Henry VI Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the King with a Supplication, and the Queene Enter the King with a supplication, and the Queensupplication (n.)

old form: Supplication
petition, written request
2H6 IV.iv.1.1
with Suffolkes head, the Duke of Buckingham, and thewith Suffolk's head, the Duke of Buckingham, and 2H6 IV.iv.1.2
Lord Say.the Lord Say 2H6 IV.iv.1.3
Queene. QUEEN  
(aside) 2H6 IV.iv.1.4
Oft haue I heard that greefe softens the mind,Oft have I heard that grief softens the mind,oft (adv.)
2H6 IV.iv.1
And makes it fearefull and degenerate,And makes it fearful and degenerate;fearful (adj.)

old form: fearefull
timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear
2H6 IV.iv.2
Thinke therefore on reuenge, and cease to weepe.Think therefore on revenge and cease to weep. 2H6 IV.iv.3
But who can cease to weepe, and looke on this.But who can cease to weep and look on this? 2H6 IV.iv.4
Heere may his head lye on my throbbing brest:Here may his head lie on my throbbing breast;throbbing (adj.)
with heart strongly beating, grief-stricken
2H6 IV.iv.5
But where's the body that I should imbrace?But where's the body that I should embrace? 2H6 IV.iv.6
What answer makes your Grace to the What answer makes your grace to the 2H6 IV.iv.7
Rebells Supplication?rebels' supplication? 2H6 IV.iv.8
King. KING 
Ile send some holy Bishop to intreat:I'll send some holy bishop to entreat;entreat, intreat (v.)
negotiate, intervene, parley
2H6 IV.iv.9
For God forbid, so many simple soulesFor God forbid so many simple souls 2H6 IV.iv.10
Should perish by the Sword. And I my selfe,Should perish by the sword! And I myself, 2H6 IV.iv.11
Rather then bloody Warre shall cut them short,Rather than bloody war shall cut them short, 2H6 IV.iv.12
Will parley with Iacke Cade their Generall.Will parley with Jack Cade their general.parle, parley (v.)
discuss terms, treat, negotiate with
2H6 IV.iv.13
But stay, Ile read it ouer once againe.But stay, I'll read it over once again. 2H6 IV.iv.14
(aside) 2H6 IV.iv.15
Ah barbarous villaines: Hath this louely face,Ah, barbarous villains! Hath this lovely face 2H6 IV.iv.15
Rul'd like a wandering Plannet ouer me,Ruled like a wandering planet over me,planet (n.)

old form: Plannet
2H6 IV.iv.16
wandering (adj.)
[astrology] having its own motion
And could it not inforce them to relent,And could it not enforce them to relent,enforce (v.)

old form: inforce
force, compel, constrain, drive
2H6 IV.iv.17
That were vnworthy to behold the same.That were unworthy to behold the same? 2H6 IV.iv.18
King. KING 
Lord Say, Iacke Cade hath sworne to huae thy head.Lord Say, Jack Cade hath sworn to have thy head. 2H6 IV.iv.19
Say. SAY 
I, but I hope your Highnesse shall haue his.Ay, but I hope your highness shall have his. 2H6 IV.iv.20
King. KING 
How now Madam?How now, madam? 2H6 IV.iv.21
Still lamenting and mourning for Suffolkes death?Still lamenting and mourning for Suffolk's death?still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
2H6 IV.iv.22
I feare me (Loue) if that I had beene dead,I fear me, love, if that I had been dead, 2H6 IV.iv.23
Thou would'st not haue mourn'd so much for me.Thou wouldst not have mourned so much for me. 2H6 IV.iv.24
No my Loue, I should not mourne, but dye for thee.No, my love; I should not mourn, but die for thee. 2H6 IV.iv.25
Enter a Messenger.Enter First Messenger 2H6 IV.iv.26
King. KING 
How now? What newes? Why com'st thou in such haste?How now? What news? Why comest thou in such haste? 2H6 IV.iv.26
The Rebels are in Southwarke: Fly my Lord:The rebels are in Southwark; fly, my lord! 2H6 IV.iv.27
Iacke Cade proclaimes himselfe Lord Mortimer,Jack Cade proclaims himself Lord Mortimer, 2H6 IV.iv.28
Descended from the Duke of Clarence house,Descended from the Duke of Clarence' house, 2H6 IV.iv.29
And calles your Grace Vsurper, openly,And calls your grace usurper, openly, 2H6 IV.iv.30
And vowes to Crowne himselfe in Westminster.And vows to crown himself in Westminster. 2H6 IV.iv.31
His Army is a ragged multitudeHis army is a ragged multituderagged (adj.)
dressed in rags, unkempt, tattered
2H6 IV.iv.32
Of Hindes and Pezants, rude and mercilesse:Of hinds and peasants, rude and merciless:rude (adj.)
violent, harsh, unkind
2H6 IV.iv.33
hind (n.)

old form: Hindes
boor, fellow, rustic, peasant
Sir Humfrey Stafford, and his Brothers death,Sir Humphrey Stafford and his brother's death 2H6 IV.iv.34
Hath giuen them heart and courage to proceede:Hath given them heart and courage to proceed. 2H6 IV.iv.35
All Schollers, Lawyers, Courtiers, Gentlemen,All scholars, lawyers, courtiers, gentlemen, 2H6 IV.iv.36
They call false Catterpillers, and intend their death.They call false caterpillars and intend their death.false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
2H6 IV.iv.37
caterpillar (n.)

old form: Catterpillers
parasite, exploiter, sponger
Kin. KING 
Oh gracelesse men: they know not what they do.O, graceless men, they know not what they do.graceless (adj.)

old form: gracelesse
wicked, ungodly, immoral
2H6 IV.iv.38
My gracious Lord, retire to Killingworth,My gracious lord, retire to Killingworth,Killingworth (n.)
Kenilworth Castle, near Warwick
2H6 IV.iv.39
Vntill a power be rais'd to put them downe.Until a power be raised to put them down.power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
2H6 IV.iv.40
Ah were the Duke of Suffolke now aliue,Ah, were the Duke of Suffolk now alive, 2H6 IV.iv.41
These Kentish Rebels would be soone appeas'd.These Kentish rebels would be soon appeased!appease (v.)

old form: appeas'd
pacify, subdue, made obedient
2H6 IV.iv.42
Lord Say, the Traitors hateth thee,Lord Say, the traitors hateth thee; 2H6 IV.iv.43
Therefore away with vs to Killingworth.Therefore away with us to Killingworth. 2H6 IV.iv.44
Say. SAY 
So might your Graces person be in danger.So might your grace's person be in danger. 2H6 IV.iv.45
The sight of me is odious in their eyes:The sight of me is odious in their eyes; 2H6 IV.iv.46
And therefore in this Citty will I stay,And therefore in this city will I stay, 2H6 IV.iv.47
And liue alone as secret as I may.And live alone as secret as I may. 2H6 IV.iv.48
Enter another Messenger.Enter Second Messenger 2H6 IV.iv.49
Iacke Cade hath gotten London-bridge.Jack Cade hath gotten London Bridge; 2H6 IV.iv.49
The Citizens flye and forsake their houses:The citizens fly and forsake their houses; 2H6 IV.iv.50
The Rascall people, thirsting after prey,The rascal people, thirsting after prey,rascal (adj.)

old form: Rascall
worthless, good-for-nothing
2H6 IV.iv.51
Ioyne with the Traitor, and they ioyntly sweareJoin with the traitor; and they jointly swear 2H6 IV.iv.52
To spoyle the City, and your Royall Court.To spoil the city and your royal court.spoil (v.)

old form: spoyle
plunder, pillage, sack
2H6 IV.iv.53
Then linger not my Lord, away, take horse.Then linger not, my lord. Away! Take horse! 2H6 IV.iv.54
King. KING 
Come Margaret, God our hope will succor vs.Come, Margaret. God, our hope, will succour us. 2H6 IV.iv.55
My hope is gone, now Suffolke is deceast.My hope is gone, now Suffolk is deceased. 2H6 IV.iv.56
King. KING  
(to Lord Say) 2H6 IV.ii.57
Farewell my Lord, trust not the Kentish RebelsFarewell, my lord. Trust not the Kentish rebels. 2H6 IV.iv.57
Trust no body for feare you betraid.Trust nobody, for fear you be betrayed. 2H6 IV.iv.58
Say. SAY 
The trust I haue, is in mine innocence,The trust I have is in mine innocence, 2H6 IV.iv.59
And therefore am I bold and resolute. And therefore am I bold and resolute. 2H6 IV.iv.60
Exeunt.Exeunt 2H6 IV.iv.60
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