The Merry Wives of Windsor

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Host, Simple, Falstaffe, Bardolfe, Euans, Caius, Quickly.Enter Host and Simple MW IV.v.1.1
Host. HOST 
What wouldst thou haue? (Boore) what? (thick skin) What wouldst thou have, boor? What, thickskin?thickskin, thick-skin (n.)
brutishly built, dullard, blockhead
MW IV.v.1
speake, breathe, discusse: breefe, short, quicke, snap.Speak, breathe, discuss; brief, short, quick, snap.discuss (v.)

old form: discusse
disclose, make known, declare
MW IV.v.2
breathe (v.)
speak, utter, talk
Marry Sir, I come to speake with Sir Iohn Falstaffe Marry, sir, I come to speak with Sir John Falstaffmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
MW IV.v.3
from M. Slender.from Master Slender. MW IV.v.4
Host. HOST 
There's his Chamber, his House, his Castle, his There's his chamber, his house, his castle, his MW IV.v.5
standing-bed and truckle-bed: 'tis painted about withstanding-bed and truckle-bed. 'Tis painted about withtruckle-bed (n.)
low-lying bed on castors, trundle-bed
MW IV.v.6
the story of the Prodigall, fresh and new: go, knock andthe story of the Prodigal, fresh and new. Go, knock andProdigal (adj.)
in the Bible, describing a son who foolishly wastes his share of his father's estate
MW IV.v.7
call: hee'l speake like an Anthropophaginian vnto thee:call. He'll speak like an Anthropophaginian unto thee.anthropophaginian (n.)
man-eater, cannibal
MW IV.v.8
Knocke I say.Knock, I say. MW IV.v.9
There's an olde woman, a fat woman gone vp intoThere's an old woman, a fat woman, gone up into MW IV.v.10
his chamber: Ile be so bold as stay Sir till she comehis chamber. I'll be so bold as stay, sir, till she come MW IV.v.11
downe: I come to speake with her indeed.down. I come to speak with her, indeed. MW IV.v.12
Host. HOST 
Ha? A fat woman? The Knight may be robb'd: IleHa! A fat woman? The knight may be robbed. I'll MW IV.v.13
call. Bully-Knight, Bully Sir Iohn: speake from thycall. Bully knight! Bully Sir John! Speak from thybully (n./adj.)
[especially as a warm form of address] fine fellow, good friend
MW IV.v.14
Lungs Military: Art thou there? It is thine Host, thinelungs military. Art thou there? It is thine host, thine MW IV.v.15
Ephesian cals.Ephesian, calls.Ephesian (n.)
good mate, old drinking companion
MW IV.v.16
(above) MW IV.v.17
How now, mine Host?How now, mine host? MW IV.v.17
Host. HOST 
Here's a Bohemian-Tartar taries the comming downeHere's a Bohemian-Tartar tarries the coming downtarry (v.)

old form: taries
await, expect, anticipate
MW IV.v.18
Bohemian-Tartar (n.)
barbarian, savage beast
of thy fat-woman: Let her descend (Bully) let her descend:of thy fat woman. Let her descend, bully, let her descend.bully (n./adj.)
[especially as a warm form of address] fine fellow, good friend
MW IV.v.19
my Chambers are honourable: Fie, priuacy? Fie.My chambers are honourable. Fie, privacy, fie! MW IV.v.20
Enter Falstaff MW IV.v.21
There was (mine Host) an old-fat-woman euenThere was, mine host, an old fat woman even MW IV.v.21
now with me, but she's with me, but she's gone. MW IV.v.22
Pray you Sir, was't not the Wise-woman ofPray you, sir, was't not the wise woman ofwise woman, wisewoman (n.)

old form: Wise-woman
fortune-teller, witch, sorceress
MW IV.v.23
Brainford?Brainford?Brainford (n.)
Brentford, not far from Kew Gardens, London
MW IV.v.24
I marry was it (Mussel-shell) what wouldAy, marry, was it, mussel-shell. What wouldmussel-shell (n.)
empty-head, gaping idiot [with mouth open like a mussel-shell]
MW IV.v.25
you with her?you with her? MW IV.v.26
My Master (Sir) my master Slender, sent to herMy master, sir, my Master Slender, sent to her, MW IV.v.27
seeing her go thorough the streets, to know (Sir) whetherseeing her go through the streets, to know, sir, whether MW IV.v.28
one Nim (Sir) that beguil'd him of a chaine, had theone Nym, sir, that beguiled him of a chain, had thebeguile (v.)

old form: beguil'd
cheat, deceive, trick
MW IV.v.29
chaine, or no.chain or no. MW IV.v.30
I spake with the old woman about it.I spake with the old woman about it. MW IV.v.31
And what sayes she, I pray Sir?And what says she, I pray, sir? MW IV.v.32
Marry shee sayes, that the very same man thatMarry, she says that the very same man that MW IV.v.33
beguil'd Master Slender of his Chaine, cozon'd him of it.beguiled Master Slender of his chain cozened him of it.cozen (v.)

old form: cozon'd
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
MW IV.v.34
I would I could haue spoken with the WomanI would I could have spoken with the woman MW IV.v.35
her selfe, I had other things to haue spoken with her too,herself. I had other things to have spoken with her too, MW IV.v.36
from him.from him. MW IV.v.37
What are they? let vs know.What are they? Let us know. MW IV.v.38
Host. HOST 
I: come: quicke.Ay, come. Quick! MW IV.v.39
I may not conceale them (Sir.)I may not conceal them, sir.conceal (v.)

old form: conceale
malapropism for ‘reveal’
MW IV.v.40
Host. HOST 
Conceale them, or thou di'st.Conceal them, or thou diest. MW IV.v.41
Why sir, they were nothing but about MistrisWhy, sir, they were nothing but about Mistress MW IV.v.42
Anne Page, to know if it were my Masters fortune toAnne Page: to know if it were my master's fortune tofortune (n.)
good fortune, success
MW IV.v.43
haue her, or no.have her or no. MW IV.v.44
'Tis, 'tis his fortune.'Tis, 'tis his fortune. MW IV.v.45
What Sir?What, sir? MW IV.v.46
To haue her, or no: goe; say the woman told me To have her or no. Go, say the woman told me MW IV.v.47 MW IV.v.48
May I be bold to say so Sir?May I be bold to say so, sir? MW IV.v.49
I Sir: like who more bold.Ay, sir; like who more bold. MW IV.v.50
I thanke your worship: I shall make my MasterI thank your worship. I shall make my master MW IV.v.51
glad with these tydings.glad with these tidings. MW IV.v.52
Exit MW IV.v.52
Host. HOST 
Thou are clearkly: thou art clearkly (Sir Iohn) wasThou art clerkly, thou art clerkly, Sir John. Wasclerkly (adj.)

old form: clearkly
scholarly, erudite, full of learning
MW IV.v.53
there a wise woman with thee?there a wise woman with thee?wise woman, wisewoman (n.)
fortune-teller, witch, sorceress
MW IV.v.54
I that there was (mine Host) one that hathAy, that there was, mine host, one that hath MW IV.v.55
taught me more wit, then euer I learn'd before in mytaught me more wit than ever I learned before in mywit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
MW IV.v.56
life: and I paid nothing for it neither, but was paid forlife. And I paid nothing for it neither, but was paid forpay (v.)
beat, make suffer
MW IV.v.57
my learning. my learning. MW IV.v.58
Enter Bardolph MW IV.v.59.1
Out alas (Sir) cozonage: meere cozonage.Out, alas, sir, cozenage, mere cozenage!mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
MW IV.v.59
cozenage (n.)

old form: cozonage
cheating, trickery, deception
Host. HOST 
Where be my horses? speake well of them varletto. Where be my horses? Speak well of them, varletto.varletto (n.)
[mock-Italian] varlet, rascal, rogue
MW IV.v.60
Run away with the cozoners: for so soone asRun away with the cozeners. For so soon ascozener (n.)

old form: cozoners
cheat, deceiver, fraud
MW IV.v.61
I came beyond Eaton, they threw me off, from behindeI came beyond Eton, they threw me off, from behind MW IV.v.62
one of them, in a slough of myre; and set spurres, andone of them, in a slough of mire; and set spurs and MW IV.v.63
away; like three Germane-diuels; three Doctor Faustasses. away, like three German devils, three Doctor Faustuses. MW IV.v.64
Host. HOST 
They are gone but to meete the Duke (villaine) doeThey are gone but to meet the Duke, villain. Dovillain (n.)

old form: villaine
scoundrel, rogue, rascal
MW IV.v.65
not say they be fled: Germanes are honest men.not say they be fled. Germans are honest men. MW IV.v.66
Enter Evans MW IV.v.67
Euan. EVANS 
Where is mine Host?Where is mine host? MW IV.v.67
Host. HOST 
What is the matter Sir?What is the matter, sir? MW IV.v.68
Euan. EVANS 
Haue a care of your entertainments: there is aHave a care of your entertainments. There is aentertainment (n.)
[mistaken use] guest, resident
MW IV.v.69
friend of mine come to Towne, tels mee there is threefriend of mine come to town tells me there is three MW IV.v.70
Cozen-Iermans, that has cozend all the Hosts of Readins,cozen-germans that has cozened all the hosts of Readins,Readins (n.)
['redinz] Reading; former county town of Berkshire
MW IV.v.71
cozen-german (n.)

old form: Cozen-Iermans
German confidence trickster; or: first cousin
of Maidenhead; of Cole-brooke, of horses and money: Iof Maidenhead, of Colebrook, of horses and money. IColebrook (n.)
Colnbrook, near Windsor, W of London
MW IV.v.72
Maidenhead (n.)
town near Windsor, Berkshire
tell you for good will (looke you) you are wise, and full oftell you for good will, look you. You are wise, and full of MW IV.v.73
gibes, and vlouting-stocks: and 'tis not conuenient you gibes and vlouting-stocks, and 'tis not convenient yougibe (n.)
scoff, taunt, jeer
MW IV.v.74
vlouting-stock, -stog (n.)
dialect form of ‘flouting-stock’ [= laughing-stock, object of derision]
convenient (adj.)

old form: conuenient
fitting, suitable, appropriate
should be cozoned. Fare you well.should be cozened. Fare you well.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
MW IV.v.75
cozen (v.)

old form: cozoned
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
Exit MW IV.v.75
Enter Caius MW IV.v.76
Ver' is mine Host de Iarteere?Vere is mine host de Jarteer? MW IV.v.76
Host. HOST 
Here (Master Doctor) in perplexitie, and doubtfullHere, Master Doctor, in perplexity and doubtfuldoubtful (adj.)

old form: doubtfull
fearful, worried, apprehensive
MW IV.v.77
delemma.dilemma. MW IV.v.78
I cannot tell vat is dat: but it is tell-a-me, dat youI cannot tell vat is dat. But it is tell-a me dat you MW IV.v.79
make grand preparation for a Duke de Iamanie: by mymake grand preparation for a duke de Jamany. By my MW IV.v.80
trot: der is no Duke that the Court is know, to come: Itrot, dere is no duke that the court is know to come. I MW IV.v.81
tell you for good will: adieu.tell you for good will. Adieu. MW IV.v.82
Exit MW IV.v.82
Host. HOST 
Huy and cry, (villaine) goe: assist me Knight, I amHue and cry, villain, go! Assist me, knight. I amhue and cry (n.)

old form: huy, and cry
general pursuit [of a felon]
MW IV.v.83
vndone: fly, run: huy, and cry (villaine) I am vndone. undone! Fly, run, hue and cry, villain! I am undone!undone (adj.)

old form: vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down
MW IV.v.84
Exeunt Host and Bardolph MW IV.v.84
I would all the world might be cozond, for II would all the world might be cozened, for Icozen (v.)

old form: cozond
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
MW IV.v.85
haue beene cozond and beaten too: if it should come tohave been cozened and beaten too. If it should come to MW IV.v.86
the eare of the Court, how I haue beene transformed; andthe ear of the court how I have been transformed, and MW IV.v.87
how my transformation hath beene washd, and cudgeld,how my transformation hath been washed and cudgelled, MW IV.v.88
they would melt mee out of my fat drop by drop, andthey would melt me out of my fat drop by drop, and MW IV.v.89
liquor Fishermens-boots with me: I warrant they wouldliquor fishermen's boots with me. I warrant they wouldliquor (v.)
grease, oil
MW IV.v.90
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
whip me with their fine wits, till I were as crest-falne as awhip me with their fine wits till I were as crest-fallen as awit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
MW IV.v.91
crest-fallen (adj.)
humbled, abashed, shamed
dride-peare: I neuer prosper'd, since I forswore my selfe at dried pear. I never prospered since I forswore myself atforswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
MW IV.v.92
Primero: well, if my winde were but long enough;primero. Well, if my wind were but long enough to sayprimero (n.)
type of gambling card game
MW IV.v.93
I would repent:my prayers, I would repent. MW IV.v.94
Enter Mistress Quickly MW IV.v.95
Now? Whence come you?Now, whence come you? MW IV.v.95
From the two parties forsooth.From the two parties, forsooth.forsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
MW IV.v.96
The Diuell take one partie, and his Dam theThe devil take one party, and his dam the MW IV.v.97
other: and so they shall be both bestowed; I haue other! And so they shall be both bestowed. I havebestow (v.)
accommodate, lodge, quarter
MW IV.v.98
suffer'd more for their sakes; more then the villanoussuffered more for their sakes, more than the villainous MW IV.v.99
inconstancy of mans disposition is able to beare.inconstancy of man's disposition is able to bear.disposition (n.)
natural temperament, normal state of mind
MW IV.v.100
And haue not they suffer'd? Yes, IAnd have not they suffered? Yes, I MW IV.v.101
warrant; speciously one of them; Mistris Ford (goodwarrant; speciously one of them. Mistress Ford, goodspeciously (adv.)
malapropism for ‘specially’
MW IV.v.102
warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
heart) is beaten blacke and blew, that you cannot see aheart, is beaten black and blue, that you cannot see a MW IV.v.103
white spot about her.white spot about her. MW IV.v.104
What tell'st thou mee of blacke, and blew? IWhat tellest thou me of black and blue? I MW IV.v.105
was beaten my selfe into all the colours of the Rainebow:was beaten myself into all the colours of the rainbow; MW IV.v.106
and I was like to be apprehended for the Witch of and I was like to be apprehended for the witch oflike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
MW IV.v.107
apprehend (v.)
seize, arrest, lay hold of
Braineford, but that my admirable dexteritie of wit, myBrainford. But that my admirable dexterity of wit, mywit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
MW IV.v.108
counterfeiting the action of an old woman deliuer'd me,counterfeiting the action of an old woman, delivered me,counterfeit (v.)
copy, imitate, simulate
MW IV.v.109
action (n.)
movement, demeanour, gesture
the knaue Constable had set me ith' Stocks, ith' commonthe knave constable had set me i'th' stocks, i'th' commonknave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
MW IV.v.110
Stocks, for a Witch.stocks, for a witch. MW IV.v.111
Sir: let me speake with you in yourSir, let me speak with you in your MW IV.v.112
Chamber, you shall heare how things goe, and (I warrant)chamber. You shall hear how things go, and, I warrant, MW IV.v.113
to your content: here is a Letter will say somewhat:to your content. Here is a letter will say somewhat.content (n.)
acceptance, acquiescence
MW IV.v.114
(good-hearts) what a-doe here is to bring you together?Good hearts, what ado here is to bring you together! MW IV.v.115
Sure, one of you do's not serue heauen well, that you are Sure, one of you does not serve heaven well, that you are MW IV.v.116
so cross' crossed.cross (v.)

old form: cross'd
prevent, thwart, forestall
MW IV.v.117
Come vp into my Chamber. Come up into my chamber. MW IV.v.118
Exeunt.Exeunt MW IV.v.118
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