The Winter's Tale

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Autolicus singing.Enter Autolycus, singing WT IV.iii.1.1
When Daffadils begin to peere,When daffodils begin to peer,peer (v.)
appear, come into sight
WT IV.iii.1
With heigh the Doxy ouer the dale,With heigh, the doxy over the dale,doxy (n.)
beggar's mistress, whore; sweetheart
WT IV.iii.2
Why then comes in the sweet o'the yeere,Why, then comes in the sweet o'the year,sweet (n.)
delightful time, pleasant part
WT IV.iii.3
For the red blood raigns in ye winters pale.For the red blood reigns in the winter's pale.pale (n.)
paleness, pallor [of the cheeks]
WT IV.iii.4
The white sheete bleaching on the hedge,The white sheet bleaching on the hedge, WT IV.iii.5
With hey the sweet birds, O how they sing:With heigh, the sweet birds O, how they sing! WT IV.iii.6
Doth set my pugging tooth an edge,Doth set my pugging tooth an edge,pugging (adj.)
[unclear meaning] pulling, thieving, pilfering
WT IV.iii.7
For a quart of Ale is a dish for a King.For a quart of ale is a dish for a king. WT IV.iii.8
The Larke, that tirra Lyra chaunts,The lark, that tirra-lyra chants,tirra-lyra (n.)

old form: tirra Lyra
onomatopoeic representation of the sound of the lark
WT IV.iii.9
With heigh, the Thrush and the Iay:With heigh, with heigh, the thrush and the jay, WT IV.iii.10
Are Summer songs for me and my AuntsAre summer songs for me and my auntssummer (adj.)
joyful, pleasant, happy
WT IV.iii.11
aunt (n.)
mistress, whore, prostitute
While we lye tumbling in the hay.While we lie tumbling in the hay.tumble (v.)
have sexual intercourse with
WT IV.iii.12
I haue seru'd Prince Florizell, and in my time / wore I have served Prince Florizel, and in my time wore WT IV.iii.13
three pile, but now I am out of seruice.three-pile; but now I am out of service.three-pile (n.)

old form: three pile
costly velvet [with a pile formed from three threads]
WT IV.iii.14
But shall I go mourne for that (my deere)But shall I go mourn for that, my dear? WT IV.iii.15
the pale Moone shines by night:The pale moon shines by night: WT IV.iii.16
And when I wander here, and thereAnd when I wander here and there WT IV.iii.17
I then do most go right.I then do most go right. WT IV.iii.18
If Tinkers may haue leaue to liue,If tinkers may have leave to live, WT IV.iii.19
and beare the Sow-skin Bowget,And bear the sow-skin budget,budget (n.)

old form: Bowget
tool-bag, pouch
WT IV.iii.20
Then my account I well may giue,Then my account I well may give, WT IV.iii.21
and in the Stockes auouch-it.And in the stocks avouch it.avouch (v.)

old form: auouch
declare, assert, affirm
WT IV.iii.22
My Trafficke is sheetes: when the Kite builds, looke to lesser My traffic is sheets; when the kite builds, look to lessertraffic (n.)

old form: Trafficke
trade, commerce, business, merchandise
WT IV.iii.23
kite (n.)
bird of prey; thieving bird [of ill omen; also, strong term of abuse]
Linnen. My Father nam'd me Autolicus, who being (as I linen. My father named me Autolycus, who, being, as I WT IV.iii.24
am) lytter'd vnder Mercurie, was likewise a snapper-vp am, littered under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-uplitter (v.)

old form: lytter'd
[comparing humans to animals] bring forth, be born
WT IV.iii.25
Mercury (n.)
planet particularly associated with eloquence, feats of skill, and the commercial world
of vnconsidered trifles: With Dye and drab, I purchas'd of unconsidered trifles. With die and drab I purchaseddrab (n.)
harlot, slut, whore
WT IV.iii.26
die (n.)

old form: Dye
one of a pair of dice
this Caparison, and my Reuennew is the silly Cheate. this caparison, and my revenue is the silly cheat.cheat (n.)

old form: Cheate
trick, fraud, deception
WT IV.iii.27
silly (adj.)
simple, lowly, humble
caparison (n.)
dress, outfit, clothing
Gallowes, and Knocke, are too powerfull on the Highway. Gallows and knock are too powerful on the highway:knock (n.)

old form: Knocke
hard blow, harsh stroke, buffet
WT IV.iii.28
Beating and hanging are terrors to mee: For the life to come, I beating and hanging are terrors to me. For the life to come, I WT IV.iii.29
sleepe out the thought of it. A prize, a prize.sleep out the thought of it. A prize! A prize! WT IV.iii.30
Enter Clowne.Enter Clown WT IV.iii.331
Let me see, euery Leauen-weather toddes, euery tod Let me see: every 'leven wether tods, every todwether (n.)

old form: weather
sheep, ram
WT IV.iii.31
tod (v.)

old form: toddes
produce a tod [about 28 pounds] of wool
yeeldes pound and odde shilling: fifteene hundred shorne, yields pound and odd shilling; fifteen hundred shorn,shilling (n.)
coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound
WT IV.iii.32
what comes the wooll too?what comes the wool to? WT IV.iii.33
(aside) WT IV.iii.34.1
If the sprindge hold, the Cocke's mine.If the springe hold, the cock's mine.cock (n.)
woodcock [known for its foolishness]
WT IV.iii.34
springe (n.)
snare, trap
I cannot do't without Compters. Let mee see, what I cannot do't without counters. Let me see: whatcounter, compter (n.)
round piece of metal used for counting
WT IV.iii.35
am I to buy for our Sheepe-shearing-Feast? Three pound am I to buy for our sheep-shearing feast? Three pound WT IV.iii.36
of Sugar, fiue pound of Currence, Rice: What will this of sugar, five pound of currants, rice – what will this WT IV.iii.37
sister of mine do with Rice? But my father hath made her sister of mine do with rice? But my father hath made her WT IV.iii.38
Mistris of the Feast, and she layes it on. Shee hath made-mistress of the feast, and she lays it on. She hath madelay on / upon (v.)

old form: layes
set to, set about, undertake vigorously
WT IV.iii.39
me four and twenty Nose-gayes for the shearers me four-and-twenty nosegays for the shearers, WT IV.iii.40
(three-man song-men, all, and very good ones) but they are three-man-song men all, and very good ones; but they arethree-man-song (adj.)
capable of singing three-part songs
WT IV.iii.41
most of them Meanes and Bases; but one Puritan most of them means and bases – but one Puritanmean (n.)

old form: Meanes
middle-part singer, tenor, alto
WT IV.iii.42
amongst them, and he sings Psalmes to horne-pipes. I must amongst them, and he sings psalms to hornpipes. I must WT IV.iii.43
haue Saffron to colour the Warden Pies, Mace: Dates, have saffron to colour the warden pies; mace; dates – warden (adj.)
made from a variety of baking pear
WT IV.iii.44
saffron (n.)
orange-red dye [for colouring some types of food or drink]
none: that's out of my note: Nutmegges, seuen; a Race or none, that's out of my note; nutmegs, seven; a race ornote (n.)
list, record, roll
WT IV.iii.45
race (n.)
[of ginger] root
two of Ginger, but that I may begge: Foure pound of Prewyns, two of ginger, but that I may beg; four pound of prunes, WT IV.iii.46
and as many of Reysons o'th Sun. and as many of raisins o'th' sun.raisins of the sun

old form: Reysons
sun-dried grapes
WT IV.iii.47
Oh, that euer I was (grovelling on the ground) O that ever I was WT IV.iii.48
borne. born! WT IV.iii.49
I'th' name of me.I'th' name of me! WT IV.iii.50
Oh helpe me, helpe mee: plucke but off theseO, help me, help me! Pluck but off these WT IV.iii.51
ragges: and then, death, death.rags; and then, death, death! WT IV.iii.52
Alacke poore soule, thou hast need of more ragsAlack, poor soul! Thou hast need of more rags WT IV.iii.53
to lay on thee, rather then haue these lay on thee, rather than have these off. WT IV.iii.54
Oh sir, the loathsomnesse of them offend mee,O sir, the loathsomeness of them offend me WT IV.iii.55
more then the stripes I haue receiued, which are mightiemore than the stripes I have received, which are mighty WT IV.iii.56
ones and millions.ones and millions. WT IV.iii.57
Alas poore man, a million of beating may comeAlas, poor man! A million of beating may come WT IV.iii.58
to a great a great matter. WT IV.iii.59
I am rob'd sir, and beaten: my money, and I am robbed, sir, and beaten; my money and WT IV.iii.60
apparrell tane from me, and these detestable things put apparel ta'en from me, and these detestable things putapparel (n.)

old form: apparrell
clothes, clothing, dress
WT IV.iii.61
vpon me.upon me. WT IV.iii.62
What, by a horse-man, or a foot-man?What, by a horseman or a footman?footman (n.)
footpad, highwayman who robs on foot
WT IV.iii.63
A footman (sweet sir) a footman.A footman, sweet sir, a footman. WT IV.iii.64
Indeed, he should be a footman, by the garmentsIndeed, he should be a footman, by the garments WT IV.iii.65
he has left with thee: If this bee a horsemans Coate, it hath he has left with thee. If this be a horseman's coat, it hath WT IV.iii.66
seene very hot seruice. Lend me thy hand, Ile helpe thee. seen very hot service. Lend me thy hand, I'll help (adj.)
active, vigorous
WT IV.iii.67
Come, lend me thy hand.Come, lend me thy hand. WT IV.iii.68
He helps him up WT IV.iii.69
Oh good sir, tenderly, oh.O, good sir, tenderly, O! WT IV.iii.69
Alas poore soule.Alas, poor soul! WT IV.iii.70
Oh good sir, softly, good sir: I feare (sir) myO, good sir, softly, good sir! I fear, sir, mysoftly (adv.)
slowly, gently
WT IV.iii.71
shoulder-blade is out.shoulder-blade is out. WT IV.iii.72
How now? Canst stand?How now? Canst stand? WT IV.iii.73
Softly, deere sir: good Softly, dear sir; (he picks his pockets) good WT IV.iii.74
sir, softly: you ha done me a charitable office.sir, softly. You ha' done me a charitable (n.)
service, sympathy, kindness
WT IV.iii.75
Doest lacke any mony? I haue a little mony forDost lack any money? I have a little money for WT IV.iii.76
thee.thee. WT IV.iii.77
No, good sweet sir: no, I beseech you sir: No, good, sweet sir; no, I beseech you, sir. WT IV.iii.78
I haue a Kinsman not past three quarters of a mile hence, I have a kinsman not past three-quarters of a mile hence, WT IV.iii.79
vnto whome I was going: I shall there haue money, or unto whom I was going. I shall there have money, or WT IV.iii.80
anie thing I want: Offer me no money I pray you, that anything I want. Offer me no money, I pray you: that WT IV.iii.81
killes my heart.kills my heart. WT IV.iii.82
Clow. CLOWN 
What manner of Fellow was hee that robb'd you?What manner of fellow was he that robbed you? WT IV.iii.83
A fellow (sir) that I haue knowne to goe aboutA fellow, sir, that I have known to go about WT IV.iii.84
with Troll-my-dames: I knew him once a seruant of thewith troll-my-dames. I knew him once a servant of thetroll-my-dame (n.)
type of game in which balls are rolled [trolled] through hoops
WT IV.iii.85
Prince: I cannot tell good sir, for which of his Vertues it Prince. I cannot tell, good sir, for which of his virtues it WT IV.iii.86
was, but hee was certainely Whipt out of the Court.was, but he was certainly whipped out of the court. WT IV.iii.87
His vices you would say: there's no vertue His vices, you would say. There's no virtue WT IV.iii.88
whipt out of the Court: they cherish it to make it stay whipped out of the court: they cherish it to make it stay WT IV.iii.89
there; and yet it will no more but abide.there; and yet it will no more but abide.abide (v.)
stay a short while, pause before moving on
WT IV.iii.90
Vices I would say (Sir.) I know this man well,Vices I would say, sir. I know this man well. WT IV.iii.91
he hath bene since an Ape-bearer, then a Processe-seruerHe hath been since an ape-bearer; then a process-server,process-server (n.)

old form: Processe-seruer
officer who serves a summons
WT IV.iii.92
ape-bearer (n.)
showman with a performing monkey
(a Bayliffe) then hee compast a Motion of the Prodigalla bailiff; then he compassed a motion of the Prodigalmotion (n.)
WT IV.iii.93
Prodigal (adj.)
in the Bible, describing a son who foolishly wastes his share of his father's estate
bailiff (n.)

old form: Bayliffe
sheriff's officer who serves writs, carries out arrests, etc
compass (v.)

old form: compast
go round with, travel about with; or: obtain, lay hold of
sonne, and married a Tinkers wife, within a Mile where my Son, and married a tinker's wife within a mile where my WT IV.iii.94
Land and Liuing lyes; and (hauing flowne ouer many land and living lies; and having flown over manyliving (n.)

old form: Liuing
possessions, means of support, livelihood
WT IV.iii.95
knauish professions) he setled onely in Rogue: some call knavish professions, he settled only in rogue. Some call WT IV.iii.96
him Autolicus.him Autolycus. WT IV.iii.97
Out vpon him: Prig, for my life Prig: he hauntsOut upon him! Prig, for my life, prig! He hauntsprig (n.)
[slang] thief, crook, tinker
WT IV.iii.98
Wakes, Faires, and Beare-baitings.wakes, fairs, and bear-baitings.wake (n.)
festival, revel, fete
WT IV.iii.99
Very true sir: he sir hee: that's the Rogue Very true, sir; he, sir, he: that's the rogue WT IV.iii.100
that put me into this apparrell.that put me into this apparel.apparel (n.)

old form: apparrell
clothes, clothing, dress
WT IV.iii.101
Not a more cowardly Rogue in all Bohemia; If you Not a more cowardly rogue in all Bohemia. If you WT IV.iii.102
had but look'd bigge, and spit at him, hee'ld haue runne.had but looked big and spit at him, he'd have run. WT IV.iii.103
I must confesse to you (sir) I am no fighter: I must confess to you, sir, I am no fighter. WT IV.iii.104
I am false of heart that way, & that he knew I warrant I am false of heart that way, and that he knew, I warrantwarrant (v.)
act as a pledge for, give an assurance about
WT IV.iii.105
heart (n.)
courage, spirit, valour
false (adj.)
defective, weak, inadequate
him.him. WT IV.iii.106
How do you now?How do you now? WT IV.iii.107
Sweet sir, much better then I was: I can Sweet sir, much better than I was: I can WT IV.iii.108
stand, and walke: I will euen take my leaue of you, & stand and walk. I will even take my leave of you, and WT IV.iii.109
pace softly towards my Kinsmans.pace softly towards my kinsman's.softly (adv.)
slowly, gently
WT IV.iii.110
Shall I bring thee on the way?Shall I bring thee on the way? WT IV.iii.111
No, good fac'd sir, no sweet sir.No, good-faced sir; no, sweet sir.good-faced (adj.)

old form: good fac'd
smooth-faced, pretty
WT IV.iii.112
Then fartheewell, I must go buy Spices for ourThen fare thee well. I must go buy spices for ourfare ... well (int.)

old form: fartheewell
goodbye [to an individual]
WT IV.iii.113
sheepe-shearing. sheep-shearing. WT IV.iii.114
Prosper you sweet sir. Prosper you, sweet sir! WT IV.iii.115
Exit.Exit Clown WT IV.iii.115
Your purse is not hot enough to purchase your Spice: Your purse is not hot enough to purchase your spice. WT IV.iii.116
Ile be with you at your sheepe-shearing too: If I make I'll be with you at your sheep-shearing too. If I make WT IV.iii.117
not this Cheat bring out another, and the sheerers proue not this cheat bring out another, and the shearers provecheat (n.)
trick, fraud, deception
WT IV.iii.118
sheepe, let me be vnrold, and my name put in the booke sheep, let me be unrolled, and my name put in the bookunroll (v.)

old form: vnrold
strike off the roll, remove from the list
WT IV.iii.119
of Vertue. Song. of virtue! (sings) WT IV.iii.120
Iog-on, Iog-on, the foot-path way,Jog on, jog on, the footpath way, WT IV.iii.121
And merrily hent the Stile-a:And merrily hent the stile-a:hent (v.)
grasp, take hold of
WT IV.iii.122
A merry heart goes all the day,A merry heart goes all the day, WT IV.iii.123
Your sad tyres in a Mile-a.Your sad tires in a mile-a.sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
WT IV.iii.124
Exit.Exit WT IV.iii.124
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