King Edward III

Modern text


Key line

Enter Prince Edward, Audley and others.Enter Prince Edward, Audley, and others E3 IV.iv.1
Audley the armes of death embrace vs round,Audley, the arms of death embrace us round, E3 IV.iv.1
And comfort haue we none saue that to die,And comfort have we none, save that to die E3 IV.iv.2
We pay sower earnest for a sweeter life,We pay sour earnest for a sweeter life.earnest (n.)
pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance
E3 IV.iv.3
At Cressey field our Clouds of Warlike smoke,At Crécy field our clouds of warlike smokefield (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
E3 IV.iv.4
chokt vp those French mouths, & disseuered themChoked up those French mouths and dissevered them;dissever (v.)

old form: disseuered
divide, split up, separate
E3 IV.iv.5
But now their multitudes of millions hideBut now their multitudes of millions hide, E3 IV.iv.6
Masking as twere the beautious burning Sunne,Masking, as 'twere, the beauteous burning sun, E3 IV.iv.7
Leauing no hope to vs but sullen darke,Leaving no hope to us but sullen dark E3 IV.iv.8
And eie lesse terror of all ending night.And eyeless terror of all-ending night.eyeless (adj.)

old form: eie lesse
blind, sightless, unseeing
E3 IV.iv.9
all-ending (adj.)

old form: all ending
bringing an end to everything, doom-laden
This suddaine, mightie, and expedient head,This sudden, mighty, and expedient headexpedient (adj.)
speedy, rapid, expeditious
E3 IV.iv.10
head (n.)
headway, progress, advance
That they haue made, faire Prince is wonderfull.That they have made, fair prince, is wonderful.wonderful (adj.)

old form: wonderfull
amazing, astonishing, extraordinary
E3 IV.iv.11
Before vs in the vallie lies the king,Before us in the valley lies the king, E3 IV.iv.12
Vantagd with all that heauen and earth can yeeld,Vantaged with all that heaven and earth can yield,vantage (v.)

old form: Vantagd
benefit, aid, help
E3 IV.iv.13
His partie stronger battaild then our whole:His party stronger battled than our whole.battled (adj.)

old form: battaild
in battalions, with deployed troops
E3 IV.iv.14
His sonne the brauing Duke of Normandie,His son, the braving Duke of Normandy,braving (adj.)

old form: brauing
defiant, daring, boasting
E3 IV.iv.15
Hath trimd the Mountaine on our right hand vp,Hath trimmed the mountain on our right hand uptrim up, trim (v.)

old form: trimd vp
decorate, array, deck out
E3 IV.iv.16
In shining plate, that now the aspiring hill,In shining plate, that now the aspiring hillplate (n.)
armour, plate-armour
E3 IV.iv.17
Shewes like a siluer quarrie, or an orbeShows like a silver quarry, or an orb,orb (n.)

old form: orbe
rounded mass, ring, crown
E3 IV.iv.18
Aloft the which the Banners bannarets,Aloft the which the banners, bannerets,banneret (n.)

old form: bannarets
standard of a knight entitled to lead his own body of troops
E3 IV.iv.19
And new replenisht pendants cuff the aire,And new-replenished pendants cuff the airnew-replenished (adj.)

old form: new replenisht
repeatedly blown out by the wind to their full length
E3 IV.iv.20
pendant (n.)
long narrow flag, pennon, pennant
And beat the windes, that for their gaudinesse,And beat the winds, that for their gaudiness E3 IV.iv.21
Struggles to kisse them on our left handlies,Struggles to kiss them. On our left hand lies E3 IV.iv.22
Phillip the younger issue of the king,Philip, the younger issue of the king,issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
E3 IV.iv.23
Coting the other hill in such arraie,Coting the other hill in such arraycote (v.)
[from the movement of dogs in hare coursing] overtake, outstrip, pass by
E3 IV.iv.24
That all his guilded vpright pikes do seeme,That all his gilded upright pikes do seempike, pick (n.)
weapon with a long handle ending in a spearhead
E3 IV.iv.25
Streight trees of gold, the pendant leaues,Straight trees of gold, the pendants, leaves;pendant (n.)
long narrow flag, pennon, pennant
E3 IV.iv.26
And their deuice of Antique heraldry,And their device of antique heraldry,device (n.)

old form: deuice
heraldic design, emblematic figure, armorial
E3 IV.iv.27
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
ancient, olden, former
Quartred in collours seeming sundy fruits,Quartered in colours, seeming sundry fruits,quarter (v.)

old form: Quartred
divide into quarters [on a flag or shield]
E3 IV.iv.28
sundry (adj.)

old form: sundy
many, different, various
colours (n.)

old form: collours
emblems, badges
Makes it the Orchard of the Hesperides,Makes it the orchard of the Hesperides.Hesperides (n.)
[pron: hes'perideez] daughters of the evening star (Hesper), who guard the garden of the gods where the golden apples grow
E3 IV.iv.29
Behinde vs two the hill doth beare his height,Behind us too the hill doth bear his height,bear (v.), past forms bore, borne

old form: beare
keep, present, show
E3 IV.iv.30
For like a halfe Moone opening but one way,For, like a half-moon opening but one way, E3 IV.iv.31
It rounds vs in, there at our backs are lodgd,It rounds us in: there at our back are lodged E3 IV.iv.32
The fatall Crosbowes, and the battaile there,The fatal cross-bows, and the battle therebattle (n.)

old form: battaile
army, fighting force, battalion
E3 IV.iv.33
Is gouernd by the rough Chattillion,Is governed by the rough Chattillon. E3 IV.iv.34
Then thus it stands, the valleie for our flight,Then thus it stands: the valley for our flight E3 IV.iv.35
The king binds in, the hils on either hand,The king binds in; the hills on either handbind in (v.)
make fast, secure, surround
E3 IV.iv.36
Are proudly royalized by his sonnes,Are proudly royalized by his sons;royalize (v.)
make royal, invest with a majestic character
E3 IV.iv.37
And on the Hill behind stands certaine death,And on the hill behind stands certain death E3 IV.iv.38
In pay and seruice with Chattillion.In pay and service with Chattillon. E3 IV.iv.39
Deathes name is much more mightie then his deeds,Death's name is much more mighty than his deeds: E3 IV.iv.40
Thy parcelling this power hath made it more,Thy parcelling this power hath made it morepower (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
E3 IV.iv.41
parcelling (n.)
dividing up, itemizing, listing
As many sands as these my hands can hold,Than all the world, and call it but a power.power (n.)
single force, one power
E3 IV.iv.42
are but my handful of so many sands,As many sands as these my hands can hold E3 IV.iv.43
Then all the world, and call it but a power:Are but my handful of so many sands, E3 IV.iv.44
Easely tane vp and quickly throwne away,Easily ta'en up, and quickly thrown away. E3 IV.iv.45
But if I stand to count them sand by sandBut if I stand to count them sand by sand, E3 IV.iv.46
The number would confound my memorie,The number would confound my memory,confound (v.)
amaze, dumbfound, stun
E3 IV.iv.47
And make a thousand millions of a taske,And make a thousand millions of a task E3 IV.iv.48
Which briefelie is no more indeed then one,Which briefly is no more indeed than one. E3 IV.iv.49
These quarters, spuadrons, and these regements,These quarters, squadrons, and these regiments,quarter (n.)
army division, unit of soldiers
E3 IV.iv.50
squadron (n.)

old form: spuadrons
army detachment, body of soldiers
Before, behinde vs, and on either hand,Before, behind us, and on either hand, E3 IV.iv.51
Are but a power, when we name a man,Are but a power. When we name a man,name (v.)
give particulars of, speak about, describe
E3 IV.iv.52
power (n.)
single force, one power
His hand, his foote, his head hath seuerall strengthes,His hand, his foot, his head hath several strengths;several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
E3 IV.iv.53
And being al but one selfe instant strength,And being all but one self instant strength,self instant (adj.)

old form: selfe
individually present, self-contained
E3 IV.iv.54
Why all this many, Audely is but one,Why, all this many, Audley, is but one, E3 IV.iv.55
And we can call it all but one mans strength:And we can call it all but one man's strength. E3 IV.iv.56
He that hath farre to goe, tels it by miles,He that hath far to go tells it by miles:tell (v.)

old form: tels
count out, number, itemize
E3 IV.iv.57
If he should tell the steps, it kills his hart:If he should tell by steps, it kills his heart. E3 IV.iv.58
The drops are infinite that make a floud,The drops are infinite that make a flood, E3 IV.iv.59
And yet thou knowest we call it but a Raine:And yet thou know'st we call it but a rain. E3 IV.iv.60
There is but one Fraunce, one king of Fraunce,There is but one France, one king of France: E3 IV.iv.61
That Fraunce hath no more kings, and that same kingThat France hath no more kings, and that same king E3 IV.iv.62
Hath but the puissant legion of one king?Hath but the puissant legion of one king,puissant (adj.)
powerful, mighty, strong
E3 IV.iv.63
legion (n.)
army, power, force
And we haue one, then apprehend no ods,And we have one. Then apprehend no odds,odds (n. plural)

old form: ods
inequalities, unfavourable circumstances
E3 IV.iv.64
apprehend (v.)
be apprehensive about, fear
For one to one, is faire equalitie.For one to one is fair equality. E3 IV.iv.65
Enter an Herald from king Iohn.Enter a Herald from King John E3 IV.iv.66
What tidings messenger, be playne and briefe.What tidings, messenger? Be plain and brief. E3 IV.iv.66
The king of Fraunce my soueraigne Lord and master,The King of France, my sovereign lord and master, E3 IV.iv.67
Greets by me his fo, the Prince of Wals,Greets by me his foe, the Prince of Wales. E3 IV.iv.68
If thou call forth a hundred men of nameIf thou call forth a hundred men of name,name (n.)
reputation, fame, renown
E3 IV.iv.69
Of Lords, Knights, Esquires and English gentlemen,Of lords, knights, squires, and English gentlemen, E3 IV.iv.70
And with thy selfe and those kneele at his feete,And with thyself and those kneel at his feet, E3 IV.iv.71
He straight will fold his bloody collours vp,He straight will fold his bloody colours up,straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
E3 IV.iv.72
colours (n.)

old form: collours
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
And ransome shall redeeme liues forfeited:And ransom shall redeem lives forfeited; E3 IV.iv.73
If not, this day shall drinke more English blood,If not, this day shall drink more English blood E3 IV.iv.74
Then ere was buried in our Bryttish earth,Than e'er was buried in our Breton earth. E3 IV.iv.75
What is the answere to his profered mercy?What is the answer to this proffered mercy? E3 IV.iv.76
This heauen that couers Fraunce containes the mercyThis heaven that covers France contains the mercy E3 IV.iv.77
That drawes from me submissiue orizons,That draws from me submissive orisons.orison (n.)

old form: orizons
prayer, plea
E3 IV.iv.78
That such base breath should vanish from my lipsThat such base breath should vanish from my lips,vanish (v.)
leave, depart from, be expelled
E3 IV.iv.79
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
To vrge the plea of mercie to a man,To urge the plea of mercy to a man, E3 IV.iv.80
The Lord forbid, returne and tell the king,The Lord forbid! Return and tell the king: E3 IV.iv.81
My tongue is made of steele, and it shall begMy tongue is made of steel, and it shall beg E3 IV.iv.82
My mercie on his coward burgonet.My mercy on his coward burgonet.burgonet (n.)
[type of] small light helmet
E3 IV.iv.83
Tell him my colours are as red as his,Tell him my colours are as red as his,colours (n.)
battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners
E3 IV.iv.84
My men as bold, our English armes as strong,My men as bold, our English arms as strong. E3 IV.iv.85
returne him my defiance in his face.Return him my defiance in his face. E3 IV.iv.86
I go.I go. E3 IV.iv.87
Exit E3 IV.iv.87
Enter another.Enter another Herald E3 IV.iv.88
What newes with thee?What news with thee? E3 IV.iv.88
The Duke of Normandie my Lord & masterThe Duke of Normandy, my lord and master, E3 IV.iv.89
Pittying thy youth is so ingirt with perill,Pitying thy youth is so engirt with peril,engirt (adj.)

old form: ingirt
surrounded, encircled, hemmed-in
E3 IV.iv.90
By me hath sent a nimble ioynted iennet,By me hath sent a nimble-jointed jennet,jennet, gennet (n.)

old form: iennet
small Spanish horse
E3 IV.iv.91
As swift as euer yet thou didst bestride,As swift as ever yet thou didst bestride,bestride (v.)
ride, mount, sit on
E3 IV.iv.92
And therewithall he counsels thee to flie,And therewithal he counsels thee to fly,counsel (v.)
advise, urge
E3 IV.iv.93
Els death himself hath sworne that thou shalt die.Else death himself hath sworn that thou shalt die. E3 IV.iv.94
Back with the beast vnto the beast that sent himBack with the beast unto the beast that sent him! E3 IV.iv.95
Tell him I cannot sit a cowards horse,Tell him I cannot sit a coward's horse. E3 IV.iv.96
Bid him to daie bestride the iade himselfe,Bid him today bestride the jade himself,jade (n.)

old form: iade
worn-out horse, hack, worthless nag
E3 IV.iv.97
For I will staine my horse quite ore with bloud,For I will stain my horse quite o'er with blood E3 IV.iv.98
And double guild my spurs, but I will catch him,And double gild my spurs, but I will catch him.gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded

old form: guild
cover, coat, smear
E3 IV.iv.99
So tell the capring boy, and get thee gone.So tell the cap'ring boy, and get thee gone.capering (adj.)

old form: capring
prancing, cavorting, frolicsome
E3 IV.iv.100
Exit Herald E3 IV.iv.100
Enter another.Enter another Herald E3 IV.iv.101
Edward of Wales, Phillip the second sonneEdward of Wales, Philip, the second son E3 IV.iv.101
To the most mightie christian king of France,To the most mighty Christian King of France, E3 IV.iv.102
Seeing thy bodies liuing date expird,Seeing thy body's living date expired, E3 IV.iv.103
All full of charitie and christian loue,All full of charity and Christian love, E3 IV.iv.104
Commends this booke full fraught with prayers,Commends this book, full fraught with prayers,fraught (adj.)
filled, laden, packed
E3 IV.iv.105
commend (v.)
commit, entrust, hand over
To thy faire hand, and for thy houre of lyfe,To thy fair hand, and, for thy hour of life, E3 IV.iv.106
Intreats thee that thou meditate therein,Entreats thee that thou meditate therein, E3 IV.iv.107
And arme thy soule for hir long iourney towards.And arm thy soul for her long journey towards.towards (adv.)
at hand, approaching, imminent
E3 IV.iv.108
Thus haue I done his bidding, and returne.Thus have I done his bidding, and return. E3 IV.iv.109
Herald of Phillip greet thy Lord from me,Herald of Philip, greet thy lord from me. E3 IV.iv.110
All good that he can send I can receiue,All good that he can send, I can receive. E3 IV.iv.111
But thinkst thou not the vnaduised boy,But think'st thou not, the unadvised boyunadvised (adj.)

old form: vnaduised
rash, foolhardy, thoughtless, unconsidered
E3 IV.iv.112
Hath wrongd himselfe in this far tendering me,Hath wronged himself in thus far tend'ring me?tender (v.)
feel concern for, hold dear, care for
E3 IV.iv.113
Happily he cannot praie without the booke,Haply he cannot pray without the book:haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
E3 IV.iv.114
I thinke him no diuine extemporall,I think him no divine extemporal.extemporal (n.)

old form: extemporall
extempore, improvised, impromptu
E3 IV.iv.115
divine (n.)

old form: diuine
clergyman, priest, parson
Then render backe this common place of prayer,Then render back this commonplace of prayerrender (v.)
give back [to], return [to]
E3 IV.iv.116
commonplace (n.)

old form: common place
commonplace book, collection, compilation
To do himselfe good in aduersitie,To do himself good in adversity. E3 IV.iv.117
Besides, he knows not my sinnes qualitie,Besides, he knows not my sins' quality, E3 IV.iv.118
and therefore knowes no praiers for my auaile,And therefore knows no prayers for my avail.avail (n.)

old form: auaile
advantage, benefit, aid
E3 IV.iv.119
Ere night his praier may be to praie to God,Ere night his prayer may be to pray to God E3 IV.iv.120
To put it in my heart to heare his praier,To put it in my heart to hear his prayer. E3 IV.iv.121
So tell the courtly wanton, and be gone.So tell the courtly wanton, and be gone.wanton (n.)
young rogue, scamp, rascal
E3 IV.iv.122
courtly (adj.)
belonging to the court, connected with the court
I go.I go. E3 IV.iv.123
Exit E3 IV.iv.123
How confident their strength and number makes them,How confident their strength and number makes them! E3 IV.iv.124
Now Audley sound those siluer winges of thine,Now, Audley, sound those silver wings of thine, E3 IV.iv.125
And let those milke white messengers of time,And let those milk-white messengers of time E3 IV.iv.126
Shew thy times learning in this dangerous time,Show thy time's learning in this dangerous time. E3 IV.iv.127
Thy selfe art busie, and bit with many broiles,Thyself art busy and bit with many broils,busy (adj.)

old form: busie
always engaged, active, constantly occupied
E3 IV.iv.128
bit (adj.)
marked, scarred
broil (n.)

old form: broiles
turmoil, confused fighting, battle
And stratagems forepast with yron pens,And stratagems forepast with iron pensstratagem (n.)
soldierly action, well commanded engagement
E3 IV.iv.129
forepast, fore-past (adj.)
past, previous, former
Are texted in thine honorable face,Are texted in thine honourable face.text (v.)
engrave, write, inscribe
E3 IV.iv.130
Thou art a married man in this distresse.Thou art a married man in this distress, E3 IV.iv.131
But danger wooes me as a blushing maide,But danger woos me as a blushing maid. E3 IV.iv.132
Teach me an answere to this perillous time.Teach me an answer to this perilous time. E3 IV.iv.133
To die is all as common as to liue,To die is all as common as to live: E3 IV.iv.134
The one in choice the other holds in chase,The one in choice, the other holds in chase; E3 IV.iv.135
For from the instant we begin to liue,For, from the instant we begin to live, E3 IV.iv.136
We do pursue and hunt the time to die,We do pursue and hunt the time to die. E3 IV.iv.137
First bud we, then we blow, and after seed,First bud we, then we blow, and after seed,seed (v.)
mature, yield fruit
E3 IV.iv.138
blow (v.)
blossom, bloom, flower
Then presently we fall, and as a shadeThen presently we fall; and, as a shadepresently (adv.)
after a short time, soon, before long
E3 IV.iv.139
shade (n.)
shadow, phantom, spirit
Followes the bodie, so we follow death,Follows the body, so we follow death. E3 IV.iv.140
If then we hunt for death, why do we feare it?If then we hunt for death, why do we fear it? E3 IV.iv.141
If we feare it, why do we follow it?If we fear it, why do we follow it? E3 IV.iv.142
If we do feare, how can we shun it?If we do fear, how can we shun it? E3 IV.iv.143
If we do feare, with feare we do but aideIf we do fear, with fear we do but aid E3 IV.iv.144
The thing we feare, to seizeon vs the sooner,The thing we fear to seize on us the sooner. E3 IV.iv.145
If wee feare not, then no resolued proffer,If we fear not, then no resolved profferproffer (n.)
attempt, effort, endeavour
E3 IV.iv.146
resolved (adj.)

old form: resolued
determined, settled, decided
Can ouerthrow the limit of our fate,Can overthrow the limit of our fate,limit (n.)
prescribed time, fixed period
E3 IV.iv.147
For whether ripe or rotten, drop we shall,For, whether ripe or rotten, drop we shall, E3 IV.iv.148
as we do drawe the lotterie of our doome.As we do draw the lottery of our doom. E3 IV.iv.149
Ah good olde man, a thousand thousand armors,Ah, good old man, a thousand thousand armours E3 IV.iv.150
These wordes of thine haue buckled on my backe,These words of thine have buckled on my back. E3 IV.iv.151
Ah what an idiot hast thou made of lyfe,Ah, what an idiot hast thou made of life, E3 IV.iv.152
To seeke the thing it feares, and how disgrast,To seek the thing it fears; and how disgraced E3 IV.iv.153
The imperiall victorie of murdring death,The imperial victory of murd'ring death, E3 IV.iv.154
Since all the liues his conquering arrowes strike,Since all the lives his conquering arrows strike E3 IV.iv.155
Seeke him, and he not them, to shame his glorie,Seek him, and he not them, to shame his glory. E3 IV.iv.156
I will not giue a pennie for a lyfe,I will not give a penny for a life, E3 IV.iv.157
Nor halfe a halfepenie to shun grim death,Nor half a halfpenny to shun grim death, E3 IV.iv.158
Since for to liue is but to seeke to die,Since for to live is but to seek to die, E3 IV.iv.159
And dying but beginning of new lyfe,And dying but beginning of new life. E3 IV.iv.160
Let come the houre when he that rules it will,Let come the hour when he that rules it will! E3 IV.iv.161
To liue or die I hold indifferent.To live or die I hold indifferent. E3 IV.iv.162
Exeunt.Exeunt E3 IV.iv.162
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