe in peace away together.The treason and you go in peace away together. LLL IV.iii.190
I beseech your Grace let this Letter be read,I beseech your grace let this letter be read. LLL IV.iii.191
Our person mis-doubts it: it was treason he said.Our parson misdoubts it; 'twas treason, he said.misdoubt (v.)

old form: mis-doubts
distrust, suspect, have misgivings about
LLL IV.iii.192
Kin. KING 
Berowne, read it ouer.Berowne, read it over. LLL IV.iii.193
He reades the Letter.Berowne reads the letter LLL IV.iii.194
Where hadst thou it?Where hadst thou it? LLL IV.iii.194
Of Costard.Of Costard. LLL IV.iii.195
King. KING 
Where hadst thou it?Where hadst thou it? LLL IV.iii.196
Of Dun Adramadio, Dun Adramadio.Of Dun Adramadio, Dun Adramadio. LLL IV.iii.197
Berowne tears the letter LLL IV.iii.198
Kin. KING 
How now, what is in you? why dost thou tear it?How now, what is in you? Why dost thou tear it? LLL IV.iii.198
A toy my Liedge, a toy: your grace needes not feare it.A toy, my liege, a toy. Your grace needs not fear it.toy (n.)
whim, caprice, trifling matter
LLL IV.iii.199
It did moue him to passion, and therefore let's heare it.It did move him to passion, and therefore let's hear it.passion (n.)
powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
LLL IV.iii.200
(gathering up the pieces) LLL IV.iii.201
It is Berowns writing, and heere is his name.It is Berowne's writing, and here is his name. LLL IV.iii.201
(to Costard) LLL IV.iii.202.1
Ah you whoreson loggerhead, you were borne to doe me shame.Ah, you whoreson loggerhead, you were born to do me shame!whoreson (adj.)
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
LLL IV.iii.202
loggerhead (n.)
blockhead, numbskull, dolt
Guilty my Lord, guilty: I confesse, I confesse.Guilty, my lord, guilty! I confess, I confess! LLL IV.iii.203
Kin. KING 
What?What? LLL IV.iii.204
That you three fooles, lackt mee foole, to make vp the messe.That you three fools lacked me fool to make up the mess.mess (n.)

old form: messe
company, group, gang of four
LLL IV.iii.205
He, he, and you: and you my Liedge, and I,He, he, and you – and you, my liege! – and I, LLL IV.iii.206
Are picke-purses in Loue, and we deserue to die.Are pick-purses in love, and we deserve to die.pick-purse, pickpurse (n.)

old form: picke-purses
pickpocket, purse-stealer
LLL IV.iii.207
O dismisse this audience, and I shall tell you more.O, dismiss this audience, and I shall tell you more. LLL IV.iii.208
Now the number is euen.Now the number is even. LLL IV.iii.209.1
True true, we are fowre:True, true, we are four. LLL IV.iii.209.2
will these Turtles be gone?Will these turtles be gone?turtle (n.)
turtle-dove, lover
LLL IV.iii.210.1
Kin. KING 
Hence sirs, away.Hence, sirs, away! LLL IV.iii.210.2
Walk aside the true folke, & let the traytors stay.Walk aside the true folk, and let the traitors stay.true (adj.)
honest, upright, law-abiding
LLL IV.iii.211
Exeunt Costard and Jaquenetta LLL IV.iii.211
Sweet Lords, sweet Louers, O let vs imbrace,Sweet lords, sweet lovers, O, let us embrace! LLL IV.iii.212
As true we are as flesh and bloud can be,As true we are as flesh and blood can be. LLL IV.iii.213
The Sea will ebbe and flow, heauen will shew his face:The sea will ebb and flow, heaven show his face; LLL IV.iii.214
Young bloud doth not obey an old decree.Young blood doth not obey an old decree. LLL IV.iii.215
We cannot crosse the cause why we are borne:We cannot cross the cause why we were born;cross (v.)

old form: crosse
prevent, thwart, forestall
LLL IV.iii.216
Therefore of all hands must we be forsworne.Therefore of all hands must we be forsworn.hands, of all
on every side
LLL IV.iii.217
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
King. KING 
What, did these rent lines shew some loue of thine?What, did these rent lines show some love of thine?rent (adj.)
torn, shredded, ripped up
LLL IV.iii.218
Did they, quoth you? Who sees the heauenly Rosaline,‘ Did they?’ quoth you! Who sees the heavenly Rosaline,quoth (v.)
LLL IV.iii.219
That (like a rude and sauage man of Inde.)That, like a rude and savage man of Inderude (adj.)
uncivilized, uncultivated, unrefined
LLL IV.iii.220
Inde (n.)
[pron: ind, iynd] India
At the first opening of the gorgeous East,At the first opening of the gorgeous east, LLL IV.iii.221
Bowes not his vassall head, and strooken blinde,Bows not his vassal head and, strucken blind,vassal (adj.)

old form: vassall
submissive, abject, yielding
LLL IV.iii.222
Kisses the base ground with obedient breast?Kisses the base ground with obedient breast?base (adj.)
low-lying, lowland
LLL IV.iii.223
What peremptory Eagle-sighted eyeWhat peremptory eagle-sighted eyeperemptory (adj.)
determined, resolved, absolutely decided
LLL IV.iii.224
Dares looke vpon the heauen of her brow,Dares look upon the heaven of her browbrow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
LLL IV.iii.225
That is not blinded by her maiestie?That is not blinded by her majesty? LLL IV.iii.226
Kin. KING 
What zeale, what furie, hath inspir'd thee now?What zeal, what fury hath inspired thee now? LLL IV.iii.227
My Loue (her Mistres) is a gracious Moone,My love, her mistress, is a gracious moon; LLL IV.iii.228
Shee (an attending Starre) scarce seene a light.She, an attending star, scarce seen a light.scarce (adv.)
scarcely, hardly, barely, only just
LLL IV.iii.229
My eyes are then no eyes, nor I Berowne.My eyes are then no eyes, nor I Berowne. LLL IV.iii.230
O, but for my Loue, day would turne to night,O, but for my love, day would turn to night! LLL IV.iii.231
Of all complexions the cul'd soueraignty,Of all complexions the culled sovereigntysovereignty (n.)

old form: soueraignty
pre-eminence, greatest excellence
LLL IV.iii.232
culled (adj.)

old form: cul'd
chosen, picked, selected
Doe meet as at a faire in her faire cheeke,Do meet as at a fair in her fair cheek, LLL IV.iii.233
Where seuerall Worthies make one dignity,Where several worthies make one dignity,several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual
LLL IV.iii.234
worthy (n.)
thing of worth, distinction, excellence
dignity (n.)
worth, nobleness, excellence
Where nothing wants, that want it selfe doth seeke.Where nothing wants that want itself doth seek.want (n.)
lack, shortage, dearth
LLL IV.iii.235
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
Lend me the flourish of all gentle tongues,Lend me the flourish of all gentle tongues –gentle (adj.)
refined, discriminating, sophisticated
LLL IV.iii.236
flourish (n.)
[of language] eloquence, fine words, rhetorical embellishment
Fie painted Rethoricke, O she needs it not,Fie, painted rhetoric! O, she needs it not!painted (adj.)
unreal, artificial, superficial
LLL IV.iii.237
rhetoric (n.)

old form: Rethoricke
oratory, flowery language
To things of sale, a sellers praise belongs:To things of sale a seller's praise belongs: LLL IV.iii.238
She passes prayse, then prayse too short doth blot.She passes praise; then praise too short doth blot.pass (v.)
surpass, go beyond, outdo
LLL IV.iii.239
short (adj.)
wanting, insufficient, inadequate
blot (n.)
stain, disgrace, blemish
A withered Hermite, fiuescore winters worne,A withered hermit, fivescore winters worn, LLL IV.iii.240
Might shake off fiftie, looking in her eye:Might shake off fifty, looking in her eye. LLL IV.iii.241
Beauty doth varnish Age, as if new borne,Beauty doth varnish age, as if new-born, LLL IV.iii.242
And giues the Crutch the Cradles infancie.And gives the crutch the cradle's infancy. LLL IV.iii.243
O 'tis the Sunne that maketh all things shine.O, 'tis the sun that maketh all things shine! LLL IV.iii.244
King. KING 
By heauen, thy Loue is blacke as Ebonie.By heaven, thy love is black as ebony! LLL IV.iii.245
Is Ebonie like her? O word diuine?Is ebony like her? O wood divine! LLL IV.iii.246
A wife of such wood were felicitie.A wife of such wood were felicity. LLL IV.iii.247
O who can giue an oth? Where is a booke?O, who can give an oath? Where is a book?book (n.)

old form: booke
Bible, prayer-book
LLL IV.iii.248
That I may sweare Beauty doth beauty lacke,That I may swear beauty doth beauty lack LLL IV.iii.249
If that she learne not of her eye to looke:If that she learn not of her eye to look. LLL IV.iii.250
No face is faire that is not full so blacke.No face is fair that is not full so black. LLL IV.iii.251
Kin. KING 
O paradoxe, Blacke is the badge of hell,O paradox! Black is the badge of hell, LLL IV.iii.252
The hue of dungeons, and the Schoole of night:The hue of dungeons, and the suit of night;suit (n.)
clothing, dress, garb
LLL IV.iii.253
And beauties crest becomes the heauens well.And beauty's crest becomes the heavens well.become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
LLL IV.iii.254
Diuels soonest tempt resembling spirits of light.Devils soonest tempt, resembling spirits of light. LLL IV.iii.255
O if in blacke my Ladies browes be deckt,O, if in black my lady's brows be decked,brow (n.)

old form: browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
LLL IV.iii.256
It mournes, that painting vsurping haireIt mourns that painting and usurping hairpainting (n.)
cosmetics, paint [for the face], beautifying
LLL IV.iii.257
usurping (adj.)

old form: vsurping
false, made into a wig
Should rauish doters with a false aspect:Should ravish doters with a false aspect;false (adj.)
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
LLL IV.iii.258
aspect (n.)
[of a human face] look, appearance, expression
And therfore is she borne to make blacke, faire.And therefore is she born to make black fair. LLL IV.iii.259
Her fauour turnes the fashion of the dayes,Her favour turns the fashion of the days,favour (n.)

old form: fauour
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
LLL IV.iii.260
turn (v.)

old form: turnes
change, transform, alter
For natiue bloud is counted painting now:For native blood is counted painting now;native (adj.)

old form: natiue
natural, habitual, normal
LLL IV.iii.261
painting (n.)
cosmetics, paint [for the face], beautifying
blood (n.)

old form: bloud
colouring, healthy complexion, blushing
And therefore red that would auoyd dispraise,And therefore red, that would avoid dispraise,dispraise (n.)
disparagement, censure, reproach
LLL IV.iii.262
Paints it selfe blacke, to imitate her brow.Paints itself black, to imitate her brow.brow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
LLL IV.iii.263
To look like her are Chimny-sweepers blacke.To look like her are chimney-sweepers black. LLL IV.iii.264
And since her time, are Colliers counted bright.And since her time are colliers counted bright.collier (n.)
coalman, coal-vendor
LLL IV.iii.265
King. KING 
And Athiops of their sweet complexion crake.And Ethiops of their sweet complexion crack.sweet (adj.)
attractive, pleasing, appealing
LLL IV.iii.266
crack (v.)

old form: crake
boast, trumpet, crow [about]
Dark needs no Candles now, for dark is light.Dark needs no candles now, for dark is light. LLL IV.iii.267
Your mistresses dare neuer come in raine,Your mistresses dare never come in rain, LLL IV.iii.268
For feare their colours should be washt away.For fear their colours should be washed away. LLL IV.iii.269
Kin. KING 
'Twere good yours did: for sir to tell you plaine,'Twere good yours did; for, sir, to tell you plain, LLL IV.iii.270
Ile finde a fairer face not washt to day.I'll find a fairer face not washed today. LLL IV.iii.271
Ile proue her faire, or talke till dooms-day here.I'll prove her fair, or talk till doomsday here. LLL IV.iii.272
Kin. KING 
No Diuell will fright thee then so much as shee.No devil will fright thee then so much as she.fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
LLL IV.iii.273
I neuer knew man hold vile stuffe so deere.I never knew man hold vile stuff so dear.stuff (n.)

old form: stuffe
stock-in-trade, merchandise
LLL IV.iii.274
vile, vild (adj.)
degrading, ignominious, worthless
Looke, heer's thy loue, my foot and her face see.Look, here's thy love (showing his shoe); my foot and her face see. LLL IV.iii.275
O if the streets were paued with thine eyes,O, if the streets were paved with thine eyes, LLL IV.iii.276
Her feet were much too dainty for such tread.Her feet were much too dainty for such tread. LLL IV.iii.277
O vile, then as she goes what vpward lyes?O, vile! Then, as she goes, what upward lies LLL IV.iii.278
The street should see as she walk'd ouer head.The street should see as she walked overhead. LLL IV.iii.279
Kin. KING 
But what of this, are we not all in loue?But what of this? Are we not all in love? LLL IV.iii.280
O nothing so sure, and thereby all forsworne.O, nothing so sure, and thereby all forsworn.forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
LLL IV.iii.281
Kin. KING 
Then leaue this chat, & good Berown now proueThen leave this chat, and, good Berowne, now prove LLL IV.iii.282
Our louing lawfull, and our fayth not torne.Our loving lawful and our faith not torn. LLL IV.iii.283
I marie there, some flattery for this euill.Ay, marry, there; some flattery for this evil!flattery (n.)
pleasing plausibility, gratifying deception, self-delusion
LLL IV.iii.284
marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
O some authority how to proceed,O, some authority how to proceed! LLL IV.iii.285
Some tricks, some quillets, how to cheat the diuell.Some tricks, some quillets, how to cheat the devil!quillet (n.)
quibble, equivocation, hair-splitting distinction
LLL IV.iii.286
Some salue for periurie.Some salve for perjury.salve (n.)

old form: salue
healing ointment
LLL IV.iii.287.1
O 'tis more then neede.'Tis more than need. LLL IV.iii.287.2
Haue at you then affections men at armes,Have at you then, affection's men-at-arms!have at (v.)

old form: Haue
[said at the start of a fencing attack or other confrontation] I come at, let me at [a person]
LLL IV.iii.288
affection (n.)
love, devotion
Consider what you first did sweare vnto:Consider what you first did swear unto: LLL IV.iii.289
To fast, to study, and to see no woman:To fast, to study, and to see no woman – LLL IV.iii.290
Flat treason against the Kingly state of youth.Flat treason 'gainst the kingly state of youth. LLL IV.iii.291
Say, Can you fast? your stomacks are too young:Say, can you fast? Your stomachs are too young, LLL IV.iii.292
And abstinence ingenders maladies. / And where that you haue vow'd to studie (Lords) / In that each of you haue forsworne his Booke. / Can you still dreame and pore, and thereon looke. / For when would you my Lord, or you, or you, / Haue found the ground of studies excellence, / Without the beauty of a womans face; / From womens eyes this doctrine I deriue, / They are the Ground, the Bookes, the Achadems, / From whence doth spring the true Promethean fire. / Why, vniuersall plodding poysons vp / The nimble spirits in the arteries, / As motion and long during action tyres / The sinnowy vigour of the trauailer. / Now for not looking on a womans face, / You haue in that forsworne the vse of eyes: / And studie too, the causer of your vow. / For where is any Author in the world, / Teaches such beauty as a womans eye: / Learning is but an adiunct to our selfe, / And where we are, our Learning likewise is. / Then when our selues we see in Ladies eyes, / With our selues. / Doe we not likewise see our learning there? And abstinence engenders maladies.adjunct (n.)

old form: adiunct
annex, addendum, extra function
LLL IV.iii.293
ground (n.)
foundation, basis, root
academe (n.)

old form: Achadems
academy, place of learning
O we haue made a Vow to studie, Lords, O, we have made a vow to study, lords, LLL IV.iii.294
And in that vow we haue forsworne our Bookes: And in that vow we have forsworn our books;forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: adiunct
abandon, renounce, reject, give up
LLL IV.iii.295
For when would you (my Leege) or you, or you?For when would you, my liege, or you, or you, LLL IV.iii.296
In leaden contemplation haue found out In leaden contemplation have found outleaden (adj.)
heavy, dull, spiritless
LLL IV.iii.297
Such fiery Numbers as the prompting eyes,Such fiery numbers as the prompting eyesnumber (n.)
(plural) verses, lines
LLL IV.iii.298
Of beauties tutors haue inrich'd you with:Of beauty's tutors have enriched you with? LLL IV.iii.299
Other slow Arts intirely keepe the braine:Other slow arts entirely keep the brain,keep (v.)

old form: keepe
stay within, remain inside
LLL IV.iii.300
And therefore finding barraine practizers,And therefore, finding barren practisers, LLL IV.iii.301
Scarce shew a haruest of their heauy toyle.Scarce show a harvest of their heavy toil;heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
tedious, tiresome, uninteresting
LLL IV.iii.302
But Loue first learned in a Ladyies eyes,But love, first learned in a lady's eyes, LLL IV.iii.303
Liues not alone emured in the braine:Lives not alone immured in the brain,immured (adj.)

old form: emured
walled up, enclosed, confined
LLL IV.iii.304
But with the motion of all elements,But with the motion of all elements LLL IV.iii.305
Courses as swift as thought in euery power, Courses as swift as thought in every power, LLL IV.iii.306
And giues to euery power a double power,And gives to every power a double power,power (n.)
faculty, function, ability
LLL IV.iii.307
Aboue their functions and their offices.Above their functions and their (n.)
role, position, place, function
LLL IV.iii.308
It addes a precious seeing to the eye: It adds a precious seeing to the eye: LLL IV.iii.309
A Louers eyes will gaze an Eagle blinde.A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind. LLL IV.iii.310
A Louers eare will heare the lowest sound. A lover's ear will hear the lowest sound LLL IV.iii.311
When the suspicious head of theft is stopt.When the suspicious head of theft is stopped.stop (v.)

old form: stopt
stop up, close (up), shut
LLL IV.iii.312
Loues feeling is more soft and sensible,Love's feeling is more soft and sensiblesensible (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
LLL IV.iii.313
Then are the tender hornes of Cockled Snayles. Than are the tender horns of cockled snails.cockled (adj.)
having a shell
LLL IV.iii.314
Loues tongue proues dainty, Bachus grosse in taste,Love's tongue proves dainty Bacchus gross in taste.gross (adj.)

old form: grosse
bad, inferior, poor
LLL IV.iii.315
For Valour, is not Loue a Hercules? For valour, is not Love a Hercules,Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
LLL IV.iii.316
Still climing trees in the Hesporides. Still climbing trees in the Hesperides?still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
LLL IV.iii.317
Hesperides (n.)
[pron: hes'perideez] daughters of the evening star (Hesper), who guard the garden of the gods where the golden apples grow
Subtill as Sphinx, as sweet and musicall,Subtle as Sphinx; as sweet and musical LLL IV.iii.318
As bright Apollo's Lute, strung with his haire.As bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair.Apollo (n.)
Greek sun god, who pulls the sun across the sky in a horse-drawn chariot; god of prophecy [speaking through the Delphi oracle, poetry, music, archery, and healing
LLL IV.iii.319
And when Loue speakes, the voyce of all the Gods,And when Love speaks, the voice of all the gods LLL IV.iii.320
Make heauen drowsie with the harmonie.Make heaven drowsy with the harmony. LLL IV.iii.321
Neuer durst Poet touch a pen to write,Never durst poet touch a pen to write LLL IV.iii.322
Vntill his Inke were tempred with Loues sighes:Until his ink were tempered with Love's sighs.temper (v.)

old form: tempred
mould, shape, work, bring [to a particular character]
LLL IV.iii.323
O then his lines would rauish sauage eares,O, then his lines would ravish savage ears LLL IV.iii.324
And plant in Tyrants milde humilitie.And plant in tyrants mild humility. LLL IV.iii.325
From womens eyes this doctrine I deriue.From women's eyes this doctrine I derive:doctrine (n.)
precept, lesson
LLL IV.iii.326
They sparcle still the right promethean fire,They sparkle still the right Promethean fire;still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
LLL IV.iii.327
right (adj.)
veritable, true, good
Prometheus (n.)
one of the Titan gods, who stole fire from heaven to help mankind, and was punished by being chained to a rock
They are the Bookes, the Arts, the Achademes,They are the books, the arts, the academes,academe (n.)

old form: Achademes
academy, place of learning
LLL IV.iii.328
That shew, containe, and nourish all the world.That show, contain, and nourish all the world; LLL IV.iii.329
Else none at all in ought proues excellent.Else none at all in aught proves excellent.aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
LLL IV.iii.330
Then fooles you were these women to forsweare:Then fools you were these women to forswear,forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsweare
deny, repudiate, refuse to admit
LLL IV.iii.331
Or keeping what is sworne, you will proue fooles,Or, keeping what is sworn, you will prove fools. LLL IV.iii.332
For Wisedomes sake, a word that all men loue:For wisdom's sake, a word that all men love, LLL IV.iii.333
Or for Loues sake, a word that loues all men.Or for love's sake, a word that loves all men,love (v.)

old form: loues
be friend to, be attractive to
LLL IV.iii.334
Or for Mens sake, the author of these Women:Or for men's sake, the authors of these women, LLL IV.iii.335
Or Womens sake, by whom we men are Men.Or women's sake, by whom we men are men – LLL IV.iii.336
Let's once loose our oathes to finde our selues,Let us once lose our oaths to find ourselves, LLL IV.iii.337
Or else we loose our selues, to keepe our oathes:Or else we lose ourselves to keep our oaths. LLL IV.iii.338
It is religion to be thus forsworne.It is religion to be thus forsworn, LLL IV.iii.339
For Charity it selfe fulfills the Law:For charity itself fulfills the law, LLL IV.iii.340
And who can seuer loue from Charity.And who can sever love from charity? LLL IV.iii.341
Kin. KING 
Saint Cupid then, and Souldiers to the field.Saint Cupid, then! And, soldiers, to the field!field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
LLL IV.iii.342
Cupid (n.)
[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
Aduance your standards, & vpon them Lords.Advance your standards, and upon them, lords!standard (n.)
flag, ensign
LLL IV.iii.343
advance (v.)

old form: Aduance
raise, lift up, upraise
Pell, mell, downe with them: but be first aduis'd,Pell-mell, down with them! But be first advisedpell-mell (adv.)

old form: Pell, mell
in headlong confusion, in disordered haste
LLL IV.iii.344
advise, avise (v.)

old form: aduis'd
warn, counsel, caution
In conflict that you get the Sunne of them.In conflict that you get the sun of them.sun of, get the

old form: Sunne
attack with the sun in their eyes
LLL IV.iii.345
Now to plaine dealing, Lay these glozes by,Now to plain dealing. Lay these glosses by.gloss (n.)

old form: glozes
marginal comment, superficial wordplay
LLL IV.iii.346
Shall we resolue to woe these girles of France?Shall we resolve to woo these girls of France? LLL IV.iii.347
Kin. KING 
And winne them too, therefore let vs deuise,And win them too! Therefore let us devise LLL IV.iii.348
Some entertainment for them in their Tents.Some entertainment for them in their tents. LLL IV.iii.349
First from the Park let vs conduct them thither,First from the park let us conduct them thither; LLL IV.iii.350
Then homeward euery man attach the handThen homeward every man attach the handattach (v.)
seize, take hold of, grip
LLL IV.iii.351
Of his faire Mistresse, in the afternooneOf his fair mistress. In the afternoon LLL IV.iii.352
We will with some strange pastime solace them:We will with some strange pastime solace them,solace (v.)
entertain, amuse, divert
LLL IV.iii.353
strange (adj.)
rare, singular, exceptional
Such as the shortnesse of the time can shape,Such as the shortness of the time can shape; LLL IV.iii.354
For Reuels, Dances, Maskes, and merry houres,For revels, dances, masques, and merry hours LLL IV.iii.355
Fore-runne faire Loue, strewing her way with flowres.Forerun fair Love, strewing her way with flowers.forerun (v.)

old form: Fore-runne
forecast, foreshadow, be the precursor of
LLL IV.iii.356
Kin. KING 
Away, away, no time shall be omitted,Away, away! No time shall be omitted LLL IV.iii.357
That will be time, and may by vs be fitted.That will betime and may by us be (v.)
employ, use, make serve
LLL IV.iii.358
betime (v.)

old form: be time
[unclear meaning] betide, befall, be appropriate
Alone, alone Allons! Allons! LLL IV.iii.359.1
Exeunt King, Longaville, and Dumaine LLL IV.iii.359
sowed Cockell, reap'd no Corne,Sowed cockle reaped no corn,cockle (n.)

old form: Cockell
variety of weed, darnel
LLL IV.iii.359.2
And Iustice alwaies whirles in equall measure:And justice always whirls in equal measure.equal (adj.)

old form: equall
fair, equitable, evenhanded
LLL IV.iii.360
Light Wenches may proue plagues to men forsworne,Light wenches may prove plagues to men forsworn;light (adj.)
promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton
LLL IV.iii.361
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
If so, our Copper buyes no better treasure.If so, our copper buys no better treasure.copper (n.)
coin made of copper
LLL IV.iii.362
ExeuntExit LLL IV.iii.362
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