Henry V

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Alarum. Enter the King and his trayne,Alarum. Enter the King and his train, Exeter and H5 IV.vi.1.1
with Prisoners.others, with prisoners H5 IV.vi.1.2
Well haue we done, thrice-valiant Countrimen,Well have we done, thrice-valiant countrymen; H5 IV.vi.1
But all's not done, yet keepe the French the field.But all's not done – yet keep the French the field.keep (v.)

old form: keepe
stay on, remain on
H5 IV.vi.2
field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
The D. of York commends him to your MaiestyThe Duke of York commends him to your majesty.commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
H5 IV.vi.3
Liues he good Vnckle: thrice within this houreLives he, good uncle? Thrice within this hour H5 IV.vi.4
I saw him downe; thrice vp againe, and fighting,I saw him down; thrice up again, and fighting. H5 IV.vi.5
From Helmet to the spurre, all blood he was.From helmet to the spur all blood he was. H5 IV.vi.6
In which array (braue Soldier) doth he lye,In which array, brave soldier, doth he lie,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
H5 IV.vi.7
Larding the plaine: and by his bloody side,Larding the plain; and by his bloody side,lard (v.)
enrich [with blood], saturate
H5 IV.vi.8
(Yoake-fellow to his honour-owing-wounds)Yoke-fellow to his honour-owing wounds,honour-owing (adj.)
honour-owning, honourable
H5 IV.vi.9
yoke-fellow (n.)

old form: Yoake-fellow
fellow-worker, comrade, partner
The Noble Earle of Suffolke also lyes.The noble Earl of Suffolk also lies. H5 IV.vi.10
Suffolke first dyed, and Yorke all hagled ouerSuffolk first died: and York, all haggled over,haggle (v.)

old form: hagled
mangle, hack, lacerate
H5 IV.vi.11
Comes to him, where in gore he lay insteeped,Comes to him, where in gore he lay insteeped,insteeped (adj.)
steeped, immersed, soaked
H5 IV.vi.12
And takes him by the Beard, kisses the gashesAnd takes him by the beard, kisses the gashes H5 IV.vi.13
That bloodily did yawne vpon his face.That bloodily did yawn upon his face.yawn (v.)

old form: yawne
open wide, gape
H5 IV.vi.14
He cryes aloud; Tarry my Cosin Suffolke,And cries aloud, ‘ Tarry, my cousin Suffolk!tarry (v.)
stay, remain, linger
H5 IV.vi.15
My soule shall thine keepe company to heauen:My soul shall thine keep company to heaven. H5 IV.vi.16
Tarry (sweet soule) for mine, then flye a-brest:Tarry, sweet soul, for mine, then fly abreast, H5 IV.vi.17
As in this glorious and well-foughten fieldAs in this glorious and well-foughten fieldfield (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
H5 IV.vi.18
We kept together in our Chiualrie.We kept together in our chivalry!’ H5 IV.vi.19
Vpon these words I came, and cheer'd him vp,Upon these words I came and cheered him up; H5 IV.vi.20
He smil'd me in the face, raught me his hand,He smiled me in the face, raught me his hand,reach (v.), past form raught
give, hold out
H5 IV.vi.21
And with a feeble gripe, sayes: Deere my Lord,And, with a feeble grip, says, ‘ Dear my lord, H5 IV.vi.22
Commend my seruice to my Soueraigne,Commend my service to my sovereign.’commend (v.)
present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
H5 IV.vi.23
So did he turne, and ouer Suffolkes neckeSo did he turn, and over Suffolk's neck H5 IV.vi.24
He threw his wounded arme, and kist his lippes,He threw his wounded arm, and kissed his lips, H5 IV.vi.25
And so espous'd to death, with blood he seal'dAnd so espoused to death, with blood he sealedespouse (v.)

old form: espous'd
unite (in marriage), contract
H5 IV.vi.26
A Testament of Noble-ending-loue:A testament of noble-ending love. H5 IV.vi.27
The prettie and sweet manner of it forc'dThe pretty and sweet manner of it forcedpretty (adj.)

old form: prettie
good, excellent, fine
H5 IV.vi.28
Those waters from me, which I would haue stop'd,Those waters from me which I would have stopped; H5 IV.vi.29
But I had not so much of man in mee,But I had not so much of man in me, H5 IV.vi.30
And all my mother came into mine eyes,And all my mother came into mine eyesmother (n.)
womanish qualities
H5 IV.vi.31
And gaue me vp to teares.And gave me up to tears. H5 IV.vi.32.1
I blame you not,I blame you not; H5 IV.vi.32.2
For hearing this, I must perforce compoundFor, hearing this, I must perforce compoundperforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
H5 IV.vi.33
compound (v.)
come to terms, reach an agreement
With mixtfull eyes, or they will issue to. With mistful eyes, or they will issue too.mistful (adj.)

old form: mixtfull
misty, tearful
H5 IV.vi.34
AlarumAlarumalarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
H5 IV.vi.35
But hearke, what new alarum is this same?But hark! what new alarum is this same? H5 IV.vi.35
The French haue re-enforc'd their scatter'd men:The French have reinforced their scattered men. H5 IV.vi.36
Then euery souldiour kill his Prisoners,Then every soldier kill his prisoners! H5 IV.vi.37
Giue the word through.Give the word through. H5 IV.vi.38
ExitExeunt H5 IV.vi.38
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