
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Horatio, with an Attendant.Enter Horatio and a Gentleman Ham IV.vi.1
What are they that would speake with me?What are they that would speak with me? Ham IV.vi.1
Saylors sir, they say they haueSeafaring men, sir. They say they have Ham IV.vi.2
Letters for you.letters for you. Ham IV.vi.3
Let them come in,Let them come in. Ham IV.vi.4
Exit the Gentleman Ham IV.vi.5
I do not know from what part of the worldI do not know from what part of the world Ham IV.vi.5
I should be greeted, if not from Lord Hamlet.I should be greeted if not from Lord Hamlet.greet (v.)
address, offer a salutation, acknowledge in words
Ham IV.vi.6
Enter Saylor.Enter Sailors Ham IV.vi.7
God blesse you Sir.God bless you, sir. Ham IV.vi.7
Let him blesse thee too.Let him bless thee, too. Ham IV.vi.8
Hee shall Sir, and't please him. There's a Letter for'A shall, sir, an't please him. There's a letter for Ham IV.vi.9
you Sir: It comes from th' Ambassadours that was boundyou, sir – it comes from th' ambassador that was bound Ham IV.vi.10
for England, if your name be Horatio, as I am let tofor England – if your name be Horatio, as I am let to Ham IV.vi.11
know it is.know it is. Ham IV.vi.12
Reads the Letter. HOratio, When thou shalt haue (reads the letter) Horatio, when thou shalt have Ham IV.vi.13
ouerlook'd this, giue these Fellowes some meanes to the King: overlooked this, give these fellows some means to the King.overlook (v.)

old form: ouerlook'd
look over, peruse, read through
Ham IV.vi.14
mean (n.)

old form: meanes
means of access, passage
They haue Letters for him. Ere we were two dayes old at Sea, They have letters for him. Ere we were two days old at sea, Ham IV.vi.15
a Pyrate of very Warlicke appointment gaue vs Chace. Finding a pirate of very warlike appointment gave us chase. Findingpirate (n.)

old form: Pyrate
Ham IV.vi.16
appointment (n.)
equipment, effects, weaponry
our selues tooslow of Saile, we put on a compelled Valour. ourselves too slow of sail, we put on a compelled valour, Ham IV.vi.17
In the Grapple, I boorded them: On the instant they got and in the grapple I boarded them. On the instant they got Ham IV.vi.18
cleare of our Shippe, so I alone became their Prisoner. They clear of our ship. So I alone became their prisoner. They Ham IV.vi.19
haue dealt with mee, likeTheeues of Mercy, but they knew have dealt with me like thieves of mercy. But they knew Ham IV.vi.20
what they did. I am to doea good turne for them. Let the what they did. I am to do a good turn for them. Let the Ham IV.vi.21
King haue the Letters I hauesent, and repaire thou to meKing have the letters I have sent, and repair thou to merepair (v.)

old form: repaire
come, go, make one's way
Ham IV.vi.22
with as much hast as thou wouldestflye death. I haue words with as much speed as thou wouldst fly death. I have words Ham IV.vi.23
to speake in your eare, will make thee dumbe, yet are theyto speak in thine ear will make thee dumb. Yet are they Ham IV.vi.24
much too light for the bore of the Matter. These good Fellowes much too light for the bore of the matter. These good fellowslight (adj.)
minor, slight, of little value
Ham IV.vi.25
bore (n.)
calibre, size [of a gun]
will bring thee where I am. Rosincrance and Guildensterne, will bring thee where I am. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Ham IV.vi.26
hold their course for England. Of them I haue much hold their course for England. Of them I have much Ham IV.vi.27
to tell thee, Farewell.to tell thee. Farewell. Ham IV.vi.28
He that thou knowest thine, He that thou knowest thine, Ham IV.vi.29
Hamlet.Hamlet Ham IV.vi.30
Come, I will giue you way for these your Letters,Come, I will give you way for these your letters, Ham IV.vi.31
And do't the speedier, that you may direct meAnd do't the speedier that you may direct me Ham IV.vi.32
To him from whom you brought them. To him from whom you brought them. Ham IV.vi.33
Exit.Exeunt Ham IV.vi.33
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