
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter King and Laertes.Enter the King and Laertes Ham IV.vii.1.1
King. KING 
Now must your conscience my acquittance seal,Now must your conscience my acquittance seal,acquittance (n.)
acquittal, exoneration, excusing
Ham IV.vii.1
seal (v.)
confirm, ratify, approve
And you must put me in your heart for Friend,And you must put me in your heart for friend, Ham IV.vii.2
Sith you haue heard, and with a knowing eare,Sith you have heard, and with a knowing ear,knowing (adj.)
knowledgeable, intelligent, perceptive
Ham IV.vii.3
That he which hath your Noble Father slaine,That he which hath your noble father slain Ham IV.vii.4
Pursued my life.Pursued my life. Ham IV.vii.5.1
It well appeares. But tell me,It well appears. But tell me Ham IV.vii.5.2
Why you proceeded not against these feates,Why you proceeded not against these featsfeat (n.)

old form: feates
[wicked] deed, action, crime
Ham IV.vii.6
So crimefull, and so Capitall in Nature,So criminal and so capital in nature,crimeful (adj.)

old form: crimefull
laden with crime, criminal, lawless
Ham IV.vii.7
capital (adj.)

old form: Capitall
worthy of the death penalty, punishable by death
As by your Safety, Wisedome, all things else,As by your safety, greatness, wisdom, all things else,safety (n.)
concern for safety, need for protection
Ham IV.vii.8
wisdom (n.)

old form: Wisedome
[political] caution, prudence, judgement
You mainly were stirr'd vp?You mainly were stirred up.mainly (adv.)
greatly, very much, mightily
Ham IV.vii.9.1
King. KING 
O for two speciall Reasons,O, for two special reasons, Ham IV.vii.9.2
Which may to you (perhaps) seeme much vnsinnowed,Which may to you perhaps seem much unsinewed,unsinewed (adj.)

old form: vnsinnowed
weak, feeble, slight
Ham IV.vii.10
And yet to me they are strong. The Queen his Mother,But yet to me they're strong. The Queen his mother Ham IV.vii.11
Liues almost by his lookes: and for my selfe,Lives almost by his looks, and for myself –  Ham IV.vii.12
My Vertue or my Plague, be it either which,My virtue or my plague, be it either which –  Ham IV.vii.13
She's so coniunctiue to my life and soule;She is so conjunctive to my life and soulconjunctive (adj.)

old form: coniunctiue
closely united, intimately joined, allied
Ham IV.vii.14
That as the Starre moues not but in his Sphere,That, as the star moves not but in his sphere,sphere (n.)
celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit
Ham IV.vii.15
I could not but by her. The other Motiue,I could not but by her. The other motivebut (conj.)
except, otherwise than
Ham IV.vii.16
Why to a publike count I might not go,Why to a public count I might not gocount (n.)
trial, indictment, reckoning
Ham IV.vii.17
Is the great loue the generall gender beare him,Is the great love the general gender bear him,gender, general

old form: generall
common people, general public
Ham IV.vii.18
Who dipping all his Faults in their affection,Who, dipping all his faults in their affection, Ham IV.vii.19
Would like the Spring that turneth Wood to Stone,Work like the spring that turneth wood to stone,work (v.), past form wrought
act, behave, conduct oneself
Ham IV.vii.20
Conuert his Gyues to Graces. So that my ArrowesConvert his gyves to graces; so that my arrows,grace (n.)
virtue, fine quality
Ham IV.vii.21
gyve (n.)

old form: Gyues
(plural) handicaps, defects
Too slightly timbred for so loud a Winde,Too slightly timbered for so loud a wind,timbered (adj.)

old form: timbred
made of wood, constructed
Ham IV.vii.22
Would haue reuerted to my Bow againe,Would have reverted to my bow again,revert (v.)

old form: reuerted
return, go back
Ham IV.vii.23
And not where I had arm'd them.And not where I had aimed them. Ham IV.vii.24
And so haue I a Noble Father lost,And so have I a noble father lost, Ham IV.vii.25
A Sister driuen into desperate tearmes,A sister driven into desperate terms,term (n.)

old form: tearmes
state, condition, circumstance
Ham IV.vii.26
desperate (adj.)
despairing, hopeless, without hope
Who was (if praises may go backe againe)Whose worth, if praises may go back again, Ham IV.vii.27
Stood Challenger on mount of all the AgeStood challenger, on mount, of all the agechallenger (n.)
Ham IV.vii.28
mount, on
conspicuously, for all to see
For her perfections. But my reuenge will come.For her perfections. But my revenge will come. Ham IV.vii.29
King. KING 
Breake not your sleepes for that, / You must not thinkeBreak not your sleeps for that. You must not think Ham IV.vii.30
That we are made of stuffe, so flat, and dull,That we are made of stuff so flat and dull Ham IV.vii.31
That we can let our Beard be shooke with danger,That we can let our beard be shook with danger, Ham IV.vii.32
And thinke it pastime. You shortly shall heare more,And think it pastime. You shortly shall hear more. Ham IV.vii.33
I lou'd your Father, and we loue our Selfe,I loved your father, and we love ourself, Ham IV.vii.34
And that I hope will teach you to imagine---And that, I hope, will teach you to imagine –  Ham IV.vii.35
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Messenger with letters Ham IV.vii.36
How now? What Newes?How now? What news? Ham IV.vii.36.1
Letters my Lord from Hamlet.Letters, my lord, from Hamlet. Ham IV.vii.36.2
This to your Maiesty: this to the Queene.These to your majesty. This to the Queen. Ham IV.vii.37
King. KING 
From Hamlet? Who brought them?From Hamlet? Who brought them? Ham IV.vii.38
Saylors my Lord they say, I saw them not:Sailors, my lord, they say. I saw them not. Ham IV.vii.39
They were giuen me by Claudio, he receiu'd them.They were given me by Claudio. He received them Ham IV.vii.40
Of him that brought them. Ham IV.vii.41.1
King. KING 
Laertes you shall heare them:Laertes, you shall hear them. –  Ham IV.vii.41.2
Leaue vs. Leave us. Ham IV.vii.42
Exit MessengerExit the Messenger Ham IV.vii.42
(He reads) Ham IV.vii.43.1
High and Mighty, you shall know I am set naked on yourHigh and mighty, you shall know I am set naked on yournaked (adj.)
stripped of all belongings, without means
Ham IV.vii.43
Kingdome. To morrow shall I begge leaue to see your Kinglykingdom. Tomorrow shall I beg leave to see your kingly Ham IV.vii.44
Eyes. When I shall (first asking your Pardon thereunto) eyes; when I shall, first asking your pardon thereunto,pardon (n.)
permission, consent, approval
Ham IV.vii.45
recount th'Occasions of my sodaine, and more strange returne.recount the occasion of my sudden and more strange return. Ham IV.vii.46
Hamlet.Hamlet Ham IV.vii.47
What should this meane? Are all the rest come backe?What should this mean? Are all the rest come back? Ham IV.vii.48
Or is it some abuse? Or no such thing?Or is it some abuse, and no such thing?abuse (n.)
deception, hoax, fraud
Ham IV.vii.49
Know you the hand?Know you the hand? Ham IV.vii.50.1
Kin. KING 
'Tis Hamlets Character, naked'Tis Hamlet's character. ‘ Naked!’character (n.)
handwriting, style of writing, lettering
Ham IV.vii.50.2
and in a Post- script here he sayes alone:And in a postscript here, he says ‘ alone.’ Ham IV.vii.51
Can you aduise me?Can you devise me?devise (v.)
enlighten, explain [to], resolve [for]
Ham IV.vii.52
I'm lost in it my Lord; but let him come,I am lost in it, my lord. But let him come.lose (v.)
perplex, bewilder, overwhelm [by]
Ham IV.vii.53
It warmes the very sicknesse in my heart,It warms the very sickness in my heart Ham IV.vii.54
That I shall liue and tell him to his teeth;That I shall live and tell him to his teeth Ham IV.vii.55
Thus diddest thou.‘ Thus didest thou.’ Ham IV.vii.56.1
Kin. KING 
If it be so Laertes,If it be so, Laertes –  Ham IV.vii.56.2
as how should it be so: / How otherwiseAs how should it be so? How otherwise? –  Ham IV.vii.57
will you be rul'd by me?Will you be ruled by me? Ham IV.vii.58.1
Ay, my lord, Ham IV.vii.58.2
If so you'l not o'rerule me to a peace.So you will not o'errule me to a peace. Ham IV.vii.59
Kin. KING 
To thine owne peace: if he be now return'd,To thine own peace. If he be now returned, Ham IV.vii.60
As checking at his Voyage, and that he meanesAs checking at his voyage, and that he meanscheck at (v.)
turn aside from, shy away from
Ham IV.vii.61
No more to vndertake it; I will worke himNo more to undertake it, I will work himwork (v.), past form wrought

old form: worke
persuade, urge
Ham IV.vii.62
To an exployt now ripe in my Deuice,To an exploit now ripe in my device,ripe (adj.)
matured, ready for action
Ham IV.vii.63
device (n.)

old form: Deuice
planning, devising, invention
Vnder the which he shall not choose but fall;Under the which he shall not choose but fall; Ham IV.vii.64
And for his death no winde of blame shall breath,And for his death no wind of blame shall breathe, Ham IV.vii.65
But euen his Mother shall vncharge the practice,But even his mother shall uncharge the practicepractice (n.)
scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue
Ham IV.vii.66
uncharge (v.)

old form: vncharge
be unable to accuse, acquit of blame
And call it accident:And call it accident. Ham IV.vii.67.1
My lord, I will be ruled; Ham IV.vii.67.2
The rather if you could devise it so Ham IV.vii.68
That I might be the organ.organ (n.)
agent, instrument, means
Ham IV.vii.69.1
It falls right.fall (v.)
work out, happen, turn out
Ham IV.vii.69.2
You have been talked of since your travel much, Ham IV.vii.70
And that in Hamlet's hearing, for a quality Ham IV.vii.71
Wherein they say you shine. Your sum of partspart (n.)
quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
Ham IV.vii.72
Did not together pluck such envy from him Ham IV.vii.73
As did that one, and that, in my regard, Ham IV.vii.74
Of the unworthiest siege.siege (n.)
rank, status, standing
Ham IV.vii.75.1
What part is that, my lord? Ham IV.vii.75.2
A very riband in the cap of youth,riband (n.)
Ham IV.vii.76
Yet needful too, for youth no less becomesbecome (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
Ham IV.vii.77
The light and careless livery that it wearslivery (n.)
uniform, costume, special clothing
Ham IV.vii.78
Than settled age his sables and his weeds,sable (n.)
rich fur [from the animal, sable], expensive garment
Ham IV.vii.79
settled (adj.)
calm, steadfast, composed
weed (n.)
(plural) garments, dress, clothes
Some two Monthes henceImporting health and graveness. Two months since,import (v.)
signify, mean, suggest
Ham IV.vii.80
health (n.)
well-being, prosperity
Here was a Gentleman of Normandy,Here was a gentleman of Normandy. Ham IV.vii.81
I'ue seene my selfe, and seru'd against the French,I have seen myself, and served against, the French, Ham IV.vii.82
And they ran well on Horsebacke; but this GallantAnd they can well on horseback. But this gallantgallant (n.)
fine gentleman, man of fashion
Ham IV.vii.83
can (v.)
be skilled [in], have ability [in]
Had witchcraft in't; he grew into his Seat,Had witchcraft in't. He grew unto his seat,grow unto (v.)
cling to, stick to, be one with
Ham IV.vii.84
And to such wondrous doing brought his Horse,And to such wondrous doing brought his horse Ham IV.vii.85
As had he beene encorps't and demy-Natur'dAs had he been incorpsed and demi-naturedincorpsed (adj.)

old form: encorps't
made into one body, incorporated, fused
Ham IV.vii.86
demi-natured (adj.)

old form: demy-Natur'd
of a shared nature
With the braue Beast, so farre he past my thought,With the brave beast. So far he topped my thoughtthought (n.)
expectation, estimate, anticipation
Ham IV.vii.87
top (v.)
surpass, exceed, outstrip
brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
That I in forgery of shapes and trickes,That I, in forgery of shapes and tricks,trick (n.)

old form: trickes
skill, feat, achievement
Ham IV.vii.88
shape (n.)
figure, posture, attitude
forgery (n.)
fictitious account, invention, fabrication
Come short of what he did.Come short of what he did. Ham IV.vii.89.1
A Norman was't?A Norman was't? Ham IV.vii.89.2
Kin. KING 
A Norman.A Norman. Ham IV.vii.90
Vpon my life Lamound.Upon my life, Lamord. Ham IV.vii.91.1
Kin. KING 
The very same.The very same. Ham IV.vii.91.2
I know him well, he is the Brooch indeed,I know him well. He is the brooch indeedbrooch (n.)
jewel, ornament
Ham IV.vii.92
And Iemme of all our Nation.And gem of all the nation.gem (n.)

old form: Iemme
jewel, treasure, pride
Ham IV.vii.93
Kin. KING 
Hee mad confession of you,He made confession of you,confession (n.)
acknowledgement, avowal
Ham IV.vii.94
And gaue you such a Masterly report,And gave you such a masterly reportmasterly (adj.)
of one's skill, of one's mastery
Ham IV.vii.95
For Art and exercise in your defence;For art and exercise in your defence,exercise (n.)
skilful practice, facility
Ham IV.vii.96
defence (n.)
fencing, swordsmanship, skill of self-defence
art (n.)
skill, knack, dexterity
And for your Rapier most especially,And for your rapier most especial,rapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
Ham IV.vii.97
That he cryed out, t'would be a sight indeed,That he cried out, 'twould be a sight indeed Ham IV.vii.98
If one could match youIf one could match you; the scrimers of their nationscrimer (n.)
fencer, swordsman
Ham IV.vii.99
He swore had neither motion, guard, nor eye,motion (n.)
[fencing] attack, execution
Ham IV.vii.100
Sir. This report of hisIf you opposed them. Sir, this report of his Ham IV.vii.101
Did Hamlet so envenom with his Enuy,Did Hamlet so envenom with his envy Ham IV.vii.102
That he could nothing doe but wish and begge,That he could nothing do but wish and beg Ham IV.vii.103
Your sodaine comming ore to play with him;Your sudden coming o'er to play with you.play (v.)
Ham IV.vii.104
sudden (adj.)

old form: sodaine
swift, rapid, prompt
Now out of this.Now, out of this –  Ham IV.vii.105.1
Why out of this, my Lord?What out of this, my lord? Ham IV.vii.105.2
Kin. KING 
Laertes was your Father deare to you?Laertes, was your father dear to you? Ham IV.vii.106
Or are you like the painting of a sorrow,Or are you like the painting of a sorrow, Ham IV.vii.107
A face without a heart?A face without a heart? Ham IV.vii.108.1
Why aske you this?Why ask you this? Ham IV.vii.108.2
Kin. KING 
Not that I thinke you did not loue your Father,Not that I think you did not love your father, Ham IV.vii.109
But that I know Loue is begun by Time:But that I know love is begun by time,time (n.)
circumstance, particular occasion
Ham IV.vii.110
And that I see in passages of proofe,And that I see, in passages of proof,passage (n.)
incident, occurrence, event, happening
Ham IV.vii.111
Time qualifies the sparke and fire of it:Time qualifies the spark and fire of it.qualify (v.)
moderate, weaken, diminish
Ham IV.vii.112
There lives within the very flame of love Ham IV.vii.113
A kind of wick or snuff that will abate it,abate (v.)
lessen, lower, diminish
Ham IV.vii.114
And nothing is at a like goodness still;still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Ham IV.vii.115
like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
For goodness, growing to a plurisy,pleurisy, plurisy (n.)
excess, superfluity, superabundance
Ham IV.vii.116
Dies in his own too-much. That we would do Ham IV.vii.117
We should do when we would. For this ‘ would ’ changes, Ham IV.vii.118
And hath abatements and delays as manyabatement (n.)
lessening, decrease, diminution
Ham IV.vii.119
As there are tongues, are hands, are accidents.accident (n.)
occurrence, event, happening
Ham IV.vii.120
And then this ‘ should ’ is like a spendthrift sigh, Ham IV.vii.121
That hurts by easing. But to the quick o'th' ulcer – quick (n.)
sensitive parts [of the body], tender flesh
Ham IV.vii.122
Hamlet comes backe: what would you vndertake,Hamlet comes back. What would you undertake Ham IV.vii.123
To show your selfe your Fathers sonne indeed,To show yourself in deed your father's son Ham IV.vii.124
More then in words?More than in words? Ham IV.vii.125.1
To cut his throat i'th' Church.To cut his throat i'th' church! Ham IV.vii.125.2
Kin. KING 
No place indeed should murder Sancturize;No place, indeed, should murder sanctuarize.sanctuarize (v.)

old form: Sancturize
give sanctuary to, shelter
Ham IV.vii.126
Reuenge should haue no bounds: but good LaertesRevenge should have no bounds. But, good Laertes,bound (n.)
limit, boundary, confine, barrier
Ham IV.vii.127
Will you doe this, keepe close within your Chamber,Will you do this: keep close within your chamber?close (adv.)
safely, secretly, out of sight
Ham IV.vii.128
Hamlet return'd, shall know you are come home:Hamlet returned shall know you are come home. Ham IV.vii.129
Wee'l put on those shall praise your excellence,We'll put on those shall praise your excellenceput on (v.)
arrange, appoint, organize
Ham IV.vii.130
And set a double varnish on the fameAnd set a double varnish on the fame Ham IV.vii.131
The Frenchman gaue you, bring you in fine together,The Frenchman gave you; bring you in fine together,fine, in
in the end, finally, in conclusion
Ham IV.vii.132
And wager on your heads, he being remisse,And wager on your heads. He, being remiss,remiss (adj.)

old form: remisse
careless, inattentive, negligent
Ham IV.vii.133
Most generous, and free from all contriuing,Most generous, and free from all contriving,generous (adj.)
well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded
Ham IV.vii.134
Will not peruse the Foiles? So that with ease,Will not peruse the foils, so that with ease,peruse (v.)
inspect, scrutinize, examine
Ham IV.vii.135
foil (n.)

old form: Foiles
sword, rapier
Or with a little shuffling, you may chooseOr with a little shuffling, you may chooseshuffling (n.)
trickery, deceit, evasiveness
Ham IV.vii.136
A Sword vnbaited, and in a passe of practice,A sword unbated, and, in a pass of practice,pass (n.)

old form: passe
[fencing] sword-thrust, lunge
Ham IV.vii.137
practice (n.)
trickery, treachery
unbated (adj.)

old form: vnbaited
not blunted, without a button on the point
Requit him for your Father.Requite him for your father.requite (v.), past forms requit, requited

old form: Requit
avenge, pay back, take vengeance on
Ham IV.vii.138.1
I will doo't,I will do't, Ham IV.vii.138.2
And for that purpose Ile annoint my Sword:And for that purpose I'll anoint my sword.purpose (n.)
outcome, result, end
Ham IV.vii.139
I bought an Vnction of a MountebankeI bought an unction of a mountebank,mountebank (n.)

old form: Mountebanke
itinerant quack, travelling drug-seller, charlatan
Ham IV.vii.140
unction (n.)

old form: Vnction
ointment, oil
So mortall, I but dipt a knife in it,So mortal that, but dip a knife in it, Ham IV.vii.141
Where it drawes blood, no Cataplasme so rare,Where it draws blood no cataplasm so rare,cataplasm (n.)

old form: Cataplasme
poultice, plaster, emollient
Ham IV.vii.142
Collected from all Simples that haue VertueCollected from all simples that have virtuesimple (n.)
medicinal herb, medicine
Ham IV.vii.143
Vnder the Moone, can saue the thing from death,Under the moon, can save the thing from death Ham IV.vii.144
That is but scratcht withall: Ile touch my point,That is but scratched withal. I'll touch my point Ham IV.vii.145
With this contagion, that if I gall him slightly,With this contagion, that, if I gall him slightly,contagion (n.)
Ham IV.vii.146
gall (v.)
graze, scratch
It may be death.It may be death. Ham IV.vii.147.1
Kin. KING 
Let's further thinke of this,Let's further think of this, Ham IV.vii.147.2
Weigh what conuenience both of time and meanesWeigh what convenience both of time and meansweigh (v.)
consider, take into account
Ham IV.vii.148
May fit vs to our shape, if this should faile;May fit us to our shape. If this should fail,shape (n.)
role, part [to play]
Ham IV.vii.149
fit (v.)
suit, befit, be suitable [for]
And that our drift looke through our bad performance,And that our drift look through our bad performance,look through (v.)

old form: looke
become visible, show clearly
Ham IV.vii.150
drift (n.)
plan, intention, aim
'Twere better not assaid; therefore this Proiect'Twere better not assayed. Therefore this projectassay (v.)

old form: assaid
attempt, try, venture
Ham IV.vii.151
Should haue a backe or second, that might hold,Should have a back or second, that might holdsecond (n.)
supporting action, act of assistance
Ham IV.vii.152
hold (v.)
stand firm, continue, carry on
back (n.)

old form: backe
support, back-up, reserve
If this should blast in proofe: Soft, let me seeIf this should blast in proof. Soft, let me see.proof (n.)

old form: proofe
test, trial
Ham IV.vii.153
soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
blast (v.)
come to grief, be destroyed, fail
Wee'l make a solemne wager on your commings,We'll make a solemn wager on your cunningscunning (n.)
skill, ability, expertise
Ham IV.vii.154
I ha't:I ha't! Ham IV.vii.155
when in your motion you are hot and dry,When in your motion you are hot and dry – motion (n.)
[fencing] attack, execution
Ham IV.vii.156
As make your bowts more violent to the end,As make your bouts more violent to that end – bout (n.)

old form: bowts
fight, round, contest
Ham IV.vii.157
And that he cals for drinke; Ile haue prepar'd himAnd that he calls for drink, I'll have preferred himprefer (v.)
place before, offer, present with
Ham IV.vii.158
A Challice for the nonce; whereon but sipping,A chalice for the nonce, whereon but sipping,nonce, for the
for that purpose, for the occasion
Ham IV.vii.159
chalice (n.)

old form: Challice
ceremonial cup, drinking-cup
If he by chance escape your venom'd stuck,If he by chance escape your venomed stuck,stuck (n.)
[fencing] thrust, lunge
Ham IV.vii.160
venomed (adj.)

old form: venom'd
poisoned, venomous
Our purpose may hold there;Our purpose may hold there. – But stay, what noise?purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Ham IV.vii.161
hold (v.)
stand firm, continue, carry on
Enter QueeneEnter the Queen Ham IV.vii.162
how sweet Queene.How, sweet Queen! Ham IV.vii.162
Queen. QUEEN 
One woe doth tread vpon anothers heele,One woe doth tread upon another's heel, Ham IV.vii.163
So fast they'l follow: your Sister's drown'd Laertes.So fast they follow. Your sister's drowned, Laertes. Ham IV.vii.164
Drown'd! O where?Drowned! O, where? Ham IV.vii.165
Queen. QUEEN 
There is a Willow growes aslant a Brooke,There is a willow grows askant the brook,askant, askaunt (prep.)
aslant, across
Ham IV.vii.166
That shewes his hore leaues in the glassie streame:That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream.hoar (adj.)

old form: hore
grey-white, hoary
Ham IV.vii.167
There with fantasticke Garlands did she come,Therewith fantastic garlands did she makefantastic (adj.)

old form: fantasticke
extravagant, fanciful, ingenious
Ham IV.vii.168
Of Crow-flowers, Nettles, Daysies, and long Purples,Of crowflowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples,long purple
[unclear meaning] probably a type of wild orchis
Ham IV.vii.169
crowflower (n.)
[unclear] probably the ragged robin
That liberall Shepheards giue a grosser name;That liberal shepherds give a grosser name,liberal (adj.)

old form: liberall
coarse, licentious, promiscuous
Ham IV.vii.170
gross (adj.)
coarse, vulgar, unrefined
But our cold Maids doe Dead Mens Fingers call them:But our cold maids do dead-men's-fingers call them.cold (adj.)
chaste, modest, lacking sensual passion
Ham IV.vii.171
There on the pendant boughes, her Coronet weedsThere on the pendent boughs her crownet weedspendent (adj.)

old form: pendant
downhanging, drooping, dangling
Ham IV.vii.172
crownet (adj.)

old form: Coronet
wreathed, entwined, garlanded
Clambring to hang; an enuious sliuer broke,Clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke,envious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
Ham IV.vii.173
sliver (n.)

old form: sliuer
[split piece of] branch, bough, limb
When downe the weedy Trophies, and her selfe,When down her weedy trophies and herselfweedy (adj.)
made of weeds
Ham IV.vii.174
Fell in the weeping Brooke, her cloathes spred wide,Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide, Ham IV.vii.175
And Mermaid-like, a while they bore her vp,And mermaid-like awhile they bore her up; Ham IV.vii.176
Which time she chaunted snatches of old tunes,Which time she chanted snatches of old tunes,laud (n.)
song of praise, hymn
Ham IV.vii.177
As one incapable of her owne distresse,As one incapable of her own distress,incapable (adj.)
insensible, unconscious, incomprehending
Ham IV.vii.178
Or like a creature Natiue, and induedOr like a creature native and induedindued, endued (adj.)
endowed, supplied [with appropriate qualities]
Ham IV.vii.179
Vnto that Element: but long it could not be,Unto that element. But long it could not beunto (prep.)

old form: Vnto
in relation to
Ham IV.vii.180
Till that her garments, heauy with her drinke,Till that her garments, heavy with their drink,till that (conj.)
Ham IV.vii.181
Pul'd the poore wretch from her melodious buy,Pulled the poor wretch from her melodious laylay (n.)
Ham IV.vii.182
To muddy death.To muddy death. Ham IV.vii.183.1
Alas then, is she drown'd?Alas, then she is drowned? Ham IV.vii.183.2
Queen. QUEEN 
Drown'd, drown'd.Drowned, drowned. Ham IV.vii.184
Too much of water hast thou poore Ophelia,Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia, Ham IV.vii.185
And therefore I forbid my teares: but yetAnd therefore I forbid my tears. But yet Ham IV.vii.186
It is our tricke, Nature her custome holds,It is our trick. Nature her custom holds,trick (n.)

old form: tricke
habit, characteristic, typical behaviour
Ham IV.vii.187
custom (n.)

old form: custome
habit, usual practice, customary use
Let shame say what it will; when these are goneLet shame say what it will. When these are gone, Ham IV.vii.188
The woman will be out: Adue my Lord,The woman will be out. Adieu, my lord. Ham IV.vii.189
I haue a speech of fire, that faine would blaze,I have a speech o' fire that fain would blaze,fain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
Ham IV.vii.190
But that this folly doubts it. But that this folly drowns it.dout (v.)
put out, extinguish
Ham IV.vii.191.1
Exit.Exit Ham IV.vii.191
Kin. KING 
Let's follow, Gertrude:Let's follow, Gertrude. Ham IV.vii.191.2
How much I had to doe to calme his rage?How much I had to do to calm his rage! Ham IV.vii.192
Now feare I this will giue it start againe;Now fear I this will give it start again. Ham IV.vii.193
Therefore let's follow. Therefore let's follow. Ham IV.vii.194
Exeunt.Exeunt Ham IV.vii.194
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